EXCITING CHANGES! Meditation Conversation is now SOUL ELEVATION! ✨
Sept. 22, 2024

366. Channeling the Pleiadians - Lori Williams and Sarah Evans

The Pleiadian Group of 9 is a collective group of light beings residing in the Pleiades star system. Lori Williams and Sarah Evans work together to co-channel messages from this group to assist humanity in its ascension at this important time. In this...

The Pleiadian Group of 9 is a collective group of light beings residing in the Pleiades star system.

Lori Williams and Sarah Evans work together to co-channel messages from this group to assist humanity in its ascension at this important time.

In this livestream recording, we learn about Lori and Sarah's mission and then open up to audience questions for the Pleiadian Group of 9.

When Lori and Sarah come together, other beings beyond the Pleiadian Group of 9 are known to make an appearance as well! Perhaps they will also connect with the angels, elves, and other ET races they have been known to bring through.

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Other episodes you'll enjoy:

260. Astral Travel and Quantum Timejumps - Lori Williams

237. Pleiadian Channeling: Can You Connect to Your Star Family? - Lori Williams

349. The Power of Planetary & Cosmic Energy for Your Ascension - Jamie Butler channels Maitland

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Kara Goodwin: welcome. Thank you so much for being here. My name is Kara Goodwin, and I'm the host of the meditation conversation podcast. And I'm so excited to be hosting this live stream. We have two very special guests, the hosts of the into the blue podcast.

podcast, Lori Williams and Sarah Evans are here, and they channel the Pleiadian group of nine. And I'm, I'm so excited. Lori is a really special friend. She is a close friend of mine. We, we talk. All the time. 

Lori Williams: And, 

Kara Goodwin: um, and Sarah, I'm just getting to know, but we were talking before we started recording that we, um, like she listens to this podcast.

I listened to their podcast. So we feel like we know each other because you just feel like when you're listening to somebody that you know them. Um, but we're actually meeting for the first time. [00:01:00] We've had some, some messages and so forth, but it's such a joy to be with both of you. Thank you so much for being here.

Lori Williams: Oh, this is fun, Kara. It's great to have two of my best friends together, like in the same spot. I'm glad to be here. Thanks for 

Sarah Evans: having us. 

Kara Goodwin: Oh, it's such a joy. And you know, we were just saying that it's the eclipse as well. Cause I'm like, is it mercury retrograde? I don't know why I can't get you. I can't, there are things on YouTube that just catch me all the time.

So if you're trying to watch this as a live stream on YouTube, I hope you found us because I can see that it's pointing to. The wrong live stream, um, which I thought I fixed, but anyway, I don't think it is mercury retrograde anymore, but it is an eclipse. We are in an eclipse on an eclipse day, full moon harvest moon, um, eclipse.

So that is, you know, the energies are high. We had a big CME yesterday. We had X flares a couple of days ago and you know, we're in it. We are in it. [00:02:00] Buckle up. That's right. Wax those surfboards. Um, so let's start by letting me give you both a chance to introduce yourselves to everybody. So Lori, why don't you go first?

Lori Williams: Sure. Uh, so I'm Lori Williams. I live in the States and I'm a Reiki master, uh, certified life and career coach. Uh, I've just, I'm now a certified remote viewer that just, uh, has come on the scene too. So, um, do readings and, um, you know, teaching and all of that good stuff. So that's kind of a little bit of my backstory and I'll let Sarah introduce herself and then we can kind of explain how we met because it's pretty cool.

So yeah. Perfect. 

Sarah Evans: Hi, I'm, I'm Sarah Evans. I'm located in Northern England in the UK. Um, yeah, I feel like I'm a great many things. I am a yoga teacher, a meditation guide, a casualty records reader, channeler and Reiki master. Oh, and medium. [00:03:00] Um, it feels like I'm collecting more and more gifts as we go along.

Um. But yes, I'm really excited to be here. 

Kara Goodwin: Wonderful. Well, I'm very curious about how you two came together and you're, you both channel the same collective at the same time, which is pretty unique. And I would love to know how that works. 

Lori Williams: It is funny. What's funny is Sarah and I were just talking off camera and she goes, have we even known each other for a year?

And I said, nope. I said, we met in October, Sarah. 

Kara Goodwin: I think you should do the rest of this interview in a, with a British accent and Sarah should do it in an American accent. Let's do that. That would be so much fun. It would be hilarious. 

Lori Williams: Yeah. She gets to hear it quite often, I'll say words of like cheeky and I'm like, that came from somewhere, Sarah.

Um, but no, it was really wild. We were, um, we were both in Jamie Butler's, um, she's the Reiki master that I learned from [00:04:00] and, um, was kind of my mentor. And, um, so then. Literally, we were in her book club and I thought Sarah had been there a lot, and it was my first time, it was Sarah's first time, and as soon as she was on camera and she started talking, I was like, that girl's familiar?

Like I really like her. Like, what's going on? And what, weren't you doing the same Sarah? Like Yes, 

Sarah Evans: it was, it is so interesting. I mean, I, I like that was the first of the. Jamie Butler book clubs that I've been to too and I felt like I'd been like summoned there and the minute I saw Laurie I just had this immediate like remembrance.

Like we just remembered each other from other lifetimes. It's just like, just like that. And yeah, so we just started talking. To talk. Well, I 

Lori Williams: think, well, I had reached out, they, I had heard, Jamie said something about Sarah does the Akashic and I was like, Oh, that'd be fun. Like, but I was kind of like, I need a gateway to go, like, figure out how to meet her.

So I just sent her an email and I was like, Hey, you know, I saw that you do that and you want to [00:05:00] like book a reading, but basically like, you want to be friends? Like first grade, you know, like check the box, yes or no. And she responded back and was like, yes, let's do it. And. We got on a call and wasn't it like a two or three hour call?

We were on forever. Because 

Sarah Evans: I was reading your Akashic Records and as soon as we opened, um, your, your records, like suddenly, like a lot of this came flooding in and, and you were also connecting. Yeah. Um, it was the first time, because I've, I've, I've, um, given dozens of Akashic Records readings for people.

Um, but it was the first time that someone was experiencing the same as me at the same time. And we're just like, Oh, well, this is a bit. Different. 

Lori Williams: Yeah. I was like, wait a minute. I was like, I'm seeing it with you. Are you seeing that? And I would say something. I was like, Oh my God, like I'm in the, I'm in my Akashic with her.

But then that started coming through about this group. And I was, she starts talking about this group and this, this beings or whatever. And I was like, well, wait a minute. Like last year, [00:06:00] I started automatic writing and channeling this Pleiadian group of nine is what I kept calling them. So she was seeing them too.

And she was like, I know what this is. And so we're having like these like remembrances. So she starts asking her, like, are we supposed to do this together? And then it's like, yes. And so it just started unfolding in real time, like on, on my reading. It was wild. It was just like, okay, I think this is a thing.

Kara Goodwin: I have so many chills as you're saying this. 

Sarah Evans: I also had like another side note like, um, Maitland had also told me who, um, is a, um, who Jamie Butler channels and is like a spirit guide. She told me that the Pleiadian group of nine were just like, just right here, just hanging out wanting to converse. And so like, it was just, it's all kind of the jigsaw puzzle to started to fit, you know?

Kara Goodwin: That's amazing. So tell us about the Pleiadian group of nine and what this collective is. Thanks. 

Sarah Evans: Either [00:07:00] of you. Somebody 

Kara Goodwin: go. 

Sarah Evans: Yes, um, well. They're fun. Yeah, they're a lot of fun. So it's a collective, and they're based in the Pleiades, which is colloquially known as the Seven Sisters. Um, and they are light beings, um, I think in the 12th dimension, I think we got, um, something to that.

