EXCITING CHANGES! Meditation Conversation is now SOUL ELEVATION! ✨
Nov. 28, 2024

380. Galactic Shamanism, Light Language, and Your Multidimensional Self - Diana Divine

Wow! Diana Divine blows me away in this captivating episode! We explore the mystical world of galactic shamanism and light language, along with Diana's fascinating soul journey from childhood to living in Isreal during the Gulf War to spiritual...

Wow! Diana Divine blows me away in this captivating episode!

We explore the mystical world of galactic shamanism and light language, along with Diana's fascinating soul journey from childhood to living in Isreal during the Gulf War to spiritual awakening 25 years ago.

She shares about her work in quantum energetics, and the profound significance of ley lines, UVG points, and how ancient megalithic sites like the pyramids hold the keys to connecting with higher dimensions.

Deanna introduces the concept of light language and demonstrates its transformative power.

I personally found myself energetically activated, as though Diana was waking up energetic aspects of me while she recounted her previous incarnation in ancient Egypt.

As a galactic shaman and soul guide, Deanna reveals how everyone has the potential to unlock their multidimensional selves.

Tune in to explore the intersections of spiritual awakening, quantum healing, and our connections to galactic realms.


Join the Sedona Ascension Retreat, March 14-16, 2025. Use code KaraGoodwin5 for 5% off your ticket. https://sedonaascensionretreats.com

Check out Diana's services: https://www.dianadivine.com and her beautiful podcast: https://www.dianadivine.com/soul-communication-podcast

Catch my episode on Soul Communication: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_6_uS59KUA&t=1183s 

Other episodes you'll enjoy:

378. Tapping into Source Energy & Manifestation - David Strickel

375. Your Spiritual Blueprint & Powerful Energy Protocols - Aleya Dao

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Sedona Ascension Retreat use code KaraGoodwin5 for 5% off your ticket

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00:00 Introduction to the Meditation Conversation

00:56 Meet Diana Divine: Galactic Shaman and Light Language Activator

01:50 Upcoming Sedona Ascension Retreat

02:40 Diana's Spiritual Journey: From Belarus to Israel

13:33 Awakening and Spiritual Practices

18:18 Galactic Connections and Earth Work

 24:07 Connecting Through Past Lives

24:47 The Importance of Reclaiming Yourself

25:44 Earth's Evolution and Galactic Wars

27:02 Quantum Healing Hypnosis

29:51 The Mystery Schools of Egypt

32:00 Navigating Energies and Self-Care

35:18 Introduction to Galactic Shamanism

37:46 Activating Light Language

46:12 Connecting with Deanna Divine

48:10 Conclusion and Gratitude

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Welcome to the meditation conversation. The podcast to support your spiritual revolution. I'm your. Host Kara Goodwin.

And I'm so excited. That you're about to connect with Deanna divine. I found my time. Time with Deanna, very activating and the high frequency energies she brings. Brings through were very palpable throughout our interview. There were times. When she was speaking specifically about Egypt, where I could feel. Feel energies working inside me, even though she wasn't intentionally. Really trying to be activating.

It was happening. So I'll be curious. About what you perceive as you listen.

She shares facet. Fascinating information about how she awakened spiritually over the last 20. Five years. And we get into her work as a galactic, shaman and light language. Activator. She shares some of her light language toward the end of the episode. So be sure to catch that. Deanna Devine is a soul guide. And galactic ShawMan dedicated to [00:01:00] helping others unlock their multi-dimensional. Potential.

expertise as a metaphysical activator and educator. she integrates a variety of quantum Chemonics and psychological. Tools to provide tailored offerings for her clients. Deanna. Deanna is the founder of the source language Institute with its mission to teach. And activate others to the purest communication via source. Source codes known as light language.

interested in opening yourself up to light language. You can take herself. Paste source code mastery course. She also currently facil. Facilitates online and in-person sound healing and Phoenix rising. And Kundalini activation workshops in the New Jersey and New York. Area. She's also the host of the podcast, soul communication. And you can find my recent episode among her incredible episodes. So we'll dive in in just a moment, but I wanted to share. My excitement about the Sedona Ascension retreat, which is March. 14 through the 16th, [00:02:00] 2025.

see amazing guests such as Bashar Robert Edward Grant, Billy. Carson William Henry. And previous meditation conversation. guests. Like Adam Apollo, psychic lawyer, Mark Anthony. Any Alan Stein field. Vivian Chavo, Amanda Romania, and so many more amaze. Amazing guests. Use code Kara Goodwin five for five. 5% off your ticket. I hope to see you there.


Kara Goodwin: Well, welcome Deanna. I am so excited to have you on today. Thanks so much for being with us.

Diana Divine: Thank you for having me, Kyra.

