In this captivating episode, immerse yourself in the fascinating world of ghost rescue mediumship and past life regression with guest Katische Haberfield. A medium, author, and hypnotherapist, Katische shares her journey of channeling...
In this captivating episode, immerse yourself in the fascinating world of ghost rescue mediumship and past life regression with guest Katische Haberfield.
A medium, author, and hypnotherapist, Katische shares her journey of channeling Archangels, particularly Zadkiel, and working with ghosts to help disembodied souls find peace. From her unexpected spiritual awakening to living across from a hospital that brought her closer to spirits, Katische opens up about her unique experiences and insights.
She also dives into the importance of facing fears and healing as part of one's spiritual path, and how her background in both past lives and extraterrestrial incarnations informs her current work. We explore those important shadow aspects all humans have that are hard to face, and the importance of not being afraid of them so we can come more deeply into wholeness.
Tune in for an enriching exploration of spirituality, dark and light energies, and the wisdom of Archangels.
And don't forget to check out my new book coming in the spring, Your Authentic Awakening, for more spiritual guidance!
Katische will be a featured guest on my next summit: Reaching Through the Veil. Register free:
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261. Talk to Your Angels - Seph Dietlin
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00:00 Welcome to Soul Elevation
00:38 Introducing Katish Haberfield
01:00 Book Announcement
01:46 Katish's Journey to Mediumship
03:13 Experiences with Ghosts
06:44 Ghost Rescue Mediumship Explained
06:59 Past Life Connections
12:42 Confronting Fear
22:11 Spiritual Growth and Karma
24:44 Archangels Zadkiel and Michael
25:50 Angelic Representations and Personalities
26:13 Archangel Michael: The Golden Boy
26:39 Zadkiel's PR Campaign
27:10 Roman Times and Angelic Guidance
28:20 Signs and Messages from Michael
30:39 Learning to Work with Zadkiel
32:48 Gene Keys and Spiritual Connections
36:57 Identifying Real vs. Fake Spirit Guides
40:13 Channeling Zadkiel and Animal Connections
42:28 Embracing Darkness for Healing
46:53 Final Thoughts and Contact Information
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Welcome to soul elevation, where you can guide your ascension to new heights. I'm your host Cara Goodwin, and I'm so excited that you're tuning into this episode because we could all use an infusion of Katish Haberfield into our day. Prepare to be captivated as we dive into ghost rescue mediumship, revisit past lives.
And learn about the archangels. She works with,
there's a really important common thread throughout this discussion of working with dark energies, and I think it's important for all of us on the spiritual path. Katish Haberfield channels, archangels Zadkiel And is a medium author, poet, past life regression therapist, and student of understanding the soul.
She developed the happiest moments of my soul sessions after discussion with Archangel Zadkiel, who instructed her that finding small moments of happiness was imperative for human beings at this time in [00:01:00] our development.
So we'll dive into this episode in just a moment, but first, I'm so excited to share about my book, Your Authentic Awakening, a guide to everyday spiritual living. which will be available this spring. This book is designed to help you reach new heights of spiritual awakening. And it's full of spiritual guidance, practical tools, and captivating personal stories, all working together to expand your consciousness and open your heart, find out more on Kara Goodwin.
com and now enjoy this episode.
Kara Goodwin: Welcome Kateesh. I'm so excited to talk to you today. Thanks for coming
Well, I can't wait to hear all your connections with the angels and how you've gotten on your journey. Let's start with how you came to be a channel and a medium.
Katische Haberfield: Sure, so the channeling component has only been in the last year or so and that has really dovetailed out of my work with the [00:02:00] angels in past life regression therapy. The mediumship has been simmering in the background for Since I was a little child really, but I wasn't very open to it at all and I had a lot of obstacles to overcome to understand how to work with ghosts in particular first and being a ghost rescue medium before I was able to actually open up to the traditional sense of mediumship and as soon as I was able to cope with Being able to communicate with ghosts and then a lot of negative entities and different types of things that obstruct souls, then I was able to hear the positive messages as well as the cries for help.
So I see the light and the dark both work in tandem and they're both been important part of my journey because I needed to hear the cries of help and then I needed to hear the messages of, messages of the angels and I needed the service of both to be of service to others if that makes sense. [00:03:00] Um,
Kara Goodwin: little boy in sixth sense, you know, who was seeing dead people when you were
Katische Haberfield: No, actually not at all. It actually came in, um, with COVID that really happened for me. However, I was surrounded by ghosts my entire life. And it was when I purchased this house that I live in, which is opposite a hospital, um, and opposite a soldier's, um, rehabilitation unit for soldiers who have been in Afghanistan and the Gulf war and all the different wars.
that, um, the ghost camp started coming in. So it was a cataclysmic change for me and it's through the explorations that I've done in my own past lives that I realised that I've been surrounded by ghosts since a small child but that, um, I wasn't hearing them or seeing them or doing anything like that.
But it took until I bought this house to be confronted [00:04:00] non stop by them that I was like, okay, right.
Kara Goodwin: Wow.
Katische Haberfield: this. Yeah.
Kara Goodwin: what was the experience like for you when you moved into your house? How were you being confronted by these ghosts?
Katische Haberfield: In multiple different ways, because when you have soldiers who go to, um, war torn areas, you know, they, they, uh, experience a lot of trauma. Obviously pain, a lot of suffering, shock. And, you know, when we go to the light after we die, we are in a ghost like form. And we're basically spirit, right? And we stay and we evaluate.
And when you're in a war zone, you've got things exploding all around you. You don't know how you died. One minute you're running or you're in a trench. And then the next minute you're above your body. And there's a lot of people dying at once, right? And so basically people stick together. Spirits stick together.
And in war zones, basically what happens [00:05:00] is, Oh, there's my buddy. I'll go towards him. I know his energy. And they bring with them Ghosts from the war zone and these can be ghosts through all different layers of time so other battles It's long, long, long ago. And then they come back to, um, their normal lives.
They're maybe not coping with their trauma, their mental trauma from what they've seen, what they've been involved in, you know, they've got free will to be a soldier, but there's also no free will in the execution of the orders that they've got to do. And so they have this struggle as a human being, you know, I did my job, but this happened.
And then they come to the hospital. And then when you have a sole contract that says, In this lifetime, you're going to be a ghost rescue medium and they can see your light, the ghost. And so they're like, hello, this woman knows how to deal with angels. I'm going. And so that's. Sort of one of the ways that they started that they came in is basically anyone who is a working in the spiritual field It's a very bright light and [00:06:00] anyone who is a ghost rescue medium Has an even brighter light because for them it's dark.
It's pure darkness And so they see you as they call me and I know other guests on people's shows have called them themselves have been called the lady of the night So you can hear them say and I've heard him say it on recordings as well. Hey lady of the night help me I can't see the angel And so because I know how to call in the angels and also how to cross them over myself They know that you are a point of contact For saying I'm ready.
I've done my evaluation and I want to go the light. I just can't see it. Can you help me?
Kara Goodwin: Wow. Okay. So this ghost rescue mediumship, you've alluded to it, but you know, this is you help basically helping disembodied souls
Katische Haberfield: hmm
Kara Goodwin: who don't know how to get to the other side. Is that right?
Katische Haberfield: Correct. Yes.
Kara Goodwin: Right.
Katische Haberfield: [00:07:00] And I have a past life connection to this work because, like everybody, I'm Kateesha in this life, but in other lifetimes I have been a soldier. I have been in the military in many different capacities. I have been a people in responsibilities, like in Viking lifetimes where I made decisions where lots of lives were lost, um, a king in a lifetime where I commanded troops.
And so, uh, what, the way it's been explained to me is, was that in this lifetime, my first task, once I got through my own childhood, which was perfectly fine and normal, was to do the service, which was to cross over every single person that I had been responsible for that had not crossed over. And so for the first Three years of moving into this house, I had a small portion of my time that was doing my own work and looking after my children and everything like that, who thankfully can't see ghosts, Um, was basically all of my spirit guides telling me [00:08:00] you are going to connect with France today, and there are a certain number of soldiers with this surname, you're going to go and find them.
And I would remotely connect. Find them, cross them over. Alright, now you're going to do this, you're going to do this, you're going to do this. Even to the point of, right, you're going to this cemetery, there is a child there. Here's your task, you need to find them. Okay, go to the cemetery, find them. Right, we're going to send a whole team of angels and you're going to see it in the clouds.
And you're going to actually cross over, not him, but everybody else in the cemetery. And then you're going to get guidance and you're going to hire a medium who knows nothing about this and you're going to bring them through on the other side to prove it. So
Kara Goodwin: And that was in, you had to physically go to this
cemetery or this is
Katische Haberfield: There.
Kara Goodwin: because
Katische Haberfield: No, physically.
Kara Goodwin: the, the France was telepathic,
Katische Haberfield: Telepathic. Yes. So they've been trying to teach me different levels of skills and also to overcome the fear of it.
Do you know what I mean? Because I have never been somebody who's interested in ghost hunting. [00:09:00] Um, and I've also been somebody who's been very sensitive since a child. So I cry very easily, I'm very emotional, I'm an empath. I can feel what people are going through. So I can feel the energy of an area.
There are certain areas I won't go to because I can feel the energy. Certain places I won't go to at night. So you could never imagine me going to a cemetery. Um, for fun to check out ghosts, right? I go to cemeteries to capture the light and the beauty of, say, the sunlight going through a Gaelic cross and, you know, catching spectacular fog and things like that, because for me, um, being afraid of the dark and being afraid of the things that go bump in the night and having lots of experiences with negative entities as a child meant that I have that sort of scaredy cat.
Aura, but then as a grown up, they're like, righto, it's time to confront your fears. Here are the different levels that we need you to appreciate this. And your [00:10:00] bonus will be the more that you confront your inner demons, so to speak, your inner fears about your skills and who you are. And the fact that you're not a university professor anymore.
Um, you are. the new version of Katish. You are a middle aged woman, um, you are coming into your not powers, that's the wrong word. recognizing your abilities to help and be of service. So yes, we want you to do it telepathically and remotely. But yes, we want you to confront your fears of doing it in a cemetery as well.
And yes, we know you are a person of rigor and analysis. Um, so we want you to prove it as well. So that, you know, beyond doubt that what you're doing is correct. Because we don't want you to be afraid in the middle of the night that you go on a podcast and say, I can rescue ghosts and then, you know, go and have a good old vomit because the fears come up and you're like, I'm a fake, I'm a fake, I'm a fake.
We want you to be rock solid in it. And your bonus will be this, [00:11:00] that the more you clear that fear out of your system, the brighter your light will be and then you can use your receptacle to be a channel for the angels and the archangels. And we will assist you more and more and more in the spiritual work that you do through regression therapy, hypnotherapy, mediumship, all that sort of stuff.
Kara Goodwin: Wow. Well, first of all, you totally threw me for a loop when you said you're middle aged because I would have guessed 30 tops.
Katische Haberfield: Oh, thank you.
Kara Goodwin: maybe you guys don't live as long in Australia.
Katische Haberfield: It's my, it's my 50th birthday this year.
Kara Goodwin: No, That's impossible. Oh my goodness. Wow. Well, well done.
Katische Haberfield: Thank you.
Kara Goodwin: sort of beautiful regimen that's,
Katische Haberfield: no, no, soap, and, soap soap and water and the angels. Um, Archangel Michael likes to, um, say that the more that you work with your energy, It shows in your skin and your hair and, and your aura. And so [00:12:00] yes, like water and Archangel Michael is my beauty routine.
Kara Goodwin: Oh my goodness. Well, amazing. It's working well. Um, so talk, because I think that for a lot of people, I think for across the board, humanity. Fear is such a big thing. And not everybody is getting their fear from, you know, the other side necessarily, you know, sometimes it's very grounded and what they fear.
But I think that for so many people, that is this weight that they're carrying around, they may not even realize and dealing with the fear when it comes to like perceived demons and darkness, dark spirits, dark entities. I can see how that would be frightening. So. How did you heal , the, fear and kind of move through that?
Katische Haberfield: So it's a daily process, you know, because we are humans and we have thoughts and so every single thought we have can either be a thought about I'm not good enough or I'm not worthy or [00:13:00] I'm worried or I can't control this aspect or have I done this and a lot of judgement. And so in every single thought we have an element of darkness because we have to, we're all alchemists, we're all learning to transform our thoughts.
And the first thing we have to understand is our own emotional body and our own mental body and understand that with every single thought we Have a choice and sometimes it feels like we don't have a choice And so I guess right now every single person in the world has valid fears, you know You have a different political climate in America to Australia We're very relaxed and down to earth Aussies. We're not so invested in our in our politics. We haven't needed to be we've had a very stable country and so I guess for for me the journey with spirituality has been saying you're allowed to understand these fears, [00:14:00] but like Elizabeth Gilbert says in many of her books, don't let fear be the driver.
Don't let fear drive the car. You're in the car. Fear has to come along because otherwise, you know, you might cross the road and step right in front of traffic and be dead and they're like, don't do that! We've got a job here for you to do. But look this way, look for the beauty and that's what I've been doing specifically in sessions with Archangel Zadkiel is taking people to see the happiest moments of their soul because what that does is it shows people what your soul considers is.
As characteristics, thoughts, behaviors, and actions that you have done in many incarnations, in many dimensions, in many locations, such as different planets, um, and on Earth, that give you a kick, give you that joy, and most importantly, give you the peace, and don't give you the fear. And the interesting thing is that, that shows us also how sometimes we do something in this [00:15:00] lifetime. And we resist it. And we think, oh, I don't like this aspect of myself. But when you can be shown how that aspect of yourself that you think is too overbearing, too judgmental, too, uh, methodical, too much, your too muchness may be an aspect of yourself in another incarnation where they had a task based incarnation.
So here on earth we have free will. But we choose to come in to experience things, but in other locations, they have specific incarnations that are task based, so they don't have free will. And so, in those incarnations where they are task based, they get really super good at that task. And they, they, if you wanted to put an emotion around it, feel very happy and joyful that they can complete that task.
And there's that aspect in you as well. So it can reflect that aspect in your own personality and you think, I don't know why I'm like that. I'm going to resist that. I don't want to be like that. But when they [00:16:00] show you the aspect, the avatar of you and the other lifetime doing the job, that is what they love doing.
It makes sense to you. So for example, Um, to give you an example, I went to, because I do all my sessions as well, I hire somebody who I train to do the same scripts that I use. And I went to, um, a spaceship,
Kara Goodwin: And this was under hypnosis?
Katische Haberfield: yep, where I had a space suit on. And the first thing that I came to was my legs over the edge of the spaceship.
And I was just, threw myself in and went down into the planet. And my job was basically to check the planet. Because I work with a team in this incarnation, which is right now, like all incarnations are, where our job is to monitor the health of the planet. If the planet is about to naturally Destruct because all the sentience is ready to move off the planet.[00:17:00]
Then there are task force of people who use like, The way my mind is sorted is like big screens with sonars. And it's obviously not this way, but imagine there's a sonar that's scanning. The teptonic plates, all the land, and they're looking for stuck energy of any form, but most importantly, stuck, um, sentience.
And so we go in and we rescue anything that is stuck, and we make sure that every single being that is like a humanoid or whatever the avatar suit kind of being that they are, Is on a spaceship to get out of that planet before it destructs because what happens is the layers Move away, and there's always a beautiful being inside of the planet like people call mother Gaia It's like a mother Gaia inside.
She's a I see her in every planet as Like a human because that's the way my mind sees it and she's curled up inside and she's got all gases and protection around her And each layer of every planet is sentience and so we have to remove every layer to [00:18:00] make sure that when the planet deconstructs, there's nothing left.
And sometimes there are wars, you know, some planets are in duality, and you know, you miss it. But we race in to help. And so, uh, in this scene that I saw, um, I came onto the planet, and there was another astronaut being there, so the Uh, it was also a task base, um, being who is just pure light inside the astronaut suit.
And he has a, uh, I had a robot dog with me to sniff out for gases. And this astronaut is holding a baby. And he's like, there should be no baby on this planet. Why am I here holding a baby? And so I said to him. Um, this doesn't make sense. Why are you here? Why aren't you on the ship? Because that ship's gone.
Everything should be off this planet. And he said, well This lady here, who's died now, she just gave birth. This shouldn't happen on this planet because she had to order a baby. It's not [00:19:00] like on Earth where you have a baby, gestated for nine months. It's a different system on that particular planet. She ordered the baby.
The baby arrived. She ordered it because she had this false notion that the planet wasn't going to explode. She's in denial. So she had the baby just as the ship was about to leave. And so the, the human, the humanoid form of astronaut said, Well, I can't put a dead body on this ship because it will freak everybody else out.
And I've got a baby and I don't think this baby can go on the ship and I'm stuck. And so that's where I come in and, I take them both back to this ship. But the moral of the story and how that links into anything is that when I am doing tasks and setting out procedures, sometimes it freaks me out because I'm like, no, that's the me of high school.
I don't need to be like that and I've resisted it. But they showed me me doing a job where I had checklists and tasks and it functioned [00:20:00] perfectly. But they showed me how in one incarnation that is infinite. I have chosen to be a being who rescues stuck energy, which is what we call a ghost in Earth.
Kara Goodwin: Oh,
Katische Haberfield: So that's why I'm a ghost rescue medium here, because I've learned to connect not only to myself and my mediumship and all the different, um, Claire's, but I have learned to channel my own avatars.
Kara Goodwin: Wow. so, it's fascinating, just the different levels and layers and depths of where it goes and how it moves out, you know, beyond this, even beyond this planet, you know, cause you've already talked about the different incarnations on the planet and your role in the military and in royalty and, and all of that across time, which like you say is also happening now, but then also these other like earthly lives that even have a different mode, like they're not even [00:21:00] free will, like it's just a, even a different system.
So incredible.
Katische Haberfield: Yes, so to summarize that for you. That's how these sessions and how I see fear as being helpful, to an extent, is that you can examine the fear that you're facing, which might be, I don't want to deal with ghosts. And then your soul keeps prodding you and says, you're really good at this.
Kara Goodwin: Hmm.
Katische Haberfield: get to the other side of fear and you will find happiness. Look this way. Work through your fear, do what you have to do, as you can see my background for those of you who are watching this is covered with my photos. Photography is how I find stillness in nature and how I calm myself and it is also how I've accidentally ended up in graveyards and learnt how to cross ghosts over as part of it.
So, you know, look this way, look that way, walk through the fear to get to the other side and you will find happiness, joy and peace. So my summary for people is, if you have fear Check for the [00:22:00]wisdom within it. Because on the other side of that, you will find courage, you will find bravery, you will find joy, and then you'll come back to neutrality, which is the base state that we want.
And here on Earth, we are working along with the Galactic Federation to ensure that we all, if you like to use the word ascend, or increase your vibration, we have to move through fear and not let it be our dominant, predominant, Driving Seed Emotion. And they want us to go through to what we are meant to be.
Which is joy, peace, happiness, abundance, prosperity, true wealth. But we can't do it while all of us are still creating drama and chaos and wars. Or we're still reincarnating time after time after time to act out our karma. Because karma is a reality, but it's a construct of the mind. And so when we work with our minds and we understand our spiritual bodies and all of the different elements in [00:23:00] it, we can say, Okay, I get that karma is a reality.
I have to be aware of my behaviours and emotions. And I get that I may be acting out of a fear or a behaviour because of a past life, that I need to heal that. But I can also stop this and say, Enough. We have done this cycle 27 times. I've reincarnated to, do this action so many times. It's time to stop.
Let's not go through this again. Let's understand on the other side, it's all okay, you know, that person doesn't hate you anymore, it's, you're there for spiritual growth, but stop reincarnating to the same hotspots, to continue wars, to keep fighting with the same person, learn how to forgive yourself and others Whilst you're alive and do that through your mind and through any energy healing techniques a regression sessions or whatever it is Whatever your jam is so that when you die you die with peace [00:24:00] and Neutrality and you go straight to the light you see the angels and you don't hold yourself in this holding state for Eons so that people like me don't have to come and find you when the planets ready to blow up
Kara Goodwin: Which hopefully is a very long time for
our planet.
Katische Haberfield: That's right
Kara Goodwin: there, Mother
Katische Haberfield: Yeah. Yes,
Kara Goodwin: thank you for that. That's, it's really fascinating, the depth and there's a whole thing with integration and parts of ourselves and, and, and parts of us being frozen that we could go down. So maybe, you know, you'll come back another time and we can explore that.
Cause I want to get to. The angels, because
Katische Haberfield: yes. Mm hmm. Mm
Kara Goodwin: Zadkiel. right? And, um, and Mikael,
Michael. Um, let's start with Zadkiel. I'd love to know one, if you can describe who that is. It's, is it different from Zafkiel? I'm familiar [00:25:00] with Archangel Zafkiel.
Katische Haberfield: So, um, I don't know how other people pronounce him. Zadkiel, to me, is pronounced that way. Um, but
Kara Goodwin: same. I don't,
Katische Haberfield: yes,
Kara Goodwin: I don't know. he's the angel of mercy and courage. He works along with Michael. Again, you call him Mikael, I call him Michael. Um, Zadkiel works with the Purple Ray. The Violet Flame, um, and he assists with spirit releasement, so because I do spirit releasement therapy, um, he comes in and assists with Michael.
Katische Haberfield: When he is depicted, um, in the various religions, so Michael has the, the great sword, whereas Zadkiel has the dagger. Um, so he is a Kyle is a lesser known. Um, they make me laugh because they represent themselves pictorially to me in very special ways. So, um, and they tell me that you can see angels in any representation that is akin to the way your personality likes to see and interact with people.
[00:26:00] So, um. Um, I have a very serious nature, but I also have a very jokey, sarcastic, sometimes nature. And so when they present to me, um, they show themselves as two distinct characters. So Archangel Michael is shown to me in either one of two ways, which one is the traditional way that they have him on churches, the golden boy, you know, the glamor peanut poster boy.
He's a beautiful one. Everyone's in love with him. Everyone always calls, Oh Michael, help me, help me. And he's, you look. You know, like if he was on Tinder, he'd be the number one that everyone was swiping and wanting to have the date with, you know, that's Michael. He's our golden boy. Everyone loves him. And Zadkiel just like rolls his eyes and he's like, what about me?
Um, I'm beautiful. I'm strong. I'm courageous. I'm just as good as him, but nobody knows me. And, um, Zadkiel.
Kara Goodwin: He needs a
PR campaign.
Katische Haberfield: right, he needs a PR campaign and I think that's what I'm here to do is his PR campaign. He shows me in the form, and I only got this [00:27:00] actually from being on another podcast when he showed me a really strong, distinct flash of how he has shown me through the ages that he's tried to interact with me.
And he shows me how, now, how he showed me in Roman times. Um, which is him in, uh, a Roman warrior battle suit, you know? Um, and he says to me, Oh, God, Ganesh. I tried so hard to get you to see me in all of those Roman lifetimes so that you would stop the pattern of being the, uh, the warrior, the conqueror, the killer, the, you know, All, you know, Romans were disgusting.
They're great. They're fabulous. They're fascinating. Um, my son's obsessed with them and he's about to do a, uh, a degree in ancient history with, with, um, Latin studies on top of it. So I'm totally in the Roman world with him. But to be in the thick of being a Roman wasn't a nice experience. You know, we've all seen Gladiator and all the different movies.
It's [00:28:00] gory. It's, it's not happy. It's brutal. It's, uh, anyway. And he said, I tried to to show you so many times to come to the light in those incarnations, but we just couldn't get you. We even tried Michael and Michael said, right, yeah, your turn to try. So, they make me laugh because they're like, we're this team that's been around you all the time.
And you finally, in a female incarnation, we got you because you fell in love with Michael. You went to all places.
Kara Goodwin: Like you fell
for it.
Katische Haberfield: Fell for it. We're like, we did it. We sent you boyfriends named Michaels. Yeah, that's right
Kara Goodwin: one is the,
Katische Haberfield: Yeah, I don't know. We sent you, we sent you to a place in in France called Mont Saint Michel To to go there to get Michael energy
Kara Goodwin: um, a different incarnation, you
Katische Haberfield: No, no earlier in this lifetime, so everywhere I've traveled in this lifetime everywhere has been linked to a past life
Kara Goodwin: Oh,
Katische Haberfield: Yeah everywhere.
Um, so They send [00:29:00] me so many signs about Michael. Um, boyfriends, uncles, um, visiting places with the name there or places that were linked to his energy. Um, and so they got, he was the first speaker. guide that came through for me as well. So, um, one of the first guides that came through and then he came through in regression sessions.