They're high. Yeah. But they, they, they, um, are really wanting to support the, the human collective at this time. And it's really fun because every time we speak to them, we don't know what we're going to get and they often bring along, uh, different fun guests. So we've, we've been channeling all kinds of, um, entities and beings alongside the Palladians, which is, you know, it's, um, it's never a dull moment, I think.

Yeah, you've had 

Kara Goodwin: like unicorns. I think you had, did you channel Dolores Cannon? Am I, she popped in. You've had, um, yeah, all kinds. Angels. Ashtar. 

Lori Williams: Yes. [00:08:00] Ashtar, 

Sarah Evans: um, a koala. Oh, the koala. I don't, it's wild. Wow. We're just, we're just like, you just keep our minds wide open to whatever is gonna happen, I guess. 

Kara Goodwin: And so is, is it like what you were describing in terms of when you had Laurie's Akashic reading where you're both, because when, like on the podcast, it'll be like, okay, I'm seeing them, they're showing me this.

And then, so you're kind of comparing what you're getting at the same time and you're, it's additive. It's like, yeah, I'm getting this and this and, and so forth. So, um, It's 

Lori Williams: funny because that's, what's cool about our gifts is like, um, Sarah will, she'll get the clairvoyance. So she'll instantly kind of be like, um, you know, like, yeah, Ashtar's here, Dolores is here.

And then mine is more of like the knowing and the feeling. So I'll get these sensations. You may even hear me say like, um, it's I'm feeling it, but I'm still [00:09:00] getting there on the visual. So Sarah will start, you know, what is it you want to say to us? And then instantly, I'm like, here's what they're wanting, you know, and we'll get it.

And then we'll be just kind of in lockstep, but it'll just be this like, Is that what you're saying? Like, are you saying she'll add another layer and be like, yes. And it's weird because we'll even say things at the same time. Like, I think there was one where I was, our eyes are closed, you know, and I'm doing like this frequency.

She's like, are you seeing like a wave? And I'm like, yes. You know, so it's really weird how it's just this, you 

Sarah Evans: know, 

Lori Williams: how the gifts are 

Sarah Evans: working, you know. It's so, it's so much fun, um, to be channeling with someone else who's receiving the same stuff at the same time. And often, because I think we're both, um, clairaudient, and so we often receive the full, like, broadcast message, like, you know, audibly at the same time.

And so we'll get the same thing. And so one of us will take turns to talk, but we're basically receiving, yeah, they're reaching both, both. 

Lori Williams: Yeah, it's a whole, it's, it's weird. It's [00:10:00] kind of almost like all the Claire's are firing all at once in different ways for us. And I think that's what kind of makes us unique.

And we, you know, we don't take ourselves too seriously. I mean, we, you have to kind of have a level of, you know, letting go if you're talking to Pegasus, you know what I mean? Like you kind of got to keep that in perspective. So our humor, I think is what kind of keeps it light, but it's also, it keeps us open.

Um, there's, There's something to that when you're channeling, um, when you're not just so heavily focused and you can kind of have that let go moment. Um, so yeah, it's, it's really special. It's a really, it's a cool thing to be co channeling. I never thought I would do that or experience that. And it's, it's really beautiful.

Kara Goodwin: It's amazing. So for you guys, I know that you shared that it started Akashic Records. How do you tap into the Pleiadian group of nine now? 

Sarah Evans: So yes, we go, we open our joint Akashic records because everyone's got an individual Akashic record, but every relationship [00:11:00] also has its own Akashic record. So we open the Akashic record of Laurie and Sarah's like relationship basically.

And that's how we have managed to connect. And it is pretty much instantaneous as soon as we're, as records are open, we both feel like we're going and then, and then it begins basically. 

Lori Williams: Okay. Mm hmm. We had, we did it off camera. So you never see that part, you know, on our videos. And even today we've called each other, you know, ahead of time.

And so Sarah has already opened them and it even to, you know, it's always something different. It's like, we just instantly got this piece and she's like, I feel like I'm being hugged. And I was like, well, my chair actually moved. Like I was rocking back and forth. And so you never kind of know, but as soon as you slip in, you're like, yeah.

I'm here, you know, like we're, and it's just effortless. It's really wild. 

Kara Goodwin: And then do you two have any inclination of your connection with this group? Like why you can channel this specific group? [00:12:00] That you want to share. You don't have to. Oh, no. Yeah. 

Sarah Evans: Oh, you know, I mean, we do have a great many connections.

Laurie, do you want to? 

Lori Williams: Oh, well, I mean, Palladians are like my jam. I love them. Um, I mean, I kind of have the vibe of it, but, um, yeah, I've had full on, like, Memories. I call them kind of like flash memories, knowings, all of this stuff. Like I've had visions, everything of my Pleiadian lifetimes, but one in particular.

And that's how this started coming through. I have a, my main guide, Devin brought this through back when I was automatic writing and this Pleiadian group. And basically it's like, you know, you're contracted to do this. This is something that you and Sarah, um, you know, how we're very connected to the Pleiadian, that Pleiadian energy.

Um, you know, they're kind of known for, Healing and channeling and artistic stuff and all that kind of stuff. We both have a Pisces, I'm a Pisces, just Pisces moon. And, you know, some of these kind of. I don't know. I, those kinds of elements [00:13:00] seem to slot really well with a Pleiadian, uh, connection. And so, yeah, we've channeled that we have had lifetimes as Pleiadians.

And then, you know, Devin basically was like, brought it through and he kind of sits there. We'll see him there at the table with the PG nine kind of almost being like that intermediary of, uh, bridging us to them as we bridge you guys. to the PG 9. It's a really cool thing. So like 

Sarah Evans: I also like have many uh lifetimes and in the Pleiades and in fact my higher self presents as Pleiadian as that's who I see is my higher self.

So definitely some deep connections I'd say. 

Kara Goodwin: And do you guys see that your higher selves for example are they in this? In this collective? In the group of nine? 

Sarah Evans: I don't think so. No. Um, I mean they're definitely like all speaking to one another. It's all connected. Of course. But I don't think we're in the, in like the, the group.

You're just colleagues. [00:14:00] We're, we're a work project. Well, I always, we were just 

Lori Williams: talking about that. I always fill her like cam's her name and like, I will fill cam slip in. She'll be here. Very present. Saw her this morning, you know? And so it's a whole thing. Cause I feel like she's always with me as we're doing it, but I feel them on the, on the left.

I feel the PG nine and Devin on the left and I'll feel cam on the right. And then whoever else kind of brings through our guests, they kind of come more front and center. I don't know. Is that how you get it, Sarah? I've never asked you that. 

Sarah Evans: I'm not sure if I feel people next to me per se, but I definitely, yeah, like when I'm connecting, I just see like the people that we're speaking to, whether it's the group of nine or whether it's the guests, I just feel them like just right in front of me, basically, 

Kara Goodwin: just right here.

I know when Lori was starting to explain how the connection with the group of nine, I felt like this, um, and I'm just sharing in case like other people are watching and feel [00:15:00] things, but like, I felt like, um, this almost like this current of electricity, like basically from like, Just below here, up to my third eye, and then my third eye felt like it was like this.

Lori Williams: Yes. 

Kara Goodwin: And, um, I was like, Oh, are we starting? Am I, am I doing this too? Am I was just going 

Lori Williams: to, I was 

Kara Goodwin: like, are we triple channeling? Let's all do it. It's the Pleiadian group of 12 now. 

Sarah Evans: Yeah, they're definitely very higher chakra entities. Like, we definitely feel it very much in the third eye, in the crown. Yeah.

Yeah. Um, I'll get 

Lori Williams: that spiraling feeling, just like what Kara was just saying, like, I'll fill it here to here. And that's whoosh. As soon as like we go into, I start closing my eyes. I'll get that. You'll hear me say that a lot on the video. Sarah probably gets sick of it. Cause I'm always like, Oh, I'm like levitating.

