EXCITING CHANGES! Meditation Conversation is now SOUL ELEVATION! ✨
Jan. 22, 2024

315. Leaving the Trap: How to Exit the Reincarnation Cycle - Isabella Greene

Are humans stuck in a karmic cycle that is keeping them unwittingly trapped to unending incarnations on Earth? What if you are ready to come out of that cycle? Isabella's book explores this very question. She gives examples in her experiences of near...

Are humans stuck in a karmic cycle that is keeping them unwittingly trapped to unending incarnations on Earth? What if you are ready to come out of that cycle?

Isabella's book Leaving the Trap explores this very question. She gives examples in her experiences of near death and quantum journeying to back up her claim, as well as practical advice for how to break out of the reincarnation cycle.

Isabella Greene, a metaphysical specialist, spiritual healer, and author joins for a captivating discussion on the provocative topic of soul entrapment on Earth. Touching on fascintating subjects such as the intricacies of the astral plane, quantum travel, reincarnation, and the ascent of consciousness, Isabella offers insights from her personal journey and experiences. 

Isabella shares the insights gained through her astral and quantum travels, near death experiences, and breathwork and meditation practices from which she has concluded that upon death we are being manipulated into reincarnating back to Earth by handlers who represent themselves as trusted beings of light. She offers solutions to becoming sovereign in order to end the suffering that comes from continuous incarnations in our dimension.

00:00 Introduction and Welcome
00:34 Introducing Special Guest: Isabella Green
01:54 Isabella's Journey: From Corporate to Spiritual
06:00 Exploring Astral Sparring and Near Death Experiences
12:04 Understanding the Astral Plane and Reincarnation Cycle
16:00 Experiencing the Void and Quantum Travel
30:28 The Importance of Experience in Spiritual Growth
31:16 The Power of Breathwork and Meditation
32:32 Understanding Astral Projection
33:16 Q&A Session Begins
33:23 Exploring the Concept of Age and Breathwork
34:45 Discussing Lucid Dreaming and Astral Realms
35:14 Understanding the Quantum Field and Dimensions
36:54 The Soul, Consciousness, and Reincarnation
40:18 The Ego Perspective and Reincarnation
47:12 Upcoming Workshops and Events
50:16 Final Q&A Session
54:02 Conclusion and Farewell


Join Isabella Greene at the Sedona Ascension Retreat March 8-10. I'll be there, too, and I can't wait! Use code MEDITATION for 10% off your ticket.

Read Isabella's book, Leaving the Trap.

Explore Isabella's services and upcoming events: http://www.isabellagreene.com

Read the Tao Te Ching and Patanjuli's Yoga Sutras.

Other episodes you'll enjoy:

301. Missing Time Experience with the Arcturians - Suzanne Ross

306. Accessing the Akashic Records: Spiritual Awakening Insights - Maureen St. Germain

308. From Combat Zones to Spiritual Realms: A Warrior's Journey - Michael Jaco

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Kara Goodwin: [00:00:00] Thank you for joining everybody. I'm so excited that you're all here. Welcome to the meditation conversation.

I'm your host, Kara Goodwin, and we're live streaming this webinar with special guest Isabella Green. This is live streaming on the Conscious Awakening Network. please go to conscious awakening network.org and you can see all of the hosts, all of the programs, the channels. I've got a lot of episodes out there.

as we get started here, I want to welcome Isabella Green. Isabella is a metaphysical specialist, spiritual healer, and author in service to the evolution of consciousness and the ascension of humanity. She helps people to clear the paths into embodiment of their higher essence on earth.

Her book, Leaving the Trap, How to Exit the Reincarnation Cycle, offers practical guidance and vivid short [00:01:00] stories from beyond the veil, exploring questions such as, what happens after death? Is reincarnation entrapment awaiting you? How do we prepare for final departure? And is departure really final? So welcome, Isabella.

I'm so excited to have you here. 

Isabella Greene: Hi, Kara. Thank you for hosting in this format where people are able to ask questions. Hopefully we'll get to that part two today. because I've done A gazillion interviews by now and they're usually pre recorded and then released like a few months later.

But having an opportunity to really have people who want to ask questions, that is very rare. So thank you very much for this idea. Thank you for bringing me on. I appreciate it. 

Kara Goodwin: I'm so excited and I can't wait to hear what people want to ask. let's get warmed up by just talking about your, I want to say your awakening story, but it feels more like a [00:02:00] reawakening, in a certain way, but you have a fascinating journey that you talk about in leaving the trap where, you were, I resonate so much with it because you were in the corporate cycle.

but you had this kind of. Early, like even astral sparring and like really fascinating stories like that. And then made a distinct choice to turn it off, join corporate America and then had that reawakening. So can you take us through that a little bit? 

Isabella Greene: Well, I think you just did, didn't you?

Kara Goodwin: Maybe a little bit more detailed than what I 

Isabella Greene: gave. All right. I was born with abilities and I remember that my family was always telling me to not talk about, don't talk about it. And when I was seeing things moving around our apartment, everyone was telling me like, Oh, you're just imagining things.

