EXCITING CHANGES! Meditation Conversation is now SOUL ELEVATION! ✨
Jan. 26, 2025

393. Awaken to Your Galactic Star Roots with Arcturian-Human Prototype Viviane Chauvet

Viviane Chauvet is a galactic being who is gifted at helping people to heal in their body/mind/spirit complexes. Born human, Viviane has always been able to access memories of life in other planetary and star systems, and uses her knowledge and...

Viviane Chauvet is a galactic being who is gifted at helping people to heal in their body/mind/spirit complexes. Born human, Viviane has always been able to access memories of life in other planetary and star systems, and uses her knowledge and abilities to help move people into a more balanced and enlightened state.

In this fascinating episode of the Soul Elevation podcast, I was so excited to reconnect with Viviane Chauvet, an interstellar Arcturian being who has returned in a projected holographic form to serve as an emissary and clear conduit for enlightened, spiritually advanced intergalactic civilizations.

Vivian shares her incredible journey, explaining her unique perspective as a hybrid human form on Earth and her role as an ambassador. We explore the increasing global interest in extraterrestrial beings, the nature of human consciousness, and the significance of reuniting with our star families. The conversation also covers dreams, telepathic connections, and the mysterious world of hybrid children.

Viviane carries a very high frequency which frequently interferes with electricity and the internet, and she was experiencing larger connectivity issues in her region, so I felt very lucky that the connection held throughout the hour - PHEW!

In 2007, Viviane experienced a profound awakening and energetic transformation, during which she received her holographic and quantum healing training from the Arcturian Council. She serves as an emissary and multidimensional conduit for various Star Delegations, including the Lyrans, Sirians, Andromedans, and other interstellar group consciousness.

Viviane is dedicated to helping humanity return to a state of Divine wholeness. She encourages everyone to embrace the certainty of their Light and to re-ascend to their original Universal Time Matrix.

Watch Viviane's last fascinating livestream on Meditation Conversation: 355. Is Reality a Holographic Illusion? - Viviane Chauvet 

Join us for an enlightening discussion about the broader universal community and the evolution of human consciousness.

Other episodes you'll enjoy:

355. Is Reality a Holographic Illusion? - Viviane Chauvet

106. Magic, Video Games, and Upleveling Consciousness - David Lion and Michael Massey

331. A 6th Dimensional Entity Reveals Our Evolutionary Journey - Dean Graves

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00:00 Introduction and Welcome 

00:43 Welcome to the Soul Elevation Podcast

02:20 Vivian Chauvet's Background and Mission

05:14 The Awakening and ET Sightings

10:41 Human Experience and Spiritual Evolution

25:38 Dreams and Their Significance

31:18 Exploring Dream Frequencies

34:14 The Concept of Star Families and Ships

36:52 Hybrid Children and Their Role

38:40 Understanding Hybridization Programs

45:20 Upcoming Events and Community Engagement

50:47 New TV Series and Final Thoughts

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Viviane Chauvet Jan 25 livestream


Kara Goodwin: You just are known for having electronic issues. And this is one of the things that I shared last time you were on here. But that was the first time that I connected with you. My, um, all the electronics in my car went out. So not only do you have this like region wide thing that's going on, that's affecting your internet. So we'll just take you all. We can get you for everybody who's just joining in here. We have Vivian Chabot, but she's having some network issues that's happening through her region. So she's like, I could drop off at any moment.

So let's just go. I want to welcome everybody to the Soul Elevation podcast. I'm so glad that you're here today, uh, for this live stream. Stream with Vivian vivian Chabot is an interstellar, Arcturian being who ascended thousands of years ago.

Her soul avatar essence [00:01:00] has returned in a projected holographic form that contains biofeedback. She's an Arcturian emissary and clear conduit. for a designation of enlightened and spiritually advanced intergalactic civilizations. So thank you so much for being here, Vivian. Welcome.

Viviane Chauvet: Thank you so much. I appreciate that.

And I apologize. This is more than just my usual large frequency self. It's pretty much of a network provider issue that affects other. Uh, clients, uh, within the network. So let's bring stability and beautiful feel of positive energy. And just for the record, my last name is Chauvet and not Chauvon. Oh, so my name is Chauvet, just the frequency of it.

Yes. I'm very happy to be here with you Cara and everyone watching. Thank you so much for having me today.

Kara Goodwin: Well, thank you so much for being here and I'm so [00:02:00] excited to talk to you and for other people to ask their questions too. So I'll get us started here. But for others, if you want to use the raise hand section or type any questions in the chat, we can all, we can all make use of our time with Vivian here.

Um, I would love to hear about. So just a little bit, if you can talk in case there's anybody who didn't join us last time and they're unfamiliar with you, can you give a little bit of an overview about who you are and who you work with?

Viviane Chauvet: Yes, absolutely. With pleasure. So I am a nocturne being and a nocturne master.

And I have was. I was assigned the task to return to Gaia and the Earth Quadrant as an ambassador between many, many intergalactic delegations and the human race. And so I chose to be more on planet in a hybrid human form. I feel like, I felt like it was more [00:03:00] effective to understand the journey here and how as a species, as individual, what it feels like to be reawakening from a state of density programming and a sleep state, so to speak, and a third dimensional matrix, and understanding directly from first hand experiences, rather than maintaining myself.

In my original form as a Nocturne being and, you know, choosing to have more point of contact where many people starseeds have, they have point of contact, and they work with different intergalactic groups or civilizations. In my case, I chose to be on the planet and it's rather really very rare for us as a nocturnal being to step down into frequencies and reincarnate in physical form.

We usually maintain our original form and we communicate or we're going to have different point [00:04:00] of interaction. So, Being on a planet with everyone give us, all of us in the intergalactic alliances and many other groups, a much more better perspective on what are the challenges, what it feels like. What is the human consciousness is about and, you know, historically and how the change is going on in the structures in the world here on the planet and, you know, in our daily life emotionally, mentally as well.

So just as a nutshell, in terms of who I am, I am truly a direct representative of the Australian delegation as one of them. And of course. As I mentioned, I am playing a role as ambassador like a bridge of communication and connections between the intergalactic communities and Earth and human beings here on the planet.

Kara Goodwin: Thank you for that. So that leads me into something, you know, you're talking about [00:05:00] you came here to, to have that human experience and to be able to, to add that intelligence to the collective that you work with so that you, you know, it is different having the experience here than the theory, I suppose.

Um, and, um, We have, I'm sure all across the world, noticed the huge uptick in interest in ETs and sightings that have been happening. I'd love to get your perspective on what is going on with this heightened attention and the sightings.

Viviane Chauvet: Yeah, it's a very great question and a very interweave with a perspective of what's happening. So if you look just at the last four years alone on the planet, there's been a very palpable awakening in consciousness. People from all over the world are starting to understand that what has been told to us is not necessarily as good to us as it says, or there's different questioning, the mental mind is [00:06:00] reopening, there's an opening of the heart, there's an opening also on a spiritual level.

And so there's been a massive reawakening globally that we've seen over the last four years, four, five years, leading up to where we are today. If you look at the energy or the vibration of what 2025 is about, this is no ordinary new year. It's really about entering or ushering literally a new era. That means that we have to let go of what is depleted or the old ways of thinking, feeling, relating.

Our senses to be see what reality is about. So there is a reconnection. There is a momentum that is being created collectively as a result of this reawakening consciously on globally and in the population that You start to understand that as a species, the human race, evolving on Gaia, on this planet, in the solar system, [00:07:00] that this world, of this planet, has been, and always have been, part of a very, very large community.

We use the word community because it feels more inviting. Meaning that the earth humans and Gaia herself is really being part of a very large, very living, very expensive in terms of life, um, multiverse. And then finally, the counterpart of those who've been evolving outside of this sort of system or outside of this world.

Now there's a desire to reconnect. Think of it this way. Imagine that. You know, you have very little knowledge of your own family lineage or your, the history of your ancestors, you may not fully understand the full complexity and the depth of your roots or your ancestral roots and then suddenly ancestors or family members or siblings.

Or have siblings you have no knowledge you [00:08:00] had start to come back and resurface in your life as a reconnection is a Reunion that wants to take place. Well, it's something very similar I would call it the next level of the the organic science of connections and communications We talk about disclosure.

What is this? You know, whether it's government files or Military file and ufo signings and area 51 what we are transcending well beyond that It's really about understanding that as a intelligent species of intelligent being, well, there's a multitude of intelligent being out in the universe, you're not.

The only floating rock in this entire multiverse and is only one race, the human race and that's it. It's the rest is void. You know, if you have to think about just to think about those words, it sounds ridiculous. That's because the gap to between humanity and your star origins, your star families, the other star [00:09:00] nations, it start to heal.

There's a grand return of reconnecting. Again, like similar, like your long lost relatives, or family members, or siblings, or old friends you may be reconnecting with. So there's this quality of reconnection. And yes, for some people, it may really shift tremendously your Paradigm of living. But it is time because everything is shifting.

Nothing is gonna stay still in the same old traditional ways. It has kept human being, you know, tossed down to believe that you're born, you're full of vitality, you're young, enjoy life, and then you become responsible as adults, you marry, have children, you're retired, and then you pass on. This is a linear way of perceiving yourself.

You redefine the boundaries of what's possible. What are you capable of? What you can co create? What you can really co manifest? [00:10:00] And what is more? What else there is possible? Who else is out there more that you've been told to believe through religion, background, whether it's cultural upbringing, ancestral education?

Whether it's history, many, many generations of history on the planet. I mean, look at just the sacred sites. They speak for themselves, you know, unknown structures or languages or statue or, you know, on the ground, you know, uh, artifact discovered or reminiscence of a really rich history that Gaia understand Gaia in reference to the earth or the planet.

So it is a time, it's exciting in the sense that it is a time where you are redefining the boundaries of yourself, your identity, who you think you are from a logic mind, from a 3D human identity, but what else is possible for you? There's so much more to you [00:11:00] and to the human race. There's many other beings who are at different stages of intelligence, consciousness, evolution, that have a great, great desire to reconnect with their lost, so to speak, lost brothers and sisters of Gaia, and being able to learn from you, because you learn a lot.

Being a human being is a very challenging, um, you know, lifetime. It's, it's, it's a very unique experience like any others in the universe. So they want to learn from your capacity to love what it feels to have compassion, being empathic. How, how are you emanating this? living aura energy that you may be conscious or unconscious of.

And so they're very eager to reconnect with you. And if you feel the energy of those words, it's really about a reunion. It's about coming back together again, if that makes sense.

Kara Goodwin: Hmm. [00:12:00] I love that. That is so fascinating. And it's, it's really interesting when you talk about that, the human experience. I feel that one of the things that really sets us apart as well is that we, as a society, at least, you know, in the Western society, there's no real acknowledgement of God, and we, we, so much of, of things are by faith, and then we have society, like, contradictor, contradicting any spiritual aspects of ourselves, which makes it harder, you know, because we don't have this bigger perspective, or it's not reinforced in our larger society.

Um, so I think that's really another, like, very difficult thing that we may just take for granted because we are used to it, but I think that a lot of, The other, you know, off planet races, they, they just, they don't, they don't even have to have faith because they know, like, it's [00:13:00] so they, they experience it in a different way than we do.

I don't know. Would you agree with that?

Viviane Chauvet: It's a really good observation. So this concept of fate, or, you know, having trust and fate and all of this, which I feel so beautiful as a quality that we understand here, when you come from a different star system, and you have, you have evolved into a completely different sphere of existence, the way you relate, who you perceive the universe, how you perceive, you know, your own history, Some of these semantics or concepts are either foreign or simply perceived from a more universal level, but nonetheless, that's the point of communality, you know, that nonetheless, even though if you speak to someone that comes, let's say from Asia, who have been, you know, really learned to know their place and how they speak and what is acceptable and not acceptable, and even though you [00:14:00] have the baseline of being humans, you have profound differences.

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. However, the point of commonality that can really connect and unify everyone is to know that we all are from the prime creator. We all divine source, divine beings. So the intergalactic group consciousness or the star nations, I like to use this word just to see that there's many nations out there, just like there's so many nations on the planet, right?

We can see that. We are really sharing a common source, and it's all that creation. We all emanate from that point of creation, and that transcends some of the lower concept or limited concept of God as a G O D in the lower form, but rather in terms of reopening to universal creator source or prime creator, all there is this, it's infinite, expressing infinite into many, many aspects, Whether you are an [00:15:00]aquatic being, or you simply have evolved on a oceanic planet within a serious star system, or you're an Earth human and you have learned from your parents, your grandparents, values, protocol, social mannerism, and all of this, now your two realities may collide.

However, you still have this point of commonality that unified the universe through all the great source of intelligence. And I think it's a bitter, a bigger invitation to return it in that sense, in that sense to perceive yourself that you are a fragments or a fractal of creation or a fractal of infinite express as you and through you and as well beyond.

this human experience, what you like, dislike, what you believe in, you know, what your reality on a day to day basis is, because those are just experiences that your soul [00:16:00] is having. When you start to step outside of that box, you start to realize that you are a part of a very much greater design, a universal presence, and you are a part of it, whether you been taught about it or not, or what are practices of guru or teachers you have followed, we start to re rediscovering, that's the word I'm looking for, is rediscovering the depth of who we are.

And so at this point of conscious evolution on the planet and globally, well, again, as I mentioned, we have reached this momentum where there's a clear invitation is going to become much more potent, whether it's through documentaries, whether it's through different teachers, people who are experiencing it and sharing about their first hand experience, whether it's a near death experience, whether it's communicating with different star beings, whether it's celestial being, [00:17:00] whether it's going on born of craft, learning from them.

I have a friend personally, I know, who was, you know, invited. to go on board a ship with a beautiful group of very advanced mind, and they come from another constellation, and they have taught him about who they are, their structure, their society, their advancement, what they learn, and, you know, how they can assist them in this life.

So, you know, it's becoming part of a more accepted. Fabric of realities, if that makes sense.

Kara Goodwin: Yes, that is beautiful. And I do invite, if you, if anybody wants to ask a question, please do feel free to just click that react button down at the bottom, at least that's how it shows up for me. And then there's a raise hand, or if you want to, you can type in the chat and I can read your question.

Um, when you talk about this. Reunion. It's it's so beautiful. I [00:18:00] love how I love how you you present it as like this is we already have these contacts. We have these connections. This is our family and our friends as these things are getting more momentum. Do you see these reunions happening telepathically, in the physical, or a combination?

Is it kind of dependent upon how ready people are? What do you perceive with that?

Viviane Chauvet: Great observation again, Kara. I love your energy. It's all the above. That's the good news. It's going to be sensorial. If you know or you're utilizing your clear knowingness or clear cognizance and you know what you know, you feel what you feel.

Well, it may start that way for you because It's utilizing language that you understand, and from there, you take a deep dive in that language, think of it as a portal or a gateway [00:19:00] opening, and opening your senses or your understanding and your capacity to reach even more on a whole different level. The enlightened, spiritually oriented, and already ascended group civilizations like us, the Arcturians, or, you know, many, many Syrians, the High Council, the Pleiadians, the Andromedans, and many others, or even our interdimensional civilizations.

They understand the best way it is to communicate with you. Again, the focal point or the interest is to reconnect with you. They have very little, they have very little interest in your technology, or how many books you wrote, and how big your Facebook page is. It's absolutely obsolete to They want to know, has it been As a divine being, as a soul, and as an earth human being, how's your journey?

How have you been experiencing the moving out of such a polarized, [00:20:00] dualistic, feeling separate from reality and physical reality and being able to reascend, to be able to regain your light, to gain, to stay in your heart, to stay Still have the compassion. How have you done this? We want to learn from you.

So that is very much an interaction, whether it's, like you mentioned, it can be telepathic communication, which is though faculties will expand more over time, whether it is true feeling, clear knowingness, it is a presence, it's an exchange, it can be also very active in the actual plane in the form of conscious lucid dreaming.

So to never dismiss experience you have in so called dream state, because in reality it's an altered state that allows you to leave behind a 3D personality, all the filters, including that of the 3D [00:21:00] mind, and allow yourself to be a lot more open. I know that personally, I can tell you between us, my team communicates a lot with me when they said, Put your body to sleep.

Now I'm going to go back into your higher self and I'm going to transmit or communicate a lot of information, some things you need to know to see. And I'm very aware, I'm very conscious that I am simply in an altered state, but my body rests, my body sleeps, because in reality, the part of it that sleeps is your body and all the function, your brain relax, go in a deeper state.

The part of you that is divine, your spark of light, your essence or your soul. Has no need to sleep. So you automatically go and travel, whether you're conscious of it or not, everybody does that. Whether you remember your dream or not, it's no, there's no condition to this. It's your physical form and all your organic part of you that need to sleep to [00:22:00] rejuvenate and rebalance.

So that aspect of communicating, having experiences, I thought I saw. As I was going into a deeper state of sleep, I was like in between. I think I saw light around me. I felt a presence, you know, around me. Communicate to your thoughts. Ask, are you here, you know, on behalf of the highest light? Are you here to serve my highest and greatest good?

Reveal yourself to me. You can utilize some of the baseline protocol to identify what kind of interaction and what purpose these interactions are about. It's all about allowing yourself to be receptive with discernment, to be very straight and aligned with your heart, to be very trustful of yourself.

You need to very much to be in that beautiful alignment. And again, if there's fear or energy, those are [00:23:00] enlightened, will never push. an interaction that you may not be fully ready for just yet. There will be other ways, you know, I always tell the team, they know that. You know, when I am, let's say an off service, like on in session on interview and I'm engaged in my work, they know what's the best way to communicate with me so that I can still be very engaged and focus and dedication to work that I offer.

And they understand what works very well for me and what is not really my preference. So we have this understanding with each other. It's very natural. It is accessible to everyone. That is the beauty. So never approaching from a place of fear, doubt, anxiety, or feeling that you're retracting into yourself, into primal fear or primal survival energies.

This is not a time to communicate. It's more of a time of, I present myself as an equal. [00:24:00] I present myself in my light. I present myself as an emissary of light because you are here in this human experience. Now you are presenting that energy. You can feel I'm here to represent Daya. You present yourself in the certainty of your light and always as an equal.

It's higher consciousness connecting to higher consciousness. If you feel less than or there's intimidation and doubt, the communication will be disconnected until this is cleared and then it will be back again. That is when you know you're communicating with advanced being who are in the same light or really respecting you or honoring you here to guide and initiate the next level of communication.

Anything less than that, I always tell I have no interest. I am simply existing at a different frequency. And I have interacting as an ambassador with all [00:25:00] kinds of consciousness and species. So I can tell what is more in alignment and what is less in alignment. So it revolves ultimately back to, are you trusting yourself, self worth, Self love.

Do you have a very strong, positive, compassionate relationship to yourself with yourself? And that was going to transmit and transpire in the quality of what you can have the receptivity and the capacity. To interact with, if that makes sense. Yes.

Kara Goodwin: I love that. And, and I love that you just very organically went toward dreams because I had, um, uh, beloved listener who really wanted to come and couldn't make it.

Patty had a question, had questions for you and they were around dreams. So I'll just go ahead and, and I think you, you covered them more or less, but let's [00:26:00] just make sure that. Um, he says, do, do dreams only come from the soul? Are they visions of former events? Are they visions of potential future events?

Or are they from either and both sides of our skull brain and therefore not related to the past?

Viviane Chauvet: You, your dreams are actually non linear. Sorry, half of my little kitty who decided to jump off my desk and play with my crystal. Interesting. Airplane with my crystal. So welcome. Um, dreams are non linear. So to you, they will be depicting some aspect of what you consider in your past. But dreams are really non linear and there's no more time frame to it.

Some people remember or have dreams where they were back in Egypt or Atlantis or ancient Greece or [00:27:00] another world that seems to be completely different. You know that they're on a different planet. So dreams, We'll have a different quality sometime it is your subconscious projecting certain scenarios in a form of very active dream.

Those are usually, those are very engaging and you wake up, you're sweating going, Oh, that was intense. Or, you know, you can feel your physical senses are very engaged to ask, was it a subconscious projection and look at the content or the nature of that dream. Is there some thematics? around it. Like, let's say that you have an issue with a sibling growing up, and all of a sudden that sibling is coming back a lot in your dream, and you start to revive or going back to live again these experiences when you were a child, or when you were in high school, or you were, you know, with a previous marriage.

And somebody is coming back quickly in your dream of very [00:28:00] vividly. Chances are your subconscious is saying you are ready to let go of these memories. And then it will be projected in forms of very engaging or what I call sensory engaging dreams. Usually those dreams, when you wake up, you were like, wow, you know, I feel tired.

I feel like it was. It was so weird. It was so much going on. I see this person or I see the symbology. Take the time to step back, write them down, look at what is the theme? What is the message behind it? And usually you'll be able to start to decode going, uh, Okay, and I'll be clearing and purging things.

That's one type of dreams that is there. Of course, what you may have absorbed that influence you, like for example, you know, if you look at a disaster going on in the world and it really trigger your heart. You know, you feel very emphatic. There's a compassionate response. You can tell that you are very [00:29:00] triggered at a level.

You know, you may have some dream projection that shows you what you may have absorbed, or you, it is unable to release. Otherwise, through the dream state projection, there will be another level of dreams. Now, the other aspect where you are out of body, you're more lucid dreaming, more active. You talk with beings, you're being put on board a ship, or you see a planet, or you see this world that you don't recognize through your day to day frame of life, and you come back in your body and he says, That felt so real.

I know what I saw. I felt I could hear music. I can hear thoughts. I can feel this being. I can feel this place. It's familiar. It evoke deep soul memories. You know that it's a different, all different category. You know that you've had an outer body experience beyond this physicality and you are bringing with [00:30:00] you all these quality and you're reintegrating.

So dreams are complex and it's, I feel almost like. Magical. I like the word magical because they taught, they teach you so much. And if you can feel a different level of dream, you'll be able to rediscover a different part of you and how it communicates with you. It doesn't have to be just extraterrestrial being.

You can have different part of you communicating with you through the frame of dreams. Because usually this is where you are most. open and receptive to receive those messages. Hmm. It's different layers to it. So explore, feel, trust. Does it feel intense? Oh, wow. Okay. And then it subside. Is it coming back again?

Pay attention to what you're sensitive. Right now, what's going on around me? Am I prone to absorb [00:31:00] things? Am I releasing? Or did I ask for higher communication and experience and interaction? And is that the format that is taking place? Because this is where I'm open. So you will see it will engage you in different level.

If that makes sense.

Kara Goodwin: Yes. Well, it made me think too sometimes because I have been writing my dreams down for years and sometimes I can't access the memory even, you know, right away. 'cause I always try to write 'em down right away. What I can remember, and I, I offer this to the group because I, I wonder if other people experience things this way too, where?

I can't get the memory, but I can, the frequency, like I can get the feeling where I, I'm like, okay, it's floating around me. It's floating around me. And then it's like, I can feel it. And I'm like, oh, there's the frequency of it, but I can't like get the story behind it or, um, or even like a, a location. Like [00:32:00]there's like, oh, I can tune in.

I can like find it in my field where like, oh, if my attention goes in this. It's in this location, like, I don't know, on my shoulder or something like that. And then it's like, Oh, it's here. But I don't remember any of the details. I don't know. Do you ever experience them like that?

Viviane Chauvet: To some degree, I do. I love, I was tuning into your experience, Cara, and I can feel that.

I tell my husband all the time, for me, it's movie, every night is movie night. And there's always a lot of people in my dream, always a lot going on, adventures. But I know when I, what you describe, when I'm going in that, in that level, or in that direction, when I come back, I'm like, oh, I catch myself and I'm like, okay, I need a piece of paper.

I want to write it down. I need to. And then sometime I just tune into the To the experience I felt or the frequency, I like the way you use the [00:33:00] word frequency. I'm going to hold on to that frequency. Everything else I would just start to ship out of my conscious mind or my awake mind, a 3D mind. Well, I know the frequency remains, so I tell my body, just please record and memorize, remember that frequency, like a place older.

And then later on, sometimes, sometimes what I do is I take the time in between session, I tune in. Okay. Where's the frequency? Okay. I tune in. I feel it. All right. I'm ready to remember more. Show me. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it's not. It's okay. You have a frequency. That's all you need. Okay,

Kara Goodwin: good. Well,

Viviane Chauvet: thank

Kara Goodwin: you.

Thanks for offering that because I haven't, I haven't taken it further than just going, okay, I can feel it. I can still feel it now, or I can feel it again. That's as far as I can get with it, but that's fascinating. Thank you. So Elizabeth, I see your hand here. Let me add you in here. Hello. [00:34:00] Welcome. Thanks for being here.

Oh, I wonder if I need to, um, mute you, unmute you. Sorry. Can you unmute? There.

Elizabeth: There you are. Hello. Welcome. Hi, Cara. Thanks for having this. Hi, Vivian. I, my question is, I didn't have a question until you started talking about dreams. And, uh, I had a dream with ships and I'd forgotten about this and I had record, I wrote it all down.

Do different. Yeah. Star families have different ships because there's so many, I, I, I, I just made that connection. Maybe everybody knows that and I don't, I'm not sure, but that's, I just, that's fascinating. So in my dream, cause I had been asking to see things and I'm beginning to understand that maybe my nervous system is not right, ready to receive something so grand.

[00:35:00] And so, uh, came through my dreams. And different ships showed up and then eventually I saw a big mother ship and then I realized, oh, it's my evolute. So that's, is this known? Am I just coming on into this now? Or most people know that different ships make mean different star systems. Oh,

Viviane Chauvet: absolutely.

Elizabeth. I'm thrilled that you mentioning that along with a nervous system, but the nervous systems in a plural form is truly your internal gateway of communication. So you're super nervous on the time and universe system is out of balance. It will create distortion in your field. So that's a really good point.

Yes, that's a good news. Many different star nations or group will have different ship. For example, when we encounter other mothership of scout ship or even orb. It looks like an orb, but it's a light consciousness ship that are being sent out as a transmission. We can recognize not only [00:36:00] just by the shape, which is, yes, they're a different shape, you are correct.

They will have a very distinct vibrational signature to them, a very distinct frequency that is very much associated with the group they represent. So for example, if you come across an Andromedan ship versus a Nocturne starship, you will feel that. There's a distinction, not only in the shape of the craft, but the quality and the signature of the frequency behind it.

But there's a multitude of them belong to different species. Absolutely.

Elizabeth: Fascinating. Thank you. I love that. Thank you.

Viviane Chauvet: Thanks, Elizabeth.

Elizabeth: Oh, thank you.

Viviane Chauvet: Okay. Thank you. And receptive. That's wonderful.

Kara Goodwin: Yes, beautiful. Um, I'm curious to with this contact, um, that we've been talking about, kind of the theme of our [00:37:00] interaction has been this, this reunion, this star family reunion, soul family reunion.

Um, how would hybrid. Children fit into this because there is a, there are a lot of people who feel connected or have like, maybe they have dreams. I know I have. Sorry, I guess I got really excited there. Um, I have a ton, a ton of dreams about toddlers and infants and very, like, very advanced. Like, they're, they're, you know, weeks old and they're talking and they're telling me what their name is.

Or they're walking at, you know, very young ages. And I'm like, they're, I didn't know babies could walk this early. You know, all of this. And, and they come, you know, when I wake up, I think. Oh, that was a dream. I mean, it feels like a dream. It's not like I, I feel that I've, I've astrally projected or anything, but it does make me because my kids are teenagers now.

So [00:38:00] I'm not around little ones very often. It's unusual for me to be around kids that young. And, um, at this point, but, um, I know that a lot of people do, they're very curious about the hybridization program and the, the, um, Possibility that people have hybrid children in there, you know, hybrid children on aboard ships and so forth.

And there are people who speculate that in within our lifetimes, we will, you know, on planet earth, potentially meet hybrid children for those people who are part of the programs. What are your thoughts about that?

Viviane Chauvet: It's a pretty beautiful and complex umbrella. So think of it as the word hybrid. It's as diversified as there are lives here on the planet.

So some species have either go through natural disaster or war conflict planet, you know, [00:39:00]deterioration in the planetary system or in our genetic material. And what happened is that over time, many generation, they will seek out the gene. Or the gene pool of other species, especially human beings, because, again, human beings contain that spark of compassion and divine energy in it, and it will want to retrieve those qualities and their genetic material and their genetic a gene pool moving into the next generation that they will want to create a race of hybrids.

After times those races of hybrids will be designed to live with the star parent. They will be kept on the ship. Because they're designed to be in a space, they will be unable to either survive or function or be accepted even less on the planet among humans. Can you imagine sending your children to school, [00:40:00] even if they're a teenager, and then sitting next to them, you can tell it's a half human, half gray, or half human, half other species sitting in the same classroom as your children.

You may say, well, I'm open for that, yet, overall, it will not be accepted. So. There's that concept around hybridization program that is, seems to be so intrusive where there's sample taken for men and women, especially women, or they have pregnancy and it's the pregnancy is terminated or released under early stage because.

