EXCITING CHANGES! Meditation Conversation is now SOUL ELEVATION! ✨
Dec. 21, 2023

307. Perceiving Auras & the Light Body: Discovering the Human Energy Field with Keith Parker

Discover the secrets of the human energy field and the power of energy healing with Field Dynamics expert Keith Parker. He delves into the fascinating complexities of the aura and shares his transformative experiences. Keith embarked on a journey of...

Discover the secrets of the human energy field and the power of energy healing with Field Dynamics expert Keith Parker. He delves into the fascinating complexities of the aura and shares his transformative experiences. Keith embarked on a journey of inner awakening and enlightenment which led to some transformative experiences in consciousness and a profound understanding of the human energy field. As he delved deeper into healing arts, he was unexpectedly granted the ability to see auras and energy fields. He uses these gifts to help others open the door to their own superhuman potential.

In this episode, you will be able to:

  • Explore the mechanics of energy healing and the human energy field to deepen your understanding of holistic wellness.

  • Gain valuable insights and knowledge to enhance your energy healing practice.

  • Discover the significance of integrating new tools in energy healing for more effective and comprehensive healing experiences.

  • Unlock the potential for personal and professional growth by engaging in Field Dynamics Healing programs and courses.

Keith Parker is an expert in the field of contemplative science and energy work. His journey into understanding the human energy field began with a search for inner contentment, leading him to explore meditation and healing arts. Over the years of his experience, Keith has developed a deep understanding of the aura, chakras, and the human energy field. His upcoming book explores the profound connections between the human aura, mind-body connection, and consciousness. Keith's remarkable extrasensory skills and insights provide a unique perspective on the human energy field, making him a valuable resource for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of energy healing and the subtle states of consciousness.

The key moments in this episode are:
00:00:06 - Introduction to Keith Parker and the Aura Field

00:02:03 - The Journey to Extrasensory Skills

00:05:35 - Seeing the Human Energy Field

00:10:11 - The Lure of Ego and the Importance of Presence

00:13:56 - The Extraordinary Folding into the Mundane

00:14:59 - Understanding the Aura and Present Moment Presence

00:17:26 - Founding Field Dynamics and Energy Healing Modality

00:20:27 - The Electromagnetic Structure of the Aura

00:23:18 - Impact of Thoughts and Emotions on the Energy Field

00:27:01 - Field Dynamics Training and Empowerment

00:29:24 - EHT 100 Training Program

00:32:00 - Keith's Book

00:33:31 - Connecting with Field Dynamics Healing

00:34:23 - In-Person Training in Bali

00:35:22 - Conclusion

The resources mentioned in this episode are:

  • Visit https://energyfielddynamics.com to learn more about the EHT 100 energy healers training program and the upcoming in-person training in Bali.

  • Check out the Foundations course on fielddynamicshealing.com to gain a foundational skill set in energy work and experience the content and process of field dynamics.

  • Listen to the Field Dynamics podcast to explore conversations with holistic healing practitioners, doctors, and neuroscientists at the bleeding edge of holistic health, medicine, and spirituality.

  • Check out Moonbird to eliminate stress and improve sleep. Use code KARAGOODWIN for 5% off your order of Moonbird, an amazing device to help you get calm, centered, and sleep better than ever. https://www.moonbird.life/?ref=YK7HtQbn9CIJEq&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_source=goaffpro

Other episodes you'll enjoy:

305. Protect Yourself from Harmful EMFs: Quantum Energy for Optimal Health - Philipp Samor von Holtzendorff-Fehling

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270. Transform Your Life with Shamanic Journeys: Expert Tips from Martin Theis

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Kara Goodwin: [00:00:00] hello, and welcome to the meditation conversation, the podcast to support your spiritual revolution. I'm your host, Kara Goodwin, today I'm excited to share my interview with Keith Parker. We cover such great topics like the aura field, the astral body, and how that's different from the light body, how we hold memories, emotions, and thoughts in our energy field, and how that then affects the physical body.

