EXCITING CHANGES! Meditation Conversation is now SOUL ELEVATION! ✨
Sept. 5, 2024

363. How to Connect with Departed Loved Ones - Joy Giovanni

Unlocking Spiritual Gifts with Psychic Medium Joy Giovanni    Joy Giovanni, a renowned psychic medium, healer, and spiritual teacher, shares her incredible journey from WWE Diva to spiritual teacher, discussing her childhood experiences with...

Unlocking Spiritual Gifts with Psychic Medium Joy Giovanni 
Joy Giovanni, a renowned psychic medium, healer, and spiritual teacher, shares her incredible journey from WWE Diva to spiritual teacher, discussing her childhood experiences with spiritual sensitivity and her path to becoming a psychic medium.
We cover high vibe topics such as connecting with angels, energy healing, mediumship, and practical tips for communicating with loved ones and spirit guides. Joy also talks about how she developed the subtle discernment necessary to be able to perceive spirits, and how you can work on this yourself! You will also get insights on building relationships with guides and meditation practices that foster spiritual growth. Joy also has a free mini-course and community offerings to help anyone looking to deepen their spiritual practice.
00:00 Introduction and Guest Overview
02:06 Joy Giovanni's Background and Journey
03:01 Discovering Psychic Abilities
03:53 Transition to Wellness and Mediumship
07:36 Training and Developing Mediumship Skills
15:24 Understanding Psychic and Mediumship Abilities
18:36 Tips for Connecting with Loved Ones
23:11 Personal Signs and Spiritual Connections
24:02 Understanding and Communicating with Spirit Guides
25:37 Building a Relationship with Your Guides
28:21 Trusting Your Intuition and Seeking Validation
34:34 Exploring Ancestral Connections and Historical Spirits
37:08 Connecting with Angels and Their Guidance
42:36 How to Connect and Learn More
44:36 Conclusion and Gratitude
Kara's Spirit Speakeasy episode: 
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Kara Goodwin: [00:00:00] Welcome to the meditation conversation podcast to support your spiritual revolution. I'm your host Cara Goodwin, and I was so excited to sit down with Joy Giovanni in this episode

After being a guest on her spirit speakeasy podcast, you're going to love this episode. We talk about angels and energy healing and mediumship, and she gives some fantastic tips for connecting with your loved ones on the other side and your spirit guides, which I'm personally really excited to implement.

Joy is a renowned and sought after psychic medium, healer, and spiritual teacher. She was raised in Boston and internationally known for her time as a WWE diva model and actress. She always knew her sensitivity and connection with her own intuition and spirituality was something special, but it wasn't until she realized others didn't have the same sensing abilities, like seeing bright, [00:01:00] swirling colors every time she closed her eyes, that she channeled her psychic energy to help heal others. As a published author, public speaker, and media personality, Joy's calming nature matched with her unique gifts and insights go far beyond her individual clients, making psychic, mediumship, and healing more personable and accessible to audiences across the globe.

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Well, welcome Joy. I'm so excited to connect with you today.

joy-giovanni--joyfulmedium-com--she-her-_1_08-14-2024_100552: Thank you for having me. I'm so excited to be


Kara Goodwin: Well, I loved being on Spirit Speak Easy and I've loved listening to the Spirit, to Spirit Speak Easy as well. And you have such amazing gifts that you're giving to the world through your mediumship and your psychic abilities. And let's just talk about how you got to where you are now, because. You, you definitely didn't start in this, you know, at least from your professional career, didn't start with these skills.

joy-giovanni--joyfulmedium-com--she-her-_1_08-14-2024_100552: Well, first let me say the feelings mutual and I love meditation conversations and I've been really enjoying your show and thank you for sharing so much about meditation on spirit speakeasy. It's been really helpful and, um, gotten great feedback on that


Kara Goodwin: [00:03:00] Oh, thank you.

joy-giovanni--joyfulmedium-com--she-her-_1_08-14-2024_100552: Um, so for me, it's interesting because looking back, I can see points in my life where. The spiritual side of me or the spiritual gifts were very evident, but like most things in life, we don't really realize it until it's hindsight. Right. And we're looking back and seeing like, Oh, okay. Like maybe other, uh, three year olds don't see invisible ladies and chairs by windows in their house. But I, it was one of those things that like, I just didn't really think about.

So, you know, I'm going on with my life. I'm doing school. I become a mom at a young age. And then I. had started practicing wellness. So I wanted to be a holistic health practitioner. My kids were a little bitty and it was, you know, the things that we don't take kids to doctors for, tummy aches and things.

And I was like, Oh, I need to learn how to handle this. When I, when I became a mom, I realized how little I knew about medicine and all of that. So I was like, I need to learn some of this. Um, and then through that, I ended up having a career in fitness and fitness modeling and transition to [00:04:00]acting and ended up on International stages as a WWE diva, traveling all over the world.