I'm like, Oh, I'm seeing blues. I'm giving her all my sensations that I'm feeling, you know, cause it gets very, we've had some with the heart there where we'll, we [00:16:00] actually will start crying. Like, um, you know, it'll be so emotional and moving. For sure. 

Sarah Evans: Yes. And we both are tearing up at the same time as well.

It's very much a joint enterprise. Wow. 

Kara Goodwin: That's fantastic. Well, is there anything else that you feel like you want to share before you go into it? So I know, and also just for those who are viewing, um, be ready. You can ask your questions. So when they start channeling, unless anybody has a question for Sarah and Lori before they start channeling, feel free to raise your hand.

But if you go to the react. Button, um, down at the bottom of your screen, you can raise your hand. So you click that for me, it's a heart. And then there's a raise hand. If you want to ask your question, um, you know, on camera or on, you know, with your own voice, or like Judith has asked a question down here, so you can write it in the chat too, if you'd rather me read it.

And then I, I have, I know somebody submitted one ahead of time who wasn't able to join us live. Um, So be ready [00:17:00] for that. If you have questions and, uh, is there anything else that you think is helpful to know before you start channeling? And how long do you need? Do you have much of a transition time? 

Lori Williams: We, we go right into, Sarah usually leads us of saying, you know, let's connect in.

And so she goes there and then she'll start getting the visuals and then I'll start, you know, getting the knowings and the feelings. So it'll start to kind of, Go in lockstep. She usually opens us up, but we do usually close our eyes, but Sarah and I, you will see us kind of, we can, we'll open our eyes up, you know, it's like we kind of need to connect or whatever.

So it's not like we're totally gone, like in a trans channeled state. We're very much like conscious channelers. Um, but we often will, um, You know, we try not to over talk each other. I feel like we kind of fill in to when one's going to talk or whatnot. But yeah, you'll see us kind of close our eyes and kind of slip out.

Um, but we are still present. Isn't that the best way to say it, Sarah? 

Sarah Evans: Yes. I feel very, yeah, fully conscious and [00:18:00] 

Kara Goodwin: Okay. Great. So then we just say, ready, set, go. And, uh, well, let's see, Pamela, I think you guys will want to answer this before you go into channeling, but Pamela is asking, does it take time? She put time in quotes, understanding that time is an illusion, I suppose, is what, thank you for clarifying that.

Um, does it take time to learn to go into the Akashic records? So I guess like, I'll let Sarah 

Lori Williams: do that. Yeah. Yeah. 

Sarah Evans: Yeah. So the Kashuk records kind of found me. Um, and I, um, I started doing the Linda Howe method and for me it was very instantaneous, but I'm very aware of the fact that I'm really connected and I think it's part of like my Um, my sole purpose in this lifetime to be an Akashic Records reader.

So I think that, um, whilst I do genuinely believe that everybody can [00:19:00] access the records, um, it may be just a bit easier for me, perhaps. Um, I actually, the first time I went into my own records, I like accidentally went in. Um, which was quite an experience. Yeah. And it kind of freaked me out. And so with that, having had that experience, I'm careful not to accidentally have anyone else like come into the records when they're not expecting to.

Because for me, I did slip in so easily. Um, 

Kara Goodwin: yeah, that's interesting. So can you share just briefly what that was like for you? Like, did it feel like you were in a library or you were like seeing past life memories or? 

Sarah Evans: Yes. So the first time I went in, I mean, literally because, because they say, um, with the Linda Howe method, there's a pathway prayer that she uses.

And I literally just read, I read it like in my mind. And, um, And it opened, and I wasn't expecting that, I was just like reading the book, and then like, bam, I'm like in the academy, and for me [00:20:00] the, um, so I immediately felt like a huge warmth, like really, like lovingly supported, like immediately felt like really different, and like really, like almost like, it's a bit trippy, I suppose.

Maybe not the best to use the words but, um, that's what comes to mind. Um, and then the first thing I saw was, um, as I closed my eyes and I was seeing, uh, fractals flying past me. And so I have, um, when I started this, I knew nothing. I'd not read anything. I'd not researched about, um, the spirit side or any of it.

So this was brand new information to me. But I was seeing, like, fractals and sacred geometry just coming at me. 

Lori Williams: Wow. Which were, 

Sarah Evans: like, the record pieces, like, flying past, and it was, like, a whole, it was a whole experience, and I was just, like, 

Kara Goodwin: wow. That's so cool. So we do have, um, let's see. Jessica was [00:21:00] asking, like, do you pray to get in?

Is there, should you practice, have intention, but sounds like there's a specific prayer that you used. Yeah, 

Sarah Evans: I mean, so, so I, I learned with Linda how, uh, but personally, um, I find her to be a little bit too Christian influenced. Um, so now I have decided to go in a different direction, which is more spiritual based.

Um, but yes, there's different openings that you can use to enter the records. Also people enter through trance or meditation. That's how I did it. 

Kara Goodwin: Right. Because I've read some of her book too. And, and another book also on the Kashuk records, and there is like, Uh, if I remember correctly, she was very like, this is the prayer and this is like the prescription.

Um, and, and if you're reading this book, you, you know, you have access, you are granted [00:22:00] access or whatever, you know, if you're interested in this, then you've been guided to it. Um, and just use this prayer and you'll get in. But it sounds like, so now did I understand correctly? You kind of have your own.

method that's not necessarily prescriptive or following that same prescription. 

Sarah Evans: Yes. I mean, I love Linda Howe. I am, I'm very grateful. She was essentially my first teacher in this. Um, but that there's elements that, that she advocates that I, that don't always feel aligned with like what I feel to be my truth.

Um, And yes, so I, I, I have my own version of, of like a, it's not a prayer, but like a, almost like a, like an invocation. Yeah. Invocation. Yes. Absolutely. Um, which works 

Kara Goodwin: nicely. Okay. That's, that's awesome. And do you think that each person has their own experience with the Akashic Records or is it more of a [00:23:00] universal, like would my experience in there be different than 

Sarah Evans: yours?

Yes, I mean, everybody's Akashic library is completely unique to them and first thing I do actually when I give an Akashic records reading is I ask to see what the library looks like and I have to see what the records look like because everybody has a completely different experience. It is literally designed, um, by our soul and, uh, and it kind of like represents the Akashic records.

A whole soul journey across every lifetime and all that is. Um, and so they, they present very differently. Um, and I find that, you know, some, some, um, people's records are a lot chattier than others and some are very visual and some are very like sensory. So it's, it is a completely different experience for everybody.

Kara Goodwin: That's so fascinating. And I know that, um, you two both work separately and individually, or sorry, separately and together with clients. So talk a little bit about that, because I'm listening to this. I'm like, I want [00:24:00] to know, show me my, tell me about my records. And I can imagine that the people watching this too are like, do it for me.

So how do people work with you guys? Yeah, 

Lori Williams: well, they I meant to tell that to we are offering a coupon code for your people watching this or that watch it later on. But, um, yeah, we do joint sessions where we actually will channel the PG nine and do that together. And so we do do individual sessions where I do.

We both do Reiki. Um, so we're both Reiki masters, but I do readings on my own. And then I also have kind of gotten into, um, doing sessions of basically like bridging you from 3d to 5d. So if you have questions about the shift where you're at in your spiritual journey, I really like to talk to people like that, you know, as a coaching type situation.

Um, and then Sarah, you offer your. Own good stuff too. I mean, 

Sarah Evans: I offer a great many things, um, yoga and meditation and also Akashic records readings. I'm online at live. [00:25:00] Um, yeah, I, I guess, um, if anyone's interested in a reading with a jointly or individually, um, I guess you can contact us at info at into the blue channeling.

com. Um, right. Um, and we have the two discount codes for today's session. 

