EXCITING CHANGES! Meditation Conversation is now SOUL ELEVATION! ✨
June 9, 2024

345. Transformative Spiritual Healing: Energy, Reiki Healing, and Psychic Gifts - Marie Manuchehri

In this engaging live stream for the Meditation Conversation podcast and renowned energy healer, intuitive, and bestselling author shares her incredible journey from being an oncology nurse to becoming a leading figure in the world of energy...

In this engaging live stream for the Meditation Conversation podcast and  @consciousawakeningnetwork  renowned energy healer, intuitive, and bestselling author Marie Manuchehri shares her incredible journey from being an oncology nurse to becoming a leading figure in the world of energy medicine and spiritual growth. Marie discusses her holistic upbringing, profound psychic experiences, and the transformative power of self-love and energy healing. She also provides valuable insights into working with chakras, recreating empowering childhood memories, and connecting with departed loved ones. This an enlightening session for anyone interested in psychic abilities, reiki, energy healing, and spiritual awakening.

This captivating episode dives into Marie's journey from oncology nursing to becoming a gifted healer with over two decades of experience. Discover the transformative power of energy medicine, the profound impact it can have on health and wellbeing, and the significant role emotions play in physical healing. Learn how to cultivate self-love, embrace your psychic abilities, and gain valuable insight into the mind-body-spirit connection. Engage with this enlightening discussion aired live for the Conscious Awakening Network and get ready to be inspired!

00:00 Introduction and Welcome

01:42 Guest Introduction: Marie Manuchehri

03:04 Marie’s Journey into Energy Medicine

07:10 First Psychic Experiences in Nursing

11:09 Developing Healing Abilities

15:31 Seeing Pyramids and Meditation

21:58 Understanding Chakras and Healing

27:43 Mind-Body-Spirit Connection

29:17 Client Stories and Self-Love

35:55 Working with Marie: Teaching and Clients

36:17 Cancellation List and Mediumship

36:44 Teaching and Retreats

37:22 Coaching Programs and Courses

38:40 Personal Joy and Compassion

39:37 Audience Interaction and Q&A

41:28 Healing Family vs. Public

54:21 Recreating Childhood and Healing

56:56 Connecting with Departed Loved Ones

59:53 Conclusion and Gratitude

Resources in this episode:

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Kara Goodwin: [00:00:00] thank you so much everybody for being here. I am so excited to have Marie Montecheri here. My name is Cara Goodwin, and I'm the host of the meditation conversation, the podcast to support your spiritual revolution.

And we're broadcasting this live stream live. For the conscious awakening network. So welcome to those of you who have joined us on zoom. I know we're going to have a lot more who keep coming in here as we go. I know we have people watching on YouTube as well. Watching on the conscious awakening network through Roku and Amazon fire and so forth.

So however, you're watching this and many of you are watching the recording in the future. What is the future like? I can't wait for you to tell me. So we'll, we'll get there soon enough. But [00:01:00] thank you so much for watching the recording, if that's what you're doing. And if you are watching the recording and you're like, wait a minute, I could watch this live and I could have participated and ask Marie my own questions.

Then we have this going on at least once a month. Usually it's on a Tuesday. It's a little bit loosey goosey. Based on people's availability, but typically this happens on a Tuesday and it's at noon Eastern, and you can see the whole list of future guests on KaraGoodwin. com and just go to live stream events and you just register and you'll get the link sent to you and you can be on here with us live too.

So with that said, I want to thank Marie so much for being here. I'm going to read her bio here. I think everybody here already knows you, Marie, but Marie is a truly remarkable individual whose insights and wisdom have [00:02:00] touched the lives of countless individuals around the globe. She's a gifted energy medicine practitioner, intuitive healer, and bestselling author with over two decades of experience in the field of energy healing and spiritual healing.

Spiritual growth. Marie brings a unique blend of compassion, intuition, and practical wisdom to her work through her work. She has empowered people to tap into their own innate healing abilities and embrace a life filled with vitality and purpose. So get ready to be inspired as we explore the transformative power of energy medicine and the profound impact it can have on our health, happiness, and overall wellbeing.

So let me get. Um, let me get Marie in here. Hold on just a second. Cause I think I also muted you.Okay. Hold on just a second, everybody. We're getting there. Oh, good. And you're unmuted. Okay. Yeah. Awesome. Welcome Marie. Thank you so much for being here.

Marie Manuchehri: Thank you so much. It's a pleasure to be here. Thank you so much.[00:03:00]

Kara Goodwin: So I love your sort of origin story, if you will. Can you share with us how you first discovered your gift for energy medicine and intuitive healing and what led you to pursue this professionally?

Marie Manuchehri: Well, uh, I, I really wasn't on a quest for energy medicine. I really knew nothing about it. I had, um, become an oncology nurse, which was, Um, I loved it.

I miss nursing every day still. And I left in 2000 is when I took a leave of absence and never return. Um, but I was raised very holistically, like something's going on with my mother's health right now and she will not go get tests. She's 87. So we go, okay, fine. Fine. You know, not that she could live till she's 127 potentially.

Um, cause she doesn't even take any pharmaceuticals at all.

Kara Goodwin: So, well, and didn't you say in your book, sorry to interrupt you, but, um, that your, um, your [00:04:00] doctor growing up was like, was a chiropractor.

Marie Manuchehri: Is that right? Right. It was chiropractor. So when we had a health issue, I took us to the chiropractor. If we had something really serious going on, we would see a Chinese herbal medicine physician.

Of course, if someone broke a bone, which there was five kids, I'm the oldest of five. It did happen a few times. She would take us to the pediatrician and get the bone set. Um, you know, so, so she was responsible if, if it was. It's something that a holistic practitioner couldn't do, but my family is very anti modern medicine.

So I was shocked that I was attracted to modern medicine. And I had an experience when I was pregnant with my first child, I had to, um, go to a, we were living in Klamath Falls, Oregon, a really small town and the OBGYN did not have a phlebotomist. So he couldn't draw our blood for the labs you need when you're pregnant.

So I had to go into the hospital, Merrill West Hospital, where my oldest was born. And, um, I was really nervous the night [00:05:00] before, you know, because of everything, my, it wasn't just my mom. My dad was very much anti medicine as well, too. You would think that our family was, um, you know, raised in some unique, You know, hands on healing community, but we weren't,

Kara Goodwin: they were pioneers though.


