EXCITING CHANGES! Meditation Conversation is now SOUL ELEVATION! ✨

Multidimensional Music || Michelle Qureshi with Kara Goodwin

Original podcast release: Sep 24, 2020
It was an absolute delight to spend time with the exceptionally talented, award-winning artist Michelle Qureshi. Michelle lifts the veil to reveal the mystery behind creating music intuitively and opens herself to allow musical experiences to be delivered through her. Her new album, Within, will be available beginning September 25, 2020.

Michelle explains the Harmonic Sound Immersion experience and her role as a conduit for something bigger than her to flow through her in the creation of the experience.
How music and sound work to connect her to Source and Higher Self.
The surprising advantages spring forth from pauses in the creative flow.
Michelle shares some beautiful and profound experiences which have been presented through her music for others.
She explains how the creation of her music comes through for her as though she is building something with shapes and textures.

This is episode #71 of The Meditation Conversation podcast.
Listen to the episode here:
Link to The Meditation Conversation: https://link.chtbl.com/XAtpI03C

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