EXCITING CHANGES! Meditation Conversation is now SOUL ELEVATION! ✨
Feb. 5, 2024

318. Safeguard Against Harmful EMFs - Justin Frandson

Dive into the unseen world of frequencies and unveil the startling revelations in this riveting podcast episode. Join us as we unravel the hidden impact of Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) emitted by our everyday technology, exposing what could be...

Dive into the unseen world of frequencies and unveil the startling revelations in this riveting podcast episode. Join us as we unravel the hidden impact of Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) emitted by our everyday technology, exposing what could be silently sabotaging your well-being. Justin Franson, the athleticism performance coach behind athleticism.com and EMFrocks.com, shares his eye-opening journey into frequency healing, revealing how seemingly innocuous wearable technology can disrupt athletic performance and trigger health changes.

Discover the astonishing effects of EMFs on brainwaves and delve into potential solutions that go beyond the ordinary. Franson introduces groundbreaking remedies, including his creation of grounding bags filled with hand-mined crystals, designed to counteract the detrimental effects of EMFs. This ancient-futuristic solution promises not just better sleep but also a pathway to healthier, more balanced body energy levels.

The conversation extends to the controversial realm of 5G radiation and its potential health risks, sparking a dialogue that challenges conventional perspectives. Brace yourself to not only raises your awareness but also equip yourself with practical tips for EMF protection. As the discussion unfolds, you'll find yourself at the crossroads of science and wellness, pondering the invisible forces that shape our daily lives.

Tune in to this thought-provoking episode that promises to unravel the mysteries behind frequencies, EMFs, and the power of innovative solutions. Are you ready to take control of your well-being in the digital age? 

00:15 Introduction and Welcome
00:26 About Justin Franson and His Work
01:12 The Importance of Meditation
01:35 Kara's Personal Energy Transmissions
02:27 Interview with Justin Begins
02:33 Justin's Journey into Frequency Healing
04:42 The Grounding Bags and Their Benefits
05:06 Understanding EMFs and Their Impact
10:06 The Effects of EMFs on Human Health
13:23 How Grounding Bags Work
21:54 The Controversial Topic of 5G
26:06 Practical Tips for EMF Protection
28:01 Conclusion and Contact Information


- Visit my website karagoodwin.com. Get your personalized meditation/energy transfer designed specifically for your needs. 

 - Neutralize the harmful effects of EMFs with the natural solution of EMF Rocks

- Support your athletic journey with Athleticism 

Other episodes you'll enjoy:

305. Protect Yourself from Harmful EMFs: Quantum Energy for Optimal Health - Philipp Samor von Holtzendorff-Fehling

274. Quantum Healing with Scalar Technology - Tom Paladino & Patricia Carles

293. Paranormal Mysteries: Investigations into Chilling Deaths & Hauntings - Mark and Barbara Nelson

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Kara Goodwin: [00:00:00] Hello and welcome to the Meditation Conversation, the podcast to support your spiritual revolution. I'm your host, Kara Goodwin, and today I'm joined by Justin Franson. Justin is an athleticism performance coach and founder of athleticism.com and EMF rocks.com. Justin uses light, sound, frequency, and vibration to facilitate healing and performance and is able to successfully treat concussions quickly. He created EMF Rocks grounding bags when he saw his athletes breaking down from wearable technology and looked to nature to solve this manmade electricity and EMF challenge.

I learned so much in this episode about [00:01:00] EMS, how they relate to brainwaves and health. And how we can combat them. I'll reinforce here. What Justin says about how we do have the capability to offset these frequencies. If we're keeping up with practices like meditation. 

So let this be your reminder of yet another great benefit you get from your meditation. So we'll dive right in here just as soon as I make a quick mention about my website. Be sure to check out Kara goodwin.com for all of my resources, to help you connect to a higher version of yourself. I'm getting so much enjoyment in creating personal energy transmissions. These are recorded meditations that are uniquely designed for each person based on what they're wanting to work on in their specific life. I say meditations, but they're really a transfer of energy wrapped in an audio guided meditation. These are being used for recovery [00:02:00] from surgery, increasing intuition. Overcoming PTSD strengthening the personal energy field. 

