EXCITING CHANGES! Meditation Conversation is now SOUL ELEVATION! ✨
Aug. 1, 2024

357. Our Future: Solar Flares, Magnetic Shifts, and Spiritual Awakening - Modern Mysticism with Michael

Don’t miss this remarkable episode with friend of the show, Michael Massey!   In this episode, we explore profound changes in human evolution, driven by solar flares, magnetic shifts, and societal transformations.  Michael shares...

Don’t miss this remarkable episode with friend of the show, Michael Massey!  

In this episode, we explore profound changes in human evolution, driven by solar flares, magnetic shifts, and societal transformations. 

Michael shares insights on moving beyond dualistic thinking towards a Trinity-based consciousness and discusses the importance of spiritual mastery in personal evolution and achieving peace on Earth. 

The conversation delves into the interplay between physical and spiritual healing, the significance of childhood memories, and the transformative impact of connection to our spiritual beings. 

This episode is a deep and inclusive journey into understanding the powerful shifts awaiting humanity in 2024 and beyond.

00:00 Introduction and Episode Overview

01:22 Catch-Up with Michael Massey

03:19 Trinity-Based Thinking Explained

10:17 Magnetic Fields and Human Consciousness

18:08 Memory and Identity

25:22 Rediscovering Childhood Innocence

27:24 Living on the Vertical: A Spiritual Perspective

30:30 Understanding Spiritual Mastery

34:00 The Role of Ego in Spirituality

39:11 The Future of Healing and Medicine

49:23 Navigating Collective and Individual Realities

51:31 Conclusion and Final Thoughts


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Other episodes you'll enjoy:

333. Achieving Inner Peace In Times Of Outer Chaos: A Framework From A Modern Mystic - Michael Massey

334. Access Healing Powers Through Frequency Alignment - Sally Knopp

337. Indigenous Healing Traditions - Applying Ancient Wisdom in Modern Times - Ben Oofana

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Welcome to the meditation conversation, the podcast to support your spiritual revolution. I'm your host, Cara Goodwin and gay Michael Nassey is back.has been a frequent guest over the years on meditation conversation. 

And in this episode, we cover a wide range of topics centered around the evolution of humanity. Michael's getting a lot of insights about our evolution speeding up. And we talk about the solar flares and magnetic changes that indicate big changes are happening. And we also get into the individual experiences such as new memory recall and moving beyond a dualistic perspective.

about what it might be like as societal structures give way to higher dimensional solutions to things like the healthcare system. So be sure you check out Cara goodwin.com, where you can get a free 10 minute meditation. If you want support for your meditation practice, I have [00:01:00] a 21 day online program to help you develop your own practice. And there's also the healing hearts membership, where you can get live online assistance with your questions about meditation and life. recorded sacred geometry workshop series available all of that and more on Kara goodwin.com. And now enjoy this episode. 

Kara Goodwin: Hey, Michael. How are you? Hi, Kara. I'm doing good. How are you? Good. I think it's been forever. I think the last time you were on was episode 333, which was Okay. When was that? A while ago. I think I released 354 or 5 lately. Wow. Okay. So like six months or something? Maybe. Wow. That's weird. I know. It is. And in that time, you got a new shirt.

So if anybody's [00:02:00] watching the video, you have to see Michael's shirt. It is, if you're not watching the video. You're missing out. You can always go on the meditation conversation. com and see the video. He's got a full moon, two UFOs, Sasquatch and an alien and the Sasquatch and the alien are holding hands.

So there's like, it hits all the bases. Love it.

Michael Massey: It's my official work shirt, you know, that I do my tours in. Ah, yes. They're in Sedona, your Vortex tours. Correct. All right. I bet you get some good comments on those. I do. 

Kara Goodwin: it's been a long time, as we said, and I'd love to just catch up with you and see so much. What is happening energetically in your world and the field reports that you're getting you and I connected last week and shared some, you know, things that each of [00:03:00] us were experiencing a lot of things happening in the dream time, um, and some energetic things.

And what say ye, what's going on in Michael world?

Michael Massey: Well, um. Uh, 2024 has just been remarkable, uh, and from a, you know, a personal level in terms of the consciousness and we've, for those have, you know, tuned into some of the prior podcasts, we've talked about like, the new planetary grid that has, uh, Uh, been activated over the, the past few years that leads to a corresponding new kind of operating system, uh, for human consciousness.

I've called it the Trinity based operating system that humanity is evolving from, you know, uh, aging up, if you will. Uh, from a, you know, [00:04:00] two to three as we grow beyond the duality based thinking into a, uh, into a trinity based thinking. So, these, uh, all of that, that's backstory for those that have, you know, heard us talking about this over the years.