Don't talk about it. And,then, I started growing up [00:03:00] and I learned that I'm not supposed to mention things and I'm not supposed to have abilities that this is not normal or whatever. then I, when I. started choosing a career or when I had to fight for survival, then, I made a distinct choice to shut down all these abilities because they were interfering with,going to work nine to five and all that.

But before that happened, I had a group of friends when I was about starting from 17 till about 21. I had a 24. I had a group of friends where We were remote viewing each other, and we were also projecting, and we were discussing all kinds of things. And as a matter of fact, we were discussing the Tao. the, there was a person there, like a shaman, who was answering our questions.

he never taught anything. He would just throw a question, like, do you know what the aura is? I'm like, no, no, [00:04:00] what is it? No, just go find out. Okay, so that was his style, and he was quoting what I later realized was the Tao, the book Tao Te Ching. and, one day, walking down the street, I found that book just laying face down, in the dirt.

And I picked it up and I didn't even know what it was. It was like, oh, the book should not be in the dirt. So I found that right on the street and I've had it since and I've been reading it for 30 years. And the more I expand into awareness. the more I know what, Lao Tzu was talking about in that book.

So that's a little, different direction of the story that you already told. and then I came to Sedona and I just Started doing the nighttime meditations, and I started doing the kundalini awakening breath work and everything just expanded from that. My abilities came [00:05:00] back online, and now I have a whole toolbox of different abilities that I use for my everyday,for work, for doing sessions for people.


Kara Goodwin: it's so fascinating. And I know there was like 20 years in there of being in New York City, and being like, really, in the 

Isabella Greene: muck for sure. For sure. A maya away, maya away. And I most definitely, experienced every little thing that comes with it, from traumas to addictions to, certain behavior to God, you name it, pretty much collected enough data.

So now when I work with people, there isn't any story that. Freaks me out or people tell me, Oh, you're not going to believe my story. Yeah, I am going to believe your story because chances are I either lived it or I already, or I've already heard it. [00:06:00] yeah. Yeah. 

Kara Goodwin: so I do want to talk about this.

Astral sparring, which I know is just a small part of your story, but it's, I don't hear people talk about this, but I know somebody who's been having experiences like this, like right now, where she astral projects and then has. very lucid experiences in the astral and comes back with scratches and, and things like that, but I don't hear about this a lot.

And because you do have experience with it, I'd love to get into that and then we can talk about your, first near death experience to set the stage of where that shift happened 

Isabella Greene: for you. no, the shift did not happen during the near death experience. I'm one of the few people who was not impressed by my near death experience.

I was actually really annoyed that whatever being greeted me sent me back, regardless of the fact that I was begging. To stay there and I didn't want to go back and I was so miserable. And when I came back, I [00:07:00] felt really duped and just, shortly afterwards, I went right back to the same lifestyle that almost killed me.

Because it was not, something that I was so impressed with. Maybe because I already astral projected, for a number of years previously. from about 17 to 24. and the early stages when I was doing the astral sparring, that was when that person who was like my first teacher, the shaman, we were discussing getting out of body, getting out of body, but in a way that you also project, when you also project, you literally just step out of your physical form very slowly.

You lay down and you relax really deeply and you just push your astral body out. And then you're in the plane that is surrounded by the membrane [00:08:00] that holds us all in, around Earth plane. And within that plane, a lot of stuff happens that is quite similar to what we have here on Earth. Except you can see all of the non physical life there.

Here, in the physical body, we have the blind zone, we have the filters, so we don't really see, the, all of the life and stuff. And when I first A couple of times I also projected, and I would fly over the cemeteries and I would have all of kinds, all kinds of beings and what we call demonic beings and they just like after you and they just want to mess with you.

and when I came back, I was sharing that with that shaman. He was like, you need to train, you need to train in, as the Combat. So he paired me up with another person, and at that time, too, because in the astral plane, you can really take just any [00:09:00] form, and it's also practiced in the, shamanic traditions, right?

association with the animal spirit. you can take an animal form, like an animal spirit form when you are in the astral. So in the astral I was taking the animal spirit form of a wolf, female wolf. And the other one was taking, a spirit of like a big cat, like a bob, like larger than a bobcat.

kind of like mountain lion type of thing. And we, that shaman was, guiding us how, he would guide us how to do that, and then we will get out of body into the astral plane, and then we will spar, kind of like in the movie, the Matrix, where the bodies are laying down and you have, them training in the non physical space.

the funny or the interesting part was that. I remember distinctly that freaked me out. I came [00:10:00] back and I had blood underneath my nails and I had cat fur,like as if you pulled out a patch of fur with skin. And it was right in front of me in the physical right there when I came back into my body and the other person had scratches, on their body.

