EXCITING CHANGES! Meditation Conversation is now SOUL ELEVATION! ✨
Nov. 10, 2024

376. Spiritual Growth & Your Higher Self - Maureen St. Germain

In this recorded livestream, I have an amazing discussion with the legendary spiritual teacher, Maureen St. Germain, about her latest book, In this episode we discuss how to navigate emotions in spiritual practice, and practical tips for merging into...

In this recorded livestream, I have an amazing discussion with the legendary spiritual teacher, Maureen St. Germain, about her latest book, Living Your Best 5D Life

In this episode we discuss how to navigate emotions in spiritual practice, and practical tips for merging into higher dimensions. Learn how to work with time, understand the distinctions between 3D, 4D, and 5D, and grasp the concept of divine government meditation. This is the perfect episode for anyone on their spiritual journey looking to elevate their consciousness and daily living.

Maureen specializes in helping people to develop a deeper connection to their Higher Self and to consciously choose 5D, where love is the governing force. She is an expert in activating the MerKaBa, opening the heart, and consciously creating reality. Accessing the Higher Self in this way paves the way to health, happiness, and success. 

Get Maureen's book: https://amzn.to/4drVaEV

Get her other books, such as Opening the Akashic Records: https://amzn.to/40uFBsT

and Beyond the Flower of Life: https://amzn.to/40B39MQ 

Be part of future free livestreams, please register here to be sent the link: https://www.karagoodwin.com/livestream-events2 

Maureen is a renowned teacher in mystical and sacred traditions. With over 25 years of experience, Maureen, also known as the 'Practical Mystic,' shares insights on the Akashic Records, time manipulation, and living your best 5D life.
00:00 Introduction and Guest Welcome
01:56 Discussing 'Living Your Best 5D Life'
03:46 Understanding and Manipulating Time
10:51 Exploring 5D and 3D Realities
17:09 The Concept of Multiple Earths
20:57 Navigating 3D Behaviors and Emotions
33:27 Understanding the Fourth Dimension and Astral Realm
35:00 Navigating Election Day Energies
36:20 Divine Government Meditation
38:28 United Nations Meditation Experience
41:42 Exploring the Akashic Records
46:36 Practical Guidance from the Akashic Records
52:32 Training and Resources for Akashic Records
01:00:09 Upcoming Events and Final Thoughts

Other episodes you'll enjoy:

322. Transition to the 5D: Discussing Spirituality and the Akashic Records with Maureen St. Germain

306. Accessing the Akashic Records: Spiritual Awakening Insights - Maureen St. Germain

336. The Healing Power of Unseen Energies - Philip Smith

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Kara Goodwin: Welcome to the meditation conversation, the podcast to support your spiritual revolution.

I'm your host, Kara Goodwin, and I'm so excited to have you here today and to have the amazing Maureen St. Germain. Uh, Maureen has spent over 25 years with, in the area of mystical and sacred traditions. She's known as the practical mystic and is a prolific teacher and facilitator of spiritual knowledge for contemporary life.

A lifelong interest in the Akashic records resulted in her being granted access to this dimension that's been off limits to most of humanity for millions of years. Founder of the Akashic Records International, Maureen is an extremely accurate Akashic Records guide and instructor. She's the founder of the Saint Germain Mystery School, the Ascension Institute, and Founders Circle.

An internationally [00:01:00] recognized teacher and intuitive, she also is the creator of the app Illuminate, which is rich with guided meditations, tunings, chance, and activations, and living your best five D life is Maureen St. Germain's eighth. And this is a beautiful, beautiful book that I highly recommend. If you haven't dived in to this yet, um, please.

Do yourself a favor and get on that. I have found it so enriching and I've loved it. So with all of that being said, welcome Maureen. Thank you so much for being here today. Thank you. And thank you to our listeners who are tuning in live. It's awesome. It's great to have people live. It's amazing. Yes. Yes.

Thank you so much for doing this. And I know we had a great time last time. We had some amazing questions. So I'm super excited as well. Um, I would love to start by talking about this, [00:02:00] this wonderful book, living your best 5d life. I know that this is the third in the series of books on 5d. So can you talk about your goal with this series and how the latest, the latest book fits in?

Um, Um, I want to start off by reading just part of the dedication to help people understand what my, uh, impetus was. I always knew that there would be three books on 5D, and so here we are. This book is a heartfelt tribute to the cherished clients, friends, and partners who unwavering, whose unwavering support has fueled both myself and this endeavor.

Maureen St. Germain: Through the extraordinary journey into the realm of 5D, we've been enveloped in boundless kindness, Creativity and inspiration. So my impetus for writing the book was to fulfill my guidance that said I needed to write three books. And when I, um, uh, agreed to, you know, put this book [00:03:00] forward, everything just fell into place.

Even the time to write it fell into place. It was amazing. Um, as you can imagine, Each of us have busy, busy lives, and I know you are no exception. So carving out, you know, windows of time and opportunities. Um, this was the easiest one to write because even as your connection to source. Has increased. So has mine.

So it gets easier and easier to really just express at that level. I'm very grateful. And you know, it takes the audience to, uh, make that happen. You know, the eager minds, eager souls, right? Yes. Well, I love that you bring up the time aspect that the time just came out of nowhere because one of the places in this book where I was like, I couldn't Turn my eyes away was when you talked [00:04:00] about the, the time, the time piece and, and I, the word that's coming up is manipulate.

Kara Goodwin: And I don't want to say it like that, but working with time, like stretching time and condensing time. And you have some, some amazing examples of this and, and guidance on how we can work with time, because we tend to think of time as like, it's just happening. And it's just happening to us. But you really have this different approach and I must say that through reading your book and through getting this deeper understanding and like just some, some connections being made in my own consciousness, I have been using that I've been like, Okay, I need more time today.

