Exploring Cosmic Convergence with Sheila Seppi and Barbara Lamb In this episode of Soul Elevation, I was excited to be joined by my friends, Sheila Seppi and Barbara Lamb, to discuss their new book, '.' We dive into the fascinating topics of spiritual...
Exploring Cosmic Convergence with Sheila Seppi and Barbara Lamb
In this episode of Soul Elevation, I was excited to be joined by my friends, Sheila Seppi and Barbara Lamb, to discuss their new book, 'Cosmic Convergence: Journeys of Walk-Ins, Starseeds, and Hybrids.'
We dive into the fascinating topics of spiritual anatomy, walk-ins, starseeds, hybrids, and the holographic field. Sheila and Barbara share their expertise and experiences, providing insights into the multidimensional nature of the soul and how individuals can discover their own cosmic identities. We also cover practical aspects such as healing and the role of hybrids.
This conversation is packed with wisdom and revelations for anyone interested in spirituality and the broader scope of universal consciousness.
Read Cosmic Convergence: Journeys of Walk-Ins, Starseeds, and Hybrids
I hope to see you at the Sedona Ascension Retreat. Use code KaraGoodwin5 for 5% off.
Other episodes you'll enjoy:
226. The Walk-In Experience: A Soul Exchange - Sheila Seppi
194. ET Encounters Pt 1 - Barbara Lamb
339. Making Contact: Exploring the Extraordinary ET Phenomenon - Alan Steinfeld
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00:00 Welcome to Soul Elevation
01:00 Meet Sheila Seppi and Barbara Lamb
02:54 Introduction to Cosmic Convergence
05:33 Understanding Spiritual Anatomy
11:04 Exploring Walk-Ins and Hybrids
35:28 The Holographic Field and Healing
49:51 How to Connect and Learn More
56:50 Closing Thoughts and Invitation
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Welcome to Soul Elevation, where you can guide your ascension to new heights. I'm your host, Cara Goodwin. I loved connecting with two special ladies and friends of mine in this episode, Sheila Seppi and Barbara Lamb, who discussed their recently released book, Cosmic Convergence, Journeys of Walk Ins, Starseeds, and Hybrids.
We cover fascinating ground in this episode, such as what walk in star seeds and hybrids are, what the similarities and differences are between them, and importantly, how people discover which, if any of these they are. We also talk about the makeup of our spiritual anatomy, as well as the holographic field where healing of not only the individual, but potentially an entire ancestral line can occur.
There is a ton of helpful insights. In this episode. And I'm so excited for [00:01:00] you to hear it.
Sheila Seppi is an expert on walk ins and international speaker, author, and founder of the conscious awakening network. She shares her unique experience as a walk in soul. Having entered the body of a 38 year old mother, bringing with her a higher consciousness and spiritual gifts. Sheila's mission is to guide humanity through spiritual awakening, connecting them with their higher selves and the universal consciousness.
Barbara Lamb, a world renowned hypnotherapist, is celebrated for her groundbreaking work with alien abductions, hybrids, and experiencers. She's regressed over 2, 000 individuals and documented countless experiences of encounters with extraterrestrial humans, shedding light on the reality of ET human interactions and hybridization programs.
I've had the pleasure of interviewing both Barbara and Sheila previously, so I highly encourage you to listen to their earlier episodes to learn more about them. Check out episodes 195 and 230 for Barbara and [00:02:00] 226 for Sheila. So before we dive in, I'd I first want to share my excitement about the Sedona Ascension retreat, March 14th through the 16th, 2025.
I can't wait to see amazing guests such as Bashar, Robert Edward Grant, Billy Carson, William Henry, and previous meditation conversation guests like Adam Apollo, Psychic Lawyer, Mark Anthony, Alan Steinfeld, Vivian Chaveau, Amanda Romagna, and so many more amazing guests. Use code KaraGoodwin5 for 5 percent off your ticket.
I hope to see you there. And now, enjoy this episode.
Kara Goodwin: welcome Sheila and
Barbara. I'm so excited to be with you both today.
Thank you for coming on to talk about your new book.
Sheila Seppi: I'm so excited. Thanks for the invitation.
Barbara Lamb: thank you. I
Kara Goodwin: Absolutely. So you've collaborated on this new book, cosmic Convergence Journey of Walk-Ins, [00:03:00] star Seeds and hybrids. I'd love to start by just getting a little overview on what readers will find in this
Sheila Seppi: well, there is a plethora of information. Let me tell you and it's not just about walking starseeds and hybrids because one of the things that I really wanted to preface is how something like this could actually be possible. And I think the first of the book does a really great job of talking about that.
