EXCITING CHANGES! Meditation Conversation is now SOUL ELEVATION! ✨
Dec. 8, 2024

382. Remote Viewing: Training Your Psychic Muscles - Alan Steinfeld

Learn about remote viewing with Alan Steinfeld, and try it for yourself at the end of this episode! This is a fascinating recorded livestream with Alan from , where he talks about the phenomenon of remote viewing. I felt a deep resonance with Alan's...

Learn about remote viewing with Alan Steinfeld, and try it for yourself at the end of this episode!

This is a fascinating recorded livestream with Alan from  YouTube.com/@newrealities  , where he talks about the phenomenon of remote viewing.

I felt a deep resonance with Alan's explanation of how we are consciousness avatars using these bodies for experience, and how we can expand ourselves to experience so much more.

Of course, we also talk about ETs - because you can't have Alan Steinfeld on and NOT go into ETs! - and Alan shares intriguing video about UFO activity happening RIGHT NOW in New Jersey. WILD!

At the end of the episode, we had a practice session where we remote viewed an object. I was a little nervous about sharing what came through for me, since I had no idea if I was even close to perceiving the correct object. But I was wowed by how the group's perceptions overlapped with each other. I also received some drawings viewers sent when we finished the livestream, and it was amazing how we were picking up on such similar things!

Alan is going to be teaching a course on remote viewing starting at the end of January. Register here: https://socalmediumreading.as.me/schedule/faadb412/?appointmentTypeIds[]=71551473

I hope to see you at the Sedona Ascension Retreat, where Alan will be presenting: https://SedonaAscensionRetreats.com use code KaraGoodwin5 for 5% off your ticket!

Other episodes you'll enjoy:

339. Making Contact: Exploring the Extraordinary ET Phenomenon - Alan Steinfeld

314. Quantum Healing and Remote Viewing - Jason Medlock

131. Remote Viewing and Astral Travel - Modern Mysticism with Michael

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Alan Steinfeld livestream


Kara Goodwin: I. Want to welcome everybody to this live stream of the meditation conversation podcast, the podcast to support your spiritual revolution.

And if you haven't heard yet, the meditation conversation is becoming soul elevation and Michelle Cresci, who is Has joined us here is doing the intro and outro music and it is gorgeous. Please do check out Michelle Koreshi. Um, I know that everybody here mostly is, is really familiar with Michelle, but, um, she is an amazing musician.

She's got a, a lot of, um, live stream. A lot of music out there available for stream and through band camp. And I know she had a release that just came out today. So I'm super excited for everybody to see that. And today we have [00:01:00] Alan Steinfeld. So let me do a quick. Intro here, Alan Steinfeld is a writer, producer, and speaker in the fields of human potential, metaphysics, conscious evolution, healing, creativity, spiritual awakening, and cosmic intelligences.

He's also the host and director of New Realities. For over 20 years, he's brought cutting edge ideas to In science, health, and spirituality to his audiences, he's interviewed over 3000 of the most influential people in the world. 12 million people. That's probably, uh, probably way more than that by now. 12 million people have seen his new realities videos on his YouTube channel.

He's the author of making contact. If you have not read that book, you have got to get that book. It is amazing. If you're into ufology, um, that's a wonderful, wonderful read. So today we're going to be focused on remote viewing and Alan, I'm [00:02:00] so excited to have you here. I love connecting with you. Thanks so much for being on the meditation conversation.

Alan Steinfeld: Well, it's great to be back with you. We had a really good first show about my book, making contact where you highly recommended that book because you liked it. Thank you for that. Yes. And I found it really activating. So I was, um, I, I was reading it and then having it. Experiences like just in my consciousness of different, different, um, things that felt like they were coming online, being activated as I was reading that.

Kara Goodwin: So, um, and my favorite part of our last interview had to be when Alan said I was sharing some, I've shared more in that episode about myself, I think, than in any other episode and Alan said. You know, Kara, I'm not saying you're a contactee, but you could be. I think you definitely are. [00:03:00] Yeah, I think I put my book, how to get my book in the chat right now.

Alan Steinfeld: But yeah, what, what's wrong with being a contactee? Most A lot of people are and they don't even know it, you know? Oh yeah, no, I took it as a compliment. I, I'm flattered. So. Well, yeah, but besides that, is it true? I mean, do you have the symptoms of that, which it seems like you do, you wouldn't be doing this show.

