EXCITING CHANGES! Meditation Conversation is now SOUL ELEVATION! ✨
July 3, 2023

271. Instantaneous Healing & QHHT - Suzanne Spooner

Can you imagine instant bone regrowth or restoration of hearing after decades of using hearing aids? Suzanne Spooner has seen this right in front of her eyes with her clients while using Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique. There are great healing...

Can you imagine instant bone regrowth or restoration of hearing after decades of using hearing aids? Suzanne Spooner has seen this right in front of her eyes with her clients while using Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique.

There are great healing capabilities right inside YOU, too. 

In this episode, Suzanne shares some remarkable insights and healings she has witnessed in her time as a QHHT practitioner. We also talk about insights received from the higher consciousness of clients relating to Ascension.

QHHT is a pathway to finding that all answers and healing lie within. This healing modality was developed by the late Dolores Cannon. She discovered she could induce a state with her clients which accessed memories of their past lives. She was able to contact an infinitely knowledgeable and powerful aspect of each individual and was able to communicate with it. This aspect lies just below the surface of regular conscious awareness, and she thus labeled it The Subconscious.

Accessing The Subconscious is the hallmark of QHHT, and it is what allows instantaneous healings and insights into previous and off-planet lives.

Suzanne Spooner worked closely with and was personally endorsed by Dolores. Suzanne assisted Dolores in her live classes and has carried out her work in certifying QHHT practitioners along with Dolores' daughter, Julia. 



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183. Upgrading Your Healing Abilities - Sally Knopp

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Kara Goodwin: [00:00:00] 

Recently I hosted three live streams in one week for the conscious awakening network, all on the topic of working with the quantum realm. This is the final live stream from that fruitful time with the amazing Suzanne Spooner. We get into all sorts of amazing healing she'd seen with clients while using quantum healing hypnosis technique or QHH T I'm talking things like giving someone back their hearing. Something you could spend a lifetime working with specialists on. We also talk about the Ascension process and Intel she's gotten in sessions about that. If you connect with. Delores Canon's work as so many people do at this time. You're going to love this episode with Suzanne. 

She [00:01:00] had the great blessing of assisting Dolores with her classes in the final years of her life. There's some fascinating info in this episode. So let's get started, but really quickly, just a quick word about Komuso, take control of your stress with this necklace. That is not only beautiful, but powerful. 

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Use promo code Kara Goodwin, 15 to get 15% off. And check out all of the partners of the meditation conversation podcast, which you can get through the meditation conversation.com. And now enjoy this episode

Kara Goodwin: Welcome everybody. I'm Kara Goodwin, host of the [00:02:00] Meditation Conversation. We are streaming this live stream, this special live stream with Suzanne Spooner through the Conscious Awakening Network.

So thank you for joining. We have some of us who are live here on Zoom, others are joining via live streams through the Conscious Awakening platform, through YouTube, through RO Roku and Amazon Fire and so forth. So thank you, wherever you're joining from, and if you're watching the recording as well, thank you for joining.

I think you're really going to get so much from this today. I am so excited to talk to Suzanne. So let me just give a brief overview here. Of Suzanne Spooner. So over for over a decade, she has been empowering clients with the tools to discover their own unique pathways to the knowledge and understanding of Divine Source.

She's passionate about enabling [00:03:00] clients to access higher realms of experience and their higher selves, even selves from earlier lifetimes, along with myriad spiritual entities, from angels to guides, to loved ones who have passed. Her tools include Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique, or Q H H T, the Universal Mind Project, and her course, the Art of Universal, knowing she will not pretend to give you the answers to all the mysteries, but she will show you how to find them for yourself, and she'll help you every step of the way.

So Suzanne, I'm just thrilled to have you here. Thank you so much for being here today. 

Suzanne Spooner: Thank you for inviting me. I'm so excited to, to be here with your friend, with your crew, and to share lots of mind expanding thoughts. 

Kara Goodwin: Yes. Well, it's really my pleasure to have you here. And I wanna start with the, with Q H H T.

So you are closely involved with Dolores Cannon. [00:04:00] Before she passed away, what drew you to her work and her methods? 

Suzanne Spooner: Oh gosh. well, I hadn't heard about her. I was listening, oh my goodness, it must have been back in 2011. I was listening to a person who I enjoyed their interviews and they were interviewing Delores.

So that's how I heard about her. And at that time, she was talking about a concept. I think it was ETS and. My head just really wasn't quite there yet, but I'm watching her. I could see her on this interview and I'm like, oh, well she looks like my grandma, she's so sweet looking.

And I thought, well, okay, but you know, I'm like, I'm just not there and it doesn't interest me right now. And I clicked off and I'm sure she was like somewhere in the back of my head for about another year. And then I saw another interview. And this time man, I was in, she was talking about her book that she had just published at the time.

I think it was Convoluted Universe Book three or four. And, Which is just kind of like a [00:05:00] smorgasbord of all these other lifetime experiences and connecting into the parts of us that know everything. Some call it high self or subconscious, and oh my Lord, I was just hooked and like, like everybody I think back then that found Dolores, I wanted a session with her.

So I called the office and I wanted to get on the list and it was a couple years out. I'm like, okay, all right. And then I was exploring her website and saw that she taught how she does what she does. And I had never thought about learning hypnosis before, but something in me was just pushing me to do this.

So I signed up for the very next class, was down there, a few months later and just fell in love with her and her process. What I loved about her process, was that it showed people that all answers are within all healing is. Within, that we didn't need these outside sources or drugs or any other thing to heal, that we were really missing the mark on, how we view [00:06:00] medicine and our personal issues and the things that we struggle with.