Marie Manuchehri: I think they were, I think they were. And um, so I was so nervous the night before, like scared even just cause I'm going to walk in a hospital first time as an adult. And um, as I'm passing through this revolving door, I felt joy, immense joy. And, and I, I felt joy the entire time I was in the hospital and the joy barometer kept like spiking and spiking.

I would look at a wheelchair and I would get happier. I would see a stethoscope and I would get happier. When, when I saw the needle for them to draw my blood, I was ecstatic and that joy stayed with me. And a couple of years later is when I decided to go to nursing school, um, started taking prerequisites anyway, [00:06:00] long story short, I ended up on the oncology floor.

It wasn't a choice. I had had some tachycardia. I used to wear three 12s. And, um, at that time I had three kids and so I would work graveyard, come home, take the kids to school, you know, go to bed, sleep, maybe six hours, go pick them up, make dinner. And so I didn't tell anybody in the hospital that I was having tachycardia, I finally pulled over after months and months.

Which is a racing heart for those. I was going to

Kara Goodwin: say, I don't know what that is. Okay.

Marie Manuchehri: That's a racing heart. So my pulse would be like off charts, you know, I could feel my heart racing. I knew it wasn't healthy. And I finally pulled one of the cardiologists aside. Who is, you know, doing some, um, our patients were so ill on the floor.

I worked in house oncology that we would have all kinds of docs on our floor because, you know, so many things were going on with them. And, uh, I told him what was happening to me and he immediately put a harness on me and, and studied my heart for like, A week and I had an [00:07:00]echocardiogram and everything was normal because it's your bio rhythms.

You'd have to get off night shift. You have to go to day shift.

Speaker 3: And the

Marie Manuchehri: only day shift available was the oncology floor, which I loved. So while working on the oncology floor, I began to have psychic experiences and I wasn't shy to them. They were not. What I would say unfamiliar to me. I had had some psychic experiences off and on in my lifetime, but nothing that stayed every day.

Like I didn't have some cool experience when I was a teenager, a fellow teenager in the housing community. I lived in, we lived in apartments mostly when I was growing up and, um, I died, had drowned in a bathtub. And, um, and when they were bringing her body out of the apartment complex. I had a really cool spiritual experience.

You know, I had this really cool encounter. Um, which I didn't have words or language for it at the time, [00:08:00] um, but reflecting back, um, I, I spoke to her and talked to her and she was very happy that she had left her body. She had had some delayed, um, educational issues and, um, she was lovely and adorable and sweet and fun and playful, but she was ready to go.

So I hadn't had consistent psychic experiences, but. The oncology floor is what opened me up, and I began to hear my patient's body's body parts speaking to me as I would be at their bedside as I was changing IV fluids or addressing. It's like I would have and I'm very clairvoyant which I first didn't know that or even the language for it.

It was almost like I had x ray vision. And I would look through the blanket as I'm standing there and go directly into an organ that would start to tell me what was going on with it. Not just the medications we were giving them. Cause obviously in oncology, we give a lot of very strong medications to patients, but the emotional component [00:09:00] behind the reason why they had gotten the illness in the first place and what was still preventing them from healing.

And regardless of the medication, cause some people, it doesn't matter what you give them, you know, holistically or modern medicine wise. It's challenging for their body to heal until we release the emotional components or become more conscious in our elevation about what's really going on. So I was, um, blessed.

I went to my nurse supervisor after a while because I was the charge nurse most days that I worked and I was worried that I wouldn't call the code team if somebody started a crash and I had a personal rule that nobody coded on my watch, which means I had to watch all the patients very carefully. And if anybody got close to Cody and I would have them transferred to the ICU or Negotiate if they were really ill, um, a change in code status, you know, so I had, I had my own personal rule.

And yet I was hearing, seeing and feeling [00:10:00] psychically, a lot of things and I was afraid it was going to distract me so I went to my nurse supervisor because I have a lot of integrity. You know, I'm a very honest person and I told her what was happening to me. And I thought for sure, she was going to order a psyche, Val and suspend me because I would have done that, I think, but, um, it turned out her name's Lois Williams.

Um, uh, she, she may be retired by now, but the last time I chatted with her, I interviewed her on my old radio show that I used to have. And, um, we grew up very similarly. We had parents that were very spiritual and holistic. And, um, so she understood what I was going through and she told me that I needed to lay my hands on our patients that I was seeing energy.

Uh, so I was shocked and a few days later, cause I was really nervous. It's so funny. I touched hundreds of patients at that time, hundreds. I've been a nurse for eight years by then. And, um, of course I'm touching them for pupil pulses and I'm doing nursing [00:11:00] activities, I'm auscultating their lungs, but the idea of being with someone with intention.

And laying hands on them made me nervous. So I, I picked a patient that wasn't an on patient was an oncology patient. It was an overflow from the surgical unit. And she, we weren't able, the hospital wasn't able to discharge her. Her doctor wasn't because she had pain, even though she'd been in the hospital, you know, uh, for a week post surgical, she just.

Couldn't go home. And so I knocked on her door, shut the door really tight behind me, because I didn't even know what I was going to do. And I did that for a while. I, after this one experience, I touched hundreds of patients in the hospital. I'm a self taught healer and I learned through all the people I touched.

So I touched the door, I shut the door really tightly and I asked her if I could lay hands on her. And she said, yes, I didn't know what was going to happen or what I was going to do. And I laid hands on her, closed my eyes in the beginning of my intuitive [00:12:00] work, I worked with my eyes closed, I could close out the third dimensional space and allow the psychic phenomenon to occur.

And I saw these orbs light up in her body right away. And I'd not studied the chakras. And I've read things like Seth speaks and it may be more channeled material, perhaps I'm very attracted to old spiritualists like John Randolph price. I'm attracted to those types of spiritualist teachers. So I saw all these orbs light up in her body, you know, which were the chakras and they began to speak to me.

I could hear this high pitched, like harp music. The body told me why she couldn't go home, that she had had a hysterectomy, although she was in menopause or postmenopausal. Um, she loved raising her family and having children. And so she was in this grief because even though she wasn't going to have more children, now it was final, you know, that she didn't have the organs to support that.

And, um, [00:13:00] I believe I spoke to her about it. I can't honestly remember. It was like over 20, it's like over 25 years ago when this occurred, but we, I opened up my eyes for a moment because I was crying and I had these tears coming down my face of pure joy. And when I opened up my eyes, she was crying too.

And, um, so I did that for about 30 minutes and thanked her. And drove when I got off work to a bookstore and bought the book and the hands of light where I could see what I was visualizing, which was the chakra system. And I was very fortunate. I was really supported in the hospital. Um, there were times three physicians ordered me to lay hands on their patients because their pain would go away.

They would relax, you know, they would be more comfortable. And sometimes I would be busy. A doctor would say, could you go in there and do that thing, you know, and, and of course, Medicine is not oblivious to healing with hands, healing touch, which is a nursing form of natural healing is active[00:14:00] in hospitals across the United States.

So it's so it's not an unfamiliar thing. Although maybe most physicians don't completely understand it or didn't when I was a nurse. And, and I would say I'm too busy, you know, charge nurses have pagers all along their waist and you're running around crazy. And, and so they go, Okay, well, I'm writing an order, one physicians wrote for therapeutic touch and I said, Okay, and then of course I have to follow their orders.

Then people just started showing up at my house unannounced and I didn't have equipment. Like I didn't have a massage table. So they would lay on the couch and I would kneel on the floor and my hands on them. And then I finally took a weekend Reiki workshop, which is exactly the way I teach it. Um, and was attuned to all levels because I think most humans, a lot of humans already have Reiki energy inside of them.

It's a very old form of healing. It's very powerful, I think. And, um, and then I started to practice and. Yeah. That's how it [00:15:00] all started.

Kara Goodwin: That's amazing. Um, I do want to let everybody know, because I imagine you're chomping at the bit, we will open up for questions the last 15 to 20 minutes. So just, uh, look forward to that.

I loved your book, intuitive self healing. And in that you start by talking about these, um, triangles. That you were seeing everywhere and I wonder how that plays into your, your origin story. Can you talk about that?

Marie Manuchehri: Sure. Thank you. And it's funny if I look for them now I can still see them. Really? Yeah. So, at the time I was married.

And. My, um, then husband was oblivious to what was happening to me. I really didn't tell anyone except for at work. And I started taking this meditation course, which I think really helped me open up. I mean, I know it did. That's really what spurred me. I'd had this. Experience at work prior to the psychic opening [00:16:00] where, cause I thought nursing was going to be my entire career path.

You know, I've loved it so much, but every time I got off the elevator right around this time, I could feel the energy drop again. I didn't, I wouldn't put it in those terms, but I got the distinct feeling I needed to leave nursing and I was shocked and sad about it. And I had no idea what I was going to do.

I I'm a worker. I like to work. You know, I just am one of those people that enjoys work. So, um, so I, I, um, I've been taking these meditation courses and I asked the universe, I said, please, you know, and really, and now I do it. Thank you. You know, cause the universe doesn't do well with pleading, but, um, I asked to be shown whatever would bring me passion again.

And I didn't care what it was. So. You know, I had asked for, I didn't care if I was going to sell green tea on the I 90 corridor, which is a highway close to me. Um, I just wanted to be back in that passion. And I was getting the message that [00:17:00] nursing was not it anymore. And one morning when I was waking up, I started to hear this hum, like almost like the sound of bees, if you will.

And I didn't know what it was. It didn't feel like it was in the walls. You know, I hadn't opened my eyes yet. And as I. began to wake up, I saw these golden pyramids floating around me about, I think about an inch high in height, maybe a full inch in diameter, maybe two, I can't remember exactly. Um, and there'll be hundreds of them just vibrating and humming all around me.

And I would see them all day long. I would just get add ons of psychic experiences. And when I would fall asleep at night, I would wonder. If the golden pyramids were still going to be there, and luckily, every time I would, you know, awaken in the morning there they were again, eventually they started to fade, like, after a year or so, and they started to fade because I think there was just [00:18:00] so much psychic information or multi sensory experiencing happening I.

Can have the bandwidth for everything, but every time someone brings it up, I just kind of stare into my aura and there they are, you know, I found out later what they meant. So years later, when I am, you know, had a massage table and the office nap, well, it's, I'm in a different house, but, um, now I don't have a massage table.

Cause I do everything online. Yeah, I don't see people in person any longer, um, but I've always had clients around the world. So I've always seen people via phone or zoom, um, my entire career as well. Um, but I was holding, I was cradling someone's head and, um, I started to see pyramids and the universe spoke to me that this person had had a mystery school experience in a previous lifetime.

Where they were psychic as a child and what used to happen in that region of the world, which maybe was Persia at that time. Um, if a child was born [00:19:00] with any signs of psychic ability, um, it would eventually leave the village and go to where psychic teachers lived and they lived in pyramids, um, because the children have had to be safeguarded.

Um, because they could have been used for nefarious activities, which I'm sure they were. But, um, they would then, these teachers would, you know, travel to whatever village had reported that there was a child with potential psychic ability, and they would go You know, talk to the parents, the child could be two by then because who knows how long they traveled.

And if they thought the child had enough psychic ability, they would ask the parents if the child could come live with them, you know, so that the child would have to leave the family permanently. And the kids would sleep during the day. And learn and play at night for their safe keeping. And then once these children were educated, they would either stay in the school for education, um, to be a teacher, or they would go off, you know, maybe sold to [00:20:00] a king or, um, some sort of government or, um, you know, because seers were considered normal in that time period, it was normal to have a seer.

Um, so.

Kara Goodwin: That's really interesting if you place that next to your story about like your nighttime nursing like how you were on in in the night shift, and these abilities began awakening this clairvoyance and. You know, you got it through another client, but it was like, it's a mirror. It's such a mirror with your own, that's, hmm, hmm.

And then you're seeing pyramids. Are you okay? But it's related to somebody else. Don't worry. It's.

Marie Manuchehri: I think that I think when, when people, cause everyone's psychic, in my opinion, everyone is intuitive. Everyone is blessed with this gift. It's not just a few of us on the planet. Everyone is meant to use their psychic ability for themselves, first and foremost.

And then some people want to do it professionally. [00:21:00] Um, but yeah, I think the challenge is always to use it for your own psychic ability, which takes a little bit more time. So I probably didn't even ask the question about what are these. Pyramids about because part of when you have a lot of psychic impressions, you don't spend a lot of time asking why

you just

take the information and move forward.

You know, you take the information, you move forward, you align with it, you dance with it. You have really cool experiences when I'm helping clients or students. Cause I teach a lot now. I love, love, love to teach. I only see six clients a week. Now I used to see 25 back in the day.

Ashleigh: Oh wow.

Marie Manuchehri: Yeah. And I've always had a very booked out calendar regardless of how many I see.

Um, which is a challenge. Obviously I don't have to take care of that. I have an assistant who takes care of those things for me. But But our, our psychic ability is normal. And that's what the human [00:22:00]race is evolving towards is recognizing that we are multisensory beings. We are beings of light. We're having this incredible human experience, and we can bring all the light we want to this experience and allow ourselves to enjoy the realities that we're perceiving and change our perceptions about them while we heal ourselves, grow into our magnificence, you know, and do Something fun and interesting and incredible here in a physical reality, because that's what we're really meant to do is to have fun here and to have a lot of joy and not get caught up in mental thinking.

That's really the challenge of the human race is to stop thinking

Speaker 3: just,

Marie Manuchehri: you know, unless for logic, like you and I had to make sure we got online at the right time that we have our lighting, that it was working. And we do have needs for our logical brain, but humans try to use their brain for everything.

And. The third eye needs quiet. The brain needs to be quiet so that the third eye can work.

Kara Goodwin: I love that. Well, and that [00:23:00] comes back to your book, Intuitive Self Healing, because that's the premise of it. You, you go through each chakra and you explain what it's for and the emotional elements to it. And you're very clear in the book.

That the physical, and you've talked about it at the beginning of this too, where the physical, uh, manifestation of disease has an emotional component. And that is really what's going to drive the healing. And you have some amazing stories in there of clients that you've worked with. One of the things that I found, I found the whole book fascinating and.

I also wanna mention, if you have, if anybody hasn't read this book, I found it really activating as well, like, as I was reading it and Lori's nodding her head, I think maybe she's read it too and had this experience. But, um, it's so like you read it and the words are, it's written beautifully and it's like there's very powerful intellectual information.

But there's something [00:24:00] else that's coming through with it. And so it is activating, you know, and in a really beautiful way. So I highly recommend that, you know, if this kind of topic is your jam, you will do well to read this book. Um, another interesting thing that I learned from this book is how you see the chakras.

So talking about the pyramids, I have always thought about the chakras as like a sphere. And you talk about it like, um, two inverted pyramids or basically, um, and I don't know if that is like a Taurus for you, or, but would you like to talk about that a little bit?

Marie Manuchehri: So the chakras are spheres. And when I first witnessed him, that's how they lit up in the body.

But once I dive into them, they turn into cones and it kind of makes sense because they receive and transmute energy, right? And they spin. And so the tip is deep within inside the body. And then several chakras have an extension. [00:25:00] So a lot of the chakras, um, like the heart chakra in particular, the whole vortex is in the physical form.

It kind of spreads out wide, like your audience are old souls or older soul types. Um, And so their heart chakras are huge. They feel it fills their entire chest cavity. That's one of the signs of older souls because they spend so many centuries learning compassion for others. And it creates a beautiful, huge heart chakra for them.

A little bit lighter than the color of my shirt. It is an Emerald green, but it's no so iridescent, but yet the crown chakra on top of the head can extend thousands of miles. You know, outside of the earth's atmosphere, like channelers, you know, can have huge enormous crown chakras because especially someone like Esther Hicks, who is an unconscious channeler, like she is not aware of her conversations when she's channeling.

Abraham, you know, which is a group of entities, not even just one, you know, it's a group of entities or Pat [00:26:00] Rodegard, who's now passed and she channeled Emmanuel. Um, I love her series of books. They're just phenomenal. So the root chakra extends about a foot outside of the body. So the tip is deep within the pelvic floor, and then it extends about a foot and all chakras spin and a clockwise clockwise direction.

If you were standing outside of your body and looking at the vortexes. Or, and there's the back portion through for two and six. So that's just how I experienced them, but I don't think there's a right or a wrong way to experience energy. I think we're really in our infancy still. And, you know, either my perceptions will change or more people will come on the planet that have different perceptions where people will wake up to, you know, unique experiences, just like for a long time in my career, one of the things I would do, but almost naturally.

Is to help release stagnation, you know, and this is something we still teach in energy, but that's not how I feel about it now at all. I feel like, no, my job is [00:27:00] just to infuse bright light. The stagnation will naturally leave needs to, or will it transmute? I don't have to focus on stagnation or low vibrational frequencies at all.

My job is just to stay in the high frequency and the high vibration and allow that to move into my body and into those that I touch or teach or communicate with. But that was the kindest compliment that the book. You know, had a frequency that you have, you felt affected you. I think that's the kindest compliment.

Kara Goodwin: Well, thank you. It's absolutely true. So I'm glad that it also was kind. That's that that's the best. Um, another thing that I've learned or that I know was resonating throughout your book was the mind, body, spirit connection. And we talked a little bit about this, the emotional element of disease. Um, But I'd love for you to take a moment to just talk about how you see that, because it can be difficult when we're having physical issues to, to see how the whole entirety [00:28:00] of our being is, is, um, contributing to that.

So what's been your experience with that? So many

Marie Manuchehri: experiences, mostly that people are in denial about the emotional aspect. Like if we're going to talk about a root chakra disease, let's say, or health issue, like it doesn't have to be even diagnosed. I mean, probably the hugest population, although I've seen every disease on the planet, every age group, you know, women, pregnant, old, young, you know, I've, I've seen it all.

I think, um, And so a large percentage of people that also see healers have autoimmune issues, right? Like tons of autoimmune issues and modern medicine doesn't know how to positively affect that. There are some people that actually do well with having their immune system repressed because that's how modern medicine approaches the immune system.

That's how they kind of approach. Even things like cancer, you know, they repress the immune system by killing, um, [00:29:00] the cancer, at least that's their hope the cells, but then a lot of other things are killed in the process too. Right. So, so some people actually do recover that way. And that's why I'm open to, I don't care how someone heals.

It doesn't matter to me. I don't care. Um, I just want them to heal whatever that means for them. But let's say for example, someone has an autoimmune disease and then I'll use the root chakra definition. So the third chakra governs the immune system, all of it, which includes hormones, emphatic movement. My dog's in here.

That's the tail you're seeing, that's Charles, um, it governs the liver, pancreas, gallbladder, spleen, stomach, small intestines. And the emotional component, which that's the most important part of energy medicine is the emotional component is self love. And most humans loathe themselves. I mean, this is the reality.

And most people argue with me on this topic to a little bit, you know, most people are very gracious and kind, and, you know, I have wonderful [00:30:00] people that I've worked with for years and years, but a lot of people don't want to admit to the fact that they don't like themselves, let alone that they don't love themselves.

And, and so, um, if someone has an autoimmune issue or they're having a hard time healing, even over something that's maybe not. Systemic or challenging. They have to fall in love with themselves, literally. And so holding hands with a client and helping them to fall in love with themselves and reminding them of what that looks like and sharing that experience with them and being able to measure their energy.

That's a big part of my work is I speak and, and I'm watching what's happening to the client and measuring their subatomic particles. I'm noticing what's affecting them and what isn't. Okay. And what's turning them on and, and, and where, um, the vibration, the vibration isn't high enough. Um, so self love, if everyone just fell in love with them, we probably wouldn't even need energy medicine or modern medicine.

You know, if people really authentically loved themselves, I'm sure that [00:31:00] we would be more like, you know, star star track and you just walk through a beam and they diagnosed and you take some little thing. And

Kara Goodwin: is that because that invokes so much like life force through the solar plexus or how do you, why is it so important?

Marie Manuchehri: Well, it's the emotional component of that vortex. So that vortex is balanced when someone loves themselves, right? That that chakra changes into its highest frequency when someone loves themselves. And even if we just loved ourselves 10 percent more. It doesn't even have to be that you love yourself at 80 percent or something like that, but just 10 percent more someone who has, let's say an autoimmune issue, they could start to heal from whatever they're doing.

They might even then get great ideas on how they could expand their healing. So when consciousness starts to shift, everything becomes possible. Anything becomes possible. I, sometimes I take, um, [00:32:00] a pro bono client for like a year, you know, and it's usually someone who has a terminal illness. Um, uh, for all kinds of reasons, all kinds of reasons.

And one year I took a person who had pancreatic cancer, which is really difficult to heal from in, in the current belief system of consciousness, everything's about consciousness. So once we get to a tipping point where humans change their belief system about something, then we have a completely different reality.

But currently pancreatic cancer has an extremely high mortality rate. So, um, I took her on as a client and she had this. I won't be able to tell this story because it's so, so personal, but she had this crazy, crazy, wacky thing happening in her life that was around one of her children. And she felt enormously guilty about it and responsible and hated herself for it, hated herself for it.

And it's a type of situation where there's probably not going to be a shift, you know, like, It's just such a mess. [00:33:00] And it's hard to love yourself under those circumstances, right? Well, she managed to love herself enough that she's now traveling the world and has been.

Speaker 3: Oh, my God.

Marie Manuchehri: So She did use modern medicine as well.

That was her decision and her choice. I always support all of my clients choices. I'm a fan of holistic medicine, but again, I don't care how people heal. And so I supported her during that process. And it's, and it's very rare that it doesn't matter what kind of medicine people have used for pancreatic cancer for someone to heal.

So So in that case, because pancreatic disease is a disease that has multiple chakras involved, I mean, the pancreas is governed by the third chakra. Um, and of course the third chakra is about self love, but there's. At least in her case, there were other aspects as well. So if we were to look at the root chakra, which governs all the bones in the body and all the blood in the body, it's about feeling.

So when you get to these [00:34:00] emotional components, you actually have to feel them. Like you have to feel self love. Self love is not a thought. It's an experience. You have to feel love for yourself. So you have to kind of think about people that you do love or things that you love. And you have to mimic that same emotion in your body for yourself.

That's, that's what the emotional component about the chakras really mean. And the first chakra is about feeling nurtured, loved, and safe, and that you have a family of some sort, which could be trees. It doesn't have to be your family of origin, but there has to be some community that you connect to and you belong to.

It could be the spirit realm. It doesn't matter. I mean, some people are lucky and blessed and have wonderful families of origin. That's not the norm currently right now in the world. A lot of people don't have those feelings. So one of the things I've taught my clients is to create. A new childhood, new parents, different house, you know, to [00:35:00] find out what they really wanted in their childhood that they didn't get like five things and have these new parents, which could look like orbs of light, or they could look like some family friends that you loved and wished you had been a part of their family and in a completely different house and start to have these emotions.

Um, of a child that felt unconditionally loved and cherished and adored and, um, where when issues came, they were resolved with kindness and respect and yeah. So that's kind of what I mean by them.

Kara Goodwin: Yeah. That's so fascinating and, and that completely makes sense. I love that. Um, I, we will be opening this up in just a couple of minutes for questions.

I know we're already like. I'm getting toward that time. I know, but before we do that, you've talked about how you love to teach and how you still see some clients. Um, tell, tell us about how you work with people. If people want to know more, [00:36:00] how they can dive into your world.

Marie Manuchehri: Okay. Um, thank you. That that's lovely.

So, um, currently my calendar's not open just FYI because I'm booked up to the end of 2026 for a person. Wow. Yeah, I always book pretty far, but I will open it up at the end of this year. Um, and, uh, so just FYI on that thing. We do have a cancellation list. People can put their names on there. And that's two things I really focus on for a cancellation list is a serious health issue or significant loss because I'm also a medium, which I had my very first medium experience in the hospital, of course.

Um, so I'm a practicing medium. I talk to departed loved ones every single day, um, personally and professionally, but mostly professionally. And then so I teach classes on my platform. I also am a faculty member for the shift network. And so I teach on both platforms, I just, I think we just released all my fall and winter classes I don't teach in the summer.

I usually do an international [00:37:00] retreat in the summer but this year I'm not I'm doing. a retreat for myself because I haven't written in a while. So I'm doing a writing program. I'm going to go to Hawaii and do some in person writing with our writing group. Um, but I'm planning to teach in Ireland next year.

I usually take about 35 people and, um, uh, teach a topic. So I teach 12 week coaching programs. Um, like on psychic ability, energy, healing, mediumship, um, vibration, because it's important for people to know how to move energy inside their own body. And then I teach eight week programs, which I have an unlimited amount of, um, participants.

I just finished one on vibration. Well, actually I haven't finished it quite yet. And, um, I have a couple more weeks and then one that I'm doing right now is called the soul's journey and talk about souls and past lives. IC records and, you know, all of these lovely things. And then I, I will start a 20 [00:38:00]week advanced healing course in the Shift Network in October, um, about advanced healing.

Um, so that's coming up, but I teach all the time. Love to teach. It's. It is really my new jam to be able to affect more people at one time and to give them the tools that they need for themselves and to also help people be professional intuitives. I really believe in the field and it brings me great joy that those who want to work in the field allow themselves to have that experience, whatever it is, you know, because whatever we do in the professionally or even as a hobby, it needs to bring us joy first.

You know, like I don't do energy work. My primary reason for doing it is not to help others. And this is makes people uncomfortable sometimes. But I actually do it because it brings me so much joy. And, and when you do things that bring you authentic personal joy, it is [00:39:00] helpful for humanity, especially older soul types, because they're in this higher frequency, old souls come to earth to learn self compassion.

And because I already know how to be compassionate for others. It's really not important for them to waste more time learning compassion. They really have to learn self compassion, and then we can. Use our energy for, um, you know, compassion or healing or insight or whatever it is that we want to do on the planet, but we need to be very kind and loving to ourselves, first and foremost.

Kara Goodwin: I love that. That's what I

Marie Manuchehri: think. Yes.

Kara Goodwin: I agree. And you've got some amazing offerings coming up, so that's really exciting. Um, I do want to open it up. So if you want to raise your hand, you are welcome to. You just go to, I think there's a react button and then there's a raise hand function. And I do want to.

Patty has joined us from Australia. He woke up in the middle of the night. Thank you so much. I know Almeer is here from Iran. Uh, we have all kinds [00:40:00] of friends here that I'm so happy to see. So thank you so much, everybody for joining us. Um, let's see, Anita, let me see if I can unmute you here.Can you see that, um, where I'm asking you to unmute?

There you go. I got it. And also, before you start, for everybody, try to keep your questions succinct so that we can keep moving, please.

Marie Manuchehri: And brief because I'm super psychic, so I don't need a ton of backstory.

Kara Goodwin: Okay.

Marie Manuchehri: Thank

Anita: you. Uh, I would go. Alright, I I'm actually in your Monday night class. Oh, I was there last night.

It was wonderful. . Thank you so much. Thank you. And I'm trying to do the things that you're, that you are suggesting all of the, and I'm actually an oncology nurse and I work the night shift . Oh my gosh. Okay. I have been trying to lay hands on people and I'm working on it and I really do feel synchronicities everywhere like finding out about this this [00:41:00] morning.

But the problem I'm having with and it affects loving myself is that my so many of my family and friends have so much difficulty going on and I, I don't know what to do or how to, how to be happy. When they're suffering. And so I just wanted suggestions on that and I'm, I'm working on everything and it's progressing and it's wonderful.


Marie Manuchehri: So you're going to have to stay in your own lane, literally. And, and some healers, some healers are meant to heal their family. I've only met one, honestly. So luckily my kids are all really aware and conscious that they don't need a lot of help from me. Thank God, because I'm supposed to help heal the general public.

And so are you. So you've got to stop trying to heal your family because they don't even listen to you. They love you very much, but they don't listen to you. They don't really care what you say. They don't take your advice seriously. They never take action in it. So you're [00:42:00] wasting your time and your energy trying to help them.

So your job is to stay in your own lane. Go lay hands on your patients in the hospital in the middle of the night. Please. I mean, why not? And allow yourself to have an incredible experience and help those individual individuals. Cause you were not, you did not reincarnate to earth to help your family of origin at all.

So you have to fire yourself. You have to literally fire yourself. And so a big part of what helps humanity to evolve is to stop listening to the mind. Cause the mind makes us feel guilty, which is not a real emotion. That's a mind made emotion that comes from the ego. You know, guilt is not. truth. It doesn't come from creation or source or God creation would never make us feel bad about anything.

So, so a what if question, I'm a fan of what if questions, I think more powerful than affirmations, as you know, uh, what if I let go and allow my family to be what they are and allow them to naturally aspire to their own magnificence. [00:43:00] While I allow my own magnificence to thrive, that's what I think.

Anita: So it seems like I'm doing the right thing then.

Marie Manuchehri: Yeah. And stay in your own body because we don't want your, and it's going to lower your vibration. If you think about them and their circumstances and just remind yourself, you've already tried to help them. You've done everything you can, but that's not your role or your job. And this is an old pattern to try to help people that aren't interested.

And what you have to offer. It's what's keeping you small.

Kara Goodwin: I love that. Thank you, Anita. I wanted to have one more shout out because I forgot to say that my mom is on this web, this webinar, and I'm so excited. Hi mom. I can't see you actually, but she's never joined one of these before and she registered.

And I'm like, Oh my God, my mom's here. So I'm so glad you're here, mom. Okay. And Lori is a dear, [00:44:00] dear friend of mine. We have a really strong connection. I'm so glad you're here too. Let me unmute you. No, you're unmuted.

Lori: Awesome. I'm so excited to be here. Hi, Marie. You've been super instrumental in my.

Everything like you were one of the first people I found way back in the whatever 2020, but, um, I'm a Reiki master channeler healer. I do all that kind of stuff. And I wanted to kind of go back and get your thoughts when you were talking about the, um, like creating your own family, you know, like the family that loved you and this type of stuff.

I work a lot with like quantum and that type of stuff with my clients. And I, I go back and forth to kind of kick around that idea often as far as, um, Going back and like, I don't want to say changing an event in time, but because I do believe everything has you know, created who you are now. So like. So I, but I'm with you.

Like, I [00:45:00] go back and forth a lot of times. Cause I'm like, well, cause I've gone back and even held some situations and my past or whatever. And like giving myself that self love. And so I have felt it, you know, kick up in the now and you can fill that part of yourself heal. So I always try to be like, I want to say like real careful, but of, Alternating the past so that we don't take away the lesson of what we learned for what it brought us in the now.

Marie Manuchehri: Yeah, you can't do that. Yeah. You know, like, so you have to let go of that. You are so careful. And I think it's a pattern that's holding you small. Okay. You know, like, and I'm, I mean, no disrespect when I say that a beautiful job, expanding your wings and allowing yourself to fly, but you're being too, too careful.

The world is supposed to be manipulated. People manipulate it all the time, you know, positively and negatively, but, but you, anything can be healed at any time and everything's about perception. So there is no true, true, true, true truth. Not really. [00:46:00] And humans have no idea what the truth is, for sure. I mean, it's expanded consciousness is the universe even thinks that war is beautiful


it's for conscious growth and expansion, right?

So what you're working on in this lifetime, what all of us are working on in this lifetime, our past lives. We're not even working on this lifetime, but the issues that show up in this lifetime are reflections of our previous lifetime. And that's why we have, we have to find a way. If we can't, if it doesn't spontaneously heal and go away mm-hmm, or, or if there hasn't been a problem caused from it, then that's fine.

But when those things have happened, then we need to change the story, the belief system, so that we can have a different experience. It doesn't mean that the outcome doesn't already exist, but we may not allow that reality if someone doesn't believe they're lovable. Or deserving or worthy. That's That's going to shut down their receptive ability enormously.

And everything is made out of energy. Even acupuncture is made out of energy. Psychic ability is made out of energy, right? So people [00:47:00] can't really absorb or allow that energy to come into their body to transition, whether it's their physical form or something else without receiving huge amounts of energy.

So we have to, in my opinion,

right. And

find a way to blast certain moments of our life. Um, that we feel blocked by or wounded by even, even if we're not really healing this lifetime, we're healing the past, right? Right. There's like a roadmap of, of whatever our belief system is. That's guiding us to have new perceptions.

So I think you need to let go of that. I don't, you, you it's so adorable. All of a sudden in the universe has shown me a flash of, of people who used, and there are still people like this. Um, I don't know them. But people who are so careful, even with energy work, like only do it a certain way, or they're afraid they're going to create harm if they do the symbol wrong, or they can never touch this, you know, part of that's not.


Lori: right, right, right. Yeah.

Marie Manuchehri: [00:48:00] Right. And you have beautiful energy. I think you just need to let it fly and let yourself be guided. Okay. There's no rules there's and everyone's different and every situation is different. Even when I have five clients with the same health issue. They all have a different way that they've patterned it in their body and they have their own unique belief system that supporting it in their right, right,

Lori: right.

Marie Manuchehri: Does that help?

Lori: No, that helps. Yeah. That that's where, um, cause I, I agree. I think it's more about just sending the love, I guess, to that trauma situation. I

Marie Manuchehri: don't think so. Oh, rather than like, how about there is no trauma. Okay.

Lori: I mean, I'm saying that, but it's like clients whenever they're coming and, you know, let's let it go

Marie Manuchehri: or whatever.

And it's like, here's one of the fun things to do. The first thing I do when I get online with a client. Okay. Cause I go in cold. Like, I don't know why they made an appointment because I'm a better [00:49:00]cold psychic. Right. So, so my mind doesn't get involved. I immediately assess what they're really feeling.

Most people have no idea what they're feeling. Right.

Shelly: Right.

Marie Manuchehri: So, so I assess what they're really feeling and that's how I run the healing session. And so even as they're complaining to me and they have every right to, and I will, I will You know, listen, but I'm not following any of that. I'm following.

They're really feeling that's where the healing comes from. Right. Right. So you don't have to take care of them. It's okay. That's what I think.

Kara Goodwin: That's good. Thank you,

Marie Manuchehri: Marie. I appreciate it. You're welcome. Of course.

Kara Goodwin: Love it. And I, and thank you so much for color coordinating. That was really thoughtful of you guys.

Okay. Thank you, Lori. All right. We've got Michelle up. Let me spotlight you and you've you're muted. You're unmuted. Go ahead.

Michele: Hey, um, hi, Marie. I love your kitchen. I take I've taken one of your classes. I [00:50:00]watch you. I love it. I love I learned so much from you. And your first question boy I resonated with your answer.

So, I guess at this point, if you live in a world where you, you've had a huge life shift which I have. And the rest of your world, your family, your closest family really, um, is not going the direction you're going. How do you, how do you muster the courage to follow whatever the guidance is from within that you're just learning to understand anyway?

It's a process, but how do you know which direction you're going? Like what, how could you help guide me

Marie Manuchehri: Well, I mean, I personally don't care what anybody else does, you know, in my family. And I don't care what they think about me. I don't care what [00:51:00] anyone thinks about me, honestly. I want to be my most authentic self.

I want to be at the highest level of my consciousness. So I don't care. So Yes, sir. So what that means is you have to stop listening to your brain, like you've already gotten guidance, you already have an awareness, you already have a path, so to speak, it's already beginning to unfold for you. But then you go back to your brain and your brain goes, and you go, and you stop and you freeze and you lower your vibration.

And then the path looks like it disappeared. And so that's the part is, again, I can't emphasize enough that. If humans can stop listening to their mind, unless it's logical, unless there's something logical, like when I order groceries. You know, cause I usually don't go to the store anymore. Pandemic made me very spoiled, Instacart all the time now, but I have to logically look at my fridge and how long I'm going to be in town before I order food.

Right? [00:52:00] So if you could shut off your brain for everything else, you're giving your brain power and it's beautiful. The brain's beautiful, but it doesn't have the power that humans think it does. If it did, we wouldn't have the earth that we have, although earth was created to be exactly the way it is. But as soon as we stop thinking and analyzing and processing everything under the sun, uh, collectively, which could be, you know, who knows how many hundreds of years from now, the earth itself is going to leave The structure that it's in, it's not going to be in the galaxy that it's in, it's going to move up to a different frequency and a different vibration.

We're going to have a completely different experience. Ultimately the earth, the planet will probably dissipate and it won't even be in as a, as a choice or an option, since it was created for conflict, if you will, and contraction light and dark, so we can get clarity. You have to stop listening to your brain.

So when it comes up, I want you to, to be very self loving. I want you to say, Michelle, I love you, honey. You are [00:53:00] incredible. I'm so proud of you. I'm excited about your consciousness. And I'm so happy that you are noticing the path and you're staying focused. On the panel. I think that's a big part of self love is internal dialogue, right?

And notice how Michelle's energy has already changed.

Michele: Yeah. No, it's a little

Kara Goodwin: encouragement.

Marie Manuchehri: Yeah. I'm excited for you. Thank you.

Kara Goodwin: Love it. I love it. Thank you so much, Michelle. We've got Shelly here. This might be the last one. We'll see how we get on. But I know we have a hard stop here at the top of the hour.


Marie Manuchehri: I'll go over a little bit if you want. Oh,

Kara Goodwin: you can. Okay, great. Well,

Marie Manuchehri: a little bit. Okay,

Kara Goodwin: a little bit

Marie Manuchehri: because we have some people from far away to you know that that's

Kara Goodwin: Nice. Okay. Oh, thank you so much. Okay. I'm going to get out of here. Go ahead. Shelly.

Shelly: Thank you so much. Hi, Marie. I just, I was with you a couple of [00:54:00] weeks ago at your Reiki session.

So I just, yeah, also about this and I feel so grateful to have this opportunity. Thank you.

Marie Manuchehri: I teach Reiki in person, so I don't teach it online. And so people travel to Seattle. Or live here and I take 41 students. Yeah. Once a year. Yes. What can I do for you?