Well, there's a lot of reasons you could be doing the show, but one is that, you know, contactees do look for expanding consciousness because they've been upgraded to that awareness. Right, right. Not everyone, but you know, who's met into meditation is a contactee, but there is a crossover there for sure.

Yeah, I would agree. I love that too, where I think, um, it came up recently, maybe when Laurie was on who's here and is a remote viewer also, um, [00:04:00] because we were talking about like, You know, if you're interested in star, you know, in, in galactic information, you're drawn to podcasts that have that information.

Kara Goodwin: It's likely because there's something within you that's resonating with that because you are maybe a contactee, maybe a star seed, maybe a hybrid something. Well, you know, what's interesting about that link is that there's a part of the brain near the hypothalamus that they found. More developed, overly developed in remote viewers and in contactees.

Alan Steinfeld: The same part, the same white matter, and the cadputanum, which is near the hypothalamus, seems to be more developed. First they thought that was, um, uh, you know, a malady, but they realize it's really, comes out in people who claim to have contact, who are intuitive, who are artistic, creative. So there's this other part that makes [00:05:00] people natural remote viewers.

I mean, maybe that part develops because of their contact. I don't know, or maybe they're born that way. No one really knows the answer to that, but there's definitely brain research. And what I think is that's, That part of the brain is like an antenna to the non local field, which then gets us into our conversation about remote viewing.

Kara Goodwin: Right. That's fascinating. Well, let's start with remote viewing about, let's just talk about what it is so that we're all on a lay level playing ground. What, what is remote viewing? Well, uh, uh, just looking at Lori's question, is there a test for EEGs? Look at the cat, put, putainum in the hypothalamus. I'll try to put that, um, it's a sort of the brain that has white matter.

Alan Steinfeld: And if you're, Um, Contactee, you will have more developed white matter in that area. I'll find the, um, [00:06:00] the link to that, those, you know, physiological, um, places. All right. What is remote viewing? Well, uh, you know, we have, um, So we have five local senses, you know, seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling, touching, and Hearing?

Kara Goodwin: Is that the one that's? Hearing. Yeah. I'm like, which one is missing? Okay. So anyway, those are local, but then we have non local senses, which, you know, science, the world, the paradigm we're in now. says it's impossible. It's impossible to have some, an awareness that's outside the physical realm. But I compare it to, um, your computer, let's say, right?

Alan Steinfeld: And before the internet, any information you had on your computer, you had to have inputted into your computer because that was the physical location. The internet comes along and says, [00:07:00] guess what? I can get information that's not on my computer and someone who didn't know about that would say that's impossible.

All the information you have has to be local to your computer. So what I'm saying is we have this facility for non locality. that, in a way, no one has explained. No one has real, except for what I just mentioned about that area of the brain being an antenna. Some people say it's also the right brain. It's also the fact that we are connected to the infinite field.

I mean, you're not, we're not who we think we are, who we've been told we are. We, we're not our thoughts, we're not our name, our identity, our You know, DNA lineage. We're not, those are just exteriors. What we are are infinite beings on a journey into forever. And if we start from there, then we [00:08:00] realize these are just avatars, these bodies, like, you know, I don't really think you're in my, on my, you're on my screen, but I don't really think that's who you are.

You're not the person on the screen that picture represents who you are, but that's not. Who you are. You're this you know, person behind that screen on another part of the planet somewhere. Western science says, nope, your body is all there is. And this is what's changing now in, in the kind of shift of the ages.

Are you your body or is it matter or does your, or are we spirit as the spirit give life to the body, which is why people meditate. You know, because they want to get in touch with going inward and going beyond the body. And when you do go inward, you realize there's this infinite world. It's just as infinite [00:09:00] inside of us as it is outside of us.

So if we start there, then in a sense, if these avatars are, are just the vehicles we're using in local space, our minds, our consciousnesses are connected to everywhere. anywhere all at once, beyond time and space. And we can learn how to tap into that. Of course, some people are natural psychics and they, they tap into that because they just have the facility to do it, but everyone can learn to do this.

It's not, um, you know, it's not rocket science, but it might be harder than rocket science. No, it's not hard at all, actually, but it's, um, it's, it's something we are innately able to do. All of us are non local. You're in the body, you're in the body, we're walking around [00:10:00] inside these animals. This is our animal.

