I was very interested to hear the profound near-death experience (NDE) of Dr. Michael Hessian, a renowned cardiac physician. Dr. Hessian shares his journey from battling a severe pneumonia that led to a near-death experience, to his astonishing...
Spiritual Transformation & Light Language Activation In this captivating episode, Ken Lloyd shares his journey of integrating 22 soul aspects, his work in the 'Library of Creation,' and how his unique abilities facilitate healing. Ken is a...
Vinney Tolman shares his transformative near-death experience. I found Vinney's story incredibly inspiring. He shares his extraordinary NDE where he was declared dead for over 30 minutes (WELL over!), offering profound lessons of light, love, and...
Rob Gentile suffered a massive heart attack and experienced a Near Death Experience (NDE). A while later, his heart struggling and his body atrophying, he went into the Ethereal during his second NDE. Each experience in the Ethereal lead him …