Lori Williams: Buy one, get one, uh, half off, or if you just want one session, you can do a 20 percent off. So just send us an email at info at into the blue channeling. com. And we'll tell us what you want. You know, if you just want an Akashic reading, or if you want to join with the channeling reading, you want to learn Reiki, I teach Reiki as well, so I can certify you in Reiki and all that good stuff.

So kind of whatever you want, we probably have an offering of some sort. I was just thinking. 

Kara Goodwin: I was like, maybe tell us what you don't offer. 

Sarah Evans: Like 

Kara Goodwin: dog training. We've got it all. Come on. 

Sarah Evans: Go ahead, Sarah. Sorry I cut you off there. I was, I was just going to say that we've, we've had some lovely, uh, private sessions, um, channeling the PT9.

And I think people have come to us that feel like they have their own [00:26:00] connection to the Palladians and they have specific questions. And we've, if those have been incredibly productive and often very healing, actually. 

Lori Williams: Very that's what's really nice about the private sessions is if you have those personal questions you don't want to ask like on our channel because on the channel you can submit the questions will do those on a video.

But if you have personal questions, which you don't want to ask in a format especially even like this. And, you know, taking those broader questions that kind of apply to people we do those in these types of sessions but. Yeah, it's been really, um, really cool. What we've seen in the personal sessions of what can come through, um, to kind of heal people or give them more info.

It just pieces your story together, you know, and that's what we're all kind of doing on this journey. So, 

Kara Goodwin: yeah. Beautiful. Love it. All right. Well, let's, let's invite in the Pleiadians.

So what we'll do, we talked about this before we got started, but just so everybody's on the same page, we're going to, they're going to slip in here and then they'll see if there's any kind of [00:27:00] more general, um, information or broadcast that they want to give for our group, and then we'll go into the questions.

I will check the chat to see if there's anything in there, but you can also feel free to raise your hand if you want to ask yourself. I'm already feeling 

Sarah Evans: them. Yeah, I'm feeling great. I'm like, it came on a while ago based. Um, but yes, well, I just arrived and can we please connect to the Pleiadian group of nine?

There's a present.

They're saying that they are so greatly excited to join this session today, and they want to give the highest welcome and greeting to all those listening both live and on the recording at a later time. 

Lori Williams: Mm hmm. [00:28:00] 

Sarah Evans: I'm hearing a 

Lori Williams: lot too of, if you're here, I'm getting this pretty loud and clear. If you're here, you were meant to be here for a purpose.

Like everyone, it's almost like I'm seeing and hearing like whoever's listening to this now and in the future, it's, you've been hand selected for this moment, um, to hear this message. So, uh, really take in what you're going to hear.

Sarah Evans: Yes, and they are connecting directly to everybody's heart space that's, that's listening and they want to share that they come with complete and utter love, compassion and great gratitude and they, they are traveling on the frequency of love, they tell us, and they wish to support and enhance everybody's.

Connection to love, to loving oneself and loving all those around them.[00:29:00] 

Lori Williams: Yeah. Breathing into the heart. So I, you may be getting, maybe I've kind of getting the vibe that people are maybe experiencing a little bit of heart palpitation or racing heart right now. And that's what that is. That's that quickening of the heart. And to just let that expand, kind of breathe, like take your breath and breathe through it.

Cause it feels like the energy got really, really strong with all of us connecting in strong, very strong. Yeah. So just allow that to move through. Um, if it's making you feel a little anxious, just let it run through. And, um, open up the heart space, just breathe into it and through it, picturing kind of a, that pink, pinkish color will kind of help as well, kind of ground that in.

Or green. Or green, as I say, or you can get a green, 

Sarah Evans: as I was holding my rose quartz. I'm getting a very vivid, uh, green. It's almost like a grassy lime green kind of color. But their, their cupping are, um, heart spaces. They're kind of like almost physically [00:30:00] giving support and care. It's, it's really, it's really lovely.

Feels good.

Kara Goodwin: They're said they're open to questions. Beautiful. Well, thank you so much for being here. What an honor to have you. Um, let's have our first question here is from Judith. She says, I have a Pleiadian guide who Maitland told me was more on the feminine side. Can you tell me more about her or maybe a message from her?


Sarah Evans: Judith's Pleiadian guide. Oh, yes. I see her coming in. She has very long hair. Very. 

Lori Williams: And very bubbly. 

Sarah Evans: Like down, like, really, really super long hair. And she's wearing, um, I see a, like a very, um, ethereal white, um, like loose, uh, garment. [00:31:00] Um, but she's coming in very strong and saying hello. Very strong energy.

Very bubbly. Very, 

Lori Williams: very upbeat. Ha ha ha ha!

Sarah Evans: Yeah, she's, she's, um, saying that she's so grateful to connect to Judy

and whether Judy senses her around or not, um, she's always there. She wants to let you know. 

Lori Williams: She shows up a lot in dreams, Judy. That's what I'm seeing. I'm getting a lot of she's connecting with you in the higher realms as And dreams. There's a lot of that coming in.

Sarah Evans: She's actually presenting me with some, um, like almost like a crown, but it's like, um, it almost looks like it's made of ivy or something. It's very like intertwined, like green crown. And she's like, um, giving it to you as a gift. Um, [00:32:00] What is this? explain. Mm-Hmm. . 

Lori Williams: Um, it has to do also with Judy's connection to the earth because I'm seeing that floral crown, Sarah, how you're describing that.

It's like a, like a Oh, uh, it's very organic. It's very 

Sarah Evans: Yes, yes. And of yet off the earth. That's a great way of describing it. Yes. Um, but she's presenting it to you, um, oh, and she's saying so it can connect to the earth and be grounding and you can wear it and still also be connecting upwards through the crown.

So it's got a dual anchoring ability and that's what she wanted to pass on to you today. 

Lori Williams: It like runs through your whole channel, like when you slip this on it looks like it runs through the whole channel. and anchors you into the earth but also opens you up to the higher realms. It's like a, it's a very special crown.

It's very beautiful. [00:33:00] 

Sarah Evans: And she says enjoy wearing it next time you're practicing meditation or Reiki. You can imagine you're wearing your crown and see what happens. 

Kara Goodwin: Thank you. That's beautiful. Thank you so much. Okay, we've got Alessandra who says, I always feel a big energy on my right side. I'd love to get any further clarity from the Pleiadians.

Lori Williams: I'm going to let you take that one, Sarah, because I know Alessandra and this question, so I'm going to try and stay neutral and let you go on it. 

Sarah Evans: So I actually feel a pressure on the shoulder, like the right shoulder.

Lori Williams: Tingling, big time. 

Sarah Evans: It's almost like something's sitting on your shoulder. Like, almost like, I don't know if it's like a cat, but it's kind of like, it kind of feels like cat like, kind of just sitting on the shoulder. Um, [00:34:00] what would the Groove of Nine like to explain about this?

Lori Williams: Yeah, it's very feline, very feline. It almost has a Liren vibe to it. It's another version of Alessandra's that I'm hearing. It's her, the higher version of her to channel through of consciousness. 

Sarah Evans: Mm. That makes sense because, um, they just showed me, um, an image of K, which is my, uh, Liren, um, alternative, uh, lifetime.

Lori Williams: Yep. 

Sarah Evans: So it, I think they're trying to show me that, um, that this is Alexandro's version of that as a Liren alternative lifetime. Um, there's such a like a like a like a physical feeling like of weight on the shoulder. Yes, very particular. It is. Yes, 

Lori Williams: it's uh, what is I want to get [00:35:00] more information. Why, why the why the pressure?

Okay, I'm kind of hearing like that's to tell you like Alessandra that that Feline being is there. Yeah. That when you feel that, that's kind of that connectivity so that it can help bypass your ego of saying like, you know, what is this? Something else is just physical. It's just my shoulder. What is this?

When you feel that sensation, that is that being there. And so it's more of a, to kind of anchor it's she's always there. It feels very female to me, but, um, that it's a kind of a confirmation for you that, um, it's, it's present and with you can help bridge that gap. 

