EXCITING CHANGES! Meditation Conversation is now SOUL ELEVATION! ✨
March 28, 2024

330. Manifesting Your Dreams: Astrology & Numerology For 2024 - Letao Wang

Discover surprising links between Chinese and Western astrology as acclaimed author and astrologist Letao Wang joins from Hong Kong to reveal the unique perspective he gained from his transition from traditional Chinese upbringing to Western astrology...

Discover surprising links between Chinese and Western astrology as acclaimed author and astrologist Letao Wang joins from Hong Kong to reveal the unique perspective he gained from his transition from traditional Chinese upbringing to Western astrology teachings.

Uncover how mythology and astrology intertwine to deepen our understanding of ourselves. Plus, get ready for a sequel to his Oracle of the Mythic Heroes deck, the Oracle of the Celestial Deities, coming this June. 

In this episode, you will be able to:

  • Gain insights into the unique cultural and symbolic differences between Chinese and Western astrology.

  • Understand the significance of mythology in gaining deeper self-awareness and personal growth through astrology.

  • Explore the benefits of daily oracle card pulls for enhancing intuition and self-reflection in your spiritual journey.

  • Discover the role of oracle decks in enriching and expanding your understanding of astrology.

  • Learn about the transition to a spiritual career and how astrology can play a pivotal role in this path.

Letao Wang is a professional astrologist, tarot specialist, and the founder of the Healing Kingdom. With a strong background in astrology, tarot, and numerology readings, Letao has been offering his services to clients in Hong Kong and abroad since 2015. As an acclaimed author of the Oracle of the Mythical Heroes, Letao's expertise lies in incorporating mythology and storytelling into astrology, providing a unique and holistic approach to understanding both Western and Chinese astrology. With a passion for sharing knowledge, Letao's insights offer a fresh perspective on the differences between Chinese and Western astrology, making him a key guide in delving deeper into the world of astrology.

The key moments in this episode are:
00:00:06 - Introduction and Background of Letao Wang

00:05:27 - Following His Passion

00:08:59 - Mythology in Astrology and Oracle Deck

00:11:46 - Personalizing the Oracle Deck

00:14:56 - The Power of Symbolism in Readings

00:15:08 - Using Mythology for Intuition Development

00:16:29 - Understanding Mythology-Based Cards

00:18:39 - Oracle Cards vs. Tarot Cards

00:20:00 - Astrological New Year and Numerological Significance

00:27:24 - Year of the Dragon in Chinese Astrology

00:28:38 - The Symbolism of the Dragon in Chinese Culture

00:29:29 - Chinese Astrology and Birth Trends

00:31:09 - Chinese Astrology vs. Western Astrology

00:33:28 - Holistic Self-Understanding through Different Tools

00:37:29 - New Oracle Deck Announcement

The resources mentioned in this episode are:

  • To check out Moonbird, the personal breathing coach mentioned in the podcast, visit the website provided in the show notes and use the code KaraGoodwin for a 5% discount on your order. https://www.moonbird.life/?ref=YK7HtQbn9CIJEq&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_source=goaffpro

  • To explore Letao Wang's work and book a private session with him, visit his website at www.thehealingkingdom.com or connect with him on his official Instagram account @letaowang.

  • Look out for Letao Wang's upcoming Oracle Deck, Oracle of the Celestial Deities, set to be released in June by Beyond Words Publishing. Keep an eye out for this sequel to the Oracle of the Mythic Heroes https://amzn.to/3x3M8hD .

  • Share this episode with someone who you think will benefit from it. Let them know you're thinking about them by sharing this episode with them right now.

  • Stay tuned for the next meditation conversation and continue to engage with the podcast for more insightful discussions.

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Kara Goodwin: [00:00:00] Welcome to the Meditation Conversation, the podcast to support your spiritual revolution. I'm your host, Kara Goodwin, and I'm so excited for you to hear this episode with Litao Wang. He gives such great info about astrology, using Oracle Dex, the role of mythology and deepening our understanding of ourselves, and so much more pertinent information for those on their spiritual paths.

Litao Wang, acclaimed author of the Oracle of the Mythical Heroes, is a professional astrologist, tarot specialist, and the founder and spiritual counselor of the Healing Kingdom. He's been offering astrology, tarot, and numerology readings to clients in Hong Kong and abroad since 2015. In addition to his services, he's a regular contributor on Bustle.

com's astrology column.

So get ready to deepen your understanding of astrology from both a [00:01:00] Western and Chinese standpoint. We're going to get right into it, but first, if stress, sleep issues, or anxiety are holding you back, I highly recommend checking out Moonbird, your personal breathing coach. This intelligent little companion easily guides you through rejuvenating and centering breathing exercises to relax you.