Kara Goodwin: So let's start, you have such a fascinating background and I'm so excited about where the conversation is going to go today, because we're going to be talking about. Galactic shamanism and light language and multidimensionality in the quantum field, which are some of my favorite topics. Um, but first I just [00:03:00] want to know about your journey.

Can you talk about how you got to where you are? Cause I know you've been in the spiritual work for a long time. So how did this all come about?

Diana Divine: Yeah, thank you for asking. I'm so happy to be on your podcast talking about all these topics. And yeah, indeed, it's been a long, long journey. It's, now that I think about it, like over two decades, about 25 years. so it's been It's really incredible to watch it unfold and especially the last few years, uh, how it's been accelerated for others and helping others to jump into their journey and support them and see how what took me maybe years to integrate and understand is taking people sometimes just a week or even a day. So that's really exciting for me to see the evolution and where we're going and how everything is accelerating and what we will be even like, you know, In a few years away, um, I'm almost thinking about 2030 for some reason. Like I feel we'll be in a [00:04:00] different reality altogether. And so for me, the journey really started, um, I would say just really in my childhood, I wasn't aware that I was connected to spirit so much, but I was very wise child, as my mom would say, and very, uh, Old soul.

I was comfortable. So I grew up in Belarus, which is at the time was Soviet Union. And, uh, in capital Minsk, I would travel the city and explore at age of six. I, I was really fearless for young age and no one really asked the questions because at the time I was normal. And I was always curious about how people are, how environments are. really comfortable having like my internal, uh, when my husband called DPS. So like I knew my whereabouts in, so it was this kind of innate quality in me that now I'm realizing is part of like my galactic [00:05:00] past where, know, coming from specific like. liar system. We were feline beings and like cats, we love territories and exploring territories.

And so that took me always, my curiosity took me to places. And at the age of 10, we moved to Israel and that was a completely different environment. Middle East, um, you know, Israel specifically is really Holy land and we lived in the North. So near Nazareth and where, you know, Jesus had all his stories in

Kara Goodwin: that a coincidence or were it was your family there and

Diana Divine: We really, we came because we were supposed to come to the United States and then the borders got shot by the Reagan administration and my parents kind of didn't know what to do next. So Israel was a detour, a long one. and then we just came in. Ended up in the city where I think my mom's cousin was residing.

It was a small town in, a beautiful Valley. and it was very agricultural, very connected to nature. [00:06:00] So my teenage years has been like running in the fields and, really. the freedom and yes, with. Being in Middle East and Israel, of course, also encountered the challenges, challenges of the Gulf War in the sixth grade, um, you know, being with the sirens and gas masks and that really woke me up to like the fragility of it all. Um, and then 1994, That's when I would say my first time I connected to my higher self and spirit there was a bus bombing in my town and it was the first town to encounter that experience. I was on that bus stop with my friend and a voice just told me to leave the area. It was a very like busy bus stop that would go to Nazareth and other towns around.

And, uh, and I really resisted. I did not want to cross that street, the voice got really

loud. And

Kara Goodwin: you could audibly hear it saying like it

Diana Divine: here.

Kara Goodwin: Wow. That gives me so many chills.

Diana Divine: [00:07:00] Yeah.

Kara Goodwin: Wow.

Diana Divine: 14 years old. I, I didn't necessarily have this connection yet, but I, I listened. Well, it was almost like it forced me at that point. It was nudging, nudging, and then it just kind of got really loud to really get out of the area. And I grabbed my friend and we crossed the street, turned the corner and the whole thing blew up. And was so confusing because I, didn't understand. We thought like a plane crash, like there was no concept of terrorist buzz bombings as it is today. because Hezbollah and Hamas apparently were in the same jail cells together.

They learned the technique and everything is so close there. So my, My dad was working construction. We had Palestinians in the house, uh, visiting us. It was on the borders. We only 20 minutes away, grew up very secular. And I feel in that way, my worldview was always, I would say, Buddhistic in the [00:08:00] sense that like, I loved everyone. I didn't see that difference between the Jews and the Arabs and that perspective. Perspective wasn't always accepted by others. It, I feel like the neighbors would judge us. And of course later the borders were much tighter. So those experiences couldn't necessarily happen where we could just, you know, but like I said, everything is so mad mashed in like a soup of, interactions that happened in Israel too.

And, but then the polarization started happening and the, and the energies got to be at. And so I came to visit at the age of 15 and a half or so. grandparents in Boston and I, my soul really wanted to stay. I had a really hard time in Israel, though I love the land. It was just, everything did not allow me to flourish the way I wanted to.

And now I see why I think it was. What's happening there today, polarization got so tough and it's really hard to keep that unified field and have that perspective of [00:09:00] what's really happening when you're in it already. Plus the army, that was kind of on the horizon for me and And I felt like I don't really want to be part of that experience.

