It took me a while to understand what people meant when they said they'd received a download. Maybe I was overthinking it, but if it confused me, then it is likely confusing to others! In this live, I'll share what it is like for me when I receive...
It took me a while to understand what people meant when they said they'd received a download. Maybe I was overthinking it, but if it confused me, then it is likely confusing to others!
In this live, I'll share what it is like for me when I receive downloads, and advice for how you can receive your own.
If you want to learn to meditate, this is the course I mentioned:
And the Miracles Summit replay is available here:
Other episodes you'll enjoy:
405. Are We Stuck on a Prison Planet?
402. What Is It Like to Experience Yourself at a Higher Vibration?
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What Are _Downloads
The soul elevation podcast thank you again for being here today. I want to talk about downloads. This is something that I used to hear about and not really understand what people were talking about when they would say, Oh, I got a download the other day.
And I would be like, what, what does that even mean? Um, so I want to talk about what downloads are. And then what it's like for me when I receive them and then how my recommendation for how you can have your receive your downloads. So, first of all, a download is basically just when insights. Information understanding or ideas come to us, but we haven't really sought them out.
They just, we just have this understanding and at least this is how this is my interpretation or my [00:01:00] experience with them. It's like, I'm not doing research. I'm not trying to, I'm not reading a book. I'm not trying to understand something. And suddenly. I, I do understand something or I, I understand something in a new way.
And it's, it just sort of comes out of nowhere. And one way that I really experienced this profoundly was one day I was just, this was, um, I think back in September maybe, and I was just sitting at my kitchen table and all of a sudden I started receiving. This, I started, let's say I started having this idea, I'm using air quotes in case you're just listening to this.
I had this idea and it was about having a summit and it was, it was as though the way that it felt for me was like this idea was kind of on the edges of my energy of my aura of my, like the, the energy that I am that extends beyond the body. It [00:02:00] was like I could start to perceive something kind of on the edges.
And there was this idea of hosting a summit and to me, it felt like just getting a bunch of people that I really love together. Some of them would be speaking, some of them would just be listening, but it, and it had this like slumber party vibe to it. It was like, we're all just getting together in this fun space and we're sharing stories and we're like, it's like sparks igniting.
And it's kind of like as one person talks, it ignites a spark in other people and they remember things within themselves. It like ignites this remembrance and this understanding within them and that it would be like all these sparks were sparking. Off of each other, making each other spark. So it was kind of like on the [00:03:00] peripheral, peripheral, I don't know if I'm probably not saying that right, but, um, and, and it was like, it was getting closer and closer, like more ideas were starting to drop in.
So it, it did, it was. Let's say it was an idea, but it was also something that I was tuning into. And it was like, as I kind of brought my attention to, Oh, a summit, should I do that? Do I know how to do that? Can I do that? That's something other people do. What would I do it? You know, if there were all these, there were more questions than anything, but it, but like the more I tuned into it, the more I could feel this possibility.
Um, and the potential for it. So there was an energetic component to it. Again, these sparks, this, um, this ignition and it was really exciting and, [00:04:00] and joyful. It made me feel so joyful. So I did end up hosting this summit. I, it was the miracle summit and we had it in, um, November. Of last year. So then as I'm recording this, it was about two and a half months ago.
And it was amazing. I loved it. So I'm so glad that I listened to that advice, that download, but it, I, my point is that it wasn't like I received this download. And I instantly had all the information, all the, um, you know, everything came to me and it was all done for me. It was like, the more I tuned into it, the more I could get, I could tap into the highest potential and the details around it.
So. That is one example of a download. Other people get downloads and they just have this understanding of something. Maybe they get a solution to a problem. Um, they might have [00:05:00]inspiration for creating something like I did with the summit. So how does this happen? Because you actually are receiving.
Information from outside of yourself all the time, of course, we know this in the physical world from media, from friends, from family, they're, they're informing us and giving their opinions, their advice, and just telling us their views of the world. And that informs our perspective of the world, but you also, as an energy being, because you are an energy being primarily, you have physical form, but you really are an energy being.
And you have energies that are connecting to you, influencing you all the time. So for me, in terms of how to start receiving your own downloads, there is a very foundational step that is critical and cannot be missed, which is know how to connect with The divine within [00:06:00] you, the highest good within you, your soul, your spirit, your highest timeline.
That is critical because as an energy being, you are exposed to all different kinds of energies, not just those that are for the highest good. I believe that that a vast majority of the really harmful things that happen on this planet is because people are being influenced by external energies, like low frequency energies that that come into their fields and influence them, give them these ideas for these atrocities, and it's not actually them.