Let's stretch time and kind of working within myself to stretch time. And what's funny is I will get reflections in the outer world. Not only will I get things done that I, you know, didn't think I'd have time to get done, but then I get people in my world going, how is today 58 [00:05:00] hours? And they have no idea that I've been doing anything and I'm like, you know, just inside like, oh my gosh, it's, it's being reflected in others.

So, um, can you share with us about time? Yes. And I, I think this was one of my dharmas, because I have always had this very, um, I guess the word is, un normal, not normal, relationship with time. And in the early years I didn't recognize it or understand it or know it, but I wasn't inclined to wear a watch when I would, there was a time when I was, working in my corporate job and then flying every weekend to a new city for a series of seminars and then back to my corporate job.

Maureen St. Germain: And I never used an alarm clock and I didn't think about it. Um, other than. Oh, that's [00:06:00] pretty cool. I don't have to use an alarm clock. And not recognizing that time didn't rule me. And, and what we want to understand is that time is a construct. It is like a stencil that you use to put a cool thing on your bike, or a Um, stencil that you put on a cake and you make a cute design, excuse me.

Why is this important? Because then you begin to see that time is something that you can manipulate. It doesn't control you. And that's the first thing. And then the second thing happened, um, in 2008. The Lords of Time came through me, and I was not expecting that. I didn't even know there were such a group of beings called the Lords of Time.

And I sat down in China to transmit, you know, a channeled message, and [00:07:00] Out of nowhere came these beings and they were so, um, big and so powerful that I'm going to imitate the way they came through. We are the lords of time. And I thought, Whoa, I wonder what that is. I had never experienced anything like that.

So my first experience with the lords of time, uh, changed everything because then In addition to my understanding of, you know, time doesn't control me. I control time. And I had this, like I said, this very non traditional interaction with time. I began to understand why I was always like that. Um, and I'm going to tell one time story that when I was still working corporate, I was, uh, you know, had my suitcase packed, everything ready to go.

I'm flying tomorrow and I'm knee deep into my, um, binder with all my resource material. And I'm, I'm in this blissed out place. You know, [00:08:00] I'm just loving being able to study this a little further and make sure that I understand and can teach what I want to teach and. I looked at the clock and it was like two o'clock in the morning.

And I went, Oh my gosh, my flight's at six. I've only got a couple hours to sleep. So I put my book away and, you know, put everything by the door. Everything's ready to go. And I climb in bed and I'd say to Archangel Michael, I'd like to wake up on time and plenty of time to catch my flight. So the flight's at 6 a.

m. And at 6 a. m. I sat bolt upright in bed and went, Oh my gosh, it's six o'clock. I wonder what's going on. Now, that's the first test. It's very easy to say, oh my gosh, I missed my flight and validate what you don't want. But instead, my response, and believe me, I had to force myself to say this to myself.

What's going on? Archangel Michael didn't let me down. I wonder what's going on. So fortunately for [00:09:00] me, I was at the airport within 30 minutes because I lived close to the airport and I was ready. I walk into the counter and show the clerk my materials and she looks at me and she said, Oh, your flight was canceled.

Let me see if I can get you on another flight. And what she did it back in those days, I was always hitting two cities to get to my destination because it was 100 cheaper. And so she put me on a direct flight. I got into my destination an hour ahead of my flight. My original arrival time, everything was as smooth as silk.

And I realized as I'm sitting on the plane, I just got an extra three hours worth of sleep. If I had used an alarm clock, you know, I would have been up at three, you know, I would have had one hour of sleep and that is exactly why we want to use. time instead of having time dictate to us. [00:10:00] Wow. That is a powerful story.

Kara Goodwin: Oh my goodness. And I love, I want to read what, um, George wrote here because I've not heard this before, but I love this. He says time is art, not money. Oh, that's brilliant. I like it. Which encompasses your story beautifully. Yeah, that's brilliant. Thank you. Yeah. So, I do want to open it up for questions, guys.

So, if you are joining us on the Zoom, you're welcome to There's Uh, react button down at the bottom, you can click that and raise your hand and then you can come on on screen if you want to and ask, or you can type in the chat if you want to ask your question that way. Um, I have lots of other questions too, while we let people prepare their questions.

Um, So let's just step back with when we're talking about 5D and 3D, and I think that a lot of people who are here, [00:11:00] um, joining us understand what, what, what 5D is and how it's different from 3D, but I think that it's good to just lay this foundation, like what, what do you mean in terms of what 5D is and how is that different than what we're experiencing now?

Maureen St. Germain: Okay, so the first thing is, uh, on outward appearances, physically 3D and 5D don't look much different because it's a vibrational data set. It is not a location. So we tend to think of 3D and 5D as location, even though we know that it's just the vibe that we're in. So how does that play out? That means you can slide into 5D.

And not even realize it and then slide back into 3d Usually when you have been in 5d and then you slide back you think to yourself. Oh my gosh, what just happened? You know, i'm i'm reacting and you know an hour ago. I was really nice and really in a mellow place So 3d has polarity [00:12:00] of good and evil right and wrong and in 5d those Pejoratives don't exist.

That means they're not available as a choice for human expression. So that's the first part. And the second part is we're, we're plugged in into the reality in a deeper way. We're all plugged into the reality now, but most of the time we've kind of deadened those, uh, Data sets. And then as we slide into 5D, we actually start to open that up.