So that's what really struck me. And,I sat in that class and just absorbed every second I could. Went home, started practicing, just had my mind blowing open with my friends that would let me, be my, let be my Guinea pigs. awesome. Cause I knew nothing what I was doing. I was kind of just flying by the seat of my pants, but yet they were having these amazing, amazing experiences.

And very shortly after that, serendipity kind of just fell into place and I started assisting her, which was so special because I. I'm like the proverbial student. I wanna always be learning. So that afforded me the opportunity to sit in the back of the classroom and just hear her over and over and over again so that I could understand the material on a deeper level.

And it also gave me this amazing, fun opportunity to spend private time with her. And, she was this great storehouse of [00:07:00] knowledge and I could ask her questions about her books and, you know, what were you thinking? when this information came through. And she'd say, well, if you want me to tell you, this is what it was.

and here's what I was thinking. And here's what that hap that made happen after that. Because it changed the way I thought about things. I was just, So lucky to be in that situation. Yeah. So that's how she, that's how Dolores happened to me. 

Kara Goodwin: I love that, how Dolores happened. So, and that's one of the fascinating things, reading her books now, humanity itself is in a different place than it was when she started having these interviews.

I mean, you know, and her work evolved. she kind of had this organic evolution from helping people with their current life streams when she first started. And then she was surprised to start moving into past lives. And then eventually more and more of her clients were having off planet lives.

And after some decades of that, There, she talks [00:08:00] about in a lot of her work, like there, I didn't think there was anything that could surprise me anymore. And then here comes this story, this client talking about something. But she was, she'll talk about people that they were experiencing being r a rock, they were just a rock or that they were like, merged with a planet or they were creating mixed species beings in Atlantis.

so it's really fascinating to think about the times in which her work was written, because that stuff, I feel like it's more out there now, like more people know about this stuff. More people are talking about it. It's more in the common vernacular. Some of this stuff still, some of it's like, Really stretching, like what I'm trying to follow.

and she's doing that too as the, as she's writing it, she's like, I really was kind of losing what they were talking about, but I tried to keep going. And, do you notice this in your own evolution, like as you're working with clients, that there's kind of an evolution and things are expanding more and [00:09:00] more?

Suzanne Spooner: Oh my goodness. okay. So I have such a great example to share about that. Yes, and yes, and yes and yes. So I had a client a few years ago and just the sweetest, nicest gal. She was a retired hairdresser,had some really, unusual experiences growing up. Very, very psychic. Had a lot of phenomena happening around her.

Had a very hard family life. And, so she was just, she actually was coming because her best friend was coming and they decided to do it together. So she was just kind of tagging along. She was, I mean, she wouldn't have probably searched me out ever, but her friend wanted, a friend to go with.

So bless her heart. I mean, now that I think about that, I'm like, man, like, did this, like change her world? But, so I'm having, I did the friend session the first day. It was awesome and great. And then here comes Beverly and Beverly. Starts in honor her session and the lifetime that she goes to.

I mean, it was like sitting [00:10:00] next to a movie. I mean, it was just such rich detail and her voice changed in, to fit what she would've been like in that lifetime. I mean, there's so much happening in that lifetime. So at that point I'm thinking, oh, this is awesome. this is a great session and, good for her and she's gonna love this lifetime she went to.

But then when we go over to the part of her that knows all the answers, which is a natural progression and a Q H H T session, they come in with a list of questions they wanna have answered about their personal life, their body, their health, things like this. we make that transition. It's just, it's not like a weird.

Something that's speaking through you. It is you opening your mouth and saying the words. It's just that you're in this super nice, relaxed state and you can express the stream of thought from this part of you that knows everything, and we all have it and we all have ability to access it. So that's where we're at in the [00:11:00] session.

I'm getting your ready to go with this part. And, almost right away you hear the voice change. And that's also a normal thing. It's usually quite subtle. It might be a little bit stronger and more self-assured than they are in their awaken aware state. It might be a little softer and kind of airy fairy,it can speak faster, slower, all sorts of little subtle changes because that part of you has its own kind of energy signature and that's what comes through.

But with Beverly, It was this robotic, voice. and again, that actually happens, and I don't wanna freak people out. It's just, it's actually quite beautiful, because the client is never expecting that. and if they're, if their analytical minds going, you know, I'm making this up, in a million years you would never make that up.

Yeah. But it starts, and it, and I'm used to it. And so we start rolling with it and it starts sharing this really deep information about humanity and about where we're at, how our decisions and [00:12:00] our experiences have come to be, how they're evolving and how they're made. And, I mean, it's deep information and it, and that's one where I'm, you know, I'm, I'm like, I'm just trying to grasp the depth of information that's being given to me so that I can ask a better question off her answer to get more information and understand it.

And by the end, this part of her calls herself the designer of our reality simulations. And I'm like, wow, okay. That awesome. I'm in, I wanna know more. And,it was a beautiful session. I, at the very end, this is, maybe about two hours or so, and I'm winding the session down and that part of her, this designer of our reality simulations says, do you have any more questions?

And I'm like, yeah, I can't. I, like, I, no, yes, I have like 4 million [00:13:00] questions and I am, I can't formulate a single one right now because I was trying to take all this that you've given me in,but that has opened up an amazing experience where Beverly have become very close friends and we've done, six sessions now and we're actually in the midst of editing a book, which we hope will be out soon.

