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Psychic Episodes

July 3, 2023

271. Instantaneous Healing & QHHT - Suzanne Spooner

Can you imagine instant bone regrowth or restoration of hearing after decades of using hearing aids? Suzanne Spooner has seen this right in front of her eyes with her clients while using Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique. There are great healing...

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May 22, 2023

263. Ascension Symptoms - Modern Mysticism with Michael

Are you going through a spiritual awakening? Maybe you know that something is different now, but you aren't sure what is going on. There are traditional "symptoms" that accompany the awakening of higher levels of consciousness, and in this episode...

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May 15, 2023

261. Talk to Your Angels - Seph Dietlin

Can you talk to your angels? What is the difference between receiving messages from your angels and intuition? What are the various signs angels may be sending? What is the role of the quantum field in miracles? What happens to the soul at death? We...

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May 11, 2023

260. Astral Travel and Quantum Timejumps - Lori Williams

Are your dreams getting more lucid lately? Lori Williams and I bumped into each other recently in the "dream" state, which got us talking in this physical world and ultimately to realizing it was time for another podcast episode. If you're into...

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April 27, 2023

258. Exploring Past Lives & ET Connections - Jenna Layden

After thirty years as an atheist, Jenna Layden's life is forever changed when she receives a divine calling to follow her soul-level connection with extraterrestrial beings and unlock her suppressed memories, leading her on a journey to face deep...

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April 24, 2023

257. Transcending the Ego - Modern Mysticism with Michael

What are you observing about the present times? Have you observed the intense polarization across humanity? What is the root cause of the extreme difficulty so many people are experiencing currently, collectively and within their personal lives? We...

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April 20, 2023

256. Unlocking the Lessons of Death - Cassie Uhl

Through meditation and energy work, Cassie Uhl unexpectedly found her true calling as a death doula, providing comfort and guidance through the journey of dying. When family members came to her seeking assistance in crossing over, she recognized the...

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March 20, 2023

248. Shamanism, Spiritual Transformation, Emerald Tablet, & New Earth…

Michael Massey and I cover a lot of ground in this live Ask Me Anything webinar, which was streamed on the Conscious Awakening Network on Pi day - 3-14 (2023). If you want to dive into a beautiful buffet of topics on transformation, ascension, energy,...

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March 3, 2023

243. March Predictions for Humanity and the Planet - Modern Mysticism…

Shaman and mystic Michael Massey joins to talk about what he is picking up energetically at this time. He is seeing big changes coming in the month of March, and this is the focus of this discussion. What is he seeing in the nonphysical world? How...

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Feb. 9, 2023

237. Pleiadian Channeling: Can You Connect to Your Star Family? - Lor…

**Be sure to check out the free bonus clip if you are thirsty to learn how to get the most out of your dream state!** There is a key way that we are able to tap into higher consciousness that is hiding in plain sight, accessible to all of us. Lori...

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July 13, 2022

186. There is No Death, Only Life - Maria Verdeschi

How can you differentiate “regular” thoughts from guidance from the other side? How can you strengthen your own personal gifts of connecting with loved ones? Maria Verdeschi is an acclaimed Psychic Medium and author of the best-seller There is No...

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June 21, 2022

182. Drawing Unknown Discarnate Spirits - Sunlight Oracle

Is your departed loved one connecting with you through art? Does consciousness live on after death? How can sobriety ignite a spiritual awakening? Is mediumship a gift that can develop over time or are you simply born with it? Sunlight Oracle is a...

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May 5, 2022

173. Dreams Become Reality - Sharon Coleman

How can you bring the life you are meant to live into physical creation? How does your subconscious mind keep you locked in unhealthy patterns, even when you are trying to improve? What is a Near Death Experience like? Sharon Coleman is a Dream...

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Feb. 16, 2022

159. Intuitive Children - Michelle Henderson

Michelle Henderson is a psychic medium and the author of Spiritual Nurturing for Intuitive Children. We discuss: How her clairaudience developed as a young adult. In terms of the intel she gets audibly, is she able to distinguish between her own...

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July 2, 2020

060. Grief, Reiki, Exorcism, Growth - Amanda Thomas

The Infinite Possibility of Miracles

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