And that means I'm in tune with you, Kara. I'm in tune with, um, the audience. I'm in tune with the people that I I'm interacting with or working with. And that vibe allows me to know things so that when I open my mouth, I say something that's [00:13:00] extremely appropriate related to all that data instead of just Maureen's own little drama, whatever that might be.

And I'll give you an example. This morning, I've been at an outside conference. I've not been in my home. And I have an adventure that's planned for today. And I went to bed last night completely spacing out the fact that you and I were going to be together. And then this morning Uh, I woke up and I'm looking at the clock and all of a sudden I could feel all this energy, Kara Goodwin, Kara Goodwin.

And I look at my clock again, I look at our appointment time and I think, Oh my gosh, I gotta get ready right now. I don't know if that would have happened if, if I weren't waking up in 5D because I might've just said, Oh, I've got this great adventure and completely forget about it. Even though I had told everybody I have one appointment outside Uh, in between the conference and this little adventure I'm doing.

So I'm grateful, [00:14:00] I'm grateful. So 5D is what everyone else calls heaven and, but it's heaven on earth. And this is the first time consciousness is expressing this way, where we're going to take our 3D bodies and our 3D environment and transform it into a place where our only choices are helpful. And, and loving.

And so the harmful and hurtful choices don't exist. So you're going to the regular grocery store and you're going to buy something. No matter where you buy, it's always good for you. That's what it's like. There's no bad choices like the chips and the soda and the stuff we like when we're stressed out. I love that.

Kara Goodwin: Well, I'm very grateful that you woke up in 5D and that we get to have you here today. So Yari is asking, is 5D the same as ether Akash dimension? [00:15:00] No, it is not. Um, first of all, uh, ether is a name that we use to refer to an energetic data set that's related to To our vibe and our consciousness. So your etheric body, for example, is the part of you that is finely tuned and plugged into a higher consciousness, uh, Akashic records, um, and the Akash are in.

Maureen St. Germain: The 11th dimension. Now, there is a whole body of knowledge that people sometimes use the term Akash to represent anything that is not material. And the reason for that is because the word Akash stands for sky in, in, um, The, uh, language that we're using to translate, um, Akash. So the term has kind of evolved [00:16:00] and the Akash could be anything that's not material.

5D is not equated in that way because 5D is your vibration. It's not something outside of us. It is our vibration that's tuning to a higher frequency. consciousness. So it's a little bit like the jump from AM radio to FM radio. It's still turning in the dial. Okay. That's, that's, I love that. So when we think about 5d, because a lot of your material is like moving from 3d to 5d and it's, you know, things that an individual can do practices that, that we can adopt to help.

Kara Goodwin: to accelerate that. Um, and of course, we're all part of the collective as well. Here, the collective humanity experience here on earth. How do you see those two things working together? Like, will, [00:17:00] do you see the collective also moving into five D or do you, and how, how does that relate to the individual? Um, I see everyone becoming fifth dimensional and I joke around that 5d is the place that everybody's going to whether they want to or not.

Maureen St. Germain: And it's kind of like, we're all going to get in that car and go on a family vacation and we're. Some of us are waiting on others. The, um, visual that I was given by my guides is that there's three earths, the crash and burn earth, and that's souls who have chosen an evil path and refuse to recognize that they can unhook from it and that they have free will to um, interact with the reality in a new way.

Then the second one is the do [00:18:00] over earth and I'll explain that in a minute and the third one is pretty self explanatory because it's called the ascending earth and the do over earth and the ascending earth are going to be allowed to interact For a minimum of three generations, that means you and I are going to be interacting with people that are in what I call the do over earth.

Now, what does do over mean? It means those people who are good people, who have a love and respect for themselves and humanity. They believe in some version of God and that kind of thing, but they're, they're on a narrow scope. They do not accept that they are cosmic beings. They do not. Belief anything beyond what their version of the truth is so they're not expanding.

They're not allowing this awakening to stir them to change their beliefs or to change their bias. Now, I want us. I want to go into a segue here and say every one of us. requires boundaries to understand the reality around us. [00:19:00] Every one of us frames what we're experiencing. And in the first book on 5D, Waking Up in 5D, what I did was start to explain to people that the experiences they were having were actually 5D experiences.

So, That was a big a ha for a lot of people, and then that led the way to, you know, adding the tools and teachings that would help us anchor our energy into 5D. So, we get The opportunity to interact with everyone as they make their choices and anybody who's listening to this is probably on the trajectory of the ascending earth, but you're still going to interact with people who aren't at that level.

Kara Goodwin: That makes sense. Um, I have a follow up question for that and I want to remind, I want to re invite everybody. If you would like [00:20:00] to ask any questions, please do raise your hand. You just click that react button at the bottom and then there's a raise hand or you can type it. Like Yari did there. So, um, so do you have any going back to time, I guess?

Um, do you have any sense of timing in terms of, as those evolutions are happening of the ascending earth and the do over earth and so forth? And I wonder if you see it accelerating at all or over the years. Well, first of all, to give a frame, the tide is coming in and all the ships are going to rise. So we can look at it that way.

Maureen St. Germain: It's inevitable. It's a little bit like thinking about our children. You know, when they're teenagers, sometimes they do stupid stuff, but then they do something mature and then they follow with something stupid. And that's us. We also are doing spiritually advanced things. And then we slide back into our 3d behavior and then we slide back.

And I'm going to go back [00:21:00] to the timing question, but in just a minute, but I want to make a metaphor and that is Each of us can ask our guidance our inner wisdom Am I doing anything to lock myself into 3d and I won't tell the whole story but you can get the picture when my guide said yes to me and This was you know, probably 10 years ago and they said um It's when you drive on the San Diego freeway, which is hilarious when you think about it, because any big city with a freeway, there's going to be craziness.