And much more. There's a lot of content packed into this episode, so it might be one you want to listen to a couple of times. Keith is a wealth of information when it comes to the energy system. Initially trained in contemplative science, Keith used meditation as a vehicle to understand and refine subtle states of consciousness. Over the following decade, he developed comprehensive expertise in the healing arts, including movement, breath work, body work, energy [00:01:00] work, and other disciplines. during this intensive period, Keith had a series of breakthrough spiritual experiences enabling him to see and feel the human energy field with remarkable clarity. 

His upcoming book is an exploration of how the human aura informs our understanding of the mind body connection, consciousness, and reality itself. So quickly,

before we get started, I'm excited to share with you a. Sweet device to help you get calm and centered and sleep better than ever. Moonbird is just what you need to lower stress, improve sleep and reduce anxiety. I've been using Moonbird and I'm wowed by how it helps me immediately shift into a focused state.

There's something about its design that's. Instantly calming. I personally think it's because it feels like you're holding something that's alive and the way it's calmly breathing, it rather instantly guides your body to [00:02:00] follow its lead. 

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And now enjoy this episode. So welcome, Keith. I'm so excited to be with you today.

Keith Parker: To be here as well. Thank you for the opportunity to talk.

Kara Goodwin: Well, I'd love to talk about your journey and what led to, incredible extra sensory skills opening up for you.

Keith Parker: Sure. So, there's the general question people have out there about the existence of these, Subtler realm, something like the aura, et cetera. And at this point,I specialize in work explicitly at this level with people. I 

Kara Goodwin: The aura at

Keith Parker: the aura. Yeah. Yeah. The energy usually use the word energy field, 'cause it has maybe more of a neutral flavor to it.

[00:03:00] But the aura is the thing that . Has been referencing this level of phenomena for a really long time. Every tradition from every corner of the world describes this. All holistic traditions do, and some people might write it off or think it's silly or out there or what have you. I certainly, I. grew up without any kind of beliefs in these things, I would've generally thought that didn't exist.

And, in extreme brief, my story is like many people, about 13, 14 years ago, for myself, I just found that whatever I was doing in my life wasn't,wasn't working. despite how everything looked externally, internally, I just felt a real discontent. And so I, I started that inner journey. I became a seeker of sorts.

I was really interested in the awakening enlightenment. I was following a lot of eastern traditions. I did many years of that deep kind of contemplative practice. and at a certain point, about five years into that, switched over into the healing arts as a primary focus. 'cause I found that working with healers and healing techniques were bringing [00:04:00] me into

Areas and aspects of my body, my psyche, I wasn't able to get to in the just pure meditation in and of itself. So I felt like there were really great accessories, great tools that complimented this meditative mindset or meditative ability that I kept developing. And that healing work got me in touch with the word energy and I had to start creating a vocabulary to understand what was happening.

whether it was empathic experiences working with clients, I was mostly doing body work, craniosacral work, that kind of thing. I started to see that a lot of the issues that people had in their physical body were actually originating in their energy system. And this started to show me, show itself as things like.

A tension in a certain part of the physical body would start to release some kind of a quote unquote energy. And that might have been, felt as pressure in myself or empathically as the emotion behind that tension in the physical body. And I started to see it go off of the body. I started to actually see the field around people compressing or distorting.

And I was like, [00:05:00] what is, what's going on here? And as I leaned into that and kept attuning my system to that, About two years into doing a lot of healing work with people. I had a very explosive kind of opening where my perceptual filters really, blew off. And this is very well described in a lot of Kundalini traditions.

I had a very classical kind of experience, um, which had much more to go and still continues on to this day. But basically overnight, I gain this ability to really clearly see. The aura, the human energy field, chakras, meridians, all that stuff. 

Kara Goodwin: That is so cool. So like you can just look, anybody that you look at, you can actually perceive their energy system and how it's running.

Keith Parker: in a particular way. Yes. people, it's really, it's hard to describe number one, because language we, the language we have in general, of course is not attenuated or. Formatted for describing things that are non-physical. So you're, you do the best you can and I can [00:06:00] describe it a lot.

