EXCITING CHANGES! Meditation Conversation is now SOUL ELEVATION! ✨
April 8, 2024

332. The Intelligence Within: Learn Your Body's Language and Transform Your Health - Christine Lang

Uncover the unexpected link between body detoxification and personal growth in this transformative conversation. Dive into the revelation of how a subtle practice led to a profound shift and learn about a surprising method to elevate your intuitive...

Uncover the unexpected link between body detoxification and personal growth in this transformative conversation. Dive into the revelation of how a subtle practice led to a profound shift and learn about a surprising method to elevate your intuitive abilities. You won't believe the simple yet powerful connection that's Christine Lang shares.

In this episode, you will be able to:

  • Enhance your intuition and holistic healing practices for personal growth.

  • Strengthen your body-mind-spirit connection to foster holistic wellness.

  • Learn the benefits of detoxing for both physical and emotional health.

  • Develop energetic boundaries and heighten your intuition for personal empowerment.

  • Unlock empowerment through energy work and self-awareness for holistic growth.

Christine Lang is a former attorney who transitioned into the field of medical intuition, amassing over 28 years of experience in holistic healing practices. Her expertise encompasses the intricate interplay between the body, mind, and spirit, focusing on the intelligence of the body, intuition development, and stress impact on individual lives. As the author of "The Body Whisperer," Christine has honed her ability to perceive individuals' energy and engage in profound conversations with their spirits, offering invaluable insights into the effects of stressors on one's well-being. With a unique gift for facilitating transformative healing, Christine's wealth of knowledge and experience makes her an exceptional and enlightening guest for this episode.

The key moments in this episode are:
00:00:06 - Introduction and Transition to Medical Intuitive

00:02:37 - Connecting to Higher Self and Spirit Communication

00:07:18 - Healing Chronic Conditions and Relationship Transformation

00:10:46 - Body's Communication and Emotional Storage

00:12:08 - Shifting Focus and Listening to the Body

00:12:40 - Embracing the Intelligence of the Body

00:13:27 - Shifting from Suppression to Investigation

00:15:07 - Developing Intuitive Gifts

00:18:43 - Calming the Central Nervous System

00:22:56 - Planetary Energetic Change

00:26:15 - The Power of Group Support

00:27:14 - Physical Detox and Decalcification

00:28:18 - Liver Detox and Emotional Release

00:29:51 - Forgiveness and Emotional Healing

00:36:24 - Personal Growth and Energy Expansion

00:39:17 - Empowering Boundaries and Energetic Techniques

00:40:06 - Finding More about Christine

00:40:28 - Connecting with the Body

00:41:10 - Gratitude and Conclusion

The resources mentioned in this episode are:

  • Get your free meditation from Christine here: https://christinelang.kartra.com/videopage/MeditationKaraGoodwin
  • Purchase Christine Lang's book The Body Whisperer for further insights and teachings. 

  • Join Christine Lang's email list to receive three tips on how to increase your intuition and gain access to a guided meditation that helps you connect with the specific messages from each symptom in your body.

  • Share this episode with someone who you think will benefit from it. Let them know you're thinking about them by sharing this episode with them right now.

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Other episodes you'll enjoy:

321. Manifestation and Healing with the Infinity Wave - Hope Fitzgerald

310. The Secret to Lasting Change: Transform Your Subconscious Mind - Krishna Avalon

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Kara Goodwin: [00:00:00] Hello, and welcome to the meditation conversation, the podcast to support your spiritual revolution. I'm your host, Kara Goodwin. And this is such a great episode with Christine Lang. We talked about some truly fascinating topics like the intelligence of your body and how it communicates with you, 

how to develop your intuition, the gateways of the 4th, 6th, and 7th chakras. And Christine channels some medical insights for me so you can get a feel for what one to one work is like with her. Christine's a former attorney who became a medical intuitive. She has a special gift to see people's energy and have conversations with their spirits.

As a translator for each person's spirit, Christine helps clients receive clarity on how their stressors resulted in the life they're currently living and she's the author of the body whisperer

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Hello, Christine. I'm so excited to have you here today.

Christine Lang: Thank you. Thank you for

inviting me. 

Kara Goodwin: So I would love to start with just how you transitioned. What, what made you go from being a lawyer to a medical intuitive? 

Christine Lang: It's not your [00:02:00] typical route, I admit. when I was in law school, I developed allergies that were terrible, just constant sneezing, runny nose. I sounded like the sick kid all the time. And when I graduated law school, I just got so frustrated. This was before the days of the meds they have now that don't make you drowsy.

So my options then were. Walk around with a box of tissues or take a Benadryl and drink

diet Coke, stay awake all day. And both those options started to wear on me and I thought, that's it. I've gotta figure this out. And I started studying homeopathy and working with homeopathic remedies. eventually taught a study group class for the public, for the National Center of Homeopathy because I became very proficient.