Sarah Evans: And it's a remembrance as well to, to help you to remember.

Lori Williams: Mm-Hmm. the 

Sarah Evans: connection to Lyra. 

Lori Williams: Are you getting a name? Is there, is there a name that she, 'cause I, I, I have a, I'm getting the sensation. She's wanting to know what can I call, when I wanna call upon this, uh, being[00:36:00] 

Sarah Evans: I, I I'm almost getting like a, a said or z. Yeah, 

Lori Williams: it's, it's a name I can't quite make out if I'm honest. 

Sarah Evans: Yes. It seems to have the letter Z in it. Like, it's like, 

Lori Williams: I'm not going to say it right. Like, Zanaya or something very, uh, metallic y, ting y sounding. And I don't know how to even make the sound. 

Sarah Evans: Yeah, like, Zaninif or, I don't know.

Run with that, Alessandra. Maybe you could just say Z. 

Lori Williams: Yeah. 

Kara Goodwin: Thank you very much. Maybe just say Z, love it. Okay, thank you. Okay, we have Suki asking, she'd like to ask about strengthening her own channeling. Is there something that she can do to Strengthen that. Hmm. [00:37:00] 

Lori Williams: Zuki has strong energy. 

Sarah Evans: Holy cow. Yeah. I see this.

So the, uh, the group of nine are really stepping forward and I send them, they have like a, a long, like oval, like stretched oval table and they're kind of like they're light beings, but they kind of present themselves like, like sitting around this, this, um, um, um, oval table, um, and they're saying. connect to us.

Yeah, yeah. Um, they're, they're saying the, the way to begin channeling is to begin. Yep. Yep. Make the intention that you wish to, you're open to channeling. Um, and You know, set the intention that you want to receive, you know, whatever it is that you're open to, obviously everybody's different. Um, and then just, and then just begin and see, and see what happens.

But they, they're sitting there like, [00:38:00] like very attentive around the table, like almost like patiently waiting, like enthusiastic. Like they've been waiting for her. Yes. Yes. They're waiting very patiently, but they are kind of like. You know, I'm encouraging saying we're ready. 

Lori Williams: Sarah, are you, I'm seeing as soon as you start talking, I saw a staff and I was hearing like Suki, like you're very, very like strong and powerful.

This is something you have done many lifetimes, but it's almost like that you were going to be, but his staff is almost representing like, um, you're going to be stewarding other people. Like you're going to be. Using channeling for readings or for teaching or for connecting with other people. It's going to be a big gateway for you with other people because this staff feels very like in like leadership and command and there's something connected with that and your channeling abilities that so it's I'm going to keep hearing like it's it's time to get going.

It's time to move forward this because you're already doing it is what I'm hearing. And it's just like full steam [00:39:00] ahead. 

Sarah Evans: Yes. And I see, um, the top of the staff has like a, um, clear crystal, like in like a, almost like a pointed crystal, right? Like at the top and it's big and, um, you can move it around and the crystal projects energy out in like a big white beam coming right out of the, out of the top of the staff.

Um. Very Gandalf. It is. I was like a wizard, 

Kara Goodwin: she's 

Lori Williams: a wizard. As soon as you said Suki I was like, ooh, it was, it was powerful, it was very big. Yes, yes, yes. 

Kara Goodwin: All in the good stuff, Suki. Mm hmm. 

Lori Williams: Ooh, I'm watering on that. Oh, my goodness. That was really strong. 

Kara Goodwin: Wow, Zez. I love 

Lori Williams: it. 

Kara Goodwin: Suki's in the house. Wow. That's right.

Okay. We've got another great one here. Holly. Can the Pleiadians confirm that I saw [00:40:00] one of their ships last night? I saw two flashes of bright white light in the sky. It appeared as if they were flashing their headlights. Was there a message or just saying hi? Hi. 

Sarah Evans: Yes, they're definitely confirming that it's them.

In fact, they were very active in the sky last night and I saw a bunch of things too, 

Lori Williams: would acknowledge, 

Sarah Evans: um, like dozens. It's insane. Um, but yes, they are, they wanted, I think they were acknowledging this, uh, session and your it, um, and raising awareness that they are. around and they are supporting you and watching you from the sky.

Lori Williams: Wasn't just the Pleiadians. I know. And lots of other 

Sarah Evans: people too. Yeah. 

Lori Williams: And Holly, I'm getting such a sharp pain in my stomach. Um, as soon as Sarah said that they were [00:41:00] working on your tummy. And it's just, It's partly the grays too, and getting that very strong. 

Sarah Evans: It's really interesting, the flashing, um, that you were seeing is almost like a, sending a code, like sending a download, uh, upgrade, um, yeah, like the, like a rhythmic flashing.

Lori Williams: Like a Morse coat. 

Sarah Evans: Yes. . Um, they're, they're, they're grateful that you saw them and acknowledged it. Um, a lot of people look to the sky and they see, sees things happening and they just brush it to one side and they think, oh, that's just my imagination. And they're saying, please don't do that. . Yeah. Yeah. The, um, the multidimensional are very active in our guys these days.

and they are making their presence known in the most loving and supportive manner. Um, but [00:42:00] everyone should be looking at the night sky for unusual happenings. 

Lori Williams: I'm also hearing for Holly, they're saying like to keep speaking about this, um, about seeing things in the sky, but being continuing to be, you know, bold in your choice of words when you're talking about this.

Um, cause there's something with, This flashing code that I'm seeing that Sarah's talking about it, it encoded something in you to give you the power but there's going to be a way in which you speak about it to others that's going to resonate with them. So it's going to be about the choice of words that you're going to use, and the demeanor in which you're going to bring through that information it's going to be received very well.

So it has something to do with. Whatever was encoded in has something to do with speaking this, uh, to about it to others, not hiding, uh, anything about what you're seeing or keeping it closed, especially in particular to what you're seeing in the skies.[00:43:00] 

Sarah Evans: Yes. And they want to close by saying that they realize that you're getting headaches and head pressure. And that is, that is essential symptoms and just try and breathe through it and know that it's temporary. 

Lori Williams: Thank you. 

Sarah Evans: Beautiful. 

Kara Goodwin: Thank you. Thank you, Holly. So next we have Jessica who says she wants to know if she's connecting to all of her clients Akashic records, or can it be expanded more?

And if so, how?

Sarah Evans: Yes. Um, they're telling me that yes, you are going to the Kashuk records. Um,

I'm getting the impression that maybe working on your third eye might help in terms of the visualization of it. If you're finding that you're not seeing as [00:44:00] much, um, maybe work on, work on that. Um, 

Lori Williams: but accessing the other abilities too, because I'm also hearing that too. Sorry about the third eye. I almost feel like, uh, was it Jessica?

I'm sorry. I didn't, um, that you're honing in too much. I'm like, I want to see, I want to see, it feels like use the whole body. So if you're feeling it, or you're, you know, getting other, uh, intuitive hits, When you are in the akashic for your clients, lean into that. It doesn't just have to be a visual experience.

Um, but the third eye is open. It's not like it's blocked, but you know, don't just focus so much. Yeah, like a A 

Sarah Evans: bit murky. Yes. Or a little hard to, um Um, focus. Um, that's what I'm seeing. Um, and they say that when you're not receiving an answer on certain questions, be careful, uh, not to [00:45:00] ask about future events because the Kashuk, uh, records will not tell you, um, anything that could, um, Um, put the sitter off their, um, trajectory that they're planned, um, lessons for this lifetime.

Um, so when, when you're getting a complete nothing and that's what's worrying you a bit, um, just consider not asking about the future. 

Lori Williams: Yeah, that's spot on Sarah. I was also hearing that too of like a. You're putting a lot of pressure on yourself, Jessica, to, to feel like you have to deliver the answer. And sometimes, like, just what Sarah was saying, that's pulling together what I was saying, too.

