EXCITING CHANGES! Meditation Conversation is now SOUL ELEVATION! ✨

Transform Your Life with Shamanic Journeys: Expert Tips from Martin Theis

Do you need to ingest psychedelics in the form of plant medicine in order to have a transcendental experience beyond your regular consciousness?

I was really curious about learning from Martin Theis about the form of shamanic journeying that he practices and leads others through. He helps to induce a state within others that takes them into other dimensions to experience other forms of “reality.” These experiences sound very “trippy,” so what is the mechanism he uses?

We also talk about the healing that is accessible through the dream and sleep time as well as the role animals play in our awakening consciousness.

Martin also gives some very sage advice on some things to watch out for when you are looking for shamanic or otherwise spiritual guidance. How do you know if you are engaging with someone who truly has your best interest at heart? It can be tricky territory, and you’ll get some clarity through this episode.

In this episode, you will be able to:

Unearth the rejuvenating properties of shamanic journeys for personal growth and healing.

Delve into the magical connection between animals and spirituality, particularly through totem animals.

Gain insight into circular economies and their impact on responsible wealth management.

Uncover mindfulness habits that construct the foundation for a peaceful, utopian society.

Understand the importance of intentionality and working together in building a prosperous future.

Martin Theis is a spiritual coach and teacher who focuses on mental and emotional wellbeing through the art of Shamanic journeys. The mission of his practice Light Trails is to assist others on their journey from suffering to inner peace and joy. Martin lives in Germany, Norway, and Hawaii, and is in the process of building a decentralized network of nonprofit organizations that aim at building sanctuaries for people to find healing and regeneration.

The key moments in this episode are:
00:00:14 - Introduction

00:04:02 - Martin's Story

00:07:37 - Shamanic Journeying

00:09:03 - Group Journeying

00:15:49 - Finding a Shamanic Guide

00:18:21 - Establishing Trust in Shamanic Healing

00:21:49 - Trusting Your Intuition

00:24:59 - The Magic of Animals

00:27:57 - Understanding Totem Animals

00:33:15 - The Future of Circular Economies

00:36:24 - Individual vs. Governmental Responsibility

00:37:10 - Utopian vs. Realistic Vision

00:38:06 - Empowerment and Connection

00:38:31 - Connecting with Martin

00:39:02 - Closing Thoughts

Original podcast release: June 29, 2023

This is episode #270 of the Meditation Conversation podcast.
Listen to the episode here: https://link.chtbl.com/MartinTheis

Link to the Meditation Conversation: https://link.chtbl.com/XAtpI03C

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