Moonbird turns meditation from abstract to accessible, making calm breaths a seamless part of your daily routine. If you're looking for improved sleep quality, longer sleep duration, improved daytime function, and feeling better rested upon waking, then Moonbird is your ally in the pursuit of serenity.

Use the link in my show notes and the code Kara Goodwin for 5 percent off your order. And now enjoy this episode.

So welcome Laal. I'm so excited to have you here today.

Letao Wang: Thank you very much for having me.

Kara Goodwin: So let's start by talking about how you found your way to learning astrology and becoming a [00:02:00] spiritual counselor and ultimately creating your Oracle deck.

Letao Wang: Hmm. Well this is a really a long story actually, because I didn't know anything about spirituality and, you know, the mystical side of our lives, until I was 23, 24. 'cause I was raised in a very. traditional Chinese family and my education had nothing to do with, Western mythology or astrology, right?

Or I, you know, studied was math.

Math and Chinese literature. I. Yeah. And, I think my first encountering with, mythology and astrology was, when I moved to,Sydney, Australia when I was 20, I think I was 23. Yeah. to pursue my, my first master degree, in, translation and interpretation and, in Sydney.

I, just by, I would say pure luck, I encountered, my first astrology teacher. I. And, that's how, this door just opened for me. And, I studied astrology, with him. and he was a [00:03:00] very different kind of, astrology teacher. because normally speaking, when we study astrology, we go straight into, let's say the planets, the house systems, right, the definition of the stars, et cetera, et cetera.

But my astrology teacher, started by telling. mythological stories, as we all know, right, the, the name of the planets, they all derive from the ancient Roman mythology. let's say tribute the planet, is related to, the ancient, god, well, in Greek mythology, his name is Zeus, in Roman mythology distributor, right?

So there's a very, close relationship between, between them. And so my teacher would be. Telling me stories about, those gods and goddesses and heroes and hearings, and then he'll ask me a question saying, so what do you think this planet means to you? I. So now I've told you everything about Jupyter, so you tell me what this planet means.

And I really enjoyed that process because, I love stories and, I've [00:04:00] always been fascinated by the intricate, relationships and, the storylines right? In mythology, not just, limited to Greek and Roman mythology, butin general and that. Really helped me study astrology, from a complete different perspective compared to perhaps a lot of other, astrologers.

And, that's how I started, as a student of mythology in astrology. But I. I, of course at that time, I was, a student and I was still having this dream, about becoming an interpreter one day. 'cause that's what I studied. and that took me many, many years to figure out what I really wanted to do.

And of course, I had to go through, the. The, the past that everyone else did. you put in, you put on a suit, you go to the bank and you work. And because you need to earn a salary because you need to do the, so-called the right thing, right? when, when the parent has, especially, coming from a Chinese family, you have to do the right thing to fulfill your, let's say you're, you're [00:05:00] video piety and, but.

The real transition that I had was, around the time when I, was experiencing my first Saturn return, which was around the age of 28, 28, 29. Yeah. And that's when I realized that I. This is not me, this working in a bank in a nine to six job and to pay my rent and so that my parents can tell people what my son is doing.

This is not who I am. And that's when I actually, actually had the transition when I decided that I need to. change and I need to be, really be who I am. Yeah. And until now it's been, so it's been, so this year I'm turning 40, so it's been 10, 10, 11 years. Yeah.

Kara Goodwin: Mm,

wow. That's so important that we, we heed that call. And so, I mean, it's such a classic story, right? For so many of us who


Letao Wang: Yeah.

Kara Goodwin: now have our spiritual life at the forefront of our lives. [00:06:00] But,

 it takes

courage to take that step to be like, no, I need to be aligned. To who I really am.

And not

just, but we know that, we can disappoint people along the way. And

Letao Wang: Yeah.

Kara Goodwin: really like, that's really convincing to keep us

stuck, you know?

Letao Wang: Yeah. I, I think, in my case, right, what was difficult was not about me, studying or, learning, astrology or mythologist. One thing I remember my parents said was, we're not against you, liking this, but you can do that as a hobby. Right. You wanna take classes, you wanna go to those workshops that do that, right?

But you don't have to do this as a career. Like you have a job. you need to live a life, you need to have regular income. Like you can learn that as a hobby. We don't, we are not against it. But they, so they couldn't understand why wanted to pursue this as a career. And that was the biggest struggle actually.

and, so my mission was to be loyal to what I really wanted to do, to do, but. At the same [00:07:00] time, I have to also give them the, the, the reassurance or guarantee that I can make this work, that I can be a professional, and combine what I really love to do with my profession. Yeah. So that was, that took, quite a few years for me to convince them.


Kara Goodwin: Yes. I understand. Yeah.

Letao Wang: Yeah.

Kara Goodwin: so talk about your, the astrology that you practice do you still carry that forward in terms of the, the heroes and the heroines and the. Kind of archetypes and things like that.

Letao Wang: Yeah, absolutely. So for example, in my daily practice, right, when I see a, a client, let's say one-to-one consultation, I talk about mythology a lot with my clients and and of course, there are ways we use astrology, right? Let's say in the traditional way, we can do the chart analysis, we can look at the aspect between.

 the sun, the moon, our personal planet, we can look at the [00:08:00] house, allocation, things like that. Right? but what I really, my, my in, where my intuition comes, comes from is the, the relationships between all the gods and goddess and heroes and hearings in front of me on the cars.

So, you know, a hundred percent, yeah. So we, we are not really, yep. So we are not really looking at. A single card. Let's say this card says this, right? Okay, so this card says this, this means this. But when you have got 10, 12, right? 15 cards, in the spread, laid on the table. I think for terror, reading, it's a thing, right?

For a very advanced terror readers, they're not just reading the individual cards, right? They're really reading the correlations and relationships between all these cards together and what your intuition's telling you. And I think that's. What, that's why learning mythology is important. Yeah. In in developing our, our intuition.

Kara Goodwin: Right. So because you have created an Oracle deck that uses mythology, tell us,

tell us a little bit about that. That's what you're [00:09:00] talking about as the, the tool that you're

using. Yeah.

Letao Wang: Yeah. So, there are of course, a few decks on the market already, that are made by, amazing astrologers and mythologist, and they are based on, Roman and Greek mythology. Some of them are based on Nordic mythology or Egyptian mythology. and I've learned a lot from, from those decks.

And so, authors, but one thing that I notice about, those existing deaths is that they are very much focused on. the,the immortals, so the, the deities, the gods, right? And there are almost none, out there, talking about the heroes.even if there are heroes, the mortal stories, it's very, very limited To me, the fascinating part about Greek mythology is not just about the gods, but it's about the mortals.

Because we are mortals and, the mortals heroes and hearing their stories are actually our stories. And I think we can most re we can relate ourselves to, to their stories most, because we [00:10:00] are not invincible, we. It's just like what I wrote in the book, right? in the guidebook I said, the heroes, they, they win and they lose.

and they, go through struggles, ups and downs, peak and peaks and troughs, and at the end, they will, get up and they will rise, rise up again. With the cosmic wheel of fortune, and I think that's what our life is. But goals, they will never die. They'll always be there.

They will always have control over, the things they want to control. But as human, we don't. And that's why I'm fascinated by the hero stories and that's where the that idea came from basically. And when I was creating this stack, I really want. Each, let's say a hero or each character that I, selected, I really want them to, to be very personal to us.

so I, what I really want my, my audience to gain from this stack is whenever they. Pick up this deck and they pull a cart from that and they can resonate with that experience. And this is also the reason why in the teaching [00:11:00] part, in the guidebook, I would have a case study there to help the clients to relate to, to the experience, right?

So the mythology part is a storytelling. And then in the teaching part, I'll talk about an actual client that I saw. And their, story, how their story is relatable to, the mythology and to, our audience. And I think that's what makes this deck special. And we don't see a lot of decks written in that way.

And I think it's also because I am a counselor and so I can, use that experience so I can put that experience, combine that with a mythological story, rendition and retail. Yeah. And that's what I find is interesting and that's what I really want my audience,to read and to enjoy.

Kara Goodwin: Well, it's a great point, and I, I love that with the deck too, how you've got the, you've got the mythology, you've got the story, and then you have the

client case study. Do you, are there any of those that jump out at you now that [00:12:00] you can share as an example? 

Letao Wang: well, there's so many to be honest. Right. Well, one of the things that I actually remember was, there was a card,route by, I think it was the, second deck of Pisces, maybe in the, in my,deck, right? And the c keyword is called sacrifice. And, the heroes that I, I wrote about was petrolos.

And on the card you can see Achilles holding him. because he sacrificed his life for the Greek army. and Akili was in tears, holding his dead body there. And, I remembered when a, a client came to me, he actually, his story, his life story had nothing to do with Petrolos. He was working in a very boring bank job, just like what I did.

No offense to bank people, but 

Kara Goodwin: Yeah, 

Letao Wang: that's just not for me, not 

Kara Goodwin: it's a recurring theme. 

Letao Wang: Yeah. And so he said he really wanted, he likes fitness and he said he really wanted to open his own gym and that's his passion. And he's also very talented in, in the sports and [00:13:00] things like that. Right. And, but it's a huge risk of course.