However, there are very. Very different ways of seeing the aura. And, seeing is of course just one way. There's, just as valid, just as interesting as feeling it empathically, intuiting things, visualizing things. Claire, like all these world, this world of extrasensory perception, people get very excited by and for good reason.

 It has a kind of, it's a two-edged sword where on the one side, people are very excited by it, and so it actually becomes a point of confirmation of that there's something more than just what we call physical. But on the other side of things, from the traditions that I was studying with, they tended to stay, say, stay away from, or be aware.

Of getting lost in these intermediary realms. These like energetic realms, these planes, as shamans would call them planes of consciousness. in energy work, the most technical term that we use would be like different dimensions, 

or levels of the aura. they say beware because the goal of these traditions tends to be, these spiritual resistance [00:07:00] tends to be about liberation and freedom, awakening, enlightenment, getting past relative identity to more unified understanding of what's going on with the self and reality.

And these other things can be distractions because they're vast, they're interesting, 

they're subtle, they're hard to understand 

in many ways, and people can get lost in there. Plus, when you do open up your . abilities. you gain these things that they call cities or id, super superpowers, psychic abilities, and those can be very 

alluring to use for one's own ego, egoic, interests, 


say I know 

something that you don't, 

to somebody who might not have that kind of perception.

So it's a very tenuous domain 

and I think that it's, they're most, effectively used when we 

understand the big picture 

and we, 

Format, the kind of underlying 

like techniques like energy work, 

things that have to do with, healing at that level in 

a way that, that keeps that big picture. So seeing it, 

has multiple levels of resolution.

A lot of people tend to see what would be called the astral Level

Of the field. [00:08:00] And this 

is where most of the, when people see images of auras online, like drawings 

and depictions, it tends to be more of this astral kind of thing. And astral is more of a thick, liquid, viscous kind of level that, 

It's more, it's more smeared, if you will. It's more blurry. and you can actually see that with your eyes open and, because it has a physical anchor. when you go up a little bit to a different level of resolution in the aura, you're looking more at what's generally called like the light body.

And this is what people are talking about. A lot of people who work with plant medicine will say, I go into these realms of sacred geometry and things like 

that. And what .they're 

doing in a certain sense is they're getting some kind of, a direct vision of the underlying geometric template of the physical reality.

So we could think of it more as like a complex geometric architecture.

Or information system that underlies the field and that which potentially underlies all physical reality. is what higher dimensions are, et cetera. So my vision for a while was really [00:09:00] anchored in that astral when I had this initial opening.

And that's because I. Generally speaking, you basically keep working with where you're at. So I had to really work through that level of 

resolution and,and, clean it up and purify 


or heal it. 

and eventually that led to a really clear vision, all the time of this. This more geometric level

and seeing things 

like the chakras are described as 

these seven 

different colors that reflect the 

prism of white light, white light through a prism of seven colors.

This is the very same thing of the as the light body. It really is broken up into these seven layers, very discretely, and geometry is the underlying,organizing feature. So, 

that's what I see all the time. 

But you don't see that with your physical eyes. It's not your .your . physical 

body's not calibrated to see this at all.

This is 

what classically the third eye is 


or is seeing, and it's in 


its most kind of clarified level, is this very, this very electromagnetic, geometric kind of level.

Kara Goodwin: Thank you for all of that. That's really fascinating. I appreciate the humility with which you come to it, because that's such an important [00:10:00] factor being aware of the, the lure of the ego to be special and, it's says a lot that you're, aware of that and highlighting that But also I appreciate understanding like what it's like for you. I think of it as imagine you're at a crowded grocery store or something and you can just, you not only see the physical body, but you see the aura around the person and you're seeing all these geometries and the chakras and it's just a cacophony of stimulus. So I was trying to understand what it must be like to move through the world with that. Open, but it sounds like you're more intentional about it and it's like, okay, I'm gonna intentionally go into what the light body looks like and where it might need some repair and things like that.

Is that accurate?

Keith Parker: Yeah, I, it's even more, it's actually even more simple than that in a sense, is that,


get very attracted to these openings and these changes that take 

place [00:11:00] with general spiritual development or healing work or

peak experiences. You

it's a carrot and it's supposed to be a carrot.