Everything from how the soul. and sends and anchors into physical form and the various layers, when we're talking about the oversoul and the Shantiyas Khan and all those various aspects. We also are talking about, different dimensions and densities and timelines. We talk about Everything that I thought might be important, including like, you know, parallel universes [00:04:00] and those types of things, but really, for me, what I want readers to take away from this is the fact that we are these multi dimensional beings that are having these phenomenal experiences and really to understand, like, the broadness of the universe and what, you know, our place in there.
Barbara Lamb: think
such, such an opener, for so many people. more and more people, I think, are, are wondering about reality other aspects of reality, other dimensions, other frequencies, and so forth. And this book really, delineates so much of that, more than any, any book that I'm aware of. It's really wonderful in that way.
Kara Goodwin: That's so beautiful. And I know Sheila, with your first book, cosmology of the soul, I got so much from the explanation. It was kind [00:05:00] of the, of, from a
Sheila Seppi: Yeah,
Kara Goodwin: a spiritual anatomy, which sounds like it's, it's also what you're hitting on here, which is. amazing. Do you want to give a little, rundown of the,
anatomy of the
Sheila Seppi: sure. one of the things, that where this book differs from the other book is I go a little bit more in depth. So, for people who have already read that, this is going to be fantastic because you already have a little bit of a background with it. But one of the first things that I always tell people is, you know, according to my memories, we all began that source consciousness field, that plasmatic space.
And when source desired to know itself and the individuation of the soul aspects began, one of the things that happened were all of these. Thoughts on how experiences [00:06:00] could occur or how the enfoldment of what we would call universes could take place. And those took place in the form of what we would call templates.
Those templates are then located in what's called the monadic Consciousness, which I mean, source is already etheric, but let's think of the etheric body of the etheric body. It's where all that information is housed. Now from the source as things began to individuate, as things began to divide out, everything was also contained within the higher self energy.
So we cannot get away from that. We will always be connected to Our higher self and to that source energy, but within that self energy, also various divisions, if you will, or layers of vibration of creation began to occur. [00:07:00] So let's just take one of those little templates, which in the book I use as the example of the master over soul.
Now the Master Oversoul is going to contain the Oversouls of everything that is created, period. Whether it is on Earth, whether it is on another planet, whether it is in another universe, all of the Oversoul energy will be contained within that. Then, all of that energy vibrates at various rates and various frequencies and those begin to come together.
Those specific vibrations really create what we now call our soul groups. Now our soul groups again can be from earth and they can be from other planets because remember we're all contained within that source [00:08:00] and all within that higher self energy. When we move from those sole groups down to sole families, those families are made up of individual units.
So, let's think of a cluster of grapes that could serve as your sole family. One of those grapes would be the individual oversole. Now, within your individual Oversoul are the collection of all of the aspects of you. present, future aspects that really make you, you. And this is really what I would consider your primary Oversoul. From that primary Oversoul, you're going to begin to Individuate to have other experiences. So, I always like to use this analogy. If your fist the oversole, these are all the multidimensional aspects of yourself. And you can have so [00:09:00] many different experiences. Typically, we have about 12 at the same time.
But you can have hundreds of thousands of experiences because it depends on how you end up individuating. But all of these, this little aspect, this is where I started talking about this in the book, what the Walk Ins Cosmology of the Soul. This is the Shantiyas Khan. as this Shantiyas Khan begins its individuation process into a human form, from here, this contains everything you need.
It's kind of like your own little private cloud storage. It has all of your choices. Points for this lifetime. It has all of the essence of your spiritual body of the holographic field It has all of the information for your It has all of the information that's actually going to make you for this personality life So this begins to incarnate it comes down through that higher [00:10:00] self stream and as that higher self then anchors on to the physical form and then that's what becomes the personality of this lifetime.
And so that is the way that I see this, um, into, sorry my little dog wants to love on a stoop and be included, but this is how I been told and this is the analogy that was given to me by my soul team on how we individuate and come in as a soul. And then, of course, we have so much contained out here in our holographic field, and they've been, they've begun to teach me about that as well.
Kara Goodwin: Oh, wow. Well, I can't wait to get in the holographic field, but while we're talking about this, the anatomy, this, the spiritual anatomy. So you were saying like the, the, Oversoul is like the hand, the whole hand, right? And then the Shanties is like a finger, the finger,
Sheila Seppi: Mm
Kara Goodwin: individuated [00:11:00] finger. So that's as the, the, the oversoul starts to individuate. Now you are a walk in and that's what your, your first book is about. And I know you touch on this in this book too, cause it's journey of walk ins, starseeds hybrids. But, um, So if we take that analogy of the fingers, how does that apply to a walk in, for example, where you have this one human form, you had one soul. And then you were soul came in. Can,
Sheila Seppi: Yes.
