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Mental Health Episodes

Feb. 2, 2023

236. The Secret to Mindfully Balancing Motherhood and Professional Li…

Passionate and dedicated, Katie Krimitsos navigates her role as a mother and business owner while striving to fulfill her mission to impact millions of women through meditation and find the Holy Grail of stillness. She shares her story of stepping...

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Jan. 26, 2023

234. Manifest Your Dream Life - Emily Rose Summersett and Scott Rober…

Wife and husband team Emily Rose Summersett and Scott Roberts help high-achieving CEOs, business owners and entrepreneurs all over the world optimize their mental health and performance and enable them to make the impact and perform at the level they...

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Jan. 19, 2023

232. Near Death and a Search for Healing - Michael Harris

Michael Harris' story of his near death experience and the subsequent anger and resentment he was left with highlights the challenges that can come from mystical experiences.  Michael is the bestselling author of Falling Down Getting Up. His...

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Jan. 5, 2023

228. Managing Cancer with Meditation - Juni Bucher

Juni Bucher, a breast cancer survivor, uses meditation to manage the anxiety of survivorship and the side effects of treatment. She used meditation daily in her cancer treatment regimen.  "Meditation has infinite ways of supporting us when we're...

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Dec. 8, 2022

219. Writing as a Path to Awakening - Albert Flynn DeSilver

How can we use writing to start a spiritual awakening, and what are spiritual occurrences? Can we be aware of more than just our own thoughts and feelings? Words have the power to transform lives, and Albert Flynn DeSilver has been embodying that...

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Dec. 1, 2022

216. The Gift of Grief - Jake Sasseville

How did entrepreneur, TV personality and wellness CEO Jake Sasseville use the trauma and grief of his early life to live a life of purpose? Jake Sasseville experienced phenomenal success in the entertainment industry at a very young age. He was the...

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Nov. 24, 2022

214. Empowerment and Food - John Farinelli

From a young age, John Farinelli dealt with depression, anxiety, insomnia, and chronic physical health issues. Through his search to break out of his prison of emotional and physical pain, he recognized a key component was the physiological element of...

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Nov. 17, 2022

212. Supporting Your Natural Ability to Heal - Greg Wieting

How can we support the body’s natural ability to heal? Could too much healing too quickly be a bad thing? What is the role of the nervous system in accessing our own innate wisdom? Greg Wieting is a healer who helps leaders and entrepreneurs heal...

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Nov. 10, 2022

209. Transgender Truths - Coach Lee Hopkins

Coach Lee Hopkins is a transgender man who spent the majority of his life feeling alone and misunderstood. Thinking he just hadn’t found his tribe yet, he made a couple of major moves across the country, only to find that he still wasn’t making...

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Oct. 14, 2022

204. Purpose Through Cancer and Amputation - Terry Tucker

What is the role of mindset on a cancer journey? How can it be possible to feel sensation or even pain in a part of the body you have lost due to amputation? Terry Tucker is a former college basketball player, SWAT Team Hostage Negotiator, and cancer...

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Aug. 27, 2022

196. Wisdom Hidden in Trauma - Stacia Aashna

How can growing up with trauma help to unlock superpowers? Stacia Aashna has experienced this for herself. She grew up in a traumatic environment, and the transformation healing required for her to find joy provided fertile soil for her to be able to...

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July 21, 2022

187. Ancient Practice of Non-Duality - James Beshara

Can mainstream success not only be NOT everything it's cracked up to be, but leave us feeling worse than we can imagine? James Beshara has achieved material success to a degree than many of us can only ever imagine, and he attests that it resulted in...

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July 4, 2022

184. Biofield Healing - Niamh

How does sound help us to heal trauma, stress, and resistance across time? How can you claim back your vital life force? Is it important to connect with the “story” of your trauma, in order to release it? Niamh joins from Ireland in this...

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June 21, 2022

182. Drawing Unknown Discarnate Spirits - Sunlight Oracle

Is your departed loved one connecting with you through art? Does consciousness live on after death? How can sobriety ignite a spiritual awakening? Is mediumship a gift that can develop over time or are you simply born with it? Sunlight Oracle is a...

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May 21, 2022

176. Depression Hates a Moving Target - Nita Sweeney

How can you go from coach potato at age 49 to an ultra marathoner? How does physical movement help to counteract the symptoms of bipolar disorder? Nita Sweeney is the award-winning author of the running and mental health memoir, Depression Hates a...

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