And for whatever reason, the energy of people being in their car, it's like, I'm in my car and get out of my way. And you don't even realize you're carrying that vibe until someone cuts in front of you. And then you think, Hey, what are they doing? And. In my case, I, I was proactive and I started making up funny stories about why people were cutting me off to the point that [00:22:00] I no longer am, I no longer have a charge when someone does that.

I make room for them. If they start to cut over, I make room for them. And on occasion when I'm driving and I feel like I'm not doing that, I, I say, okay, Maureen, pull it together, you know. So, so we all have those, I'll call it temptations to respond in a 3d way. And the proactive thing is to train ourselves to notice our response and then do a counter response that moves us in another direction, you know, it's like, it's like what they say when you're dieting, if you always have this pattern of eating chips and soda after dinner.

While you're watching TV, you find something new to do after dinner where you're not inclined to sit and veg and eat. And so that's what we're doing. We're, we're looking at our behaviors and saying, okay, what could I do that's different? You know, [00:23:00] one of the things, this is really crazy. One of the things that my guides are saying, if you're the kind of person that has that kind of reaction in the freeway, you might actually choose to leave so that Whatever people do, it's not a problem because you've got plenty of time.

You know, this, this used to happen to me at the airport where people would, you know, I got to catch a plane, you know, and when security was really long and crazy. And I thought to myself, because I usually got there plenty of time. I need to let these people in because if I were in that, in their shoes, I would need that.

So I, I, you know, please take my spot or move in front of me. Um, so part of it is, Capturing your own self behavior in your awareness and then playing with it and, and contemplating what could I do that would be different from that? And then choosing that behavior as a reframe [00:24:00] every time. Hmm. Well, thank you for that.

Kara Goodwin: I, I'm afraid that you are speaking directly to me when you talk about being frustrated while you drive. That is definitely one of my, um, My low points of the day in terms of my evolution when I'm behind the wheel and I don't agree with people's decisions. So now let's go back to the original question you had about time.

Maureen St. Germain: And let me say that 20 years ago I said that I thought, uh, it was going to take 40 years. So we're halfway in and we're looking at another 20 years. And, you know, if, if you have ever raised a child. You know that there's lots of times that you look at the effort you put forth or the behavior that you're observing and have some kind of doubt or regret or what do I do now kind [00:25:00] of thing.

Um, so it's not, it's going to be with us in an instant. And then the other part of it is there's a wonderful guided meditation. I'm going to show you called the golden time and we can bring it in faster than the 20 years and the way we would do that is the golden time meditation takes you through a process where you are amplifying all the goodness and you're bringing your family and friends in with you and creating a vibe that makes it easy for them to slide up into the 5d expression and it's a little bit like Having a child wear a uniform to school, somehow the respect for the uniform translates into better behavior in the classroom.

So we're just creating a vibe, we're not interfering with their free will, but we're sending this loving, supportive vibe that, you know, encourages that [00:26:00] behavior. It's a, it's like you're driving on the freeway and you think I can get off at the next exit or I can wait and go two more exits and get off there.

And you see that the traffic is starting to pile up and you're coming up on the first exit. You know what? Let me take this one. It's a little bit like that. The vibe is just there to make it easy to make a decision that in 3d we would call the right decision in 5d we would call the optimal decision the opportunity to choose that which would make us happy that which would support our evolution that's amazing and is that on the insights Sorry, the illuminate app, that meditation.

Kara Goodwin: Yes. It's called the golden time and it is on the app and there, the app is a free app and uh, there is a paid version that has, you know, over 30 guided meditations and they're all very purposeful. I'm a very purpose driven kind of [00:27:00] person and a lot of these, uh, meditations were the result of my own angst and need and, um, At the same time, I was sold, make available for others.

So I'm curious as we're talking about the, you know, the optimal decisions and working through, um, you know, kind of creating higher choices. I love the things that you're talking about in terms of like, if you can leave a little bit earlier so that you're not as, you know, you can be in a different mind frame when you're driving, for example.

Can we talk a little bit about like. Authentic emotions and our, our conscious evolution and in terms of really like the role of feeling our feelings while also undergoing a type of training into a higher version of ourselves. Does that make sense? Yes, it does. And what's [00:28:00] interesting is, um, a lot of people are very action oriented and we want to take an action.

Maureen St. Germain: So if our partner or family member has a big emotion, we want to fix it. We want to respond to that emotion in a proactive way. But in fact, the need is validation. Not solution, but validation. That's huge. What an aha. You know, if, if the car is broken, uh, and, and it needs something fixed, you take it to the shop and they fix it.

But if your family member is Expressing emotion. Their need is to validate their emotion. Now, what happens in 5D is that we're so plugged into Source, and we're so plugged into our authentic self, we don't require another person to validate us, because we feel the validation in our [00:29:00] being. But in 3D we don't have that.

And so emotion grows, and, and, It's very curious because people don't realize that what they are seeking is just someone to say, I hear you. I hear you. I feel your pain. Um, and not to solve it because solving it means you've skipped over my, my, you've skipped over. My pain, you skipped over, you've ignored the pain.

You just want to go to the solution. You don't really care about me. And it's, it's so interesting to see this and it's a big aha for a lot of people. So emotion is a way to get closer to source because the leap between 3d and 5d is through emotion. And a lot of people don't realize that. So when you're in a heavy emotional state, whether it's high joy or high sadness, the, Uh, veils get thinner and your connection to source gets bigger.

And if you're going to stay in that loop of [00:30:00] dissatisfaction and unhappiness, you will perpetuate the problem. If you're in joy. Right. And you are in high vibe. You slide right into 5D without even realizing it. So there's this quality of 4D that makes you move more, makes you move faster than you would in 3D.