It's supposed to, it's often given to you or expressed in a way that you are experience excites you to the degree that you want to keep going. and I think there's something built into that. But what happens is we often get attached to it. all of these things are transient in the idea that they're non-ordinary.

So for me, for instance, it 

was extremely non-ordinary to have these experiences initially. Iit was like, this is the strangest stuff I've ever experienced. And it took me initially after that opening I described, it was about two years, particularly 18 months, where my life got turned upside down.

 I had to focus full time on clearing out all of this intense feeling and subconscious stuff and emotion and shadow and what have you. To calibrate my psyche to calibrate my nervous system. My nervous system was going crazy for almost a year and a half. I'd [00:12:00] wake up every morning and literally the room was like swirling around me because 


That the body needs to get attuned to this. And this is where, people who have expertise in Kundalini stuff, they call it Kundalini syndrome, where basically too much electricity, too much energy can start to flow through your body where it can basically just like too much, electricity through a circuit board will fry the circuit board.

the body can basically not be able to handle this much charge, so you're, everything has to recalibrate around it. So things seem very extraordinary, very weird, very,very strange at first, but over time things normalize to the degree that it can just be like, nothing's different whatsoever in a sense, 

 It's really important to piece pick that apart. And it also ties into really for people out there, meditation, this is the meditation conversation where, what is meditation about, where does it lead? Formal meditation is developed particularly by, by communities who are looking to understand the nature of the self.[00:13:00] 

Reality, et cetera. And that is, a realization that's something that can be experienced and known directly through knowledge. You can intellectualize it and philosophize about it, but primarily, certainly for the Eastern traditions, they're about really knowing it by direct experience. And people think that's a peak experience or something like that.

But the fact of the matter is that meditation, if you go, if you push it all the way to its nth degree in terms of realizing the self or what have you, that's not something that, that the peak experience is related to That, the changes that take place, that's 

not a realization of something 

new. It's not a realization of something that you didn't know in a certain sense before.


more like why the word re recognizing or remembering is actually a good word, is that it's the really the most simplistic thing you could ever imagine, which is that here and now, beingness presence, these words we run a podcast called the Field Dynamics Podcast, and.[00:14:00] 

Everybody we talk to, all the different healers we talk to, 90% of them mentioned that presence is the most important thing in the work that they do. And presence just means your ability to be here and now. why is that a special thing and why aren't we just by default here and now, even though it sounds like paradox, the simplicity of now is really everything.

and so the extraordinary really folds back into the mundane most of the time I think. so people should be excited by the extraordinary, and I get that because I think that was a leading edge for me. But fundamentally, I like to bring things back to being in your life, being in your body, 

connected to your,


desires, your purpose, 

your ability to.

Choose something consciously, follow through with that. And, and then what's getting in the way. And that's where 

something like energy work, 

which is what I, I specialize in, helps people with just amongst many other therapeutic modalities. how is it, what's getting in our way?

How do we create more freedom? understanding the [00:15:00] aura, working with AIC, mechanics and those kinds of things. Then that's, that's just one domain in which we can create more freedom.

Kara Goodwin: Mm-Hmm. I love that. And, I. Appreciate you bringing up that sense of presence as well, because I also have experienced a lot of the things that you're talking about. not in a sustained way, you know, seeing geometries and, and experiencing energies. seeing it in my mind's eye. hearing things audibly that that I'm like, oh, that's not coming from outside of me. and I've noticed if I get out of the present moment, if I try to analyze or,or get the rational mind involved to try to pick apart, wait, what is this? How did I get to this state? How can I find my way back? like later, how could I come back here if I wanted to? What did I do to get to this point? But it's like a different part of the brain kicks in [00:16:00] and I come out of the present moment and I lose it. And it's similar with, youa meditative experience where we realize that we're feeling so calm and so beautiful and peaceful and this is how I wanna be. And then we start considering it and thinking about how great it is and we, and just coming that much out to like, to quantify it or to judge it. Even if we're judging it in a positive way, we get just enough out of it. That we kick ourselves out and it's like, yes, we, we keep having to learn that the, just the power of presence is, you, it again, like you're saying, it's so simple, but it is so fundamental. so I'd love to understand the, work that you do with With the energies, with the aura, ORIC mechanics, I think I heard you say. how does that help [00:17:00] in your healing work?