As just a few examples. These are really valuable resources, uniquely designed for you. They also make really thoughtful gifts. If you know someone who could use some extra support right now. So be sure to check it out at karagoodwin.com. And now enjoy this episode 

Kara Goodwin: So welcome Justin. I'm so happy to have you here today.

Justin Frandson: Kara, thank you for having me on.

Kara Goodwin: So tell us a little bit about your backstory and how you got into working with frequencies for healing.

Justin Frandson: So I'm a athleticism performance coach. I started athleticism.com 25 years ago, working with amateur and professional athletes doing nerve work for sports performance. And what I saw in my practice [00:03:00] were athletes breaking down from wearable 


Kara Goodwin: When you say wearable technology, do you mean like the watches that, that record your heart rate and all of that kind 

Justin Frandson: Correct, yes. The smart watches in particular, and one of them was a big, strong professional athlete and endurance guy, just a machine. And he said, Justin, I have pain in my wrist and my whole arm's just weak. Like I don't have any strength. I looked down, I'm like, well, let's take the radiation off your wrist.

And the pain went away like right away. And so that was the aha moment, Kara, where I just said I, I need to dive into this and understand how our interplay is with these manmade, you know, waveform.

Kara Goodwin: Hmm. Wow. That's fascinating. So how long ago was that that you started looking at the wearable technology and the result? The resulting 

Justin Frandson: was over 

10 years ago.

Kara Goodwin: Wow. Have they been around this that [00:04:00] long? 

Justin Frandson: Yeah.


The Fitbits came out. They were recalling a bunch of those and had to dial down the signal strength and, and so we had some. Information on that I was one of the last guys to get a cell phone, always did appliedkinesiology. I, I'm a applied kinesiologist, like since I was like 18, like doing applied kinesiology on people and muscle testing and so I could feel energy and, and really well, so that I just had that intuition and knew it and then started to see it in the practice and.

So wanted to dive into understanding how we're made and how differently the manmade stuff is 


Kara Goodwin: Fascinating, You have created these grounding bags, which I wanna know more about, and those work to offset EMF. Can we just start by, let's just talk about, oh, you've got one here. For anybody watching on the video, he's showing one that's a grounding bag. before we [00:05:00] dive into that, can you talk about just what is EMF in case there's anybody out there who isn't even sure what we're talking about?

Justin Frandson: Yes, Kara EMFs are electromagnetic fields or frequencies. They can be native or non-native. The native ones are non-polarized. They distribute equally in every direction. They're the framework for our entire . Living collective intelligence matrix and tissue matrix in our body. They're based off of scalar waves that are waveforms that distribute equally in every direction.

They're non-polarized. So for example, if I drop a pebble in a pond, you're gonna see the resonance of the pond go out equally in every

direction, right? So,

Kara Goodwin: Meaning the ripples,

Justin Frandson: but it doesn't go in a straight line. Soall manmade non-native waveforms, they're one directional waveforms or they don't work, so they make 'em.

So they have to go in a straight line that's [00:06:00] polarizing for our body. So the speed of 'em, they're way faster than how we sleep. Rev and optimize. And I'll get into that in a in a minute too. And then. They're a completely different waveform that's polarizing for our body, and then it starts to create a vibration and chips away our life force and array of ways, which I'll also get 

into in a bit.

Kara Goodwin: Oh wow. So what, so you hinted at this, but the fact that they're polarizing or they're one directional, that's the main, the undercurrent, 

Justin Frandson: said. Yes, That's the big difference. It is. Remember every cell tower when you look up, they're, they're, they have towers facing like every direction, right?That's because they're broadcasting one directional beams and ra la laser beams, basically radar phased array of waveforms that they keep adding more bandwidth in it to get it faster and and stronger.

And they e use more [00:07:00] wattage and they use more of the electrical grid to power these, which they're all wanting to reduce the usage of. They do the same with electric cars. I, I, I don't know how that makes any sense either, but, uh.These waveforms, they're one directional or they don't work. And it's the same with the electricity in your home, whether you have a direct current, a DC or an alternating, AC and dc they, the signals have to meet, but they're directional going, each way. So they're not, they're

Kara Goodwin: And So our

and our body. So you talked about the tissue matrix within the body that is relying on like the, if it's in a harmonized state, it's bi-directional. 

