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Chakras Episodes

Feb. 13, 2025

399. The Power of the Chakras & Their Link to the Endocrine System - …

In this fascinating episode of Soul Elevation with guest Dr. Mary Sanders, a distinguished medical intuitive and chiropractor, we delve into her unique journey, blending extrasensory perception with chiropractic expertise to guide personal...

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Aug. 22, 2024

360. Kundalini Awakening & Sacred Wisdom - Alara Sage

Have you heard of the orgasmic quality to Kundalini awakening?   What is the role of the womb in manifestation?   What does sexual energy have to do with abundance?   We discuss all of this and more in this fascinating episode of...

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Feb. 1, 2024

317. Embrace Sensitivity & Explore the Chakra System - Lauren Leduc

Do you desire a deeper connection with yourself and a stronger sense of intuition? Are you searching for a way to empower yourself through meditation? Look no further, because in this episode you will learn how to cultivate a profound self-connection...

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Dec. 28, 2023

309. Soothe High-Functioning Anxiety - Sara Webb

If you're feeling trapped in a constant cycle of racing thoughts and relentless worry, unable to find relief no matter how hard you try, then you are not alone! Maybe you are wildly successful in many ways and because you accomplish so much and parts...

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Dec. 21, 2023

307. Perceiving Auras & the Light Body: Discovering the Human Energy …

Discover the secrets of the human energy field and the power of energy healing with Field Dynamics expert Keith Parker. He delves into the fascinating complexities of the aura and shares his transformative experiences. Keith embarked on a journey of...

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Sept. 7, 2023

285. Journey to Expanded Consciousness: Channeling with Light Languag…

Discovering the power of light language and toning, Daniel Scranton's spiritual journey took an unexpected turn. Seeking inner peace through meditation, he stumbled upon a surprising form of communication that transcended all barriers....

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July 20, 2023

275. DNA Activation for True Transformation - Sally Knopp & Lorenda C…

Do you desire to experience an extraordinary transformation and unleash your untapped potential? Are you ready to awaken your latent abilities and embark on a journey of spiritual growth? Join us as we reveal the key to unlocking your hidden powers...

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July 17, 2023

274. Quantum Healing with Scalar Technology - Tom Paladino & Patricia…

There is incredible potential in quantum technology, from free energy to physical healing. Tom Paladino is bringing the future of quantum healing technology into the present moment with his scalar light technology. Tom and his colleague Patricia...

Listen to the Episode
June 15, 2023

267. Tools for Evolving Consciousness - Lauren Mantecón

When we are on a spiritual path, we are always on the search for methods, techniques, and guidance on how to accelerate the evolution of our consciousness.  Sometimes we stumble upon things that are way outside the everyday, mainstream culture...

Listen to the Episode
May 22, 2023

263. Ascension Symptoms - Modern Mysticism with Michael

Are you going through a spiritual awakening? Maybe you know that something is different now, but you aren't sure what is going on. There are traditional "symptoms" that accompany the awakening of higher levels of consciousness, and in this episode...

Listen to the Episode
May 18, 2023

262. Transforming Anxiety & Depression through Somatic Healing - Nico…

When Nicole Smith Levay began connecting yoga and dance with her own struggles with perfectionism, she had no idea she'd eventually embark on a journey to help others reclaim their energy, heal trauma, and discover their true purpose. Through her...

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March 2, 2023

242. Sound & Chakras - Peter Paul Parker

In this episode, you will learn these 3 things: The magic of making music and the mental and physical impacts of the flow state. How do you explain the energy body and chakra system in everyday language that makes sense to people rooted in the...

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Feb. 16, 2023

238. The Shocking Physical Harm of Stretching - Yogi Aaron

What is the key that unlocks the door to freedom? And what does it have to do with yoga? Yogi Aaron and I explore this and more in this insightful, provocative, and fun episode. One of the most sought-after teachers today, Yogi Aaron is trailblazing a...

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Dec. 22, 2022

224. Human Design & Intuitive Decision Making - Patricia Lindner

Patricia Lindner, an expert in human design and career alchemy, helps those struggling with the mundane chaos of everyday life to unlock and alchemize their power and passion to find their true potential.  "I believe in this path of joy. So if...

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Nov. 11, 2022

210. Chakra Activation - Modern Mysticism with Michael

Michael Massey joins on 11-11 to give us a grid report! What is happening in the energetics, and how is this showing up in the manifest physical world? In this episode, we discuss the following: Michael describes a new chakra activation he...

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