So that's another way you can kind of notice what's going on. Ah, you know, yesterday when I was all upset and all worked up, I was actually getting ready to slide into 5D, but instead I used my emotion to Uh, perpetuate my wound and to validate me because nobody else will, you know, so the key here is to understand that emotion is the tool again, another tool that allows us to experience the reality with greater intensity.

And it is up to us to recognize that we only need to do that once. We don't need to do it multiple [00:31:00] times. We have tended to use emotion to fuel our wound and to re injure ourselves emotionally by retelling our sad story. And this is why I told people in the first book I wrote, which is called Be a Genie, stop telling your story to everyone that comes along, and instead count, and only tell it three times.

And when you do that, you've created permission to validate yourself with others, but you've also put a hard stop on re injuring yourself, because after you do it the third time, you If you keep doing it, you're re injuring yourself and then you've created another wound you've got to undo. I love that.

Kara Goodwin: That's amazing. And it feels like when you were talking about that, it's like, it's like you're cementing it in as well. Like the more adept you get at telling your story, the more like solid it gets, you know? That's right. [00:32:00] That's right. Yeah. So it's interesting you, you, you, um, slid in 4D there. So do you want to kind of wait?

Cause it does feel like if you're, if you're not familiar with the dimensions, it can feel like, wait, we're talking about 3D. We're talking about 5D. Is there 4D? Like, how does that fit in? Well, uh, you know, it's funny. I've taken to singing it and I'm not the world's best singer. So we'll start it out with that disclaimer, but it helps people to hear it.

Maureen St. Germain: So to turn your ears up and, and really listen for a second. And you'll begin to understand I'm going to sing a major chord, um, which is similar to the, the. Um, a major scale, which is like in the sound of music, the sound, the song doe, a deer, a female deer, that one. Okay. So 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. You can hear each of those pitches 1, 3, 5, 3, 1.

That's the cord. And now I'm going to [00:33:00] sing. Those notes and you're going to, I'm going to use numbers. So you really track 1, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, wants to go down for, wants to go up. And if it goes up, it wants to go to the octave. So what happens is four. is the place of transition. Um, my standard line is, it's like Grand Central Station.

No one goes there to spend the night. You go there to get somewhere else. You go to the train station to get somewhere else. You go to the airport to go somewhere else. So those locations are like the vibe of 4D. And remember, we're talking vibrational data set. The physical world you live in is still showing up.

Kara Goodwin: So is, sorry, let me come back on here. So is there a, um, It's like an, an astral realm [00:34:00] connection to it. Yeah. The, the fourth dimension is also the, the place of the astral realm and the astral realm has gotten a bad rap because it is a place where there's a lot of, I'll use the word demons and negative energies.

Maureen St. Germain: So yes. Um, the astral realm is found in 4d. It's not the only thing that's found in 4d. So it's a subset within the vibrational data set of 4d. And when people say they want to astral travel, because the astral has become known as this place in 4d that's not so nice, it's actually, uh, ideal to say I'm sliding into 5d.

And I'm going to meditate and, and Take myself to 5d or higher. And when you're meditating and you take yourself to 5d, you can, you heard how easy it would be to go higher. That's [00:35:00] awesome. So I know we have a lot of people who are here live with us who are, um, from all over the world. So I don't want to spend too much time focusing on the U S, but this is election day that we happen to be, um, here in, and I, you know, actually I have been surprised in my world.

Kara Goodwin: Of course, we're all approaching our lives from our own perspectives and what's going on around us, but it's been a lot gentler. Than I expected. Um, but it is just, it's, it's sort of a time out of time. I feel, you know, um, because this is such a collective time that, you know, today there's a lot, it's, we're kind of all focused on this one topic and what's going to happen.

And we're thinking about the future and, and our past, and there's so much going into it. And, um, you know, What do you want to offer for today for people who are wanting to make that transition to 5D, when [00:36:00] there's something so strong in the collective, and it's not necessarily pleasant always, um, but it's right here in our faces, how, what's the best way, or let me say, like, how do you approach these kinds of, of opportunities in the collective?

Maureen St. Germain: Well, I would highly recommend that you download the app and play the meditation divine government meditation This is a non polarity non bias meditation where you're calling in the higher self for each and every political leader every boss every person that supervises you in any way and It's a really lovely meditation.

And then near the end, there is a call for the removal of any Luciferian energy. And the Luciferian energy is a quality that would take us away from our ascension or our divine [00:37:00] path of evolution. So it's not necessarily like we're talking about the devil per se, but it's the idea that, um, we can demand that the field be cleared.

You know, it's. It's a little bit like You're going to go to someone's house and they're in a gated community, and you arrive and then nobody told you there was a gate, so you call the person and say, look, I'm at the door, I'm at the gate, I can't even get into your complex. So they tell the doorman or the machine to open the gate.

So what this does is opens the gate to the highest expression. that we could possibly create on this reality. And the more of us that do this meditation, the more likely it will happen sooner rather than later. And this is on the free app. So there's no reason to not have it and not do it. And if you have study groups or prayer groups that are praying for a certain outcome, unhook from the outcome you're seeking And do the divine government [00:38:00] meditation so that you can say out of polarity and in a place of divine intervention, if that's what you believe in.

Kara Goodwin: This makes me think of, I think it's in the Merkaba book. Um, but now I'm trying to remember there was like a United Nations experience. Would you mind sharing that? That was so powerful. It seems relevant to now. I was told to go to the United Nations. I was told to make it very low profile. It was at a time when we, um, the people in, in New York city where I was living at the time, we were meeting regularly, but we also felt that there was an energy that was, um, trying to run interference.