Kara Goodwin: you how
Sheila Seppi: Absolutely.
So a lot of times with a walk in there will just be a switch from one of these little fingers from the Shantiyas Pan or with a walk in the higher self all of that information from the soul is extracted back in to the Oversoul and it's it's kind of like this [00:12:00] swirling energy a new Shantiyas Khan is developed.
It's very easy when you have two fingers from the same oversole and you want to do a sole switch. However, in my case, I came from a different oversole, which was up in this area. So this oversole was actually all the way up as part of like the sole group. Okay, and so then there was another individuated aspect that came, but from here, were already in a consciousness state, so it made us easy because there was already a resonance with the soul frequency because we were there.
in that same cluster of grapes, if you will. So there was already that resonance frequency factor that made it easier for this aspect of me to then come in. But for a lot of people, they're coming, they're pulling other aspects from their over [00:13:00] soul, and they just continue to pull more and more of that over soul in.
Or it can be that sometimes they actually are pulling in more of their soul family information. They're moving up higher in that ladder because if you look at the soul, there's different steps. You know, for simplicity purposes, I can only put so much of what they've shown me in the book because lot of this, I just don't have language for.
They, they show me things and then I have to sit and digest and process it for a period of time before I can even begin to formulate a word that goes with something that I'm being shown. But I think that if people will really look at this, it'll give them a good understanding as to how the soul actually, from my point of view, incense into the body.
Kara Goodwin: I love it. So Barbara, you have, an amazing book that you co [00:14:00] wrote a few years ago called Meet the Hybrids. And I love this book. I learned so much from this book too. and the new book. Is the journey of walk in star seeds and hybrids. So know that you have a lot of expertise in, in the hybrid world.
do you go into in this book and, and how does that fit into the cosmic convergence?
Barbara Lamb: the
Kara Goodwin: love it.
Barbara Lamb: walk ins in that they are here living with us. As humans, to really help humanity, to raise the consciousness and the spirituality of humanity. the hybrids are different walk ins in the sense that they did not do a soul exchange. With somebody who is already here. there are two kinds of hybrids. Basically, [00:15:00] of them are more in proportion, extraterrestrial, and they cannot live here. So they live their whole lives on the ship, or maybe on another planet in some cases, or both. But the hybrids that have talked about in cosmic convergence the ones who have come to.
live here. And they're born here. The thing is that they were extraterrestrial genetics before they were born, in most cases. know one who was hybridized, that is, injected with extraterrestrial genetics when she was six years old. Most of them, become hybrid at the point of, becoming an embryo and so that eggs are taken from a woman and sperm is taken from a man and [00:16:00] then taken by the other beings, the extraterrestrials, then mixed together with the extraterrestrial genetics.
And then that little mixture, that embryo, is placed in the woman, and she gestates it around two months or so, during which time she experiences being pregnant. And that usually gets validated by an earth doctor. then suddenly she realizes that not feeling pregnant anymore. And that little embryo has been removed, usually unbeknownst to her when it's done and taken back onto the ship.
And then embryo is gestated in a big tank of. special fluid on the ship and then is born there, that is removed from the tank, [00:17:00] raised there for the whole life of that hybrid. So that's one kind of hybrid, the time that Sheila and I have emphasized, and I did emphasize in Meet the Hybrids also, that's the kind of hybrid who actually before birth. either at conception or maybe six months along in gestation in the mother's womb. So those hybrids are all born here and they live their whole lives as a human, ostensibly. People would not look at them and think, Oh, my goodness, how different, they seem like regular people, but they're, they really have extraordinary and unusual abilities, all kind of huge range of abilities, paranormal abilities, [00:18:00] sensitivity, and they have lots and lots of visits with their who gave them the genetics. And those beings visit these hybrids very frequently, and the hybrids that totally. It's not like afraid of an abduction. They really totally welcome the beings because, you know, they feel, rightfully so, like they're part of beings. They have those aspects in them. So they live their whole lives here, giving service. Like the walk ins do, the starseeds do also, and so do the hybrids, and so they do a lot of and counseling, and consulting, and Giving lectures and, writing, podcasts, they do [00:19:00]many, many things to sort of enhance or increase conscious awareness of other humans. they also, form sort of a liaison, uh, between people knowing about them and the extraterrestrials. They're sort of slowly introducing to humanity there are extraterrestrials. A huge range of extraterrestrial beings, not only that, but other dimensional beings. so they're real educators their own ways, and are very happy to be here of service. That's true of all three categories we've written about, but the Walk Ins are totally here for service to humanity. And so are the Starseeds. And so are the hybrids. Now the star seeds do not have [00:20:00] extraterrestrial genetics like the hybrids do, they have extraterrestrial lineage. That means that in previous lifetimes, at least many of them, have been extraterrestrials. themselves, and they have a lot of connection with the extraterrestrial beings. And it's very interesting, from my particular point of view, being a therapist. doing regression therapy many, many, many people, that, very often the star seeds are not aware that they are what we call a star seed. but they know that they've had the experience that, that they, they've had, they, they know they've had awareness of the other beings. they have a very strong sense that they are here in life. [00:21:00] help. You know, they're not here to, for their own selfish reasons. They're here totally to give help to humanity and in many cases to the earth itself. this has been very, very interesting, for me to learn about these three different kinds of people, through the years, ever since 1991, actually. I've been doing this work then combining with Sheila her fantastic, wise, knowing overview, has been a tremendous pleasure. And I think that altogether, this book, Cosmic Convergence, brings out so much understanding to people, so much of their awareness. It's a hybrid reality.
