EXCITING CHANGES! Meditation Conversation is now SOUL ELEVATION! ✨

Change Your Breath, Change Your Life - Todd Steinberg on Meditation Conversation

Original podcast release: Feb 23, 2023

Todd Steinberg is the co-founder of Komuso (Koh-moo-soh) which is dedicated to helping people breathe better to feel better. He helped developed a necklace called the Shift which simply slows your pace of breath. Before Komuso, he knew very little about wellness and unknowingly suffered from high functioning anxiety which lead to the product discovery.

Todd drops SO MUCH useful info and shares hacks that you can easily incorporate into your life to help your mental and physical health.

Three things you'll learn in this episode:

You have an average of 50,000 thoughts per day! (and a whopping 80% of these can be negative.) You have 20,000 breaths per day. What are these thoughts doing to your breath, and how can you use the breath to help your mental wellbeing.
Why you can and should try to train yourself to go from a resting rate of 18-20 breaths per minute to about six breaths per minute.
What is tech apnea and how is it secretly interfering with your health?

This is episode #240 of the Meditation Conversation podcast.
Listen to the episode here: https://chrt.fm/track/16B9G6/https://pdst.fm/e/traffic.libsyn.com/themeditationconversation/20230115_Todd_Steinberg.mp3

Link to the Meditation Conversation: https://link.chtbl.com/XAtpI03C
Get a free 10 minute guided meditation to increase your calm at

​ @KomusoDesign #breathwork #calmmind #healthhack #mindhacks

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