I got rid of probably 50, 60% of my allergies

using homeopathy. And that let me know I was on the right track. You know how the universe leaves this little trail of breadcrumbs for you to follow when they want you to go a certain direction. So I made the connection, the link between stress and my allergies.

more stress, more allergies. So I started taking Tai chi and [00:03:00] yoga and studying Buddhism, and developed a meditation practice and started bringing my stress levels down. And then I learned how to do reiki or energy healing. And before I would offer a girlfriend an energy treatment, I would say, let me come home and take off my lawyer suit and sit and meditate just to change channels in my brain. And when I would do that, I would sit in meditation and I would hear a word or a phrase that I could tell was about my friend. And I thought that, why would that be? And I just ushered away like a thought in meditation and it would float back in. And finally, I got up the nerve and asked my friend that I was giving an energy treatment to, does this phrase mean anything to you?

And her eyes flew open and she said, how do you know that thatthat just happened this morning? And I'm thinking,

how do I know that? and I realized I was getting information and I. The next day I offered a different friend energy. The same thing happened and she said, who are you talking to? And I said, I don't know.

And I went upstairs and sat in my meditation chair again and connected, went into meditative state and then said, who am I speaking [00:04:00] with? And my spirit said, welcome

home. And tears started rolling down my face and she said, this is who you came here to be. Get ready.

And I started sitting in meditation. 

Kara Goodwin: my goodness. 

Christine Lang: I started sitting in meditation for three or four hours a day, and she would explain to me, this is what I'm gonna show you. If somebody is liver's congested, this is what I'm gonna show you. This is the sequence that starts to happen when somebody internalizes a stressor and then it shows up as frequent bladder infections.

And this is so she was giving me this domino effect of how. The way that we internalize different stressors can show up and lead as different symptoms in our body. And my friends got better and they told their friends about it. And a practice was born, strangers were coming. And that was

like 28 years 

Kara Goodwin: Oh my gosh, that's remarkable. So were you working with people, like when you would get those messages, you were able to tell them what was going on within their body and then were you, was it a combination? Of like Reiki energy healing [00:05:00] with the homeopathic knowledge that you were able to help people.

Christine Lang: So sometimes the homeopathy came into play. But what I really noticed is when I first started giving energy treatments to friends, frequently, the energy would help for a little while. But let's say they suffered from migraines. The migraines would come right back. And so then it was a little bit like western red.

It's like taking a Tylenol, right? It just, it alleviates the symptoms for three or four hours and then it comes back and I realized, okay, there's something underlying here that we need to get to. and homeopathy can do that. Some of that certainly. Most people don't wanna undertake a study of homeopathy.

And I didn't wanna be the pharmacist for my neighborhood. So I started in meditation, asking, what's underneath this? So the first friend that I got a message for, she was coming in because she was having back pain, and that was unusual for her. She said, gosh, it, it's been coming and going the last couple weeks and the message that I heard was arguing about buying a new car. And I was like. What? It

just seems so random and when I mentioned that to her, she goes, oh my gosh, my husband and I have been arguing for the last [00:06:00] three weeks and we just had an argument this morning about buying a new car. He thinks I have to have a new car. I think my car is fine. And I said, I think that's about the time your back started bothering you.

She goes, it is. And so we trace that to, okay, here's this lack of support. Here's how you're feeling. And then I put the energy in and it was gone for good. And it was that idea that, oh, that you can get this permanent resolution when you understand the underlying causes and you treat those, When we were sitting and talking, I didn't realize at the time I started channeling her spirit who gave these great suggestions of what she could say to her husband to help him understand her point of view,

and it resolved it. 

Kara Goodwin: Oh my goodness. 

Christine Lang: not only did the back pain go away because she released the upset she was holding, but her spirit gave her these great tips on how to have that conversation to really feel seen and heard, and witnessed to end the

stress as well. What I love about the session work that I do with people is that your spirit is the best life [00:07:00] coach, therapist, health consultant you'll ever find because your spirit's able to track that trail of damage. How did that get there and give you the way back out. And the solutions end up being just like this ripple effect throughout someone's life where it's transformative for all of their relationships while they're healing a physical


Kara Goodwin: Wow, that's so powerful. So you said that when you asked about the guidance you were getting, like who you were connecting with, the response was Welcome home. So do you have more insights on who it is that you're working with? Is it your higher self, or do you 

Christine Lang: Yeah, that's a great question. I, it, I could feel that it was me, it was my higher self. I. And for the first year that I worked with people, I always got information from my higher self. And I'm like, how do you know about Karen or Susan or, and my spirit said, as soon as they ask you for a session, this two spirits are an instant communication and there's this transfer of information. And to the point where my spirit would say, yeah, tell her it's like that [00:08:00] movie she watched last week with her husband and it would be accurate. She's oh yeah, that is like that movie. And I'm

thinking, I don't know what they're talking about. But obviously her spirit said something to my spirit. After about a year of doing that, my spirit taught me how to go up and out a level to connect to other people's spirits and to connect to guides. If you think of vibrational levels, and our spirit might be at that seven or eight vibrational level at 8, 9, 10, there are vi, there are guides that aren't in physical form but can also. give us great advice. And when I'm channeling, I'll always say, this is your spirit. I'm hearing this from a guide just to differentiate

so that people understand kind of advice they get from each. and, but that's initially was my spirit. Now I talk to a client spirit most of the time in a

session or in a 


Kara Goodwin: Wow. And so are your sessions like at this point, are you working energetically? Is it always like a medical thing now or is it more like a, an insight or how [00:09:00] how do sessions work with you now? I.

Christine Lang: I would say most of the time people find me because of a medical thing, their doctor, their therapist, their acupuncturist refers them to me when either. Western medicine can't figure out what's happening or we, Western medicine knows what it is, but there aren't great options for, long-term care.

So chronic conditions, whether it's chronic bladder infections, back pain, mouth issues, and so what initially starts off as working towards, resolution of a physical symptom, those pretty quickly occur in sessions and, but I have clients that I've seen for. 25 years that I only see once or twice a year, but they now come for the transformation of

their relationships. And if you can think that most of our physical symptoms, especially the chronic ones, end up being because of how we internalize stressors and nor most of our stress comes from our relationship difficulties. Whether it's relationship at work or relationship in your personal life, but that's the source of so much of our angst and our happiness. [00:10:00] And so once people come to realize, oh, my spirit has great advice for me about how I stand in my relationships and how I show up, and who I spend the most time with. They tend to come back to work with me for more help in their career and their relationships. And they'll say, oh yeah, and I also have this other weird physical thing.

We'll take care of that too, but it starts to take a backseat, which is interesting. And I tend to be booked out three or four months, which is very frustrating for people. So I'm starting to offer more group events and ways to get into work with me. But that's what

sessions are 

typically like. 

Kara Goodwin: And you've alluded to, when we're out of balance in a certain place within our body, that's actually the body communicating a deeper issue. Can you talk a little bit about that?

Christine Lang: Yeah, there's, I think that when we get out of alignment in some way, right? We feel unseen and unheard or we feel stressed or we feel frustration with somebody that I. Our central nervous system registers that first, right? There's that, and I just [00:11:00] call it going out of alignment, right? You just, you don't feel smooth and easy.

You, you feel like you're holding back or there's stress, there's fear, there's worry, and when that occurs, the first thing is, your spirit tries to speak to you through emotions first, and so you feel that emotion. And most of the time we've been trained in our culture, push it down in the emotion crusher and just keep

going forward. Just be productive. and so we usually don't go back and look at those things later and unpack them, and we don't grant ourselves permission to do it in the moment. And so those stressors get stored in the body. those areas, if you think of 'em, like little pockets of negative energy, they compromise the body.

And so the body starts telling you about it. Hey, you know what? We got a lot of stuff stored over here in this left shoulder because you keep carrying these responsibilities from your family there, and we really want you to look at it. And when people come to me, they're like, Hey, I have frozen shoulder, or I'm always injuring this shoulder. And I know, okay, that's a weak area of the body and I know that there are certain messages that areas of the body

correspond to. 

Kara Goodwin: Mm. 

Christine Lang: So it gives us a starting point, but [00:12:00] then I ask the person spirit, okay, what's going on in here? What's trapped in that area? And when people start working with it, and you can get those messages for yourself.

And I actually have a guided meditation that I made for your listeners, which I'll give you the link to that walks you through a nice exercise where you can get a message from a certain symptom in your body. And it's highly effective to do. And what I teach people is most of us don't make any time to listen to our body. And I would say a lot of my work is about shifting your focus from being at war with your body and seeing it as the enemy or the thing that's a pain, like the car that needs servicing all the time, right? And instead looking into work in partnership with your body. Because it's this sort of messaging machine that your spirit uses to give you messages about what you're doing with stress, what you're avoiding, how you're taking on things that don't serve you. And if you start seeing it that way, it starts becoming this mirror that's really reflective for you of [00:13:00] messages that your


is giving you

Kara Goodwin: I love that. I mean, it's it's changing the relationship to the body to appreciate the intelligence of the body. we kind of think of intelligence as like a thinking thing that our mind does, but. It's like our body has an intelligence that is underappreciated a lot because like you say, we see it as something we need to overcome or it's a nuisance and let's quiet that down.

Let's take an Advil or whatever it is, let's stop. Stop feeling the communication. 