That's why we want to take care of our animal. We want it. feed the animal, want to make sure it doesn't get out of control, all those things. But the animal isn't in control. I mean, sometimes, of course, people give in to their animal urges, but, you know, it's, it's the consciousness that is in the body, that is the essence.

the human being. But when we're not in the body, when out of body travel, you know, near death experiences, um, well, remote viewing, it's not as extreme as near death experience, but we can view something that's non local because we are connected to time and space, all time, all space. Does that sort of make sense there?

Kara Goodwin: Yes, that's amazing. So I'm, I'm really curious with what you were talking about, where anybody can do this. So you were trained to do this, right? You, this wasn't something that, that [00:11:00] you naturally picked up on. You went through a training to learn how to do it. Yeah, and anyone can naturally pick up on it.

Alan Steinfeld: Psychics do it all the time. Most psychics aren't trained, but, um, it wasn't like I went through a training, but I did meet Russell Targ, who started a little background about remote viewing. Um, so the CIA heard that the Russians had a psychic spying program. And, um, The CIA said we can't let the Russians do anything and that we're not doing We're going to develop a psychic spying program.

I don't even know if they believed in psychic parts But there is this whole kind of weird metaphysical section to the um to these agencies, so they went to um Hal putoff, you know how putoff is Yeah, he's now in the news a lot because he's also part of this whole disclosure process hal putoff and russell targ You They were both laser physicists.

They were both scientists. [00:12:00] This was at Stanford, right? Stanford, right. So they were at Stanford. They had a section of Stanford called the Stanford Research Institute, or SRI. The CIA, or government agencies, gave the Russell and how money to run this kind of experiments of and they got this amazing psychic named Ingo Swan.

Have you heard of him? Yes. Yes. Laurie has. Ingo Swan coined the term remote viewing. You know, he was like a spoon bender, right? Well, he was a psychic. He was a, he was a painter, actually. I think, no, Uri Geller was a speaker. Oh, Uri Geller, yes. And they had Uri Geller part of that program too. He was part of that.

It actually was facilitated by Edgar Mitchell, who had done some experiments. He was the sixth man to walk on the moon. When he was coming back from the moon, there was this, um, psychic experiment [00:13:00] he did with someone here. Yeah. And it proved that really doesn't matter how far you are away from someplace you could, you're in touch.

I mean, we are connected right here, right in this moment, to all time, all space. all dimensions. We're just not aware of it because we haven't been trained to be aware of it. You know, the idea of remote viewing is to activate these non local senses. So, uh, yeah, so Russell Targ, who developed the program with Hal Puthoff and Ingo Swann, trained me and, um, we could show that we could show that training tape.

Actually, we could do, we could test people here. It's kind of been popular. It's on YouTube. It's kind of been very popular sort of, uh, viewing viewership. So, um, Do you have the ability to share? [00:14:00]Share screen? Do I? No, I have to, uh, Okay, let me make you co host if you're ready to share. Well, okay, I'm going to go through a little bit more background.

Let me see if I, um, yeah, I'm going to go through a little bit more, um, Okay, well, when you're ready, you're the host. Okay, okay, okay. All right. Yeah, because I think, um, I think, okay, okay, I'm the host, so I will show you, because I, I, I do, uh, a six to four to six week training course myself, because the idea is once you learn the basics and we know targets, they're called targets, uh, if everyone's really good and there's an agreement, we go off planet We start using remote dreaming for making contact with ETS because you know, the universe is full of extraterrestrial [00:15:00] consciousness.

Actually, our consciousness itself is extraterrestrial. It's not of the earth, it's not terrestrial, it's it's, it's from some other space. So we are extraterrestrials. Essentially, and that's how we could make contact with other, it's all consciousness. It doesn't matter. I mean, whatever level of, um, being you are, and certainly we're not the only beings in, in the universe or universes, it's consciousness that connects us all.

Of course, the vibration of other beings are, um, you know, frequency, um, you know, other beings are a different frequency than us. Did you have a question, Laurie? Did you want to say something? Oh, you're just waiting. Okay. Um, but, um, so it's like we could actually read each other's minds right now, but we have to tune into the similar [00:16:00] frequencies.

So like if I was with you, Cara, and I looked into your eye and we're at this same vibration, You could think a thought or I could think a thought and or a number or and you could pick up on it because you know consciousness is a medium of communication, but the thing with these ETS is that they're vibrating at a different rate of speed.