But the material, again, it's just, we have to take time to try to understand it. And we had it on YouTube for a while. I took it off my YouTube channel as we started to write the book because we were just getting too many inquiries and questions about it. And we were trying to focus all of our attention on getting the book out.

and we may put those back up again, or maybe in parts, I'm not quite sure on that. But to read the material versus hearing the material is a whole other multi-layered experience. So it's, who knew when this former hairdresser walked in that. This information was waiting to come forth.

And, that's right. that's what I love about my work. I just, I don't know, what each client's gonna bring. And I, man, I [00:14:00] am ready for it. I just, I wanna help them get every little last drop of greatness from themselves. 

Kara Goodwin: Yes. And thank you for bringing up Beverly. She, that is fascinating.

What, I've seen those sessions, or at least a couple of them. Another interesting facet to Beverly's sessions is the imprinting or the seeming imprinting. So you talk about the lifetimes that she was bringing forth and they were very grand lifetimes. And, I wonder if you wanna speak a little bit about that phenomenon of imprinting.

Suzanne Spooner: That's so funny that you brought that up because I actually had that in my notes. Cause I'm getting ready to read. I actually just talking to Julia Cannon about this mid, well after a session last week because it came up again and we were rehashing what Dolores found about imprinting out.

so imprinting is a concept that Dolores found or understood where, [00:15:00] say I'm a brand new soul and I've always been at source or God or whatever name you wanna give that concept. But I have decided I'm going to come to Earth and I'm going to help in this great awakening, but I don't have any earth experience.

I don't know what it's like to be in a physical body. I don't know what human relationships are like. and so what she found is our soul can go to what some people will call the ash records. There's many names for, it's like a database of all knowledge. And say, say I needed to be,I decided I'm gonna come into this life as a female and I am gonna be a leader.

I have no history of this and anywhere within my soul to pull upon. So maybe we go to the life of Cleopatra or, another female in history and time that's been, an [00:16:00] effective and beneficial leader. They will take that lifetime. They will imprint it upon the soul, say that new soul, way back in that new soul's consciousness is that information that they can work with, even though they may not be consciously aware.

That they are, this actually makes sense when you think about, people that all of a sudden can play the piano classically and have never put their hands on a piano before or the,the great painters, where did the skill come from? there's lots of different ways of looking at that.

So the imprinting was allowing an individuation of the whole, the source to be able to pull on the experiences and qualities that would help them in this [00:17:00] individuated experience a lifetime, to succeed at the lessons and the purpose and the reason why they're there. 

Kara Goodwin: Mm. That's so fascinating. Yeah.

Yeah. That's wonderful. It also, helps to understand how different people can have the same, like they can go back to the same lifetime as somebody else who's alive, who also goes back to, you know, an Egyptian pharaoh that's, you know, reporting the same sort of details and so forth, where it's like, well, how can that 

Suzanne Spooner: be, that's, you know, that's the party question I get is like, everybody's Cleopatra, so it must not be real.

I'm like, no, wait, we, let's talk about this. also imprint conversation and it just leaves them going, Hmm. You know, I, it makes sense. Yeah. So yeah, we're so much deeper and. There's so much more to us than we know about or [00:18:00] are given credit for. Yeah, 

Kara Goodwin: absolutely. Well, I'm curious what you would wanna share about your own life and your own consciousness evolution and how your Q H H T sessions may have helped in that way.

Because another fascinating thing with Dolores's, with her work, she'll talk about. Different clients, you know, in different parts of the country, in different parts of the world. And when they get to that time where the subconscious or the higher consciousness or however we wanna think about it, starts to come through and give insight.

It was not unusual that they were delivering messages to her specifically and completing like knowledge that another client had given her in the subconscious state. So they were like, it was like one lesson coming through different clients and they might even reference like, well, you know how we told you before and she's never seen this client before.

You know what I mean? They're like really mind blowing things. But have you, [00:19:00] has your own sort of consciousness evolution benefited in a similar way? 

Suzanne Spooner: Yes. Well, oh my gosh. You were just like, you're like in my, you must be in my office. You're touching base on something that I'm just getting ready to release.

That's so funny. Really. You are a blast. So let me, before I go with the life part of that question, lemme tell you, yes, sometimes in sessions one client's information will be picked up on another client's information, and as a practitioner that happens. it's so mind blowing. You know? It's, I mean, we know it happens.

it happens. it's not, like every client thing or, it's probably just a few times a year. this might occur, it's happened, a few times in my time with this. But just like two weeks ago this happened where, it's actually a YouTube clip that I'm getting right to release next.

and then the next client picked up on what she was saying. And so what that [00:20:00] information was, oh my goodness. It was a, she had, she was done with her past life. We go over kind of to what we call the spirit side after they've left the body to review that live, to find out what the lessons and the purposes that's common within a Q H H T session.

We had some time. And so I asked her, now that she's back on the spirit side to describe what that's like, because that can be a really interesting conversation. And she starts talking about being, everything's blue. I'm like, well, that's interesting, tell me more about that blue. And she goes, well, it ends up, it's a collective.

And she ends up calling it the Blue Collective. And I said, oh, that's so interesting. What do you do in the Blue Collective? And she says, well, I help guide people. And when they have decisions to be made, I kind of help give them the ideas that will kind of push them in the direction that's. Most helpful for them.[00:21:00] 

And I asked, do you do that always just with individuals or do you ever do groups? She goes, we do whole planets. I mean, we can do everything. and there were others like her that were doing that same work. You know, just, that's so cool. You know, just, yeah, that's another day at the office, And, so the very next client I have, we're going through her hypnosis part, and she says, well, everything's blue. And I'm like, No, I mean, I'm not saying that. I'm just thinking it. And I said, describe it to me. And she goes, well, I'm just like a helper. You know, I help people make their decisions.