So we, whatever happens in the astral can affect, the physical experience right here. And also there are mazes like some, shamans, especially those who like do ayahuasca ceremonies or whatever. They are told to not go into any mazes, to not take any, and that's what the shaman was training me, was saying the same thing.

just know where you're going, stay within that path. There will be, like, little windy tunnels, pulling you in. Or [00:11:00] Also, if you are in Ayahuasca state, don't, I've never done Ayahuasca, but someone told me that, do not look in the mirror because it's going to pull you into the, astral dimension where a shaman has to go get you.

Otherwise, there were a few instances when some of my friends will go and then get locked in the astral mazes and they could not get out and the shaman had to go get them, but they, in the physical, they looked like they departed. They were just, they were just like zombified. It's a really, it's a really, wild experience to observe.

if you are astral projecting, I have a video on my YouTube channel. safety tips on, astral travel. So go ahead and, research or check out that video. But is the idea that we want to focus on [00:12:00] in this conversation is going past. The astral plane. We don't want to bounce around the astral plane, because the astral plane is what holds the reincarnation cycle within itself.

Why don't you tell that story about the, the dome with the eyes? 

Kara Goodwin: Yes. So before we, before everybody joined, I was sharing, in my own experiences at night, which are, not all the time, but sometimes, I was trying to explain, because in your book, you talk about the lower astral, the upper astral, and the, quantum.

And I was trying, I have experiences, but I don't know the labels. 

Isabella Greene: I just labeled them that kind of based on what I experienced. Right. 

Kara Goodwin: Right. Well, I was curious about your, interpretation, but one of the places I described was like, I described like the shape of it. It's like being inside, but the shape of a [00:13:00] bullet, you know, where it's really skinny and then, but rounded at the top, like a skinny dome.

And then there are repeating patterns. And one of them that I've seen is eyes, but it's like this pattern. And then there are eyes inside each pattern, just repeating all the way around. so say what you thought that was. 

Isabella Greene: Well. Um, so when Kara shared that before, before we started, I said, Hey, you're looking at what's holding us in.

You're looking at the observers, the eyes, and you're looking at, the, membrane. Because the astral plane around Earth, has a membrane. if you try to go out of body through Astral projects and you are eventually going to hit that membrane and you're watched the whole time too and then make sure you don't wander too far out because then you're going to [00:14:00] start getting this kind of interference, either beings coming up to you and like, Oh, you don't belong here or where are you going to get back to the body or just a straightforward and the lower astral trying to bully you back into the body so that you Get scared and you jump back in so the whatever spirits that run that system, they're not interested in you exploring that dimension of finding out what's going on, but the beginning of the astral projection is when you step outside and you look at your body laying down.

You can see that. Right there. another good story, Dr. Joe Dispenza, used to tell in his workshops where he was astral projecting and he saw his spirit of, a rat or something like some rodent. And in, the astral form, he went to touch it and it bit him on a finger [00:15:00] and he flicked it. And in the astral.

it looked like he killed it because he flicked it so hard. Well, when he came back into the body next morning, he looked, he had a bite on the finger and he had a dead rodent in his, on his porch or somewhere. Oh my gosh. the stuff is real. Yeah, 

Kara Goodwin: that's interesting. And I know I've had other times where I have been like in space.

And so I wonder from because from our like linear, how we understand space and time, it would seem as though if you are in space and you're seeing stars around you and so forth that you've penetrated outside of earth. But then of course everything is within two. So in some ways things are illusion, illusionary.

I think there's a better way to say that. But. Sure, yes. 

Isabella Greene: This is, no, this is a [00:16:00] good, 

So there is, this is a great segue to the concept that I, let's just say not entirely agree with that other, people talking about reincarnation cycle present.

I heard recently that, they just lump some, the entire reality into the matrix. Thanks. The, everything, universes, the void, the planets, the bee, everything, everything, the entire existence is the matrix. I completely disagree with that because from what I saw in my visions. Yes, the universes have, and each planet has reincarnation cycles, and universes have reincarnation cycles, but also dimensions from zero, let's just say the lower, below fifth dimension.

Because [00:17:00] they're like bubbles. it's the levels of consciousness that wants or operates on the level of taking and using their subjects and the higher dimensions of the same planets and the same universes do not operate on that level. So only the parts of the universes, if you wish. All right. That operate on this level of consciousness and we call it dimensions we call it Well below third density. I don't even know below third dimension. I'm not really familiar with but That's plant and animal spirits. But then the second or the third dimension and all the way to 4. 9 D and I can strongly argue that because of The vision that I had how it's got the dome like the [00:18:00] entirety of everything Included in the reincarnation cycle, each planet has its own earth has its own, but it's a part of the system that I think, there's a call in the matrix only on that level of consciousness.

And above that, and beyond that, reincarnation cycle does not exist, and I don't think that the Matrix exists either, because the purpose, the very purpose why the Matrix was set up, was to use their subjects. That's the whole concept, that's the whole idea. And that idea only exists within the certain levels of consciousness, within certain dimensions.