Christine Lang: Yeah. in Western medicine, which you know, most of us were raised with is this idea of suppressing what is unpleasant versus

investigating. So I always say, when. When something happens, you wake up and your back is hurting. Our first response is, Ugh, I

don't have time for this. Which my spirit always says, show me the day on your calendar where you

book time for that. 

okay, fair enough. And so then, my spirit always says, instead of getting frustrated, get curious. And I talk to my body, like I [00:14:00] would talk to a toddler, right? And I'm like, okay, what do you need from me right now? What are you trying to tell me? and when I say talk to a toddler, it's because you're really

patient. Toddler might not have the right words. The toddler might take a minute and kind of circle around what she's really trying to say. But if you're, if you take that stance of, I know you're trying to communicate something that's helpful and important, I. To you tell me what you need and it's amazing. I realized I spend more time listening to my cats and my dog sometimes, and their body and what their body needs than I would spend listening

to what my body needed, We're so used to marching forward because our culture has rewarded that since we were in elementary school. 

It's all about performance 

Kara Goodwin: Mm. Yeah.

Christine Lang: and that taking the time to just get quiet and still and reflect inward is not something that we were raised to see

as being a value. 

Kara Goodwin: Yeah. That's beautiful. So are there, tips that you have for people to start to develop their intuitive gifts? I know you said, we were focusing more on the, the intelligence [00:15:00] of the body, but just intuitively in general, how can people start to receive messages maybe from their spirit?

Christine Lang: so the advice I always used to give, and now I've added a step before that. The advice I always used to give is. Get quiet and still, and as much as people roll their eyes,yeah. It is amazing how little time we spend sort of bored, if you will, or quiet and still, 

we're so used to being stimulated that if we have six minutes before our next appointment, we pick up our phone and check our email or check social media that we're, our brain is really getting wired. Those neural connections are changing to be constantly stimulated. And so it takes a little bit of moving against the stream to say, I'm just gonna sit and be still and see what comes up for me.

Most people are frequently out of touch with that, the, their most predominant emotion they're feeling right now. 'cause they're so in performance mode, focusing on moving forward. So to just get still, and sometimes I'll say, what does it feel like to be me in [00:16:00] this moment? And that calls your energy back home. And I said there's a step I now teach before, which is I realize that so often people have trouble getting quiet and going within because their central nervous system is so keyed up. We're on hyper vigilance or high alert all the time. 'cause we are always rushing from one thing to another. And so an exercise that my spirit gave me recently when I was teaching retreat and now I'm using it with all of my clients is to. usually put my hand on my heart, but it's not necessary. But to say to yourself, these three sentences, and I'll give you each one, and you say each one until you feel a drop. It's like a lowering of your hyper vigilance in your central nervous system. And you'll feel this relaxation response. And it might be that your shoulders drop or you take a sigh, or you just lean forward a little bit, but you will notice your own tells. For each step. And the first [00:17:00] sentence is, I am safe and saying that to yourself, I am safe. I am safe. Yet it, whether it takes three times or 20 times at a certain point, your central nervous system will believe you, and when it believes you, it will drop down the dial of adrenaline and cortisol a little bit. And then the second sentence is, there is no urgency. And that one, I have to say a million times, I have to say it for probably two minutes before I believe it, because I'm always in this state of rush, rush, rush, right? Or can get easily caught up in that. when I really step into the, yeah, there is no urgency, then the third sentence is, I can be calm.

And still, it's granting yourself. It's reassuring yourself, you can do it. And granting yourself permission to do that in this moment from there. Things really change. Like people say, I can do that and not need my anxiety meds. And this isn't about recommending anybody go off medication, but [00:18:00] to just notice how much you can give direction to your central nervous system and that sense of hyper vigilance, that's become so prevalent

in our culture. 

Kara Goodwin: Yes. 

Christine Lang: So starting from that place of calming yourself down and then sitting still and reflecting into what does it feel like to be me right now? Going into the body and noticing where am I holding tension, and then going into that area and just saying, what

do you wanna tell me? that process changes how you relate to your body and changes how you relate to your day-to-day experience.

You start paying attention to how things land on you and which people fuel that hyper vigilance and which people settle it down.

Kara Goodwin: beautiful. Wow. and then from there, is there like a launching point to. To kind of tapping into the I intuitive part.

Christine Lang: Yeah, there's,I really believe that everyone should be able to [00:19:00] talk to their spirit. And I teach a class once a year. I'll teach it probably this summer that is teaches people how to communicate

directly with their spirit. And that is a process, in meditation of going up through your seventh chakra and holding your energy there and then understanding how to ask questions and why to ask certain questions. and that class will, will be available in a few months. but the. To until then, I can say that the essence of it is understanding that there are two portals through which you can connect to your spirit, your fourth chakra and your seventh chakra. I should say three, the sixth chakra as well.