So it is an exciting adventure being involved in this. I bet you do. Well, all
of [00:22:00] the hybrids
Kara Goodwin: it. And thank you for helping to define it because there are, there is a lot of kind of maybe overlap
Sheila Seppi: Yeah.
Kara Goodwin: I, I, know that I. Fit into one of these categories, but I'm not really sure, you know, so how, how can people more insights?
How do people, for example, know that they're a hybrid, that their were mixed with extraterrestrial genetics before they were born. Like how do people have those insights?
Barbara Lamb: I know, and it's quite a number, maybe about people who are hybrids whom I've really worked with. it's very typical that do not know that they are a hybrid in most cases until they are [00:23:00] adult. And they've always wondered about themselves, but in many cases they didn't know there was such a thing an E.
And that's what we're Physiologically, a little bit different about them. don't look different. They don't look non human, but they might have a different blood type than other people, or a different bone consistency, or a different muscle [00:25:00] consistency, different features like that. One of the hybrids had thumbs that were much wider at the The tip of the thumb, and it turned out that she did a lot of sculpture work, sculpturing extraterrestrial beings who would channel to her, to do the sculptures to represent them as accurately as possible.
So it was very fortunate that she happened to have thumbs that, uh, made that sculpturing with clay work, um, much more, uh, beautiful. easy and effective. so anyway, most of these hybrids didn't realize until they were at least in their young adult years, and they found out in different ways about that. usually some of the beings would consider that this hybrid growing up is mature [00:26:00] enough To handle the fact that he or she is a hybrid. So they, they inform the person and then it can happen in other ways to with one of our hybrids who had various types of extraterrestrial genetics. She had quite a lot. a large dose of reptilian genetics, she experienced those reptilians whom she met here and there in her life be very benevolent, to be really wonderful beings. She really them, felt safe with them, them a lot. And when she was about 21 years old, Suddenly, one day, she felt a whole change going on in her body, and she was morphing her full reptilian form [00:27:00] from the genetics that she had in her. And as that was happening, she of course was surprised and mystified, but when she realized she was in that form for a temporary period. she was absolutely thrilled, and then she began to really open to the idea maybe she had a good portion of genetics of, of reptilian in her. And then her, collection of beings, a few different species of beings who had given their genetics, came to her and reaffirmed, yes, you not only have the reptilian genetics, but you have some. Arcturian and Andromedan and Syrian and Pleiadian and so forth. so that ability for her to morph into her reptilian aspect, would happen [00:28:00] or has happened, once in a while in her life. that's true with the other hybrids I know who have reptilian in them. there are two others whom I know who have fully morphed for a brief time,
that means or a few hours the most. And yet, even when they into their reptilian form, they're recognizable somehow the person
Kara Goodwin: Wow.
Barbara Lamb: a interesting thing to me, that, uh.
All of that can happen,
one of the hybrids, she was a hybrid by her father, her human, Earth father, telling her she had been created in a lab here [00:29:00] on Earth by other people in some sort of secret program within the U.
hybrid. And so when she
years old, they told her that she or the father told her the mother never did know anything about that because she [00:30:00] had been drugged
get the eggs taken from her by these humans. And, she just did not have any awareness of this. anyway, that particular hybrid was happy be a hybrid. And to have all of the contacts that she had the extraterrestrial beings whose genetics she had of about four different types. but the only thing she was was that she felt like existed because she was an experiment by
Kara Goodwin: yeah.
Barbara Lamb: But
Kara Goodwin: Right.
Barbara Lamb: was
to be a hybrid and to have all the contacts. and channelings and downloads and inspirations that she had from those extraterrestrial beings.
in any case, it it worked[00:31:00]
each of these people.