It's not actually when they're aligned with their highest good. It's this. Darkness that comes in and kind of moves through them and influences them. So just receiving a download, just having influence from energies, like kind of outside of your own home frequency is not, you know, we [00:07:00] don't want to just open ourselves up to everything.
That's why for me, meditation is huge. I, I try to meditate every single day, at least once a day. And that is that renewal every day, that sitting down and being quiet and connecting with my soul and connecting with God. And however you think of God, it can be the universe. So you're wanting to connect with your own higher self.
I just say, God is like a general term, not a religious one. But for me, it's sitting down and starting every meditation with a prayer, an invocation for the highest good for God to come to me. I say, you know, I invoke my higher self, my Christ itself, my mighty I am presence and pure source consciousness.
And I invite in my divine team, Angels and Archangels, Ascended Masters, [00:08:00] and Benevolent Star Family. And I state that I, I ask to be flooded with God's light, with Source Light. I ask to receive as much pure Source Light as I can hold, and for that to radiate out to everyone. To, to the external to radiate through me and fill this planet, fill my reality, fill my, my creation with that light and to be aligned with my highest timeline.
And so that is really, really critical for me and really important because I'm setting that intention over and over and over and every day I'm building. on that intention. So yes, I did it yesterday. I did it the day before that. I did it the week before that and weeks and weeks and weeks. And they're all building on each other so that every day I'm exponentially increasing that light.
And that keeps [00:09:00] me in alignment. So that's the, that's where it's like, I am filling. My energy with God's light. And so what, and you, if you know anything about energy, you know, that like attracts light, like attracts, like, and light attract light. Can't speak all of a sudden light attracts light as well. Um, but as we're in that high frequency state, we, we have that God's light within us, then we're attracting in that, which we are, and that is so critical.
And it helps me to be able to trust what I receive. Now, also, you can use your feeling sense and, and again, I think that's foundational for me. Meditation is absolutely foundational. I would not be just willy nilly requesting downloads or trying to receive information, inspiration. Um, just from [00:10:00]whoever, you know, whoever wants to influence me, come on in.
No, cancel that. Don't want that. Um, If you don't have a meditation practice and you don't know where to start, go to my website, Kara Goodwin. com. I have a learn to meditate course. It's very affordable and it's, it's in 21 chunks and it's, you will have a. A, um, a meditation of your own that you create that you can do.
It's sustainable. You can do it every day and it's not complicated. So, you know, that's a great place to start if you don't have any idea of how to meditate and don't overthink it, but really it's so important to have that intention that you want. You want to be the embodiment of divinity. You want that divine light in that highest timeline that you are, that you are embodying that, and that's the opportunity that you have.
And so then when [00:11:00] you have set that stage. And you're working from that place of intentionality that you are an embodiment of God of, of high frequency light of high vibration. Then when you are receiving that inspiration, you are receiving what is matching that. But also you can. Feel into how you feel.
How does it resonate within you? So if you receive downloads, if you receive information, inspiration, so you get an idea and it feels like it comes out of nowhere, how does it make you feel? And there may be things like I mentioned at the start, when I was talking about that. summit, you know, I had questions like, am I the right person for this?
This isn't something that I know how to do. Can I do it? Is it within my wheelhouse? Is this like, am I going to, you know, fall on my face? And so I wanted to feel into how does this make me feel? And it really made me feel excited and [00:12:00] hopeful. And especially like I was talking about that. Spark of everybody kind of sparking off each other and just like igniting.
That was so exciting to me. It felt like such an amazing thing that I wanted to be a part of. And, um, so I paid attention to how that made me feel. And so if you're feeling like, Oh, this is an idea, but maybe there's like some lying that goes along with it, or you have to bend some of your values or it's, you know, you have to take advantage of people, but it might help you get ahead or, and it's something you've never considered before, but you're going to have to stomp on a lot of people to get to do this or, or betray yourself in some way.
How does that make you feel? Does that make you feel like you're on your highest timeline and that you're expressing yourself as your high, the highest version of yourself? Probably not. So that would be an example of like, yeah, okay, this is an idea I haven't considered. [00:13:00] Maybe it's going to make me some money or it's going to get me this promotion or whatever, but it's not, it's not in an avenue that's in aligned with integrity.
So that's not actually aligned with my higher self. It's not me expressing the divine within me. So I'm not going to follow that. I'm that's maybe an influence from a lower energy that I don't want to engage with. So I don't want to make this too long. I will finish with that, but I, these downloads that are available for everybody.
I think it's really, really important that you have that. Divinity within you that you're connecting with the divinity within you with your higher self. Don't forget that critical, critical step. And from there, then just enjoy that guidance, that inspiration that you receive from the higher realms, the higher dimensional beings.
And I wish you every [00:14:00] blessing every step of the way. Thank you so much for being here. Many, many blessings.
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