But your fourth chakra is mixed in with a lot of feelings. This is the mom who's sitting at home and all of a sudden she knows that her child at school just fell and broke his arm. She got this intuitive hit. So we get these intuitive hits in our fourth chakra, but they can be mixed in with a lot of feelings and emotions that blur it. And so the messages can be harder to interpret and to know which ones came from spirit and which ones came from the ego mind going, [00:20:00] what if it means this? And what if it means that when we move our energy up to our six chakra, that's what we call universal knowledge is access point. So Tibetan Buddhists will meditate from their Native Americans, frequently meditate at the six chakra level, and you take in information that is true for everyone. So when Native Americans would do a ceremony and meditate at the six chakra level, they would get information on a particular herb they'd found or plant. This is good for headaches. This is, and that would apply to everyone going up to your seventh chakra and meditating from that point gives you access to your spirit in particular. So while she may tell you about a certain herb or plant that is good for your symptom, she can also say, and for you. This has to do with this stressor or this particular thing, which is not information that's typically available at the six chakra level. That's more universal knowledge. So I encourage people in their meditation practices to go up to that seventh when I was first starting my practice or before my practice and was still a [00:21:00] lawyer, and I would sit and meditate just to control stress. I would take my energy to my six chakra as I was taught from various Buddhist meditation practices, and my spirit would pull it up and I

thought, what's happening? And I would pull my energy down and she would pull it up. We did this tug of war for wall, and finally she's like, I'm trying to help. And I'm like, who's saying that?

So then I, okay, wait, let just try this. And that's when she would give me a word. And then I realized, oh, that's the magic sauce, right? That's going up to that level. So that is what I teach people is in meditation. Focus on that, that portal at the seventh chakra level as a way of connecting directly to your


Kara Goodwin: I love that, and I relate to that too, the sixth seventh connection, because the lineage that I first learned meditation from, they were very focused on the sixth chakra I mean, exclusively. They were like, don't go lower, don't go to the 

Christine Lang: Don't go higher. Yeah. 

Kara Goodwin: And so I like trained myself to, anytime I was wandering, I always came back only there.

 I similarly, [00:22:00] there were times where it was like, oh, I'm going I'm going up. I'm going up. and, and it was a back and forth where it was like, but I'm not supposed to. And then there was also like, but what's up here? You know? 

Christine Lang: I like a kid discovering a new bedroom. Hey, but what's in that room? Yeah. I. I think that's very common. I went through a similar training, right? Stay in the six chakra, stay at the six chakra and manage your energy. Don't let it wander off. And yes, you don't wanna have, you don't wanna get all scattered. but that, bringing it in and knowing that it's, that your energy is still, connected to you. You're still under control of it and managing it, but it's vibrating at the seventh

chakra level. 

Kara Goodwin: Yeah.

Christine Lang: that's a real opening. And I don't know that was always true to give, credit to the meditation teachers we both had coming from generations of that.

I think for a long time our civilization maybe couldn't access that. I do think in the last few generations that has become a portal that the universe has given us like, Hey, you can have

access here now. 

Kara Goodwin: A hundred percent. I feel the [00:23:00] same.

Christine Lang: It is part of the expansion of Earth right, of our population is we have more and more people awakening and more and more people able to move their energy up.

I'm always amazed the classes that I would teach 20 years ago in energy healing when I teach something. I stopped teaching reiki many decades ago and started something called intuitive energy healing because I teach, it's similar to reiki, but it's much stronger energy because. if you channel the information from the start, the universe will flow more information, more energy through you. And so I, when I teach people to, I give an attunement and when they start working with energy, they're getting messages from the get go, right? And so teaching that system. People would have to work for many months before they would start hearing information. And now I'm amazed. I can have clients who, the second day of our workshop are getting messages from their spirit about the person they're giving energy to or about themselves. And I'm like, everybody didn't just get smarter. I didn't get to be that much better of a teacher. Evolution of our [00:24:00] culture where more and more people have this ability to. Pretty easily connect to their spirit and begin to get information, whether it's in pictures or words or feeling in their body, but they know where to go to give the healing energy to themselves or to a friend. And it's just like we've gotten wiser. We've gotten more intuitive

as a 


Kara Goodwin: I love that. too, I agree as well and and I feel that there's a planetary energetic change too that contributes to our experience here, which is one of the things like, you know, one of my previous, my, the first kind of spiritual lineage that I participated in, that I learned from, I learned so much, and it was from a system that was.

Created a hundred years ago, which had its charm and its function, but it also had its limitations, where it was like they're not talking about things that are happening now that apply and the teachings [00:25:00] felt like they were for a different time. 

Christine Lang: Yes. Yes. And I have such a debt of gratitude to some of the earlier channeled books that, that I've read, and yet now I read books that are more newly channeled material, and I'm like, oh. This is vibrating

higher. I can feel it, You can feel that difference. And I've gone to a couple, we taught at a couple retreats recently, and I'll channel the room and the guides that show up and the individual people that I've channeled for in the audience. There's a lot of wisdom and it's a more expansive set of answers than I

would've gotten 10 years ago. 

Kara Goodwin: Isn't that fascinating? So, 

Christine Lang: it's So, cool. 

