EXCITING CHANGES! Meditation Conversation is now SOUL ELEVATION! ✨
Nov. 20, 2023

299. Transformative Frequencies: Unleashing the Healing Energy Waves - Hillis Pugh

Discover the extraordinary journey of Hillis Pugh, a psychic medium whose connection to energy frequencies took an unexpected turn. From premonition dreams to honing his skills, Hillis delved into the world of healing and service. He is adept at the...

Discover the extraordinary journey of Hillis Pugh, a psychic medium whose connection to energy frequencies took an unexpected turn. From premonition dreams to honing his skills, Hillis delved into the world of healing and service. He is adept at the use of frequencies, even those of radio waves and microwaves. He believes that with a pure intention these energies can hold untapped potential. In this episode we also explore the healing power of light language with Syrian and Arcturian energies. 

In this episode, you will be able to:

  • Unlock your psychic and mediumship abilities by exploring Hillis' inspiring journey and experiences.

  • Discover the power of light language, a universal language predating written languages, and learn how to tap into its transformative energy.

  • Harness the healing potential of energy frequencies like 5G, microwave, and radio waves, and understand the importance of intention for positive outcomes.

  • Dive into the fascinating world of portals, their existence and creation, and explore the profound impact of ancestral healing on personal growth and spiritual development.

  • Uncover the hidden power of names and vibrations, and learn how they can shape your reality and influence your path to healing and personal transformation.

Hillis Pugh is an accomplished author, teacher, speaker, and holistic practitioner. With a background in Psychic Mediumship, Reiki, and Lemurian Light Energy, Hillis has honed his skills to empower individuals on their spiritual journey. What sets Hillis apart is his expertise in exploring and utilizing energy frequencies for healing and service. He believes that energy is deeply influenced by intention and has developed techniques to cleanse and purify these frequencies, making them beneficial for healing purposes. As one of only two teachers in the world for the Lemurian energy transmission modality, Hillis has a unique ability to channel galactic and Earth energies, providing a deeper connection to the soul. Through his work, Hillis aims to guide others in harnessing their own healing potential and experiencing transformative change. His knowledge and experience make him a valuable resource in the field of holistic healing.

The key moments in this episode are:
00:00:15 - Introduction 

00:03:33 - Developing Psychic Abilities

00:05:18 - Lemurian Light Energy

00:07:40 - Channeling Different Frequencies

00:11:45 - Light Language

00:16:14 - Light Language and Vibrational Resonance

00:18:43 - Fourth Density and Letting Go

00:23:04 - Habitual Life and Learning Through Visual Cues

00:24:52 - Accessing 100% of Your Soul's Energy

00:26:52 - Connecting with Self and Recharging

00:33:55 - The Significance of Names

00:36:06 - Galactic Signs and Vibrational Resonance

00:37:04 - Everything is Vibration and Energy

00:40:40 - Ancestral Healing and Soul Lineage


  • Visit Karagoodwin.com and select retreats to find out more about the upcoming retreat in January.

  • Share this episode with others and encourage them to listen.

  • Rate and review the podcast to show your support.

  • Explore the Lemurian energy transmission modality by connecting with Hillis Pugh.

  • Consider learning more about light language and its ancient origins by researching hieroglyphs, Chinese characters, and Sumerian characters.

  • Open your heart and drop into the feeling of the podcast, allowing your mind to take a backseat and simply experience the energy.

  • Connect with your own intuition and explore your psychic abilities, if you feel called to do so.

Other episodes you'll enjoy:

297. Connecting with Higher Beings - Philip Smith

285. Journey to Expanded Consciousness: Channeling with Light Language and Toning - Daniel Scranton

282. Experience Subtle Energy and Instant Pain Relief - Master Healer Charles Matthew

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Kara Goodwin: [00:00:00] Hello, and welcome to the Meditation Conversation, the podcast to support your spiritual revolution. I'm your host, Kara Goodwin, and today I'm joined by Hillis Pugh. Hillis is an author, teacher, speaker, and holistic practitioner utilizing gifts and tools to empower others on their journey. Hillis mentors each soul on their path to lift them up so they can see what he sees beyond the physical realm. He's an energy facilitator working with modalities such as psychic mediumship, reiki, and Lumerian light energy to co-create a deeper connection to the soul. 