I don't want to be in the army.

Kara Goodwin: Oh, because you have to go into the army if you're a citizen.

Diana Divine: the females in Israel at the age of 18 had to serve the army in different capacities, uh, depending on your qualifications, depending on your abilities and tests and, but it's, it became, it became this thing about first As a younger child was like, Oh, I want to hold a gun.

And I want to participate in that to reverse in that and understanding, like, you don't want to really be on the side of violence. And fast forward is really interesting because in college I ended up doing peace and conflict resolution work around the conflict. I met someone from, Palestine.

She was, um, She grew up in kind of between UK and her parents were still there. And so we got to really see the conflict [00:10:00] and learn about it from educational point of view, do conferences together. And it was a hard place to be too with that because it's, it's a vicious cycle there. And there's a lot of emotion, a lot of history.

And, um, and that's what we're seeing today. It's like the cycle repeats itself until some point, I think, From spiritual perspective, right? Until we as consciousness, as a collective, choose to exit that, you know, polarization game, the 3d game of pushing and pulling and choose peace and choose unification and choose higher vibrational frequencies, 4d, 5d and above, which civilization can move forward.

I think we're still, and we're feeling that in politics coming up with the elections tomorrow,

Kara Goodwin: Yeah.

Diana Divine: 5th, when we're recording this, um, we're feeling what is happening and how in the 3D, from a quantum perspective, there's really no energy more. So the only way to pull energy [00:11:00] is and forwards, back and forwards through the war, through the politics, through manipulating the people and in that area, unfortunately, is known historically for manipulation all kinds of ways, religiously and through wars.

So I am hopeful. I, that we will come to a place one day of, of beautiful peace in that area to everywhere wherever conflict is ensuing. But I think this is part of the shift of mother earth right now, the shift of these specific points and Israel and Egypt, they own UVG one. So I'm doing a lot of earth Greek work for many, many years and UVG one. That's why the pyramids were built there. This is kind of the key portal. the ley lines converge, where consciousness is perforated through the planet. So they have to rework it. All that shadow, all that energy has to come up and be seen. [00:12:00] um,

Kara Goodwin: It's fascinating. I mean, it's really interesting from, from your life perspective, like how you got onto this and that you had that time in Israel because when you're in that environment of war and you're just in survival, you're locked into, I mean, not saying you, but like people, it, I can only imagine how hard it was to kind of hold that.

That innocence and that purity that you talk about where you were kind of one with nature and you were, you'd roam around Minsk and you were just wanting to be with everybody, like, regardless of their culture, regardless of their religious beliefs. Like you just wanted to connect with people and then you're put in a situation, I mean, to be in Israel.

In that, that particular location, that geographical location and all of the history that's there for better or worse, you know, that's such a powerful [00:13:00] part of the world, but for you to be there during the Gulf War and when you were in the coming of age, like, there's just such a convergence of. Importance in your personal history and the planet, the historical collective humanity timeline of that time for you to be there as well.

It's a, that's a lot like, that's just, it's a lot for my brain to be like, wait, you were aware you when

you, are you kidding? Like,

Diana Divine: and Karen, what's interesting, actually fast forward, my actual awakening happened in Israel. Again, I went back, I was sophomore year in college at the time my mom got into Reiki and Kabbalah and I finally figured a way of how to get out of the army through like some religious loopholes and I, but the only way to resolve it was for me to come back.

So I already went to college and I. I had all kinds of passport issues, of course, because of the army. so [00:14:00] when I arrived, I already started my spiritual path a little bit in college because I got really into Zen Buddhism. I started meditating that year, started doing a lot of work around meditation. So that rival was perfect at the time because my mom brought me to hug Kabbalah, Reiki woman at the Galilee Sea. She had this beautiful apartment, I remember, and my sister and I were there and she did our first Reiki initiation. And when we experienced that, I started feeling the energy. I started feeling the tingles.

It was just something that became just like, You know, I woke my eyes, my third eye and everything just shifted from that moment on that moment was really when the awakening happened and, but it had, it's interesting. It wasn't Israel that again, I came back then went back again to Israel later. And I became master Reiki through another woman who kind of like really solidified.

So that land is very sacred for me in many ways. [00:15:00] because it was the place where it. For me in this lifetime, it has started. and I also know I'm very connected to that region. I remember now all my past lives on earth and beyond earth. I came on earth to the Atlantean timeline as highest priestess in Saqqara.

And that's where I served for many, many years and held some stargates open. And this is talking about beginning of Atlantean timeline, when Egypt started, where the stargates were available and beings were manifesting, and we had that stargate for at least 300 years. it was, it was all part of like what I was just talking about, that UVG one.

And I know I'm not allowed in Egypt yet, which is really interesting too. I tried to go in 2011. Three days before I went, spring revolution happened, everything was lined up, but the universe closed the borders on me.

