EXCITING CHANGES! Meditation Conversation is now SOUL ELEVATION! ✨

Leaving the Trap: How to Exit the Reincarnation Cycle - Isabella Greene

Are humans stuck in a karmic cycle that is keeping them unwittingly trapped to unending incarnations on Earth? What if you are ready to come out of that cycle?

Isabella's book Leaving the Trap explores this very question. She gives examples in her experiences of near death and quantum journeying to back up her claim, as well as practical advice for how to break out of the reincarnation cycle.

Isabella Greene, a metaphysical specialist, spiritual healer, and author joins for a captivating discussion on the provocative topic of soul entrapment on Earth. Touching on fascintating subjects such as the intricacies of the astral plane, quantum travel, reincarnation, and the ascent of consciousness, Isabella offers insights from her personal journey and experiences. 

Isabella shares the insights gained through her astral and quantum travels, near death experiences, and breathwork and meditation practices from which she has concluded that upon death we are being manipulated into reincarnating back to Earth by handlers who represent themselves as trusted beings of light. She offers solutions to becoming sovereign in order to end the suffering that comes from continuous incarnations in our dimension.

00:00 Introduction and Welcome
00:34 Introducing Special Guest: Isabella Green
01:54 Isabella's Journey: From Corporate to Spiritual
06:00 Exploring Astral Sparring and Near Death Experiences
12:04 Understanding the Astral Plane and Reincarnation Cycle
16:00 Experiencing the Void and Quantum Travel
30:28 The Importance of Experience in Spiritual Growth
31:16 The Power of Breathwork and Meditation
32:32 Understanding Astral Projection
33:16 Q&A Session Begins
33:23 Exploring the Concept of Age and Breathwork
34:45 Discussing Lucid Dreaming and Astral Realms
35:14 Understanding the Quantum Field and Dimensions
36:54 The Soul, Consciousness, and Reincarnation
40:18 The Ego Perspective and Reincarnation
47:12 Upcoming Workshops and Events
50:16 Final Q&A Session
54:02 Conclusion and Farewell


Join Isabella Greene at the Sedona Ascension Retreat March 8-10. I'll be there, too, and I can't wait! Use code MEDITATION for 10% off your ticket. https://www.sedonaascensionretreats.com

Read Isabella's book, Leaving the Trap: https://www.amazon.com/LEAVING-TRAP-Exit-Reincarnation-Cycle/dp/B0C1J56V22/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2UKBE1N5EZ1S4&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.72IPrlsdu0pRk_d2UI2aTSdP9SCSdx20_7qSktPKAYg.-wwvo2sGVtbEclC3UvbPvKPVxMGIK4kA9SwP2uFKawM&dib_tag=se&keywords=leaving+the+trap+isabella+greene&qid=1705442390&sprefix=leaving+the+tra%2Caps%2C109&sr=8-1

Explore Isabella's services and upcoming events: http://www.isabellagreene.com

Read the Tao Te Ching, Patanjuli's Yoga Sutras, and Autobiography of a Yogi.

This is episode #315 of the Meditation Conversation podcast.
@IsabellaGreene #reincarnation #astral #quantum #consciousness #spiritualdevelopment #awakeningconsciousness

Link to the Meditation Conversation: https://link.chtbl.com/XAtpI03C
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