Uh, so all of this is just seems to be coming in a manifest reality this year in 2024 with just such an, uh, an exquisite and beautiful way. And I can, before 

Kara Goodwin: you go, sorry, before you go too far, let's review the Trinity based thinking and the, uh, do the change from duality to Trinity.

Michael Massey: how do we, let's review this in 20 seconds or less, or 

Kara Goodwin: there's no rush, whatever you think. 

Michael Massey: Uh, you know, for as long as, for eons, as long as we can, you know, we're all familiar with this duality based. thinking, right? And now there's so much, there's a lot of talk about [00:05:00] unity based consciousness, it's remembering, and ultimately this is the truth that the, of you know, the unified field which exists and yet is beyond our perception of For the most part, except through, uh, moments of, of, you know, a spiritual awakening to that unified shield.

And what's happening is the up, is the vessel, the human vessel and its, uh, consciousness And in a duality based format, it's always toggling back and forth. It's not a, it's not a stable form. And so it's always a this, that, this, that, back and forth. And with, with the evolution or the graduation beyond the terrible twos, and it's weird, it's how this is mirrored and reflected in our, you know, in In the human lifespan, graduating beyond the terrible twos and [00:06:00] into, uh, when we turn three, we're basically able to natively think within our consciousness and freeze.

And this enables us to then triangulate onto the unity. And so we can have a stable consciousness that's able to maintain Uh, contact and communication with the unified field. 

Kara Goodwin: okay. So there were a lot of engineering terms in there 

Michael Massey: for 

Kara Goodwin: just a person who is interested in spiritual development, but maybe doesn't have a lot of background in like, Even maybe what a unified field is.

Why, why is it important to have, like, what is, why do we care about having a Trinity based perspective and consciousness? 

Michael Massey: Because why do we care? Well, if you care, if anybody cares about, [00:07:00] um, uh, at, at some point in time, uh, entering into a new golden age where we, we finally achieve, Peace on earth, this is necessary.

So as long as we're stuck in the, in the terrible twos, there's gonna be war in conflict. Oh, 

Kara Goodwin: that, 

Michael Massey: yeah. There's just that. 

Kara Goodwin: Oh, just that. Yeah. Okay. Just that. 

Michael Massey: So in a sense. The future of the human race depends on it. 

Kara Goodwin: And so, but that's because we, it's this either or, like we tend to see things as it's either this thing or it's that thing and then if it's not the thing that we align with, then there's no room for it or we want to have aggression towards it or, or is it bigger than that?

Michael Massey: Aggression towards, what are we talking about here? The other. 

Kara Goodwin: The other. When [00:08:00] we see separation, when we experience separation. Oh, 

Michael Massey: separation. Yeah, right. And, um, yeah, and, and so, Exactly. The separation, the, the other isn't an illusion. It's the separation. That's the illusion. And, and so, yeah, when, when the barriers of separation, that's ultimately what the, the Trinity based operating system is allows for that third.

Perspective within one's own consciousness, so you don't get stuck in that separation thing. It's like having always multiple paths to, to make a connection. 

Kara Goodwin: Okay. So hopefully that's clear now of what you're even talking about with Trinity Consciousness, Unity Consciousness. So lately, Oh, go ahead.

Michael Massey: [00:09:00] Ultimately, let's understand that we're in part of it. This is a big process of a, of a natural evolution that, uh, a super, also a supernatural evolution, if you will, because we're, since we're up, we're evolving the human, the human vessel and human energy system into its next level form. And as, as such, then we're, we're talking about, um, uh, becoming something that was not even known. It's necessarily bringing that which is unknown into the known. We're expanding in a way that's, I say difficult to predict. It's easy to predict that it's happening, but the experience of it is, is astounding. And it's full of wonder. And so this is all this is all happening and part of this, you know, there's all these natural [00:10:00] cycles and we're witnessing this too. And we kind of tie in in terms of what's been happening here even recently in 2024, in terms of, you know, the cosmic and, and planetary and solar system and what's happening with that.

Kara Goodwin: so Tell us more about what you're observing in 2024 in terms of, you know, you're talking about like the solar system, cosmic. We also know from a social perspective, there's been a lot of change. And then I imagine. There in Sedona because you're kind of in this like spiritual hub, the planet, um, you know, one of them, um, I imagine, you know, you're seeing changes there too, as well.

Michael Massey: Yeah. And, you know, I think every, just about everybody, and of course, you know, I'm doing tours and whenever I ask people, no matter where they're from, everybody's reporting, uh, you know, climate, [00:11:00] the climates are weird and changing. Right. Right. And of course, you know, our, um, news reports are confirming this, whether it's floods or tornadoes, you know, extreme weather events and all these kinds of things.