Kara Goodwin: Yes. Well, thank you for sharing that. That's incredible. And Sheila, I'm interested from the walk ins perspective. So I feel like when we talked about the walk ins, there's such a spiritual, you know, it's much more a theoric spiritual. And I know, personally with the galactics, there is such a spiritual element there too.
But when people start to learn about star seeds and hybrids, that might not be the first thing that people think about is the spiritual aspect, that physicality there.
Sheila Seppi: Right.
Kara Goodwin: So I'm curious from, if you want to share from your own perspective and experience as a walk in, how the galactic or cosmic of it, like the kind of more space aspect to it, fits
Sheila Seppi: Well, when I first came in, I came in from a collective, meaning that [00:32:00] the group of, it's a group of beings whose consciousness has merged together. And we literally were already here the earth space doing some work. And when the soul of this body cried out to be released, there was an automatic resonance and it was decided by the collective, because we had also merged with other like consciousnesses, that I would be the aspect to come in.
And so when I came in, I came into a religious state. mindset. I came into a very western medicine body. One of the things that literally made it possible for the walk in to come in was the body was very, very sick and have been diagnosed with a plethora of different illnesses. So when I came in all of a sudden also had a spiritual awakening and I guess you would call it a Kundalini awakening all at the [00:33:00]same time I had no idea or no foundational knowledge.
To share the information that I was experiencing because I had never believed in past lives yet. All of a sudden, I had past lives going through my mind. You know, I had never studied the universal knowledge that was coming to me. I had never studied any or had any idea about any kind of alternative healing, but yet all of that was flooding me.
At the same time, I was clairvoyant, clairaudient, which I had not been the night before. As a matter of fact, I had all the clairs opened at once, which In and of itself was quite an experience and then seeing people and hearing people, you know, that really put me into a space of not like, Oh, I'm welcoming these spiritual gifts, but more of like, Oh, I must be having a mental breakdown because [00:34:00] I had no foundational knowledge, as I said, for what was happening.
But over time, you know, I came in and I can understand now, I came in as a fully awakened individual. I totally, had had a spiritual awakening at the same time. Spiritual awakenings differ from person to person, but at the end of it, I think the common thread is that everyone begins to understand that they are a soul, and that they are multi dimensional, and that they are part of the overall larger universe, and that things are not.
what we have been told that they are necessarily. And so with the kind of spirituality that we're talking about, it really differs from person to person because sometimes people may be drawn to Hinduism. Sometimes people may [00:35:00] be drawn to the teachings, strictly of Buddha or, those types of teachings.
And then sometimes, People have this inner knowing, you know, it's not like that. They've read it. They haven't had conversations with people. It's this in a knowledge of being part of the whole and coming in with that understanding of oneness.
Kara Goodwin: Hmm. I love that. So, One of the things that you've been teasing as we've been going has been the holographic nature of reality and of the human body. And I cannot wait for you to explain this a little bit more. So what can you tell us about the holographic fields of the body and how that plays forth?
Sheila Seppi: Absolutely. So,
for me, everything that I share with people are things that I either see experience or have worked with my [00:36:00] collective to be able to understand. But for me, when I'm working with someone, it's almost as if I am seeing A piece of graph paper. So let's just imagine a graph paper as I talk to you for a moment because the holographic field really, it's like this energetic matrix that totally surrounds and permeates the physical body.
But it exists in layers and it consists of different energetic codes that's made up of every aspect for our physical, emotional, mental, and all of our spiritual, bodies. It also serves as like this repository of information and it can even hold past imprints from past lives. karmic patterns, karmic lessons, those types of things.
And so, when I say being holographic, it means also that every part of this field is [00:37:00] contained within the whole. And so, each layer has its own set of information, if you will, its guidelines that it follows. So if you look at that first holographic field around the body, this energetic grid holds this template, um, really for the creation of the human form.
It has The structural blueprint that guides us and it helps to develop all the maintenance for the body, for the tissues, for the organs and all of that information floods not only inward to help create the physical form that we're looking at, but also. But it also expands and it helps to create the next bodies, the emotional, the mental, the astral, the, you know, then we have, uh, what they have taught me is a grid of matrices that connect to the heart, the throat, the third eye, and to the crown.
out to the spiritual body [00:38:00] out to the celestial on out to the crystalline body and that crystalline template or the protective field around us. And each of these fields has its own Relationship not just to the holographic field, but it also is connected somewhere in the physical body and up into the higher aspects of, you know, the higher dimensions and even into like our higher self into our over soul all the way up to where it connects us back to source.