Maureen St. Germain: That's the best way I can put it. So I was told to go to the meditation room by my guides and I [00:39:00] was given very explicit instructions. on what to do. Now, if, if you're a meditator and you want to meditate on this, you can google or search, uh, the meditation room in the United Nations. And the man who built that, uh, was a brilliant, uh, mystic, I think.

And he was determined to have a meditation room in that place, not very common for something like that. And he was able to put his hands on the largest single piece of magnetite, which is a stone that holds a very high vibration. And at the same time connects to the earth because it's magnetized. It means it has the quality of, of, um, the magnetics.

So it had high iron and I was told to see this like a chest of drawers. And [00:40:00] I was opening and closing drawers, um, based upon what I was being shown. And then. One of my students could see at higher realms what was happening and she could see that we were literally plugging into a new timeline that would be less, uh, be more, let me put it another way, that a new timeline that would be even more helpful for humanity to shift and become our highest self.

Yeah, it was, it was amazing. Uh, and we had the place to ourself. No one came in. And I've been in the meditation room at other times with other people and, you know, people come and go. And so it was, you were, you were accessing the chest of drawers, like in the ether? Yeah. Yes. The magnetite is like a solid piece of, if you can [00:41:00] imagine a solid piece of marble and think of your kitchen countertop as a standalone Island.

And then think of a piece of, of one kind of rock magnetite that was solid and about the same size, you know, chest high, a little bit above your waistline height. And then solid all the way down to the floor, and it would be the size of, I'm gonna say it's like 12 foot by 4 foot, something like that, or 12 foot by 3 foot, and then the full height of, I don't know, 4 foot.

So it was, it was like, like your kitchen counter, really. Hmm. Wow. That's amazing. Okay. So I also, you know, you are well versed in the Akash and the Akashic records and you were given access to this dimension and I have read your book on the Akashic records as well. Um, there we go. I was just thinking, I wish I would have [00:42:00] brought that one down here.

Kara Goodwin: Um, so, and it's, it's, um, I don't want to say it's simple, but you make it so. Easy to follow. You know, there's an invocation. Yes. Thank you. Straightforward. Um, but I know you have an, an institute of, of people who can give people Akashic readings and, um, but I'd love to explore the Akashic records a little bit with you and maybe let's start first in case that's a new term for, for people.

Can you talk about what the Akashic records are? Yes. So, the Akashic Records are a body of knowledge that represents all of the experiences that have occurred and the likely scenarios that will occur that have not yet occurred. [00:43:00] So, you know, there's these video games and books where they say, if you choose this, go to this chapter, if you choose this, go to this chapter.

Maureen St. Germain: So it's kind of like an open ended kind of ending. And what I have observed is Opening the Akashic Records is a tool to access a broader view of what's really going on in our reality and in others. And I'll give you an example that occurred on a show like this, where a man called in and said, you know, he'd been in a tough spot with his daughter.

She was an adult. He had raised her, um, with his own beliefs, which was He was a meditator and he felt he'd been a good father and he couldn't figure out why she was so, uh, I'll use the word inappropriate with him and the record keepers answered him and said that you were arch rivals in another lifetime and [00:44:00] you went on and pursued your spiritual growth and she did not and in this lifetime you agreed to To sponsor her.

So the first thing the record keepers wanted to make clear is that it was not karmic. He had done this as an offer. As a way to help humanity and help his, his former enemy. And then they said, this is going to take some time. And she still sees you as her enemy, even though she doesn't know why she has this vibe that makes her feel that way towards you.

So your job is to love her anyway. And to look at the next two to five years as. incubation and you loving her anyway means that you would do all the things you would do if you were on good terms. So if you would be likely to send a birthday card, send a birthday card. If you were likely to send [00:45:00] texts or emails, do that and keep it low key, no pressure.

No judgment. Just I'm here. I love you. I hope you're doing okay. And in time, she will shift. Again, we have free will. The daughter might not shift, but it's highly likely that she will because she's receiving all this love. So she's being surrounded with love. And as a parent, When you have this, this, you know, crossing of hairs with an offspring, it's very frustrating and painful emotionally to think that your, all your effort is for naught, that, that you've raised a child that could be hurtful.

And when you recognize, That they'll get through it and they'll come out the other side.[00:46:00] 

It's like a breath of fresh air. And now, you know, it's not forever. You have the ability that can wait. I can wait. Just like when you get tired of changing diapers and you can't wait for the child to learn how to body train. It's a little bit like that. You can wait because you know, it's coming. You know, it's coming.

And that's the thing you want to hold for yourself. It's coming that the evolution and the solution of all of this is coming. And we can bring it sooner by doing certain things, but it's inevitable.

Kara Goodwin: That's beautiful. So when you receive the guidance from the Akashic records, is it similar to your, when you're receiving guidance from your guides or your higher self? It is different. And there's different qualities. So, for example, um, when you check in with your own higher self, you're going to get a direct response, you're going to get direct information, you're going to get [00:47:00] straightforward yes, no's, um, do this, don't do that.

Maureen St. Germain: In the records, the information is more like when you're talking to your grandma who knows a whole bunch of stuff, and he or grandpa, and he or she. Uh, advises you, you know, I wouldn't, I wouldn't take that path if I were you. Now they don't actually say it that way, but they would say the path you're choosing is not going to take you where you want to go.

They don't say you're bad or wrong. Do you see the difference? Whereas your higher self would say, just don't go there. You know, doesn't even give you a, a feeling of being supported. So I call it the hammock effect. So when you're in the records, you feel embraced, you feel cherished, you feel loved. That alone makes you more receptive to whatever else they're going to say to you.