Keith Parker: Yeah. 

I should just give a little background about the founding of Field Dynamics. I met Chris Arms and the other founder. In 2017 and within a year we realized, we had this wonderful kinship and we realized that we had the opportunity to really create, an energy healing modality that was appropriate and suitable and upgraded for like the 21st century.

 there are a lot of things out there in the world of, that say energy healing. we have by far the most famous . Kind of classical energy healing is reiki. And we saw this big opportunity to really expand upon, the training and the program that people can understand what this is in clear language, understand the mechanics, understand how it is aligned with science, really make it very transparent.

But also to create a structure and a training program 

that really gives people the The kind of breadth and depth, required to get really good at a healing art.[00:18:00] when we learn music or when we be wanna become an engineer, or when we wanna become a painter or even a meditator, et cetera, I. Things take time. Things take, half a year, two years, three years, we build up a skillset.

So we formatted at the very, from the very beginning we saw that people really want, need to have a lot more exposure to the education. And furthermore, healing work is very particular in that, 

this is a very strange analogy, butif 

you're gonna be 

an a a civil engineer and you build bridges, you don't build a bridge in yourself.

Kara Goodwin: yourself

Keith Parker: To be a civil engineer, right? You build bridges out there. 

If you're 

gonna become a healing practitioner, you need to do a lot of your work to do work on other 

people. That's,that's like the buy-in for becoming, a healing practitioner is you have to work through your stuff first to the degree that.

You really need. 

And then when you've opened that space and you understand what that entails as a individualized process, then it makes sense to hold space or to work [00:19:00] with other people. So 

Kara Goodwin: So

Keith Parker: that's like the concurrent 

process of doing long form 


is you learn something, you learn a skillset, but you're,you're going 

through the healing process

at the same time.

Right?So that's like the bridge maker doesn't build a bridge in themselves, but the healer has to heal themselves to become a


Kara Goodwin: 

Keith Parker: So 

working with the aura, a lot of people don't realize that 

your aura is electromagnetic. So it's not physical, which is why we have this scientific paradigm in community that doesn't really know what to do with this world of language of, quote unquote metaphysics.

and that is what is beyond the physical well . On the one hand, scientifically, it's actually very straightforward that we 


at this point, at least looking at something 

like quantum 

mechanics or what have you, that beneath the threshold of like atoms and subatomic particles, et cetera, you get more into this world of energy.

And then they just call it probability and the kind of wishy-washy, don't know what's going on down there. [00:20:00] But bottom line is there's there's an underlying energetic, Architecture or aspect of how physical reality is emerging from something else. And that, I think is the paradigm shift, the emerging science that's coming forward is that what's beyond the physical and what's even, to be more exotic.

what's beyond time and space in many ways. your field is an electromagnetic structure, and because it's electromagnetic made of light, it isn't material. So right away it's this whole different thing. it's not this physical body, but it's 

connected to the physical body


so that's the substrate of the field.

It's the primary thing to understand, is going from material to immaterial. It exists, it's just not material. number two,

what is in the field? what's contained there, and this is one of the most exciting, maybe surprising, important components for people to understand, and that is what your mind is doing is reflected or [00:21:00] structured in your energy field.

So all of your thoughts have structures in your field. When you're thinking, a person says, oh, I'm thinking, okay, Where is the thought? you say, where's the thought? some person might say, my brain's firing and there's synaptic, neurochemical processes, et cetera, blah, blah, blah.

Okay, yeah, there's a correlate there, but where is the underlying total manifestation of the structure of the thought itself? Or where does it even, you could say, where does it originate? And the answer is, because I can see this really clearly, and furthermore, a lot of people have been saying this for a long time, although it's hard to take.