So we have to in order to connect with them. We have to raise our frequency, which is the process we're in now, the process of disclosure, all these UFO sightings around the world. If you look at some of the stuff happening online, New Jersey, there's this huge outbreak of drones that are the size of cars.

There's no drone the size of a car that's out there. They haven't heard of that. Yes, it's on UFO Twitter. I'll, I'll, I'll send that to you. Okay. Oh my goodness. Yeah. Yeah. That's what I was referencing this morning in my [00:17:00] message to you. Oh, I was gonna say, um, I meant to send it over. I was going to say Lori told me that it's you, it's alien invasion day or something.

Kara Goodwin: I have not heard of this. I think it is alien. It's alien invasion year. Let's put it that way. I'm like, how did I miss this memo of today? Well, you only get the memo if you're, like, registered, if you're on the email list. Are you a card carrying member? I think this is the, I just put the Instagram link in the chat, I think this is the New Jersey, uh, uh, Ariel, is this it?

Alan Steinfeld: Oh, that's some, I, I, I had to go to my, um, WhatsApp to do that, but wait, I think I have that. Let me see. Oh, no. Here. Oh, here. This is it. Actually, I can play that. I just want. Yeah. Do you want to share your screen and show us? I'll share my screen, and let me just put that in the [00:18:00]chat too, and then I'll pull that up here.

Let me just, uh, okay. Let me just pull this up. Okay. All right. Here. I'll share my screen. Share screen. All right. Let me see where this is. Okay. Here we go. Share. Do you see that? Yes. Well, it just, oh, there we go. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Okay. Why is there no sound? Oh, here. Right. And all those lights in the sky that you see there, FBI is now getting involved in an investigation into these mysterious, apparently small car sized drones that people are spotting flying over New Jersey in the middle of the night.

News: Look at this. One woman there took the video you're seeing. So that that's it. It looks like it's flying pretty low. From that perspective, it looks very large, right? And all those lights in the sky that you see there, see those lights? Those are apparently drones as well, they say, seeming to fly in a V formation.[00:19:00]

with the whole saga. Stressing people out nearby. We're all completely unnerved. I didn't sleep last night. When I would get up and look out my window at 2 AM, 4 AM, they were still hovering. I got up at 5 30 this morning and they were still there. As the sun was starting to rise, they went back in the same direction they came from, and I expect they'll be back as soon as the sun goes down tonight.

Let's bring in Tom Winter. What's up with the mysterious drones, Tom? Right, Allie. Well, not to go all Scully and Mulder on us here. Well, that's, that's the problem. They don't want to, they don't want to mention the word UFO, but why not? It is an unidentified flying object, and it's probably not terrestrial.

Alan Steinfeld: I mean, there's still a stigma about saying we're being visited. And that's like, why I wrote this book, why I was just in Washington, uh, at the hearings there. [00:20:00] And so, We have to get over that because what these things are telling us is that we're part of a bigger cosmos. Our consciousness is part of a bigger cosmos.

So getting back to remote, you and me to get off the topic too much, but, um, that was worth it. It was worth it because that is happening. You know, why aren't they sending helicopters up there? I mean, you know, uh, just send a helicopter out there. Yeah. To see what these things are. But, you know, they don't want to, is my feeling, I haven't heard anyone say it, because if they find out that they're not terrestrial, they'll have to come out and say it.

So they're not even sending helicopters out there because they don't want to say the A word, which is alien. And you know, they don't want to say that word. And so they're not even bothering. I mean, you know, if there's something happening, [00:21:00] there's usually a helicopter overhead to like investigating. Why aren't there helicopters there?

Yeah. It's so weird, right? Or fighter jets. I mean, or fighter jets. Like that's also a common thing. Like if you don't know what it is, they tend to send the jets in. Right. Especially if it's in your airspace. Right. I mean, And maybe they are, and we just not know it. So it's, it's strange. You know, also in London recently, there's been a rash of sightings.

as well. Wow. Yes. And then other places out West Arizona. I mean, this is alien invasion week. Yes, I think it is. So, but what does that have to do with, uh, remote viewing? I would say everything and nothing, everything. Everything and nothing. This is my, uh, PowerPoint here. Can you see that? I know it's, is there [00:22:00] like a lot of interference on the screen?