The star people or the star beings will take it over and bring, uh, the babies to full gestation in their own advanced technology because they're hybrids. So again, these children are meant to live with their star parents. And sometimes they will have interaction with their human parents, and sometimes they don't.[00:41:00]

It's all about soul agreements. Okay, nothing is really forced onto another being. It's all about soul contracts, soul agreements. To a certain degree, it's very complex the way it works. But here, because we come here into this veil of forgetfulness, And then there's a lot of protocol on this planet, there's a lot of, you know, do's and don'ts.

And, you know, I think as a species, human beings should be writing a book about the sacred art of being a human being and what is acceptable and what is not acceptable. And we're going to teach that to the galactic schools, you know, so on page 54, it says you cannot enter my bedroom by walking to my wall at night, you know.

You know, it's just something that we we explained that to many groups, we tell them, look, this is how the human race work. And they said, well, why not? You know, they agreed 100 years ago. Yes, but they're in a different version of [00:42:00] themselves today. Anyway, so that's one aspect of hybrids. Another aspect of vibrates is looking at the starseeds, those who identify themselves as starseeds.

So you feel always A calling of the stars, you know that Gaia is not your planet of origin, you feel your family is not your original family, you feel very different from the overall people, the way you think, the way you feel. Usually starseeds have a strong sense of self in a way, and they know that there are a star, um, there are a soul essence coming from another star system or planetary.

world or star nations and they come here to help humanity in this human form. Now sometimes and or after times where the mother is pregnant, the star family will say in order to help the soul adapting better in the density field of this planet and playing their role, we're going to introduce some extra gene that belongs to our race.[00:43:00]

In the, in the fetus to help to balance and support that soul that will be born. They're still humans, but they carry, you know, DNA or gene from their family of origin. That will be considered a form of hybrid. Although they will look human and they will act as one and they will be able to adapt here on the planet, there will be considered as another aspect of hybrids.

Yes, there have been military experiment. Um, yes, there's been government experimental. Um, is there some agreement with some, some ET beings working with humans to create hybrids on a planet? Yes. And there's multiple reasons for that. Without having to go too deep so we don't have the attachments and, you know, and feel that we are lowering our frequencies.

There's many, many umbrella. Within the word hybrids very much so. I am my own [00:44:00] category. I am not a hybrid. My physical form has been engineered, engineered by ET beings with some human genetic pool to help me to be here. So I'm a prototype. So I am my own category. This is why I don't really fit the word hybrid, but I use it as a point of reference.

So there's many reasons, many different ways. So if I'm against some civilization, I've lost their connection to source creator. And what is the best way to feel that it can retrieve that is to have hybrid children with human beings, because human beings have this. amazing light about them, whether you utilize it or not, it's still part of you.

And then they're hoping by introducing the emotional component that they will be over time being able to rekindle what that part of themselves have been lost maybe for thousands of years and more. So it's very complex when we [00:45:00] dwell into the domain of the word hybrids or hybrid project or program.

There's a multitude of reasons, intentions, um, goals and purposes behind it. I hope that covers different angles today.

Kara Goodwin: Yes, that was very complete. Thank you very much. I know that you have some amazing, um, events coming up in 2025. Um, can you share how people can, can connect with you and, and what's coming down the pipeline for you that people may want to join in on?

Viviane Chauvet: Oh, absolutely. Thank you so much for asking. I appreciate that. Well, I am the founder of an online community called the Universal Auctorian Community, and we really have the most amazing members. Um, we have members from all over the world, literally people who are very dedicated, very engaged in their spiritual journey to help others [00:46:00] to get deeper answers for themselves, whether it's supporting one another.

So one of the best way to really continuing this journey with us as a Nocturne Master with our delegation directly is to join our community and very affordable. Plus member have access to library of recordings, replays of incredible master courses, including the holographic group peeling that we offer every month.

We are also gathering we're doing on zoom with members. We're doing a lot of planetary efforts. uh, spiritual gathering, and we also offer in person retreats. For members. In fact, the next one will be in Germany in July, and I'm going to be speaking also at a UFO conscious conference in July, also in Germany.

It's a beautiful castle in the South of Germany. All the details are already on my website. On [00:47:00]their events and calendar of events upcoming, uh, every month, the octurne holographic group healing is a fantastic way to work directly with the expertise, the mastery and the organic technology of the octurians.

And also, we always work with also different star groups and we, we offer beautiful classes at the same time series. Uh, I do love interviews, online summit. I'm going to be traveling a little bit more as well. Uh, I'm going to be technically at a Conscious Life Expo in LA in February, but I have to reach out to the organizer about this one, given the circumstances, what's going on there.

I'm going to be in two beautiful event in March in Sedona, Arizona for the, uh, the Sedona essential retreats. I was going to ask

Kara Goodwin: you if you were going to be there again, because I, sorry to interject there, but, um, I met you in [00:48:00] person there and I had a session. Are you going to have a booth again?

Viviane Chauvet: Well, uh, yeah, my husband going to have his booth to, you know, uh, work with is incredible Angelic transfer field energy tool pendant.

And of course, I'm going to be there. I'm going to be doing a workshop again this year. And also I'm doing a, uh, a journey in the vortex of the journey, the other journey is already sold out, but the workshop is still available, but I'm going to be there. Yes, again, this year and Sedona, uh, for the Sedona essential retreats and.

Two weeks later, there's another event that's going to be incredible called the rise of the guardians. And it's going to be many beautiful speakers. Um, you know, like myself, Jimmy Church, uh, Rion, who is a really amazing, um, night worker, very dedicated. person. Shana, it's a beautiful lady, working with her and other people there.

The Rise of the Guardians. And I'm going [00:49:00] to be doing a post conference workshop, uh, for that particular one. It's more towards the end of March. And I'm going to be, you know, going also to the Living, it's called the New Living Expo in May for the Mother, Mother's Day weekend, May 8, I think it is, 7, 8 and 9.

I'm going to be offering also a lecture, I'm going to be on the panel, the New Earth Ascension panel there and so there's going to be different opportunity to either meet in person. But the best way is our community, you can even sign up for a free account if you want. We also have free content. We do meditation series every month, including the star seed series.

And we offer and you know, interviews or podcasts. I have a podcast called the infinite star connections. And we just starting our sixth season already in just a few weeks ago. So, you know, and we're constantly expanding in terms of [00:50:00] teachings and mastery. Uh, course that helps everyone to really step forward into what is next for you.

What are you ready to embrace while you're really ready to integrate and also release making room, making space to allow this organic movement. It's all about re ascension, re ascending again and again and again into higher form and watching your life reflecting this re ascension at the same In the same way.

So very exciting. And, um, yes. So I'm very happy to be here and it's been absolutely amazing.

Kara Goodwin: Oh, I've been, I've just loved every second. Is there, do I remember correctly? There's a TV show. Oh, you are so

Viviane Chauvet: good. You're amazing. So I just Talk to technically supposed to be out today, but I'm still waiting. So I did, um, there is a TV series coming up.

[00:51:00] It's a six part first pilot TV series around the Octarians. And I am the narrative talk about my people. I really walked her to a journey and what was really unique about the series is that the director was behind the camera and the director was asking us. really out of question. I say us because I'm in constant blended telecom telepathic communication with my delegations and my alternate self.

So when we speak as many of us speaking, so I can feel the flow of the communication coming through my physical body. And I tell sometime my group says, okay, slow down because my throat chakra. You know, needs to keep up with all these transmissions coming through. So the director is asking, we're asking us questions behind the scene, and we're engaging into a flow of answering them.

Truly to [00:52:00] understand, truly the essence of who we are. Our currents have been depicted in so many ways, but it's just fragments. Here and there. So our goal was to bring in more depth in terms of what is an uptrend being. Now, what is our mastery? Who are we? So that was is a six part TV series is going to be launched on Sparks TV first, and then hopefully.

Gaia will be open minded enough to buy the series and other platform because Gaia has been very shy with me. They're, they're kind of fearful of having a real AT being in studio. They're not ready, even though they're Gaia TV, they're not ready for me. That's fascinating. Yes, and I, I have other people who ask, when are you going to bring Vivian?

When are you going to bring her? And the answer is, we know about her, but we're not, it's like. They're not, they talk about E. T., they talk about consciousness, they talk about universal concepts, but to have an E. [00:53:00] T. being in their studio, it's That was so too much for them for now, maybe, maybe in the future coming up.

Oh, wow.

Kara Goodwin: Well, that's so exciting. I love that. Well, Vivian, thank you so much for being here and sharing your wisdom and your beautiful heart and all of your intel. This has just been great. I've I've learned so much and I just Always love to be in your frequency and just, you know, even if you just read the phone book to us, it'd be a gift.

Viviane Chauvet: I mean, crystal kind. Kara, thank you so much. I was very, very happy that you are bring, you brought us back again, uh, for a second round. Our door is always open to you, to all of you, and you can also look even on the YouTube channel. I have a YouTube channel and there's a lot of content completely free you can watch and inspire yourself from.

You listen, emerge yourself. There's so many meditation series we have recorded over the years. [00:54:00] So this, there's a lot of ways that we're supporting people to, you know, have a direct. presence in their life and being able to make a difference for you. Thank you so much.

Kara Goodwin: Thank you. It's been such an honor and I'll see you in Sedona in, uh, in March and thank you everybody for joining today.

It's been beautiful to be with all of you and I hope you all have an amazing rest of the day in the week. Many blessings, everybody. Bye.

Viviane Chauvet Profile Photo

Viviane Chauvet

Owner at Infinite Healing From The Stars, Published Author, Public Speaker, Creator of Arcturian Energy Matrix Healing

Viviane Chauvet is an interstellar Arcturian being who ascended thousands of years ago. Her Soul Avatar Essence has returned in a projected holographic form that contains biofeedback. She is an Arcturian Emissary and clear conduit for a delegation of enlightened and spiritually advanced intergalactic civilizations.