Maybe not seriously, but it's hard to understand it. It's a different paradigm. All of your thoughts are actually electromagnetic objects in your field. All of your beliefs, your memory, I believe is very much about structures in your field. Emotion, a hundred percent. Not only is it related to the body, but it also is structured and expressed in your field.

So your energy field, your [00:22:00] aura is actually a really good candidate to say. It's the structure of the mind. And your body, just like a radio, the analogy is really good like a radio and a broadcaster. The radio is a physical object that broadcast information that's, moving through the airwaves.

And if we heard a broadcaster on a radio and we said, I'm gonna find the broadcaster and we ripped open the physical radio, we're not gonna find the person in there. 


would be like ridiculous. but. There's a similar thing that likely is happening in the model that we use. 'cause field dynamics, which I speak for, uses theoretical models.

We like to call it a working model. We're not saying this is correct and everything else is wrong. We're saying there's a phenomenology that can be both perceived directly and that we see in the therapeutic. Healing process within energy work. And in that, certain things. It gives you a sense of how things are formatted, how things work.

So we call it a working model. It's theoretical. Just like a scientist should be saying that the big bang is a theory and that, dark matter, dark energy is a theory, right? [00:23:00] When we have these emotions or these thoughts that are dysfunctional in nature, meaning like thoughts where I believe I'm not good enough, or a thought like, wow, I really hate these people.

Or an emotion like I'm holding onto a lot of anger or an emotion, like I'm extremely anxious. These things actually have structure in your field. You, again, where is anxiety in your body? Where is anger in your body? Where is the belief that you're incapable of doing the things you set your mind to in your body?

there's nothing that would 

suggest those things are in your body. There's no scientific evidence. 

Nobody in their direct experiences ever experienced that. Oh, 

there's the belief. It's in my right ear lobe. it's not there. Where is it? Does it exist or not? And if it does exist, because we all can go, yeah, I do have that belief.

So it does exist. Where does it exist? The field is the structure where these things are actually existing. And so those things get crystallized. They get ri rigid, they get, the body has inflammation, we have pain in our body. We have, a lack of nutrient and blood flow, those kinds of things[00:24:00] that creates issues in the body.

Well, youryour field is flowing and when you have. the kinds of thoughts or emotions that I'm describing, they create blockage in your field. They actually obstruct the flow of energy in your field. And again, in this model of understanding energy work, it's those obstructions, those energy blocks. a shaman would call them fragmentations. A psychologist might call them repressions, or suppressions or dissociations. these things are, hindering your energy field, your mind's ability to interface with the body in such a ways to maintain health and vitality.

Kara Goodwin: So how does that then translate into the work that you do specifically in your modality?

Keith Parker: Yeah, okay. If you, if somebody Googles energy healing, they're gonna get all these different lists of things. They're gonna see, acupuncture, chiropractic things that are listed under complimentary and alternative medicine. acupuncture, chiropractic, maybe sound healing bowls that might be breath work in their EFT, tapping, things like that.

that's great. I'm not going to say thatthat's not energy healing [00:25:00] at all, but there is a thing that would be called like maybe classical energy healing, wherewhere the term maybe originally derives, or what you would certainly say is an ancient approach to healing work that these other things didn't, most of those other things didn't exist, in the way that they do in modernity.

and that is where you are working with . intention invocation, higher consciousness. No physical objects are the beginning of what energy work is. Classical energy work where we're through invocation and intention and understanding the, relationship of levels of consciousness, these levels in your field.

How to talk to or, instantiate change within your energy system. Instantaneously based on what it is your mind is doing. So you are creating flows in your field, you're bringing in frequencies and forms of consciousness that make changes. So a lot of people are very familiar, for instance, with the shamanic model, where the shaman at the beginning of a practice might say something like, I'm invoking the four directions [00:26:00] and I'm going to use, this, this particular spirit.

I'm gonna call in the spirit of my lineage, or I'm gonna call in this particular ancestor or deity or things like that. There's actually a construction that they're making that's happening in these, in, in the energy field and pe. what's interesting with shamanism, which is the really the most ancient tradition of healing that we have, is that shamanism.