We, as Earthling, unfortunately, within that category right here, at least, as far as what we know, what we're presented. Okay, 

Kara Goodwin: so you would, so from your perspective, then it's once you do start experiencing space, for [00:19:00] example, then you have stepped outside of that.

Isabella Greene: I'm not suggesting that. No, I'm not suggesting that. I'm, I don't know, if there is a simulation of space. Oh, present within the astral plane because I know that there's a simulation of everything present within the astral plane. Like the white light beam, the white light thing, that's a simulation of the true light.

Okay. The simulation of the true light that, that is a part of existence, that is a part of creation, that, Sometimes, I don't know if you see that in your visions,if I am in, the state of Samadhi, that's complete blackness. Is it's a space of everything and nothing and you are part of all of that but if from that [00:20:00] space you want to see yourself as a human I was curious about that So the visual is like a little beam of light going Into this reality and from this reality people, in meditation recently,the girl who was leading that she was saying, see where you're coming from.

And I was seeing that beam going back straight into that space of omnipresence that I called a void, by the way. That's the true light. But what we see as a simula um, at the moment when we come out of the body, and there is this beam of light, and we think that we need to go into that, that's like a vacuum that takes you straight into, as the after life dimension, straight into the life review, straight into facing the handlers, straight into the next level of reincarnation cycle, spits you out into the astral plane, and that's a simulation of the light that [00:21:00] the soul gravitates to because the soul remembers That you, that's a part of creation, so that's another thing, and I also don't appreciate or don't agree with, those who are saying that the void is a part of the matrix, because it depends, I think, on the definition of the void, what I call the void in my book is the field, the infinite Field, the infinite quantum field, God, if you wish, is the energy that creates and sustains worlds, the omnipresence, there are a lot of words for it, but you really don't know it until you have experienced and, talking about it or trying to put it into terms that does not work.

Right. You cannot intellectualize that concept. You have to experience that concept. 

Kara Goodwin: That's fascinating. can we get into a little bit about [00:22:00] this concept of the trap you have, you referenced it, but I'd love to, to, Dive into that a little bit more about what you have experienced in terms, because you've had two life, sorry, two near death experiences and then all of this.


Isabella Greene: near life experiences. Right. That's what I'm having now, the near life experience. 

Kara Goodwin: Yes, I'm so glad to be able to witness it. This part. but, and then you also, but you have all of this experience of waking up in the middle of the night and on purpose to invoke this kind of journeying and experiencing the different realms.

please talk about the reincarnation cycle and what you've experienced there in terms of this like simulation and the, the handlers and things like that. 

Isabella Greene: All right. Thank you. We don't even have to go to my near death experience. If you hear It's so popular right now, everyone is talking about their near death experiences.

Predominantly the same story [00:23:00] over and over. It's that a person, comes out of the body, goes into the white light, and then they are faced with the beings or one being or three beings or their loved ones or the ones that look like the saints or the ones who look like jesus the one that greed in me looked like jesus so and they tell them it's not your time yet that's the common statement go back you have a purpose or just any reason why you need to go back.

I was guilt tripped to go back, quite literally, because the being hinted at you, you're wasting your life. Yeah, I know, feel terrible about it. Well, so go back and do better. Okay. but before that I was begging. I was literally begging that being I was like, can I please stay here because it feels Incredible during the near death experience you dip your toe Into just the taste Of what it is That [00:24:00] you truly are as a soul that energy of complete freedom, complete omnipresence, right?

Complete infinity. You only, you can experience that while alive. You don't have to be a monk. You don't have to, sit in a cave for 30 years. I got there in a number of years. And so can you, I literally got there between 2010 when I started doing the breath work. And when I shifted in 2014 to start doing that breath work.

In the middle of the night shortly after I had the first experience and since then these experiences have just been deep getting deeper and deeper and especially just recently, I had an experience of what's called Nirvikalpa Samadhi where I was able to actually completely shut down the body. I've been trying to do that since and it's just [00:25:00] not working and yes, yeah, completely shut down the body, the heartbeat stopped, the breath stopped and I was gone, gone, like for real.

No, before that, so in the yoga sutras, in the yoga sutras, Patanjali talks about the part where, At the beginning of you, because there are different levels of Samadhi, and Samadhi is entering that void or entering that space of omnipresence, if you wish, right? But at the beginning, you still have the mental activity, and he lists, I wish I had brought that book, it's a very short book, it's only 10 pages, but he lists The levels of mental activity still happening even while you're on the first level of Samadhi while, you are experiencing yourself as everything and nothing in Samadhi.

And then you reach the level where all of that [00:26:00] is gone. There is no more mental activity, no more yourself. And you're able to move your life force, your soul, your prana out. of your physical form, and the physical form literally shuts down. I observed that, I observed how my breath stopped first, and then my heart stopped, and then I was just gone.

And it wasn't a heart attack or anything like that. It was a deliberate, I deliberately was going for that experience. I've been wanting to be able to, and that's a desire, yeah, don't desire anything. And, including what's in the scriptures, but that was my desire to get to the level when I can control my life force, my prana, my soul body connection.