Kara Goodwin: wow, that gives me [00:16:00] chills too. Oh my gosh.

Diana Divine: was like, it wasn't a time yet. And now as I'm tuning in, very connected to Sachmad frequencies.

I embody those frequencies, I channel Sachmad and that frequency, the lion frequencies, but a lot of now awaken. I would say initiates for mystery schools, like a lot of priestesses are all going to Egypt, they activate in the land, the different temples. I have a lot of beautiful goddesses that I, you know, bring me on their journeys with them and they're going, a lot of activation work happening in Egypt, but it's not my time yet.

And, um, and it's very clear. and, My husband too is my twin flame, we both were in the same temple and we get in the same guidance because of the shift, because of the certain codes the priests were carrying different ranks that we're at. And each one of us has like sort of quantum field of information that [00:17:00] interacts with the land, that interacts with the ley lines, interacts with mother earth and each code is needed there in certain times.

So I am called to certain areas around the world to activate those places, like the Mayan pyramids. I did a lot of work with them, 2012. I was a Mayan in one of my past lives with gruesome, uh, Way of leaving from my human self perspective because I was beheaded, but that was part of the ceremonies back then.

It was very acceptable, but, and I'm going back actually to the Mayan land soon with the galactic cruise that's happening with a lot, a lot of influences. So that's going to be in December. I'm really excited. I haven't been back to the Mayan land since 2012. So certain places, yes. And certain places and it's due time.

So I feel each one of us is, is there to connect, to remember. To know their role in roles are different and it's all kind of part of a journey to to remember. But yeah, it's [00:18:00] interesting how I was brought to that area like Israel to to learn some lessons and understand how they pertain to my, I wouldn't be where I am today for sure in my spiritual journey if I didn't go through that detour as my parents call it of Israel.

Kara Goodwin: Yeah, that's so fascinating. So you've got all of this earth connection and ancient earth connection. And you've been talking about your, um, your galactic connections as well. You've mentioned this UVG one Stargate or are, is it a Stargate? Is it landlines?

Diana Divine: achieve one, so there's over 40 different. points on earth. You can like, look up ley line map where the ley lines, I think of them as these electrical circuits. So just like our body has meridians, mother earth is a life too, right? So she too has chakras. And so we know some known chakras and energy, like Mount [00:19:00] Shasta is a root chakra of the earth.

So we have certain locations and the reason these megalithic sites were built in certain areas such as, you know, the Giza plateau or the pine pyramids is where the ley lines converge. So when they come together, it's like they create another node of energy. there's all these nodes that converge around and there's almost like a sort of a matrix that holds the earth, the electric circuits, um, of, of currents. And so you VG one is the first considered one that where lay lines converge. And usually that area is like 3000, 3000 miles or so. So that would be included in Egypt. Israel is all part around it.

Kara Goodwin: Okay. Is it like connected galactically as well? Like, is, are those points that connect through like to other, and is that, does that [00:20:00] connect you to the Lirans as well from an energetic perspective?

Diana Divine: mean, it could. I think those megalithic sites were built, of course, by, the Syrians, the Galactics. So as you know, the pyramids, the face in the, the Ryan stars, the face in the serious star. So they are facing specific points, uh, galactically as they were built by those civilization, um, and helped. to be built by those simple things.

We know we

didn't build them

Kara Goodwin: Yeah. Yeah. Hmm.

Diana Divine: beings came on earth to help the evolution of consciousness. They were great mathematicians. They were builders. Um, they were not the only ones. Everyone participated. The Akturians participated, the Syrians, Lyrans, a kind of part of this Syrian collective.

If so, when I think of Sakhmat, you know, she's always depicted as. A goddess with the lion head. She's a, she's a Syrian, but [00:21:00] her just recently I was tracking down this conversation with her, her ancestral roots are from Lyra. So Lyra's are the Phileans, but because of the galactic war kind of the Lyra Draco war that where Dracos were these kind of, More reptile, Lizzie's type of beings, they, um, basically invaded Lyra and all these migrants started going everywhere through the galaxy. This is really kind of, if you think of the Star Wars and the Empire, right? The story of the Empire. Empires are the Dracos. So a lot of things that we have seen in our culture and why we resonate the way we do with some movies is because it is coming from that galactic history and we just replaying it here right now.

It's like we are a collection of a lot of different star codes from the past. Uh, 25 or so different systems. So that's like embedded in that [00:22:00] blueprint to even remember. Um, but yes, back to your question. So these specific megalithic sites I build on these. lines on these UVGs because there is a closer connection and specifically if there's alignment and you go into the Giza pyramid, I haven't been inside, but I can remote view and on certain days of the year and just in general, these are, they're not some tombs for the pharaohs.