And also the one thing about Hong Kong is Hong Kong actually has a lot of gyms.we are filled with, gyms and, and the rent is just, incredibly high. It's astronomical. actually, I think Hong Kong is one of the most expensive cities in the world in terms of property price. So to open the gym the most, the biggest cost is the, the rent.

 you have to, take the space, right? And that's, a lot of money. Let's say, if you're taking, let's say, 1000 square feet space in Hong Kong, you are really talking about, Really like at more than seven to seven to 8,000 US dollars a month.

And that's a, that's a and that's a lot of money.

Yeah. other things can be cheap, but the rent is very, very high. It can really kill a business. Right. And this people just know this in Hong Kong and so he, he thought it was a, a big risk, for him to do that because. He didn't have an investor. It was all his own money, right? So working in the investment bank, he made a lot of money, but he really wanted to [00:14:00] invest that money in.

So he was asking me whether it was worth it for him to really make this step. And he pulled out this card and I looked at this petrolos and I said to him, I said, what's, what's the name of your gym? And he said, it's called Achilles Fitness.

Kara Goodwin: Oh my

Letao Wang: And I said, well, I said, well. This is it. I said, you know, Petros is is calling you.

Your gym is literally called Achilles, and now the card you're pulling out is Petrolos willing to s sacrifice his life, for the Greek army. So I said, I think the card is really telling you that sometime you do need to make small sacrifices in order for you to fulfill, a more important dream that you have.

And of course we put out other cards, right? We are looking at the details about his finance and, and other, forces that could either help him or against him. But the, the main theme was that card. And that really, made an impression. 'cause it was just, sometimes reading can be just that, interesting.

 It was so [00:15:00] relatable.

Kara Goodwin: Yeah, I

mean that's very,

it's literal, right? It's

like you've even

Letao Wang: Hundred percent. Yeah.

Kara Goodwin: the symbology. so how can people use these cards to develop their own intuition?

Letao Wang: So I think for people who actually love mythology and who have read a lot of, mythology stories, I really encourage them to start from, understanding the story. Yeah. At a deeper level. Maybe they have heard of the story when, when they were younger, when they were teenager or a child.

but now when they hold this guidebook, I really want them to. to read my rendition again and to see if they can find a deeper understanding and, they can ask themselves sometimes, what does the story tell me about myself before they even go to the teaching section? Because I really feel that, sometimes we don't really need to bind ourselves to the guidebook.

personally, I'm sure you too, right? we all own a lot of, bags, right? Oracle cars, tarot cars, and, but I think the most important thing is we need to. Develop our own understanding [00:16:00] of the cars. So this is the first thing that I think we can all try to do, because at the end of the day, this is a deck that is based on mythological stories.

So without reading the mythological story, it might not make much sense to us when we just look at the image. So it's a little bit different from the traditional tarot deck, right? you don't need to read much, about the interpretation. You just look at the cars and maybe you, you'll know what it means.

Let's say. Six of Pentacles, literally you can see on the card, is a rich man giving golden coins to poor people. So even if you don't know the story behind it, and you would assume this card means share, share your wealth or receiving, financial help, et cetera, et cetera. But I think with a, a mythology based card, we do need to understand the God and goddesses and the hero stories and their journeys, in order for us to, to understand this deck better.

and the easiest practice we can do is a daily cardpool. And this is the easiest thing that we can do. And I think we can just do that every morning.we just pull out one card. You can have a question, but you don't have to, [00:17:00] just simply ask the cards, what, what do I need to know about my day? And, you will pull a card and you will read the, the teaching.

read the, the myth. And just bear that in mind and just go with your day. And usually that will, that message will hit, hit you at some point, along the day, and you're gonna realize, oh, okay. So that's what the card is saying. Yeah. And I find this very, very useful for me as well. Yeah.

Kara Goodwin: I love that.

Yeah. Beautiful.

Letao Wang: ever do that actually?

Do you ever pull a card in the 

Kara Goodwin: I don't, so I have your deck and I have

used the deck and, and I was really impressed with it, to be honest. but I'm not

in the habit of using Oracle cards or tarot cards, but I do really, I, this is really resonating with me. So I, in fact, I'm like, Ooh, when I'm finished with this, I wanna go pull a card.

Letao Wang: Yeah. Yeah. And, and also to be honest, especially for, beginners, yeah. For people who are not, you know, very savvy in card rating yet, I [00:18:00] really recommend them using Oracle, cards rather than tarot. And the reason is because tarot is actually a more complicated system and, some images can be a little bit daunting to beginners.

Like, for example, everyone knows about this right in the Terra deck. there are some cars. That can be a little bit scary. Let's say, you know, the devil writes a death card and things like that, even though we all know they don't really mean an actual devil or actual death. but people can get scared.

I literally have got clients making a booking with me. And I wanna ask them, what's, what's going on? what's your question? And they will say, oh, I was just pulling cards at home and I keep pulling the death card. I'm scared, so I just wanna know what's going on. So sometimes, for people who are not professional readers, they can be scared.

They can, get confused by, the, the tariff that they pull. However, Oracle cars, I feel they're much milder. In that way, and especially if you have a very well written guidebook, and this is something that I really recommend to our, our, audience, is [00:19:00] when you buy an Oracle deck, and of course I understand that people tend to be attracted to the artwork alone, right?

For example, the art is beautiful, but really, you have to check whether the guidebook is well written or not. If the book is very like, two, two pages, like a piece of paper, you are not gonna get much out of the interpretation. And sometimes, especially for people who are not very professional in reading the cards, they might get confused.

And so, always go to the guidebook and then use your own intuition to, to, to, based on the existing, definition provided by the, the author. And then use your own intuition to, to help you understand the meaning.

Kara Goodwin: Hmm.


I love that. So if we move back to astrology, I'm curious what you're picking up on for 2024 because as we,

as we're recording this, it's the beginning of March. It'll be a little while before this one comes out, but, But I hear it's a very powerful year, so I'd love to know,

Letao Wang: Yeah. [00:20:00] Yeah. So, the actual astrological year hasn't started yet. As of, you know, since we're speaking now,

 the actual. So the actual astrological year really starts on, March the 20th every year, and that's when the sun, the sun moves into Aries, zero degrees in Aries, and that's in astrology when we call a new astrological year.

Yeah, usually astrologically speaking, genuine at first doesn't really, mean much to be honest. I think Numerologically it does because that's when the year number changes. Yeah. But astrologically speaking, it doesn't really carry a lot of significance. In this,spec. Right?

so usually, we're talking about Newman. Newman is the beginning stage of the, the, the next 30 days or 29 days, cycle. Right? And we have that once every month. But if you're talking about the new year starting, starting date, that's really March the 20th. And that's actually the, the, also, we call that the start of the spring.

The beginning of the springtime. And so usually the astrological year starts from, March [00:21:00] the 20th until the following year, March the 19th.

Kara Goodwin: Oh, okay.

Letao Wang: And. Hmm. And so just in case, yeah. If, you have been feeling, our audience, any of you guys who are listening to, this podcast, if you have been feeling that things are a little bit slow, it's just gets a little bit, stuck and you haven't been feeling this really refreshed and forward momentum, energy, don't worry about that.

You still have March the 20th, until, well, we still have another, you know, maybe two weeks. Yeah. Something like that. and then, make your, new New Year resolution. And, write down your wishes. Do your new year journal, whatever that is to set your intentions. So this is the first thing that I want to say.

Yeah. and the second thing is, this has been talked about so many by so many people and so many times. we always look at the en numerological vibration of year 2024, and that's the. Number eight, which is the symbol of power, structure, and momentum and also control, prosperity. All these,keywords [00:22:00] are related to the number eight because, number eight is really the practical essence of life.

in numerology. if even if we, you lay the number a sideways, right? You, what you get is an affinity mark. And that's, again, it's showing the limitless,quality or the essence right of this number? the most important thing I think about number eight is about karma, because eight is associated with karma and numerology.

this infinity art mark is also about karma because when you look at this infinity, right, it goes back and forth like this. So it's a symbol of what what goes around, comes around. Right. So usually, 80 is also related to the planet. Saturn in astrology and Saturn was the ancient Roman god of agriculture.

So again, what comes around goes around. As a farmer, you have to work hard to grow your crops and then you wait. For a long time until the next year. Then you have the fruit or you have the harvest, and so this number eight is all about that you have to work hard, you have to do your job, and you have to have the [00:23:00] patience, and you have to wait for the timing, the right timing.

Then you get the, the, so-called harvest or, yeah, the fruit, whatever that we're waiting, waiting for, right. And so I think this year is all about that. if, you have, any, let's say, plans and you want to manifest this year, especially if it's about something fin related to your finance, related to, some type of success, materialistic success, let's say that you want to, you want to build this year, just don't hesitate to put the pedal to the metal.


Kara Goodwin: Mm, well, I love all that. And so all of those sorts of energies will be valid even through. Next spring, Equinox.

Letao Wang: well, I would say neurologically speaking, it actually ends on December the 31st. But usually, I would say every year from January the first until the spring equinox, which is, March the 20th, there is sort of like a transitional period of time.

Kara Goodwin: interesting.

Letao Wang: Right. So it's almost like we [00:24:00] haven't completely left the previous year's vibration, but we haven't really entered the New Year vibration either.

So there's a lot of adjustments, that are needed during the first two months of the year.