If I can achieve that within this lifetime, living in the world and being a part of everything, [00:27:00] Anyone can do it. All you need is just perseverance. You really need curiosity and, you need focused discipline to just do this every day. And that's it. Literally, my experience has started within the, on the fourth year.

And the first three years I was doing the breath work just to get to my, subconscious condition and clean that up and stuff. And I'm sure you. You're familiar as you mentioned that you do Kriya Yoga breath work as well. 

Kara Goodwin: Yeah. And I have not done it in the middle of the night. So that really it's really sparks my curiosity to have that.

Isabella Greene: Yeah. There you go. Oh my God. And at the beginning, I was experiencing beings and I was experiencing the cosmos or the visual of the space and the planets and I could just direct myself places [00:28:00] until I did get into the field of omnipresence. And now that's all I want to do, but from that field, and that's what I call quantum travel, from that field, from that state of being, you can direct yourself into the worlds of the higher realms, and in that way, you know for sure that you are not astral projecting into something.

All right, because if you are going and, right, in your, in your experiences, you're observing beings and realities and planets, that might be a part of the simulation. You don't know it, there's nowhere to tell, but once you've gone into the field of omnipresence, from there, Because of how, that's the fabric of everything.

And from there, you can have, or you can have, you need to have an intention before you get there. So before you [00:29:00] get there, you have an intention, once you've been in, in that space, or it's not space, it's a state of being. Once you've been in that state of being for a while, then you can remember kind of like, whoa, trace of the thought, oh, I wanted to go to this world.

Boom, you're there instantly. That's why I call it quantum travel. And it didn't go through the astral plane. That's, that's, that's, uh, the state of my ignorance at the present moment. That's what I know as of today. 

Kara Goodwin: Okay. All right. Well, thank you for that. There's a lot of discernment that, and training, that it seems that, 

Isabella Greene: you develop.

Let's know. No, no, no, no. I very much disagree with the idea that's a huge task. I just recently read that in the post. It's a huge task. You know what? Do the meditation and the breath work every night. That's all that's required. The rest is going to unfold on its [00:30:00] own. Yeah, I guess it's 

Kara Goodwin: that,just the discernment,that, because you wouldn't know if some, if you're in, an astral illusion, or if you're in an actual, if you're actually in, An experience.

And without the experience, I 

Isabella Greene: suppose, right? Right, exactly. That's why I always say that experience is the best teacher. Us sitting here just using words, that doesn't go anywhere far, usually. like you can intellectualize it like, oh, the field of omnipresence. But once you've been there, that's when you really know.

Experience is the only teacher. I say that the spiritual truth It's very simple. Simple. Look at these books. look at Tao Te Ching. It's less than 50 pages long. There's 78, verses in that. That are [00:31:00] this long. That's it. And it talks about, and it talks about the Nature, the true essence of reality.

Look at,Patanjali's Yoga Sutras. He talks about getting into Samadhi and the Enlightenment. That's ten pages long. Ten pages long. The volumes of words only send the mind in the loops, and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, That's not required. if you find in yourself The excitement and the curiosity to really go into these experiences or to just do that practice every day.

Breath work that wakes up the Kundalini energy and sit up in the middle of the night to do it, and then sit with it after you did the meditation. Sit with it for a while, and when the body wants to lay down. Continue sitting through it, because that's the chemistry in the [00:32:00] brain that changed, and that's a precursor to your experience very often.

Just do it every night. You'll be rested, I promise, because that connects you to the energy that wakes, that actually, charges you up. So don't worry about, oh, losing sleep or whatever. That's all that's required. You do that, and your experiences will expand and expand, and then you will learn how to have discernment, and then you will learn how to, get answers from that field.

And then also, if you didn't start, Your outer body experience from laying down and relaxing and slowly coming out of your body, turning around, looking at your body, there is my body, and then floating somewhere, then there is a chance that you are not in the astral plane. Because what I just described, [00:33:00] slowly coming out and looking at the body and then experiencing stuff, that's astral projecting and you're within the bubble of the astral plane.

You can say, you can tell I'm quite passionate about these subjects. 

Kara Goodwin: That's right. Yes. And we've got some, great 

Isabella Greene: questions here. So let's go ahead with the, we'd like to have about 30, what, 20 minutes left. 

Kara Goodwin: Yeah. Yeah. We'll do our best. Jade asks if there's an age limit for a person practicing the breathwork and being successful in activating the Kundalini.

Isabella Greene: Oh my goodness. There's no way there is an age limit. Absolutely not. You have, that is your. What's called prana that is your life force. You have it as long as you're alive. You can do this There's no age limit. Absolutely First of all secondary if you're elderly and if you're not really in good health that's going to actually rejuvenate you Because it, it lights up, it lights up your entire essence.