These were specifically built as connect to get the, you know, quantum information that is needed. Um, the resonance and the vibrational science that, you know, these beings knew were just so incredible and how things were created with that foresight. can we connect to our galactic family? Not being on those land, uh, on those points and on earth for sure, like [00:23:00] it's all available right now. don't need to be in Egypt. I can be just in my bed in the morning doing a meditation and I'm ready there or I can go and connect to any ships in the galaxy. and beyond there's many realms. So galactic realm is just one realm.

We have the realm of the, you know, the angels, we have the realm of heaven. We have the holes of a mentee. We have the Olympic gods. Those are different 12 realms that exist in, in this universal construct. And then we have different dimensions, right? So it's, it's really about us listening, but also retuning a body and recalibrating our frequency. To connect without intention meditative state, um, to those specific places, um, and being curious to explore. I think that's the biggest thing, but everything is available. We are holographic in nature. Everything is one. There's enough evidence [00:24:00] now through quantum entanglement that we can do healing in the distance. I have so many clients who do quantum healing hypnosis. So I take them through their past lives and I have a client in Australia and I can, you know, do this work with her over zoom. So nothing really stops us from connecting. In the quantum field, because it's all one, there's no real time or space. We're all, you know, mirroring each other and kind of doing the work to help each other to remember all the species. So the reason I think some people ask me, I need to remember my past lives? Why do they matter? Like, do I need to remember my galactic self? I barely know what I'm doing on earth. And. I feel it's not absolutely necessary for your awakening ascension path, but it's helpful to reclaim pieces of yourself.

Because sometimes as a shaman, for me, it's about the [00:25:00] traumas that we holding on our field and what prevents us to move forward. Sometimes these traumas happen from situations that happened to us in the childhood, you know, different things, but sometimes it could have been firm or not. Livestock occurred on earth and there were traumas that we've been kind of collecting collecting They are in our blueprint and they prevented us these patterns preventing us to really step into our power That's really what it's about.

I'm know, we're not you and I had this whole conversation about the gurus, right? We're not here to teach Uh, advocate what needs to happen. We're just here to facilitate the process of remembering, but also clearing things that are preventing a person to step in the full potential and the potential is incredible.

I mean, we as, uh, Earth right now, I think, isn't on, precipice of stepping into the next evolution. She's a teenager too. She's also like, I was in Israel, the 14 year old, who's like asking the question, who [00:26:00] am I, what am I here to do? she's shifting. And this is incredible because this is the first time we have so many beings in earth that, uh, you know, Not only helping the earth to shift, but also shifting together with her, those who to do so.

And that hasn't really been done before. So we, we have an important role right now to reclaim ourselves. And the traumas also, as I mentioned, also come from these galactic wars. So if we remember we come from, what happened in that, that helps to reclaim that peace, that soul peace that happens. So back to my story. That day when that bombing happened, I didn't even know that it was so much to process that I Left a piece of my soul like I kind of froze it in time to harmonize the situation that moment in time Because time is a life time. There's no real past and present. It's like layers of the cake They're [00:27:00] all at the same time.

So comes for me for quantum healing hypnosis, we literally reopening that moment in time and we going back in there re experiencing the higher self really shows you what to experience. I'm just facilitating, but the person's highest self chooses. Sometimes it's on the earth.

Sometimes if the person is ready, it's galactic. If the person is not ready, we're not even going to go galactic, it's usually the same pattern. It's a pattern that needs to be seen and. if we can identify what the pattern is, what that phobia is about, what, you know, fear of abandonment or, uh, a lot of, for instance, lions have from the wars because we lost a home, this like sensitive, like belonging, like we don't have home. So they use these galactic patterns that we, some of us experience, and then there's just patterns. From different experiences on earth. I mean, this has a long journey here and dance one through the dark [00:28:00] ages. So lot of the priestesses, for instance, lost a lot of power because we went into this phase of not remembering, but also, you know, everything that's has happened through the dark ages.

And now we just coming out of it. And there's this energy of the Phoenix we're rebirthing ourselves and it's in that way. That's, that's excited.

Kara Goodwin: That's so beautiful. I love how you were bringing it back earlier with, do I need to go to Egypt no, I, connect with the frequencies with the land. And I noticed when you were talking about Egypt in particular, and what the chambers are for. And, they're not tombs.

They're, you know, they're to connect and all of this. And I, there was stuff going on, like, just as you were talking about it, I was like, Okay. She's activating something. So I just wanted to highlight that because if people are listening or you might want to go back and, just pay attention there's a lot going on behind the words is what I want to [00:29:00] say.

So I invite people who are listening to tune in to. their own energy fields and just kind of notice what, what you notice and be, curious about it. But I've, I've really been enjoying where you're taking me. So thank you.

