Unveiling the Wonders of Animal Communication with Heidi Wright In this episode of Soul Elevation, I was so excited to talk with my friend, Heidi Wright. Heidi is an exceptionally gifted animal communicator/pet psychic, who is regularly featured on TV...
Unveiling the Wonders of Animal Communication with Heidi Wright
In this episode of Soul Elevation, I was so excited to talk with my friend, Heidi Wright.
Heidi is an exceptionally gifted animal communicator/pet psychic, who is regularly featured on TV in Japan and Korea.
Heidi shares extraordinary stories from her extensive career that highlight her unique ability to telepathically communicate with animals.
Hear about her incredible experience with a beluga whale in the wild, her insights from a grouper in an aquarium, and more. Central to her work is verifying the insights she gets, and it is fascinating to not only hear what she receives from the animals, but then to get these wildly unexpected insights verified by the humans in the animals' lives is astounding.
Learn how Heidi transitioned from a law enforcement background to mastering animal communication, and discover tips on how you can connect with animals yourself.
This episode also explores Heidi's encounters with diverse animals—from dolphins to tarantulas—and the profound wisdom she's gathered from them.
Tune in to be inspired by Heidi's remarkable gifts and her journey beyond the veil.
Connect with Heidi and explore her work: https://critterconnections.net
Join Heidi and Kara at the Reaching Through the Veil Summit: https://www.karagoodwin.com/through-veil-summit
Other episodes you'll enjoy:
304. Grief & The Sacred Process of Pet Transitions - Maribeth Decker
291. Animal Wisdom & Nature's Pharmacy - Lisa Tully
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00:00 Introduction to Soul Elevation
00:11 Meet Heidi Wright: Animal Communicator Extraordinaire
00:27 Heidi's Fascinating Stories from Japan and Korea
01:23 Personal Experience with Heidi's Gift
03:03 Upcoming Reaching Through the Veil Summit
04:06 Interview Begins: Heidi's Journey to Animal Communication
06:11 The Mechanics of Animal Communication
06:40 Validating Animal Communication
09:05 Heidi's TV Experiences and Cold Reads
14:24 Teaching Animal Communication
16:22 Recognizing and Developing Psychic Abilities
21:28 Seeing and Sensing Energy
32:47 Healing and Energy Work with Animals
37:11 Energy Systems in Animals
39:04 Communicating with Insects and Arachnids
43:13 Experiences with Dolphins and Whales
52:11 Surprising Animal Communications
01:06:58 Teaching and Working with People
01:11:06 Conclusion and Final Thoughts
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Heidi Wright
[00:00:00] Welcome to Soul Elevation, where you can guide your ascension to new heights. I'm your host, Cara Goodwin, and you are in for such a treat with this episode with Heidi Wright. Heidi is an animal communicator, meaning she can telepathically communicate with animals to figure out their needs and deepen their connection with their owners.
She shares marvelous stories in this episode, particularly relating to the many, many TV shows she's done in Japan and Korea. Her stories are wild, including accurate insights given from fish about staff at an aquarium. and wait until you hear the story of telepathically summoning a specific beluga whale in the wild.
Heidi Wright is a renowned animal communicator and author who's worked with animals and their humans across 23 countries and throughout the USA. Featured on hit TV shows [00:01:00] in Japan 2006, heidi has also made appearances on South Korea's TV, L.
And then just one more thing I want to say about this episode. unfortunately, Heidi and I had stopped recording at this point, but when we were finished, we just chatted for quite a while after the recording. And as we were about to hang up, she said, Why am I seeing a black and white long haired dog?
And so my my dog was in the room with us when we recorded so I took my camera and I showed her my dog and And my dog is is black and white but has a lot of like amber in her as well And she's not long hair but I thought well she has some black and white And Heidi's like, well, no, that's not it.[00:02:00]
And she said, it's more of a sheep dog type. And I said, Oh my gosh, that's lady. That's my childhood dog. So that was so meaningful for me because, um, she had the opportunity to take, you know, my dog and say like, okay, I guess that could be it. Um, but she. was like, no, that's, that doesn't match what I'm seeing.
And then that gave us the opportunity for me to realize that it was a dog that passed away, you know, 25 years ago. And then, you know, Heidi was just laughing like, Oh, your dog, just, they just want us to know they're still around. They still love us. And so that was so personally meaningful for me.
And it just goes to show like the gifts that she has, how she just. You know, it just very, very naturally comes in and she gets these insights, these images. And so I was able to experience that firsthand, but unfortunately we didn't catch that in the recording, [00:03:00] but, uh, but I testify so.
and Heidi will be a featured guest on the upcoming reaching through the veil summit. Are you ready to connect with the unseen and receive guidance from the realms beyond? I'm thrilled to host this extraordinary online summit where world renowned spiritual experts will share powerful insights and techniques To help you communicate with departed loved ones, spirit guides, and angels.
This event is designed to help you develop your intuition, strengthen your connection to the other side, and experience the profound wisdom waiting for you beyond the veil. Join us free live, catch the replay for 24 hours, or upgrade your experience for lifetime replay access and enriching gifts from our speakers.
Join us for Reaching Through the Veil and discover the keys to unlocking divine messages, healing, and higher guidance. Reserve your spot now at karagoodwin. com and take your next step in spiritual [00:04:00] awakening. I can't wait to journey beyond the veil with you. And now enjoy this episode.
Kara Goodwin: . Well, welcome Heidi. I'm so excited to talk to you today. It's such an honor to have you here. Thanks so much for being on Soul Elevation.
Heidi Wright: I'm really excited about this too, and I'm glad the connections we've made through other people.
So I'm just really happy to be here. Thank you so much.
Kara Goodwin: Yeah, I your story is fascinating. Your gifts are fascinating. Um, I'd love to just start with how you became an animal communicator because I know that you have a law enforcement background. So those things don't necessarily feel like they go together.
So how did you get to where you are now?
Heidi Wright: Well, actually, you're right. They don't go together. Um, I was born with some abilities and I've always had intuitive abilities. And, um, but as a police officer, especially, you know, many years ago, you had to be careful about what you said, otherwise people would think you're nuts.
[00:05:00] So I did use my abilities quite often, uh, especially as an officer to keep myself safe and quite frankly, to help me catch bad guys, but I concealed it. I never really talked about it, but then I ended up having to disability retire. And, um, after that, I was basically, I didn't have to hide anything. And I could talk about it more freely.
And then, um, there was a special force that I really wanted to help. And I thought, and I had heard about animal communicators. So I thought, you know, I just really want to help this horse. So I did that. And then I ended up taking a training. And what I realized is that all of my abilities I had before just needed to be tweaked or changed a little bit to apply to animal communication.
And then as it turned out, I was basically, um, not quite tested, but when I took the course, I was in front of a room full of people and [00:06:00] I humbly can say I did very well. And then that encouraged me to start doing this professionally. And I've been working and studying ever since.
Kara Goodwin: So you, let's talk about animal communication because I know that people will want to know what is this like for you?
