EXCITING CHANGES! Meditation Conversation is now SOUL ELEVATION! ✨
Nov. 7, 2024

375. Your Spiritual Blueprint & Powerful Energy Protocols - Aleya Dao

Discover Energy Protocols & Spiritual Awakening Aleya Dao is a gifted energy practitioner and sound healer, who shares fascinating mystical experiences with dolphins and whales and describes her years-long enlightenment and awakening to her...

Discover Energy Protocols & Spiritual Awakening

Aleya Dao is a gifted energy practitioner and sound healer, who shares fascinating mystical experiences with dolphins and whales and describes her years-long enlightenment and awakening to her spiritual gifts.
You'll get so much insight from Aleya's unique journey, her mastery over energy fields, and practical insights on connecting with your body's nature spirit. Learn about the 'Seven Cups of Consciousness,' multidimensional realities, and empowering yourself through energetic protocols. Discover the transformative power of presence, harmony, and multidimensional existence. 
Aleya is a sound healer, energetic practitioner, a Licensed Acupuncturist in Colorado, a Minister in the State of  California, and a Doctor of Oriental Medicine in New Mexico. She has been an alternative healer for over 30 years. In 2001 Aleya had an enlightenment experience that enabled her to perceive other realms, hear angelic beings, and increased her empathic and clairvoyant abilities. Aleya has mastered the ability to help people release the root causes of their suffering. Her tools help people discover how to move forward with greater peace, empowerment, and freedom.
00:00 Introduction and Episode Overview
00:50 Meet Aleya: A Unique Energy Practitioner
01:04 Aleya's Enlightenment Experience
01:27 Kara's Offerings and Resources
02:02 Starting the Conversation with Aleya
02:49 Cups of Consciousness and Energy Protocols
07:05 Aleya's Journey and Spiritual Insights
18:39 Understanding Multidimensional Living
22:11 Energetic Protocols and Prayers
25:39 The Body as a Nature Spirit
31:46 Aleya's Connection with Whales and Dolphins
33:42 Conclusion and How to Connect with Aleya
Read Aleya's book, The Seven Cups of Consciousness: https://amzn.to/4gywlti

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Kara Goodwin: [00:00:00] Welcome to the meditation conversation, the podcast to support your spiritual revolution.I'm your host, Kara Goodwin. I'm really excited for you to hear this amazing episode with Aaliyah. I have found Aaliyah to be an incredibly unique and gifted energy practitioner, and that comes through loud and clear in this episode.

I invite you to pay particular attention to the signals you might get from your body as you listen. You'll hear me interject a couple of times while she's talking as I report what I'm feeling in my body. Alea talks about the body as a nature spirit, and if you notice sensations as you listen to her, it might help you to connect with your own body expressing itself as a nature spirit.

Super fun.

Aaliyah is a sound healer, energy practitioner, and a licensed acupuncturist in Colorado, a minister in the state of California, and a doctor of oriental [00:01:00] medicine in New Mexico. She's been an alternative healer for over 30 years. In 2001, she had an enlightenment experience that enabled her to perceive other realms, hear angelic beings,And increased her empathic and clairvoyant abilities. Aaliyah has mastered the ability to help people release the root causes of their suffering. Her tools help people discover how to move forward with greater peace, empowerment, and freedom. All right, we're going to dive into Aaliyah's episode momentarily, but first, be sure you check out KaraGoodwin.

com where you can get a free 10 minute meditation.

If you want support for your meditation practice, I have a 21 day online program to help you develop your own practice. There's also the healing hearth membership where you can get live online assistance with your questions about meditation and life. And I also have a recorded sacred geometry workshop series available.

All of that and more at Kara Goodwin. com. And now [00:02:00] enjoy this episode.

kara-goodwin_1_09-18-2024_130333: right. Well, welcome. Aaliyah. I am really excited to connect with you today. Thanks for being here.

Aleya Dao: you so much for having me on your


kara-goodwin_1_09-18-2024_130333: Well, I was just a guest on your podcast and I'm so excited that we're doing this little swap and I have, I've been loving listening to your podcast too.

I want to make sure that everybody knows that they, um, that it's out there because your voice is just amazing. energy protocols. They're, they're like quick hits, but they're very deep. So why don't we start, can you talk a little bit about that? And then we'll lead into your, your journey and how you came to, to be doing this work.

Wow. Okay. And, and that is amazing. Now you mentioned this cups of consciousness, and I know that this is kind of a, an anchor in your

Aleya Dao: not very different from meditation, but it actually sets you [00:03:00] up for meditation where it's an energetic process or protocol or prayer for your energetic fields to move you into a place of stillness, release empathic sensitivity, to release responsibilities that you might be holding or retrieve responsibilities, essentially moving you back into a vibration of your essence and greater alignment, which then increases your capacity to connect deeply with the light that flows within you.

kara-goodwin_1_09-18-2024_130333: work. Can you talk about what you mean by the cups of consciousness?

Aleya Dao: So in, I think it was 2006, my husband and I were on a beach walk in Santa Barbara and he said to me. Is it possible for you to write down, you know, like what it is you do with people so that you can explain it more deeply? Because I was talking to him and I was like, well, yeah, this person wants to come in for a [00:04:00] session.

And they were kind of asking what I do when I was like, I just do, I do so much. And how do you distill it down into just a few sentences? And Uh, back then there was like sort of the elevator talk of like, okay, in 30 seconds or less, can you explain what you really, really do with people? so then the next day I jumped on a plane and I was flying back to Telluride because I had a practice and Telluride and Santa Barbara and at 30, 000 feet or 20, 000 feet. the veils are much thinner between the realms and you can experience energy really differently than when you're sea level. And within, I want to say eight to 10 minutes, I wrote down these seven sentences and the seven sentences were essentially the framework of what I do. And those seven sentences became my book, Seven Cups of Consciousness. With each concept or each sentence, it explains a concept that helps you live from a more connected, empowered way of being, using your [00:05:00] energetic fields, using your consciousness. it's interesting because our consciousness is reflection of what we're holding in our energetic fields. when we start learning how to use our energy fields, it accelerates our spiritual growth, our evolution, our weakening, releasing suffering, moving into deeper, deeper connection. So the seven cups are In the book, seven cups of consciousness, and they're also these concepts are distilled into the daily cups of consciousness that I deliver a little seven minute audio meditations are energetic protocols five days a week, and then every three weeks, I do a, an hour long energy balancing session called the tall cups of consciousness.

kara-goodwin_1_09-18-2024_130333: Hmm. Amazing. So as you were talking about that, I noticed this, um, almost like a current that showed up in the back of my heart, um, kind of between the time, the, uh, thymus and

Aleya Dao: your

high heart.

kara-goodwin_1_09-18-2024_130333: kind of in between [00:06:00] both of them and kind of on the right side. And so. That was very cool and very interesting. And I wanted to point that out for a couple of reasons.

One in case there are, I want people to tune into their own bodies so that if they're feeling those responses or they don't miss those responses as you're speaking, but I also kind of associate it with. Just you, your, your voice, your presence. Um, I don't have, I could guess as to what that is, but, um,

Aleya Dao: it.

kara-goodwin_1_09-18-2024_130333: I, well,

it's like the back of my heart, I feel like is some is more related to the past.

Um, that connection between, it felt almost like a current that was like linking those two parts. It really felt, um, like it felt like a current, like there was electricity with it, um, That's about as far as I got with it, because I was also very, you know, engaged with what you were talking about, but I was like, Oh, [00:07:00] what is that?

Um, so, So you know,

Aleya Dao: that you talk about that because, um, 2001, I had an enlightenment experience where I remembered and was able to embody. All of my training that I experienced before I came here into this incarnation. And so on the other side that we sometimes refer to as home or we refer to as the real world, I, I recall all of the training that I experienced on the other side. And so these seven concepts are essentially that information. And so the past might be you accessing the information that you embody me. And we all know that comes from the other side concepts, ways of holding self that have the capacity to support us in a really empowered, connected


kara-goodwin_1_09-18-2024_130333: Mm, thank you for that. Well, I do feel whenever I listen to your [00:08:00] voice, that there's just a lot of transmission in the voice itself. There's a lot of fantastic, um, very high. Words that, that you say, which I sound, I feel like, where are my words? I'm like, they're really high. One of those things that we say with our mouths, um, like where, where are my words, Kara, come on, get yourself together.

Um, but. So you're like, when you explain things, even in those seven minutes that you, that you release in your podcast, it's this, um, like they're high concepts and you know, you're talking about multi dimensionality, you're talking about energy layers, you're talking about moving through dimensions. And so it's, it's going to appeal to people who.

Are, you know, interested in, in development and are not taking their first step on the path necessarily.

Aleya Dao: I'm not, [00:09:00] um, like if nobody's ever worked with their energy centers before or their breath before, um, I recommend This work really for people who have done some form of meditation, I started doing TM when I was 10 and did TM for 30 years before I developed the energetic protocols. And I'm not saying that you have to do TM for 30 years before you start with these energetic concepts, but, um, either somebody who's really advanced in their meditation techniques and they want to take it to kind of the next level where they listen to an energetic protocol and then they do their meditation practice. Or it could be somebody that this deep knowing of, I have a wisdom within me, but I can't remember it. And, you know, it might be the highly sensitive, it might be the old soul. so with that, then there'd have to be a little bit of a [00:10:00] leap of, Trusting and knowing that your energetic self is a thousand times wiser than your mind. And then when you listen to the energetic protocols, your inner mantra is, I'm just letting some energetic aspect of me do the work and get this. I'm not tracking anything. Any of these words with my mind, I found that with my students, with my clients, that people that let go of their mind, meaning let go of tracking all of the work with the mind, their energy fields immediately kick in and start doing the work. And then the conscious awareness, the mind has the reflection of what our energetic fields are doing. So I really think also in meditation, when we can quiet the mind. Our energy fields kick in and they connect in with that wiser, diviner, more empowered aspect of ourselves.


kara-goodwin_1_09-18-2024_130333: That's what I was feeling was that even if [00:11:00] can't necessarily intellectually track what is being said or instructed or suggested that there is this, there are parts of us that would understand, but it's, it's not maybe necessarily for everybody's intellectual mind. Yeah. So, would you be willing to share your, I know you had an enlightenment experience in 2001.

You kind of alluded to that earlier, but can you talk to us about what, what that entailed for you?

Aleya Dao: So, um, for years I'd been, you know, pushing the door of enlightenment. I want to have an enlightenment experience. And I, um, become a doctor of royal medicine. I had become a Reiki master. I had studied craniosacral. So it was kind of really deeply entrenched in alternative medicine and spirituality, so much energy work, but more, um, Oriental [00:12:00] medicine has those components.

And I was able to literally look at the body and see white lines and see where the pools of energy were, which were acupuncture points. And so I knew that there was an esoteric aspect of us. It was very open to that, had perceived it, experienced it, it in my daily practice with my clients and myself. Then in 2001, I met, uh, a man who did sound healing sessions and he had a massage table essentially that was filled with water and then huge speakers this water bladder. And I set up an appointment with him and I came for a session and I was like, wow, this is amazing. I want to do it again. And a couple of weeks later I went back for the sound healing table session and there were these crystals hanging over. It was in Ridgeway, Colorado. Lying on the table hearing this beautiful music like drums and flutes and singing and Then [00:13:00] 30 seconds, there was this huge, bright white light. perspective completely shifted and kind of saw myself shooting through this tunnel of light and actually came through Stonehenge, the circle.

There's like a portal there. then. Um, open my eyes and my consciousness had completely shifted. I could feel my energy fields. I could feel an angelic presence around me. I could hear everything they were saying to me. I could feel the energy and the emotions and the thoughts and sort of this vibrational fabric that I call grids that. Another person was holding inside themselves so for three years with this shift in awareness, conscious multidimensional reality, it continued to build. a lot of the times we have an enlightenment experience or teeny tiny little enlightenment mini moment and then it slips away. But this one kept building and building and building and fortunately I called what I had the angelic [00:14:00] Bluetooth headset and My people in the balcony were right there with me the entire time being like, okay now hold this Energy now do this now ponder that it wasn't disempowering.

It was very supportive Because I think when we have that shift in consciousness and we're able to perceive multiple dimensions, and we're able to feel the emotions of another person, for some people that could be crazy, And, um, for me, it was very orienting because I had a framework. Of support that had been set up for this experience. So after three years of kind of integrating it, then I started utilizing these concepts in a deeper way in my private practice, right? We always want to receive our gifts first before we give them away. And then over time, it's just slowly built. So now we're going on what? 23 years of holding this high level of [00:15:00] sensitivity, conscious multidimensional reality, perceptions of the energy.

Highly sensitive. So I have to be very discerning about how I hold myself, how I interact and engage. It's part of the responsibility of being sensitive. and so that's the, that's the background story.

kara-goodwin_1_09-18-2024_130333: Well, that is fantastic. And you said that lasted three years.

Aleya Dao: years of

integration and

kara-goodwin_1_09-18-2024_130333: Okay.

Aleya Dao: probably another five years of just practicing, practicing, practicing. And then took about 10 to 11 years to really settle. And now, you know, 23 years later, I feel like, okay, let's just keep building on


kara-goodwin_1_09-18-2024_130333: So you can still see like the energy and you still hear the, the guidance from the, those in the balcony and

Aleya Dao: and it's more precise now. So over the years with this high level of sensitivity, it's almost like we've got these energetic receptors and we're constantly picking up information. [00:16:00] And so the more conscious we are, where we are, we can calibrate those energetic receptors to tune into. A very specific signal. So each person carries a signal, their body has a signal, their emotional field has signals, their ancestors have signals, the team that encircles us have signals. And so I've just gotten a lot more refined and being able to hone in and listen to or perceive receive information of okay. So, if somebody is in session and they have a challenge. I can go, okay, well, let's look at that. Let's really tune in and see where that challenge is really coming from. And it could be seven incarnations ago of why they have this thing that just keeps repeating every lifetime.

kara-goodwin_1_09-18-2024_130333: wow. So let's go back to what you were talking about at the very beginning where you were saying that you kind of got that view into work that you had done before you got here. Do you have a sense of human [00:17:00] terms of what we would call that? Like. The angelic realm or, or where you were when you had that training?

Are there labels for it?

Aleya Dao: So, um, the whales and the dolphins, uh, from my perspective also exist on a planet called Sirius and Sirius has not physical, um, Life, it's more multidimensional. So there's dimensions on Sirius where there is consciousness. There are civilizations. There's a civilization and there are beings that are very wise and so. From Sirius, I, um, was trained, train, I call it my home, where I'll go back to when I'm done here, and, uh, for a little rest a bit, more training. um, when people are really aligned with whales and dolphins, they're actually aligned with Sirian consciousness, and Sirians can be fairly serious, but we're working on cultivating more humor, there are, uh, [00:18:00] very particular ways of holding self there that create an empowered way of being.

And so, really what I speak to in terms of our current level of consciousness that we're experiencing here on the planet. And what are three things or four things or five things that you could do that would move you into a more empowered way of being and not get entrenched in perceptions of disconnection?


kara-goodwin_1_09-18-2024_130333: Beautiful. So I know that you work a lot in a multidimensional way, which I was mentioning with your podcast. When people listen, they will, they will hear you talking about like across the dimensions and timelines and so forth. Um, can you help people understand what you mean when you, when you say that we live in a multidimensional way?

Aleya Dao: That's a brilliant question, because it sounds so complicated. Like, I don't know, multidimensional fifth dimensional being like, what's that really about? um, years ago, I think it was maybe five or seven years ago. I mean, five or [00:19:00] seven years after my enlightenment experience dream time, I said to my guides, so how many dimensions are on this planet? And they said to me at the time, 48 other. So then I kept tuning in. I'm like, maybe there's 52, 52 dimensions kind of feels right. I think that when a planet is going through an evolution, the dimensions change because we get dimensional merges, we want to think about it like the physical dimension is the lobby. And then we've got the 2nd floor and there's activity happening on the 2nd floor, and that carries a different vibration, different sounds, different consciousness. And then there's the 3rd floor. so we're in a, let's just pretend a 52 floor building things are happening simultaneously on every single floor. Now, the thing that's a little, cool. Overwhelming for our mental body is to think about these 54 floors all happening in the same time and space. So right now I'm having 52 experiences just on this [00:20:00] planet. But then if we think about ourselves in dimensions that are off planet, well, you're also a multidimensional being off planet as well. And so, Think about dimensions as different floors of a building think about the vibration that you hold inside yourself in what I call your divine line that runs on the front of the spine for the soul that's riding in the body the divine line that runs through the spine, the spinal cord, that's the body, Deva, nature, spirit, physical human form that you're riding in. We have these two lines of light. And when I had that enlightenment experience, I could very clearly perceive these two lines of light. prior to that, I had just seen. A line of light, but when we recognize that we've got these two lines of light to consciousnesses, we can start tuning into this vibration that flows in the divine line, and amplifying more supportive harmonic vibrations that are alignment with our essence in our divine line, higher or more harmonic [00:21:00] vibration you're holding in your divine line naturally tunes you into more harmonic dimensions. So when children have nightmares, they might be not consciously tuning into their divine line and feeling all these discordant energies that are negatively impacted, negatively impacting their divine line, not distorting their essence at all, but it's kind of like they're in this darker soup. And so they'd have nightmares. so when we start really working on amplifying Harmonic supportive qualities in the core could just be kindness or peace. Then we naturally tune into more harmonic dimensions that have the capacity to support us.

kara-goodwin_1_09-18-2024_130333: Beautiful.

Aleya Dao: I kind of went all over the place on that

question, but

kara-goodwin_1_09-18-2024_130333: Well, I think we hit, yes, I mean, yeah, if you could just really, you know, have a really precise and quick definition of multidimensionality, that'd be great,

Aleya Dao: meditation doesn't exist.

[00:22:00] Quick

kara-goodwin_1_09-18-2024_130333: right? Yeah, just, just do this enlightenment really fast.

Um, did I, did you get a chance to talk about the energetic protocols? We, we touched on it.

Do, can we talk a little bit more about that, or do you feel that that part was complete?

Aleya Dao: Because Okay. that when we're wanting to shift our energy fields, we go like, how, how do we do that? And I'm all about the how, because I get frustrated very quickly if it's not efficient and I don't feel a shift within a few seconds, 30 seconds, then I'm like, nah, didn't work. We want to think about an energetic protocol having seven steps and prayers used to have, or the good ones, they used to have seven steps. That's a full working prayer. I don't use the word prayer because there's so many people that have had negative experiences over many incarnations with prayer, e.

tagged in with religion. That can sometimes cause [00:23:00] trauma and so I use the word protocol and the very first concept or step in a protocol is to recognize that we live in a multidimensional reality. The second step to a prayer is to recognize that you are not alone. You have a presence that are around you that can positively empathically impact you. And then the third step of a prayer is recognizing that you are a divine being. Being, and there is an energy inside yourself that you can activate and amplify for supportive transformation. And then the fourth step is to recognize that there is a challenge that's gotten your attention and you're wanting to move it into a more harmonic energy. And the fourth step of a prayer is, I don't want to say the most powerful because every step is important, we want to think about. Our journey as we do the opposite of that, which we're intending on trying to master we're asleep until we cultivate a certain level [00:24:00] of awareness by getting slapped awake. And then we can begin to practice that, which we intend to master. So I'll be in disempowerment or the victim to cultivate more empowerment. I'll be in lack and fear, fear of loss to cultivate. Cultivate the abundance, the enough within. So the fourth step of a prayer is always flipping it into what is it you're really wanting to embody. And then the fifth concept or step in a prayer is to encompass the body. Our body is a nature spirit. And so we you. Always want to bring the body into the work as well, because if it's just you, the soul shifting and not your body or just your body and not your soul, then there's going to be a dissonance.

It doesn't reflect into the terrain appropriately. And then the sixth concept speaks to, or the sixth. Um, practice and a prayer step in the prayer is to recognize that you do have a vibrational mastery that flows within you. It might be integrity. It might be kindness. It might be [00:25:00] calm. And whatever you've attained inside yourself is your antidote.

It is your solution for whatever your challenge you're experiencing. then the 7th, uh, Step is to be in full completion of everything is perfect. Your essence is perfect. You're in a journey and how can you reflect that and awaken to that more in your terrain? So seven steps to a protocol prayer then has a full kick into the field shifts, the consciousness, your thought forms, your emotions, and the physical body, because the physical body is just a reflection of these other


kara-goodwin_1_09-18-2024_130333: Mm, I love it. Can you talk more about how the body is a nature spirit?

Aleya Dao: Yes,



kara-goodwin_1_09-18-2024_130333: I think that was step five or.

Aleya Dao: it's, it's step five in a prayer protocol, but it's also the fifth concept in the book, seven cups of consciousness, where your body is its own being, it has its own energy fields. You are [00:26:00] a soul and you have your own energy fields. body has this divine line that runs through the spine, the spinal cord. And, uh, years ago I was at Duke university doing a mediation training with my husband and we were in the cadaver lab, and I had put off going to the cadaver lab for decades because. I just didn't want to go there, but it was the time. And so I'm standing in the cadaver web and I'm holding a spinal cord. And, um, my body said that's where my divine line runs. And I literally felt this like jolt of energy through my spine. And. there was some professor talking about, you know, different parts of the body in the cadaver lab, and they said, the spinal cord is the one thing that does not age in the body. And I said, body, why is it that this one aspect of yourself, the spinal

cord doesn't

kara-goodwin_1_09-18-2024_130333: Hang on

Aleya Dao: And the body said, because I hold all of my light in my spinal cord and I typically don't get to a point in my evolution where I'm [00:27:00] radiating my light flowing in my divine line into every organ meridian and cell. And into the energetic fields, because the soul will typically smear itself all over the body, not recognizing the body's consciousness when the soul starts to awaken. And that over time slowly disempowers the body, negatively impacts the health, the ability to manifest, to create, because we're not in a conscious co creative

Kara Goodwin: my gosh. I'm getting so many chills like from my spine up into my head, like the back of my, uh, the, like the medulla

Aleya Dao: Yeah.

Kara Goodwin: gosh.

Aleya Dao: occiput is the tunnel of light that comes in and patterns and programs the

Kara Goodwin: Oh my God. My body's like, do you hear her, Kara? Listen to what she's saying. Oh my gosh. Okay. I'm sorry to interrupt you, but I was like, Whoa,

Aleya Dao: was good.

Kara Goodwin: please keep going. Yeah.

Aleya Dao: the

Kara Goodwin: Wow.

Aleya Dao: just

Kara Goodwin: That's amazing.

Aleya Dao: is your body.

Kara Goodwin: So the body is so, and you, [00:28:00] and you talk about this too, in your podcast and in your transmissions, where your protocols, where you're saying like the intelligence of the body kind of like tuning The, not just like how we think of intelligence, the mental intelligence, but like your body has a consciousness, but you were talking about like, that was really fascinating.

The soul coming in and kind of smearing the body. And so the consciousness of the body, then what stays dormant or kind of recedes or suppressed. Okay.

Aleya Dao: rebellious, um, does the opposite of that which it's intending to master. when we start to awaken, it's vital that the soul doesn't take over all of the responsibilities of the body. There's this like one liner of like, I love my body. Okay, what if you, the soul, love your [00:29:00] light, divine line, front of spine, and body loves itself and then we reflect this inner love that we're holding inside ourselves upon each other and that creates this incredibly co creative process.

Kara Goodwin: Hmm. Okay. I want to play with something here. And this may not, um, fit in quite with, with your work.

Aleya Dao: good.

Kara Goodwin: like, if we think of the concept of a blueprint, like a soul blueprint, and you know, that there is this kind of design to our body, how does this fit into what you're saying? Or does it, is it something slightly different?


Aleya Dao: So, so the soul blueprint would be what I refer to as the soul riding in the body. So we've got the soul rider and it's blueprint, it's energy fields, it's grids, it's fabric, it's wisdom, it's mastery, it's experiences it was even here in this world. Or previous [00:30:00] incarnations, when it did ride with the same nature spirit, but just in a different form. And the body is an animal and it's gone through many iterations. We rode in the body when it was an animal form, because you don't just pop into a human form. A human form is very sensitive, very advanced. We have opposable thumbs, so do whales.

Kara Goodwin: whales have opposable thumbs.

Aleya Dao: thumbs in there. Yes.

Kara Goodwin: my God.

Aleya Dao: They used to walk the land. Um, that was like millions of years ago. So our body is an, is an animal and it has its own consciousness, its own needs, its own desires, and it has its own blueprint. And so when. We acknowledge that we are living in a nature spirit, like a horse. We're riding a horse. We as the soul as a rider, we don't want to override our body and smear ourselves all over the horse and try to control everything [00:31:00] that the horse is doing.

The horse has its own wisdom and mastery. So how do you want to. Ride in the form or if you were a rider on a horse or seahorse or whale or dolphin would you hold yourself? Would you micromanage that horse or that whale or that dolphin or that seahorse or would you ride with grace and calm and presence?

And what do you want buddy? in the physical terrain. I'm not even in the physical terrain. I'm having an empathic physical experience What works for you?

Kara Goodwin: Hmm. That's I love it. I love it. And I love that you have brought up whales a hundred times because I just had, uh, Kind of an impromptu session with somebody and they were like, yes, you've had this lifetime. I think they said I was a mermaid, but I had a whale, like I was very, very close with this whale.

That was like my, it was an ascended master whale.

Aleya Dao: Like a guide.

Kara Goodwin: And I lent on [00:32:00] this whale, like all throughout my life. And he could see the eye, like this huge eye of this whale. This was just like two days ago, and I, I've always felt like I love dolphins. I love whales. Like I really have always been very drawn to them, but that was very, very special for me.

And here we are like two days later, you have no idea that that's happened. And you're like, yes, and the whales and the dolphins and yeah,

Aleya Dao: Yeah. And they taught me how to

Kara Goodwin: really?

Aleya Dao: to sound heel to do. Um, I would go out every morning, like they would come to me in dream time. And they'd say, Leah, meet us at butterfly beach when I was living in Santa Barbara. And, um, I would show up at like, you know, eight o'clock when they told me to, and then there'd be a pot of dolphins.

And sometimes a whale would be there and they would telepathically communicate with me and show me how to use my voice, bouncing it, spinning it around different energy centers to emit different frequencies for different purposes. they're master sound healers as well. But I love that you [00:33:00]just had that

Kara Goodwin: Oh my gosh. So were you on the beach and they would come up like, I mean,

Aleya Dao: No, so I have a, I had a paddle, actually I had a kayak at the time or a paddleboard, but kayaks were more the thing then, and um, in the early, it was like 2004 to 2017, so I would just go out have a dream, go out my kayak, and then they'd encircle me and we'd work for, you know, half an hour, hour, and then they'd be like, okay, you're done with your lesson.

And I'd say, thank you.

Kara Goodwin: oh my gosh, that's divine.

Aleya Dao: Yeah. Yeah.

Kara Goodwin: Wow. Oh my goodness. Well, Aaliyah, this has just been incredible. What a gift to spend this time with you. Please tell people how they can find you and connect with you.

Aleya Dao: Perfect. Thank you so much. It's been such a treat to be on your show. And, um, for anybody that does want to explore the energetic [00:34:00] protocols, the cups of consciousness, you can get my cups of conscious seven cups of consciousness book on Amazon, uh, Barnes and Noble new world library also released it. I have nine sound healing albums.

One of them is, um, was released by sounds true. And the other ones are available on my site, alaya. com a L E Y a d a o. com. And for all of your listeners, I would love to give them with a free month of the daily and tall cups of consciousness. So basically three to five meditations a week delivered by email and also via an app called cups of consciousness.

So you can just go to the app store and download your free cups of consciousness app, get a free month and see if this is your cup of

Kara Goodwin: I love it. Thank you so much. What a joy to be with you today.

Aleya Dao: Thank you so much.

Kara Goodwin: Thank you for listening to this episode of meditation conversation. I'd be so grateful if you would take a moment to share this episode with someone in your life who would appreciate [00:35:00] it. You're sharing helps build momentum and make high vibrational content such as this more accessible and easier to find.

I'd also be so grateful for you to subscribe to this content. Thank you so much for your support. And I look forward to the next meditation conversation.


Aleya Dao Profile Photo

Aleya Dao

Aleya is a sound healer, energetic practitioner, a Licensed Acupuncturist in Colorado, a Minister in the State of California, and a Doctor of Oriental Medicine in New Mexico. She has been an alternative healer for over 30 years.

Aleya graduated from Lewis and Clark University in Portland, Oregon, and earned her Master's Degree in Oriental Medicine from The Southwest Acupuncture School in Santa Fe, New Mexico. She practiced in

Telluride, Colorado for 7 years before moving to Santa Barbara, California where she started delivering the Cups of Consciousness meditations worldwide, recorded nine sound healing albums, and now lives just South of Yosemite in the Sierra Nevada foothills serving an international clientele as a spiritual guide, teacher, and sound healer.

In 2001 Aleya had an enlightenment experience that enabled her to perceive other realms, hear angelic beings, and increased her empathic and clairvoyant abilities. Aleya has mastered the ability to help people release the root causes of their suffering. Her tools help people discover how to move forward with greater peace, empowerment, and freedom.

Short Bio - Aleya Dao is a spiritual guide, best selling author, master sound healer, energetic practitioner, Doctor of Oriental Medicine, and licensed acupuncturist. Aleya is a pioneer in the field of energy medicine. Her techniques are powerful and effective in creating change. Thousands of individuals have been transformed utilizing her approach.

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