Right. So, uh, what I find really fascinating is, is like, okay, so I've been harping for, have I been talking about the earth's magnetic field for a while? 

Kara Goodwin: Yes. 

Michael Massey: Yes. 

Kara Goodwin: Yeah, you have. And we actually, we had a, a workshop on it, like in 2020, I think. I 

Michael Massey: know, right. Yes. I'm like, Hey, this is what's going on folks. Right.

And I'm like, mark my words. We're going to be hearing more of this in the future. Now, just it, it, it's really fascinating. And I think with the advancement of, uh, AI and whatnot, a new analytical model has been, it was. Uh, recently developed to then analyze a bunch of seismic data and they started analyzing all this historic [00:12:00] seismic data and have discovered that, uh, circa 2010 is when the core of the, the core of the earth started slowing down.

Now, and this is right around the timeframe that I've been, that I was been, been, been Telling people that hey, we got something going on with the magnetic field and it's entering, you know We're entering into a pole flip and of course this this year in 2024 with all the auroras and stuff we have we have the earth or the Sun is is Executing its it's a magnetic pole flip Um, this year.

So that's why we have all the, you know, the, the solar flares and all the Aurora activity and whatnot. And, uh, then some of the other data that's coming out now is showing that yes, global temperatures are on the rise as they were have been expected to be. But it's [00:13:00] outpacing any effects that are coming from what we call the greenhouse gas effect or carbon emission.

So the planet is warming based on. A cycle that it's in, that is somehow, that is superseding any impact that us humans are actually doing. So it's of course not an excuse for us to go out and You know, do whatever we want. We want to take care of this planet to the best of our ability, for sure. But that we're part of, we're part of this cycle that's happening.

That's way bigger than, than us.

So this is all, and this is all reset and I'm over here finally going, yes, yes. Okay. The, the pieces are coming together in the, in the whole scientific community and things are coming together to support. Um, this is greater understanding of what's, what's actually happening [00:14:00] with our planet.

Now, we, we don't, we scientifically now, we don't, we know, have very little understanding of the impact of changing magnetic fields on the human being, but I, I'm, I'm, it's another little prediction that, you know, within another five or ten years, we'll know a whole lot more. 

Kara Goodwin: Right. And just as a little bit of a background, Michael, when was the last time the planet experienced a pulse shift?

Michael Massey: Oh, well, it, it's happened over many times over, over the course of history. And we look, we look at the magnetic orientation of iron. Uh, deposits in rock and lava flows going through the, uh, going back in time. That's how we kind of figured this out. And it happens on average about every 200, 000 years. The [00:15:00] last time that it happened was 780, 000 years ago.

So we're like way overdue. 

Kara Goodwin: And we don't have access to the news reports from 780, 000 years ago to know how it went. 

Michael Massey: No, no, the best what we, what we have is those, those layers of rock that we have to kind of decode. But that's, you know, that doesn't give you a very precise, you know, play by play, day by day of what the, of what a pole flip is about.

Kara Goodwin: Yeah. 

Michael Massey: So. 

Kara Goodwin: Okay. So that's the scientific earthly solar system piece to all of it. How does that relate to where we started with that Trinity consciousness and how it affects like human consciousness or, or what people in what you're experiencing, what people might be experiencing now [00:16:00] with this shift, how do those things go together?

Michael Massey: Well, you know, I. I remember seeing or having a vision or I was really looking kind of at the pattern of the fabric and I understood this is maybe, oh, I'd say going back good, maybe 12, 13 years, and I was like, Oh, wow, when this shift it's common. I'm like, wow, there's gonna be a lot of people lose their minds.

I'm like, wow, it's gonna be. There's, it's gonna be, there's gonna be crazy folks all over. And, now here we are, what, 15 years later, in the midst of this, like, global mental health crisis. it's not just one thing you can point to, of course, cause it's very, you know, there's a whole lot that's going on.

but certainly what for those that the importance of doing the spiritual work and doing your inner work is for this reason, you see those who, who haven't can aren't and [00:17:00] haven't broken through to any of these illusions of separation. This is what we're witnessing. So, you know, the importance of this, you know, is to, is, it's all the, you know, everything that's happening, dramatically speaking, is there, even the wars themselves, are there to facilitate people making a breakthrough to connect with their spiritual body.

Because that's the one thing, it's mostly, it's like, it's, that's fundamentally critical throughout this, is that we all have a spiritual body. Whether you're aware of it or not, but the future is connected to it. It's not separation from it. There is no future without it.

And so everything in terms of the, the dramatically is serving the purpose of, of making, uh, um, such that individuals at their, that level can make that connection. 

Kara Goodwin: Well, it's [00:18:00] fascinating talking about the mental state and, you know, the planet, the playing into that. I was reading or hearing something recently or not too recently, but within the last couple of months that talked.

