EXCITING CHANGES! Meditation Conversation is now SOUL ELEVATION! ✨

Ascension Symptoms - Modern Mysticism with Michael on Meditation Conversation with Kara Goodwin

Original podcast release: May 22, 2023

Are you going through a spiritual awakening?

Maybe you know that something is different now, but you aren't sure what is going on.

There are traditional "symptoms" that accompany the awakening of higher levels of consciousness, and in this episode with Michael Massey we talk about what ascension symptoms are like and what they indicate.

Some of the topics we address in this episode include:

- Kundalini awakenings, and their very real power
- The levels and layers of consciousness and the many different things that are happening with a spiritual awakening
- Heart frequency and the physical feelings that can accompany the heart changing frequency, including how it can feel like a panic attack
- Energy and frequency and how that relates to spiritual awakening
- The normalization process as you integrate new energies, including the downsides
- Ringing tones that seem like tinnitus
- Vibrating chakras
- Downloads and interpreting/integrating them
- A secret hack to assuring you can trust the energies and signals you're getting
- What it means to go from 3D consciousness to 5D consciousness

Check out Michael's first appearance on the podcast where he talks more about his spiritual awakening: https://chrt.fm/track/16B9G6/traffic.libsyn.com/themeditationconversation/20191113_Michael_Massey_Sedona_and_Awakening.mp3

This is episode #263 of the Meditation Conversation podcast.
Listen to the episode here: https://link.chtbl.com/michaelascension

Link to the Meditation Conversation:
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