I'm like, oh, do you have any friends around you that 

Kara Goodwin: I don't, 

Suzanne Spooner: I just, but I just like, I love what I do. I mean, this is just awesome. So that does happen. I've had, I had one time, where I had three clients, not boom, boom, boom, but within probably a three or four week time period that one would pick up on [00:22:00] the information that the last one gave.

and it was actually information for me. But, and that's kind of a thing that, that I push away for the most part, because the client is here for them. And, I'm not gonna ever ask a personal question. sometimes it just,they're like, you have to know this. And then I'll listen and, the, and I'm like, okay, now back to them, In that instance, it was information about codes that were available and, each one kind of clarified what the other one said to help me to understand it was based on some of the work that I'm doing, in this life. So it is, it's an amazing experience. okay. Now I forget what the first part of your question.


Kara Goodwin: no, you've touched on it a lot. I also was just curious about with your own evolution that was, is if you, and you said that sometimes this does come through and it's specific to you 

Suzanne Spooner: and, yeah. That's so fascinating, you know, doing this work. the, especially the hypnosis, [00:23:00] it. In order for me to serve my clients the best, I am really in kind of an observer mode throughout that session.

it doesn't serve them if I get emotional with them, if, I don't share any of my own story with them. It, because that makes them, pull away from their own story. and this day is all about the client. so that, that skill of being an observer, I will tell you, it has served me very well in life.

it helps you not get, so get punched into situations that are going on around you and to kind of take more of a big picture view of things and not be so reactive. it's helped me a lot through the, strange and wild times from 2020 on. Yeah. Being an observer and, Have a clear mind for everything.

So that's a great gift. I'm really grateful to have that skill now. 

Kara Goodwin: Yeah. It's so important that neutrality that we can have, especially when we're in polarizing times, that [00:24:00] ability to just say like, okay, this is just something that's happening, rather than like, this is a terrible thing that's happening, or this is devastating, or whatever, or this is amazing, or, well that can be really nice to be in an amazing situation, but you know, that, to just hold things as they are rather than trying to decide is this good?

Is this spad? is a huge skill that I think we all need to hone 

Suzanne Spooner: for sure. And I think, it also gives you this, ability to really take a look at judgment. all of us are easy to judge. Others. But one of the amazing parts of a Q H H T session is the client shares with the practitioner their life story, and every single person, I don't care who they are and what walk of life has the most amazing life story.

And it really gives me a [00:25:00] great deal of respect for. People just getting through, you know what maybe others would call a normal life. it's anything. But I mean, it's like Beverly, I mean, if you looked at her, you would never imagine what she has been through. And, I remember Beverly, bless her heart when she sat down with me and I said, okay, I want you to, I want you to tell me your whole life story.

And she looked at me just so sincerely, and she says, do you want the truth? Yes, yes I do. that would be most helpful. But she was, she's like, it's been bad, and I don't want, I don't want it to hurt you by sharing what I've been through. it was just so sweet. it was like, no, bring it.

I wanna know it all because that's how I can ask the best questions to help you find your answers. So, I want it, and, I know how to take all of that in and not, keep it. Mm-hmm. Um, I, that's another really good skill of what I do and. I just love people, lives are quirky and weird and horrendous and [00:26:00] funny, and it's just a big rollercoaster.

But, in, in this experience, you get to understand, why it all had to be the way it is and what you've learned from it. and frankly, it's what we've asked for to learn as a soul. And that's a hard pill to swallow sometimes. But you do get that clarity and that understanding, and then you have a whole new perspective on it when you're done.

And that seems to be incredibly healing. Mm. 

Kara Goodwin: So beautiful. So, speaking of healing, you know, this is, it is a healing technique. So you get some fascinating insights about your own life and maybe why things have turned out the way that they are. You might have insights into past lives, like we've talked about off planet lives, lives where you're just consciousness and you're not necessarily even feel that you're living with a form or anything like that.

So there's all types of fascinating, experiences that [00:27:00] people tap into, but there have been some phenomenal physical healings. And I wonder if you could share any of those with us today, cuz they're really 

Suzanne Spooner: inspiring. Yes. Okay. Well, I just, the one that popped into mind is when I just shared it on my Facebook page today, and it actually happened back in 2020, but it's such a good story.

This lady came to have a session, she's 80 years old. And she has hearing aids. And even with hearing aids, she, has a hard time hearing me. And so I, if you can kinda see, there's two chairs here. And this is where my client and I usually will sit, and we'll have this talk about their life.

And I literally had to put my chair up really close to her while I was talking to her and explaining how she's gonna do this. And I had to talk really, really loud in order for her to hear me, even with her hearing aids. So that's where we were at. so when we got into the session, let me back up her life story [00:28:00] just smidge, was that she, for many, many years had been in a marriage where the husband screamed at her all the time.

That was his way of communicating to her. And she was a very, I mean, anybody couldn't deal with that for very long, but she wasn't going to divorce him. She. She was of that thinking. I mean, she's 80 years old, she's staying in this marriage. That's what she was taught to do. But the screaming is relentless and it's every day, and it's all the time.

And, she started to lose her hearing actually quite young, in her thirties and eventually divorces him. But when she's telling me about her current life, she says, one thing that I'm sad about is I'm lonely. Because even with my hearing aids, when I go out into my garden and my neighbors out, I have to keep saying, what, what, what?

