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Dr. Kathleen Ball

Dr. Kathleen Ball Profile Photo


Dr. Kathleen Ball is a researcher, traveler, and explorer of ancient sites.
After a life altering NDE in 1990, Kathleen began a career as a professionalartist and art professor which spanned thirty years. Prior to retirement, shediscovered a Templar Cave in Brazil while exploring the back country in theChapada National Reserves. Kathleen then set out to create her film TheBrazilian Templar Mystery which is the story of her discovery of this cavehidden in a remote area on the outskirts of a small Brazilian town, AltoParaiso. A cave carved by the Knights Templar which has provided evidence ofearly Templar travel to the Americas.  She then published the back storyof this discovery, which became a quest and involved a series of initiations byfire, water, illness, and several dark nights of the soul.
Kathleen has done extensive research into the history of the Templars andbacktracked their trail through Portugal, France, Turkey, Scotland and Englandin a search for the true purpose of the order and what that means today. Herongoing research trips include Malta, a return to Portugal the UK and France,Spain, Italy, Jerusalem, Ethiopia and Brazil.
Dr. Ball is committed to revealing the true agenda of the Mysterious order ofknights, known as the Knights Templar.