EXCITING CHANGES! Meditation Conversation is now SOUL ELEVATION! ✨

York Wang

York Wang Profile Photo

Energy Worker and Channel

I have been working as professional channeler and energy worker for 3 years now.

I am happy to talk about my story and experiences. If you are interested I can channel during the podcast for you to ask questions!


Back in the days during COVID, I was living life as normal. Calling with friends, reading books and spending time with family. Everyday I’d go through the same motions and be caught up with whatever dramatic thing I could latch onto to entertain myself mentally. Until one day I discovered the Sedona method and the idea of letting go. I was drawn to it like a moth to a flame. Completely obsessed with the idea of and the pleasurable sensations that came with letting go of emotions. I spent anywhere from 8-14 hours on any given day just releasing over a period of three months. Doing nothing else but eat, release, use the restroom, sleep and occasionally work at a part time job. At some point I reached a state where my body felt extremely light and was bubbling with ecstasy and bliss to the point that words do not do it justice. I felt absolute unconditional love for everyone and everything as well as the interconnectedness of it all.

And it was during that time that I was pulled from an unconscious dream into a fully lucid dream by a being of light which I found out later to be Arcturian. They sat me down and showed me concepts and ideas through holographic images. And the very next day I woke up to a random article on Arcturians that my friend showed me which contained the exact same concepts and ideas. My contact with them continued through a series of Lucid Dreams and communication in the physical world. They taught me how to ascend in consciousness, channel, heal and create energetic tools to recreate and automate energetic processes.

In the beginning I really thought i was going crazy but I thought to myself, “if I’m already crazy, there’s no harm in at least trying what these beings were telling me” - and the people around me began verifying the effectiveness of it all.
First it started off with healing myself of stomach pain. Then family members of headaches. And at some point my neighbor from a medical condition named cervical dystonia which completely solidified in my mind the authenticity of these ideas.

After spending a couple years learning from the Arcturians, various other spiritual masters and advanced civilizations on the other planes, on thing led to another and I am currently working with Sha'Shaina from the civilization of Essassani. He is brilliant, full of wisdom and love. I look forward to sharing his wisdom, energy and message with you and your audience!