So our idea of the non local mind is to go beyond the physical. And we do, you've seen this woodcut before. It's a famous woodcut, right? I have not seen that, but I love it. Yeah. This guy sticking his head through one dimension into another dimension. I love that. That's, that's a famous Swiss, um, Swiss woodcut from the 1700.

Wow. The problem is any experience that is not conformed to our organized perception of a learned reality will not be real to us. So because no one ever confirmed the fact that we can remote view, or even astral travel, or even teleport, it's not real because it doesn't have the consensus of the culture that we're a part of, right?

All right. Here's another little slide I'd like to show. Dimensions are not places or locations, but [00:23:00] levels of consciousness that vibrate at a certain rate. The higher we vibrate, the more dimensions we are consciously experiencing. So that's the thing about the increase in vibrational energies. When we accelerate, The, the, the energetic frequencies of our body, we're capable of perceiving more, of understanding more.

I mean, look at an ant. Maybe they're very psychic intuitive. I don't know. But, you know, we seem to be more developed and aware of more realities. Although I did see an ant, I was out in the desert and I dropped a little breadcrumb and I saw this ant pick it up and it carried it back to its ant hole like a quarter of a mile.

I don't know how it even knew where it was. They're freakishly strong. Strong, but how do they even know on a ground level where they're going? Yeah. They didn't have a GPS. Maybe they did. Anyway, but [00:24:00] this is what I was trying to say before about every, this is really where we are. This is a picture by Alex Grade called Theolog.

This is where our, our consciousness is originating from this place of forever. This is where we always are. This is where we, and so from this place, everything is in the field. Everything is accessible to the field of consciousness. Right? That's why I love this quote by Rel K. A billion stars go spinning through the night, glinting higher above your head, but in you is the presence that will be when all the stars are dead.

So we are these forever beings, right? We are the universe expressing itself as a human being for a little while. We forget that we're the universe, but what the CIA did, I mean, they sort of backed into it. In a way, I'm sure it wasn't their intention to show us how infinite we really were. They just wanted to [00:25:00] spy on the Russians.

But, right? But it ended up, that yes, we are, how else can, how else can you explain it? You can't really explain it by the old mechanistic way of, um, of explaining reality. Science is not capable of explaining this because it's caught up and, um, in the, um, observations of time and space and we are beyond time and space.

So, you know, it comes back to this, that movie, everything, everywhere, all at once. That's where we are. That's where we are. But we're here to, you know, the world is full of magical things patiently waiting for our senses to grow a little sharper. You know, that's, uh, William Yates, William Butler Yates. So, so there's been mystics who have been aware of this.

Yates was [00:26:00] a mystic. So this is the, this is not our evolutionary end, this guy sitting at a computer, you see. That's not what we are. This is us. This is where, and I don't think we started from apes, I think we descended from the light into these bodies and perfected the human form so we could have greater experiences.

But our form is evolving. So, I just want to show you a little backdrop to the, uh, so this was the clandestine program from the Central Intelligence Agency for, um, remote viewing. Now, this is a movie made by Russell Targ about about the process of of the Stanford Research Institute and everything. They, uh, did there.

So let me, is that the one that there is a movie, uh, spies, like no third [00:27:00] eyes, third eye spies. Is that what that's from? There's a little, um, yeah. Trailer of third eyed spies. If you had an ability to be able to remotely perceive stuff, any place in the world, that could be an extraordinary intelligence source.

Trailer: We've found that many individuals are able to accurately describe. What's going on in distant locations? Are you saying that the work you've been doing is classified? It was a research facility. That was all that we were going to tell them.

The Russians have been spending millions of dollars Investing in us. Investigating so called ESP. Psychic spies. Almost a psychic arms race here. Is there any real application to this? I think remote viewing has been demonstrated over the 20 years of work that's been sponsored by the government.

Producing [00:28:00] crucial and vital intelligence to the NSA, CIA, DEA, and the Secret Service. I began to feel frightened. The KGB did it, man. What's really going on here? State sponsored assassination attempt. The CIA was lying. They wanted to kill the program. A storm's brewing. This is real. I say, no more secrets.

Let this information out.

Alan Steinfeld: Because the these, the psychic spies got so good. One guy, Pat Price, could look at documents inside a sealed safe and read them. You know, could read these documents because it's, You know, it's hard enough to know what something is. It's very abstract. We'll do an exercise here, remote viewing, and it's a very [00:29:00] abstract sort of, um, understand, because you're not This is how I, um, interpret.