I don't know if it was a hypothesis that memories are held in our magnetics, like memory. We have memories through magnetically. Did you tell me that? Or have you heard this? 

Michael Massey: Oh, I've seen it. 

Kara Goodwin: You've seen it. 

Michael Massey: I've known this for, yeah, for quite some time. Yeah. 

Kara Goodwin: Because,wherever I came across this, it was suggesting that magnetics are holding our memories, and of course, so much of our identity.

Is tied up in what we remember about ourselves, you know, in our history, 

Michael Massey: it's what we remember. And, and, you know, we [00:19:00] tend to take a selective memory is how we form our basic, our identity, right. For better or worse. So we either going to take our best stuff and that's how we weave, you know, a little narrative of that's who we really are, or we might do the worst.

And there's a lot of people that unfortunately do that too, where they're just. Plucking out just the worst stuff and they're basing a sense of self around around that. God help those souls So usually it's just a it's some kind of partial You know selection of our memory now you start actually impeding that memory access and then what happens people just they don't know who they are Right.

Yeah, like movement. It's like moving the furniture around You know, and, and if you're blind, that's a problem. 

Kara Goodwin: Yeah. 

Michael Massey: Right. 

Kara Goodwin: It's interesting to think how memory plays into this too, because I remember a year or two ago, you talking about access to, to kind [00:20:00] of new memories that you hadn't remembered for a long time.

And do you remember that? 

Michael Massey: Yeah, I remember talking about yeah, that's one of the been in the enhancements I've seen in a significant can't regard over the last 12 months really. 

Kara Goodwin: Yeah. 

Michael Massey: Yeah. 

Kara Goodwin: Yeah, I, I noticed that within myself too, where, and it, it seems to come out of nowhere where suddenly I just remember being very, very, very young in my, like I, the other day it was like going to take a nap at my babysitter's house.

And. Really not wanting to go take a nap. And I remembered like the, the bedroom and the, you know, the bed and trying to fall asleep. And it made me even wonder, like, because it, you know, that you sleep a lot when you're young. And I've had a few recollections [00:21:00] of like trying to fall asleep and being like nervous, being like not feeling comfortable.

And it makes me kind of wonder about like, um, abductions, you know, because they're, uh, I don't know, just the more I learn about these things, the more I'm like, I wonder where that came from that, like not want, like not wanting to fall asleep. It could, I mean, it could be as simple as just fear of missing out, you know, if other people were around, like, I don't want to go, I want to party, Just things like that where I'm like, yeah, I remember, I'm remembering like falling asleep at night at my house and this raccoon like octagonal picture drawing thing that we had that I would look at when I was going, when I was falling asleep and it kind of creeped me out.

And then I'm like, now at this vantage point, I'm like, was there a portal there? Why didn't I like that? But anyway, all these, that's just one example where I'm like, why am I suddenly. [00:22:00] Remembering this thing that doesn't seem to be relevant necessarily right now and just So, yeah. 

Michael Massey: Yeah, I know. And, you know, this is such a subjective thing because I don't really know, you can't really know for sure how other people experience their memories.

Kara Goodwin: True. Yeah. 

Michael Massey: 100%, right? So, hence we talk about this kind of thing, but like now, you know, there's like fact recall where you have a human thing. Have you been to Disney World? You have been to Disney World, right? So you might remember that you've been to Disney World, okay?

That's different than the full visceral memory that comes back where all of a sudden you can't, you know, you get the feeling of, Of being there, whether you're a kid or whatever age you happen to have the memory recall where and then it's like the details of it and the feeling that even the, the, your brain so [00:23:00] you can start to smell it.

And other senses are, are accessing or activating. And so you're getting this full sensory experience of that memory. And then it, that connects you, it's particularly is, is when these come up from childhood, because it's reminding us of certain, these, Emotional states that we may not have felt since then.

And once we reconnect to that emotional state, we can actually have that state again. 

I'm feeling and I feel like we're, I mean, personally, I mean, like, I've been at this for a while for a while. And yet what transpiring right now, I feel like we're just at the beginning of it. It's just, we're just, it's just gonna get just, just deliciously epic.

And so it's like brick by [00:24:00] brick, I feel myself move, becoming more of that kid, that child, but like the, the divine child, it's an integrated thing. So I'm an adult, but a full range of access to the whole emotional state that I'm in. Um, that we're really gifted with when we were born and came forth here.

Kara Goodwin: I love that. I mean, there's so, it brings up so many things, that going back to being a child, and I know there's a biblical verse about that too, which you probably have access to off the top of your head. 

Michael Massey: Yeah. 