This episode was one of those surprise connections for me. I knew [00:01:00] Hillis was doing great work out there in the world, but as we connected through this episode, I could feel the response in my heart, which was way more impactful than any of the intellectual information he gave us. So as you tune into this podcast, just drop down into your heart and feel its response. Get your mind out of the way, avoid analyzing what you feel. And simply feel it. I'd even go so far as to say that it doesn't really even matter what the words are in this episode. They're just something to keep your mind busy while your heart is being opened. Although we do cover some very interesting territory, such as talking to deceased, loved ones. We nerd out on frequencies, including 5g. We talk about light language, Arturian technology, the importance of your name. Ancestral healing and so much more. So let me know how you feel as you listen. I would love to hear if you tuned into that same vibe that I talk about. We'll get right into that. As soon as I [00:02:00] mentioned that I've got a wonderful retreat coming up in January, and I would love to see you there. We'll be utilizing the sacred grounds of the Tibetan, Mongolian Buddhist cultural center in. Beautiful Bloomington, Indiana. There'll be meditation workshops to strengthen your connection to your higher self in really practical ways. Sound experiences, beautiful. Like-hearted souls and so much more. This is going to be deeply enriching and tickets are moving quickly. So go to karagoodwin.com and select retreats to find out more. Stressed out can't sleep. Truvaga. Got you covered. Say goodbye to restless nights and hello to inner peace with this simple but powerful handheld Vegas nerve stimulation therapy. It only takes two minutes, morning and night to reclaim your peace of mind. This amazing device stimulates the vagus nerve to improve overall [00:03:00] health and wellness. Your Vegas nerve plays a crucial role in regulating various bodily functions, including heart rate, digestion, stress, inflammation, and mood. Truvaga delivers gentle energy impulses to the vagus nerve. Leading to a wide range of wellness benefits, including reducing stress, increasing focus and improving mood and sleep. This technology is the most clinically studied and tested Vegas nerve therapy available. 

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Kara Goodwin: 

So welcome, Hillis. I'm so [00:04:00] happy to meet you. 

Hillis Pugh: I'm so happy to meet you two and to connect with you, connect with your audience, and to share whatever wisdom that, source soul energy has in store for today. So I'm excited about that.

Kara Goodwin: Me too. So can we just start with your background? I'm really curious if you've always been so connected with Spirit or if this is something that kind of developed over time, or there was a big shift for you. So how did that show up for you?

Hillis Pugh: it is a very interesting question and, and every time someone asks me, I always allow myself to. Think about when did this actually start? And anytime when I think about that, something else begins to open up. And thank you for asking that. And I felt, I've always been intuitive, always felt that I was always connected to some degree.

But as a child it wasn't nurtured so much. It wasn't until, 

my adulthood, when I began to [00:05:00] nurture this aspect of me, especially when it came to, In my twenties, late teens, early twenties, where I started to have premonitions, dreams. And six months later, a year later, two years later, some of the stuff were happening and I would ask them like, what is happening?

What's going on? And no one in my family could tell me what it was. I'm like, you're crazy. I'm like, no, I'm not crazy. This just happened. I about this.

Kara Goodwin: Oh, wow. 

Hillis Pugh: And


Kara Goodwin: examples of things you can remember where that happened? 

Hillis Pugh: Yeah, the, the one that stands out the most is a dream of my grandmother's passing.

Kara Goodwin: Oh, 

Hillis Pugh: And it was about maybe a year, maybe two years, prior to her passing where I had the dream about her passing. And when it happened, it was exactly like I dreamt and I'm like,

Kara Goodwin: ooh.

Hillis Pugh: And I had to tell, and I told my aunt about it.

I told her, and she's like, no, that can't. And then when it happened, I said, see, [00:06:00] and so

Kara Goodwin: already told her that you had had that 


Hillis Pugh: yeah.

Kara Goodwin: Oh, wow. Yeah.

Hillis Pugh: Yeah. But the thing is too, my grandmother was, was ill at the time. She wasn't in the best health. So, being connected in that space, led me down the path of really connected to my psychic mediumship, really honing in

The abilities to, I learned that was cloud audience. So that led me down that path. And once you start down that path, you just go from one to the next, to the next, to the next. what's new? What's next? What can I do now? So it just a fun, fun space to explore.

Kara Goodwin: Hmm. Wow. That's, that is fascinating and I know that. one of your like expertise. You, you have the Lemurian energy 

transmission, modality. Tell us about that. I'm not familiar with it. I mean, I've heard you talk about it on interviews, but, but otherwise I've never heard anybody else talk about it. I know it's only a, a small amount of people who have been [00:07:00] initiated, so. 

Hillis Pugh: Yes, it's a very small amount and I'm only one of two teachers on the planet.



I will say that there are other practitioners, other, peers are not . Personal of mine, but other peers in the space that have connected to the Lemurian energy. But what I do as well as my teacher, we do a little bit differently.

And what makes us different is the fact that we one, connect to Sirius, and that's the origin of Lemurian, the beings that inhabited. Of that time where they have descended from Sirius. And it is in that space where I connect to the galactic energies that I channel through me to be of service to someone else.