Justin Frandson: Yes, 

Kara Goodwin: Is that right? 

Justin Frandson: There's a, 

Kara Goodwin: Okay. I've never heard 

Justin Frandson: so. 

Kara Goodwin: this before. The 

Justin Frandson: So there's a,

coherence. There's this natural interplay between us and our environment, Kara, and we're one with it. So our environment is, I always ask everyone like, what is our environment like? This is a huge question [00:08:00] and it's tough for people to answer, and so. It can, it's everything around us, but it can allow you to thrive or it can kill you instantly.

But we don't think of our environment in the air as our environment unless we can see it. And you're in LA and the air's polluted, and you're not supposed to see air . So no one thinks about that invisible air as potentially being an invisible toxin. But in our atmosphere, . We have air, which is ether or plasma, and waves and particles travel through that air.

That's how we're able to communicate. Whereabouts are you again?

Kara Goodwin: I am Carmel, Indiana, so it's just north of 


Justin Frandson: and I'm in Southern California in Orange County area,and that's how we're able to communicate across the country is through wave forms. And that's the difference between, or basically, so that's how this universe is [00:09:00] made off of waves and particles, really traveling through the air or plasma and.

Our bodies are designed to have a coherence both inside our own body, through bioenergetics and, uh, thermal dynamics and, Paseo electric effect. We have this interplay between us and our environment and, uh, between our energy and, matter and radiation around us, so our body gets affected. If there's even a cosmic shift in the atmosphere from solar flares or a full moon or what have you, like things change during that timeframe.

Just as well as they would change if you introduce, or when they've introduced electricity, radio waves, radar satellites, and now five G into our world, our bodies. Adapt to those frequencies. And uh, that's what we've seen over time [00:10:00] where a lot of people get sick all at one time, is they're broadcasting and they're polluting our environment.

Kara Goodwin: And so is, so what are some of the effects on the human health of EMFs of the non-native 

Justin Frandson: Yeah, so it's a huge list. Kara, it, it, it's unbelievable. It starts with all cognitive, the challenges. So you have a lack of focus, memory, anxiety, fatigue, stress, headaches, ringing in the ears, uh, I mean behavioral challenges. That's what you'll see of what this, this, tension. Where they want get people to meditate, to calm down or build your life force to transmute these waveforms.

'cause we can do it. That's the beauty of physics, Kara, where we can convert a one directional waveform into something that's non-polarized. Uh, but a lot of people just don't do the practice work that you do.To build their life force up to be able to have the power to do it on their own. So, you know, we [00:11:00] say, Hey, get out in nature a lot, which is great anyways, but then, and then get the grounding bags in your space at home, uh, which is also great.

But getting back to the long list, the second level would be more non-trauma concussion symptoms, so nausea, vomiting. Uh, muscle twitching, seizures, rashes on the skin, bloody nose is ringing in the ears. And then you go into the bigs when it's direct, like microwave attack, you know, full on cancer, suicide, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, and then cardiovascular disease.

And then the, probably the biggest one that we're seeing now is the infertility.

Yeah. And let me, let me backdrop onto all those. The reason all those happen is because Dr. Martin Paul's work, thank you very much for your work. He identified that directly out of the gate [00:12:00] when there is a one directional waveform in our world, that could be electricity. a lower speed of a wave. There's a vibration which causes a secondary effect of cell DNA damage, and what it does is it opens up what we call the voltage gated calcium channels. Those are several big words, but what that means is that's the gateway for your mitochondria to have energy the powerhouse of your cell. And so you're getting disrupted at the cellular level right out of the gate because it's an oxidative stress.

The 2.45 gigahertz, which our cell phones are on, which all the wifis starting at and all that, that's the first level speed of a level that Water starts to destructure. So they're destructing our water in our bodies, in our environment. [00:13:00] Uh, and then, you know, this stuff calcify our pineal glands. So we're seeingmultiple levels of cellular mitochondria challenges right outta the gate that lead to an array o of, you know, endless cognitive and then bigger health challenges down the road. 