Diana Divine: I'm happy. I'm, I'm always, I think just whether, you know, intentionally or intentionally activating, um, because I think this is kind of the time, know, sometimes I'm activating with light language or we can talk about language that's more language of the heart, which is even easier to activate with, but yeah, each word means something, but also it's just, I would also encourage everyone to just pay attention to the residents.

There's a lot of information out there. So back if you were going to the mystery schools of Egypt, information was sacred and it wasn't available for everyone. So the initiates had [00:30:00] to go through a certain, I would say levels of schooling and levels of tests that. Only after you pass those levels, were you able to get specific access to information and now everything is out and available.

It can be overwhelming and there's a lot, a lot of distortion in the information, but also who's delivering it, how it's being delivered. And so. from what level of consciousness it's being delivered. That's what I'm noticing as well. If the person hasn't embodied that level of consciousness themself, if they're not in self love and they deliver information about self love, something already distorted in that because that means they just regurgitated the information, but they're not living the truth.

They're not embodying the path they haven't gone through the test of initiation. So, are you really listening to? Is it resonating in your body? Do you feel something is off? So [00:31:00] really be discerning in how you accept information into your field, create boundaries in your field about what you're listening to, who you're listening from, and just in general like that the boundaries aspect of it was From my memory in ancient schools and in the temples, even with my husband, he's my twin flame.

We never actually interacted because I was a certain level of priesthood where I had certain work with these light beings coming from other stars I had to be in certain frequency. So because I had to be in certain frequency, I could not interact with those denser frequency. So that just goes to show that Who we surround ourselves with and what frequency bandwidth we, you know, interacting with, is affecting us.

So if we don't have necessarily the tools or the practices to recalibrate, because recalibration is the key back to the vibrational state [00:32:00] you want to be at. It's really easy these days to be pulled into the muck with everyone else. And I'm seeing that happening a lot, included. So it's like constant, but catching yourself, Oh, wow, this person is toxic.

Or, I'm listening to the, some toxic news and it's not really serving me right now. Let me just turn that off. Let me just go and walk outside, hug a tree. And, and so there's always ways to shift yourself just because it happened, the awareness of the awareness of what vibrational state you at and being okay. Today I'm not feeling great. I just want to, you know, take it easy and creating those practices of self care, of nurturing yourself and noticing what's happening to you. And we get bombarded, bombarded with solar activity right now. So like I woke up today at 3 30 am I was like, Ooh. happening?

Geomagnetic storms again, or maybe there's a connection that needs to happen with some beings. Sometimes it's that [00:33:00] 3. 30 is not a perfect time when the veil is very thin and we can actually do Meditation. That's wonderful. So I meditate. I was like, okay, well, if I'm awake at three 30, if there's a reason why, but also these energies are waking us up or they just overwhelming maybe for some people the system and know the energies are meant to increase the light in your system.

So it's light quotient kind of building things. We are light. We are quantum. it's activating our cells, re tuning us, and um, when people talk about ascension symptoms, don't like the word ascension symptoms because it's assuming something is wrong with us. Just think of more like, this is a lot of quantum information. Coming into a field and this dense density, but also this physical body, which is the last one to be upgraded. Like it's like this older hardware, this older Mac computer that needs a little bit retuning. I [00:34:00] have a little harder time, right. With, but this, all of this, programming that's running quickly.

And so take care of yourself. magnesium, know, do soul baths, whatever is necessary to nourish yourself through the process and just observe. into the observer is really what is key, in this whole game, I would say of, of ascension, dissension, of merge, of remembrance, of being who you truly meant to be and create boundaries. how to say no. I think that's key. Yeah, that was one of my biggest, would say, Most important keys that I've learned in my process where, you know, friends would peel off some old friends and no longer friends. And some people say it's a lonely journey. It's not lonely anymore because more of us waking up, we find our soul family.

We do podcasts together. We spread the message. So I think as one chapter closes more beautiful. Chapters open with the vibrational [00:35:00] match of the right souls to come into your field and help you to remember to activate you and you do the same. You spread your ripples of love as well. So, it's an interesting, delicate time.

We add, but it's a beautiful one.

Kara Goodwin: That's so well said, beautiful. I, I'm really curious about the galactic shamanism. Let's talk about how you became a galactic shaman. What is a galactic shaman in case there are people who, who aren't familiar with that? and what that is like for you. Babble. Oh, wow. Yeah. Hmm. Hmm.

Diana Divine: shamanism is essentially what's been here for eons. It's connection to the land, it's connection to nature and, um, working with different spirit animals and just going. But in the shamanism, we usually, [00:36:00] there's rituals involved.