And my life was looking really perfect from the outside. had, you know, been building my career. I had, I was already a SAG actor at that time. And what nobody knew was that I was really struggling. I felt small. I felt unhappy. I really wanted a career in regular film and television, but I was grateful for the job. I had, and I was really pouring my heart and soul into it. Nobody knew that I had two small kids at home. I was supporting extended family and my marriage was falling apart. But on the outside, I was trying to keep it all together and be that version of me that everybody else needed and wanted me to be. And then one day it came all crashing down. I was suitcase by the door, ready to go out for my travels that week. The show aired live every week. And I got this call [00:05:00] and on the other end was this raspy kind of wrestling professional voice saying, it's not personal, it's just business. We're cutting 50 people from our roster. You're the final cut. So everything came crashing down. Uh, my marriage disintegrated shortly after that and I lost my house. So. a mom of two young kids, I was like, okay, what do I want to do? Well, when you're acting, when you lose a job, the next thing is like, you're pounding the pavement doing auditions and they don't care what time your kids get out of school. So I returned to wellness, to my roots. And I had a massage therapy practice. Um, and I started Really almost like breadcrumbs, finding these little bits of things that interested me, um, meditation, personal development, uh, kind of started to get interested in things like angels and Oracle cards. And it was like bit by bit being breadcrumb back to this [00:06:00] most authentic version of my. Self, uh, and I even had a business, an offshoot business, an ice cream truck when I first moved to San Diego and I met my Reiki mentor, um, which is a Japanese form of energy healing. For those that don't know, uh, driving the ice cream truck, it was like so serendipitous that all of these pieces just started kind of finding their way back to me.

I mentored under her privately for a couple of years. She was the first one that was like, Oh, you're psychic. You have gifts. And I was like, Oh, you're crazy. Cause I don't. Believe in that. It's not a thing. That's the movies, I just like so many of us, whether it's meditation or, or intuition or any of that, we're confused about what it is and what it's not. Uh, and then during healing sessions with my clients and my practice, I started to become aware of, um, Their loved ones that had crossed over to the other side and I could give a few details that they would say like oh My gosh, yes, that's my dad or that's [00:07:00] my grandma and I kind of thought like, okay, hold on like what is this?

Do I want this? What do I do with this? Do I even have this? Like to the degree that I am And, and then I sought out mentors and a big believer in, there's definitely someone that knows more than me that I want to train under. So mentors and teachers, and it's been from there. That was the first experience like that was probably 2011. So however many years that is 13, 14 years ago.

Kara Goodwin: Wow.

joy-giovanni--joyfulmedium-com--she-her-_1_08-14-2024_100552: Yeah.

Kara Goodwin: being three years old and just very naturally and, and organically seeing things that you assumed that other people had the ability to see as well, and then it kind of coming back through Reiki as an example. So in that time in between. Do you feel like you maybe turned it off or did, were they [00:08:00] still showing up and you just were ignoring them or how, how was that for you?

joy-giovanni--joyfulmedium-com--she-her-_1_08-14-2024_100552: It's interesting because through timeline of my life, there are points like when I was in, um, grade school, I was in Catholic school, and we would have to go as part of our curriculum, we had to go to mass every week that they do like a special one for the students in the week, and I was a little, maybe like six, seven, eight year old kid sitting there, and when the priest was up at the pulpit, I could see colors moving around. They were always men. And I could, when people would sing and do like worship music, I could feel tingles move through my body. I could feel energy. I just think I didn't really consciously think, Oh, are other people experiencing this or not? I always had, when I closed my eyes, my entire growing up, I had color swirling inside my closed eyes, but it's one of those things where you don't really, for me anyway. Um, it's almost like anything else where you just assume that that's just [00:09:00] normal for everyone in the way it is. And, um, so there were certainly points that I could identify certain things like that, but at the time, I didn't really, I just didn't really even think of it at all. And even when I started, uh, my first, so when you do a holistic medicine school, when I did at that time and at that school, they made you learn massage therapy first.

That's how I came to that. And you trade with students, so you work on other students, and I would physically feel a pain on myself, like in my shoulder, and then somehow I thought like, oh, I don't have a pain in my shoulder, that must be for them, and I'd go to their shoulder and start working, and they'd be like, oh my gosh, that's exactly where it's uncomfortable, so, but I just didn't really, I know it sounds crazy, but I just didn't really think like, oh, this is, something's happening here, I just thought like, alright, well, this is just how, this is how it is.

Kara Goodwin: Yeah. Well, and then when you kind of got the taste for it and started to recognize, wait a minute, I'm, am I tuning into something on the other side of the veil? And you [00:10:00] mentioned that then you sought teachers and mentors and so forth. Yeah. So for you, there was that sort of foundational, um, gift that you had already experienced in your own way growing up, but then in order to get to the level that you're at now, where you have clients and people like you kind of mentioned earlier, where you're like, is this even what I think it is?

Does, is it strong enough to be what it would need to be to kind of. Take me where I think I might want to go.

Joy Giovanni: Mmhmm.

Kara Goodwin: And clearly you have been able to get to that through, through your training and your own natural gifts, but kind of honing those gifts. So what has that been like for you to, to kind of the training?