And in addition to me channeling these galactic energies, I also connect to earth energies. I. Connect to, sound frequency, connect to, all various forms of energies to utilize even. And some people may think this is crazy, but [00:08:00] I've even learned a way to channel, five g and microwave and radio wave energies to be of service because people think that, oh, that's just wasteful energy.

Oh, that's harmful energy. It's only harmful if you believe it to be. And so, I. When I was attuned and, and went through the process of learning how to really understand what Lemurian energy and what energy is in existence, you begin to see energy at the source, at the root of it, and then can utilize it, channel it, and use it for your own use, and use it for the use of others in the proper sense.

Kara Goodwin: Okay. So tell me what is it like to, or what purpose would it serve to channel like a five G or microwave energy?

Hillis Pugh: Well with those along with radio wave


energies, they are on the lower frequency. They're on the lower, lower spectrum. So they are also more readily [00:09:00] available. just like Earth Energy, someone tries to reach the gamma energy. Gamma energy is a little bit, more challenging to channel. But when you have an abundance of radio waves or microwaves and five G energy, you have the ability to connect to those energies.

Cleanse the energies before you can, utilize 'em and channel them for the use of, healing others or the use to, assist others on their journey or whatever it is. Because energy is all about the intention. So once you connect to that energy and then you channel that energy, and then you set the intention, it's the intention of the user, the intention of someone who, who calls the energy into them.

And most people, when they call energy into them, sometimes it becomes them, but with me, I allow myself to keep the energy separate, especially if it's of a different frequency. It's about the intention of how to use it, how to channel it through the body and through the nervous system [00:10:00] to be of service to someone else to say, Hey, here's a little bit of energy for you that has been cleansed, washed, purified, and now is of use, to be of service.

Kara Goodwin: Wow. So let me really nerd out here, and this might not go anywhere, but I've just recently heard about 1.6 gigahertz and that this particular frequency is like a, something that we can tune into to kind of, connect to different portals. Any of you have, you come across this 1.6 gigahertz as a specific frequency.

Hillis Pugh: not in my physical awareness, but probably in my energetic awareness I have. Because, if you look behind me, I have portals all around me. Y'all behind me am I connect to portals all the time. And in that sense, portals are everywhere. You, I mean, you can make a portal in, in your space if you choose to, to connect to and set in [00:11:00] yet again, set the intention of where it.

You wish for it to go and have that space open for you. And so the 1.5 gigahertz energy is just like anything else. It's the energy that we connect to at the frequency and the intention. And just to be a bit more clear here, when we set the intention, when we set the the desire of something, it's about the vibration we

We resonate with. And so when we have the intention of connecting with the portal, it's about connecting with that 1.5 gigahertz energy. We may not know what, It is, some people may not know, I know you know the frequencies. But when we have that thought, we have that intention of I wanna create a portal.

I want to create a portal. You, you align yourself to that vibration and then that portal, Is open and drawn, and then you set the intention and destination.

Kara Goodwin: So is that [00:12:00] how it would work with you if you wanted to utilize, for example, the abundance of five G In our modern world, you can, you kind of use the heart and use the intention to say, I am aligning with that energy. And then that's what's kind of moving through you and you're like you say, cleansing it, purifying it, and then utilizing that to, uplift somebody else or to heal somebody.

Hillis Pugh: Exactly. No. And most of us is done also with light language


the process to be of service because no light language is, the universal language,

Kara Goodwin: Yeah. Well, how did that show up for you?

Hillis Pugh: Well, as I was going through the process of the Lemurian attunement, which took about eight months for me to go through, it was in the process of understanding what the Syrian energy is, what the lemoine energy is, what the aha energy is, the shambala energy is the.

Kara Goodwin: was the one after? Sorry? What was before 

Hillis Pugh: The earth, [00:13:00] 

which is Yeah. Which is the inner earth energy. So crystal, city energy, all these different energies that, in the planet, around the planet. So it's it's really understanding what to connect to, when to connect, to know what. Is the best utilization of what and when. And so just really understanding that that process and when you really understand the process, you then can hone the energy of, of connecting with those spaces through light language, Human language, it is fascinating. But when I started diving into beginning to write my own white language, I was like, Hmm, this looks very similar to some of, the Japanese and Chinese characters. And I'm like, they've been around a lot longer. And then, you think about the hiogly of Egypt and the hiogly of Samaria, it's like this light language has been around for.


Kara Goodwin: Hmm. 

Hillis Pugh: And when we think about that, 

it's it's the oldest energy, I mean, [00:14:00] oldest way that we think, 

Kara Goodwin: You're giving me chills, like all over my scalp. Woo. Okay. Thanks. Hillis.

Hillis Pugh: Yeah, you are welcome. I mean, 'cause honestly, there's no coincidence in, in, in why we learn what we learn and, and what we connect to.