Kara Goodwin: yeah. so so you're, you are using the word channel, so do you see yourself also as a maybe a medical intuitive channeler? 

Christine Lang: I call myself a medical

intuitive and a soul 

Kara Goodwin: Okay. 

Christine Lang: So I can channel my soul other people's souls and guides and angels or whoever's coming through. in a private session, I'm focusing on the person spirit. 'cause we're gonna get real direct [00:26:00] information for their life and their stressors right now. But in a group setting, when I'm teaching a large class online or in person at a retreat, then I tend to channel the audience member spirits as well as guides that show

up for that group. 

Kara Goodwin: Okay.

Christine Lang: And it's always amazing how when a group comes together, online or in person, how guys will show up and say, everyone in this group is working on this.

And everybody's nodding their head, or people start crying, and I'm like, wow. they really, and other people will say, oh, I was gonna come to that, but

I couldn't. 

Kara Goodwin: Uh 

Christine Lang: then they watch the replay two weeks later. And at that time they

were going through that 

Kara Goodwin: oh, wow. That's 

Christine Lang: So it's just, it's magical how the universe sets that up and knows who needs to see it

now, who needs to 

Kara Goodwin: they might need to see it. 

If it's not now, they'll be drawn to it when it's right for them. That's remarkable. And before we started recording, you said that you slip into that pretty easily as well. All right. Well, would you like to give a little demo? Sure.

Christine Lang: Sure. Do you have [00:27:00] any physical symptom you wanna ask about or any relationship thing you wanna ask about? And the more specific the question, the more

specific the 


Kara Goodwin: I will go with a physical thing, because I've been doing kind of a. Casual detox. That's kind of a decalcification. 

Yeah, it's not super strict. Sometimes I do really strict ones. This is like just one kind of element that I've changed, but it's a decalcify one and I can feel, I don't know if it's my kidney or my liver, it's on the right side in my back, but I feel that things are moving through and maybe something's like stuck there So if you have anything about that,

Christine Lang: Yes. Let me ask about that. Gimme one second. To connect to your spirit. She said it's more accurate to say that it's loosening up some stored, it's more in your

liver, not your kidney. So that's a little higher. Right. she said it's more that it's loosening up like scale. if you this, [00:28:00] not to be gross, but if you're scraping scale off a fish tank, right?

It's more like that is happening in your liver and. She said holding the intent to detox of, she said, you're good about holding the intent to detox physically and emotionally at the same time. And so because of that, your body

does both right, and so that the detoxing that you're doing is loosening up and flaking off some old resentments. 

Kara Goodwin: Oh. 

Christine Lang: She said, so that's what you're feeling is almost like a crystallization. 'cause you can feel the kind of the scaliness and the hardness, almost like a Lyme calcification or something that's going on in there. Okay. So she said to aid that physically you can do a liver cleansing

patch. Have you ever done those? Okay. You get a little wash cloth, some thin piece of fabric, really thin. Drizzle cast oil on it and put it over your liver and put a piece of Saran wrap over it and then put heat on

it. So it could be a heating [00:29:00] pad or whatever. And the heat will drive the cast oil in and it flushes out stuff. And that's totally safe for people to do.

Some people will do it after they've taken antibiotics or after they've been on birth control pill for years. But it does flush the liver out. And our, My spirit explained to me many years ago, you can think of yourself as creating anger and resentment in the gallbladder and then shuttling it over to the liver

to store it. 

Kara Goodwin: Oh, interesting. 

Christine Lang: And so when people have gallbladder issues, they're usually in the midst of a lot of anger and

outrage. I. About how they app, how they think people are treating them, how they think the world, the state of the world, that sort of thing. And so usually we can calm down the gallbladder issues by having them view things differently. But it, but clearing out that liver when we do some sort of cleanse that sort of starts sloughing some of that stuff out of the liver. You can experience when you're doing that liver cleanse. I think it's fascinating that people will say, gosh, the first day I did it, I just felt some relief. The second day I was pretty grumpy. 'cause you're releasing those emotions out. I always say, just let 'em flow out. Don't take 'em too seriously. Don't take any [00:30:00] upset or irritations you have on that second day too seriously, and then by the third or fourth day it just smooths out and you're good to go, but you then that should get rid of that feeling in your liver of that.

It's giving you a little kind of twingy

achy in the back of 

Kara Goodwin: Okay, well thank you and what is fascinating. About that recommendation with the castor oil is, I had a massage yesterday with a, and my massage therapist is phenomenal, and she's like an Ayurvedic practitioner. And, and so I had said, told her that I'd been feeling this in my back. 'cause she's always like, well, what do you wanna focus 

 um, and sometimes I'm like, just a nice, you know, all around. And this time I was like, well, I can feel something in my back. And so she, as she was working on me after she reported. It was, like, I felt the the inflammation and it was very fibrous. And she was like, I have, an herbal compress that I can get for you if you want.