You have a left and right brain. Your left brain sees the world as it is. The right brain is kind of connected to the intuition. It's connected to this infinite consciousness, the right brain. But, so the right brain is sensing things, but it doesn't know what it is because it doesn't know how to, um, interpret it.

It doesn't use words. It uses images or descriptions. So, when we remote view, we're not going to name the thing at first because that gets you into your left brain. We're going to intuit it. We're going to, um, we're going, yeah, here, this is a picture of it. Actually, it's a human and dolphin. The dolphin, of course, has a much more developed brain.

You can see it there on [00:30:00] the right. That's a dolphin brain. This is a human brain. But both, um, of, uh, most of us and them have these, uh, left and right brains. The difference between us and them is their corpus callosum is a lot more developed and connected. And the other thing about dolphins is they're conscious breathers.

They're always aware of their breath. They only sleep on one side of their brain at a time. So, um, when, because I, I, um, was working with this guy, John Lilly, who anesthetized dolphins and they drowned. We only did it once, but yeah, because they have to be Every breath is conscious. Imagine if every breath of ours was conscious, right?

So, you know, so it goes back to, um, people have been able to do this. This is a thing, uh, Nikola Tesla said, it'll soon be possible to transmit wireless messages so simple that individuals are carrying their apparatus with them. [00:31:00] He didn't know about cell phones or anything like that, but he was a visionary.

He saw the future. He remote view the future, you could say, or he came to him where and all of us can do that. But most people ignore their intuitive senses. So here's another vision of the future by HG Wells, who wrote the first book on alien, uh, invasions, actually, uh, war of the world. But later on, he kind of, Calm down and set a time as close at hand with any student in any part of the world, be able to sit with his or her own projector at their own convenience and examine any book, any document, an exact replica.

And so he didn't know about the injury, but he, he knew that this was possible. So we are always getting visions of what's possible. You don't have to be these well known people. All of us are, but we tend to discount them. Because. [00:32:00] We just said, but the idea is no, we're getting downloads all the time. So acknowledge them, share them, you know, this is, this is, um, this is Ingo Swann.

That's my picture of Ingo Swann, actually, you know, and he was a quite a brilliant guy and psychic, and he coined the term remote viewing. And this is how put off. who worked with Russell Targ to develop the program. And someone asked Hal, well, how do you explain it? This is what Hal said. I have to admit that even after 13 years of having founded the program and then directing it, still, on many occasions, I would go in to set up an experiment and I'd ask myself, what am I doing here?

Trailer: This can't possibly work. No mechanism we can think of whereby this could possibly work. Um, and it would work. Right. How is a scientist, he could understand, how is it [00:33:00] possible that we can perceive non locally? Well, part of that is, What the essence of this joke is, hey, pal, you have no idea who I think I am, this drunk guy yelling at the bartender.

Alan Steinfeld: Because you have to get out of the way of your identity, who you think you are. You have to stop operating that program in order to access the infinite consciousness. That's the key here, remote viewing. Actually, there is a remote viewing course that I have coming up. I'll put this in the chat too in a little bit.

But, so it's basically, um, Like, what are we? Like I said before, consciousness, looking for consciousness in the brain, it's looking inside the radio for the announcer, right? If the radio breaks, it doesn't mean the announcer has killed over. No. We're, our brains, our hardware picking up receivers of this infinite field.

All we have to do to remote view is [00:34:00] set our intent. in a direction or one clue, and it doesn't even have to be a logical clue. Some people are just given numbers that reference a target. That's called controlled remote viewing at CRV and they're able through just the numbers, able to get the target. Or some people, I can have an envelope here.

Maybe I'll bring this envelope I have with a picture in it and Or I could be getting envelopes from many people. I say, okay, I have an envelope. I might not even know what is in the envelope because it could be a lot of things. And you just focus on the envelope and it comes into your consciousness. It really, really does.

How that happens. I don't know. I can't, I can't explain it. No one can explain it. I've talked to everyone in the CIA. I've talked to all these people. I could say, I said, well, how does this [00:35:00] really work? How does, how are people aware of this? Russell Tarr couldn't explain it. I don't think, maybe Ingo did, but Hal certainly couldn't.