Kara Goodwin: Yeah. 

Michael Massey: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Jesus said, unless you become like one of these. The children, right?

You won't, um, enter the kingdom of heaven. 

Kara Goodwin: Right. 

Michael Massey: Yeah. And 

Kara Goodwin: that is something that comes up with these memories too. Like you say, is the, is that feeling of being a child. And I remember being a child and trying [00:25:00] to figure out how to be a grownup and that even causing me some concern that I wouldn't figure it out.

You know, because they were so different and they didn't seem to have that, you know, they, they had so much control over their feelings as one example, you know, or the things that they worried about. I didn't even think about, you know, it's like, well, what are bills and what are, uh, meetings and, you know, what's rush hour, all these things that I'm like, am I ever going to learn all that?

Michael Massey: And, 

Kara Goodwin: uh, And this recognition, as you say, like the deeper you go in your spirituality, the more you realize that purity and that. Innocence of just being a human that we, we unlearn, or, you know, we like get conditioned and we buy into this [00:26:00] other type of living that has all these conditions that has all these like things that as a grownup, you take for granted as just how it is.

But this part of the awakening Is that like coming back to spending time like prioritizing, even fresh air, noticing the bees on a flower, noticing the wind, noticing the way that it smells when you go out and take a walk, or, you know, just these things that we do naturally pay attention to as a child that we, you know, You know, it's like we get all these layers of nonsense that we agree where you know that we're going to be part of our perception that really take us away out of our, out of our spiritual body, you know, our spirit body, as you [00:27:00] mentioned before.

Michael Massey: yeah, you must unlearn what you have learned, says Yoda, right? And, the irony of it, of, yeah, wait a second, I was this way naturally, and then I'm become not this way, and then the return to being that way again. 

and it's, and ultimately it's a natural process.

as we all progress through this kind of transition, those, it's simply, it's, it's a choice based and those who make the choice to what I call, I call living on the vertical. so the, the whole of time, I mean, it's like, uh, if you imagine it as a river, and so you're gonna, each individual life starts at some point along this river, it's gonna go a certain distance down that river, and then, um, then before it ends its, its journey, and then the, the river flows on, And so the whole, you can look at the whole [00:28:00] course of human history, natural history, whatever, it's just this movement along this river of time. And within an individual life, know, it might even be scripted or destined how, what, What length of that river that lifespan is going to go, but it won't may not do it the actual individual path of the way it takes through various different rapids or navigating down that river might vary, but there's an overall architecture for it, or an intent of that soul's purpose that basically go from this point to the river to this point to the river.

Is that tracking that so far. 

Kara Goodwin: Yes. 

Michael Massey: That's how, the majority of people just experience that that's the whole flow of life. Now what I call Transcripts Um, living on the vertical has to do with that that spiritual connection. And it [00:29:00] becomes this, this point where instead of just, you know, you're just, you're just caught up in the river and flowing with it.

It's like breaking your head up out of water and, and establishing a connection that's at a, perpendicular to the flow of time. And so this is essentially the, ultimately the gateway to the eternal. And so when, which is how the, which is the very nature of the spiritual body. So when you connect with your spiritual body, it's going to pop you out of the flow of time onto what this vertical.

there's a, say a spectrum. Once one actually becomes aware of that vertical, that spiritual component. And then from there, there's a whole like range or levels of mastery of that. But just becoming aware of it as all is like getting [00:30:00] a, as soon as you become aware of your spiritual bodies, like having a life preserver, now you're in the river, but now you got a lifeboat.

or a life preserver, so you, you can't drown anymore, and then if you progress it further, you'll get a raft, or a kayak, right? Now, you see, you'll still be in the same river with everybody else, floating down, but Um, but having a very different experience than everyone else 

and ultimately here's the thing too, and this is something that I feel like it's, it's, it's 2024 and certain things, it seems like it's fair to share now that maybe not weren't, weren't okay to share before.

And one of them has to do with, mastery. because there's, there's a typical when people are on this, this, this journey, right? know, the gurus and the spiritual masters and so forth and so on. We've [00:31:00] talked about those on a, on a few different, different podcasts, have we not?

Okay. And. Uh, you can see, you know, there's plenty of, and more and more are going to come of the documentaries out there of, uh, like, how these things turn into cults and, you know, Right? Yeah. And, yeah, it's like beware, okay? Beware any master that's, you know, that's outside yourself, right? So here's the, here's the question.

And I, and I, I think most people like, well, what is like, say, what is spiritual mastery? How does one become a spiritual master? I have a feeling this is a question that I was, a question that I had And I'm like, where do you get the answer to it? And how will I know that who's the master and who's not and et cetera. Right. here's like the, the nitty gritty of it, okay, is that spiritual mastery [00:32:00] is not something that is awarded.