I mean, when you look at . Some of the light language writings and you compare it to Chinese characters or hieroglyphs or Sumerian characters. There is a strong similarity. I mean, this.

Information just isn't being channeled, to certain people. Everyone can access this. When you have the frequency and the intention, it is in that space in which you hold, that vibration to say, I wanna understand what this is. I wanna understand what it means. The issue is the, the point of translation, from light language to English.

Language or whatever language you choose to speak.[00:15:00] whether it's Spanish, French, Russian, Chinese, whatever. It's all in that same space.

Kara Goodwin: So did it start, because you mentioned that you're cla ent, did you start kind of hearing the language in, in your own journey? Did you start hearing it first? I mean, you're also mentioning the way that they're written, so were you like speaking it, reading it, see or seeing it with your mind's eye, all of it.

How did it.


Hillis Pugh: Well, 

I, I, with the light language, it was a little bit different. I began to see the images,


see the, the wording, and then I was able to, because with me, I, I like to, to see it and before I can able, before I speak it, I say, I wanna know what it is. So I'm speaking, I wanna know what this is, I'm just not going to speak anything.

I had to know the meaning, so I got the image. I asked what it meant and then I got the light language, the, [00:16:00] the universal language, if you will, the vibrational language of it, and then I used it in my sessions with my clients. I just really allow myself to hone and connect to that energy. I.

Kara Goodwin: And do you see, do you understand it as like a, more from a Syrian lineage? Because I know there are different versions

Hillis Pugh: Yes. And it's interesting,



my like language that I write is mixed between Sirian and Arcturian

Kara Goodwin: Oh, interesting. 

Hillis Pugh: Yeah. It's a mix because, Syrian is the. Center of the galaxy, you know where a lot of us come from? Aurion is the planet of all the healers. And so , 

well, not all of them, but a majority of them come from a, a tourist.

And so it's in that, that energy that I am connected to, which is, why I'm here. It's okay, I signed up to be a healer on this planet. Okay, let's see what happens.


[00:17:00] so,

Kara Goodwin: Yes. Well, it's fascinating. Thank you for sharing that. And it, it makes me think back to, some of the kind of more mystical, metaphysical experiences that I've had. sometimes I've been able to see as I'm moving from one dimension or dense from one density to another, where things are kind of becoming like thinner and lighter and as I'm passing through, I can see light language. It's almost there's light language, right on the border or right in between densities. I don't know if that resonates with you at all, but I'm like, I don't ever hear anybody talking about that, but that's just been what I have noticed. And I'm not sure.

I'm sure that's not the only way that it shows up, but for me, I'm like, I, a few times I've noticed, I'm like, oh, that's light language, like right when I'm passing through. 

Hillis Pugh: Yeah. It's interesting that you say that because as you were speaking, the, the glimpse of the reason why [00:18:00] that is, is.

It's, a, a barrier of protection, if you will. It's not, it is not the space that everyone can cross over if, if you have, if you are not in that vibrational resonance. So if you are not in that vibrational of resonance, you can't cross to the next space, the next dimensional, Energy. So it's interesting that you, that you brought that up.

'cause I, 'cause me, I just go, I just travel. I don't pay attention to the doorways. I'm like, I have permission. I'm just gonna go, just walk.

Kara Goodwin: Well, it's, as you were, as you were mentioning that too, it's like there's an arturian connection and I didn't even remember that. I, I recognized it at the time, and I have, as I brought that story up, I forgot that there was for, for one of the particular ones, there was also an arc. There was like an arturian, escort or something, but there was a technology, there was a specific technology. [00:19:00] and it was arturian and it helped me to get through it. And as I was passing through, 'cause I can't always tell that I'm passing through, but I was like, oh, I'm like, I can tell that I'm going through right now. So like from one density to another, and then I'm like, oh, that's light language. And there was this arcuri again.

Hillis Pugh: Like I don't, I, and I don't even know how I knew it was Arcuri, but it was just like, oh, There's technology that's helping me and it's aur, you know how you just know like when stuff is happening, it's like, how would I know that? But that's awesome. Thank you so much. Yeah, when we allow ourselves to. Be open and connect to that frequency of vibration, we can truly begin to see what it is at the core, at the essence of what it is, because now, especially that we are in fourth density moving between . So actually [00:20:00] moving between all of them, depending on who you talk to.

Third density, fourth density, and then fifth density. But right now as a whole, we are in for the beginning stages of fourth density. And what does that mean? It simply means that, this is the, the cleansing of the palette, if you will, the letting go of what no longer serves you, whatever old thoughts, energy, ideas, beliefs.