Even if you look at from, from Chinese astrological perspective, the Chinese, first of all, Chinese New Year does not start usually until February. It doesn't start on January the first. Secondly, when we talk about the changing signs in Chinese astrology, let's say some people say, this is year of, like for example, this year is a year of dragon.

Next year is a year of snake. Now, Chinese astrology will tell you that actually the changing signs is every year on February the, the fourth. and because in based on Chinese calendar, that's the start of beginning of the springtime.

So it's very complicated, right, when you look at different systems.

but either way you realize that there is some kind of buffer time between January and February.

There's some kind of like traditional period of time. Yeah. So people tend to get a little bit like feeding things are [00:25:00] unsettled. little bit like, we just had our new year, celebration, and somehow, February I feel like shit, that kind of stuff, right?

We, we hear that a lot, right. And so, why am I starting this year, with this like bad energy, whatever. And I usually tell them that, wait until you continue with your effort. Right. Continue with what you're doing, but wait until March. Wait until the actual spring equinox and 'cause that's going to be a very cleansing time.


Kara Goodwin: Well, I'm, I'm

curious, you brought up the Chinese New Year and the, this being the year of the Dragon, and I don't, I don't think that's really like what you focus on, right, is you don't really focus on

the China. Chinese astrology, but, but I would love to hear what you, understand as far as the dragon, the importance in of the

dragon for 2024.

Letao Wang: yeah, yeah. So, at the very beginning of my career, right, I was trained by Western astrologers and Western mythologist. so I never really studied much about Chinese astrology, but this is my root.

So the more, [00:26:00] towards the recent years I started to, to pay attention to Chinese astrology a lot.

'cause it seems like there's a very, very, interesting but also complicated system. And then when you really get into that, you realize that it's far beyond the, so-called, I'm a ox, you are a rat, he's a dragon, she's a rooster. 

Kara Goodwin: a Horse,


Letao Wang: No, you're a horse. Woo-hoo.

Kara Goodwin: horse. Yeah.

Letao Wang: Yeah.

So actually, the Chinese, fortune telling system com, you know, has a lot of things like feng shui, right? Feng shui is a very big, topic. It's about, the environment where you put stuff right in your room, how you decorate your office, things like that. It's about the energy.

There's also, the, the birthday, what, what, what do we call that in English? Actually, I'm not really sure. Eing that something related to eing, right? That, you know, you look at someone's person. So it's a little bit like western and astrology, NATO chart analysis, but it's more complicated than that actually.

and so. So, yeah, so during the past, I would say two to three years, I've, I've been studying a lot about Chinese astrology and it's [00:27:00] fascinating to see the correlations between the Chinese and the Western system. 'cause at the end of the day, they're all talking about the same thing if you read carefully.

Yeah. And so for this year, the year of dragon, now, one of the interesting about this year is that among all the 12 Chinese zodiac signs, dragon is the only animal that does not actually exist in our physical world. All the other 11 animals, you can find them in the zoo.

Kara Goodwin: Oh, interesting. I never thought about that.

Letao Wang: Mm. But not the dragon. Right. Of course. some people say, oh, what do you mean there's no dragon? There is dragon. Well, okay. But you know what I mean. Right. It's, it's, you don't really see the see dragon anyway. Yeah. So, and also, there's a huge difference between the Western interpretation and the Chinese interpretation of a dragon.

I think for Westerners. Yeah. So for Westerners Dragon in stories, they're usually, they're, they're the evil ones, you know what I mean? Because heroes, they need to slay the dragon, right? Dragons in Western culture, they speed fire, right? They will, they will eat human flesh, right? the [00:28:00] kind of stories, very, very common, right?

Even in video games, right? You play the, the main charact the hero. What, what are you trying to do? You're trying to kill the dragon, save the princess, and however. In Chinese, culture, dragon is very noble. in the ancient days, people used to believe that our emperors were the incarnation of dragons and people were not allowed to wear anything that has dragon pattern on their clothes because that's the thing a emperor can can wear.

A, as a common folk, you can't wear anything with dragon pattern on your clothes in the ancient days. Yeah. Let's say maybe 500 years ago. Right. That dragon means a emperor. An emperor means a dragon. And so that's just what it is. Right? And so we also call the emperor to be right. The, the emperor's, sun, let's say the prince, we call them, dragon sun.

That's literally in Chinese that we call them. Yeah.

So, dragon carries this such this. I wouldn't say it's aristocratic, but it's very noble. It's very respectable, right? It's very,it's just [00:29:00] very,regal, right energy that this animal carries. And usually people would say, people who are born in the year of Dragon, they tend to carry those qualities.

For example, they tend to think people who are drag born in the year of dragon are charismatic. They are, they tend to,let's say be supported more. they tend to wing the public support, because their, their personality, because they, they tend to have a lot of success and that is the reason why, even though, you know, there is a sense of superstition, in it, right.