It masks this in the sense that, there's always a physical object or a pointing to physical reality as the ground to it. So people often think, oh, what are they doing? Like four directions and, calling in these things like, I get that but they're not, shamanism is not often distilling it from a purely AIC perspective.

something like reiki does, as a modern thing. Reiki is just 

working with 

the aura on the aura basically. that's what we do. With field dynamics. So we just have a, we have a massive 

menu, a very, very intelligent understanding of how to make things happen effectively, dynamically, and powerfully.

And, and that's, in [00:27:00] short, the mechanics of it, youknow, you have a block in your field. This, I have anxiety in my solar plexus area. How can I then make the motion, the dynamics of my field such that what energy I'm bringing in and the movements of the field start to basically, I.

Help to release or change that area of blockage in the field. Just like I have inflammation in my right shoulder. What do I do? I put my right shoulder in a bunch of cold water and the inflammation goes down, right? It's an alleviation of the symptoms. So this is similar to what we're doing with energy work.

I have this blockage in this area in my field. It has a particular quality. How can I bring things in to help to release or clear that area of blockage?

Kara Goodwin: So is it that you're like, I'm trying to get an understanding of how people work with you and work with Field Dynamics. So is it like you focus with practitioners, they go through a program that then helps them to do this work within them [00:28:00] and or are you. Do you take sessions with people so that you're helping to do it for them if they're not necessarily a healer or drawn to the healing arts, but

they still have healing that, that they wanna undergo?

Keith Parker: Great question. field Dynamics specializes in, in training programs. we feel that the greatest way that we can give back and really our own kind of, ethos is we wanna empower people to do their own self work. Fundamentally, reliance on external sources for one's own wellness is really short.

Term endeavor. we, everybody needs to, if they really want a sustainable, kind of practice, sustainable, development within themselves, it's really important that people develop their own skillset to be able to build that on a daily basis and change themselves over time. So external help is great.

of course I do one-on-one session work with lots of people. I'm working full-time as a healing practitioner working [00:29:00] one-on-one with people. And in those sessions I get to work with examine, help told space for things to change in the person's field using energy work as the primary and lots of other, like other modalities and techniques that I've learned over time that I thread in and layer at the simultaneously, right?

So I work with a lot of people individually, but the primary thing with field dynamics is. Is empowering people to learn this themselves. So our structure goes something like, the main training we have is called the EHT 100. It's a hundred hours Energy Healers training 100 hour program. we've been running it for three years now, online.

And each of them, are six months long and we meet on select weekends. So it's like a Saturday and a Sunday, and we have about three weeks off. And then come back together for another Saturday, Sunday, and that's, that goes on for six months in each of those weekends, which is like a little mini intensive healing and learning, immersion experience.

 We do two things. One is we learn about the energy field, the [00:30:00] energy system, what's there. We map our system more and more. We understand holistic healing process. there's a lot of different educational pieces in there, and the tools. So what are the new tools? What are the new areas like depths of the energy, anatomy, depths of issue that we're working on?

And then at the same time, the other half of the time is we're doing group energy healing sessions. So the tools that are being introduced are worked into the person's energy system. They get the benefits of that healing process. We share a lot as a group. We use it as a learning technique for people to say, oh, I felt this.

I felt that my sensing is developing in this way and that way, et cetera. And, people go off in those few weeks in between. They have a self-practice with the new tools. So they keep deepening into the layers and stages that we're presenting. And they also do partner trades where they're working with other people and learning to do their, energy healing work with other people as space holders, so they do a trade.

So that's the progressive structure and the dynamism of. You know how you can present something theoretically in experientially [00:31:00] and then a person takes that on themselves and of course needs to practice and keep deepening in themselves. And at the end of those six months, we've been finding that people go from, wherever they're starting, which might be total beginners to people who've been working in alternative therapeutic modalities for 20, 30 years.

but everybody,starts in the same place and we go through those six months and everybody comes out the other side in a really, really different place. a lot of transformation, a lot of education and inspiration. A wonderful kind of community aspect. relationship building, youlike-minded people, especially in these kinds of spaces that are,

Very particular, the language of energy work is not, like dinner table conversation for most people. but the issues that we're working on are, feeling more at peace within oneself, feeling more balanced, getting, clarity about their,major blocks in their life.