Relationships, whatever it is that doesn't serve you, now is the time to drop it, let it go or understand it and move on from it before you get into, before, not you personally, but before the collective moves into fifth density or or higher. And just know that yes, there are some people who go between fourth, fifth and higher densities, but as a whole, we are sitting in fourth.

Kara Goodwin: Hmm. 

Hillis Pugh: That's why there's so much chaos, so much unrest because people don't know [00:21:00] what to do in this time of, no, I wanna hold on to it. It means so much. No. Does it really matter to you? Does it really, is that, is it that important for you to hold on and suffer? Is it, or is it. Better for you to let go and live and love and be happy and just, it's just, a lot of ways of how we live, and making choices and decisions in our everyday life.

Now it's just what's important. What matters.

Kara Goodwin: I love that you say that and the whole, the underlying piece too of holding onto things because we're used to it and, and the requirement of that, letting that go so that we can move. But so many people. Don't even recognize that that's a thing that's happening. So it's like, well, that's my habit to keep going back to this.

This is just what I do. I'm not, I don't know what to do if I don't have this anger or guilt or shame or whatever it is. Why would I, I was carrying it yesterday and the day before and [00:22:00] the day before that, and the year before that, and the decade before that, why would I let this go? know what I mean? So it's really, I love how you say that of just, I mean, and step one would even be just like recognizing that we're even doing that because I think it's just such a habit, you know,

Hillis Pugh: I mean, heck, if, if people wanna start a 12 step program of, less letting go, I mean, I can help you in five, but I mean, 

Kara Goodwin: Maybe they don't. Yeah, 

they're not ready 

for five. Maybe 

Hillis Pugh: no, and, and, and the thing is, it's, it's interesting because, As humans, we have created such a habitual life. we have created such a routine for ourselves based on what we've seen of our parents, of our friends, of our colleagues, coworkers, because we, our life has been so structured based on what we see visually.

And it is what we see visually, where we step into the place of coveting what we see and learning by what we [00:23:00] see. 'cause every child, from the age of zero, do. Speak, act by everything that they see because there's only one way of communication for children, and that's with their eyes. And then they find vocal, expressions to express what they want until they allow themselves to better communicate soon.

That would be a thing of the past because we'll just all use, be using telepathy anyway. 

But, ,but I.

That we have learned and we are so set in the way that we learn in our visual space that. It just is natural for us as opposed to us learning in an auditory way or learning in a physical way. Those come second nature. But it's in the, once we clean up our, our senses, 'cause our all six and nine and 12 [00:24:00] and whatever senses we have, 

it all just comes to us.

And sometimes it can be overwhelming, which is sometimes why we choose to stay where we are because it's in a place of comfort.

Kara Goodwin: Yeah, absolutely. Well, I side note more for the listeners, because as we've been talking a particularly when we were on the light language subject, but. I could just, can really clearly feel like the beam that I'm re into my heart that I'm receiving from you.

And it's such a like, pure,but really tangible And, and we're recording this in the Equinox window, the, the autumn equinox, autumn for North America at Windows. So I feel it is a very heart-centered time. Anyway, my heart has been very active, but I'm like, woo. heart energy or whatever's beaming, like it's feels great and very, very clean. So, just offer that for one, [00:25:00] for people to just drop into their hearts and because it, it might be happening to listeners where they, but they haven't taken notice yet, but also just. We're having like a casual conversation. This isn't even a session and this is what's getting projected and picked up. So imagine what a session with Hillis Might be like, what's in there to be offered. So, I mean, you haven't even spoken light language or we've only talked about it so, you haven't been doing any techniques. So, anyway, just offering that for people to drop into their hearts and feel that so,

Hillis Pugh: Yeah, I mean for those. Who are authentic or it, it just truly resonates and not, not speaking of myself because heck, I think I'm my hardest critic. it's like that could be done better, that could be done differently. So it's all these, these little nuances that [00:26:00] we, I. Tend to pick up and find about ourselves.

But when working with anyone, it's always, best to use discernment. It's about really understanding who are you trusting, who are you trusting to interact with your field of energy, and not just your, your physical field. But, one of the things that I love to do, and I don't feel that a lot of people in this space that I work with do is I work with people on the soul level because everything is is stored there because just imagine.

When you took assignment to come to Earth, it's yes, I volunteer



I'll go to Earth and change the planet.


Kara Goodwin: cake. 

Hillis Pugh: Exactly. 

Exactly. at Lisa, at least that's what we think and that's what we feel, 

but. Just imagine this,


your, your soul is at 100% when you're in the ethos or whatever space you are in you at 100%.

And just imagine that abundant of energy just there floating around, having a good [00:27:00] time. And then you choose to come here and then you have to begin to separate the energies and, and my. Teachings and my learnings and everything that I have understood. Most souls, especially the people that do the work that we do, we leave 70% of who we are in the ethos.