Like, so if we, if we're thinking of plant medicine, so thinking of all the different ceremonies I've been at in, in Columbia and Peru and with ayahuasca, with mushroom medicine, and I became kind of medicine woman myself, not so much with ayahuasca, but the mushrooms. So it's, Learning how to build relationships with a plan medicine. and the plan medicine is to, again, awaken a soul to move the ego out of the way, to reconnect us to our hearts. It's all about really back to our hearts. realigning ourselves this noisy world into who we're meant to be. So shamanic way is very multi layered, but it's. From my perspective, this is earth, earth based, it's also dropping into what they call the underworld, the middle world, the upper world. So galactic is more world. So with my life's good journey. one day, after many years [00:37:00] of doing different ceremonies, she actually was the one who during the ceremony, the medicine itself is, they call it her grandmother, she's very wise. And she was like, you, my child done with this. Work with me. graduating you out. This is your last ceremony. It's time to go galactic. And I was like, what is galactic? What does that mean? And she's like, well, it's your time to understand how to interact with dimensions and frequencies that are beyond earth and build connection with star beings, and with their language But she didn't give me too much instruction, actually. That came later. She was just like, take your time off. This is your time to connect. so about a year I was kind of integrated and, um, and then I had an experience with light language. So we were out. In the mountains and I wasn't a singer. I didn't actually trust [00:38:00] my voice at all.

my friend was encouraging me to sing and hum. We were sitting in this beautiful place in Adirondack mountains, upstate New York, what's called Garnet Hills. So like on Garnet, literally sitting on these rocks of Garnet magical place. and I was, and as I started humming, I. was seeing these golden geometries in my, in my mind.

And these geometries were like, just let us through, just let us, us through. at some point I surrendered. And the next thing it was just experience of like five minutes where these incredible tones were coming out of me. And it's almost like I was observing the experience and they just took over And the tones were like really high in a way that I never even thought I could possibly that way or sing anything. It was just quite fascinating experience. So when we came out of it, I looked at my hair. I was like, wow, what was that? And, um, and then I remembered one time I had that experience [00:39:00] during, during ayahuasca ceremony, but it wasn't as intense. I went back and, and. Try to get get into that state again I found a friend who's a channeler and she started working with me through meditation and she was the one who said actually this is called light language and These are the frequencies of the universe and you'll be in a channel and kind of divine instrument what's interesting, we all have that.

It's not something that I just can do. And this has been my passion project for the last six, seven years is to activate others and let them remember that they can do this too. it's a quantum language. It's multi dimensional. So. It started with Tony for me, and then I started connecting to the actual words and some words like some people say it's like gibberish.

You know, when we're kids and we're so innocent, we were just kind of speaking something. Yeah. And [00:40:00] if there's energy to it, it's a frequency language. So actually, Maybe when we were kids, we were still so open and speak in light language, you know, adults with their conditioning were like, Oh, that's gibberish.

That doesn't mean anything. That's just a kid's language. But maybe there was more than that. So as we unpeel in all these layers of conditioning, what is right and wrong and allowing ourselves to be this. channel of information. These are actually frequencies that can shift energies. These are, can have a dialogue together. usually the first language that opens up is the language of the star system you came from. So I came from Lyra. I also been to other systems, but that was just like my birth language, right? Like Russian is my birth language in, in this lifetime. So, but then I also speak Hebrew and I speak English and speak a little bit of Spanish.

So I've collected other languages along the route, [00:41:00] similar with the galactic languages. So the light language, but their galactic languages, um, carry certain codes. So like the lion language. is connected to the system itself is beautiful. It's like clarity. It's very heart oriented. It's very melodic. Pleiadian language is also very similar. Because Pleiadians actually Lyrans were ancestors of the Pleiadians. It's also very feeling heart oriented, but because of my involvement during the, the Draco Lyran war, I also speak was actually the The first two Lyran and Draco activated at the same time.

And it's like in Star Trek, you know, the clean youngs, you remember the clean youngs? There's like really harsh. He likes it. Very different, very guttural. And like in the beginning, I was like, my throat was like, Whoa, [00:42:00] like this is so uncomfortable. I'm not used to doing this. Now I can feel it. You know, channel it like real time, but at the time when it opened, it was like, Whoa, what is that? But what it does amazingly, we've been doing a lot of throat clearings with it.