Piece to it.

joy-giovanni--joyfulmedium-com--she-her-_1_08-14-2024_100552: It's been interesting. It's been a journey. There are lots of different styles of mediumship, which I didn't realize. So when I first started having these experiences because of, um, [00:11:00] probably largely because of culture and religion, I had a lot of fear. So I had to really work through that. And wanted to understand like, is this even okay to be doing?

And the way I used to say it is I don't want to open doors. I don't understand. So of course, first I start looking to media like, okay, what can I, what shows can I get my hands on? What can you, and just really starting to understand, um, because spirit communication is a little bit different than anything else with the loved ones.

It's different than guides. It's different than healing energy. It's its own. Thing and I wanted to be able to communicate with them in a way that I could give kind of specific details in the work. We call it evidence. The type of mediumship I practice is called evidential mediumship. Um, there are other kinds where they, you know, might be giving you information about spirit guides or might be talking about things that are not able to be validated.

But when I'm working with someone's loved ones, I want them to share some specific details about their personality or their memories or that type of thing, which. [00:12:00] own training. And I thought, Oh, okay, I'll, I'll, I'll be with this mentor. My mentor's name is Andy Bing. He's fantastic. He, he was in England when I was working with him.

He's in Canada now. Um, but I thought, okay, one year I'll kind of figure this out, you know, just like most trainings kind of short. And I think I mentored with him for four years, maybe. and so. It's one of the most surprising things was that the work is not to make it louder, make it stronger, make it more.

It's to be able to the subtlety of it. It never gets Louder, stronger, brighter, bigger. It's the subtlety is still shocking to me sometimes. And that's, um, so I think that's a lot of the evolution is, is learning how, how they might communicate, learning how to, I don't even want to say interpret, but understand because it's largely through the, those subtle senses that they're communicating with me.

It's through the emotions. It's through, um, I might see a quick mental [00:13:00] flash of a picture in my mind of, A flower, for example, I just had this last night with a client and I was communicating with her mom on the other side and I knew that these, um, rosebushes, these specific You know, this bush produced these beautiful red, velvety, very fragrant roses. And she was like, Oh, yeah, there's only one bush that did that, though, you know, these are my mom's roses. And I said, Oh, that one was her favorite. And she's the gardener just killed that one. So it's it's those kind of things that they'll bring through. But it's It's, it's the practice and the development, which never ends by the way, we're always developing just like anything else, um, is to be able to get more and more of those nuanced details to be able to more fully understand the communicator and, and what their need is really.

Does that make

sense? does. And I'm very fascinated to hear you say that it, as you went through your training, it's not that it amplified, it's more that like you were able to tune into those [00:14:00] subtle, those subtle hints and like, take them further. Um, because I would assume that it's like, Oh, you strengthen your ability to see or your ability to hear or whatnot.

that, too.

Kara Goodwin: Yeah.

joy-giovanni--joyfulmedium-com--she-her-_1_08-14-2024_100552: It's not true.

Kara Goodwin: That's fascinating.

joy-giovanni--joyfulmedium-com--she-her-_1_08-14-2024_100552: to report. It's not true.

Kara Goodwin: So it's almost like you just get better at, like, I mean, at interpreting and it,

Joy Giovanni: Yeah,

joy-giovanni--joyfulmedium-com--she-her-_1_08-14-2024_100552: it's that discernment just like you practice and teach with meditation. It's being able to discern the very, very subtle energy around your subtle shifts. It's very similar to that.

Kara Goodwin: yeah,

joy-giovanni--joyfulmedium-com--she-her-_1_08-14-2024_100552: So really, the other little bit that I think was really surprising to me and is surprising and maybe slightly disappointing to all of us is it's not like a light switch that like when someone says, like, I want to ignite my ability or I want to turn on my third eye. It's it's not a light switch. It's a relationship building, just like meditation where you're building a [00:15:00] relationship with That energy and how to manage your energy and all the elements of it. It's kind of similar to that where it's building a relationship in our own energy to be able to kind of tune to their station or have that subtle sensing with them.

So that was really surprising to me too, I guess.

Kara Goodwin: yeah, it, that's really fascinating. Now, again, you have this foundation that you were building on. Do you feel that this is something that anybody could learn, even if they don't feel that they have, um, expressed any sort of gift in the, in the past? Yeah,

joy-giovanni--joyfulmedium-com--she-her-_1_08-14-2024_100552: believe that we all have psychic ability, but what I understand it to be now is intuition. Um, psychic and intuitive for me, those words are interchangeable. What I understand now is that psychic is not about predicting the future, which is why I thought when my first mentor told me I didn't have it because in the movies, you know, time stands still and there's this. Movie vision [00:16:00] that plays out of the future and I was like that's definitely not happening But what I've learned is with the psychic senses It's about if you've ever had the feeling of oh, you know that meeting had really good energy today Like that felt really good or I know this person is saying to me Everything's fine, but I feel in the energy like something's off or something's not right.

That's what psychic is. It's about more under, deeply understanding the emotions and what's happening now. Anyone can hone that. Um, way my guides explained it to me a long time ago was it's kind of like playing baseball. Anyone could play in their backyard on the 4th of July or in the summer, but being professional level is a different level of commitment and a different level of building that not everybody wants to do.