Like, no answer is an answer, you know? So if you're not getting something, don't interpret that as you aren't getting it. Getting the job done. You're literally responding to what's being given to you. So you're kind of that bridge intermediary. So don't feel like you have to take on all that responsibility to give them an exact answer.

[00:46:00] Um, especially, yeah, it had to do with the future event type stuff when you're being asked those types of questions, because that is very true. There's some things that are not yet. Um, and they're not needing to be known or they're not wanting to deliver it in that way because the person may not be ready to hear it.

And that's not your fault. That's just where they're at on their journey. 

Sarah Evans: Thank you for the good work. 

Lori Williams: Yeah, yeah. You're, you're connecting more than you realize is what I'm hearing. 

Kara Goodwin: Thank you. Beautiful. Thank you, Jessica. Pamela's asking, do we go into the 5D individually or as a whole planet collectively?

Sarah Evans: So this is funny because we literally just channeled on this and it's, um, in the next episode, that's cued and not out yet. Um, but obviously that's on a lot of people's minds. Um, so, Q9, could you answer this question for us? 

Lori Williams: I've already downloaded this one, so you can go and I can, [00:47:00] however you want to do that, Sarah.


Sarah Evans: we are ascending collectively, but every individual is ascending in their own rate, in their own pace. And there are good reasons for this, because if someone ascends before they're into 5G consciousness, it could Basically give them a heart attack or something. It'd be too shocking. . It's a process for a reason and it's like, it's, it's a gradual for a reason.

Um, but everybody is, everyone applied to Earth is in the process of, of moving into 40 or five D um, but they're going at different rates, um, and they want to. say be careful about getting wrapped up in fear around this topic. A lot of people are fearing that they're going to ascend into 5D and yet their [00:48:00] loved ones are going to be behind in 3D and like Disappear from their consciousness.

I think this is the fear, the main fear that people are having, um, and they're saying Uh, it doesn't quite work like this. Um, and they're saying try and move through try and process this, um, anxiety or a worry around this, um, particular issue because that will not help you move You know, into 4d and 5d for you is very 3d.

Lori Williams: Absolutely. And, uh, well, two things. So let me forget the stomach thing for Pam, cause I'm getting a lot of stuff that you're Actually being worked on to with your stomach because it's coming in pretty strong. Um, but, uh, there is, uh, I'm hearing it pretty clearly to add to this. Um, these are, I've downloaded a lot on this topic, and I'm hearing pretty clearly that, that A lot of people are asking, you [00:49:00] know, about, is this the, just a consciousness thing, or is this a literal thing?

And this is, the downloads I continue to get is that this is literal. You will see a literal splitting of worlds. Um, and this is choice point time. So again, with what Sarah was saying with the fear, You know, fear is very important to drop at this time, because as you're moving into these higher frequencies and these higher vibrations there, that will drop out just as a byproduct, it will just kind of become a natural thing that it will, it will come out of your life as you continue to go up and giving attention towards what you want to focus on in the life that you want to have the reality that you want to have.

So, um, that is a big part of this. So, but we are all doing this together. It's taking as our collective consciousness. bands together and rises. That's why we're getting where we're getting. So it's a both and, you know, all is one, one is all. Um, I'm seeing that kind of directional thing happening. Um, so stay on your course, stay in your vibration, [00:50:00] but at the same time, know that we are all in this together of sorts.

And that, um, You know, there will be a splitting of worlds. Yes. 

Sarah Evans: And they want to also kind of say, um, that, um, Laurie's correct with, with this channeling. Um, at the same time, it is a very gradual, a very subtle change. Each day you might see like a little subtle, you just notice, oh, like, The sky looks bluer, or, you know, there'll be very gentle, subtle changes.

People are more loving around you, complete strangers acknowledge you in a more loving way. It is a, it's not going to be one day you wake up and you're on a completely different planet and you're like, what? It's, it's, it's a subtle process that's taking many years. To unfold 

Lori Williams: that heart. When you're talking about the love, I'm getting that a lot too.

That is a good baseline for you to look and see where am I at [00:51:00] on this scale? Cause I'm seeing this like sliding scale. And it's like, when you fill into the heart and, and if you are seeing more love around you, more love. And you don't look around at the external world. We're not talking about that. This is about the internal feeling of what you're having.

So if you, you know, who are you coming into contact with? What is the, what is more of the consistent and main vibration that you're feeling all the time? You'll start to see that, you know, as that love expands, that's how you can kind of chart your trajectory of where am I at on this scale? Um, That's one thing that the love that expands in your heart as you keep ascending in your consciousness, it's undeniable, and that is your compass.

Kara Goodwin: And you said that you were getting something for your stomach, Lori. Yeah, yeah, Pam, 

Lori Williams: there's something like they're, they're working on your stomach because that same thing that happened when with Holly, it had, I think Zach, and I don't ever have stomach pains. So that's how I know. Um, but it was coming right in, really strong in the same area.

And so [00:52:00] you're, they're working on your solar plexus. It's. I'm getting like really sharp pains as I'm saying this. So there's something with your, uh, stomach where they're working on a solar plexus area. Uh, it has to do with, uh, uh, empowerment and yeah, it has to do with a lot that I'm seeing. Yeah. A lot of yellow energy going into your stomach.

So if you're. It is really strong. It's almost very uncomfortable. Um, so if you're feeling that, that's what that is. Um, don't be alarmed. It's a good thing. Um, but your stomach is actually is very much being worked on the solar plexus chakra. 

Kara Goodwin: So that's interesting because she does ask a little bit later in the chat.

Um, if play, if the Pleiadians are her light beings and what are they doing to me almost nightly? So it sounds like you've, you've answered that 

Lori Williams: there. Do you have any more on that? Are you getting anything additional at all? 

Sarah Evans: Yeah, I mean, what I was really picking up as you were saying that is they're saying confidence, confidence, they're working on your confidence, breaking away from this fear factor, [00:53:00] um, and, and your, um, limiting beliefs, um, it's a work in progress, but they are working on it.

And yes, they are very much supporting you and working alongside you. Yes. 

Lori Williams: And it's not fear of the outside world. These are internal things, uh, Pam, that I'm seeing. Um, I don't feel like you're, you're fear based in what you take in. It's more an internal, uh, emotional component. 

Kara Goodwin: Karen's asking, how can we hold the highest vibration to share peace and love with our country and the world at these tumultuous times?

Lori Williams: They're 

Sarah Evans: saying to turn off the news media. 

Lori Williams: I saw like a white flag going up of like, just surrender and we'll just let it go. Yeah, it had to do with like, yeah. 

Sarah Evans: So they're saying as much as possible, try [00:54:00] and get out of the head and into the heart. You know, everybody, um, can watch the news, can be in touch with what's unfolding very closely, and get very, um, very heady in it, um, and they're saying to try it.

Your best to let that fade a little, let that fade away. They're saying it's very loud. It's very bold. It's very in the face and hard to right now, but they're saying as much as possible, connect to the heart, connect to the, the true source of wisdom is, is in your heart. And a big part of the human ascension process right now is to, is to move down from the head space into the heart space.

Um, so anything you can be doing. Um, that promotes that will help. 

Lori Williams: That's what I was just seeing there at the end was all the artistic stuff. I've seen you writing, um, [00:55:00] and it has to do with, yeah, like music and things like things that are making you happy that you do. So on an individual level, if you're asking for you personally, these are some things as you do that.

It's a byproduct. You're, you're just, you're just raising, like, you're just raising when you're doing those things. That trickles out. It's a ripple effect. And the people around you, your neighbors, your family, your friends, they feel it. They see it. Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. It just becomes a ripple effect.

Sarah Evans: And they're saying, something they've said many times before, but they're saying that the best way to immediately get into the heart space, like, just like in a moment, is to focus on gratitude. Yeah. Focus on what you're grateful for. Like really try and connect to a sense of gratitude. And it can be super small.