And they're going to give you a much bigger picture. So here, the man was, you know, looking at the narrow picture. I'm nice to her. I'm sweet to her. And all I get is crap. And the records keepers are saying, yeah, but this is the bigger picture. And now you understand you didn't [00:48:00] cause it. You didn't create it.

You're here to help. You're part of the EMT team. You know, you're just here to help you about being an EMT. And many people are like the cosmic EMTs. They're here to help. They're not here to learn a lesson. They're not here to change the world. They're here to help. Beautiful. Um, Oh, George is asking what, what is an EMT?

Um, those are the guys that, that, um, work in an ambulance. So they're called emergency medical technicians. And Ola is saying she would like to find out her life purpose. I don't know if you have any insight on that or if you have access to the Akash at the moment. Um, I. Okay. I would recommend that you reach out [00:49:00] and, uh, reach to our, um, team and, and set something up, even if it's just a quick 15 minutes.

There is a couple of ways you can find that out. And one of them would be to have an Akashic Records reading and the record keepers would come in. I, I'm reluctant to answer that kind of a question on this broadcast because I was not planning on opening the records for individuals. If I had known that.

You know, we're going to give individual, um, personal questions. I might've done something different, but this book does teach you how to do it for yourself. And the other thing you can do, uh, Oh, is it Olga or Krista? It was Ula. Ula is, is just in your meditations to say, I'd like to know what my purpose is.

I need to know my purpose. And you know, 30 or 40 years ago when I was asking that question, um, I didn't get a direct answer. What I got was people coming [00:50:00] up to me and saying, you know, when you come in the room, the room lights up, you change the vibe, your presence makes a difference. And that's when I began to understand that my purpose was to support people being the best they can be.

So Ula, make sure you keep asking the universe to show you what your purpose is. And then you're probably doing your purpose now, but you haven't framed it. And so if you haven't framed it in a way that you can recognize, Oh yeah, that's me. You know, it's like, There are people whose purpose is to be a connector, and their job is to introduce people to other people.

They connect people. And when they get told this, they say, Oh, I've been doing that all my life. So you're very likely leaning into your purpose. Once you frame it and have a cognitive awareness of it, it will improve your capacity to express that. [00:51:00] That makes so much sense. That's awesome. Crystal is asking, do you need to go into an Akashic record reading with a specific question or questions in mind, or just, can you just check in?

Um, the way, uh, my guides have taught me to teach and to the students that, uh, Qualified guides that have been trained by me is we tap into your field and we give you what's called opening remarks. So the minute you choose to have an Akashic records reading, your consciousness starts to merge into the records and starts doing like a data search.

And so then when you actually have your appointment, the. Um, opening remarks is, is like pivotal and a lot of times clients will say, Oh my gosh, you answered all my questions before I even, uh, before I even got to ask them. Uh, the [00:52:00] second thing is we do provide people with a list of questions and there's a list of questions in the, um, book on kinds of questions you can ask.

Now, if you want to do this for yourself, you still may need ideas on what to ask. So most people who open the Akashic Records just start in with the questions. But my guides were very clear that opening remarks was significant and important and appropriate. So that's what we do. And you have the, uh, Kashuk records Institute.

Kara Goodwin: And if I understand correctly, this is where you're training people, how to use, how to access. But then I think it's also a resource for people. If you want to have a reading, you can go and find readers. Is that right? Um, yes, first of all, the, um, the, uh, founder circle is a training of both marketing and business, uh, tools.

Maureen St. Germain: So we [00:53:00] help you get set up. We help you create a business of reading records for clients. And it's very appropriate for anybody who wants to go into a training where we've addressed all of the areas, you know, I've trained. Thousands of people. And what I want is to be able to help people not just do it as a hobby, but to take it to the level where the professionalism and the capacity to support your clients is high enough that your clients tell other people and you're, you create a business for yourself.

And there are many people who know that they need to help people. There are many people who are, I'll use the word plugged in, that get good information without even trying. And so whether you have that skill or not, this training will take you to another level of, of, [00:54:00] uh, capacity that will serve those around you as, as.

a way to help people be the best they can be. You know, it's quite interesting. There are a lot of people who say, you know, I don't get anything. I don't, I close my eyes. I don't even see colors. And yet when we teach them how to open the records and we teach the protocol and I, I teach a lot of tools on top of the protocol to not, I don't just teach them the, you know, the process to do it.

I teach them how to recognize certain things and patterns and all of it. And People who have been, I'll say, deaf to the inner wisdom suddenly are amazing and bringing forth amazing information. And they'll say to us, you know, I'm so amazed. It just flows. Well, that answers Sandra's question, which I think she was speaking for many of us when she says, I've done some classes in Akashic records, but I'm always not sure [00:55:00] if what I hear is from the records or just my mind.

Kara Goodwin: And how do you work it out at the beginning? Yes, and so that's one of the things that we cover in our coursework and I, I have many tools that help you identify. That you are in the records and some of them I've described already. I called it the hammock effect. Other ways is that there, we, I teach people to have an awareness of what the difference is between their higher self and the record keepers.

Maureen St. Germain: And that distinction starts to help people recognize, Oh, that's not my thought. That's coming from the record keepers. So there's, you know, there's certain ways you. are able to identify. And you know, we do use the higher self to help validate that information. Um, and the best way to get good, even if you don't trust it, is to practice, practice, practice, practice.

And you know, if you're inclined, take one of our courses and pick up some of those [00:56:00] additional tools or get the book. The book, covers a great deal of that information. There's nothing like a live class, but if you, you don't have time or money, then just get the book. It, it really covers it from soup to nuts as far as what you can ask.