So on the psychic side, I think that, We all have that as one of our natural additional gifts, our sixth senses. But with mediumship, it's a little different, similar, but different. I feel like [00:17:00] everybody has the ability to connect with their own loved ones, sense them, receive signs, know that they're there. Um, Something I'll say quickly about that is when we talk about it in the language, the language is not quite perfect. So when you hear someone say, oh, you'll feel your loved one, people always tell me, why don't feel them? Well, it's because again, they're expecting it to be like a physical palpable touch or like, um, you know, the room turns cold or it's, it's so much more subtle than that. But everyone does have the ability to sense, communicate with, receive signs from their own loved ones. with other people's loved ones is just a different thing. Kind of the same with the baseball analogy that some people want to pursue that and some people don't. The way it's said is even the best teacher can't make someone a medium that's not a medium. I also believe that as we grow and do our personal development and our own emotional healing, gifts can rise to the surface at different points [00:18:00] in our life. So I don't believe someone has to have known or, like me, had weird experiences as a kid. I think sometimes when we're ready for it, that gifts will come. Rise to the surface. So even if someone's feeling like, well, like I would have said, I don't have any gifts, uh, there might be a time as we grow and heal and expand that new gifts or different expressions of ourself rise to the surface. And you'll love this. Actually, if there's a way to encourage it to the surface, it's meditation.

Kara Goodwin: I would, I would agree with that. So when it comes to, um, being able to connect with loved ones and receive clear signs, are there any? Tips that you have, uh, or starting points for people who, who don't have experience with that.

joy-giovanni--joyfulmedium-com--she-her-_1_08-14-2024_100552: yes. Okay, so I have a free three day mini course that I'll tell you guys about, and then I'll tell you, I'll just [00:19:00] share some tips. Um, that's on the homepage of my website, joyfulmedium. com. It's right on that homepage. Uh, it's called Sign Magnet, and it's a three session Mini course, their short 15 minute lessons.

It teaches how to get signs from the universe, like general signs. It teaches how to use numbers as signs. Like if anyone sees like 11, 11, 4, 4, 4, um, it teaches how to use that as signs. And then it teaches in longer form, how to get signs with your loved ones. It's great. Cause then you can keep practicing and coming back to the videos if you need to. so that's available for anyone that wants it. It's totally

Kara Goodwin: Oh, that sounds awesome.

joy-giovanni--joyfulmedium-com--she-her-_1_08-14-2024_100552: Thanks.

Kara Goodwin: Yeah. Oh,

joy-giovanni--joyfulmedium-com--she-her-_1_08-14-2024_100552: because it's for me, it's, I give it a lot of times at the end of a group reading or a session because it's like, No, here, practice this. You can learn this. Um, I find the quote unquote magic of it is picking a specific sign. So some people have something that reminds them of their, you know, I'm thinking of a gal that I had, [00:20:00] um, in a group reading many years ago and her dad kept showing me, um, this, this, uh, blue jay. And I was like, I think your dad brings you blue jays and she's like, oh, he used to play on the blue jays on the team.

And I was like, oh, okay. So this is like a loaded symbol. So clearly that's a very significant. Sign for her, but if you don't have something like that, you know, maybe your grandpa didn't collect coins or there's nothing that you Mentally relate you can just pick something and it doesn't have to be the same thing all the time You can change it up.

So like if you're going on vacation and you want Someone really, you know special to you to like show you different signs on this trip so that you know that they're there You can just pick something I like to, want to pick something that's like too obscure, but at the same time I hesitate to say that because what they can do is pretty incredible and some of the ways the signs come through are [00:21:00] incredible.

Um, so picking something specific is a big Key, because a lot of people say like, Oh, I'm not getting a sign. And I'm like, Oh, what did you ask for? And they're like, Oh, I just asked for a sign. I don't know what it is. You know what I

Kara Goodwin: yeah.

joy-giovanni--joyfulmedium-com--she-her-_1_08-14-2024_100552: And then it's like, well, they're doing it. Let's just give them more to give them more to work with.

So it can't, I mean, things in nature are great. Um, but the other thing to hang on to is it's any way you receive that sign. So say that you chose a butterfly. I have someone that sends me butterflies and it's for this person. It's specifically the orange butterflies. And it's any way she can get it through to me.

So I've been at like a, um, a store that has China and dishes and seen an orange butterfly on a plate. sometimes it's not the real butterfly. If you're at the mall and you see someone that has a tattoo of a butterfly that counts, if there's a business that has a logo of a butterfly that counts, so it's any way they can get it through to you.

People don't realize they're doing so much work to bring us. Not only do they have to get us, like if it's on a billboard, for example, to cross [00:22:00] paths with it, but they have to get us to look and recognize it at that exact moment, or they have to get that person to say that name to you, for example.

So they're really working

it out.

Kara Goodwin: Yeah. Have you noticed in your own path that, um, that that has strengthened, like as you've connected more with your guides? Um, because for example, with my meditation practice, you know, it's, it's like, as I, you know, Almost like pass through these levels, let's say, um, it, the synchronicities, you know, become stronger and more obvious and more and quicker and so forth.

Have you had a similar experience?

joy-giovanni--joyfulmedium-com--she-her-_1_08-14-2024_100552: I feel like with the synchronicities, yes. And when I'm more actively like in meditation in this work, kind of building that relationship, right? It's more of a volley that I'm noticing. Um, and certainly I'll notice like if I am, I do a, [00:23:00] um, a meditation every day to sit with the spirit world. Sometimes someone will come and sit with me that I recognize that will join me, or I'll be kind of moving through my day and I'll feel one of my own loved ones like over my shoulder, so to speak. But the, the sign thing. This is one of the weird things about me is I started specific signs with loved ones when I was I mean, I don't know how I knew to do that. I would ask kind of God or the universe for a sign about something and I'd get it. I'd ask for sign through music. I, um, lost someone really significant in my life when I was probably about five or six.

And I've always, that's the orange butterfly person. I've always asked her to send me those and she always has. So I don't know why at six years old, I was so bold to be like, this is the sign. Send it. I mean, it was, it was loving, obviously, but that's always been. It's why I know it works, because I've tried it for 40 years now, and it

Kara Goodwin: Yeah,

joy-giovanni--joyfulmedium-com--she-her-_1_08-14-2024_100552: works, so that one just kind of came in from who knows [00:24:00] where.

Kara Goodwin: I love that. Now you've referenced a couple of times your guides, and I've heard you talk about this on the podcast too, of it's like you, you know, it, it seems as though you receive pretty clear guidance and explanations from your guides. Um, and, and, and I also hear you saying that things are subtle. And so it's talk about the balance between those, how those things show up for you.

joy-giovanni--joyfulmedium-com--she-her-_1_08-14-2024_100552: that's a great question. So, I believe I actually, at the time that this releases, I will have recently released an episode about who's on your spirit team, because I believe we all have a team of guides and inspirers for different things in our life. Um, so sometimes I'll sit in meditation and just the way I imagine it is opening my personal space bubble to kind of like love seat size and inviting a guide to sit next to me and just sharing that space with them. And sometimes it'll come in as. [00:25:00] Almost like, um, call this person. Check out this website that's been on your mind. So sometimes it'll come in like that. Uh, and sometimes it'll come in a little bit differently. Like if I have a question, for example, I might take that into meditation too. And it's not, I'm hesitating because I want to make sure I'm clear that it's not demanding of our guides or, um, not sharp like that.

It's a, there's an openness and naturalness. And I also believe some things we might want to know, but we don't need to know. Uh, so I think that's a piece of it. I think anyone can start sitting with their guides. I mean, I think it does help to have a bit of a meditation practice just to be able to understand what it feels like.

Just us in our bubble, just our own energy and then inviting one in, but it does still come in very subtle. It's not like a disincarnate voice talking into my ear, even though sometimes I'm like, could we, could you do that?

Kara Goodwin: Yeah,

joy-giovanni--joyfulmedium-com--she-her-_1_08-14-2024_100552: doesn't [00:26:00] work that


Kara Goodwin: that would be a lot easier. Do you mind?

joy-giovanni--joyfulmedium-com--she-her-_1_08-14-2024_100552: Yeah, exactly and sometimes it is through the synchronicities like you said where it's like almost energetic breadcrumbs Ping ponging us one to the other to the other and it's like, oh, okay I'm starting to connect these dots and we know it's not an idea or a solution that like I've Personally come up with from my logical mind.

It's more of like for me. It's often a different perspective solution that I'm like,

Joy Giovanni: Oh, I didn't think of that.

joy-giovanni--joyfulmedium-com--she-her-_1_08-14-2024_100552: the other thing to know is that a lot of times for me, the guidance doesn't come in during the actual meditation time. That's the relationship building time. It usually comes in. When I used to do massage, I used to, um, Laundry and fold all my own sheets and I would always come in when I was folding sheets. Now it's like if I'm like in the shower or doing dishes or on a walk is really powerful for me moving my physical energy and then it's just kind of, you know, you're noticing the scenery and all of a sudden, um, a block [00:27:00] of thought will pop in that either answer something that's been on your heart or gives guidance or direction. I think, I'm so glad you asked this question, because I think one of the important things for people to know is that spirit guides are not here to, um, tell us what to do. They will not usurp our free will. We're here to kind of bang around and feel uncomfortable and get outside of our comfort zone. Comfort zone. And I think our human nature is to want to try to control and set things up in a way so that we can avoid discomfort. Um, I'm the bearer of bad news on this because that's just never going to happen. And our guides won't, uh, advise us in that way. Sometimes we have to be, I mean, most of the time we have to be out of our comfort zone for growth, but it's, it's similar to that little plucking on our heartstrings when we're, um, yeah. You know, in a, in a space that we know is not serving us for our highest and greatest good, where I see it strongly with people is like in a relationship that they know is not for them or serving them anymore. [00:28:00] It's kind of that subtle, soft, um, Maybe you should go. Maybe it's time to go. Are you gonna, how much longer are you gonna stay?

It's, it's not, again, not like a sharp wind or a sharp alarm or anything like that. It's very soft because we have to make the free will choice and action. They're not going to do that part.

Kara Goodwin: Okay. So when, so for you, the way that you experience your guides, if I understand correctly, it's, you know, the relationship building in the meditation and then it's kind of allowing their guidance to come in naturally and. How do you recognize that it like versus your own thoughts or ideas?

joy-giovanni--joyfulmedium-com--she-her-_1_08-14-2024_100552: It's very subtle and again, this is back to why it's so important to have a foundational meditation practice that, um, we call it discernment. So that discernment of, oh, this is my own thoughts versus this is my intuition versus, oh, this is coming from somewhere [00:29:00] else. That's such a subtle difference and shifting and, um, um, I wish I had like a better concrete answer of how I know the difference.

For me, this is not going to make sense probably the way I'm going to say it, but it's kind of the direction it's coming from. I almost feel like something comes into my mind from the side, from the left is usually guides, from the right is usually spirit people, and from up from inside is usually intuition for me.

I'm pretty directional though. I also um, give a little secret. I in meditation when I'm trying to understand a guide or work with a new guide or request a new guide, I believe we can request a guide for like a project. For example, I imagine that I'm sitting like in the center of a circle or the center of a clock and part of my relationship building.

This is how I started when I very first started wanting to understand guides and angels and I would my intention was to To sort of very [00:30:00] subtly sense or discern their energy coming from a specific direction for me, because I told you I've always had color with me sometimes all in my understanding or just in my mind's eye or in my knowing a certain color will pop into my mind. Um, I used to have one that brought a very strong, uh, clear gusty and smell too, that was other people could smell, not just


Kara Goodwin: Wow.

joy-giovanni--joyfulmedium-com--she-her-_1_08-14-2024_100552: them to, to. Give quote unquote me some markers for them of like, Oh, okay. This guide approaches from direct left. They come in pink, they feel like this, whereas this guide feels very strong, very masculine.

Like my mediumship guide, for example, comes right behind my right shoulder, almost like a, like a pole, like, and he feels very solid, very grounded, very masculine. Um, so yeah, that's in a nutshell,

Kara Goodwin: That you've given a,

joy-giovanni--joyfulmedium-com--she-her-_1_08-14-2024_100552: do

Kara Goodwin: that's a lot of information in terms of, um, but [00:31:00] things that I haven't really thought about, like things that I can practically use in my own meditation, because

I, I have not really tuned into like, I mean, I guess I, that's not fair to say, like, sometimes I will notice like, oh, this, this is Something has my attention, like at 10 o'clock, for example, or, you know, directionally, but, but often I'm paying attention to my, you know, what's going on behind closed eyes or feelings.

You know, you talk about the people might be expecting a touch or whatever, but really those subtle feelings are, are happening inside and that's where we want to pay attention. So I'll have a lot of attention. There in my inner world of like, am I feeling an opening? Where is my attention within my body?

But not so much that directionality that you talk about. So I'm going to use that. I'm excited. Thank you for sharing that.

joy-giovanni--joyfulmedium-com--she-her-_1_08-14-2024_100552: play with, too. And the other thing, people get really attached to like, what's my guide's [00:32:00] name? I believe, kind of been shown, like, they don't necessarily, they're not attached to a name like that. I actually, Don't believe that that's how they necessarily understand each other on the other side.

I feel like we each have a little bit of a different signature energy. Like, I don't think we, because we don't have voice boxes over there. So I don't think we're yelling each other's name. I think we just recognize each other energetically. Because I have one, and I was like, oh, is your name this or this?

And they were like, just pick, just pick. It doesn't matter. Just whatever you like. Um, but sometimes you'll have an impression of, uh, name or a sense of, you know, and it's just an information gathering. So I think if we approach it instead of rigid, more like open hearted and curious. And the other thing is with building that discernment, it's also learning to trust ourselves that we can just, we can just accept that.

Like, yeah, I feel, I feel a guide. Like that's okay. Like, instead of saying like, do I, am I making it up my, that, that was hard one for me though. It took [00:33:00] me. Several years to get to that place. So I just want to encourage everyone, like, don't feel discouraged if you, if you feel like you doubt yourself quite a bit, just, just know that that's something to be working on, just trusting yourself.

And then you can set up a sign with your guide and ask for validation. If I'm understanding you correctly, um, can you get, uh, a 48 hours? That kind of a thing. So, yeah, we can ask for, but there's a fine line of asking for tangible Validation and being continuously doubtful, because that's not, not relationship building, not trust building, if that makes sense. So

Kara Goodwin: Completely.

joy-giovanni--joyfulmedium-com--she-her-_1_08-14-2024_100552: sometimes will request those kind of things, but I'm also very careful to not, it's like, just like anything, I guess, not becoming dependent on outside things and really working on trusting from the inside.

Kara Goodwin: I love that. I mean, and that's, comes up to the empowerment piece, right, where it's like, it's part of the [00:34:00] training in my opinion, you know, where it's, it's like, as you're kind of getting your legs about you to be like, how does this, how does this work? How do I know that it's working? How do I know it's not my imagination? You know, we, that kind of validation can be helpful. And then, you We need to mature and understand, like, you don't need to, you know, second guess every piece, you know, you can feel it within you. Is there an expansion or what are your cues as you take your steps forward that you can learn from?

joy-giovanni--joyfulmedium-com--she-her-_1_08-14-2024_100552: Yeah, exactly. The other thing that's been really fun that if someone has maybe a little more comfortable with their meditation practice already that they can practice is, um, I didn't get to know a lot of my loved ones before they crossed over. So I was able to kind of sit in meditation, invite someone to sit next to me and just, See what they shared or see what impressions I received, make some notes, and then I could go back.

My dad's 85, [00:35:00] um, he's on the younger side of 10 siblings, and I was able to go back with him several years ago and kind of check information. So that was really validating that, like, all right, something's going on. here. I'm very lucky that he's very open minded to

Kara Goodwin: Yeah.

joy-giovanni--joyfulmedium-com--she-her-_1_08-14-2024_100552: experience.

Actually, it's funny when we were, we were talking right before we started recording about Italy and my family's from Italy and when I told my dad I had to kind of like come out of the broom closet to him so to speak and was like, this thing's happening and I think, I think I'm communicating with people that have crossed over.

He was like, oh yeah, when your grandma was a girl in Italy, she used To see, uh, people walking down with the, they call them mule girls. The girls on mules that used to take the, whatever it was down from the mine. She would see deceased miners walking down beside and I was like, Oh, just nobody mentioned this.

This is just, we just don't like you guys knew this and just like, we just don't even, so, um, yeah, that was kind of fun. But if you are someone that has, um, even done it with, I used to live in this, [00:36:00] uh, different place and it was on Kumeyaay land, indigenous land, and I was working kind of late one night and I started to suddenly become aware of someone next to me and I just sat in meditation with her and, and felt whatever impressions I got and, and was able to then Google and validate all these details about, um, their indigenous family, what they did. were some like really specific, strange things about them being very good at developing systems of irrigation, very advanced and, and brush clearing. And all of that was right on the internet.

Kara Goodwin: Wow.

joy-giovanni--joyfulmedium-com--she-her-_1_08-14-2024_100552: do fun little play tests or test is probably not the right word, but like open hearted. What can I like?

It just feels playful to me. Um, So especially if you're in a place that's like historic of any kind or has like a long, you know, new build maybe, but it's maybe not as much data to research. But, um, yeah, it's kind of fun to start playing with. [00:37:00] And if you don't get anything, you don't get anything. Just don't be, you know, don't be attached to the outcome.

Just be there for the experience.

Kara Goodwin: I love that. So I know that on your podcast recently, you have done a deep dive into angels and angels

came up a little bit earlier in our interview as well. Um, what is your connection with the angels? The angels in terms of do you see them as guides or do you see them as separate and how do they show up for you?

joy-giovanni--joyfulmedium-com--she-her-_1_08-14-2024_100552: Oh, that's a good question. So I kind of flashback to those days in like I said, in Boston, we have some of the most beautiful Catholic churches with these really ornate, incredible stained glass windows and, um, sculptures and statues and depictions of angels. So I think I had some sort of idea, uh, for whatever reason, when I started to come into this work as an adult, they just felt very safe to me, probably because of that programming.

So one of the first things I learned was, [00:38:00] uh, to do angel therapy, which Essentially energy work. Um, and then I was following a practitioner that was really big into angels. So I was like, okay, this feels safe. This feels light. It was one of my breadcrumbs that I was picking up. For me, I think they, I think I believe we each have two guardian angels at least sometimes more. Um, I believe there's a group of archangels, which a lot of people have heard of some of them. That's the episode you're talking about is in there's I've done since the beginning we've been doing this series I think we're on five or six of healing with the angelic realm and we'll Dive into one archangel at a time and I do an experience at the end where you can kind of call them in So those archangels are accessible to everybody and then we have our own personal Guardian angels.

They feel a little different than guides to me. When I first started all this, is when I started this directionality, where are you on my clock thing, and the angels, I kind of feel a little bit above and in the front. It's not that that's where they technically are in time space dimension, but it's [00:39:00] just where I've kind of assigned them. Um, and I believe they're a little different than guides. I think sometimes guides have incarnated, you know, into our earth school angels. I don't think have. I understand them as having just this incredible love for humanity. Um, unconditional. Uh, there's something very, I think light is the best word I have for them.

There's something very light and area and loving and kind about them. I think we all can Work with them as well. But I also think it's okay if someone feels not interested. I think there are things that will draw our attention and things that won't. Um, the other thing to know is don't have to believe in any specific belief system or tradition to work with that energy.

Some people like to think them as just very high vibrational light beings. That's okay too. They don't, they don't mind.

Kara Goodwin: I love it. And This may go in a in an odd direction, but like in my own [00:40:00]Multidimensional experiences that I've had. I, I don't necessarily connect like knowingly with the angels very often. I mean, I, I invite them into my meditations and so forth, but my experiences where I'm like, where I feel it's more of a two way thing, um, have been limited, but when I have really felt like.