It can be, I'm grateful that the sun rose this morning. It can be I'm grateful I've got something to eat for breakfast. Breakfast, you can start as, as, as minor as you wish. Um, but if you focus on, on the gratitude, then that really helps to connect to, to the heart center, to, to the [00:56:00] center of love. 

Lori Williams: I, are you seeing this as soon as you start talking about gratitude?

That's why I got kind of tickled. I'm like kind of smiling. I just saw this like little puppy, like someone holding a little puppy and just like holding it out in the sun. puppy's little face and it just, all of us kind of melted in that moment. So I don't know if you're connected to a puppy or not, but it just seems literally like that's the energy when you know, that love gratitude when you just the way it feels whenever you're holding a little puppy and it's just that high vibration.

Energy. That's kind of where that love space is. And you just forget everything. I mean, you just want to be with the cute little puppy. 

Kara Goodwin: Beautiful. Thank you. Michelle is asking, I'd love a message from my Arcturian guide. I'm not sure how, how well this will work. You guys let me know, um, a health message for my spouse and any message on my healing capabilities.

Sarah Evans: Yes, I'm getting someone coming through. Um,[00:57:00] 

I can't actually see them, uh, very clearly. Um, but I'm seeing, like, quite a tall, um, being. Um, step in. He's very blue. He's very male and very blue is what I'm seeing. He's very male. I almost got the name Jeff, and I'm doubting that because it sounds too ridiculous. But maybe he just wants The purpose of this, he would like you to say you can call him Jeff.

Um, but yeah, he's coming through and asking if there's anything in particular you wanted to hear from her on. 

Kara Goodwin: So she specifically said a health message for my spouse and any message on my healing capabilities. Yeah. 

Sarah Evans: Yeah. He's acknowledging that you are a great healer, that you definitely have healing [00:58:00] abilities.

Lori Williams: I'm seeing a lot with crystals on this healing abilities. It's that true. I'm seeing like a lifetime where you were using crystals, you're funneling in like your consciousness into this crystal to then heal. Um, it's, it almost looks like kind of like Sarah, what you do like with Reiki crystal healing, laying those on the chakras.

Of the rainbow colors and that's a modality that you have used before and actually would be very familiar for you if you picked that up in this lifetime.

Sarah Evans: It's also showing hands. I'm not sure what the hands are doing exactly. Um, but I'm seeing like a manual hands on. Yeah, it feels very 

Lori Williams: physical. And so with the spousal energy of the, of the, of the, um, ailments that the spouse is dealing with. And I'm seeing literal, like a literal hands on healing that you [00:59:00] could perform.

Sarah Evans: He, he appreciates that you're very concerned about his health right now, um, and encourages you to continue to provide healing in, in a great many ways, um, but you are capable of, of assisting. With this

Lori Williams: feels like there's healing that needs to be done in this area in the, I'm pointing to the mid section, Sarah, are

you getting? Oh, yeah. 

Sarah Evans: Yeah, I don't know if it's like digestive 

Lori Williams: or. Yeah, gallbladder something in here, there's something in this region. Right. Um, it's like, yeah, hard to say, girl, it's like, right, right into this section.

Sarah Evans: He's saying [01:00:00] thank you for connecting and he's here anytime you need, 

Lori Williams: he loves you. 

Kara Goodwin: Thank you. Thank you so much. So we are running short on time here, everybody. So I'll do a couple more. We have quite a few questions here. Remember that they do have, um, their offer. So you can work with them specifically.

Cause I see a lot of people who are like, are there any messages for me? Are there any messages for me? Um, so, you know, totally, I highly recommend having a private session. Um, but I'll get to a couple more. If you guys have time, we actually are at the top of the hour already, but. Maybe two more. 

Lori Williams: Yep. Had to get a drink.

Kara Goodwin: Yeah. Hydrate up. 

Lori Williams: Hydrate up. Coffee. I mean. 

Kara Goodwin: So Jane is asking, I've been told I was of Liran origin. Do I also have Pleiadian guides and do all of us have Pleiadian guides?

Lori Williams: This is fun. . [01:01:00] They're laughing. 

Sarah Evans: Yes, they're, yeah, they're, they have a cheeky grin and they . They're saying, you earthlings don't realize how vastly connected you are to the whole. All that is the multiverse. Across all star systems, it is, yeah, they're, they're saying that, um, a lot of people who identify as starseeds, they, um, favor, they, they, they think in their mind, okay, they're this or they're that, and in reality, it's a lot more hybrid of an experience because, um, even the youngest of souls have had many, many lifetimes in many, many different locations.

Transcribed Um, and this is something that's going to become more and more known, um, on, on, on this planet in the coming months and years ahead. Um, but yes, they'd like [01:02:00] to acknowledge that you are connected to, uh, the Palladians as well as the Lirans. Um, And they want you to channel. 

Lori Williams: Are 

Sarah Evans: you 

Lori Williams: hearing that?

It's like, 

Sarah Evans: yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Um, I'm actually seeing that they, that, um, uh, Jane has two, um, Pleiadian guides, um, almost like a, like a comedy duo, like, and they, and they wish to, um, get to know, get, um, get closer to you and get you, um, aware of them more. And they would like to offer messages that you can share.


Lori Williams: I'm so funny you said that, because I feel like one's over here, one's over here, and it's kind of like, you know, like it goes back and forth. One almost feels male, one almost feels female. Um, sometimes Pleiadians feel very androgynous to me, so it's hard to kind of get that, but, um, I, Jane, I heard it echoed really loud [01:03:00] as soon as Sarah started talking, um, that they're, about the message at the very beginning about who's here is supposed to be here, like they were saying, like, you know, um, You in particular, Jane, like this was to kind of get you going to get on the channeling path.

So if you've been having an inkling towards that of like my hearing them, is that who this is that answers? Yes. And I, I did hear Sarah, did you see what you're getting on this? Cause it is, we have multiple lifetimes and everything, but I saw one 83, very big in my third eye. So that feels like if you're asked about the play in lifetimes, 183 is what I'm, Was seeing and I don't normally get stuff like that to that specific.

Um, so that was kind of interesting. So I don't know if you were wanting to know a number, but. You've 

Sarah Evans: had a lot. Yeah. And they're also saying, I'm seeing dolphins, they're saying you're connected to the Syrians and Sirius as well, Sirius B. Um, and you've had, uh, lifetimes as aquatic beings as well. So if, if you [01:04:00] connect to the water, connect to swimming, that could be why, um, but yeah, I'm just seeing like leaping dolphins.

Lori Williams: Yeah. Does feel more Pleiadian lifetimes than Liren, I will say that.

Kara Goodwin: Beautiful. Thank you, Jane, for that question. Um, Larry, hello, Larry. Um, he asks what cycles per second are coming onto the planet to help people awaken to spiritual gifts?

Cycles per second? Yes. What cycles per second are coming onto the planet to help people awaken to spiritual gifts? 

Lori Williams: As you were 

Sarah Evans: saying that, I got 360, I don't know, 

Lori Williams: yeah, 

Sarah Evans: 360 loop, it's a loop, 

Lori Williams: yep, yep, of codes. [01:05:00] I was seeing these light codes coming in, they were all like the geometry. 

Sarah Evans: And I'm seeing this looping effect and it's almost like, I'm seeing, um, it's almost like, I can't remember the, like a Catherine wheel of a firework and it's like, it's kind of going around and around and glowing in this 360.

Yeah, getting a really intense visual of, of this bright. circular movement. 

Lori Williams: Um, it's right. It's to me, it's feeling like Kundalini energy. It's running like through the body in that circular fashion of, uh, that wheel, like Sarah's talking about. So it's being activated through Kundalini energy or something to that effect.

Kara Goodwin: That's fascinating. I'm not familiar with the cycles per second myself, so that [01:06:00] makes, that, that, that makes sense. That's fascinating. I'm familiar with the, the light quotient, but, um, that's a really interesting way to think about it. I'm going to do one more here just because that one was quick. Um, Anna asked, would love any guidance or info on recent revel, revelation for me going forward, please.


Lori Williams: Wow, I'm getting a little, I'm, go ahead, go 

Sarah Evans: ahead, Sarah. Yeah, I'm getting that there's a major life change, um, like an ending, a severance of, a closing of one chapter and opening of a new chapter. 

Lori Williams: Yeah. 

Sarah Evans: And there's a, there's a lot of, um, sadness and grief and some heavier, um, emotions in this. [01:07:00] Um, but they're urging you forward and saying, When one, one door, one door closes another opens and this is going in the right direction for you.

Lori Williams: Yeah. 

Sarah Evans: Be, be, be careful, be like caring for yourself right now. Be compassionate for self because it's, it's a process and it's a lot to handle right now. 

Lori Williams: Yeah, that, that, that was what I was saying there at the very beginning was the, uh, You know, this is a time to focus on you as it always should be but putting yourself and your needs first But yeah, there does there was an instant kind of like heaviness or sadness that came over but I do see like a almost like a veil lifting like like This just feels like it's being pulled back over the eyes where you can now see clearly.

So this doesn't feel like this is going to hang around for a long [01:08:00] time. I'm getting that, you know, this light at the end of the tunnel. You're seeing that you're, it's, this is kind of a breakthrough moment for you. Um, and they're showing me with the eclipse, there's, there are no, uh, uh, coincidence that this is kind of coming in and now I'm seeing the water with like the eclipse energy with that Pisces water energy.

You let that wash over you and let this, let this. And you're going to be stepping into kind of a new phase, but this has been why this has kind of been going on is what these eclipse energies. Um, kind of shaken things up. So, um, it's, you know, It sounds cliche, but it's for your best good. But you're now beginning to see that like you're putting puzzle pieces together and connecting dots of why this.

Thing dropped out and why you're moving forward. Um, and how you're going to move forward. 

Sarah Evans: Yes, absolutely. I saw all the clips, uh, and Jesus as well, and I got all those. I was like nodding my head furiously. Yeah, it's like a real healing 

Lori Williams: [01:09:00] time for her. Yeah, this is a healing time. And 

Sarah Evans: yeah, they want to acknowledge that it's happening now for a reason.

Yeah. During this eclipse season. And to just be careful and mindful and supportive of self. I'm seeing 

Lori Williams: October with a really big happy face. So I just feel like a big happy face on a calendar of October. So, um, let that lead you into some, uh, some positive energy there. 

Kara Goodwin: That's beautiful. Thank you so much.

So I'm sorry that we couldn't get to every question, everybody, but these were really great questions and I trust that we all got what we needed and, um, Thank you so much. That was just incredible. It was the responses were incredible. And then, um, reading through the responses of like, as you were going and, and people like, um, [01:10:00] There was the, uh, the one with Jeff, the, the Arcturian guide, and it was, yeah, her spouse has digestive cancer.

So you guys were getting the solar plexus digestion, all of that. Um, and you know, you were talking about channeling sessions and Jane saying, yeah, I did my first official channeling session, you know, so there was a lot of verification. So you may, I don't know if you guys have the ability to save the chat.

I mean, I don't know, just scrolling 

Lori Williams: through 

Kara Goodwin: Carrie's saying, I was sitting with my dog and telling him how grateful that was. Cause when the, when the puppy came in, you know, she was just sitting with her dog and being grateful for him. And, um, so 

Lori Williams: yeah, so many, it was so funny. I just, that puppy was like, you're like a little, he almost kind of looked like a little Bassett hound beagle puppy, which is like the cute little face where you just melt.

I'm like, Oh my gosh. Yeah. 

Sarah Evans: That's so 

Lori Williams: amazing. 

Sarah Evans: That was so wonderful. Yeah. It's our first time, um, you [01:11:00] know, doing a channeling live as well. So it's really, it's really lovely to get the instant feedback and clarification, um, from a big group like this. This is cool. 

Kara Goodwin: Yeah. I love that. Wonderful. Well, thank you so much.

Thank you for letting us go a little bit over to, um, but this, I think we're all going to float away now and, and like, let this beautiful Pleiadian vibe just ripple out of us and bless everybody in our lives. Thank you so much. Thank you for the beautiful participants who have joined. You've had great questions, great energy.

Um, and thank you to those who are watching the recording and tell everybody, just remind us as we wrap up here, how can people reach you and remind us of your podcast and the, and how to, if they want to book a session, all that good stuff. 

Sarah Evans: So our podcast is Into the Blue Channeling with Laurie and Sarah, um, we can be [01:12:00] found on YouTube and Spotify and Apple and everywhere where you find podcasts, but our video is much like happening right now on, um, on YouTube.

Um, and we used to do it fortnightly, but we're now we're trying to come out with something every week. Um, so we alternate between, um, the channeling and then the Q and A session week on week, basically is how we've been doing it. I love when you say fortnightly. Oh yes, every two weeks. Every two weeks on fortnightly.

And we have, we have a website, IntoTheBlueChanneling. com, um, and you can connect us at info, IntoTheBlueChanneling. com, um, and the coupon codes are Cara20 or Cara50. Yeah, 

Lori Williams: just when you email us, just say like, I saw you on Cara or Cara, however you want to say it. I love you, Sarah. Um, and we'll, we'll get you a book because we coordinate our schedule.

So we've opened up, uh, slots because we knew [01:13:00] that we were going to be doing this. So we've freed up our schedule, um, to accommodate, um, the demand. So just send us an email at info at, into the blue channeling. com and we'll coordinate the time zones and do all that. My personal website is planetcastleberry.

com. And then Sarah, um, you've got a link tree, right? For your, um, 

Sarah Evans: Yes, um, I can't remember what it is off the top of my head, but I can't remember the three things in there. 

Lori Williams: Just go to Into the Blue Channeling and find us on social as well. Just messages and we'll get back 

Sarah Evans: to you. We'll, we'll do it. We'll make it 

Kara Goodwin: happen.

And you guys can send, you can send me whatever, you know, your, your sites and so forth. I can put them in the notes for those watching the recording and put it in an email when I announce that the recording is all, my wrap up stuff. We'll Yeah. Put that out there too. That's great. 

Sarah Evans:

Kara Goodwin: love that. Thank you so much.

Thank you so much. This has been just so, so beautiful. I appreciate it. Thank you everybody. I hope you have an amazing rest of [01:14:00] your day and hope to see you next time. 

Lori Williams: Awesome. Thank you, Cara. Thanks everyone for being here. 

Kara Goodwin: Thank you. Bye everybody. 

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Lori Williams & Sarah Evans Profile Photo

Lori Williams & Sarah Evans

Reiki Master/Channeler/Author/Tarot Oracle Reader

Lori Williams is a Reiki Master, Intuitive, Channeler, and Author. With a love for the metaphysical and quantum world, she brings her insights and intuition to her clients through her various healing, tarot/oracle card readings, and channeling modalities. She has published two poetry books through her publishing house, Planet Castleberry Press. Her latest ventures have taken her into the world of music and she has recently released 3 songs.

Sarah lives on the edge of the Peak District National Park in Northern England, and is a Yoga and meditation teacher, Reiki practitioner, as well as an Akashic Records Reader, Medium, and Channeler. Fueled by a passion to help others through their own healing journeys, Sarah regularly offers Yoga and Reiki sessions online via Learn it Live as well as subscription offerings on Subkit. Having successfully recovered from two years of Long Covid and Chronic Illness, Sarah hosts the Long Covid Hope Podcast and has also been a featured guest on prominent health and wellness podcasts.

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