It [00:34:00] lights up,the entire energetic form and your body, it brings the life force into your brain that rejuvenates your brain. It's a fantastic practice. And you pay attention to your spine, you light up the, I think they're called the nadas. You will probably know, Kara, you will know the, the term, yeah, the terminology, the yogic terminology.

I'm just starting to learn the yogic terminology recently because people started pointing that out to me. I was just doing this practice with not even knowing. So you light up your spine, you light up your brain, you light up the upper centers, and that's a part of your breath work. And then you go. Or if you go any age, you don't have to be any particular age for that.

I love it. 

Kara Goodwin: That's a great question too. Okay, so Bija asks about lucid dreaming. Are you still in the astral realm when you're lucid dreaming? 

Isabella Greene: Probably. Yeah, because Lucid Dreaming is 4. 5D, as far as I get [00:35:00] it, 4. 5D, and that is very linked to, that is very linked to,that's a part of the Astral Plane.

Yeah. Okay. So I would say yes. I'm pretty sure about that. Okay. Thank 

Kara Goodwin: you. And Grace asks, can we collapse all dimensions from the quantum field? 

Isabella Greene: It's not that you collapse all dimensions, it's that you bypass all dimensions. Because quantum field, the quantum field is. The space where there are no dimensions.

It is, it's everything and nothing. Nothing. There's no dimensions there. It's the fabric of everything. The fabric of reality. So collapsing. You're not collapsing anything. You come out into that space and they, that's it. There are no dimensions there. You can go through different levels of consciousness, different dimensions, [00:36:00] different realities on the way there, or from there, like I mentioned earlier, but while you're in the field, there is, there are no dimensions there.

And that brings a really interesting Oh, wait. Oh, go ahead. No dimensions, meaning all of it is in it. It's very, it's challenging to explain, and in the Tao, he says, talk about it, and you will not get it, or something, the more you know, the less you understand, so talking about it is really not, it's not possible to explain, in coherent terms, you just need to go and see, because it's this, it's, Contradictory state of being where you are there, but you're not you where everything is there, but at the same time, it's completely dark and there's nothing there at the same time.

So play and find out for yourself. But that's the soul itself. That is the fabric of the soul. This is why I see [00:37:00] no sense in the idea that people, when people say that, oh, the reincarnation cycle was set up for the evolution of the soul, I don't see that as accurate at all because. There is no such thing as an evolution of the soul.

Maybe there is an evolution of consciousness. And that's why when we're there, we come back. And we don't remember anything because we were just pure soul, let's just say, right? Or the first time you incarnate into earth plane, where is the karma? The karma comes with action. Mind, ego, body doing things based on mentality of the realm that you operate within.

And then you go back and you get judged for it and you're sent back To do more and do more and do more but the soul within it Essence [00:38:00] is pure. The soul does not collect any of that. What we're talking about, that field, that's the fabric of your soul. And so I say, go back to the fabric of the soul.

And well, if you want to hang out. around Earth and participate in the evolution of consciousness, like mentality, upgrading mentality, one life after the next, upgrading mentality, action, ego, dealing with all that. That's maybe the evolution of consciousness. And there is a record of that, that the handlers use, yes.

Oh, you did this, and that. But it is in the soul. we're not Taught or trained to experience or know ourselves as the pure fabric of the soul all of that What you did what you're doing what you're choosing which what kind of action you're taking [00:39:00] that is all consciousness mentality brain emotions ego action That whole package, but the soul within its fabric, within itself, within its nature, is that pure essence that does not choose, does not make these kind of choices, right?

We're judged for the choices that we make in this dimension. And what makes the choices? The soul, not the soul. Like I said, that whole package. Consciousness, mind, mentality. 

Kara Goodwin: All those temporary aspects of the world. Right. 

Isabella Greene: that are all linked to us functioning. In the physicality, that has nothing to do with the actual innate essence of the soul.

So this is why I disagree when people say, Oh, the reincarnation is for the evolution of the soul. The soul does not require [00:40:00] evolution. The soul within itself encompasses everything already. So that's something I've been chewing on or thinking about and now I'm tuning into the last couple of days.

Thank you. Thank you all for listening. 

Kara Goodwin: And that, I mean, that's the interesting thing too, with the ego perspective, we talked a tiny bit about this before we started, but, It's just interesting to think about it from the standpoint of the ego and then transcending. because if we're real and I doubt anybody who's bothered to join this call is, in a, is really, severely locked in the ego because you are drawn to this type of discussion, but we have a lot of people on this planet who are very driven by the ego and not.

Even connecting with the concept of there being a soul that is behind any of it. So [00:41:00] that's an interesting thing if we think about once we die and we are, being presented with our opportunities. Do you want to go back? Do you want to get out? 

Isabella Greene: No, you're not presented with, no, you're not presented with the, do you want to get out?

Right, right. You don't represent it with your, Here is what you did wrong. But what did wrong is you're operating human system within the human reality within the construct of this density that we call the matrix. All right, that's what did choose these things. That's what responded in this in that way.

And that's what we that's what we're presented with with. And the judgment day. Why don't we take a couple of more questions there? Yes. 