It's something that is claimed and it begins the moment that anyone that you as a person as an individual claims responsibility for their experience. is the essence of self mastery. See, you know that now, no longer can you point fingers and blame at anything, because you know that you and you alone are 100 percent responsible for your experience and your emotional state.

so, mastery is something that's claimed, as soon as one claims it, it's akin to getting that, life preserver. because now, now, you know, now it doesn't mean you're going to be perfect at it. And just claiming mastery doesn't mean that you're, you're great. It just means it's like, okay, I might still be at this inclination to say [00:33:00] blame others, uh, when stuff doesn't go the way I want to.

but if I do, then having already claimed mastery, that's going to come back on me. And so it's the, then it becomes that process of, of refinement and self correction, such that you actually stabilize that in it. And then it's, and then as it progresses forward, there's those subsequent upgrades to better and better craft to navigate the river.

Kara Goodwin: I love that. 

Michael Massey: But for anyone out there who's wondering, who the master is, it's you. You just have to claim it. Right. I understand. You got to do it. I mean, you got to do it wholeheartedly. You got to make the choice from here. And understanding that you say, okay, if it's a self master or master of life or spiritual master, those might have, those are basically three things for the same thing.

They all converge to the same [00:34:00] point.

Kara Goodwin: And I think too, you know, that ego claiming it. Versus, being in spirit and claiming, you know, from that vertical, like you're saying where if we're dipping a toe in and it's like, Oh, okay, I can get to spiritual mastery. I just have to say I'm a master, you know, like dealt with your ego yet.

And I think that's where we do get a lot of problems with the cults, you know, where there are these people who are claiming. Their own mastery, they're happy to step into it, but they're doing so from the egoic standpoint. And then they're, need more and more and more of that power. They need more people coming in to, verify or to, um, validate.


Michael Massey: Yeah. And, So that's, that's the funny thing. And then you get this, you kind of learn this is, that's why you're like, okay, you claim your master to yourself. You [00:35:00] claim it to the universe, but you don't make that claim to, So you can go around saying I'm a master, you don't do that, right.

It's like, okay. No, it's the thing. It's, is, uh, the stuff that, that, uh, we know that we don't talk about, 

Kara Goodwin: it's so funny. Cause you talk about the documentaries and so forth. And I stumbled upon a documentary last night that I started watching on, um, HBO. I can't remember. It's It's about this way down.

it's a, like a Christian offshoot, uh, that started as a weight loss program, but then the leader, it was like down in Tennessee, but I guess it's spread all over the world. And, um, but this woman Who was the leader like she created this church and, um, and got rid of the Trinity funnily enough. So it's funny that we started with that where she was like, no, just go straight to God.

Don't don't have this Trinity. That was a big point of contention for a [00:36:00] lot of people. But she's very like, um, it's a very much like a punishment base. If you're God will punish you. If you're, are you, you're, or maybe it's more like you're, you're the chosen one. So God will take care of you. And, um, I've gotten to a point in the, in the series where her grandchild dies as a child.

And, um, the next day they go, this woman who must've left now, the, the cult that she's like, they basically had all these individual sessions with people of, you know, who, who were like the workers basically, because they knew that. The family was perfect. So they weren't being punished. So they had to figure out who was out of alignment or however they put it within the staff of, you know, within like the people who were close to the [00:37:00] inner circle, but not the family, because that must be why God would punish them.

It wasn't something that the family did. It wasn't something the leader did because they were. You know, as in the context of this discussion, they were masters, they were happy to claim that mastery, but they weren't ready to take the responsibility and say, okay, by this philosophy that I am saying that I'm reaching to everybody, that if, as long as they're perfect enough, God will love them and won't, and won't, um, punish them.

And they were seeing this as a punishment. But then they weren't ready to claim the responsibility. Nah. 

Michael Massey: Nah. So these are, yeah, so that's not really claiming mastery now, is it? 

Kara Goodwin: Right. But that's an example of like the egoic, like how the ego can get in the way and confuse things. 

Michael Massey: Yeah, and you know, that's one of the it's one of the reasons why I mentioned it's 2024 now And it [00:38:00] seems to be okay to talk about there's a certain number of things that I haven't you know I I haven't really talked about over the years because of that thing because if there's if there's the ego false Interpretation of what said is like, uh, that's a potential pitfall.

It's like I I You know, I had to be careful not to say something because it could get misconstrued, and then I'd be like, oh no, right? Something feels, feels different now. it feels like something has happened, and, I mean, that there's been a major victory in the spiritual. And the spiritual plane where like the, like vast minions of darkness have been wiped out.