So I would have clients in the middle of the session who would go to the healing, um, areas and, um, they would say, Oh, Archangel Michael's got a message for you. And then I'd be like, all right. And they're like, well, He's just put on a suit. It's like from Singing in the Rain, the old black and white movie, Fred Astaire.
He's wearing a suit with tails and a top hat and he's just taken his top hat off and bowed to you. Which was, we're done. Healing's done. And then the more the same people came back, the more the banter would come from Michael about, um, cause I like to banter. So I'd be like, in Spirit Releasement Therapy, I was, [00:30:00] uh, to start with.
Using the angels too much and I'd say okay client. Can you check this area here? Can you see the energy? What does it sound like? What does it feel like and I might get stuck in the early days and I'd be like I can't do Michael Can you come in and help and the client would be in hypnosis and they go? No, he says do it yourself Or I'm going now, you know the answer he has been there to help me with the intuition.
So, he's more of a buddy, a friend role. And now he's come in so many times and said, I'm going now, and I've like burst into tears. You can't leave me, Michael. It's like, I'm trying to get you to work with Zag Kyle. And you need to learn how to communicate and bring in Zag Kyle's energy. I can't help You do that.
You have to do that for yourself. So then, um, I was more afraid of Zadkiel's energy because He was an unknown entity to me, and I was like, I know the signature of Michael,
Kara Goodwin: Hmm.
Katische Haberfield: and they're like, well, you [00:31:00] just need to go through the same process as you do with your spirit guides to learn to trust them and learn to check their energy, so that you can be sure of who they are and how you go to work with them, so, yeah, Zadkiel and I, and Zadkiel and humanity, we're all still developing our relationship Because we all are too reliant on our little angel books that say, Call this angel for this service at this time, with this prayer, they come with this colour.
They're like, if you take off our angel suit that you people see, we're just energy.
Kara Goodwin: Mm hmm.
Katische Haberfield: We have some connection with you in different ways, which means when you use us and call us specifically, we can help you faster, because you're used to that. But we can be called upon for anything. As long as you just go with the angel's name or the archangel's name that comes to the top of the mind or to the top of your tongue immediately.
That's the angel that resonates at that moment. They will bring that ray of healing if that is required. [00:32:00] Otherwise, don't worry about it. You don't need that little book that tells you what angel they are. Just remember. Ask for help, and I'm useless at asking for help, so, um, I'm getting better at it, and you just heard my own limiting belief come out there, and I'm useless at asking for help, but the more I ask for help, and the more I say, Zadkiel, please work with me today, please teach me about something that you have been trying to teach me, and let me open my heart so that you can come through, Then, the happier and more joyful I feel, and the more I realise the wisdom of my soul, rather than just, um, getting stuck in the wisdom of Katish.
Kara Goodwin: Hmm. Thank you for that. That's fascinating. And when, you know, I, I'll go back to my question with the Zaf Kiel because I find it fascinating that you're like, I don't, I didn't know anything about Zad Kiel because he's lesser known [00:33:00] and I was more focused on Michael and, um, but it was similar to me.
I'd never heard of Zaf Kiel until I had a Gene Keys reading. And then I think it was Gene. Are you familiar with
the Gene Keys?
Katische Haberfield: No, I'm not, sorry.
Kara Goodwin: It's similar to human, it's like a take on human design, if you've
heard of human design.
Katische Haberfield: mm hm, mm hm. Mm
Kara Goodwin: human design, part eaching
Katische Haberfield: hm.
Kara Goodwin: It is this system that uses your birth date and it's got like these codons and it's got like the of these, I can't remember if they're like seven or nine or 11, um, keys and they are numbers between one and 64 and they, they basically kind of map out your personality.
Some things are like more subconscious, some things are related to like the first seven years and then there are other things that might. be more on the surface that are for between like 7 and 14 years. And then so it's, [00:34:00] complicated, but it's also like fascinating for, for me where I was like, Oh my gosh, this is so relevant. Um, but I had a reading with gene keys and I think it was gene key 25, which I think is universal love. And I, I think if that's the one, but anyway, one of them that I have, there was a connection with Zavkiel. And
Katische Haberfield: Okay.
Kara Goodwin: who gave me the reading with people who are familiar with Gene Keys have maybe heard of Peter Tung, who is, um, connected with the Gene Keys.
But, sent me this meditation on Zothkiel and it was and I don't hear about him. Otherwise, it's just
Katische Haberfield: Ah.
Kara Goodwin: did this meditation And seemed to be this important connection with this gene key that I have and like where it sits in my chart is important and So I always, like when I start each meditation, I [00:35:00] invoke like my higher self, my Christ itself, you know, my, like all the layers of myself. And then also my, I call them my team, you know, and it's like the angels and archangels, but I'll, I'll, you know, specifically invoke Michael and Zafkiel and Gabriel and Raphael. But, um, so.
Katische Haberfield: to me like it could be one and the same because, you know, it sounds like it's even spelt the same and, you know, different religious contexts, different languages, different, uh, ways of expressing the alphabet. They, they do, they do change the letters around. and as they say to me.
We don't really have a name anyway, you know, that's just you humans putting that name on you. So if it says in your keys to work with that energy that's called ZAF KL for you, then that resonates for you, so go with it. Because that's the true expression. Does it resonate? Yes. We'll go with it. If it doesn't resonate, then don't.
Kara Goodwin: yeah,
Katische Haberfield: um, plus I'm an Aussie. You know, we, we say things quite [00:36:00] harshly. We have different kind of a harsh accent. So, um, you know, maybe there's,
Kara Goodwin: accent.
Katische Haberfield: maybe that's just the way Zach Hale comes through for me because he's like, yeah, she's got to be an Aussie, Aussie accent. We just pronounce it this way.
Kara Goodwin: Yeah, maybe there's something like with Hebrew versus
Katische Haberfield: Yeah.
Kara Goodwin: know,
Katische Haberfield: Yeah. I would think that would be it.
Yeah. So it's, it's fascinating because when your information came across my desk, so to speak, um, seeing that was like, it's because it's seeing Zadkiel where I'm like, Whoa, I never see any reference to Zadkiel would be for me and it's like, okay, you've got my
Kara Goodwin: attention, you know,
Katische Haberfield: Yeah.
Kara Goodwin: you know, This is and it's kind of like this same thing for both of like, we're, you're echoing my story of like, I don't really know much about this.
I never hear about it and so forth, but it kind of came, came to me. And, um, so it's really fascinating. I love that reflection.
Katische Haberfield: Yeah, so go with it. And, , for me, in order to [00:37:00] build up trust with him, uh, he said to me, turn on the camera, so meaning my, internet camera, and just open your heart, which took a long time for me to get to learn energy to actually go, right, I'm going to now Open the heart energy because my heart was really quite blocked with trauma from past lives and relationship energy that I had to heal before I could get to this heart access, right?
So look into the camera, wait, he showed me the quadrants on how to identify where, where the Archangel energy is. If you're going to do a check, like a mediumship check, you know. Um, you can also throw salt at them, and, you know, if it's a real being, they will laugh at you, they'll put up an umbrella, um, they will do a dance, or whatever, if it's a
Kara Goodwin: mind's
eye, you throw
Katische Haberfield: hmm. Yep. That's how you tell a negative entity or a fake spirit guide, because there are plenty of fake archangels and fake angels. Um, and if you throw salt at them, they will dissolve. [00:38:00]
Kara Goodwin: Oh, the, the,
Katische Haberfield: dissolve. Yep, the fake being. If you are throw salt at them and they're a real archangel or a real spirit guide, they will just laugh their heads off. We do this in the regression sessions to teach people about fake versus real spirit guides. But we also have to understand that all energy is used in service both in the light and the dark and so If you see a being come towards you that looks similar to a normal being that you would work with, but it's the dark, you can throw salt at them and they will dissolve completely and go to the light because it's an aspect of your fear that's coming up.
Um, or you can just say stop. What? Don't come any closer. What are you trying to tell me? What is urgent? Because you've come into my territory, so you're reflecting something that's in my heart or in my aura. What is the urgent wisdom? What is the urgent fear that is coming through? And let us clear it now.
[00:39:00] And the other way that I've learned to do this is imagine if you had a packet of pills. I don't know, vitamin pills or an antibiotic or whatever. And this kind of sounds a bit graphic, but imagine if you see this fear coming up or this being coming up and you visualize it as a blister pack pill that you're about to pop to take the pill out.
So instead of letting it pop and come, um, out and swallowing the negative pill, you can shine the ray of light onto that pill and it will go back into your system and it will have dissolved all of the fear energy and then you will see it physically in your third eye. Blast out as a ray of bright white light.
So it's like, um, if your blister pack is full of worries or fears or sadness or guilt then the beings in the dark will come towards you and if you're too afraid of them you can pop Don't pop the blister pack, but push it down [00:40:00] physically with your mind's eye, and it will dissipate into your own energy, into your own white light that runs through you, and then burst out into and join the, the, the divine white light beings.
So you're doing an internal rescue yourself. And that's what, uh, Zadkiel has been teaching me as well is, um, Let's work through topics and things that you want to channel . I didn't think I had relationships with animals very much in this lifetime until I did, uh, had all these animals come through in a, in a mediumship session. And I realized this. spiritual lessons that animals have been doing with me for all lifetimes. And so when I first started channeling Zadkiel, and he said, turn the camera on, we went straight to animals. And so I did a season on my podcast, which was the channeling about Archangel Zadkiel, and it was all about animals and,
things about animals in my life that I didn't even realize and I couldn't consciously tell you. But when I was channeling him, he would come through and some of the things he would say, um, I was like, I didn't know we were [00:41:00] gonna say that. And he's like, well, I'm, you have been a vessel of showing your own past life regressions on your own podcast.
You've showed some of the most horrendous things that we've seen in history. on the sessions on your podcast quite publicly. So if I tell you something that's the truth and the wisdom about an animal that was a shared animal in your marriage with your ex husband. And you see the light about something that you are negative about, that you are blaming him for, and I've just publicly told you on a podcast, this is the neutrality, this is the real truth of the situation, that animal was there in service to both of you then you can stop blaming your ex husband for taking that dog away, because the dog was healing him.
And I'd be like, oh, yes sir. Okay, I grew a little bit in that as well, do you know what I mean? So, that's how I have been learning with the channeling, you I'm no basher. Um, or, you know, any of the, the greats in the channeling world, [00:42:00] I'm learning small bits at a time. And we've started with animals, um, and worked our way forward there because he's allowing me to grow through learning about myself.
And he knows that I trust him enough to know that if he brings through something, it's for the best. betterment of myself or of humanity. Um, and usually it's a fear I have to overcome as well. So,
stay tuned. It's, it's evolving. It's like in its early stages.
Kara Goodwin: Well, what I appreciate so much as we've been talking is this embracing all aspects of what shows up for us, because it can be really easy in this type of, like in spiritual work. And I don't mean just people who are, have spiritual occupations, but like the work that everybody is doing spiritually to advance their soul. It can be hard to, let it, we can be afraid of letting in the dark and there is so much wisdom. There is so much, um, [00:43:00] opportunity that comes when this darkness presents itself and when we can integrate it. And we all have these aspects of ourselves, whether it's from past lives, off planet lives, or our own history, our own personal incarnation that we're, that we're living right now that we're aware of. I've just been having something in my own life in the last week or so that it was a repressed memory that just came up and I was like, how did I forget this? I completely. Blanked it out. I completely swallowed this thing that had happened and it just showed itself like just randomly where I was like, I could, I really was gobsmacked that I had, I had forgotten this. immediately when it came in, I was like, Oh, don't look at that. My, my inclination was like, forget it again. Like forget it immediately. Don't, there's nothing good that's going to come from that. And then I was like, wait a minute, that's interesting. Why do I want to [00:44:00] stuff that away and turn away from it again?
Like what's here? Why is it showing up right now? What is here for me? And it was like, I know there's medicine in here it was, it's been this tool to help me integrate the, this fear that, I mean, it was this frozen, me frozen at that age. with the circumstances that I went through and not wanting to feel the things and not wanting to acknowledge it, but it had never been acknowledged.
So, but there's so much healing and integration and completeness, like wholeness, we get back to our ability to be whole that. And then there's, um, a psychological, like a, uh, a psychiatry, method called internal family systems. And that has like come in at the, it's, it's basically parts work. It's like soul fragments. And that came into my awareness at the exact same time that all this was going on. And I'm like, Oh my God, even in the psychology world, they've got this [00:45:00] tool, this method that is doing this. I was getting hit from like all these different ways. And it's been so illuminating, but I know like, That is, you know, again, just going back to my initial reaction of like, no, no, there's nothing good.
That's going to come from that. It's dark. I don't want to feel that. I want to feel good, you know, but it was like in service to my highest good. It was important to not be afraid of it and to say like, there's something here for me and the alchemy that comes from courageous and being compassionate with ourselves and kind of holding the darkness when it comes up. It's a real opportunity. So love these echoes. Like there just been so many different ways in the conversation that you've woven in the opportunity that we have with the darkness that comes through. So that's really beautiful.
Katische Haberfield: Yeah, and I think it illustrates perfectly that [00:46:00] you are given what you're ready for to heal in layers. You know, the old onion, uh, adage is exactly right. You will be able to heal and efface the fear. only in proportion to what you're ready for. So if it has to be done over several years, several lifetimes, whatever, it will be done that way.
If you have made great progress and found tools and practitioners and books and podcasts that will give you additional bravery and courage, then you'll be given a greater dose, but you will never be given because your higher self. is always there on your side. You will never be given something that is too much for you to get through.
And if it is too much, reach out to Zag Kyle, Mercy and Courage.
Kara Goodwin: Beautiful. Well, you just put a bow on everything. I love it.
So Katish, tell us how people can find out more about you and connect with your work.
Katische Haberfield: Sure. The best [00:47:00] place is to go to my website, which is just katish. com. So K A T I S C H E. com that has all my socials. I'm not on very many and it has my link to my podcast. So that's the best way.
Kara Goodwin: Beautiful. And what's the name of your
Katische Haberfield: It's called The Infinite Life with Kateesh Hupperfield.
Kara Goodwin: Thank you so much for being here. This has been really, really beautiful. I've loved every
Katische Haberfield: Thank you. Namaste.
Kara Goodwin: Namaste.
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Past Life Regression Therapist/Medium/Author
Katische Haberfield channels Archangel Zadkiel and is a Medium, Author, Poet, Past Life Regression Therapist and Student of understanding the soul. She developed the Happiest Moments of My Soul Sessions after a discussion with Archangel Zadkiel, who instructed her that finding small moments of happiness was imperative for human beings at this time in our development.
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