And then Paul Smith, these famous remote viewers. No one knows how we could be non local and local at the same time. because we're getting the signal from somewhere else. So this is one of the keys here. We're born with this infinite imagination. By the time we're four or five, we learn to count one, two, three, A, B, C, and that locks us into a very limited way of understanding reality.

It's a very limited way. So, um, do you know who Jane Roberts is and Seth? Yeah, the Seth material. Yeah. Yes. Well, I have the only video, my friend did the only video ever of Jane Roberts. There's lots of audio tape. Oh, wow. There's this video where she talks about this sort of [00:36:00] process. I'm going to play this, okay?

Just so you get this idea of what, of what, of of how she, Jane Roberts, meant to do this. Okay, this is not from the Jane Roberts set speak, but it's a later dialogue. All right, this is Jane Roberts herself. You may find yourself with a random thought that does not seem to fit in with what you are doing or thinking at the time, and so you dismiss it.

Jane Roberts: It seems a random thought. Because it does not appear to fit in with your organized picture of reality, but it is an important mosaic that you throw away. So I also, uh, joyfully

and playfully, uh, And, uh, creatively, uh, challenge, uh, [00:37:00] each of, uh, you, uh, to become, uh, more and, uh, more aware of your waking, uh, experience. And of those, uh, stray thoughts that come in your terms, uh, like thieves in the night. They are not official. You do not accept them. The intellect, uh, says, oh, no. Listen to those thoughts.

Open your mind, uh, a mite further. In your ordinary waking life, in the middle of your ordinary pursuits, and, uh, see what miracles are there. And I say, miracles. Okay, she says miracles. So that's pretty weird, isn't it? Wait, what do you get? She [00:38:00] was an incredible child, like really the first time before. I mean, now channeling is like a fad, you know, everyone's a channel, but back then in the 70s.

Alan Steinfeld: She was like the first channel, major, major channel. I mean, I'm sure channeling has been around for a long, long time. The prophets of the old Testament, Edgar Cayce called himself a channel. I think Edgar Cayce actually coined the term, but Jane Roberts was the real first. First of the modern challenge. Oh, I'm looking at the, I have a question.

Just wondering if Alan might have picked up the race that was native here on earth 40 million years ago with developed space technology and right now are still alive. And living off world. I haven't remote you the race from 40 million years ago, but, um, I could, we could, we could do that sometime. I mean, yeah, why not?

You know, um, yes, yes. Sorry. [00:39:00] Sorry. We're gonna look at. No, no, that's good. No jump in because, um, Yes. Well, I, I love that. And it really, it's so mind blowing. It's so expansive in terms of, you know, what we tap into and what is the potential. Um, I know that you have a stop coming up here in about 10 minutes.

Kara Goodwin: So should we just, let's just do some remote viewing, right? Wonderful. All right. Now we're going to use There's the left brain that names things. There's the right brain that, um, there's the right brain that perceives beyond time and space. I'll just use the way, uh, I'll just use the link that a little, a little, uh, little, just a little, um, notes here before we go there.

Alan Steinfeld: So, we're gonna get, let me screen share, oh, I, can I screen share again [00:40:00]there? Oh yeah, sorry, I, um. That's okay. I reclaimed it here. You make me co host. You can make me co host. Can I? Oh, I don't have that. I can only make you host. All right, all right, that's okay. There you go, you've got it now. Okay, here, here we go.

Okay, so where is it? Okay, so let's say we're going to remote view these people playing tennis. You're not necessarily going to get the tennis racket, or the, you might get shapes, you might get colors, you might get, you know, textures, because we're learning to see in the dark. We're learning to see with our right eye.

brain. We're not going to name it because usually people go off track when they start to name things. So, because naming is your left brain. Naming takes you out of the greater sensory awareness and boom, suddenly [00:41:00] you are, um, thinking and not feeling and knowing. So, that's it. You know, it's like what the Tao says, the Tao that can't be said is not the true Tao.

The true Tao is connected to all there is. So, anyway, let's say I said the target was this hot air balloon. You might not get the actual hot air balloon, but you'll get the shapes, or something like that. Okay? So, that's really, so, if you, see, the left brain comes in all the time, because the left brain's job.

is to make sure you know where you are. So, or make sure you knows where it's going on. So it doesn't like ambiguity. It says it will immediately come in and say so, oh, this is that this is that but that's only because it's been taught to um, be in control. There's a a great book called the Master and the Servant by uh, um, let me see who did [00:42:00] this.