And so it's castor oil. And she explained [00:31:00] just, I mean, exactly what you just said, where it's like, this is a castor oil. It had some herbs in it. but put it on like a flannel. Put saran wrap around it. I've never heard this before until like 24 hours ago. Yes. and she done that. She had had a compress on it and she's like, yeah, it really absorbed it.

Like while she was working on other places, she's like, you you really needed that. So, so it's amazing now that you're like, the only time I've ever heard that was when Sheila told me yesterday

 and what you're, what will happen is when the liver gets a little inflamed, you'll feel it in the back,

Christine Lang: usually more than the 

Kara Goodwin: yes. 

Christine Lang: So that's what you're experiencing. And and her feeling that fibro, this just lets you know that inflammation is pressing

against the fascia. And so then she's really able to feel that fascia.

So that should help calm that down. And then you can also, I would do a little journaling about what are some resentments that I think I'm

ready to let go of 

Kara Goodwin: mm. 

Christine Lang: And you have to dig deep because some of [00:32:00] those things we forget. And so sometimes I'll say, just sit and go into your heart space and ask your spirit. show me what I'm storing in there that I've forgotten all about. And you might see a little quick vignette, a little snippet of something from, when you're in fifth grade and that girl betrayed you, or whatever it is where you're like, oh yeah, I don't need that anymore. And you can chuck that out. But just writing those things down and releasing them and when people say, how can I release? How can I forgive? That was such a deep betrayal of, my high school boyfriend or my first husband, or whatever that is. And I say, Mine it for all the gifts that are there. Get those little gems you wanna, you don't wanna leave any little tiny diamond spec behind. And when you really have gotten all the gifts out of it, how did it teach you resilience? How did it teach you to trust yourself? How did it build your intuitive knowing? Then you'll know when you hit that place, you're like, oh yeah. And there's just that spark of gratitude and then you can

release it 

Kara Goodwin: Hmm. 

Christine Lang: and then you'll, your inflammation will really go down in

your liver at that point. 

Kara Goodwin: Oh, thank you so much. reminds me of the the last podcast episode that I did, which [00:33:00] hasn't come out yet. I mean, it will probably by the time your yours is out. But, we were talking about this very thing in terms of, How we change our past because we often, might have like metaphysical instruction about how well you can go back and change your past and dah, dah, dah.

But when we do exactly what you're talking about doing, where. it's something that was really hard for us to go through, but we allow ourselves to look at it from a fuller perspective. then like, you're, I love that mine every gem out of it. Like, what did I learn? How did it change me for the better?

How did it get, make me more compassionate? Did it make me more grateful? Did it make me. more humble, you know, what was it, what were the gifts 

within it? And then we literally change our relationship to something that was traumatic. And so it, and we can look back on it, like if it [00:34:00] ever comes to mind, it's like, wow, that was a real turning point for me because it delivered whatever.

Christine Lang: these gifts. My spirit said to me years ago that we all love to see ourselves as resilient and compassionate and forgiving. We don't wanna go through any of the experiences

where we could know that about ourselves. I just wanna be resilient without having

any need to be resilient, right? I don't wanna go anything difficult, I just wanna be resilient. And she's that's an impossibility. You can only experience yourself as these things by going through these difficult times. And then when we resent the difficult time and make that person wrong or bad. We sort of miss and then we do it, we get the universe goes, let's bring her another one. And it's not like it's a lesson or a test or a punishment, it's that we've asked to experience ourself as forgiving and compassionate and resilient, and strong and humble, as you said. And then we get given experiences that can allow us to see ourselves and experience ourselves [00:35:00] that way. And we get caught up in the make wrong. And the held on resentments, and then we just get more. 

Kara Goodwin: Yeah. 

Christine Lang: And so when people say, I know I need to forgive this person, I always say, I don't think we have the same understanding of forgiveness, because for me, I. Forgiveness means I have such an understanding of why it happened and how it benefited me that I no longer see myself as the victim. It still could be awful to have gone through. there's very little about my divorce that, 20 years ago that I enjoyed. There's very little about, certain experiences that I enjoyed, but I can see the perfection in it and I see the gift that it was. I don't wish that pain on anyone that they have pain or suffering. But if you've already had that, let's get all the good juicy bits out of it so you don't draw anything like that to you again, and you don't carry the weight and the heaviness of that victimization of it

in your body. That's what can create

that disease, 

Kara Goodwin: Yeah. 

Christine Lang: right? Because you're ill at ease with what happened to you, and it's [00:36:00] that reconciliation and that kind of, oh, that's that release. That's what I look for in terms of forgiveness is that there's not a thing to forgive anymore because there's such complete understanding. You've un unclenched your fist and you've let go

Kara Goodwin: I get the sense 

Christine Lang: that's 

Kara Goodwin: yes, I love that. It gives me this sense of stepping through a gateway, like you were one version. And then when you invoke that you know, that forgiveness, that understanding, that acceptance, the gratitude even, then you step through that gateway into a different version of yourself.