Kara Goodwin: Wow, that's Really powerful. so tell us about the grounding bags. Like how does, tell us what it is and how it helps to offset the 

Justin Frandson: Well, let me explain more about how our body works and so do you Kara or anyone you know look to the earth to get outside in nature and 

get grounded. 

Kara Goodwin: Oh yeah, I do. And I tell people to do that all the time. 

Justin Frandson: fantastic. And the reason that's so important is because that's how our body battery works. We get a positive charge from the non-polarized light of the sun. We get a negative charge from [00:14:00] the earth, A human resonance that healing pulse of the earth. , we breathe in minerals. We hopefully get it from our food, and then we drink the water for the conductivity.

And that's how 


our body battery works. But when we're missing any one of those elements, our body can get recharged. We can lose polarity, we can get toxicity in our biofield. And as Bruce Lipton will say, your health lies in your chi, your energy, your biofield. So, uh, because that directly affects the chemistry of your body. we gotta build that life first up. But if there's one directional, it's gonna mess with us. But anyhow, that's how our body battery works. So you look to nature to ground our bodies, one with nature and heals really well when it's in it. And so when I look to find a answer, I too look to nature to solve this challenge.

And so we hand mine crystals because the answer lies in nature. Of getting [00:15:00] grounded in healing. So we hand mine crystals. They have moisture and magnetic properties. They're beautiful pink crystals. They're, we call 'em Tesla colloid crystals, Tesla, because they have a magnetic resonance to 'em and because they've been compressed from underground water source.

So, so the combination between the moisture with the magnetic allows 'em to exponentially stronger. For EMF protection. Then the other known crystals of s Shanghai and Amethyst, black Tramline 

and more. 

Kara Goodwin: So they're not 

Justin Frandson: They're not pink 


Kara Goodwin: look like quartz, but I. Oh, interesting.so the bag is filled with the, those, that type 

Justin Frandson: The bag is filled with, so this, these crystals are deployed inside this grounding bag. So when you get your grounding bag, you use it as is. You put this on your bed, [00:16:00] you'll sleep three to 60% deeper. Up to 60, depending on how disruptive, disruptive your sleep is. That's the power of how nature heals. Dr.

Bare Orlando, so the, oh, let me back up. Rodney White did a sleep test for three months, 60% improvement across the board for him for three months. That's incredible. Like he's never seen anything that can do that naturally passively. 'cause you're creating a coherence within our environment. That's what they do.

Bear Lando, dr. Bear lando alphabetic.com. Love him. He's brilliant. If you do, if you don't know him, check him out. A-L-F-A-V-E-D-Ic.com. He did a waveform test and he has these dual impedance antennas and they measure your Q or any distortion in your Q, which is awesome for meditation. 'cause you could see just

People's just power come alive when they're get into [00:17:00] the theta and, and more. But the grounding bagsclinically, passively treated up to 91% of the markers that were off and he never seen anything la like that as well. And then the lowest numbers, 67%. So you imagine putting grounding bags around a person and then they correct.

67 to 91%. . He'd never seen that before with any EMF product. And the reason is is because all the others are manmaderesonances.

That's like eating GMO food. Cara, we don't eat GMO food, do we?

Yeah, so why would we make a resonance, resonance and embedded into a metal or a pendant or whatever when we could just use the earth and, and the laws of nature and our interplay with nature to help facilitate healing.

Kara Goodwin: So it's, that's really interesting. So you use them, you put them like on your bed while you sleep?[00:18:00] Is that what you said?

Justin Frandson: Yes, You put it on your bed at the head of the bed. You can put it under if you don't want it on the bed. Uh, and just make sure it's touching the bed. You can do five grounding bags together to clear 2000 square feet. And then you can also uh, seven in a home that has solar. 'cause solar, they haven't figured out how to ground it.

And then they can also do, uh, seven in an electric car because sitting on a massive battery is the worst for your health.

Kara Goodwin: Interesting. Okay, so that's a lot of information. So you can sleep with one if you want. Is that right? You 

Justin Frandson: yeah, that's the where you, that's where you start, right outta 

the gate.

Kara Goodwin: Okay. And then the others, if you wanna have multiple, do you place them in different places or is it better for them to be all together or 

Justin Frandson: [00:19:00] there's something with the grounding bags where they get stronger together versus creating perimeters around just pile 'em together. So we recommend five together to clear 2000 square feet.

Kara Goodwin: Wow. So this is really, really Amazing. What else is in the grounding bags besides the crystals?

Justin Frandson: that's all, it's just hand mine crystals inside 'em. And there's different size bags. You can have a mini for a purses pocket or backpack on the go Protection. And then the full-sized grounding bags will clear a bed desk or car seat, and there's just ways to use 'em.

The other thing we do, Kara, is we actually. Have a tapping protocol and the tapping will actually recharge your body battery so it clears any stuck EMF outta your biofield. So you grab the bag and you would tap on it. Put it on your lap is probably easier. Tap on it with one hand while the other hand covers your eyes, and then your teeth, [00:20:00] and then your thymus, which is your upper chest.

And then intestine area. So tap and breathe and ground. Those are the four areas that could decharge from non-native, EMF. So they're like the weak links for a body. So athletes will be like, oh, I sprained my ankle or my wrist or, so those are the weak links for the body when it comes to EMF or, or the eyes, teeth, thymus and intestine area scenario.

Kara Goodwin: Oh wow. Okay. This is so cool. I love it. And so, It helps you like in the moment while you use it. I, and then it helps to build up that qi, that energy so that when you're not with the grounding bag, you've got that protection built up. I imagine there's a cumulative effect. I know with meditation, for example, because you've alluded to. We can do these things for ourselves, but we often don't. but there, I know like with meditation, there's a cumulative effect. You're gonna feel great if you do it once. Usually you're gonna feel great if you do it once. [00:21:00] But the real magic is in that consistent practice. So would you say that it's one of those, like over time there is a buildup effect with it so that when you're not with your grounding bags, you're still getting that? That 

Justin Frandson: Yes, a hundred percent. And you accumulate, let's say you just got the minimum of 3% better sleep, deeper sleep per night for . You know, three months. I mean, that's massive. How much more vitality are you gonna have and restoration are you gonna have and hormo, hormonal rebalance? Are you gonna have, so there's a massive cumulative effect on the grounding bags.

And then when you tap on it and you're flushing, you're detoxing, you're just gonna have more vitality. So that's gonna keep stacking for you 

for sure. 

Kara Goodwin: Hmm. 

Beautiful. So you touched on five G and five G can be a pretty provocative topic.[00:22:00] kind of polarizing And speaking of polarization but I think it is important that we talk about this, I mean, do, why is this such a provocative topic? Do you have an opinion about that?

Justin Frandson: Oh. We've never, ever in the history, Kara ruled out EMFs at this level before. We've never done it. I, I mean, there, there's a book called The Invisible Rainbow by Arthur Furstenberg. Have you heard about that one? 

It's fantastic. So it categorizes the history of electricity in life and directly correlates, every pandemic to Shifts in our electromagnetic blanket of an atmosphere, if either non-native through cosmic shifts, like, which I mentioned before or through uh, na native shifts or non-native, is crazy stuff when, when,you know, we're rolling out new [00:23:00] bandwidths, our bodies are adapting. We've gone from 2, 3, 4 g.

Where they keep adding multiple bandwidths within the one, and then they keep turning up the wattage to broadcast the signal strength and that speed of that waveform ends up getting faster. So for instance, you're familiar with a brainwave states 'cause you're an expert in meditation, right? So when we're in a theta meditation, our brain way states about four to eight hertz.

Right when we're in a delta, and same with when we're sleeping. When we're sleeping, we're a delta. We're one or below one to four hertz or ways per second. When our athletes are in the flow state and they can't miss, everyone calls it in the zone, they're in a alpha brain way state, about eight to 12 hertz or waves per second.

So [00:24:00] five G. 60 to 90 billion waves per second. Cara, that's 10 zeros faster of a one-directional waveform than we're ever designed to do. That's a lot. If I had 10 zeros to anyone's bank account, like that's a significant difference, right?

So is it for our body dealing with this stuff and now they're doing it.