So each of these layers is a composite that holds. When I say the graph paper, remember that with each of those little squares, it holds the information of the whole. So when we look at healing the holographic field, I was initially when I was studying total body modification, Dr. Victor Frank, who was [00:39:00]its creator, also taught us how to heal the holographic field.
about the grid system. They didn't talk about a holographic field, but he said the grid system of the body. And I learned early on that each of these little blocks is where the physical and the emotional issues will begin to show up. And as I have begun to work with individuals, and because I'm able to see their gridding, if you will, this entirety of the holographic field, sometimes it's as if they have like little brillo pads stuck.
And it will be stuck on multiple, Of the little smaller grids, and that can be causing issues in the physical and in the emotional and the mental bodies. And so, as I begin to pull that Brillo pad, if you will, off, I begin to, To unweave all of those little strands and maybe we find out that [00:40:00] part of the physical issue that's occurring now was attached to a past life or part of an emotional issue comes from things that have been brought forward into this lifetime to clear, especially those that are related to the ancestral patterns.
I know a lot of people are really not just clearing their own stuff. But they're clearing all that ancestral line and that makes it really difficult because let's say they get everything cleared up for them and bam, bam, bam, that ripples out. And it's hard to imagine how it ripples out into the past and begins to clear everything so as it's brought to the future, it's already cleared.
And then you can start to work. Issue by issue by issue. The problem is, sometimes, as people are clearing all of these things, they forget that it really is something they came to [00:41:00] clear, not something that they have to experience. The experiential aspect of it is to raise the awareness, to say, Ah! There's something going on in this knee.
A lot of people will drop into that and say, Oh my gosh, I've got a knee issue. You know, my grandpa had it and my dad had it. So I'm going to have it instead of saying, Wait a minute. If my grandpa had it and my dad had it, could this be like a miasm that's being passed down through this genetic lineage?
And if it is, what is its originating cause? Because we know that everything that happens in the physical body. actually happens outside the body. It just depends on which field that it happened in. Was it emotional? Was it mental? Was it a spiritual lockdown? Was it a disconnection from the matrix to the heart to be able to pull in and to receive that higher dimensional energy?
What is it [00:42:00] that's caught in that need? And as we begin to break these things down, healing can occur instantaneously. Now sometimes, once it, actually once it permeates the physical, we have to understand their physical processes because we operate under certain laws on this earth plane, on this 3D plane.
And so if we've had an issue for a long time, that means it's already permeated, it's already causing or it's stuck, but even those things can begin to be cleared as well. And so, When I say things can happen instantaneously, if someone just starts to experience something, or even if they've had it for a short period of time, the propensity for it being cleared 100 percent is much higher than, let's say, if someone's had something for 40 or 50 years, although that can be cleared as well.
Kara Goodwin: does it easily, like when [00:43:00] you're working on the energetic level, the quantum level, and you clear it, I love you talking about the Brillo pads and clearing those out. So if you're able to energetically clear those, it ultimately helps to clear it out of the, even their physical
Sheila Seppi: and I'll give you a good example. So, I was working with a lady the other day. We were beginning to, we pulled out and we released and we talked about everything that we found in the Brillo pad. And the Brillo pad was gone. But what happens is there's a little shadow. in that area. And that is, if you would, like in the physical body, you would say it's scar tissue.
But when it happens in the matrix that shadows actually holding, they call it a shadow echo. It's an echo of what was there, but it contains all of the lessons that was learned by that [00:44:00] experience so that you do not have to experience that again. So let's say one of the things is someone was clearing anger the other day.
Okay, so in clearing anger, it was showing up in the liver. Okay, so we had tied the liver issue back to the anger, which also had some ancestral components to it as well. And so when we have the shadow echo, When anger shows up in a person's life, that helps them to not immediately drop into that anger. It helps them to say, Oh, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute.
I know this person is triggering me. Actually, this is a gift. What am I learning? What are they showing me? Because I'm the one that needs to heal, not the person that's triggering me. You know, they're coming and showing me something inside of me. If someone is talking and all of a sudden you start feeling this irritated feeling about them.
What about me is being irritated? [00:45:00] Why am I irritated? Because it's always about us. Okay, the other person is just showing, um, and being able to reflect back to that person. So we're dealing with the anger. So the first time she got angry, she recognized what it was, but she still got angry. She dropped into it.
She was in the human condition, but it wasn't as bad. The next time something shows up, she dropped into the anger. It's like, Oh, wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. This really isn't mine. All of a sudden now she drops into, I'm helping to clear X, Y, and Z. And as she goes around, because one of the beautiful things about the universe, is it always gives us the opportunity to circle back to make sure we really have it.