How do you communicate? How do you receive the messages and how do you because you have a really unique way of knowing that I mean, you have verifiable results. So I'd love to know too. Like, how are they verified? How do you know that what you're getting is really coming from the animal?
Heidi Wright: Well, I think that my law enforcement background and being an investigator when I was a police officer.
You have to justify why you took an action and also justify sometimes why you did not. So because I was, that was very evidence based for so many years, when I got into doing this, I, [00:07:00] I wanted proof. When people say, uh, what do you say to skeptics? Seriously, I say, welcome to my world. So what I did is I learned to practice in a way that is able to be validated.
So for an example, if I want to communicate with my horse, like if I did it right now, um, my corrals are not huge, but they're big enough the horses can move around. So if I connect to a horse and I say, you know, how you doing? Everything okay? Where are you? Well then in my, in my situation, I can just go look out the window.
So then I can validate if what I got was correct. Like if the horse is okay. And then also where the horse actually is. So by using little things like that, that you can validate all the time, just in your daily life, once you know what that validation feels like, you know what is correct. And that's the vital thing to [00:08:00] me, is because we're gonna, in, in this line of work, you, you end up having things that you can't validate.
For example, you know, uh, the animal's opinions. Or if you're dealing with, um, a rescue animal, and someone asks about their history. It's really hard to validate that usually. So, by teaching and practicing, this is how I practice, in a way that gives me that validation, that lets me know what is correct. So then, I say, okay, I'm on the right track.
Then if there's something that I can't validate, I'll still be able to look for that feeling of what is correct and what isn't. And that's what keeps me on track. And that's how I teach. And I think that's why I've had success, because I get tested all the time when I do a TV show or something like that, because you, you can't fake it when you're, you just can't fake [00:09:00] it.
Kara Goodwin: Yes, right. When you're, when you're under the gun like that. Because you, you are very, very, um, well known in Japan and Korea and, um, have done a lot of TV work over there. So I assume they just kind of bring them in and you're sort of blinded, you know, blindsided in terms of like, you don't, you're cold.
Let's say cold reads. Is that a better way to say it? But where you don't have the background.
Heidi Wright: Yeah, people would write into the show and they would say, you know, I would like Heidi to work with my animal So going in we have an idea like I would know where I'm going what the animal is You know if it's a dog a cat whatever and what the main issue is However, you never know what's gonna happen once we get there.
So You know because a lot of people think that it's fake because it's a TV show So I give a very practical very honest answer The network is putting out a lot of money [00:10:00] to go film a segment. We hope we get something that they can use. So they're not gonna just, like, go to any old house. You know, first of all, the person has to be willing to be filmed.
And then they want a story that's compassionate. So that's all up to the network or whoever's doing it. So, you know, we do. I, I, as I said, I know where we're going. Who we're going to meet, like the people, they give me the name of the people and the animal that we're going to work with. Dog, cat, dolphin, whatever it is.
But then, as I said, once we get there, it's, it's filmed live in front of the family and their onlookers and the entire crew. So that's why it's so, it's so vital that I'm able to get those, those, um, validated points. Otherwise, it's just. Doesn't really mean anything. I hate to be that blunt, but that's how my mind [00:11:00] works I want it to be meaningful and accurate and most of all I want to be a translator for the animals Because that they're the star of the show.
I'm just the translator
Kara Goodwin: That makes sense. So let's, let's talk about when, okay, for Heidi here, an animal is in need and they're communicating with you. What have you done to establish a connection with the animal and, and what is it like for you to receive? Like, are you, because some people, you know, some people see pictures, some people hear, um, is it like their thoughts are your thoughts?
So tell us a little bit about your experience.
Heidi Wright: Well, people can receive information in basically the same five ways that you do with our normal physical senses. So, images, seeing, hearing, touch, emotions, sound, taste. [00:12:00] So, when I connect to the animal, I have a method that I do to intentionally connect my energy to theirs.
And then, when I get that connection, the information comes in those ways. Most people, Will have one or two ways that they tend or are most strong at receiving. So some people think if they can't get everything all ways that that they can't do this. Well, no. One of the best animal communicators I've ever met.
Actually, her main thing is she's an empath. She doesn't hear voices, but she is so talented as an empath. She's amazing. So I tell people that that's how you start is to look to the way that you do it most. Now, the next question I always get is, especially for my students, is like, how do I get it? Just like you said.
Well, I'm kind of odd in that I do get information all five ways, but I don't get things all five ways [00:13:00] every single time. It's like a puzzle piece. And then I just take all those puzzle pieces and I put it together. So I think the best way to explain this in a really nice concrete way is that if you're in someone's home and you hear a sizzling sound, so you know that they're cooking, frying something in a pan.
So there's your sound. And then you get a smell of bacon. Well, you didn't see it. You didn't taste it. You didn't get an image of it. But because of the sound and the smell, you know exactly what they're doing. And you put together those puzzle pieces, and then you can figure out what they want. So sometimes with an animal, they'll say, especially dogs, I will get like, I'll hear the words I want and then I either get an image of what they want, or I'll get a taste and I hope that it's not because I don't like the taste of some dog treats.
I'm just being honest, [00:14:00] so it's not always flowers and sunshine, but you take I take all those pieces. And I put them together.
Kara Goodwin: Oh, wow. Okay. That's, that's so cool. So how, so you clearly, you have had these gifts, as you said, before you became an animal communicator. Do, and you also teach this. To a lot of people, the people that you train, do they come to you with some skills?
Are you able to help people who don't feel that they're tapped in already to any of their psychic senses? Do you, are you able to help them to communicate with animals too?
Heidi Wright: Yes, I am. Um, so far, knock on wood, I do have a 100 percent success rate in teaching others to do this. And what I mean by that is all of my students at least begin.
I'm not saying they're going to be fantastic, but they at least begin to communicate with animals [00:15:00] with validation in front of the group. So it's not just me saying, Oh yes, you did it. I want witnesses. So they, they begin with validation in front of the group before the course is done. and then your other question was, you know, how do I get people to do this?
R's. Either someone is going to remember. How they have been doing it, or they're going to reawaken their intuition that has been dormant. Or they're going to recognize how they're doing it now and through my course. And that's what I teach people. And I asked my students a lot of questions. How did this come to you?
And then we have, um, you know, and I said, and write it down. So, if you get something, if you get an image, right, I see if it's moving, But for me, my word is video, like I might in my notes, I might put video of something or I'll just put image. I have my own little shorthand, but then you, you start to [00:16:00] recognize how it comes with emotions.
You, it's usually a sudden change of mood. So, like, if I connect with an animal and they're say, extremely anxious, all of a sudden I get anxiety and I go, wait a minute. I was just fine until I looked at you. So that's the way I can tell that it's not me. So this is how I teach people to recognize. Um, and for me, I did a lot of remembering when I first started on this journey.
Um, because there were things that I, I think I had probably suppressed it because I was so busy being logical. As a police officer, I didn't realize how much of it was interwoven until later when I remembered and I recognized in myself.
Kara Goodwin: Wow. That's so interesting that you say that because I was just last night reflecting on I get more and more memories of being little and.
Like seeing the world [00:17:00] differently, see, like, just perceiving differently. I was remembering, for example, and another thing with this is like, I can't even remember if I'm remembering accurately. I'm like, did I really do that? But I, I had this sense that I did. So for example, where I would be playing as an example, and I would see myself from outside of myself.
So I would like observe. Myself playing. And so I could be doing that, but I could also be seeing it from the outside of myself. And I, I just remember that. And it was, it's kind of an imagination thing, but also being able to do it, you know, like, Oh, I wonder what I look like from the outside. And then I'd see it from the outside.
So there was a bit of like, I'm imagining it, but also like it was just very natural and then I'm like, when was the last time I did that, you know, just as a, a thing that would even occur to me to try to do, but there are things like [00:18:00] that where I'm like, I used to see myself from the outside of myself and I could see myself from far away.
Or like closer up or whatever. And, you know, just so there is that remembrance part. Like I, all these decades and decades of, of forgetting that that was even a thing I used to do, you know,
Heidi Wright: were you meditating or were you asleep? And these are dreams recalled, recalled, or did you just do this? Like as a part of your day?
Kara Goodwin: I, you mean when it, when I would do it when I was little, or did I remember it when I, I think when I would do it, it was just as I went through my day, you know, when I was little, um, and then remembering it, I was literally, I was in a hot tub last night and I was just looking up at the stars. And it was just something that I think, because I was like, if I were in the.
How, what, you know, how small would I look right now? And then I was like, Oh, and I just had this like instant recollection of [00:19:00] doing this when I was little. And I, and, and now it seems kind of important or profound in a way, you know, like a, of a childhood thing to do. Um, but at the time I didn't think anything of it.
It was just something that my mind would do, would play with, you know.
Heidi Wright: Do you know what that's called? I'm sure you do.
Kara Goodwin: No.
Heidi Wright: It's called astral projection.
Kara Goodwin: Oh, I didn't think a lot of
Heidi Wright: people think of astral projection as being done when you close your eyes and you're meditating or in dreams. Where you mentally, some people, they're now, they're, they're changing some of the terminology.
Some people call this remote viewing, remote influencing. If you do it when you either are asleep or meditating, they usually call it astral projection, but there are people who can do it in their waking state. And it really is. It's, it's an amazing superpower. So can you imagine if you just go, hmm, I want to know how far I am away from, let's say if you get lost in the [00:20:00] woods and you want to know where the river is so that you can follow the river out of the forest.
If you just could say, okay, I need an aerial view and you just set you send up your own basically like your mental drone and you just get a different perspective, even though you're still connected to your physical being.
Kara Goodwin: Ooh. So
Heidi Wright: you have a superpower too.
Kara Goodwin: Well you're unlocking things more and more for me.
Thank you.
Heidi Wright: Yeah. I've seen that. This is one of the things I, when I, when I talk about one of the three R's is recognizing. So see you, you've recognized that something happened that was unique, but you didn't realize it. That's actually an ability. It's actually a skill that not everybody has. I mean, I can astral project when I'm meditating and I can do, do some other things.
That we don't talk about. Um, but, um, but I, I don't do it like you do it. I don't just go, Oh, I [00:21:00]wish I could see fire. And then all of a sudden I have this point of view. So there's a, there's an ability that you have that is unique.
Kara Goodwin: And if you
Heidi Wright: embrace it. You would probably be super great at like remote viewing and influencing and locating things.
So see, you have a latent ability that you didn't recognize.
Kara Goodwin: Wow, I'm getting training session right now. This is amazing. You're bringing out all these gifts in me already. Oh, wow. Well, and this is another thing that I'm very curious with you because I, I understand that you, you can see energy, which I love.
That gift when people have this, because it is this thing that I, you know, of course, more and more people these days are understanding that we are all energy, that we are, we are primarily energy rather than matter, but because we can't see it. It can be really tricky to, it can be something that people have to take on faith.
[00:22:00] So it's fascinating to come across people like you who are like, I actually can see it. Like I there's, I can see it, but explain, like, I heard you talk about, um, what one of your teachers, cause you've done a lot of different, you've been trained in a lot of different trade healing modalities, but one of your teachers was projecting energy.
Through his hand, like a Jedi, and you could see it. Do you want to? Can you talk about that?
Heidi Wright: Yeah, for one, he has since passed on, um, and I'm so blessed that I was able to train with him, but he really was like a living Jedi, and he had an astounding amount of training. He had quite a few black belts in different, um, in different martial arts modalities.
And martial arts is very close, closely tied and connected with intuition and energy. Um, even if, even if your particular sensei doesn't teach that. You're getting it. So he had that training and he also did a lot of training in [00:23:00] energy medicine and in remote viewing and influencing. In fact, I can tell you his, uh, his name of blessed memory is Dr.
John LaTourette, and he has actually done some, a lot of publications and just a tremendous teacher. I was in a, um, in a seminar at his facility and he was talking about energy and he and he actually held up his hand and honestly it was like out of a movie where I could see the energy beam coming out of his hand and it was very intentional and it was projected and he was going towards a certain student.
And, um, so what I saw with my physical eyes was just his hand. What I saw with my intuition, I could see the energy. And I know that's really hard to imagine or visualize. So, this is why when I teach, I like to get very simple, concrete ways of explaining things so that it is tangible. Because when I [00:24:00]started specific training, people would go, Oh, calm, find your center, feel the energy.
I'm like, what in the hell does that mean? I mean, it looks good in a cartoon. I mean, seriously, I'm like. What do you mean? And because of my frustration, I wanted to say, Okay, I don't want any of my students frustrated. I want them to have specific tools. So I'm going to give you, um, one of my really simple tools where I start teaching people how to see and sense energy.
It's so simple. You're going to go. I can't believe I didn't do this. Okay, this is it. You know how when you look at a candle flame, and if you stare at that candle flame, your eyes will start to see the little glow of energy around the candle flame. Okay, when you are looking at a mountain range, like the top of the mountain, if you look at it right where the, the edge of the mountain touches the sky, just look at that area for [00:25:00] a moment.
Normally, in just a very short time, they'll start to see the little glow around the edge of the mountain. That is the energy.
Kara Goodwin: And
Heidi Wright: once you understand how to see that in nature or in a different setting than a candle flame, then you can apply it. So for right now, I can see your aura right now, Kara. Really?
Yeah, once you get used to it, like you can see it on even on camera, and I don't and I don't quite understand how because obviously I don't think you have a. Is it Carilion, the
Kara Goodwin: Carilion photography? I'm not going to say that either, but the
Heidi Wright: photography. Yeah, so I don't, I mean, I highly doubt that your camera, and I know mine isn't, but once you start to see energies, you can just see them.
So I can see your aura on camera right now. And the easiest way to start, this is why I tell people, start with a mountain range. And just even if it takes you a while,
Kara Goodwin: just
Heidi Wright: I'm
Kara Goodwin: a Midwestern. I'm going to translate mountain [00:26:00] treetop Midwest do the
Heidi Wright: treetops. I usually start with a mountain because the lighting is easier.
And then I say, as soon as you can see it on the mountain, look to the treetops. And then you can, uh, even start doing it. This is harder, but it's a good challenge. Do it with your houseplants. So, and the more you can do it, the more you recognize. Again, one of the big three R's is recognizing. Um, now, some people will have much more abilities at this.
One of the teachers I was able to train with was astounding at reading auras. And he could read an aura like a layer of an onion. And I'm going to be totally honest. When he started talking during this one seminar, I went, really? Yeah, really? And I thought, you're, you're crazy, you know, in my mind, of course, I didn't say it, but I was so skeptical.
And then during the course of the, um, of that training, there was another student in that course. And the [00:27:00] teacher looked at her and he said, he was looking at her aura. And again, he can see out layers, just like looking at a calendar almost. And he said, eight years ago, you had a very significant. And he was trying to be nice, so he said, trauma, and he said, and it was in October of that year, and the woman went pale, and she teared up, and she started to shake, and she didn't say exactly what the trauma was, but she says, yes.
That's exactly right. Wow. So how could he have known that if he wasn't really Yeah, so then I asked him. I said, how, how did you isolate? How did you, how? And that's when he said, he said, your aura is actually layers, like layers of an onion or rings on a tree. And once you get good enough, you can see You know, what, what happened?
And I just went, wow. And so, because I, I witnessed that [00:28:00] validation from what that man said and that student, that's when I said, okay, validation. That was one of the big things for me of saying validation is vital. And so, I can't do that. Because then people go, can you do that? I'm like, no. I can see a lot and I can do a lot, but.
Kara Goodwin: well, I want to share something that when I was listening to that story about you, like perceiving this energy coming out of your teacher's hand, suddenly I started feeling at my crown, this thickening of energy and I, and it was so palpable, but it was like, just listening to this story. You tell this story about sensing energy.
I was like. Whoa, something's happening with my, with my energy, with my crown. And so it made me think and wonder, and, and this might not even be something that you know intentionally, but like, as a teacher, as [00:29:00] you're instructing people, do you have a sense of how much of an activator you are for these things with people?
Heidi Wright: You're getting me.
Kara Goodwin: Yes. You don't have to answer. I can always edit things if it's like, no, I don't really want to talk about that. But it seems to me clear that you just do activate.
Heidi Wright: You do, and I tell you the reason why I hesitated there, and I don't mind if we leave this in, the reason I hesitated is some people, even like if they're taking my course, they have a bit of an open mind, but their, their mind is only, is only open so far.
So if they come to my class and their mind is like this, like, oh, you know, I know when my dog's mad at me, but I want to know more. But maybe that's all they know. Maybe they don't know about energies, they don't know about reading people, they don't know about energy activation, they don't know about everything I do works on [00:30:00] humans.
So I try to focus what I teach in my animal communication courses on animal communication. So I teach a lot more, but I don't, I don't come out and say, Oh yeah, um, you know, I read my students so that I help them because some people, it makes them very uncomfortable. And I actually, I will say that when I'm, when I'm teaching, I'll tell people that, um, that, you know, this is what I do.
I focus on you. I'll look at your energy because I, I want to be the best teacher for you. If you don't want me to do this, then you just tell me. So far, no one has said no. Um, and then if I pick up something super private, I just say, I think this isn't private. We can talk later. But yeah, there's any exchange of energy, which is what happens when you, when you teach and when you are a student opening up to this, there is an exchange of energy.
Just like right now, you and I, even though you're in your home [00:31:00] and I'm in my home over this, you know, uh, connection, we're still exchanging energy. And so that's why it's important that, um, that we learn to control it. We learn to recognize it. We learn to say, you know, am I going to allow this energy or am I not?
And so there's a lot of activation that goes on. So for you, it's funny that you did that because when I was trying to concentrate on what I was talking about, I was looking at you and I started seeing these little like, it almost looked like little sparks coming up out of your head. And I thought, well, it's kind of weird, but I didn't want to lose my train of thought and look like a total ding dong.
So I just keep focusing on my work. But I'm like, what is that? So, in my humble opinion, what I think is, is you, you have a little bit of a, yeah, you did. It's good right now. But you had a little bit of a blockage on your crown. So when you're, when you're opening up to this possibility, your crown goes, oh, give me more.
And when you do these things, you can feel it. You, I mean, you can fill it in parts of your body. You [00:32:00] can fill it in your, like you did at the top of your head. So you're opening up to those energies.
Kara Goodwin: That's so fascinating. And you know, like I said, I wasn't even taking a course. I was watching something like what we're doing right now.
And so that's, that's really powerful. And, you know, I'm just, if people are listening and they're interested in animal communication and they're interested in opening up their skills, it's like you are an incredible resource. Now I know. Or I think I know with your work, you also, you, you do a lot of healing.
You have a lot of, like I said, you've been trained in a lot of healing modalities. Do you also work on healing with animals? Is that part of the animal communication is the healing aspect?
Heidi Wright: To, um, on my website, I'll, you know, people can choose if they want just like break and I, and I use Reiki, um, because that's one of the most recognized methodologies, um, they can do that [00:33:00] or they, if they want to communication, but when I'm working with an animal for communication, if I feel the need, or if I feel they need the energy, I go ahead and I do a little bit of energy and work on that as well.
So, um. It does it goes hand in hand and you're you're right. I actually have been trained in a lot of different modalities, but in a lot of these things, you're not allowed to, um, say that you're doing a certain thing unless you have been like certified as a practitioner. Oh, okay. And this is actually one of the things that I learned from one of my mentors, um, because I took a very specific training from him many years ago and I said, why don't you offer that training anymore?
And he said, because if I do it under the name of that methodology, I have to restrict what I say to them, to that. So I'm not allowed to talk about [00:34:00] anything else that comes up. I can only talk about that method. And he says, and I, and he says, I just can't do that anymore. He said, you know, if somebody, if I, I'll look at.
or energy, or if they need, you know, proprioceptive work, or if they need meditation, if they need physical work. So when I teach, I call it animal communication. And when I do energy, I call it Reiki, but I have no pride as far as like, I will use whatever tool that I know how to use to help that person and that animal.
And so when you take my course, at least the way I teach, I teach a lot. More if it's if it comes up if it's needed, and I also customize the teaching to the student so, but I, I can't advertise everything that I have been trained in. Um, and then I had 1 person go. Well, why don't you just get certified? And I'm like, okay, that's a good point, [00:35:00] but the time it takes.
And then I thought if I want to be like a certified in quantum touch, for example, that is magnificent. I know quantum touch practitioners, but I don't have the, the, the need or the, quite frankly, the time to go through that course. So, I only use, you know, I might adapt something that I, that I learned read experience working directly with a quantum touch practitioner, but I'm not allowed to say that because I'm not.
Officially certified. So I, yeah, I'm, I will do anything to help each person. And in fact, I tell, I tell people that in my, in my workshops, I say, you know, if I'm paying attention to you, please don't think I'm picking on you. It's because I feel like you need some extra attention at that moment. And I want to help you.
And by the same token, if I'm not talking to you, please don't think you're ignored at all. What I'll do is, [00:36:00] is when I'm teaching in person, I look around the room and I read the energy of my students. Not just what's coming out of their mouth or what their questions are, but their energy. And I, and I can just see it.
Oh, yep. He's got it. She's got it. She's fine. She's got a little bit of a block there. Okay. And this one, okay, we need to work on that. And I do, I just go around the room. And then when I have, when the time comes, I give each person what they need.
Kara Goodwin: Oh, that's what a, what a gift to be able to do that. Um, when you're working with animals, do you find that from a healing perspective?
And, um, so for example, you mentioned Reiki, which I know uses the chakra system for humans. So are the energy systems between animals? Very similar to humans. And then, of course, you have all you don't just work with dogs and cats. You work with a variety of species. So is there like crossover or are the energy systems different [00:37:00] from species to species?
Heidi Wright: The, um. Animals do have chakras. They do have the energy systems and they're basically in the same place. So, for example, we have energy systems in our hands. Of course, there's a 7 major ones that we can see on any chakra chart, but we also have energy, uh, energy centers in our hands. So, if you're dealing with a human or a primate, a monkey, a gorilla, easy.
But for a bird, the part of their body that would correspond with my hand would be the end of their wing.
Kara Goodwin: Oh.
Heidi Wright: So, when they extend their wing, I can see the energy there. And by the same token, like if I'm working with a bird, for example, and suddenly I get, um, you know, say my left elbow suddenly hurts. I'm like My elbow was fine until I worked with his bird.
Well, that bird, that would be the elbow part of the bird's wing. So it correlates pretty much the same. Um, [00:38:00] And then you just adjust it to the animal. So like a weasel has a lot longer body and shorter legs. So the, the main chakras down the spine are a little bit the same. Basically the same. Um, but it may be a little bit more, um, stretched out than a human.
So on, no matter what the animal is, they're basically in the same locations and, and the same major chakras. The only tricky one so far that I've, uh, worked with is, um, snakes. Kind of, I mean, you definitely know where the crown chakra is, but even, and so what I do is I'll pull up an anatomy chart. Like say if I'm working with a boa constrictor, where's the heart on a boa constrictor?
I'm not entirely sure, you know, so then I use my intuition to see it and then I'll double check by getting an anatomy chart. And then it's also different in the snakes depending on what kind of a snake it is, the location of the heart. [00:39:00] Um, but other than that, it's pretty much the same as humans.
Kara Goodwin: Do you notice any difference, like, speaking of snakes, any, any difference, like, cold blooded versus warm blooded, or, like, mammals versus insects, or, I mean, I don't even know, do you ever work with insects?
Fish versus
Heidi Wright: I actually have, and it's the weirdest thing, not too long after I got, um, I became a professional animal communicator, I was experimenting, like, well, you know, how many species can I communicate with? And I was actually down in, um, actually it was in Beverly Hills, which I, you know, I wouldn't normally go, but I was in this Beverly Hills pet shop, and there was a tarantula, there were several tarantulas, and I, I'm just, I'm not a spider girl, for those of you who love spiders, I'm happy for you.
As long as the spider, as long as the spider is over there and I'm over here, I'm totally fine. It's pretty much the same thing with snakes. Thank you. [00:40:00] We're good. So I saw this rose tarantula and then there was another tarantula next to her. And so I started to try, can I even hear this? tarantula. And it took me a while, but what took me a while was because I was in my head about, Oh my God, it's this big spider.
So I had to get over myself and I have a technique to do that. But once I got over my initial reaction, she was there and it was amazing the things that she told me. So there doesn't seem to be, uh, basically if it's living, it seems to have in my experience. a level of sentience. The only animal so far, at least for me, where I didn't really get a lot, was a jellyfish.
Kara Goodwin: But,
Heidi Wright: uh, they say a jellyfish doesn't have a brain. So from jellyfish, I only got, um, instinctual or [00:41:00] emotional perception. That was me. Someone else may be able to do it, but in my experience, if it has a brain, of any kind, you can connect with it. Um, one good example of that is bees. I actually am allergic to bees, uh, bee stings.
So I have to be very careful and I have an orchard here and, um, you know, half of the year I want to be able to go out in my own orchard. So I was actually able to have a negotiation with the bees and I'm still careful and I'm still very respectful and yes, I carry an EpiPen, but. Pretty much if I got in the orchard and the honeybees are there, I'm just like, hi guys.
I'm just passing through. How you doing? Please don't scare me. So honeybees, I can have that relationship with wasps and hornets. No, they're not negotiable, not in my experience. So it's interesting that [00:42:00] you have all these different species and these beings that are so different and yet they do have a level of intelligence.
So I try not to judge.
Kara Goodwin: Yeah, that's fascinating. And I, I was a beekeeper for a few years. And so I, and I, I have opinions about yellow jackets and wasps and they're not favorable. So I can sympathize with, uh, with that sentiment. Um, you made me think too, when you were talking about jellyfish about. Sea animals and like whales and dolphins in particular, I'm curious if you've gotten intel from them.
And I would love to share. Um, I'll, I'll let you answer that. And then I would love to get your opinion about something that was like a download or however you want to say it, where I was like, Oh, all of a sudden this idea came to me about. What whales are doing, or one of the things that they're doing that I would love to bounce off of you, but have you had [00:43:00] experience of connecting with dolphins and whales?
And then I guess the second part of that question would be, do you need to be in their vicinity or do you ever just kind of telepathically get communication, even if you're not by the sea?
Heidi Wright: Well, I was fortunate to actually film a TV segment with dolphins. Uh, when I was in Japan, so I have up close and personal, and these, these dolphins, they would actually come out of the tank, and I've got a great picture that I treasure, I don't know if the dolphin treasures it, but I treasure it, of me with my hand on the dolphin, and then on those dolphins, I was actually able to, uh, toss the basketball back and forth, so I played catch with dolphins.
It was, it was amazing. So, yeah, the dolphins are absolutely remarkable. Um, and, and I also was able to film with some dolphins for this series, the TV series that I did in Korea. And what amazed me is the, the connection I had with the dolphin In Korea was just heart wrenching [00:44:00] and I didn't expect that.
When the dolphins I worked with in Japan, because of that situation, I really didn't expect the dolphins to be really happy about their situation. Because in that particular tank, it was very, very deep, but it wasn't very big. And I really expected to have some complaints. And I told the producer, I go, you know, I won't lie.
So if these dolphins are not happy, I'm not going to sit here and lie just because they're not happy. You're filming and they, and they know that's one of my rules for filming. I, I won't lie and I won't cut my hair other than that, we're good. So, um, and so I had those unique experiences where it really is very, very individual.
And then when you, you asked about whales again, I'm so, I, I have so blessed. Um, I was asked to film with a beluga whale. In Japan and this whale had been coming up to this one particular fisherman and communicating it with him But it was a wild whale. [00:45:00] So when we went to go film My director one of my favorite directors.
He says when we said we would do it I thought oh this, you know, this beluga must be in a tank or it must be in a bay I had no idea. It was actually wild. So we get there and we go. Um, yeah, we're gonna go film today Or tomorrow and they go. Um It would be really nice if the, if the whale would come and I'm like, yeah, and they go, um, can you call the whale?
I'm thinking all the pressure on me. I'm like, are you kidding me? You set up this TV show and you don't even know where the whale is. So I go, okay, I also need to find that particular beluga. So what I did was I said, okay, do you have any photos of this one? They go. Oh, yes, we have photos of the guy I'm like, okay So that but not before we filmed true story.
I'm like Well, I hope this isn't a flop. [00:46:00] So I just, I really, really focused and concentrated. And I said, you know, please, Mr. Beluga, if you wouldn't mind, if you can spare the moment in your day, we're going to be out here, we're going to be on the boat with your friend. And I focused on the picture of this gentleman that she had this relationship with, and I said, you know, we would love it and be honored if you would show up.
And the whale did. And I was like, so when the whale showed up, I'm like, First I'm like, oh thank god, but then I was going, Really? You showed up at this day and this time when the crew was here and I mean, I was so honored and touched by that, by that whale. So that was, you know, the night before was definitely just telepathic.
When we were filming it was in person. I got to touch them. Oh, wow. I'm such, I know, I'm such a little nerd animal. But then, so I had, I had a rapport with that, with that whale. [00:47:00] So then, um, the next day, I was going to go on to the next, uh, project, and the same thing, the director comes back and he says, you know, we would really like to film some B rolls, so, you know, the crew's going to hang back while you guys go back to Tokyo.
I'm like, okay. You know, I mean, I'm like, that's your TV stuff. I don't do that. I talk to animals and I, and then he looks at me and he goes, he says, he goes, Heidi, and I went, yeah,
Kara Goodwin: you call the whale again.
Heidi Wright: He said, can you ask the whale? Well, I'm like, are you kidding? And I said, well, like before. Like before, I will do my best.
I will beg, I will plead, I will prostrate myself. But yes, I go, I will ask. And then a couple days later he goes, he goes, Heidi, the whale showed up. Wow. And I'm all way. Oh, so even, I mean, I am constantly [00:48:00] amazed by this because when they went back to do the B roll, the whale's favorite person was not there.
It was just. The camera crew that decided they wanted to get some, some different shots of the bay or whatever. And so, yeah, I, I just went, wow, what an honor that that whale came without the favorite person being there. Right. So I don't know how this works, but it's, it's amazing every single time.
Kara Goodwin: That is wild.
I mean, Andy, you know, it's the whole ocean, but it's, you know, like you said, it's not like it's in a sanctuary. It's out.
Heidi Wright: Yeah.
Kara Goodwin: I know when I've gone deliberately on like a whale watching tour, if I'm, you know, in Maine or California, just visiting, you know, and it's like, Oh, we could go take a. Couple of hour boat ride and try to find whales.
It is hard. I like it. I've been on several and don't see anything It's the ocean is big
Heidi Wright: Well, and it's interesting too because [00:49:00] The animals that especially ocean animals there is their whole world is vibration And they it's not just the vibration of the boats. It's the vibration of the humans And so they do know, you know, like if you imagine if you're a whale and you look up and go, Oh, yeah, there's a human boat.
Nah, I don't feel like visiting today.
Kara Goodwin: Yeah
Heidi Wright: It's it's the whales and the dolphin and the sea creatures choice to go up and make themselves known. They don't have to
Kara Goodwin: So this is a beautiful segway. You talking about their world is frequency. You're pretty much just validating like where I was going to go with that, that download that I was telling you about where all of a sudden I was feeling whale energy and I just had this, this knowing just.
Like, Oh, when they, you know, cause they migrate, we know that they migrate and we know that they had these beautiful sounds, but the download was there using frequency on the ley lines that are through the ocean. [00:50:00] And maybe this is common knowledge in certain circles, but it's not for me. I was like, that's genius.
Oh, of course they should be doing that. You know, but it was like, wow. The music is so purposeful. It is frequency and they are repairing and, and infusing the grid, the grid system, the energetic grid system of the planet of the earth.
Heidi Wright: Yeah. And that's a really good point too, because people, when you look out the vastness of the ocean, we as humans see water.
But that under that water, even if you have to go very, very deep under that water is land. And so we tend to think of ley lines on land. Well, there's still land under the, under the ocean. So, and I, and I had one student that had a hard time, uh, visualizing this. So I said, well, think about it. You have chakras in your feet.
Okay. You have chakras in your, like your, your root chakra. [00:51:00] You know, your, your, your, um, your first, second and third chakra. If you're sitting in a bathtub. Those chakras are underwater if you're sitting in a hot tub probably everything except your at least for me I like to get up here. Um, you know everything except your crown chakra is underwater.
It's still an energy center So those ley lines do still go under the ocean They're just in water and water is a magnificent conductor of energy
Kara Goodwin: Oh, right.
Heidi Wright: So, it's extra, it's extra powerful, and I think that's why humans are drawn to water, whether it's a stream or, uh, ocean waves. Just the recording of the sound of ocean waves has been help, has been proven to be beneficial to your health.
So, the people that love to walk on the, the ocean shore every day, it's not just the physical exercise. It's actually the sound. You get sound healing from, just from the noise of the waves.
Kara Goodwin: Yeah, it's, it's
Heidi Wright: shocking. It's amazing.
Kara Goodwin: It is [00:52:00] amazing. And the ions, you know, the ionic exchange, the electronic exchange and, yeah.
That's so cool. So you've shared some really fascinating stories. Uh, I'm curious if there are any, any cases that have surprised you? Where you've worked with animals and maybe you kind of like expected something and then, or maybe this is just like how it is most of the time where you're like, well, I wasn't expecting them to tell me this, but does anything come to mind of times that you've been surprised or.
Um, or shocked by by what has come through.
Heidi Wright: Well, I have been surprised so many times, um, but there are a couple. Um, and again, I've been so blessed to encounter so many animals because of the TV shows. Um, but one of them that really struck me was the first time I worked with aquariums. And. There is this [00:53:00] aquarium and honestly, it wasn't that big and in this aquarium, we were in this back area and there is this big, huge fish called a grouper.
Do you know what a grouper is?
Kara Goodwin: I've heard of that, but I wouldn't picture it. Yeah,
Heidi Wright: they're huge. I mean, absolutely huge. And this grouper. Um, he kind of looked like a catfish without the, um, without the whiskers, but big, huge, deep sea fish. He was probably five or six feet long. He was huge. And he's kind of cruising around, you know, and I had never really tried to communicate with a fish on that level.
But I thought, why not? So I connect with this grouper, and one of the workers from the aquarium was there, and he was very skeptical, which is, which is fine. That's how I am too. So I'm, I'm asking this grouper, and I'm like, are you treated well? Do you like the people? How's this? How's that? And that grouper gave me some images and some information about some of the workers there, that the man standing there, who was, who was [00:54:00] their co worker, he said, that's right.
You're right. I know who you're talking about and what the fish said was correct. And this was, and I just went, no way.
Kara Goodwin: Wow.
Heidi Wright: And I went, so, and it's a grouper, and then, um, again, another time at an aquarium, I had a communication with a king crab. Obviously, king crabs are a food source for humans because people love crab legs.
And so, I, I've had to really expand my, my world of how I view things. And I got information from this king crab about the, um, the workers at that aquarium, different aquarium, that were validated by people that were working there. And you just kind of go, okay, so a king crab knows what's going on, a, a grouper just spilled the tea on those guys.
Um, and it just seems like, um, Oh, another unique [00:55:00] one of the huge fruit bats, um, flying foxes. Do you know the flying fox? They're huge bats.
Kara Goodwin: No, I don't know about these.
Heidi Wright: These are, they're beautiful. The ones I, the ones I talked to, they were probably about two pounds each. And they're probably about, when they were hanging upside down, some of them were like between 10 and 12 inches long from the way they were hanging to the, their feet or their head.
And so I, I mean, I, it just, it seems like no matter what species I've attempted to communicate with, you learn amazing, amazing things. And. And I'll just share this really quick too. Again, this was at a zoo. I would never have been able to communicate with all these animals had it not been for these TV shows.
But in, um, actually in Okinawa, there was a giant anteater and I was able to get right up close to her. And you know, if you look at an anteater, no disrespect to anteaters if you're watching this, [00:56:00]but their, their brains cannot be that big. You know, their brains are just not. So my logical mind goes, What can this anteater tell me?
Oh, oh, oh, she spilled the tea. Okay, so there was a love triangle going on between her and this other anteater and then this other anteater chick was moving in on her man and she did not like it. So she went after the other female anteater. And, and then, and then they had to be moved and she says, yeah, she's over there with him right now.
So I'm hearing this stuff and I thought, okay, I am awake. I'm not making this up. I mean, the, the whole, the whole desperate anteater housewife show going on. Um, so, but I have to trust, right? So I tell the, I tell the, the, the gentleman working there, I said, okay. I don't know if this is gonna make sense, but this is what I got.
And as it's being translated, the guy [00:57:00] just starts smiling and smirking and laughing. And I'm like, am I just, and I'm thinking, you know, I'm thinking, oh man, I blew it, this isn't right. He says, oh no, that's exactly right. We wanted to mate him, and she, she was first mated with this anteater, but then there was this trouble, so the male anteater, and he showed, he told us where they were, they're over there and they're separate, and yeah, and she hasn't been acting like normal, like she usually does.
She's been acting all moody, and we wanted to know what was wrong with her, and I just went, oh, really? It's right. It's correct. So, an anteater triangle, a gripper that sells on the aquarium owners. How big is the brain of a king? I don't know.
Kara Goodwin: A
Heidi Wright: horse's brain is only about the size of your fist.
Kara Goodwin: Really?
Heidi Wright: Yeah.
So when these, okay, I'm going to do an air quote, scientists, and I'm not trying to be [00:58:00]disrespectful at all. I love scientists. I love doctors. I study all the time. And so my logical brain understands that. But then my intuitive brain says, well, You tell me that certain species can't see colors, but this dog told me that he wanted this color.
So I'm not going to argue the biology of whether or not there are rods and cones in that animal's eyeballs that allow them to see color. I, I'm not even going to start that. All I'm saying is that I get these things that are validated and it's things that I never could have known. So what that teaches me is, is you just never know.
And I try to treat every living being as A sentient being and respect that
Kara Goodwin: well, and I love what you bring up about the physiology of, you know, like, we know that we have rods and cones in our eyes and that's attributed to how we see color and how we see definition or it, but that [00:59:00] other animals that.
That they think don't see color. Don't don't see it. It makes me think also of this. I was walking my dog one day and I, and she, you know, they stops and smells, stops and smells, smelling all the mailboxes, smelling the grass. And all of a sudden I, I just had this sense that she was smelling. And as she, as she was smelling, she was like getting a picture and it was like there, so, cause I would always say like, Oh, she's got to read all these texts.
Like she's read, okay, got to read this text, but I hadn't really considered from her perspective, what it might be like for her as she's reading it. And I was like, Oh, she, and you know, whether this, again, this was just kind of like something that came to me, it might not be accurate. And I've never heard like scientists proclaim something like this, but it seems like that maybe through their sense of smell, they build out.
a picture [01:00:00] in a way that we don't, that our bodies, our physiology doesn't work like that. We rely on rods and cones, but they, you know, are just designed differently. And science hasn't like physiologically worked that out yet. As a possibility.
Heidi Wright: Yeah, no, I think you're exactly right, because I get a very similar thing from animals, except I, you know, like, if I am tuning into a dog and they want to sniff, I will get images through the dog.
So, to me, I call when they go for a sniff, I call it doggie TV there. Watching the TV. They're, they're, you know, they're scrolling through Netflix deciding which one they want to pay attention to. So, yeah, I think that's a really good thing, whether it's a text or an image. And it's something that's really difficult for humans to understand because we don't have those senses.
So, like for a dog, sense of smell. Um, I worked with search and rescue dogs. And in particular, um, it's a sad, it's a sad topic, but cadaver dogs [01:01:00] and these cadaver dogs are so trained and their sense of smell is so, uh, amazing. They can actually take a cadaver dog that hasn't been trained, go out on water. So like if a tragedy has befallen and a person is, they're looking for a person in water.
Not to be too gross, but it's biology. As the body deteriorates underwater, the gases leave the body, and those gases go up through the water, even on the molecular level. And on these cadaver dogs, when they are trained, they are able to um, detect If a human body is, um, over 100 feet deep.
Kara Goodwin: Oh, my God.
Heidi Wright: Yeah, you figure 100 feet down in the water, and God forbid somebody's down there, no matter what happened to them, they're down there.
And then the little molecules of the gases escaping from their body make it up. And what has happened is, [01:02:00] because I asked the human handlers, I go, how do you know? They said, well, we go out on a boat and we get, you know, a target area. And then they go slow, and the dog will alert over the side of the boat, just like a, just like a drug dog sniffing a suitcase.
So, the thing that amazes me about that, and the reason why I like to share it, is that the, how amazing and how talented is that sense of smell. So, so now when you apply that to sniffing grass, sniffing a post, sniffing in the forest. I mean, it's, it's almost like being on a rock concert for a dog. Those scents are that, you know, there's, they're that acute and amazing to a dog.
So, um. It gives us a perspective and the other thing is it's funny to this. This just hit me to, um, my dog that recently passed away, uh, was, was so talented and she would do this and my little teeny tiny party crasher here to he's off camera right now. But, um, when, when my dogs alert. [01:03:00] Or when my horse is alert.
Horses are also amazing, their sense of hearing. I'll look, like, what are you barking at? If I don't get anything, I tune into my animal and I say, Okay, what's going on? What, what do you, what are you sensing? And again, I look for validation. So this is part of the practical application of animal communicating.