Because she can't hear. And she goes, it's,[00:29:00] it's so uncomfortable to me that I just stay inside my house. So her quality of life was diminishing quite a bit and, When we get into that high self or subconscious, that part of her that knows everything, it, it says that she turned down her hearing so that she wouldn't have to endure the screaming of her husband.

It was a self-protection modality, I guess. and so her high self and I are talking about that, and I said, but she's not married to him anymore, and couldn't that. Be fixed. And and let me go a little bit into that. all we are is energy in these unique, dense forms. And as energy, we create our own issues.

And that is just the truth. We all create our own stuff, and we do that to learn from. it's by design. as energy, we create it as energy. We can heal it. And that's what [00:30:00] happens in these sessions. So energetically, people go in and they can heal anything, anything is possible. And I've seen it all. And, for her, the high cell says, well, it's kind of, it's a habit in those, you know, everything in the ears hasn't been used for a long time.

she's rejecting the hearing aids, she's rejecting the hearing aids. Oh, fascinating. Not a thought she would've had when we were over there talking. Right. Just a different insight. And, I said that she wants to hear, you know, the bird, she wants to have conversations with her neighbors. She wants to have a better quality of life.

I know you can heal anything. So what's, what can you do? I got a little insistent there and it says, yeah, matter of fact, we can do this. and as that work was being done, she comes up and pops her hearing aids out and she says, yeah, it was her. Hi office says, talk to her so she can hear you.

And I just start talking [00:31:00] normally. And she came up just a bit. The conscious part of her came up and says, I can hear that. And. And then I was told, talk softer and see if she could hear that. And she could hear that. And it said, talk softer yet. And I did. And what she didn't know is I was doing this, I was putting my chair back, going farther and talking softer, and she could hear all.

And, because she understood the root reason behind the issue was that she had turned her hearing off to help protect herself from the screaming of her husband. And, once that message is delivered, once you understand what the symptom means, then there's no reason for the symptom to be there. The symptom is just a message, and that goes for everything.

The symptom is just a message. When you understand what the message means and you take action and you change that, the symptom disappears. It's a whole different way of looking at it. That it [00:32:00] is. The truth is, I see this in every session and so one of the things that just made me the happiest is she walked outta here with her hearing aids in her purse and Wow.

It contacted with me later and she's like, I can hear my air conditioner going. I can hear the birds singing. I, my neighbor talks a lot, you know,

she was going out with friends again and having lunch and, loving life, That's amazing. That was the only session I did in my whole career. I'm good. But, it's, it can be like that every session. It doesn't have to be, you know, just, just one awesome one. Every now and again, it's every session is amazing.

Kara Goodwin: That is incredible. I know I heard you talk recently too about the, somebody's leg grew longer during a session. I mean, so you talk about just like how anything can happen, but I mean, I would [00:33:00] think of like bone regeneration or like skeletal changes, that that would be something that would happen. It would require more time.

I don't know if you'd like to share that story. 

Suzanne Spooner: Yeah, that I just love this gal. she was a college student, at a law school and came in just really curious, about herself. And one of the things that she mentioned about physically was in, I think it was her, Oh, maybe mid childhood years. One leg stopped growing and it wasn't a lot, but it was enough that she needed an orthotic.

and she's a young college girl, she, couldn't really wear cute shoes because she has to have this slip in to make her herself be even. so what we find out in her session about that is that at that time in her life, she was very scared about growing up. She didn't [00:34:00] know what that was gonna be like.

Very, very nervous about it. and so much so that her thoughts created the experience of her left leg, not growing. It stayed back in that time. Well, the right leg. Move forward. Oh, wow. Yeah. Right. So, I mean, I know the things you learn in these sessions. Yes. And so as we were talking, I'm like, well, okay, well, she's on track now.

She's, she's gonna, she's second year of law school and she knows what she wants to do and she seems comfortable with her life, is there any reason why that can't be evened out? And I think, herself was just like so blase, like, yeah, we can do that. they, when they do that, they were just like, yeah, we can heal that.

And I'm like, explain to her how you're doing that, because she'll find that really interesting. And I'm al and I'm always like, I, I'm a student. [00:35:00] I wanna know like, how are you doing that? And it, cartilage is like super easy. Bo bone is not that difficult. it's just energy. I. Created into a denser matter.

Right. And, and it was such a,like, yeah, we can do it easy breezy, lemon squeezy thing. I don't think I paid that much attention to it because we had other questions on our list and we had other stuff we needed to talk about. so they did that. And when she got off my table at the end, after, I counted her out and such, I, I got up, I said, how does your leg feel, by the way?

And she's like, like, even, and I'm like, oh, that's interesting. I'm like, really? Like, how does it feel? And she's like, even, and she put her shoes on, but it had that orthotic in it. And she goes, well that feels weird now. And I'm just like, oh yeah, this is good. Good job. Oh, wow. And so she's local here and I asked, we were gonna meet up and just kind of chat.[00:36:00] 

About her session at a coffee shop, I don't know, a week or two weeks later. And I purposely sat at the back of the coffee shop so I could watch her walk in so I could see, how her gait was perfect and she was wearing the cutest shoes. And, I'm like, that's awesome. Like, that's so awesome.