And I could, it's really interesting, but I'm like, all of a sudden it's okay to talk is certain things are like certain knowledge can be shared, though. Certain things, ideas can be spread. Certain things can happen now. That couldn't even happen just a few months ago. And I'm just watching this [00:39:00] unfold with, you know, with interest and curiosity.

But it's like, wow, it's just, it's, it's something big is really, really happening. 

Kara Goodwin: That's fascinating. I know within my own world, one of the things because, you know, you're, you've been, we started by talking about kind of the, the, all the big changes and how like the, the magnetics of the planet and the, the, and how all of that is kind of being set up to shift.

This has been predicted. predicted for a while. And one of the things that's often talked about is like the crumbling of systems and that with this major change, it will be kind of the, almost like the, the crumbling of the, the systems that we take for granted. So, um, financial system is often talked about that, that the financial financial system will go undergo a huge overhaul, health care.

Um, And, you know, education and all of these [00:40:00] things will have, like, we'll just operate at a totally different level. And a lot of times there are warnings about how destructive that could be, like, get ready, you know, stock up, um, what have you, but I, I believe, you know, that our, our choices in our consciousness play a role in that and what we call forth, um, But anyway, aside from all of that, something that has come into my purview because I've wondered about like, well, how would that happen in a sort of gentle way?

Um, but I've been looking into, do you want to, do you want to say something? 

Michael Massey: Yeah, there's a way for it to happen. Yeah. 

Kara Goodwin: Well, yeah, and I'm sure there are multiple ways, but I, I had a very like tangible experience. I've done this, I've kind of started looking into homeopathy as a lay person. I'm not going to be a homeopath or anything like that, but I've just been looking into it and the potential of it and how it started.[00:41:00] 

And you know, I've just seen all of these things that give me hope and through not that everything's going to become homeopathic, but. It's been this like, oh, this could spread like rapid fire again, not necessarily homeopathy, but like Masses of people realizing, um, that the found that there is like solid foundation for these modalities that are inexpensive, that are time tested, you know, homeopathy has been around a lot longer than pharma, or at least in conjunction.

Um, you know, it, it started in like the 1850s. I want to, I think even earlier than that in the 1800s. Um, but it's like individual choice. And as, and I'm noticing this, I'm seeing so many people who are coming to me, even though I don't have like a, I'm not like the right [00:42:00] person to come in and necessarily ask health issues.

Um, I'm not going to know like, oh, try this medicine or whatever. But I have so many people who are like, okay, I'm kind of, I've reached. the allopathic end. Like, I, there's not anything more that my family doctor can offer me, and I want to know what else is out there. And they, they don't even know enough to know like, oh, I could try homeopathy, or I could try Reiki, or I could try A chiropractor or, you know, it's like they, they aren't even sure like where they might go or what other options there might be, but I'm seeing like so many people in my world approaching me, not me going and saying, Oh, I hear you're having this problem.

Try this other branch of, you know, healing. Um, And it just makes me think like the more people who do that and talk about it and start and other people start exploring, [00:43:00] the more the demand goes for those types of things. I mean, it sounds really obvious, but it, it just pulls the rug out of conventional, you know, systems.

Let's say, what's your take on it? 

Michael Massey: Well, I mean, I mean, we've definitely in the last, what? 15 years. I mean, think about the the, how many more yoga studios, meditation groups, spiritual wellness centers, how many more of those there are now than there were 15, 20 years ago.

It's remarkable. And, you know, the other to your point also is that you see, because with the, with the kind of this quantum evolution is we're evolving to a next version of who we are as humans, but it's important to that connection to the spiritual, to the spiritual body. There's an enormous amount [00:44:00] of of strength and power that comes, it's mind boggling that comes from the spiritual body.

And so how many, are you talking about some of the homeopathic type of things you see, but if you could have something that works at a physical level, that helps open up doors or connections to the spiritual body. So the actual healing power isn't coming from the, so much from the, from anything at the physical level, so much is that it's helping to establish that connection to the spiritual body where the actually the strength, the heal comes from.

Yes. Okay, so I mean, that's a, that's a whole field of like, there's how much research has been done into that, you know, next to nil, because we don't even have ways to really quite measure that, but that's, that's, that's how things have been, but I don't see how that's how things are going to be. 

Kara Goodwin: Right. 

Michael Massey: And You know, the advancements in knowledge and then as we're, [00:45:00] as we're, uh, as we're evolving our consciousness, we're just going to be able, we're going to be gifted with increasing abilities to perceive these greater mysteries and see the connection between these things that we haven't been able to see before.

And then that leads to, whew. You know, a whole new era of medicine, medicine and science and engineering and all kinds of things. But it's this time it's, you know, it's based on that inclusive component of that spiritual body. 