Um, like with my dog, she would alert and I would say, Okay, what's going on? And then her nose, a gooby in the house. And her nose would start going off and I'm like, okay, what is it? And then I would smell coyotes. Really? So I smelled it through her. Wow. It's almost like a point of view through her senses.
And then she also told me when there was a mountain lion nearby. Because you can smell them and yes, they do smell, um, she heard, she could hear things and she would start alert and I'm like, what's going on? And a family member was coming home. They can [01:04:00] recognize the motor. And so I'm like, really? And then like a minute or 2 later, they would pull into the driveway.
Kara Goodwin: Wow. So
Heidi Wright: that's, that's the other reason why I love my animal companions because they help keep us safe and they alert us to things.
Kara Goodwin: So when you say you smelled a coyote, it wasn't your human, like you didn't suddenly go, oh yeah, okay, now I can smell a coyote. So you, like as a human, Heidi, like regular physical senses, you wouldn't be able to smell a coyote or a mountain lion.
But because you were tuning in, the psychic sense that came in was how your dog was able to smell those things, right? Yeah.
Heidi Wright: Yeah.
Kara Goodwin: It's so cool. The other
Heidi Wright: amazing thing, like with a different sense, I've connected with, um, a hawk and also eagles. Ooh. And so I merged my consciousness with them. And again, I know this sounds like way out there, but it's my life.
Um, so I'll say, I don't know, how many [01:05:00] times I start a sentence with, I know this is going to sound weird. I know. I love weird. But also like if you connect with an eagle and you merge with an eagle. And then you get that point of, point of view, just like you did with, with your astral projection, only I'm actually connected with an eagle flying high.
And I'm like, wow. You know, and then as an eagle, I could not do this as a human, but as an eagle, this eagle was flying hundreds of feet in the air, at least, and they're looking for something to eat. And then I see through my eagle eyes, literally eagle eyes, I would see a little movement, and I'm like, that is how they pick out a fish.
Or from high up above when they, they go in or that's how they are able to grab a snake or a rabbit or whatever their prey is from so high up their, their visual acuity is just remarkable. So, as humans, we can, if the animals willing, we can do that and experience those senses. And once you start to experience senses in those ways.[01:06:00]
As a human, it is so humbling. You know, humans think that we're on the top of the food chain. Then we know what we're doing because we have digits and we drive cars and we do this and that. And I'm thinking we, we really don't, we, we don't know, we don't know things. Yeah. Yeah. For me, you can't hear like a dog.
We can't see like an eagle. We can't swim like a whale. So really, it's fun to learn through these animals, but it's also like. Dude, you win. You win. You win. You win.
Kara Goodwin: Oh, although I know that my cats envy my thumbs when they're like jumping up trying to open the door.
They're like, I know how she does it, but I can't make it work. But yeah, I'm like, I know guys, thumbs. I'm sorry, but, well, Heidi, you, you have amazing skills and you work with people. Do you work with people, [01:07:00] um, one on one outside of the shows? Like if people go to careerconnections. net, can they, if, and they have, they want you to communicate and do you do that remotely?
Like, how do you work with people?
Heidi Wright: I am able to work remotely. All I need is the basic information on the animal. So I ask for a photo. Um, you know, I might ask, I'll ask the name, the age, the gender, if you know it. And, um, and then they send me a list of questions and I can do the work remotely either just through email or on a Zoom call.
Um, so I don't have to be there. And in fact, most of my clients are that way. Um, if I'm I do also do like barn calls and house calls, but obviously that's, that can't always do that if you're not in my area, but when I'm teaching at an event, like I'll be at the Lemurian Life Expo in Mount Shasta in August of 2025 this year.
If someone is there. Then I can do things in person too. All of this is available through my website. I do [01:08:00] need to say that I have a waiting list, so it might not be right away if I can't work a person in, but all of the information is there. And then if there's any difficulty with emails. Feel free to give me a text and that all of my contact information is on the contact page of my website.
And, um, and I, I get to people just as fast as I can.
Kara Goodwin: Beautiful. And then you've mentioned as well, um, that you teach people. So talk a little bit about that. How can people learn from you?
Heidi Wright: I do. I offer a one on one tutoring. And if I do that, what I like to do is I send the person an email of some basic information to lay a little bit of the foundation and I want them to review that information before we get on the call.
And then I usually book the calls at an hour at a time, and it's really amazing and how much you can accomplish that really focused 1 on 1 because once I. I like to do the preliminary, a little bit [01:09:00]of an interview so I know what that person, uh, their level of knowledge. For example, I, I don't need to go into detail about chakras if they already know about them.
I can just jump to like, okay, you know your heart chakra or your crown chakra. So I like to tailor it for each person based upon their training and experience. And then, um, what I really love about it is I've even had some really skeptical students while they're on the zoom call and I'm able to push them.
I mean, I try to be nice about it, but I push them and then once they get the confidence, I'm like, yes, you can do this. You can do this. And so this is this is the other thing is, um, uh, I don't. This is a little bit of my ego. I don't want to break my 100 percent success rate. So I will bend over backwards to at least get someone started.
You know, how, how much they want to take it after, after our time together is up to them. But I know down to my soul, or at least I believe, And it's exciting that every single person can [01:10:00] do this. And again, that goes back to the 100 percent success rate. It isn't to me, that isn't just like, Oh, I'm so neat.
I have a hundred percent. That's not what excites me. What gets me is that that means that every single person can do this at least a little bit, and you can enjoy it. Even if you just do it a little bit. And that's what I want to open up that world for other people.
Kara Goodwin: Wow. That's amazing. Well, you are so fun, Heidi.
And I can't believe that we're an hour in and each time I tell you my childhood cat was named Heidi. So the fact that. I don't meet a lot of Heidi's. I don't think I know of any other cats named Heidi and you're an animal communicator and you're amazing. And my cat was amazing. And all of those things put together, you just have this, the biggest of the biggest soft spot for you.
So thank you so much for being here today. It really means so much. I love connecting with you. I really appreciate it. [01:11:00]
Heidi Wright: Thank you so much. I really appreciate. And I'm honored that you asked me. Thank you so much.
Kara Goodwin: Absolutely.
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Animal Communicator
Heidi's desire to help her horse led her to study animal communication in 2001. She discovered the depth of her abilities, and how to apply her skills to animals. With encouragement and endorsements, became a professional animal communicator. Since 2006 Heidi has traveled to film segments for TV and documentaries, including many visits to Japan to make regular guest appearances on their hit TV show, 'Genius! Mr. Shimura's Animal Land'. In 2009 she was invited to Korea and appeared on the SBS program 'Animal Farm', Dong Mul Nong Jang. Heidi has also appeared on 'L.A. Ink' with Kat Von D on the TLC network, and the Dr. Phil show. In 2011 she traveled to Arizona and was filmed in a documentary about the team at www.FindMe2.com. and has been filmed for several other projects including a series on the Gaia network in 2022 and has since appeared as a guest on podcasts. She has worked with clients from across the entire USA, in addition to international clients in 23 countries.
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