Chinese people tend to want to give birth to babies during the dragon year. So that's why, you know, hospitals are usually busy during that year.

Yeah. There's also, a sign that is not preferred actually. So you will realize when it comes to that year, hospitals are empty, especially for, obstetricians, gynecologists 'cause Yes, but let's not talk about that side.

'cause people get nervous. Oh my god. I'm that side, 

Kara Goodwin: I know. I'm like, is it the horse? You'll have to tell me

when we're done. Oh good. Phew.

Letao Wang: Yeah, it [00:30:00] is not. 

Kara Goodwin: Well, it


 me think, I would love to talk to a teacher who's been teaching for like maybe a kindergarten teacher or something who,

who's been teaching for like 30 years and has seen.

Cycles of these

different years come through because you know

somebody who's seeing like, because we are classmates, right? Like we

are all more or less either our. Our, Chinese symbol or the one before

or after. So you,

you're, in your early years, you have a lot of exposure to other people who have that same, who hold that same animal in their

Letao Wang: Absolutely. 

Kara Goodwin: Yeah.

So it'd be fascinating to be like, yeah. Every, is it 10 years? They're 10 animals. Is that right? Or is it

Letao Wang: 12. Yeah. 12.

Kara Goodwin: So it'd be interesting if

like, they'd seen like two or three cycles where it's like, oh, this

class reminds me of 12 years ago. Or, something like that.

Letao Wang: Yeah. Actually, what the, the Chinese system, right? It's not just about, let's say [00:31:00] you are a horse, right? Because everyone actually carries for animal signs

Kara Goodwin: Oh four.

Letao Wang: as a draw four. Yeah. It just like, you know, in. Yeah, just like in, in western astrology, right? When people say, okay, so I'm an Aries, right?

And then people say, okay, so you're an Aries. that's it, right? But it's more complicated than that. Your sun signs in Aries, but what about your moon sign? What about your, your, your na your natal Mercury? Where, what about your natal venous sign? What about your ascendant sign, right? And all that?

So in Chinese astrology, it's the same and it's called the four Pillars of Life, right? So we have the pillar of year. Which is the sign that we always talk about. You are a horse. So your, your, your pillar of the year sign is, is a horse. But there are also, there's also the pillar of month, pillar of day and pillar of time.

So you, you everyone carries four signs. Yeah,

Kara Goodwin: Oh,

interesting. Okay. I'm gonna, I'm gonna

Letao Wang: yeah, yeah,

Kara Goodwin: I'm done, figure more

Letao Wang: yeah,

yeah. Def

Kara Goodwin: my Chinese signs. Yeah. That's fascinating.

Letao Wang: Yeah. So this is [00:32:00] about, and then you have four assign, you can interpret them all, separately because all the four pillars representing different things in your life. But more interestingly, it's about the relationship between these four animals.

Are they friends, are they enemies? Which two are friends, which two are enemies? Or which three are friends? And the other one doesn't, doesn't like the other three. Right. And how does that affect your personality? So Chinese astrology is also very interesting. Yeah. In that, in that sense. Yeah.

Yeah, it's the more that I find out about things because like, astrology, I have a real respect for astrology and I'm very curious about it. And I, there's so much I don't know about it because I haven't studied it. Mm.

Kara Goodwin: When I get a reading or I go and I look closer at my chart because somebody says things like, what you just told me about the four signs, you know?

And then I'm like, I

Letao Wang: Mm mm.

Kara Goodwin: but

then I, I see like, I, I dig into it and I'm like, oh my God, that's me. And it's, it's so me it that, it's

like undeniable 'cause I, I.

Letao Wang: mm.

Kara Goodwin: I have a pretty good ability to step [00:33:00] back and be like, well, how general is this? Does, would it like affect a

lot of people? But the more specific you get where you were talking about, you drill down into what's your rising sign, what's your descending, there are

so many different facets that you can really drill into and it's

so specific and, And it's so reflective, like all of these different tools that we have.

So numerology, you kind of mentioned the start of the, the Gregorian calendar. That's like when we get to one, one numerologically, that's important, but it's not so important from an

astrological perspective. So if you look at things

from a numer numerology perspective, it's, it's like the, the reflections, because I've had.

Letao Wang: Mm

Kara Goodwin: numerology sessions that really are mirrors or reflections

of my astrology readings. And then the same with, you know, there are other kinds of tools like that, that we have that, 

take your like, gene keys or human

design or whatever, [00:34:00] where

all these different ways that we, that we have to understand ourselves.

More holistically and deeper and how they're different, but they, they really can, can show us things that we don't see, but we can, 

 we don't maybe wanna see, or that we haven't really

considered about ourselves. And it's

Letao Wang: mm mm.