Kara Goodwin: Yeah. So I've got, I've got one here that says if this person, I don't have the name, but, if I recall correctly, you mentioned in a previous interview that you may have been lured to earth.[00:42:00] 

Do you think the calls for help are real or a trick to get the beings here and trapped in the reincarnation cycle? 

Isabella Greene: that's a good question, I honestly don't know, because when I was lured, and I literally felt that I felt the soul's desire to go and assist the world in distress. I didn't know that there was a possibility that this could have been a simulation or a hoax of some sort.

So I think that if it is, the souls from other dimensions or from higher realms, they're not aware, or Maybe I was in the, maybe I was in the part of the simulation already. Just in a different planet, a little higher,than 3D, so I cannot answer that. I don't know. It is possible. I will just say it is possible.[00:43:00] 

why don't you meditate on that and ask that question in the field? Maybe you'll get the answer. That's 

Kara Goodwin: great. they're also asking, Are there beings working on dismantling the reincarnation trap? 

Isabella Greene: That's something that I heard, and I have no awareness of that. If there are beings, see, that's like waiting for the savior.

And we've been waiting for the savior for 40,000 years recently, by the way, recently. And in one of the channelings, Wendy Kennedy was channeling the nine dimensional, dimensional Pleiadian collective. on next level. soul some parts I don't agree with there, but she said you. Have been manipulated for 40, 000 years.

And I'm like, whoa, is that how long the reincarnation cycle has been set up for 40, 000 years? Or was it there before? Or like, well definitely for 40, [00:44:00] 000 years, right? what was the question? I'm sorry, I got sidetracked. Oh, if there are beings reincarnated. Alright, so waiting We've been waiting for the savior all this time and we can sit around for another 40, 000 years saying, Hey, they're going to come and dismantle and we're all free.

I say, Hey, take control in your own hands and give yourself the power of getting out energetically, getting out as a soul, getting out as a life force, pulling yourself out of the whole system. And maybe then you are going to have a choice and much sooner, within life, within this lifetime, much sooner than whatever might come and dismantle, which I doubt because they're going to have to dismantle the entire system across universes with all the planets involved.

That's a huge system. It's [00:45:00] not just around Earth. Right. 

Kara Goodwin: Michaela asks, if we believe in a loving God, source, divine creator, then what is the purpose of the trap, prison, planet, school for lesser advanced souls, or ultimate mastery test in empowerment and sovereignty with love? 

Isabella Greene: Well, I don't, I don't know.

First of all, all right, first of all, we go back to what we know or what we believe is God. I just recently released a video on my YouTube channel about that. And for me, what I believe God is, is that fabric of reality. Just the omnipresence, the field. The field is the ultimate source of creation.

Everything comes from the field. Everything is made of that, including our bodies, including our realities. And Everything exists within existence. There's a question often asked, like, Why is [00:46:00] this allowed? Oh, well, who is asking? there are all, everything exists within existence, so there's a part of that.

And, sure, you can look at it as a part of the, evolution of the soul. You can look at it as a part of,whatever words you just said, like the process, working yourself out of the whole system of this dimension with love, sure, the, there's no being there that's sitting there projecting love.

If you enter that state, you will experience the state of unconditional love. That's what's called the Christ consciousness. You will know that. It will become a part of you. You will know that because that is what your soul is. That is the state of being and what you do with it from that point and on is entirely up to you.

How you label it, how you name it, how you [00:47:00] decide to believe that it affects or not affect your journey on earth, that's entirely up to you. 

Kara Goodwin: Yeah, thank you. So there's a great question here. if you're able to simplify the technique for quantum travel for the beginner, and if we can take that into some of the things you've got coming up that where people will have the opportunity to work with you directly.

So if you have, 

Isabella Greene: I'm not going to teach the breath work right here in five minutes. All right, because that's a little bit, that's a little bit, inappropriate, I would suggest, but I have three, workshops coming up. Two workshops are a part of the bigger, events. Ascension, Sedona Ascension Retreat.

They're only half an hour and 15 minutes. And that's on March 8th, that is my workshop, Sedona Ascension Retreat. the next workshop is at the Sedona Yoga [00:48:00] Festival, where I will go a little more into the traditional yogic practices. That, I'm not sure the date exactly, but that's between, March 14th and 17th.

And then, for the personal experience myself and my co pilot,of our Exit and Reincarnation group, to which you all are invited if you're not a part of it yet, on Facebook. Viola Rose, we are offering a mini retreat that is four hours long. So I'm going to really have a little extra time to go into the practices, to go into the meditation technique, to teach, and to talk about these things.

You'll have an opportunity to ask questions right there, face to face. And also then Viola is going to take us on a journey. Her gong really creates that cosmic sound. it's [00:49:00] incredible. And I will guide the, I will do the energy work for you. A lot of people experience opening, into awareness during, that.