Christine Lang: and it's like what you were talking, when we were talking earlier about that idea of our culture evolving. I think as we uplevel our perspective and expand our consciousness, we're looking for not retribution or punishment or an, understanding from that level or the should of forgiveness.

Instead, we're coming at it from how can I understand well enough that I'm at peace with [00:37:00] this? I can still honor that. That was super painful to go through getting fired unjustly or being betrayed in a relationship or these different. I can honor the discomfort and the emotional, sadness and heaviness that I went through at that time. But now how can I also have enough understanding that I bow my head in humble gratitude that was

given to me. 

Kara Goodwin: Hmm. 

Christine Lang: And that's work. that's our work to do. But man, your whole body lights up with vitality. And I see the clients that work with me, they might have a few sessions and I'm like, do you realize how radiant your energy field is right now because. There's so much more vitality that comes through when we're not compromised with all these dark areas of,I was wronged here. I was wronged here. This is how the universe hasn't taken care of me. This is how my brother betrayed me. All of those things that weigh our energy down and limit our perspective and our expansion, and as we release those, there's just such an increased vitality.

And yes, their businesses prosper and they make more [00:38:00] money, and yes, their symptoms go away. But for me, it's that expansion that I witness. As people

start doing this work. 

Kara Goodwin: That's fantastic. you can't ask for more than that, right? It's, 

Christine Lang: yeah.

Kara Goodwin: I started teaching a class

Christine Lang: once a month called Your Energy Matters. Because your energy does matter so much, and it really sets the stage for your physical health and your emotional wellbeing. And the class is about things that we weren't raised with, or at least I certainly wasn't. Things like shielding yourself, making energetic boundaries, cleansing yourself of other people's energy, protecting yourself from people who are frustrated with you and sending you negative energy intentionally or unintentionally, and making those things second


Kara Goodwin: Hmm.

Christine Lang: before I go drive on the freeway, now I shield myself because there's always frustrated drivers. There's always people rushing. There's always people you know, not paying attention 'cause they're on their phone and the people around them are getting frustrated and I don't wanna pick up that energy. And so the more I started tuning into sort [00:39:00] of energy hygiene. The higher I could vibrate all day. And so the better my outlook and the better my health. And so as I've been working and teaching my clients that, I'm like, wow, there's so many universal teachings that come, I'm just gonna teach this every month until it becomes more second nature for people.

And it's $25 a class. I made it super inexpensive so everyone could just jump in and what, you don't have to attend a certain series. But you can go in and hear examples that people bring of, okay, but how do I make an energetic boundary around

this? It's my own child and she's a teenager and she's doing this right?

And so having those real world examples helps people really learn to work with these sort of, I don't wanna say simple techniques, but they're simple in that it doesn't have to be long and complicated, right? It's simply directing the energy around you. And that helps people start feeling empowered about their lives.

Kara Goodwin: Wow. That's so beautiful. So, Christine, this has just been full of wonderful insightsand, [00:40:00] and, beautiful feelings. I love connecting with you. Tell everybody how they can 

Oh, thank you. Tell everybody how they can find out more about you.

Christine Lang: So I am at, christine lang.org, so it's C-H-R-I-S-T-I-N-E-L-A-N-G. And there you can find recordings of previous classes and things that I've offered. I have, a book called The Body Whisper that's on Amazon and you can also see that, on the website and you can read more about individual sessions and classes and workshops that we have coming up and. If you join my email list, I'll send you three tips on how to increase your intuition, and then you can get started that way. And I'll also, as I said, give that guided meditation to you and you can make that available to your listeners. That helps people go in and get the specific messages from each symptom in their body, and that's something they can just download and hold onto and use again and again.

And the more you have that conversation loop [00:41:00] going with your body. The faster you'll get at noticing, oh, something's tight, something's off. Let me ask about that now, instead of waiting for it to be, this full



Kara Goodwin: beautiful. Well, everybody can find that meditation right in the notes. so go and find that and grab that now. So thank you so much. This has just been delightful.

Christine Lang: Oh, this has been a great conversation. Thank you so much.


Christine Lang Profile Photo

Christine Lang

Medical Intuitive

Christine Lang is a former attorney who became a medical intuitive. She has a special gift to see people's energy and have conversations with their spirits!

As a translator for each person's spirit, Christine helps clients receive clarity on how their stressors resulted in life they are currently living.

In her lectures, podcast interviews, and guest expert appearances, Christine shares the vast wisdom she has learned from the spirit world.

Christine helps people understand how their physical symptoms are:
• Often messages from their spirit.
• Guiding them towards healthier relationships.
• Offering increased clarity.
• Inviting complete healing.

Also, Christine, the author of The Body Whisperer, has a new book due to release in 2024. In it, Christine explains in detail how to communicate with your spirit.