Congratulations. she goes, I tried putting my ortho orthotic in, for a couple days afterwards, and I was just off balance and I just finally just had to take it out. And I'm like, that is amazing. and she goes, no, that's not even the great part. I'm like, well, that's a pretty great part.

you just groom your leg and in a few hours, but okay. Yeah, what's the really great part? And she goes, the great part is I can tap into my high self anytime I want to now. And, she says, I was sitting in a law lecture that I didn't study for, and, I was just kind of like slumping in my chair because I didn't want, I didn't want the professor to call on me cause I hadn't studied.

And she [00:37:00] asked a question and all of a sudden my arm goes up and I'm like, shoot. Like you don't have the answer and the professor, you know, you know, you know, tell me what the answer is. And she says, I just quieted myself down and opened my mouth and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Came out and it was perfect. Oh my gosh, I can't wait to take the bar.

Kara Goodwin: Wow, that is so interesting. And it makes me wonder too, how you described it or the higher self described it as like one leg kind of stayed back and one leg kept going. And with that healing too, you've got the physical part, but of course we know that everything is so multi-layered. So it makes me wonder too, like, was there dimensional or like some sort of like timeline, adjustment that was made somehow as well that kind of accompanied that.

And[00:38:00] there, there's just so much going on with our consciousness that it's like, what is going on, behind the scenes that like all works together to make something like that happen in such a quick. Time, I mean, to happen at all, but so quickly too. 

Suzanne Spooner: I know it, I know. I wish I had every answer for you.

That one. Yeah, I, yeah. There's one time when I was just kind of having a, we're at the very end of the session, so I'm just like firing off questions. Cause that's what I do. I wanna know everything. And, I, we got onto the topic of time and I'm like, okay, describe time to me from your perspective as this higher consciousness.

And it was so funny, Carrie, she goes, you won't get it. And I'm like, I know, but I wanna try. So just give it to me and I'll keep listening and I'll try to figure it out. And honestly, partway through, I felt like a cartoon character with my eyes going, I'm like, okay, I'm good.

I'm just, thanks.[00:39:00] 

Kara Goodwin: That's hilarious. I love it. Well, when we think, speaking of time, when we think about like the times that we're in and this kind of mass awakening that seems to be happening or that we're, maybe on the cusp of an even bigger mass awakening, do you have insights that you've discovered through your sessions that sort of shed light on, on that awakening the ascension of the planet, the ascension of humanity, anything along those lines?

Suzanne Spooner: Absolutely. It's, that's a very great topic because when I, started doing this work, it was 2012, right? And so, oh yeah. the end of the world and, it's the may calendar. So, I mean, that topic has been, Pretty consistent all the way throughout these years. And they'll talk about how,Dolores would say if you're in a physical body on the planet this time, you have the golden ticket because [00:40:00] so many souls want to be here for this great awakening and this huge shift in consciousness.

And, it doesn't feel like it's so great, as you're going through the day to day, but we really are blessed to be a part of this in this physical form. and so they'll talk a lot about,how we are raising our vibrations, how we're raising our frequencies, better to eat, clean, better, to be out in nature, better to meditate.

That's probably the one suggestion that is the most consistent in the sessions, is you need to meditate in order to connect into this part of you that, that has all the knowledge. sometimes. The story varies a little bit in that at times people's high cells will say, this may be just like in an instant, everything changes in a flash.

and man, I am, I'm open to that. Let's make it easy and let's just do it. But more so they'll talk about it's like, it's an individual process. we're all going to [00:41:00] get there, we're going to come at the speed that our soul can handle it at. and I think I'm more probably of that camp. It just seems like that's how this is going.

And if we, again, if you kind of pull yourself out into an observer mode and watch what's been happening over the last 10 years or so, I think that supports it. But if I can tell you something, in relationship to a Q H H T session, which I think has given me and other practitioners for sure, Dolores too, this amazing window into our evolution.

Would that be okay? It's kind of a Yeah, please. So back in the day, say 12 years ago and earlier, it would've been way more common for a Q H H T client in the hypnosis portion to have what we called Amnesia experience. They just checked out, they didn't fall asleep, but to them it felt like they fell asleep or, they weren't aware during the session.

After the session, they didn't remember anything or [00:42:00] just a little bit. We call that the amnesia experience. from a practitioner's point of view and from a client's point of view, that was pretty easy because they didn't really have to work at it too hard and we didn't have to, fight this analytical left side of the brain.

But about 10 to 12 years ago, we started noticing a change. And that was that the clients are starting to feel more aware during the sessions and, afterwards they were remembering a lot more. Now, what that meant was, in the midst of a session, they could be having, this great session, giving this deep, profound information, but it's like they came up a little bit and they would question themselves and they'd say, I think I'm making this up.

I don't think I'm really under. but we could tell they were, because of a lot of things we're looking for and listening for it give us the knowing of where they're at in these deep levels of consciousness. So it was kind of a quandary. and then afterwards they were remembering a whole bunch more.

Now, this was really difficult when I started in on this because that was just at the beginning of [00:43:00] that change and, Oh my goodness. It was funny. We had the practitioners were having a pity party. The clients were having a pity party, because Dolores was such a good teacher, and in her books and in her YouTube lectures that are still up there, you would hear her say, and in class she would talk about this a lot.

my clients don't remember anything she would say. And so that became the gold standard. So even to the stay clients will come in going, okay, I just check me out, I just wanna fall asleep. Go ahead and go. And we're like, you're like, sorry, 10 years too late ago. but when I started, we were trying to figure this out and so I asked a lot of questions in my sessions with the high selves, you know, why is it this way?

