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Mystics Episodes

Oct. 1, 2021

134. Initiations and Graduations - Modern Mysticism with Michael

Michael Massey graces the podcast again, this time to discuss the common pitfalls which can appear when following a spiritual leader or organization - things which actually inhibit growth. This is a precarious situation which is all-too-common. It can...

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Sept. 20, 2021

132. Awakening to Original Nature - Kiran Trace

Kiran Trace has an amazing story of spontaneous awakening which goes beyond a spiritual awakening, into Original Nature. She wasn't even on a spiritual path, and one day as she was putting on her shoes reality dissolved all around her and she found...

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Sept. 12, 2021

131. Remote Viewing and Astral Travel - Modern Mysticism with Michael

Michael and I discuss the exceptionally intriguing topic of remote viewing and astral travel. Remote viewing is the ability to witness events in a physical location outside of where you physically are (obviously without the aid of equipment such as...

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Aug. 25, 2021

128. Is Love All You Need? - Modern Mysticism with Michael

Michael Massey is back! Things got busy with a course we were running, and it was good to get back to podcasting together! In this episode, we explore the holy trinity of love, power, and wisdom - how they build upon each other and help us come into...

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July 29, 2021

123. 8/8 Lion's Gate - Modern Mysticism with Michael

We have entered the Lion's Gate passageway, which will peak on 8/8. Michael Massey joins to discuss what this means, how to utilize this gift, and how to work with the gifts we can receive when fears present. In this episode, we specifically discuss:...

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July 23, 2021

121. Secret Power of Silence - Modern Mysticism with Michael

In this episode, Michael Massey and I discover an oft overlooked tool in the quest to assist in resolving a problem. When we approach help from the mental plane and offer solutions to the problems of others, we are arguably doing them a disservice. So...

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June 9, 2021

114. Superpowers Part 2 - Modern Mysticism with Michael

Michael Massey and I left a lot of unfinished business in , when we discussed superpowers. In this episode we tackle invisibility and telekinesis. - How does invisibility relate to frequency, and is it the same as not being seen? - Items disappearing...

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May 11, 2021

111. Modern Mysticism with Michael - Superpowers

This is a SUPER fun episode where Michael Massey and I discuss SUPER POWERS! Telepathy, telekinesis, super strength, invisibility - they're all fair game. Michael gives us a rundown on how some of these powers work in the 'field' (energy grid) and...

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May 1, 2021

109. Consciousness Shift Experience... As We Record! So Bizarre - Mo…

Michael Massey joins for what was truly a surreal experience for me. We talked about this episode a few days after we recorded it, deciding if I should edit out the surreal few moments I experienced as we were recording or whether this episode should...

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April 22, 2021

107. Emotional Triggers - Modern Mysticism with Michael

This episode with Michael Massey is full of valuable information about the nature of our emotional bodies, how this is used to create our realities, experiences, and who we think we are, and how to work through emotional triggers for the benefit of...

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April 4, 2021

103. Predictions and the Quantum Field - Modern Mysticism with Michael

Michael Massey joins for another mystical conversation! This is a fun episode full of information which may stretch you into greater understanding of the interplay between the quantum field and 3/4D reality. It then gets much more grounded as we...

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March 12, 2021

100. One Hundredth Episode Celebration!

Wow, this episode is number 100! The tables turn as Michael Massey interviews me and we reflect on the evolution of the podcast since its launch in November 2018. We also dive into how my meditation practice has evolved over time, and the knock on...

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March 3, 2021

099. Dreams and Soul Retrieval - Modern Mysticism with Michael

Michael Massey joins to discuss a beautiful experience he had recently in bringing his soul into greater unity via a powerful dream. We go into the healing which can happen in the dreamscape, as well as practical shamanic tools which can be used in...

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Feb. 18, 2021

097. Detecting and Detatching Energetic Cords - Modern Mysticism with…

In this episode, Michael Massey addresses a question from a listener: How do you know if you have energetic cords attached to you from others, and what can you do about it? We explore this issue from several angles: - What is an energetic cord? -...

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Feb. 11, 2021

096. Spiritually Inspired Automatic Drawing - Wendy Oke

What a blessing to connect with Wendy Oke, niece-in-law of Alma Rumball. Alma was the vehicle behind hundreds of incredible, intricate, prolific drawings. She insisted that "the hand" moved on its own, guided by an invisible force which flowed through...

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