Kara Goodwin: It's, it's fascinating.

Letao Wang: Yeah. Yeah. And I think, different people react to different systems, differently, right? So some people, they might, they might feel, astrology, Western astrology is very, they have an, a natural affinity right? To, to western astrology. Some people they think Chinese astrology.

Is, works better for them. Right. So I think we should just all be very open-minded towards, all the kind of studies, because I believe that all these studies have a long history, right. They have been researched and studied by a lot of,people and astrologers and, and, and authors. And, the [00:35:00] most important thing is we find the one that really works for us and we just, we can just stick to that

and usually that will be good.


Kara Goodwin: Yeah, well you work one-on-one with clients. So not only have you created this Oracle deck that people can use, daily like you were talking about, but you do private sessions. So can you talk about how people work with you and how they can find out how to connect with you?

Letao Wang: Right. So, usually people find me, let, let's say, I would say maybe 60 to 70% of my clients are, are local in Hong Kong. so they will come to the studio with me, to do the session with me. Pretty much, I would say in Hong Kong it's very easy to find, to find me. They just need to over for overseas clients as well.

a lot of them are repeat clients actually. So they have been working with me for a long time. some of them they have graduated and I congratulate, them. they have done, many sessions with me and, their, they feel their life has improved a lot and so that's good.

Right. And then. [00:36:00] I feel that, okay, then I can let you go. Right. You are living an amazing life now and you have able, you have been able to let go of whatever that has been, let's say traumatizing them or, not working very well for them. and also these days also get a lot of, tourists actually.

So, you know, Hong Kong is a very transitional city, right? it's kind of like, you know, connecting, connecting Australia, New Zealand with the Middle East and also with Europe. So, for example, a lot of Australians, if they need to fly to Europe, usually they transit in Hong Kong. 

so sometimes I get a phone call, I. from a foreign number and just I'm in Hong Kong just for two days. I'm, in transit, but can I have a session with you? I just found you online and stuff like that. So sometimes people come to me, not to do the long-term work, but they just want to get a very quick prediction and they might have some urgent questions in mind and yeah.

And so that's what I do. Yeah.

Kara Goodwin: Oh, wonderful. So do you have a

website we can direct people to if they wanna find out more?

Letao Wang: absolutely. So either they can, find my information through [00:37:00] my website, which is www.thehealingkingdom.com. or they can find me, through my, official Instagram account. and my Instagram is just my name, L-E-T-A-O-W-A-N-G. Let yeah.

Kara Goodwin: Wonderful. Well, thank you so much. I've loved this discussion. I really appreciate you, taking time and especially as it's so late at night there in Hong Kong. I'm, I'm really, it's a blessing to be connecting with you. Thank you so much.

Letao Wang: Well, thank you so much. Yeah. I mean, I'm, I'm really enjoying this conversation. Yeah. And I actually have another, Oracle deck,coming out this June.

And it's, which is by the same publisher, beyond where's publishing. And the, and that new Oracle deck is, a sequel to this one, to Oracle of the Mythic Heroes.

And the new one is called Oracle of the Celestial Deities. So the one that you are having now is talking about the, the mortal stories and the, the sequel is for the Ga and goddesses.

And, I'll make sure that, I'll make sure [00:38:00] that my publisher sends you a copy.

Kara Goodwin: yes. And you can come back on and we can talk about that one.

Letao Wang: Absolutely would love 

Kara Goodwin: That'd be great.

Thank you so


Letao Wang: Thank you, Kara. Yeah. Have a wonderful night. Yeah. Or unfor day to 

Kara Goodwin: Yes. 

Letao Wang: 

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Letao Wang

Professional Astrologist and Spiritual Counselor

Letao Wang, acclaimed author of Oracle of the Mythic Heroes, is a professional astrologist, tarot specialist, and the founder and spiritual counselor of the Healing Kingdom. He has been offering astrology, tarot, and numerology readings to clients in Hong Kong and abroad since 2015. In addition to his services, he shares his insights through Bustle.com's astrology column, where he is a regular contributor.

An excellent marketer and sensitive intuitive, Wang was named the Best Astrologer and Tarot Specialist in 2021 by Hong Kong Most Outstanding Business Award and Spiritual Guide of the Year in 2020 by Hong Kong’s Liv Magazine, and was given the Hong Kong Influencers Award in 2019 and 2020 by Hong Kong Living Magazine. Wang is also a member of the Hong Kong Society of Counseling and Psychology as well as a member of the Australian Counseling Association. His own education includes a master’s in counseling, a master’s in translating and interpreting Chinese and English, an advanced diploma in applied astrology, and a bachelor’s in English.