30% here on the planet physically. So can you just imagine what it would be like if you had access in, in the full embodiment of 100% of who you are? Can you imagine that? I mean, it's, it's just,

Kara Goodwin: I think you'd just be like lighting up lights that are turned off. You know what I mean? Just enter a room and the lights just turn on by themselves because there's so much energy radiating. 

Hillis Pugh: yeah, I mean, just imagine, and I want everyone just to, just to take in a deep [00:28:00] breath right now.

And as you do and let go, just imagine what it feels like to really be in touch with your soul, to feel your soul speaking to you, to feel that 100% acknowledgement of self and feeling that acknowledgement. And the joy and the gladness. The gleefulness of your existence, being able to exist simultaneously already in two different places that you have access to and to feel that you are always connected, low distracted, but always connected.

And when you turn your awareness, Inward to feel that infinite connection and the magic that you can bring and just allow that, that moment, whether if it's for five seconds, [00:29:00] 10 seconds, five minutes, however long you wish to stay, allow for that to be enough and just allow yourself to bring your attention back to this moment.

Kara Goodwin: Hmm. 


Hillis Pugh: it doesn't take long to recharge and feel that,

Kara Goodwin: yeah, I love it. I mean, it feels like it's, so much comes in that it's like even coming out. Of the pores, you know, and it's like filling the space around us and 

Hillis Pugh: yeah.

Kara Goodwin: yeah.

Hillis Pugh: Yeah, you can even give your soul or ask your soul what your true name is, because the names that we have here, is our given name. there's thousands upon thousands of Michaels and Sarah's and all these other names, and there's, when I started doing the work that I do, I read that, oh yeah, we can choose our name.

I'm like, why would [00:30:00] we choose our names? I mean, we give incentives and, and things to, and hints to our parents by willing spirit. But heck, I'm kind of glad I chose the name I did because I don't know what name I would've end up with.

Kara Goodwin: Uh, it, Hillis is your birth name?

Hillis Pugh: It, it is, it's,


it's actually my, my stepfather's name and I'm so glad that I got his name. I.

Kara Goodwin: wait. You're Hillis's Or Pew. 

Hillis Pugh: No, Hillis is my stepfather's name. 

Kara Goodwin: so was it, but it, so that wasn't the name you were born with. 

Hillis Pugh: no, it was,

Kara Goodwin: was, 


Hillis Pugh: yeah. So Hillis is the name I was born with. 

Sorry, dad. I like, I like Hillis. I love my name. because, uh, you know, I, long story short, I didn't meet my biological father till about eight years ago.

Kara Goodwin: Oh, okay. 

Hillis Pugh: And so, yeah. So. it's just been an interesting journey of really 

understanding this entity called [00:31:00] Hillis.

just really understanding who I am and, and reason why I say I love my name, because I don't know too many Hillis is in the world. I'm like, I. Number one,


probably number three or four, but whatever. I'm the only Hillis pew in the world. You can Google me,

Kara Goodwin: 

Hillis Pugh: all kind of stuff about me, and it's oh yeah, that's the guy I, yeah.

Kara Goodwin: right. Yeah. You know, I'm with you because I've been in, uh, lineage, one Lineage in particular where people took different names. So you had like your spiritual name and they were all Indian names, and that never really spoke to me, and I had a lot of friends in that lineage who. they were, they were taking new names and it, there wasn't, it wasn't like, oh, that's the wrong approach. It was just, for me, it didn't seem necessary. And it was years later that I was introduced to the fact that KA and RAW arepowerful spiritual sounds. And [00:32:00] I'm like, oh, interesting that I was born with this name and. I didn't realize that, but I didn't feel when everybody around me was changing their names.

And that was almost like a step in the ladder. Like, oh, I've been around long enough that now I have a spiritual name and this is happening with people who, you know, had come in with me. And I'm like, oh, do I want that? No, I don't know that I do. And didn't really resonate. And then it was like looking back, it's huh, maybe there was a part of me that understood The power in the, the sounds of my name without knowing consciously that that was a fact. 

Hillis Pugh: Yeah. I, I, my first love was poetry. I'm a poet. I, 

that's like my, my deal. But, I, I wrote a poem a while ago, years ago about . The names and there's such power in names that people don't realize, 'cause when I speak to my clients, we don't speak to anyone. They say, oh, [00:33:00] my name is Becky.

And I'm like, is that show for Rebecca? Or, some abbreviation of whatever name. I'm like, what's your name? Because. The power that we carry in our name is our soul signature. It's who we are, it's what we resonate with. And yes, there's thousands of Michaels and tons of Toms and Richards, and Becky's and Stephanie's, and it's a ton of them.