It's such a. Extensive level where they're putting devices in your pocket up to your head that have that speed of a waveform. They're rolling out an entire internet of things, a whole grid of . Smart meters on homes, which are mini cell towers. They have everyone on, wireless connections and, and then now they have these crazy small cell sites. Everyone then super sar charge towers and these big towers everywhere as well. And then they have satellites going. I mean, literally, Kara, we've never, [00:25:00] ever radiated.Our entire world at the level that we've seen in the last decade ever. So when you increase that bandwidth, it's very daunting. It's very challenging for us and our environment.

And it's challenging to even think about for the future of our planet. So, uh, and civilization and all life in general, we, we have to come to the realization.That there's an interplay with between us and our environment and the speed of these wave forms, . Are just too much, even though we can't see 'em.

Five G is just too much. We're already fast, we're already connected. We don't need six, we don't need seven there. There's, we're already seeing so many people not respond well to it, and, uh, we just gotta get back to hard wiring. It's faster, it's safer,it's more reliable. And just really understand proximity [00:26:00] protocols with this technology.

Kara Goodwin: Hmm. That's fascinating. Thank you. Do you recommend that people turn off their wifi at night while 

Justin Frandson: Yes, please. for your own sanity and so you stop lashing out on everyone else as well, like get your sleep, restore. I. Replenish your hormones. Uh, un unc calcify your pineal gland. It's really easy.It's a eight or $9 timer outlet timer at a hardware store and plug it in the wall and plug your wire wifi router into it just like a Christmas tree.

The thing will go on in the morning when you wake up, and it'll go off when you fall asleep and you're not using the internet. Then in addition, make sure all your devices are on airplane mode and, and, and then off at night and charging in different rooms. uh, Kara, I go to the extent [00:27:00] even. Toturn the, all the electricity off in our bedrooms at night.

So literally we have a switch on the electrical out the timer, basically that electrical outlet panel that turns the electricity off at a certain time. So it's like, okay, it's time to go to sleep. We're out and we'll buffer. We'll it a little hour cushion if we're gonna stay up a little later. Uh, one night or so, but, and we can always override it with a switch, but that is how you wanna get that interplay with your home closest to the resonance of the earth.

Because we're living in these electrical boxes. We're calling 'em home, but they're electrical boxes. So we gotta stop this whole nonsense and understand that these bandwidths, you know, aren't always as enhancing for us.

Kara Goodwin: Mm. All right. This has been [00:28:00] fascinating. Thank you so much. Can you share how people can connect with you and find out more?

Justin Frandson: Yeah, so emf rocks.com is where you'll find our grounding bags and our Faraday bags and all the EMF. Natural protection products. We also, uh, have all our curated health products onIt's spelled athletic IS m.com for those of you, you can't spell. And then, uh, and we have some incredible MCT oil on there that helps buffer insulin because diabetes.

Wasn't even a thing 130 years ago, and now it is, and I feel it's a lot from the EMFs around us. And so we have all of our curated products there on Instagram, athleticism, neuro stacking, uh, for anyone who wants sports, uh, work ortreating concussions. And then e at EMF Rocks for all our other EMF products.

Kara Goodwin: Beautiful. [00:29:00] Well, thank you so much Justin. This has been really, really fascinating. I appreciate you sharing all of your 

Justin Frandson: Thank you, Kara, for having me on.

Justin Frandson Profile Photo

Justin Frandson

Author / EMF Expert

Justin Frandson, is an Athleticism Performance Coach and Founder of, Athleticism.com and EMFRocks.com. He is the author of Athleticism, Whole Body + Whole Brain = Performance. In his over 25 years, Justin does nerve work for sports performance with amateur and professional athletes in most major sports. He successfully treats concussions quickly. Knowing that everything has a resonance, Justin uses light, sound, frequency and vibration to facilitate healing and performance. About a decade ago he saw his athletes breaking down from wearable technology and looked to nature to solve this man-made, electricity and EMF challenge. His EMF Rocks Grounding Bags are sold at doctor clinics across the country, The Grounding Bags are the leading natural protection for helping people co-exist with EMF's and get a deeper sleep.