Um, in fact, I, My record keepers opened it up to the page that shows the differences between your higher self and your record keepers. Let me see if I can jump into one. Um, the tone of your higher self is more action oriented. The tone of the record keepers is more instructional. You might want to blah blah blah.

Um, The other thing is once you start working with your higher self, and that protocol is also in the app under the wisdom section, once you start working with your higher self, your higher self will start to talk to you ahead of time. You need to stop at the store on your way home or whatever it is. Um, So your higher self can come in unsolicited, but with the record keepers, generally you need to open that [00:57:00] gateway.

And the reason for this is because the record keepers, uh, their data set was not initially intended for humanity. And a dispensation was granted for humanity to access the records to assist us in. Stepping up into our fifth dimensional expression. So it's a little like an open book test. You can open the records on any issue that you are experiencing and get a bigger wisdom that will help you know, the next thing to do, just like if you're taking a chemistry exam, you have the tables that you can use to figure out the answer to the question.

Um, and your higher self can be very fast and your record can be keepers can be both fast and slow. They can be very fast that you can hardly scribe it. If you're reading for a client, of course, it's easy because you can just talk it and compared to in the [00:58:00] records. Another way that comes through is one word at a time.

And if you Are thinking to yourself, well, what's the next word? You know, you're not even realizing that you're waiting for the next word, but let's say you get the, and, and you're just kind of hanging. My advice is put down that very first word because a lot of times they come through one word at a time because what they're about to tell you is such a bombshell that you wouldn't accept it if you heard it as a sentence.

You deny it, say, I made that up. And, and so it comes through one word at a time and you're writing it, you get it all done and you read it and you go, Oh my gosh. So, There's, there's, this is actually found on page 67 if you have the book. The list of, of, uh, ways to compare. Now, the benefit of knowing that knowing these things is that it gives you the confidence that you don't have otherwise, you know, in our ego wants to [00:59:00] do a good job, our ego wants to be right.

And in truth, when you first start out, you might not be, you know, when you first start to ride a bike, you might fall off, but it doesn't mean you won't get. To be a good bike rider.

Kara Goodwin: Yes. I'd love that. So yeah, go ahead. Sorry. We are your classes, these classes that people can take. Are they online in person? Are they self paced? They're in zoom. Occasionally we do them in person. Um, this year we've done one in person training and then we've done two or more online on like zoom. Um, So those are very wonderful as a way for people to get skilled and we have protocols that we require so you, you get certified after a certain amount of successes and experiences, and then as a certified guide you [01:00:00] can be on our website, and that's very helpful.

Maureen St. Germain: Uh, amazing. Cause you'll start to get, you'll get clients from all over the world. So that's amazing. Well, this has just been incredible. Thank you so much for being with us. What events do you have coming up? How can people get your amazing books? You're a prolific writer, so you have a lot of content out there.

Kara Goodwin: How can people engage with you? Um, well, I am. Easily found on Comey as the practical mystic dot comey k o m i dot i o and that's the fastest way to get a bunch of information especially if you're on your phone. I also have a full on website that has lots and lots of information and that's the the practical mystic Uh, excuse me, Maureen, what is that, StGermainMysterySchool.

Maureen St. Germain: com, StGermainMysterySchool. com. And if you reach out to the info box, that's, we have somebody who, [01:01:00] um, you know, checks in all the questions and all the requirements. Um, and What was the first one you said, K O R K O M S N M A R Y I. Dot IO. Right. So it's practicalmystic. comi. io. Oh, sorry. I missed that part.

Kara Goodwin: Practicalmystic. comi. io.

Okay. There we go. And, um, what happens is, uh, that site, it's just super easy to use on your phone and it's a, you can share things with people and it has all the links to, um, the, some of the products that I recommend. And it also has the links to the, um, the meditation apps that I created. Um, and it features some of the interviews that we've done like this one.

Maureen St. Germain: So it just has some really nice. Um, and [01:02:00] of course the books are available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, intertraditions and our website as well. Beautiful, wonderful. Well, I have loved every second of this. Thank you so much. And I'll mention too, that you're going to be a part of the Miracle Summit, which is next Thursday.

Kara Goodwin: Um, and November 14th. I couldn't remember what month we were in for a second. November 14th. We're going to start at 6 p. m. Eastern. We will have that replay available for free for, um, 12 hours the following day in case some of you are going to be sleeping during that time. And, um, yeah, I can't wait to talk to you there.

We're going to be talking about miracles and sharing miracle stories and, um, and then practical tips on how to align. Um, with miracles more. So I hope that everybody will join us for that too. So yeah, and, and really to find out what's going on, the best thing to do [01:03:00] is to go to my events page. Um, we, we always have lots of opportunities like Kara's creating for us and we're happy to support each and every one of you that are present.

Beautiful. Thank you so much. Thanks everybody. I hope you have an amazing day. Thank you Maureen. And uh, we'll see you next time. Bye everybody. Bye everyone. Thank you.

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Maureen St. Germain Profile Photo

Maureen St. Germain

Author, Spiritual Teacher

Maureen St. Germain has over 25 years of experience in the area of mystical and sacred traditions. Known as the Practical Mystic, she is a prolific teacher and facilitator of spiritual knowledge for contemporary life. As an internationally acclaimed ascension teacher, Maureen has been granted access to a dimension that has been closed to most of humanity for eons, and she is a direct channel to Source. She is the founder of St. Germain Mystery School and Akashic Records International. Her annual program, The Ascension Institute, is a highly sought-after immersive training for evolving humans!

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