Circle back, do you really have it? Circle back, are you sure you really have it? Because Each time we become more and more desensitized to it, until that anger situation pops up and we have a zero [00:46:00] response. Well, when she started having less and less anger episodes, she started noticing that by her medical tests, her liver enzymes were lowering.
And she noticed that all of a sudden, that pain she had been experiencing, was lessening. And so this is just an example of how when we have the awareness, not just when the liver hurts, the liver hurts because of something else. The liver is just a sign. It is, hey, There's something going on with me and when we start to look at our body as being made up of all these little pixelizations and we begin to understand that everything is contained within the whole and we understand that we hold these imprints and when we begin to release them then we begin to pull in [00:47:00] a new set of energetic codes because all of a sudden This area that had been blocked now can start to receive higher information that can filter down into the liver.
All of a sudden, the chakra that was associated with that begins to spin quicker, and it begins to release everything that was stuck in there. Because when we work on one thing, It trickles out. It could be a meridian line, it could be a chakra, or it could be what's called a ley line. Now, a ley line within the energetic grid begins below our feet, about a foot below.
And it extends upward at least six feet above our head. Okay, and that is just a little bit outside of our holographic field, yet it's filtering and it's connected in with the field that we're receiving the information from. [00:48:00] And each of these lay lines are made up of hundreds of thousands of data streams of information.
So it's like if this is a lay line, all of these little hairs is containing those data streams of information. Those data streams of information can also become infiltrated from outside of us because we are connected to all things front and back. And left and right. And these ley lines, honestly, I really believe that, that's what the Native Americans were talking about when they were speaking of the web of life, that we are all connected.
Because literally, when you can see it, we are. All connected. And sometimes those people that are, let's say you work with people or maybe you live with people, they can imprint on your field. And if you have those days where maybe the shield's a little low, you're leaking power, maybe you're just too tired, [00:49:00] whatever the situation is.
Sometimes even those outside influences can start to influence the interior and they can begin to imprint. Okay. And then we begin to think they're ours. The same thing with people who are empathic. A lot of times they're feeling all this host of information. Well, that's not happening inside their fields, but it's being imprinted on their fields.
And unless we're learning how, and we're clearing that information on a regular basis, People can begin to think that what they're experiencing actually is theirs. And they take that on, and the next thing that happens is it manifests physically.
Kara Goodwin: Hmm. Wow. That's so fascinating. Oh my goodness. Well, ladies, this has just been incredible. I've learned so much and I've just really enjoyed being with you both. I would love for you [00:50:00] to talk about, tell people how to get your new book, Cosmic Convergence, and you have shared so much. expertise, and I know that there are going to be people who want to know how to work with you directly.
So please share all that. So Barbara, can you, can you start?
Barbara Lamb: I am still doing the regression work very, very happily and very often. And, to reach me, I think the easiest way for people to remember is to just go to my website, is barbara. lam. regression. dot com lamb regression dot com. And in that website, uh, there's a place where you can, uh, type in as you would type in an email me and it gets forwarded to my email, I will answer.
And we, we go from there. [00:51:00] So that, that is a very good way. And I also have a website. A lot of different podcasts on my YouTube channel, which is Barbara Lam T. Regressions. Barbara Lam E. T. Regressions. And that covers a lot of subjects you know, what, Most of us would consider unusual experiences, of a whole variety, that I have had that have really opened me up to doing all this work, other people's experiences.
Uh, and then as far as the book is concerned, Cosmic Convergence, which we've just been talking about, that's available on amazon. com on, the other big book formats. well. So it's [00:52:00] available right now. Yeah. And it's a huge
Kara Goodwin: you so much.
Barbara Lamb: and I are just so excited about it because been able to share of the things that we've been learning along the way most people don't know. And, some people very, very interested in learning more all these different aspects. reality. I think
it's a
in the world right now because there's so many dramatic negative things going on fearful things going on. I mean, they really are here in this world that we're in this. Physical 3D dimension it's very, wonderful and I think important for people to realize that there's so much more [00:53:00] than all of that drama going on so much
for them to
and all of reality. So it's really, uh, mind stretcher and based on experience that people have had based in reality, it's just a larger reality than most of us
Barbara Lamb: of.
Kara Goodwin: Beautiful. Yes. Thank you so much. It makes me think of like a teeter totter and you know, one side's got that drama, that heaviness, that, negative influences and then your books here, like on the other end, like trying to help to balance, it out more. So,
Barbara Lamb: that's
metaphor for all of
Kara Goodwin: Wonderful. And Sheila,
people [00:54:00]
Sheila Seppi: Mhm.
Well, it's very easy to find Sheila sepi dot com s h e i l a s e p p i dot com. you'll be able to find everything about my services, upcoming classes. If I'm doing channeling, then also, of course, the book. And so you'll just go to the book section and click on it and it will take you into the new book, Cosmic Convergence, that we've been talking about.