And it clears the field and the energies because it's so harsh. And because it's like very warrior esque, it's, it's just like, you know, cuts through all, all the bullshit, so to speak. And then there's Syrian languages, Akturian. Akturian is very circuitry oriented because Akturian beings, uh, Very like, you know, about third eye and the code technological. So each language has its kind of patterns in, of course, the different dialects and so people ask me, is that something you're gonna learn? You don't learn. It's like channeling. You just connect to it. And then the learning comes like real time. I don't often understand with my 3d mind, what I'm saying. I sometimes have [00:43:00] pictures that were like overall theme of what I'm saying, and we don't actually want to dilute it down to translating word to word. Some people try to do so, and I would discourage that actually because you're taking quantum. Language that can mean one thing can mean so many things and trying to translate a word to word. like doing this service to this quantum language. So sometimes it's a dialogue. Sometimes it's an activation. So if I'm doing a transmission real time for the group, I can shift so much energy with it because it's intentional activation I'm doing. Sometimes it's just a transmission. So there's different purposes of it, but everyone Feel something and can't be whether they feel hot and cold or tingles like angelic language would be More like frequency and singing they kind of usually swoop in to like smooth the field out we can bring so [00:44:00] I was talking about the realms we can bring the languages of all these realms whether it's angelics Where it's whether it's deities where it's whether it's galactics Whether it's the elemental world the fairies the dragons you The mushroom, everything has a language and it's not just vocal it's, there's also hand movements, uh, with it, the hand movements kind of help to almost like write the language real time in the air and amplify what's being vocalized. You can, Dance it. I feel everything is light language. It's like expression of the soul, expression of the heart, whether it's through dancing, playing beautiful musical instrument, that's an expression. so it can, come through in a different way. And so what I was shown when I was in Mount Shasta and interacting with the inner earth beings that by 2030, We actually going to have so many more people being activated to light language or what I call actually source language. So my school's called Source Language [00:45:00] Institute and I offer a course. It's a self paced, very affordable course for you to activate that for yourself. and there's different forms. So I was mentioning the vocal, the singing. The hand, signing, and there's the actual written beautiful, paintings you can do with that, or just, you know, scribbles the paintings behind me. They all like language paintings. So they also activated as they like in the background, because this codes also embedded, but different beautiful artists. and, uh, I love to have them behind me. Cause it's, this is kind of my lion self. So like, if you think of the movie avatar,

Kara Goodwin: Oh, yeah.

Diana Divine: Yeah. So James Cameron was portraying more like the vegans.

So there was a race in the lion system that was more blue and we were kind of more like the white lions, but feeling in nature.

Kara Goodwin: Wow. That's beautiful. It's just amazing. Your, your gifts and what you transmit just as you're [00:46:00] speaking. I mean, I feel it's been a very high frequency discussion and I'm just. Like, woo, really enjoying being in this, these energies. So thank you so much. Please tell us how people can find you and connect with you and about your podcast and, and so forth.

Diana Divine: Yeah. Uh, so my website is Deanna divine. com You can read all my, about my different sessions that I offer from quantum healing, hypnosis to quantum attunement and crystalline soul healing, where I help to just recalibrate your field and reopen your chakras and kind of bring you fully online. I also do Kundalini activation.

So anything to do with clearing your field, activating your field, helping you to remember or take you through session where it's like a deep where you yourself Uh, reclaiming those past life memories or conversation with the higher self, which is actually the more interesting part too. So [00:47:00] people come with different questions and they either want to have answers. So some people do Akashic readings. For me, it's like, I've read that the person experienced the reading of themself, which is what basically is done to quantum healing hypnosis. And a shaman, I can see the lives and kind of help them navigate real time as they're there. also find me on Deanna M.

Divine on Instagram. And my YouTube channel is also Deanna M for Maara Divine. so all those places I post a lot and just sharing, you know, whatever is happening energetically in the world right now and bring a beautiful, there's a actually a beautiful episode with Kara that we just did, uh, A few episodes ago, so you get to tune in and it's also available on Spotify.

So soul communication is the name of the podcast and Deanna M. Divine is the channel itself.

Kara Goodwin: Beautiful. Well, thank you so much. I have just loved every second of this. [00:48:00]I'm so grateful. You have to come back another time because there's so much to explore.

Diana Divine: There is, there is, but thank you so much for

having me.

Kara Goodwin: Thank you.

Diana Divine: Thank you.

this episode of meditation conversation. I would be so grateful if you would share this episode with someone in your. Our life who would appreciate it. You're sharing helps to build momentum. And make high vibrational content such as this more accessible. And easier to find. I'd also be so grateful for you to subscribe. Subscribe, thank you for your support.

And I look forward to. To the next meditation conversation.

Diana Divine Profile Photo

Diana Divine

Diana (De-anna) MaAra Divine is a Soul Guide and Galactic Shaman, dedicated to helping others unlock their multidimensional potential. With her expertise as a Metaphysical Activator and Educator, she integrates a variety of quantum, shamanic, and psychological tools to provide tailored offerings for her clients. Diana is a founder of the Source Language Institute (sourcelanguage.org) with its mission to teach and activate others to the purest communication via Source codes also known as Light Language. For those interested in opening up to Light Language, you can take her self paced Source Code Mastery course. She also currently facilitates online and in person Sound Healing and Phoenix Rising Kundalini Activation workshops in the NJ/NY area. You can find her podcast Soul Communication on Youtube, Spotify, and Apple Music.