And so I understand that people wanna differentiate themselves, but when you. Accept the power that's behind it. Yes, there's thousands of people with the same name. However, when you step into the vibration of who you are, the field of resonance, that's your unique signature. That's why there's a power behind it.

The power associated with that.

Kara Goodwin: Mm. Wow.

Hillis Pugh: like my, my nickname and actually my nickname that I have as a kid, I used to be ashamed of, we have, growing up, we all have nicknames. And so it's oh yeah, what's your name? And so, and actually I [00:34:00] gave myself my nickname. My mom told me the whole story long ago.

And there's, I got a teenager. It's I don't, don't call me that. Don't call me that. You know how we get as kids. 

And so my nickname is Aki, a k i, and I just think that's maybe the second time I may have ever talked about this on the show.

Kara Goodwin: wow.

Hillis Pugh: Yeah. And come to realize that, of, of the spiritual connotation that it has in, African culture.

And I'm like, oh. So I'm like, and.

Kara Goodwin: know. 

Hillis Pugh: Yeah, exactly. I didn't know either till maybe about a little over a decade ago till I started really getting into my spiritual work. And it's just the power that it, that certain names, certain, letters and combinations and vocals invoke going back to the light language.

That's why it's important to understand what it is that I'm saying, what I'm conveying with the energy.

Kara Goodwin: Wow, that's fascinating. I mean, it's making me think too of, my birth name [00:35:00] is Kara. That's what's on my birth certificate. But my, 

my mom kind of gave it to me as my formal name and immediately I was called Kari, k a r i, 

Hillis Pugh: Oh,

Kara Goodwin: for The first 11 years of my life 

Hillis Pugh: oh, wow.

Kara Goodwin: was a, a conversation with my aunt and she was telling me how much she loves the name Kara.

It's such a beautiful name, and it, for me, it was always the name I had when I was in trouble because if my mom really wanted to get my attention, it was Kara. Get, and I was like, no. And I, there's even like a family joke of like, I'm not Kara, I'm good Carrie you know? And 

Hillis Pugh: I love it.

Kara Goodwin: it had carried with it this like connotation of I'm in trouble. So I didn't like that name, but when I saw it through my aunt's eyes and I heard it kind of anew without the connotation of, oh, I'm in trouble. Um, I was like, oh, I do actually really like [00:36:00] that name. And I liked that it wasn't as popular as Carrie. I mean, I grew, I was born in the seventies, grew up in the 


everybody was called Carrie. 

Hillis Pugh: Yeah.

Kara Goodwin: Yeah. And.

Hillis Pugh: Because of the movie.

Kara Goodwin: Yeah. Oh yeah. This was, so was that in the seventies? Yeah, but I was spelled differently, so 

Hillis Pugh: You only with the, yeah.

Kara Goodwin: But yeah, I didn't really think about that. But yeah, so there were a lot of carries in my classes and things like that, but that was when I changed it. It was in seventh grade, and it was because my aunt like, shone a new light on it. And that was a difficult transition in seventh grade being like, well now I'm Kara 'cause I didn't switch schools or anything, like the same people. And they're like, no, you're Carrie. And I'm like, well now I'm Kara and and, and you're in middle school and everybody wants a reason to make fun of everything.

So yeah, that was, that was, that had to be strong with that. But 

Hillis Pugh: Exactly. 

Kara Goodwin: . when we were talking about like the feeling your, your heart energy, um, or at least what I was receiving [00:37:00] in my heart, there was, there's another aspect to it where my teeth were starting to chatter, and that is a very galactic sign for me. it doesn't happen a lot, but it does happen in like highly charged like specifically galactic, things. So. I was like, oh, my teeth are wanting to ch I was like trying not to. I was trying to keep them from doing that, but I was like, okay. Noted

Hillis Pugh: and it, it's interesting because our, our, and this is what I love about the physical body, when we are in, resonance with another galactic being, being whether if we were connected in a previous life or if we were connected on another planet or whatever the connection is, our body responds in that way.

And that's what I love about . The, the physical aspect of, of being here. not saying that I, one day I'm gonna remember what it's like to be in the ethos in this physical form. but [00:38:00] 

how we. Connect to one another and a vibrational resonance is just amazing because our body is like, you know, this person, or This is your cue, or this is how we connected.

And so things begin. You, you get the first trigger with your teeth shattering, and then everything else begins to follow up. And that in the energetic space. And what is is amazing about all of this, what I want your, your viewers to understand, your audience is, Everything is vibration. Everything is energy.

And once we understand that in the holistic , Space we begin to understand and walk through life differently, And yes, it can be very daunting at times. living in a three D planet, being a four five density being, and we always have to have ways to alter our [00:39:00] perception, alter how we do things to come in alignment with the vibration of the shift, the vibration of the change.