Kara Goodwin: Right. And that's one of the fascinating things that I'm finding with homeopathy is that it considers that, you know, just like, um, Chinese medicine considers chi, you know, that, that subtle body, but like with homeopathy, they're taking, [00:46:00] so you may have like the, the, the remedy, let's say it's, um, snake venom, just as an odd one, but, um, they'll take like one part per hundred.

And so you might have a hundred drops of water, one part snake venom, and you shake that up or, or strike it against something for a while. And then you take one drop of that dilution. In 100 parts of water or 99 parts of water, shake it and you keep doing that. The more you dilute it, eventually there's not a single molecule of the remedy, but it becomes so much stronger.

The more you dilute it, the more potent it becomes, which is really hard to wrap your head around if you're not willing to take into account other dimensional aspects of yourself. You know, that it's working on a non physical, like, where is it gone and why is it so [00:47:00] powerful? Why is it so much more powerful the more you dilute it to where you actually can't even find the molecule, but it's having a very specific effect.

And so it really does beg that, that inclusion of invisible, like non material aspects of ourselves that are healing through it, which is just. Fascinating.

Michael Massey: Like magic. 

Kara Goodwin: It kind of is. 

Michael Massey: And it kind of is. Yeah. And, you know, this, what we constantly, you know, what is, what we experience is magic, is when we witness something that arrives in a dimension that we couldn't previously see. So whenever something shows up from somewhere we didn't see, that's what, that's magic.

Kara Goodwin: Yeah. 

Michael Massey: Right? 

Kara Goodwin: Yeah. [00:48:00] It's fascinating. 

Michael Massey: Well, get ready, folks, because there's a lot of magic and it's going to roll in because the, the, the stuff that's coming in from the, from Dimensions Unseen is.

Let's have it. And it's, it's no indication of its top. And again, like I say, we're at the beginning. That's what's astounding. 

Kara Goodwin: Right. And you see that as being like a decades long process, centuries long, 

Michael Massey: months long. 

Kara Goodwin: Yeah. 

Michael Massey: All of it, but you know, it's, we're in a certain window of time where, um, it's, it's like greatly accelerated to make this transition or this evolution, which is at an individual level.

So it might take, who knows, whatever, it takes a couple of years or something like that. so it can happen anywhere in, you know, an [00:49:00] overall, maybe it's a hundred year. Period. Maybe it's a thousand years. I, you know, I'm not sure, but what we'll, what we're seeing is it is like, is the,

it's like spreading like wildfire though. So

Kara Goodwin: that's exciting. 

Michael Massey: Yeah. Yeah. So at some point in time, there's the so called hundred monkey effect, right? You hit some kind of critical threshold where all of a sudden, boom. And then we collectively, we make an advancement. Then, what, um, kind of to your point earlier when I said that there's a way for this all to happen, it's kind of this, this is what I'm talking about here.

See, I don't foresee right now that doomsday scenarios were like, when we were in, somehow a global apocalypse kind of [00:50:00] thing. I don't really see that happening. But individually, you could still live out in apocalypse reality. You see, so think of it as almost like a video game system where you can subscribe to all these various different narratives.

The overall, this planet and the whole experience can serve up all of them during this period. So you can live any number of these different experiences. But I don't see that it's not like the whole world's going to be in a doomsday. 

Kara Goodwin: Yeah. 

Michael Massey: Yeah. But individually or even groups of people can experience a doomsday narrative come to play for them.

Kara Goodwin: Yeah. Okay. Yeah. 

Michael Massey: Yeah. Do you understand? Okay. Yeah. So, I see like it's, this is where it's, it's really, uh, it's kind of important to not get Not get too attached [00:51:00] to any version of collective reality as being absolute. 

Kara Goodwin: Yeah. Because collective 

Michael Massey: reality is not absolute reality. 

Kara Goodwin: Right. Right.

Right. Yeah. Okay. There's a lot there. 

Michael Massey: Thank you. Yeah. We hit a couple interesting notes there, I think. 

Kara Goodwin: Yes. For sure. Well, thank you so much, Michael. It's always a joy to have you. You always blow our minds when you come on and share. So thank you so much. 

Michael Massey: Oh, thank you for having me. Hey, let's do it again sometime.

Kara Goodwin: Yes, we'll do it again soon. Sooner than this time. Okay. All right. All right. Thank 

Michael Massey: you. Thank you again. 

Thank you for listening to this episode of meditation [00:52:00] conversation with special guests, Michael Massey. I'd be so grateful. If you would share this episode with someone in your life who would appreciate it? You're sharing helps build momentum and make high vibrational content such as this more accessible and easier to find. I'd also be so grateful for you to subscribe to this content. Thank you for your support. 

And I look forward to the next meditation conversation.