Oh, these are angels. These are, this is, or this is the angelic realm. It is as I, cause a lot of times I will try to pay attention to where I'm active in my brain.

Joy Giovanni: Hmm.

Kara Goodwin: might have be having an inner experience, but you can always bring your attention to like, where is my attention in my brain? Like what is active in my brain?

And it's always very high up, up high in the brain, like close to the crown.

joy-giovanni--joyfulmedium-com--she-her-_1_08-14-2024_100552: Oh, interesting. I love


Kara Goodwin: And that makes me like, when you said you see them, like the clock, you know, the clock is [00:41:00] around you, but you see them like above,

joy-giovanni--joyfulmedium-com--she-her-_1_08-14-2024_100552: Yeah.

Kara Goodwin: that makes complete sense in terms of just my, my experience. And then kind of like, you know, you love the evidential stuff.

And that's very similar with me of like, well, what, what mechanically is happening? Like, where is my awareness now? And it's. Interesting too that that's close to the crown

Joy Giovanni: Yeah.

Kara Goodwin: it just gets like wider and wider and you know gold But just like a really bright light the higher and more focused it is up there.

joy-giovanni--joyfulmedium-com--she-her-_1_08-14-2024_100552: Yeah.

Kara Goodwin: So it's interesting

joy-giovanni--joyfulmedium-com--she-her-_1_08-14-2024_100552: interesting, too, that you're talking about white in the crown. So before the deceased loved ones started, Coming to me, or before I knew that they were there. Um, I trained, uh, well in part into that time, but I had already started training in a transmedium ship development program, which is essentially raising the crown to very high vibrational levels of white to then either channel, kind of eye can move to the side [00:42:00] in meditation in a deep state and channel that way, or a little bit more Less so for healing.

So I love that you're aware of those upper, you know, gold and white layers up there.

Kara Goodwin: Oh, I haven't heard about that. So that's really cool

joy-giovanni--joyfulmedium-com--she-her-_1_08-14-2024_100552: That's what I mean, like so many breadcrumbs So I feel like I need, I

Kara Goodwin: moon Okay

joy-giovanni--joyfulmedium-com--she-her-_1_08-14-2024_100552: that is, I've dabbled in so many

things but you know, sometimes, sometimes it's a reason, sometimes a season and some of them stayed with me forever and sometimes things loop back around.

Kara Goodwin: Yeah. I, I love that. Wonderful. Well, this has just been so fulfilling. Can you please tell people how they can connect with you and find out more about you?

joy-giovanni--joyfulmedium-com--she-her-_1_08-14-2024_100552: Yes. Um, so the podcast is Spirit Speak Easy. It is on all platforms where you would normally find podcasts. You can just search Spirit Speak Easy. If you prefer a video version, I put those on my website, joyfulmedium. com, in the [00:43:00] blog section. Uh, you will also find the weekly readings there. I do a weekly reading.

Usually six to eight minutes, sometimes nine minute weekly reading, just taking a look at the energy's potentials for that week. So if you're into that, those are also in the blog section of the website. And you'll find them on socials, um, at Joyful Medium, all the places, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok. Um, What else?

The website's joyfulmedium. com. That's probably the best way to find out what event is this month. What's going on? What are the happenings? That's where the free mini courses right on that homepage And you can learn more about me. I also do every month a free monthly community offering This year we've been bouncing back and forth a little bit between healing and sometimes I'll throw in a mediumship group reading the rest of 2024.

I have them scheduled out as healings though So everyone's live on zoom and I for about an hour do guide a meditation and do Reiki healing energy [00:44:00] healing sometimes Healers I've trained Will, it's called side chair, will sit and heal alongside me. Um, so those are really wonderful just to get some and resetting in our ORIC fields and in our chakras.

Uh, yeah. So those are, those are all the ways

Kara Goodwin: Wonderful. Well, thank you so much for coming on and sharing your beautiful light. Thank you for everything that you're doing out in the world to, uh, help elevate the vibration and it's been such a joy.

joy-giovanni--joyfulmedium-com--she-her-_1_08-14-2024_100552: Yeah. It's been wonderful talking with you and I am hoping we can collaborate again in the


Kara Goodwin: Thank you for listening to this episode of Meditation Conversation. I'd be so grateful if you would share this episode with someone in your life who would appreciate it. You may not realize just how valuable your sharing is as it helps to build momentum and make high vibrational content such as this more accessible and easier to find.

 I'd also be so grateful for you to [00:45:00] subscribe to this content. Thank you for your support. And I look forward to the next meditation conversation.

Joy Giovanni Profile Photo

Joy Giovanni


Joy is a renowned and sought-after psychic medium, healer, and spiritual teacher.
Raised in Boston and internationally known for her time as a WWE Diva, model and actress, Joy always knew her sensitivity and connection with her own intuition and spirituality was something special, but it wasn't until she realized others didn't have the same sensing abilities — like seeing bright, swirling colors every time she closed her eyes — that she channeled her psychic energy to help heal others.
As a published author, public speaker and media personality, Joy's calming nature matched with her unique gifts and insights go far beyond her individual clients, making psychic, mediumship and healing more personable and accessible to audiences across the globe.

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