Shelly: Okay. So what I've been kind of, um, getting stuck in is the, uh, recreating your childhood,

Marie Manuchehri: interesting that this theme is up and for our,

Shelly: it

Marie Manuchehri: is is

Shelly: the whole purpose of doing that so you can activate those loving feelings that are not present.

Yeah. Yeah. Okay.

Marie Manuchehri: Okay. So here's an example. I grew up in a pretty chaotic childhood and my dad wasn't around. My mom worked two jobs typically to take care of us cause he didn't pay child support either. And I was seven when they divorced and I'm the oldest. So we were really, really [00:55:00]young. So it was kind of cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs.

So I, I've created different family scenarios. I learned this when I was 40. My guides taught me this, but I don't think it's. I don't think I'm the original thinker of this, you know, I, I think it's something that's been around for a while. And so I recently created one for my teen years, which I had never created before.

And I chose this, this family that I loved that occasionally would fight our crazy family over for dinner. And so they're my parents and I'm the only kid and I have this cool bedroom loft. Like, and, and they, you know, they paid for my college and, you know, just took care of me and, and just spoiled me rotten.

So part of creating, uh, these new families, cause we're just changing our perceptions within ourselves. So our whole selves can come forward and we don't operate from old stories, right? As you have to first think about what, what did you need in your childhood? And I like to start with five things. If you could be healing young [00:56:00] child times, or, you know, You can pick different times.

You don't have to do the whole thing at once. Um, so it's really about five, five things that you wish had been different, not what was wrong. Because we could talk about that till the cows come home and then we go into victim consciousness because we all really do land in the right family, I believe. I mean, even though my family was wacky, I had a lot of freedom to have my own beliefs and That is a blessing for who I am and what I do.

So I hope that answered your question.

Kara Goodwin: Thank you. Thank you. Yeah. Beautiful. Thank you so much, Shelley. I'm so happy you're here. All right. We've got Ashley. Where did the spotlight go? Oh, I can't spotlight you cause you're not on, um, on camera. If you want to come on, then I can, let's see if I can do it now.

Ashleigh: Here we go. Hello.


Speaker 9: Um, well, my question for Marie, actually, my. Best friend Caitlyn just got me on this live. Um, I just lost my [00:57:00] grandma two weeks ago and I was wondering if you might have anything to share about my grandma. Just a quick Yeah. Yeah.

Marie Manuchehri: So even though she's been, I'm sorry for your loss. I will tell you as an intuitive, I have to remind myself to say that.

Yeah. 'cause I'm already having fun with your grandma, you know, to like, okay, you're in human form. You know, because I, of course I do feel that way, but I'm energetically having a different experience. So she hasn't totally crossed over yet. She's having so much fun. She's in the astral plane. Your grandma, and she took a little too long to die, in my opinion.

And you can disagree with anything I say, you know, but I can tell she had a strong personality and was stubborn and she would not leave her body.

Ashleigh: Yeah. So is

Marie Manuchehri: that

Ashleigh: true? Yes. That's definitely true. Yeah. Yeah.

Marie Manuchehri: Yeah. So, so, so that's why she hasn't completely crossed yet because she's having so [00:58:00] much fun. She says as she finally let go and she's funny, your grandmother is funny.

She goes, you should have been at my bedside laying your hands on my feet so I could have unclimbed from my chakra system and flown out of my body. She's funny. I love her. She's a hoot. Um, so, uh, so she's in the astral plane, which is between earth and the heavens. It's a huge, it's bigger than earth and it's a huge reality.

It's where the Akashic records are, where a lot of psychics sit, um, to do medium work or past life work, um, or like people will walk through the, uh, that astral plane to talk to a medium who's keeping their energy on earth or something like that. But she loves it. She says it's kind of chaotic there, but she likes it.

So she's not a little bit of chaos. She loves it. Um, she says she's very proud of you. She, she kind of thinks of you as her daughter, not her granddaughter. It's kind of cool to have [00:59:00] adults in your family that see you that way, you know, to have different layers of adults to see you as their child, in a way, you know, it's kind of cool.

Oh, I agree. She's kissing you all over your face. She goes, don't worry about me. She goes, I'm having fun. She goes, take care of you. Take care of you. And she goes, don't take as long as I did to figure out stuff. She is, she was, you've got it all. Now your package is beautiful. Just let it fly. That's what she says to you.

She'll probably cross in that, like around Christmas, she tells you, she loves, okay.

Speaker 9: So she'll cross around Christmas. Yeah. Okay. Awesome. Thank you so much. It's my pleasure.

Kara Goodwin: That's so beautiful. It got me a little teary there. That's

Shelly: beautiful. Yeah. So cute.

Kara Goodwin: Oh my goodness, Marie, this was amazing, so much fun, so much, [01:00:00] uh, just love and just blessings abounding.

It's just beautiful and remarkable. Thank you so much for being here. It's been so much

Marie Manuchehri: fun. My absolute pleasure. I enjoyed every minute. You are a wonderful host. So thank you Oh.

Kara Goodwin: Thank you so much. And thank you everybody for being here. You've been amazing and, uh, I'll see you next time. Thanks so much.

Marie Manuchehri Profile Photo

Marie Manuchehri

Medical Intuitive / Energy Healer / Author

Marie Manuchehri, RN, is an energy medicine healer who is the perfect bridge between conventional and holistic medicine.
A self taught healer, Marie learned to connect conventional medicine’s understanding of disease—as it was described in a patient’s chart—to what she could intuitively understand about how a patient’s condition related to his or her energy system. Over time, she learned to identify stagnant energy—a sign of disease—and move it out of the body, making room for free healthier energy to move in and work its healing magic. Freely flowing energy can release pain, disease, and help people move in a positive direction—toward health, wealth, and fulfilling relationships and careers. Marie also discovered she is a medium with the ability to connect with those living on the other side. She uses her talents as an energy medicine practitioner and as a medium to help people transform their lives and expand personal and global consciousness.

Marie’s private practice, which grew by word of mouth, now includes thousands of clients from across the world. She is an author, public speaker and teacher. Marie offers many transformative online courses. Her weekly podcast, Where Energy Meets the Divine, Thursdays at 9 a.m. PT on all major podcast platforms and on YouTube, is wildly popular. Marie’s first book Intuitive Self-Healing was released in March 2012 by Sounds True, along with a 6-CD series How to Communicate with Your Spirit Guides. She lives in Bothell, Washington.