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Health Episodes

May 5, 2022

173. Dreams Become Reality - Sharon Coleman

How can you bring the life you are meant to live into physical creation? How does your subconscious mind keep you locked in unhealthy patterns, even when you are trying to improve? What is a Near Death Experience like? Sharon Coleman is a Dream...

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April 30, 2022

172. Losing It All to Gain Everything - ZofiaRennea Morales

She started to lose her mind. She couldn’t remember things, a 30 minute meal would take her 3 hours to prepare, she couldn’t hold a job, she became bankrupt. This sounds like the framework for tragedy, but for ZofiaRennea it was fertile grounds...

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April 27, 2022

171. Improve Your Gut Health and Be Astonished By What Else Improves …

Could problems in your gut be causing issues elsewhere in your body, including your mind? Steve Wiltshire has much to share in terms of health. He has made fitness, health and mindset a priority for 3 decades. Shortly after winning the Mr. Oregon Body...

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April 1, 2022

165. Layered Healing to Encompass Body, Mind, & Soul - Rachelle McClo…

Can you get rid of symptoms of anxiety, depression and traumatic stress in 2 to 6 months instead of 2 to 6 years? Rachelle McCloud is an Emotional Wellness Coach and Mental Health Therapist, and she helps people do just that! She talks about how...

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March 17, 2022

163. Healing with Angels - Dr. T

Dr. T has been dubbed a "human engineer" for the work he does to facilitate healing within his clients. What makes his approach unique is the involvement of angels in his work. In this episode you will hear Dr. T do an impromptu remote healing session...

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Feb. 22, 2022

160. Natural Healing and Kundalini Awakening - Melinda Carbis-Reilly

Melinda Carbis-Reilly is a naturopath, kundalini yoga teacher, and author of the newly released book Becoming. In this informative and thought-provoking discussion, we touch on many topics ranging from spiritual awakening to holistic health to...

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Feb. 2, 2022

156. Energy Editing and Quantum Healing - Teresa Kaplan

Teresa Kaplan is a psychotherapist turned transformational teacher, healer, and mentor. Over time she has discovered the role of energy in completely healing the root of trauma, and she has evolved her practice to center around Energy Editing for the...

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Dec. 16, 2021

148. Dr. Jill Bolte-Taylor RERELEASE - My Stroke of Insight

Enjoy this beautiful conversation with Dr. Jill Bolte-Taylor from 2020! Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor is a Harvard-trained neuroanatomist and author of the NY Times Bestseller, “My Stroke of Insight: A Brain Scientist’s Personal Journey”. On Dec 10,...

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Dec. 4, 2021

146. Physical Body Changes using Awareness - Ann Hince

Can you heal your own body from the inside, using your awareness and connection to your emotions? Remarkably, Ann Hince does just that! Ann tragically found her mother dead in the bathtub when she was 19 years old. Twenty years later she was suffering...

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Nov. 29, 2021

145. Pulling Up the Roots of Anxiety - Ingrid Schwegler

How can your emotions be causing physical issues? What is reflexology and how does it reset the nervous system? What is the role of holistic approaches to wellness in traditional Western medicine? Ingrid Schwegler is a reflexologist, reiki healer and...

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Nov. 24, 2021

144. Heal Your Hunger - Tricia Nelson

Tricia Nelson lost 50 pounds by identifying and addressing the underlying causes of her emotional eating. She has helped hundreds of people overcome food addiction and eating disorders over nearly 30 years. Tricia is an Emotional Eating Expert and has...

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Sept. 26, 2021

133. Intuition and Your Health - Dr. Pat Boulogne

Dr. Pat Boulogne is the author of “Why Are You Sick, Fat, and Tired," and a certified Functional Medicine practitioner, coach, and chiropractor. Her career spans over 35 years, assisting thousands of clients in overcoming complex, chronic problems...

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May 5, 2021

110. Demystifying Hypnosis - Cathy Boone-Black

Cathy Boone-Black is a hypnotist, doula, reflexologist, and a practitioner of many other modalities. It was a joy to connect with her in this episode, as we explore consciousness and the ample opportunities that exist to use it to heal. I was...

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April 11, 2021

105. The Truth About Sugar Addiction with Michael Collins

I was excited to talk to Michael Collins to learn more about the sugar addiction and why it is important to clear our bodies of it for good. Michael is the founder of and Quit Sugar Summit. He is the author of the bestselling book...

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April 7, 2021

104. Living Longer, Better, and Healthier - Dr. Pat Boulogne

Dr. Pat Boulogne is the author of “Why Are You Sick, Fat, and Tired," and a certified Functional Medicine practitioner, coach, and chiropractor. Her career spans over 35 years, assisting thousands of clients in overcoming complex, chronic problems...

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