This is kind of hard because we had to calm down that analytical left side to stay over on the right side, which had all of this knowledge at, and what they said is, no, this is by design. This is part of. Humanities evolution and waking up that they [00:44:00] had the amnesia experience to override a belief that we had accepted as truth from what I'll call the controllers.

That if you're making it up, it isn't real. If you're making it up, it's not real. So when we needed to start waking up and starting to realize that we hold all this knowledge within us, that we're getting ready to have this amazing shift on the planet, we had to realize that we're more than just this one life, one more than this body.

And, if we would've been aware during that time having these sessions, then we would've defaulted to, I remember that. I made it up. It's not real. Because that was a concept that was deeply ingrained within our psyche. When you have that deeply ingrained within your psyche, you stay in confusion. And when you stay in confusion, [00:45:00] rely on authority to solve your problems, and you don't realize you have the answers within very well crafted.

So they, the high cells source whatever, one upped the controllers and took our memory away. So, Gave us the amnesia experience. So you come out of a session, maybe you're getting a session with Dolores and she counts you up and you're like, oh my gosh, where was I? And she'll go, well, you were a blah, blah, blah in the blah, blah, blah.

And they'd be like, no way. And she's like, yes, here's your cassette tape. Go home and listen to it. And they would take their little cassette tape and they go home and they'd be like, oh my gosh, I was a blah, blah, blah, and the blah, blah, blah. Because I don't remember him. And they call Marge and they're like, it was a blah, blah, blah.

And Marge would be like, oh my God, that's so cool. I wonder if I was, maybe I'll go, research past life regression, or maybe I'll go have a session, or maybe I'll go down another rabbit hole. Right? It was a wonderful tool to help us start waking up. It was perfect. But what the highest cells say to me in sessions is that we weren't [00:46:00] meant to stay in amnesia, we're meant to be.

Like our high cells in awaken wear physical body, meaning you and I and everybody can tap into all of the knowledge that we carry anytime you want to. You don't need a hypnosis session, you don't need anybody to guide you. You can do it yourself all on your own. That's how we're meant to be. that's getting back to how we used to be.

I'm sures long, long time ago. So if here is amnesia days and here is where you're awake and aware, on the other end of the spectrum and living a physical life, but being able to get all of your answers and your healing yourself we're like, Just a quarter of an inch away from that. Mm-hmm. And it's taken 10 to 12 years to get everybody kind of on board with this.

And that's why clients feel aware during sessions now. the high cel say is like, getting your training wheels to being at this beautiful result of having full access to this [00:47:00] knowledge. And they said if we would've gone from amnesia days to, fully awake and aware days, it would've fried our circuit boards.

We couldn't have handled. It's too fast. it's that instant. Yeah. So they said, we've decided as a whole on humanity to take this in spurts. And this process is just a way that it's visible. You can see the changes over. Time, how that's happened. So I mean, it's a pretty magnificent thing that is occurring for us.

And this is just a way to witness part of that evolution. 

Kara Goodwin: Well, thank you for sharing with that. And I really appreciate that and I love the marrying of kind of how you were saying, some people say it's gonna be in a flash and that's, you know, and then, in another way it's an evolutionary like, individual thing.

And by the way, it's really funny because you have said like, are you here with me? Or like, are you looking at my notes? And it's the same. I'm [00:48:00] like, well, okay, that was just the next thing I was gonna ask, so thank you for, just tapping in there. but, In all, but how, what you were just saying about the evolution of Q H H T and how that we've gone from the am amnesia experience to having a more aware and awake experience is a parallel to that kind of, that evolutionary of an individual and how, we're all kind of expanding a little bit more, a little bit more.

And you mentioned about the ease that might come if it was all in a flash. And there, I think that would be the case for those who are already somewhat awake and are already kind of trying to understand consciousness in a different way. And they're rising above the completely material dense reality.

But we still do have a lot of people who are not yet there. They're still very much asleep and they're [00:49:00] still living in that like material world physical reality. I only trust my five senses. And so if we did do a one all bang, okay, now we're all five D or whatever it is, it's like that would not be easy for maybe the majority.

I don't know if we've reached any sort of majority tipping point, I don't think so yet. It might feel like that in our individual circles, but, So on the one, for some of us it might be like, oh, that'd be a lot easier. We were like, okay, just like, carry me now and do the rest for me. But then for people like that would be such a, like you say it Friday, the circuit boards or and at the very least be like, okay, today is nothing like yesterday.

Like nothing I have no frame of reference for what's happening right now or where I am or whatever it is. But I think that, I love what you're saying about we can kind of see this reflection of evolution of an ascension for humanity in our own live streams and in [00:50:00] our own journey, our own evolution and how it's, we just as individuals have continued to kind of expand a little bit more, take on a little bit more, understand a little bit more, and the work that's coming through with Q H H T as a modality and other modalities like that where we're just starting to understand, stand that.

The sky's the limit. I mean, if what we even understand from consciousness can be challenged, right now in terms of like what I thought was real, there, there are probably things that you've talked about today that for people it's like, oh, never knew that was a thing or that was even a possibility, or never even, considered that could be a possibility that somebody's hearing could just be healed from a hypnosis suggestion after a, decades of not being able to hear.

So we're constantly kind of taking more in, taking in more possibilities and [00:51:00] things that we think aren't even physically possible. It's like the roof just gets blown off of my limits over and over again. It feels like, you know, 

Suzanne Spooner: it's a lot and I think, I think that's why people feel guided to different.

Topics and different teachers. And I think that's a really good thing to mention is, if you're feeling guided to learn reiki or, a shaman or what Q H H T, whatever, trust that there's a reason why that sounds interesting to you. there must be something there for you to learn.

And I think the more we start following our gut and our intuition, which is that direct tenant to the part of us that knows everything, the better life gets. and we're helping right now our left analytical mind to understand this more unlimited part of us that we hold, on the right side. So it's an amazing opportunity for growth that we're in right now.

And. everybody's gonna come at it, [00:52:00] at the time that they are ready for it. So you can't force anybody to wake up or to understand things the way that you do, but when the time's right for them, it'll occur to have all the faith in the world that, that will happen. 

Kara Goodwin: Well said. So you've talked about the book that you're doing with Beverly.

Can you clue us into some of the other projects that you have coming in, maybe ways that people can interact with you? I know you've got retreats coming up, and workshops and all kinds of amazing things. So how can people learn from you? 

Suzanne Spooner: So, the easiest way is through my website, suzanne spooner.com.

There you can book a Q H H T session. You can learn my channeling process called The Art of Universal Knowing or Talk is the acronym. There's, a free, meditation that I created to help people connect into their high self, called the Universal Mind Project. So that's great. I would if, okay, here's the exciting part that's coming up.

A friend of [00:53:00] mine who is an amazing author, Sarah Breman Comey, she is a Q H H T level three practitioner as well. She's written some books on Atlantis and, she's just, she's a doll. she and I just got back from Egypt and we led a tour there and the premise of the tour was of course, based off of Sarah's work and how Egypt and is an out outpost of Atlantis and, the history and the things that she's found out from her subjects, about those areas.

Very sacred information that hasn't been shared, with, you know, mainstream media. that's part of it. The other part is, I help people tap in and guide into their other lifetimes, perhaps in that area, if not in that area. Then with the collective knowledge, because there's so much deep collective knowledge there on so many levels.

Then we have this wonderful gal named Vivian, who's a PhD,archeologist, and she's giving her perspective on, on. The sacred sites and spaces that we're [00:54:00] into. So we just got back from that trip. We're planning two more. we're just about ready to launch the next one, which will be May of 2024.

And then we'll do one in September of 2024. So that's gonna be on our own web website and I can't give that out yet because we don't want people going there yet. We gotta get our ducks in a row. We have everything perfect. But if you go to my website, sign up for the newsletter, that information plus a workshop that Sarah and I are doing in, January down in Jupiter, Florida.

So come to come and hang out with us in Jupiter. just a real self, learning workshop, hard opening workshop. That information will be, coming out through that newsletter. And then we'll have the website up. Certainly by then for people to sign up. And hopefully the book will be, we're just like, we're, I just talked to Beverly last night for like two hours and we're just getting down to the end of the editing.

And then we're thinking everything's gonna go a lot faster after that. Oh. And we're already, like, we, like we got booked too, like [00:55:00] going so Oh wow. We have to get the first one out. But, yeah, there's a lot of really good, exciting stuff coming up. That's 

Kara Goodwin: amazing. And you do sessions Q H H T sessions as well, and people can book on your site there too.

Yes. Yeah, I think you're booked out until like 20, 26 or something. 

Suzanne Spooner: It's, yeah, I think it's like mid 20, 26 now. But,there's, you know, of course people come in, they're like, you know, gosh, what they usually say is, it felt like so long when I booked it, but then all of a sudden it's here. Cause time is going so fast. and I ask the high soul sometimes in sessions, like, I feel so bad. they had to wait longer than they wanted to, and I wish I could have gotten in sooner. And the high cells are so funny, they will say collectively, I. You think you're in charge of your schedule and they think they're in charge of their schedule, and it's us who are in charge of the schedule, and they come in on the day that is designed for them to be here.

And if they would've been in earlier, they wouldn't have gotten what they needed. If would've been pushed back, that wouldn't have been the right timing either. The timing is that day. [00:56:00] And so, there are times where I can move people up and there's times, I, or they need to push things back a little bit, but it blows my mind every time how it is the perfect day for them and it gets so clearly understood.

Oh wow. 

Kara Goodwin: That's fascinating. And we have a question from Angie just asking if there, is there like a database of Q H H T practitioners or something where people can look for ones in their location? 

Suzanne Spooner: It's an awesome database. Oh, and I love giving this out. So it's Q H h t official.com. That's the website, and then click on find a practitioner page, find a practitioner, and then you can search for your area, by country, by town.

I would ex I would go, as wide as an area as you're willing to travel to. And then, click on their websites if they have websites and see if you resonate with them or send them an email or call 'em and see how you feel with them. I think that, again, that's [00:57:00] your gut. It's telling you, yeah, this person is the one, or maybe not that one.

And just start going that way. There we have, brand new practitioners listed as level one interns. I love, love, love referring to them. They're doing sessions for free or a free will exchange in exchange for the experience. And honestly, they give as good of sessions in many cases as somebody that's very experienced because they're just coming from the class and they're like right on track with Dolores's teachings.

They haven't gone wonky or,added things in or taken things out or changed it up. it's very pure. So, I mean, if you wanna get in right away and, cost is a thing, those are the people to look for and you can have just a beautiful session with them. Oh, 

Kara Goodwin: that's wonderful. Well, Suzanne, this has just been amazing.

Thank you so much for being here today. You're just this great light and it's such an honor to, to be able to have this talk with you. [00:58:00] Keep doing your amazing work and and come back anytime. 

Suzanne Spooner: Take care. Thank you for having me. I just love being here with you. Thank 

Kara Goodwin: you.