That's like a little upgrade there. And, we will also guide the meditation. carrying you back into source. So that's a really rich offering. And that's on May 26. And you can see that on my website, IsabellaGreen. com under events, tab. and we'll have an early bird special right now until February 15th.

Go ahead and sign up if you want to learn these practices and really have my presence there to answer the questions and teach and practice because teaching that in five minutes on the internet call is inappropriate. 

Kara Goodwin: Yeah. Thank you. That's beautiful. Jade is asking if you're going to come to Thailand, 

Isabella Greene: you have a little invitation there.

There's a demand. I could come in a non [00:50:00] physical form to Thailand anytime, but yeah, I'm not exactly sure about that. I've been invited to a podcast there though and to a book event and whatever, but yeah, I'm not traveling anytime soon, quite frankly. Thank you. 

Kara Goodwin: Okay. we have a couple more minutes and we have a ton of questions.

So I'm just going to keep firing here. I think this is Patty. I'm curious as to how many handlers there are to deal with all the people that die 

Isabella Greene: each day. Well, infinite amount, infinite amount of energetic forms that are shapeshifting forms that can present themselves in any way that you need.

It's a, I would say it's an Energy. It's an energy. An energy cannot be counted. It's an energy that can, focus itself into the presentation that you need to see. I don't see that there is, an army. Maybe there is an army of these beings there. Definitely, [00:51:00] it's, I see it as an energy that presents itself, in the way that you need to see it.

it's not countable. Okay. 

Kara Goodwin: And I think you've touched on this, but I, this is interesting, why we would come into a reincarnation system just to escape it instead of destroying it. So from a much bigger perspective, if we assume, that we have from a soul perspective, some say in the experience, which, 

Isabella Greene: No, we don't, we don't.

I hate to interrupt you, but I only have three minutes. I want to take a couple, couple more questions. So we are not aware of any other choice. We're not, once you answer the system, that's it. You're not aware of any other choice. You're not presented with any other idea on earth. As a matter of fact, a lot of scriptures teach you that's the way to go, that's the way to go.

We're paying off [00:52:00] karma non stop here, incarnation after incarnation, new age, everything is teaching you that this is for your own good, and this is for your learning, and this is for blah blah blah, so we really have no awareness. Once we, and we get wiped after every incarnation, so there is really no other choice, and there is really no other awareness.

All right, two minutes. One more question. 

Kara Goodwin: Okay, Is there a way to avoid being annoyed, bothered by entities while asleep? Basically talking about nightmares. 

Isabella Greene: How is that related? Let's skip that. This is not related to this question. Okay. It's a two hour subject. 

Kara Goodwin: let's see. Catherine's asking, she asked about the breathwork.

We talked about that. Hi, Barbara. She said one of her sons has passed away. He was 39. She's always been aware that she'll see him again, but she goes straight to the void. Will she miss that experience when she passes out of her body? 

Isabella Greene: He's not there. How long ago did he pass? Or it doesn't matter.

Okay. So within [00:53:00] about three years, that being is already incarnated into somewhere else. So whatever you're going to experience is not him. You're going to experience a handler waving to you, saying, pretending to be your son. That's, that is what, as far as I get it. All right. so he's already incarnated elsewhere.

If he passed more than three years ago. if you go straight into the void, you will avoid the entire system. If you go into the reincarnation cycle just because you want to see your son, chances are you're not seeing your son, one. And number two is you're locked into the next incarnation again. And they're gonna probably promise you that you're going to, oh, go back to Earth because you're going to, have an opportunity to have your son in your life again.

Ah, big carrot right there. So you just say, okay, I'm going. [00:54:00] And there you are.

Kara Goodwin: Wow. Well, thank you so much, everybody for joining. Thank you so much, Isabella. If you have not gotten her book, it is fascinating. it reads very quickly. I read it on a flight, my flight back from Sedona and, and I'll be there too in the Sedona Ascension retreat. so I can't wait to see you again.

And those of you who are going to be there, come and say hello. Can't wait to meet everybody. And, thank you so much to anything before we go, Isabella. 

Isabella Greene: Well, I really wish that I had a chance to answer everyone's questions. It seems that these conversations just fly by so fast. Maybe Kara, we can do this again.

I would love it. Just do the Q& A. Yeah. With other people, but I hope that I covered, the bigger picture for everyone. So thank you very much for joining. very much for joining. Thank you for following. And if you'd like to join [00:55:00] our group, Existing Reincarnation, that's a Facebook group I created just so that we can have a private space to have our conversations, about this subject.

So go ahead and I'll see you there and I'll see you next time. Thank you. Wonderful. Thank 

Kara Goodwin: you so much. Many blessings, everybody. Bye. Bye.


Isabella Greene Profile Photo

Isabella Greene

Author, Spiritual Healer

Isabella A. Greene is a Metaphysical Specialist, Spiritual Healer and Author in service to the evolution of
consciousness and ascension of humanity. Isabella helps people to clear the paths into embodiment of
their higher essence on Earth. Learn more about Isabella Greene and her work at: