There are certain behaviors that are not supportive to your spiritual ascension. In order to evolve spiritually, you absolutely must become conscientious about this particular human tendency and work to rid yourself of its temptation. Connect with me:...
There are certain behaviors that are not supportive to your spiritual ascension. In order to evolve spiritually, you absolutely must become conscientious about this particular human tendency and work to rid yourself of its temptation.
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Live Judgments & Ascension
Speaker: Welcome to the Soul Elevation podcast, guiding your ascension to new heights. My name is Cara Goodwin, and I'm so excited to be here for this live podcast.
With you today. So what I want to talk about today is what a very common thing is that is blocking our spiritual growth, and it's so ingrained in our culture and in our way of living that it can sometimes be hard to realize that we're doing it. And that is our judgments. And this is judgments about others and judgments about ourselves.
And so anytime that we find ourselves in judgment, whether we're gossiping about people in our lives or we're criticizing [00:01:00] ourselves inwardly about things that have happened, we are disconnected from the truth, from the highest truth, and the highest truth is that we are all spiritual beings living life on earth, the We all have different missions.
We have different things that we came here to experience and every judgment that we have.
So if we are really focused on what we see somebody else doing that we think is a mistake, or we disagree with what they're doing, and we're really focused on that, what's actually happening is there is an unhealed wound within us. I saw a really interesting quote recently that I posted in my stories on Instagram that was, I [00:02:00] think it was a Nikola Tesla quote, and it was something about if we could realize that our criticisms are actually reflections of our inner state, we would see that every judgment is a confession, and So when we so just we want to bear that in mind when we're criticizing somebody else we're actually showing our hand about the wounds the unhealed wounds that we have within us and A lot of us have these wounds, you know, we we have things within us.
We're we're here to experience and we're here to Have a lot of different experiences. We're not here to live perfectly. We're not here to never make mistakes. If, if we're living our lives and we don't feel that we've made mistakes along the way, then we're, we're very likely holding ourselves back out of fear that we're going to make mistakes.
So we just don't do [00:03:00] anything. And we sit back and we criticize everybody else for what they're doing. And that's not what we're here to do. We're here to experience and learn from our experiences, and that will mean that we will make mistakes sometimes. Sometimes we might say the wrong thing. We may act in a way that's not in accordance with our highest intention.
And we keep learning from that. We apologize from the heart when it's appropriate, when we have really made a mistake, and then we Learn from that. We don't repeat the behavior and we keep moving forward, but when we're really we really want to it's just so prevalent that it's you get together with people and the conversation.
It just goes to what people who aren't present are up to and why they're doing it wrong, what problem we have with the way that [00:04:00] they're doing things. And I think underneath that there is a comfort that other people are doing things quote unquote wrong. So let's Bring our attention to them so that we're not focused on the things that I'm doing wrong.
I actually remember If you if you engage with my work very much, you'll hear me talk about like I don't know if this is a real memory or not. I say this a lot. I kind of am Continuously, I have these kind of like I can reach back to being a child and I have this sense of something But I can't really pinpoint the origin of it Or I can't, like, tune into it finely enough to know, like, did that, is that actually how that happened?
Um, but I know from a young age, and I'm going to say young, I mean, it might have been, like, junior high or something or, or late elementary school. But I, I have this sense that there were a couple of key [00:05:00] times where I was judgmental to somebody and I got called out because I had done the same thing in, in the past.
And. And it made me really like kind of conscientious about calling people out on things and judging people because I was never quite sure if I had done something like what they had done. And that's not to say that I have lived my life blemish free of gossip, for example. I mean, I'm, I'm still. Trying to get myself in the most, um, you know, my highest state.
It's constantly work in progress for everybody who's here. We're always having to refine, refine, refine. And we can find ourselves in situations where we look back and we think, Okay, that wasn't my best. You know, I got pulled in there. I let myself get pulled in. Um, [00:06:00] to gossip or, or whatnot, um, but I just have, and I, again, can't pinpoint exactly, but I feel I just keep feeling this like resistance for a lot, a lot of years of my life, decades of my life resistance to pointing out the flaws of others, because even if I can't, even if I think that I haven't done.
What I'm judging them for, it's very possible I have, and I'm not remembering in the moment. And again, I feel like there were one or two or more instances where that happened as a child. And I was so embarrassed, like, Oh, you know, I didn't, I hadn't thought about me doing something like that because we were so focused on the other person in that conversation.
And that actually serves me now that. When, you know, somebody is under fire for something, I have this [00:07:00] automatic kind of like, yeah, I can kind of see why they did that, or, you know, some, um, where I can see myself in that situation and see at least the temptation to do things the way that they've done it, even if I don't agree with it, um, but just trying to be careful about it.
Being too judgmental on people because what we see outside of us is just a reflection of what is within us, even the things that we think we would never do we if we're really triggered by it. It is an indication of an unhealed wound that we have within us. So the real work, rather than focusing on the things outside of us, is getting right within ourselves and healing the things within ourselves.
that are causing these triggers that are causing us to feel judgment in another person. And so [00:08:00]this is where the opportunities come in for like shadow work. When we feel the impetus to judge, it's actually an opportunity for us to turn the tables and think and consider. Okay. Why does this trigger that within me?
What is there within me that I'm not seeing that makes it so hard for me to accept what somebody else is doing or going through. And that's that opportunity where, and that, and life is, it was, in my opinion, very carefully orchestrated, very carefully from a spiritual perspective, orchestrated to bring to you in the present moment.
Opportunities for you to keep growing and sometimes those opportunities may show up as judgments, as triggers, other people, you seeing behavior within other people, recognizing the way it makes you feel, and [00:09:00] then saying, okay, there's something here within me. Let me be brave. And look at it. Is there a way that this connects to behavior of my own in my personal history that's hard for me to accept about myself?
And it's when we're brave. And we do look at the things that we have done in our past that we judge ourselves for, because again, ultimately, when we are gossiping about people, when we are judging our friends, our family, our neighbors, it's really funny. That we are judging ourselves, but we're using them.
It's stirring up something within us and we're projecting it onto somebody else. But the but it's really about how we feel about ourselves. So the opportunity then is to bravely. Take the mirror down. [00:10:00] Well, they are a mirror, you know, look at that reflection, but look at it in the context of ourselves. And there may be a really painful or shameful or guilt ridden memory that's tied to the judgment.
And that can be really, really hard for us to face, but take comfort that everybody has this. Everybody has. Things we're all walking through life and we're all stumbling sometimes and it's just, just how it goes. It's part of the work. It's part of the game. And so we bravely look at ourselves and you know, you will have heard me talk.
There are other lives where I've talked about. My own, um, opportunities that have come up for shadow work or for integration where they're saying memories have surfaced that I have forgotten about, and they are painful and my immediate [00:11:00] response is, Oh, don't think about that. Don't look at that. You're only going to get hurt.
Let's, you know, but what I've, and I recognize, fortunately, I recognize that knee jerk response to look away, to abandon. That part of me, that memory, but that, and it keeps, it keeps that aspect of me frozen and unintegrated. And what we're wanting to do, part of Ascension, I mean, Ascension is coming into wholeness, being able to integrate.
All parts of ourselves and alchemize the pain, alchemize those frozen parts of ourselves that haven't been able that we've rejected, bring them into the wholeness and totality of who we are and turning that pain into gifts, turning it into compassion, letting us be more aligned with the truth. The real truth of the spiritual aspect of human [00:12:00] life.
Again, going back to, we are all spirit embodied in these human forms. We are all making mistakes. We are all trying. We're all pivoting and adjusting as we need to. And we can do that with compassion and love and, and, And forgiveness, that is the highest path that will lead us to truth that will lead us to being more total, more integrated, and the more integrated we are, the more we're accepting those parts of us that we're rejecting when we're judging.
We're separating ourselves from we're saying that's I don't agree with that. That's not me. I would never do that. Well, you've got these parts that you're not accepting about yourself that are reflected in this other person as we integrate, [00:13:00] we allow. Those parts of ourselves, then we're bringing totality, which allows that divine flow to come in more, more strongly.
We're more, it brings more alignment energetically. It's, it's body, soul, mind, thought, all of that coming and shifting. into alignment with the truth, with the highest truth that allows more of the divine flow and energy, high frequency energy to flow in to radiate out of you. So there's a very, very true, energetic Um, response, result of you releasing your judgment.
It's kind of hard to convey, but hopefully at least a seed has been planted here, but you don't have to understand all the energetic parts of [00:14:00] it, but it is what, what you can understand is the importance of checking yourself, catching yourself when you're in the judgment. When you're in the gossip and stopping yourself, just noticing, oh wait, I'm doing it, or, ooh, I did that, I met up with somebody for coffee, the conversation just ran away, just really, you know, cutting someone's head off, who wasn't present.
How do I feel about that? I'm going to make a different choice next time, or even better, catching yourself in the moment, having a more compassionate response, and if you're brave, looking within yourself to see what wound you can. soften and heal and be compassionate about within yourself. So I hope that this makes sense.
I wish you many, many blessings. Have an amazing [00:15:00] week ahead and I'll see you next time. Thank you for watching.
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