And yeah, it, it's challenging sometimes because if we were just pure energy, which we are, but not in the physical space, things would probably be a little bit smoother.

Kara Goodwin: Yeah. Right. We have a lot of, what are they called? Opportunities, through the physical 


Hillis Pugh: know, we have a lifetime to get it right. there's no one way to do one thing, and that's the beauty of what we do. 

I mean, there's a plethora of, of healers and, and that, that what always triggers me, but I only use it for the commercial sense for people to understand what it is that I do.

But I prefer the term nourisher or facilitator because that's what I do. I help nourish people with energy. I facilitate them on their journeys of, of the work that we do together. And I forgot [00:40:00] where I was going because I got triggered by the word healer,

Kara Goodwin: Well, I love that clarification. I mean, I do love that, like facilitator Nourisher, that resonates a lot, but it's also like healer is much more direct so that other people can understand. because it's, yeah, 

Hillis Pugh: Right, 

because people heal themselves. I mean, with the work that I do, and that's why prefer the terminology that I use because I bring in the energy. For them to assimilate, for them to utilize their in their best and highest way through light language, through whether it's in person or over the phone, or however it is that we decide to meet.

It is in that space where they become the ones who are in control. And once you allow yourself to take ownership of your energy, ownership of what is . Transferring what has happened in your life? Then we begin to see things a little bit differently. And it's not just, [00:41:00] from trauma or shame or any of those, all of our better energies.

It's everything. be not be responsible for the bad and the good, not just the good 'cause. We have to have that, that balance of energy. 'cause if everything was so beautiful and great and good all the time, what will we learn, you know?

Kara Goodwin: Right. Well, and so how does, ancestral trauma play into this and into your work? Because of course, there's like the responsibility that we have for ourselves, but I know that you also work with ancestral healing and trauma, so how does that fit in?

Hillis Pugh: Well, the in the. Ancestral sense. we take, we inadvertently take on the energy of others through d n a, through the r n a, through the, vibrational frequencies and energies, and it's just not in the ancestral senses. Everything we take on energy from everything. And so it, but speaking more towards ancestral, [00:42:00] it is in that space too.

I would work with the individual one-on-one to assist them to find the clarity of what occurred and if it's theirs or not, and if it's not theirs, if it's not their root cause, then we ask for their energy to be removed. We ask for the energy to be cleared and to have . their guides and their support team to assist in clearing the space.

the doctors that I call in to assist in clearing that space. But what I've recently discovered in this vein of energy is that ancestral clearing. I. And I, and I'm going to speak this slowly so people can truly understand this, that ancestral clearing is not as important as we once thought it was, and my path of doing the work that I do, what's most important is the sole lineage, meaning the various

Incarnations [00:43:00] that we've had. 'cause you could have been your own great-great-great-great, great-great-great-great grandfather, And if we do the work on the soul level, which I do, I. We can clear things out on the soul level, whether it's present life or previous incarnations and what has affected you?

just, I don't do it personally. I don't, I don't do Q H H T, you know, hypnosis therapy. I don't do that. But what I do is, is a form of regression to go into certain aspects of the soul to see what needs to be cleared out to be free from, so that way you can think, okay, that serve this purpose, that can, be gone now that could be done.

And so that's in essence how we, we allow ourselves to move forward by really understanding ourselves on a so level.

Kara Goodwin: Hmm. That makes sense. I love it. 

Wow. Well, thank you so much, Hillis. This has been wild and [00:44:00] beautiful.

Hillis Pugh: and fun,

Kara Goodwin: and 

Hillis Pugh: I mean,

Kara Goodwin: Absolutely. So how can people find out more about you?

Hillis Pugh: Well, the best way to get ahold of me is go to, taplink.cc/hillispugh. There you'll find all my social media any upcoming, online events that I have, anything that is . Me, you'll fine there.

Kara Goodwin: Awesome. Yeah, I'll put that in the show notes too. And they can have easy access to that in the show notes 

Hillis Pugh: Yeah.

Kara Goodwin: Well, this has just been a huge blessing. Thank you so much.

Hillis Pugh: Oh, thank you, Kara. This has been the joy of my day,

Kara Goodwin: Yay,



Hillis Pugh Profile Photo

Hillis Pugh

Soul Mentor & Energy Facilitor.

Hillis Pugh is an author, teacher, speaker, and holistic practitioner utilizing the gifts and tools to empower others on their journey. The reason why he chooses to do this work is to guide others on their path to let them know they are not alone.

Hillis mentors each soul on their path to lift them up so they can see what he sees, beyond the physical realm. Hillis Pugh is an energy facilitator working with modalities such as Psychic Mediumship, Reiki, and Lemurian Light Energy to co-create a deeper connection to the Soul.

We work together in universal sync of exploration of your inner-space to be expressed outwardly.