Uh,relationships, youparticularly family relationships, spousal relationships, intimate relationships, and just being able to meet life just, with a, with a. With greater context, let's say, and more presence.[00:32:00] 

Kara Goodwin: Beautiful. And you have a book coming out 

Keith Parker: yes. I do have a book coming out,in the year of 2024. tentatively titled, so I don't wanna say we're shopping it around right now, because the title might change. Editors like to do that. But I think the main thing to, about what the book is it's really in part a, a story of my own.

'cause I just, I want to get my story out of the way kind of 

thing. People respond to stories very well. I'm, I tend to get a little more on the technical side of things, but people. Digest story much easier than they do conceptual things. So I just wanted to get my story out the way. So it's half of the book is a story, but then the other half of the book is a commentary that's pretty much 50 50 with the story that basically says, oh, here's this thing that I went through, meditation.

What's meditation about? Where's it going? We look at Jana and Samati and things like that, and the map of mind from the contemplative traditions. And then, oh, what about, Body work and healing work. how is the body and the mind connected? What's this thing called [00:33:00] energy and blah, blah, blah.

And we establish those things and we just keep towing down the line to deeper and deeper concepts until basically the phenomenology of what's changed in me and my own insights and understandings are conveyed both as a story, as an experience, but also as a reflective kind of, conceptual explanation so that people can be grounded in both of those domains simultaneously.

Kara Goodwin: Beautiful. Well, this has been wonderful and fascinating, Keith. Thank you so much. Can you tell us how people can connect with you?

Keith Parker: Sure. 

our website is field dynamics healing.com. And, really the ma pretty much majority of pretty much everything that we have going on can be found on there. as I mentioned, we have these different courses in 2024. we have . one of these EHT one hundreds online starting in February, but also we have an in-person, version for the first time in Bali.

So we're really, really excited to be taking what's been three years, three times [00:34:00] a year of a six month training, and compressing it into 24 days in person. So we're very, very excited about that. And for people who like to go to. beautiful like wellness destinations, then they're gonna be really excited by being in Bali.

And that's how we originally envisioned this training. Actually, it was Covid that actually made us reformat things online, and it was a major blessing because it's worked out very, very well. But we're able now to return to an in-person format for the first time. So. two things are happening. And we also have foundational courses, which we, we call the foundations course, which is 10 hours long and gives people like, a foundational skillset and energy work, them a chance to experience field dynamics, how it might be different or what our general processes like, both as facilitators and as in terms of the content and, and yeah.

and then lastly, we have a podcast as well. just like you have the Meditation Conversation podcast, which is, producing a ton of wonderful content. we have the Field Dynamics podcast where we speak to people who are, [00:35:00] Working within, generally speaking, a lot of holistic, healing practitioners, doctors, neuroscientists, things like that.

Kind of the bleeding edge of different things connected to holistic health and medicine and spirituality. So that's another thing that, we're producing a lot of content there.

Kara Goodwin: Wonderful. Well, thank you so much. What a pleasure to be with you.

Keith Parker: Thank you, 

Kara. It's been a pleasure speaking with you as well today. 

And, I hope this has been, informative, for your listeners.

Keith Parker Profile Photo

Keith Parker

Keith is an adept facilitator and teacher of consciousness transformation. An extensive background in the healing arts combined with his unusual extrasensory perception has provided a unique skill-set for developing Field Dynamics - an innovative, contemporary energy healing modality.

Initially trained in contemplative science, Keith used meditation as a vehicle to understand and refine subtle states of consciousness. Over the following decade he developed comprehensive expertise in the healing arts including movement, breathwork, bodywork, energy work and other disparate disciplines. During this intensive period, Keith had a series of breakthrough spiritual experiences enabling him to see and feel the human energy field with remarkable clarity.

He has recently written his first book, "The Medium of Consciousness" about his personal journey and how to understand awakening from both scientific and spiritual perspectives.