Or you can also find out about, Walk Ins, Cosmology of the Soul, but both of those. on Amazon.
Kara Goodwin: Beautiful. And I want to also mention you're the founder of the Conscious Awakening Network too. So just share a little bit
Sheila Seppi: Oh my goodness. We're so super excited about the Conscious Awakening Network. We're in the process of upgrading to a brand new platform, pulling [00:55:00] all of the, aspects that we have been offering over the years into this one platform. So we have, conscious content that people can watch and download and listen to.
So we have, you know, podcasting on all the major podcasting platforms. We're associated with all the major television, Roku, Amazon, Apple TV, Samsung, all of, all of those major platforms. We're now able to do live streaming on our site. We're able to do the events on our site and we have marketplace and a university that's being set up and we offer memberships and affiliate programs.
So, you know, we're just super excited, but all of that. Has come from my desire to be a way shower on the planet and to, you know, implement my walk in mission, because when I came, we were already working in the collective consciousness of humanity, but it's [00:56:00] different when you're working to bring light codes into a field versus being able to talk one on one with someone.
So you're able to make a different type of an impact. So with me being boots on the ground. Everything that I do is really in service to humanity and finding new and different ways to talk to people about spirituality and to let them know that they are so much more than they've really ever been told that they are.
Kara Goodwin: Oh, beautiful. Amazing. thank you so much, Sheila and Barbara. I have just loved this so much, and I wish you all the best with this amazing, adventure that you're both going on. On you.
Barbara Lamb: Thank you.
Sheila Seppi: Thank you.
Thank you for listening to this episode of soul elevation. Please take a moment to think about someone in your life who might be uplifted or have their [00:57:00] curiosity sparked by this content, and please send it onto them. Let's keep sharing high frequency, empowering content to reinforce the highest potential for humanity.
I also invite you to subscribe to this content. Thank you for your support. And I'll see you for the next episode of soul elevation.
Author, Past Life Regressionist, UFO Expert, Hypnotherapist,
Barbara is a longtime psychotherapist, having been licensed in 1976, and a highly trained hypnotherapist and regression therapist since 1984. She had five years of training in regression therapy by the International Association for Regression Research and Therapies. She became a trainer for that organization as well as for the Professional Institute of Regression Therapy and the International Board of Regression Therapists. In 1991 she began regressing people to the details of their Extraterrestrial encounters, and has regressed well over 2000 people (in over 4000 regressions) to those and to other paranormal experiences. This work and her Past Life Therapy and her Soul Guidance work continues, with sessions in person in San Diego, Calfornia and on Skype or Zoom.
Her exemplary work is featured on Ancient Aliens on Netflix, August 8th, 2019 episode, also on the History Channel.
She received three Lifetime Achievement Awards: from the International UFO Congress, from the Starworks USA Conference and from the Conscious Life Expo, in the field of UFOlogy and for Experiencer Support.
Barbara has been a dedicated researcher of the crop circle phenomenon since 1990. She personally visited and investigated hundreds of crop circles in England for 27 years, conducted crop circle tours, and she continues to follow this amazing phenomenon. She has given numerous lectures about crop circles at many groups, large forums and conferences across the U.S and other … Read More
Author, International Speaker, Healer, Teacher, Multidimensional Life Coach, Regression Therapist, Shamanic Practitioner Found
Sheila Seppi is a soul exchange walk-in. She entered into the body of a 38-year old mother with three children and was instantaneously healed from documented illnesses and took on a new personality with spiritual gifts and memories she didn’t even believe in. Her life was immediately transformed and she has never been the same.
Her first soul experience was when she went to work in the Angelic realm and was given the name Nawaila (Na-wai-la) by her original star family. Her souls is now a combination of her Angelic, Pleiadian, Sirian, Arcturian, Lyran, Mantis, and Andromedan multidimensional Christ Consciousness linage. She arrived from her collective with a mission is to be a way-shower for humanity by helping people to spiritually awaken and evolve. When she leaves this life, she will return to her 7th density collective.
She is an author of “Walk-Ins Cosmology of the Soul,” a speaker, multidimensional life coach, healer, regression therapist, shamanic practitioner, and spiritual teacher. She works the higher dimensional frequencies to empower others to embrace their own higher natures through a variety of services.
Sheila is the Founder of the Conscious Awakening Network, The Galactic Alliance, Conscious Awakening Series with SheilaSeppi, and SpiritWay Ministries which serves as a catalyst for focused body/mind/spirit healing and transformation on an individual and group basis, and to help prepare humanity for the Ascension and New Earth.
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