EXCITING CHANGES! Meditation Conversation is now SOUL ELEVATION! ✨

Shadows and Your Ascension - Modern Mysticism with Michael

In this recording from our recent livestream with the Conscious Awakening Network, Michael Massey and I discuss the importance of integrating shadows in order to work on spiritual growth and development. Shadow integration can be a bit of a hidden opportunity on the path, or one that is overlooked or misunderstood.

You might know Michael from his many previous appearances on the podcast. Check out all of the episodes from his Modern Mysticism with Michael series if you enjoy this episode.

Michael is a spiritual guide with an engineering background. He is an amazing combination of off-the-charts smart and deeply wise, plus an incredible heart. He does a lot behind the scenes for humanity and the planet through his gridwork.

In this episode, we go through some really important things such as:

Common misconceptions about shadow work and what we actually mean.
The four quadrants of working with shadows and how they relate to opportunities and challenges within the subconscious.
Benefits to integrating your shadows.
Practical ways to uncover shadows.
Mechanics of bringing your soul into alignment with your human aspect.

Reach out to Kara at kara@karagoodwin.com if you would like to be connected with Michael to go deeper into your work.
Check out karagoodwin.com for resources to help you on your journey, including your uniquely designed personal meditation/energy transmission. https://www.karagoodwin.com/personal-meditation

This is episode #289 of the Meditation Conversation podcast.
Listen to the episode here: https://chrt.fm/track/16B9G6/https://pdst.fm/e/traffic.libsyn.com/themeditationconversation/20230927_Michael_Massey_shadows_webinar.m4a

Link to the Meditation Conversation: https://link.chtbl.com/XAtpI03C
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