Um, I've been reading it.

The Master and the Emissary, which redefines left and right brain by, um, by Ian McGilchrist. Anyway, so, also, it's about feeling. So if we were going to remote view this, You might not get like this little river, but you might get the swirls. You might get all that, you know, as a target. And what the CIA did is had a lot of people remote view, lots of different targets.

They put the targets together. And they're able to kind of sometimes make sense of what all these different people were getting. Oh, because people are getting different pieces of it. Yes. It's like we all saw the same movie and I asked you what the movie is about, you would say, Oh, it's this great actor.

Someone else would notice the set. So you put it all together. You might get a sense of the [00:43:00]movie, right? That's the thing. Everyone's getting a little piece because of their way they're tuning into their consciousness. So this is, um, some of the phases of remote viewing. Empty your mind. Set your intent.

Intent is like your GPS. That's the only thing you have to do is set intent and then let it go. Let it come back to you. And there's so much more I go into in my classes and some people start this way, you know, you label color sites, sound smells, um, temperature, all that. But, you know, that's, that's kind of takes too much time.

We're just going to do this. Does everyone have a pencil and paper here? Yes, I do. You don't want to just keep this in your head. You want to get this immediate, um, contact of what it is. So this is my first remote viewing [00:44:00] with Russell Targ. A lot of people have seen this because I've had thousands of hits on the internet with this.

So I went to Russell's house and I said, I'd like to learn remote viewing. And he said, One of the most paranormal things about our program is that we had continuous support from a particular group of agencies, NASA, the army, the air force, for 20 years, to do this group of experiments. And that in itself is paranormal.

Trailer: So, let's go into how easy you say it is to do actual remote viewing, because I think a lot of people don't have to spend thousands of dollars and take a week course to do this. All right. Now, I don't know if you can do all this, I could do it. Go ahead. You can do it. Go ahead. What do you need? Do you draw with your right hand?

I do draw with my right hand. Okay, I'll give you a pen. Okay. And the way this works [00:45:00] Is that I have an object that I've Okay, before we actually go further, I want everyone to just close your eyes, okay? And get empty, so close your eyes and breathe in, and blow out everything you're thinking. Take another breath in, blow it out, and breathe it in again.

Alan Steinfeld: So you want to be empty, so you can let the target come to you. Okay? So just listen along, I'm gonna stop it along the way. Okay? And Russell says to me, here it goes. I'm in the air force for 20 years doing, cause I think a lot of people don't have to spend thousands of dollars and take a week course to do this.

Trailer: All right. Now, I don't know if you can do all this and hold the microphone. I could do it. Go ahead. You can do it. Go ahead. What do you need? You draw with your right hand. I do draw with my right hand. Okay. And give you [00:46:00] a pen. Okay. And the way this works. is that I have an object that I've brought here for you that you've never seen.

It's an interesting unusual object that I have in my pocket. So what do I do? What you want to do is close your eyes and Okay, so our intent is on Russell's right jacket pocket. That's all you have to do is put your intent there. Okay, now he's directing me. Describe the fragmentary pictures that come to view.

What surprising thing pops into mind? Surprising thing is the key phrase here. So it's not what you think, it's not what you guess. This is not about guessing. Something is going to pop into your mind and just draw it, or describe it. But don't name it. Just draw it or describe it. We can name it after, okay?

Alan Steinfeld: Okay? That's, [00:47:00] um, key one. Usually the first impressions are golden. It's as though you've reached out and you've just dipped into the psychic signal. It doesn't make any sense. Right. It always makes me happy when a person says, I'm looking at this thing and it doesn't make any sense at all. I say, that's wonderful.

Trailer: It's perfect. It's as though you've drawn the first outline. The CIA says it looks like you're at the right place. Okay. What, what else can you tell me? What else is happening? What else? Okay. So close your eyes again if you want and tune in to what is in Russell's pocket. Just you could draw it or um, name the texture, the shape, the um, you know, the design, whatever it is.

Alan Steinfeld: That's coming to you, that's popping into your head. And a lot of people have used this target [00:48:00] now. Um, so it will come to you. So just draw it, it doesn't have to be a fancy drawing. Just get a, you know, and describe it. Basically describe it. Okay? We're gonna do one more little clue. When I, when I hand you this object, what additional interesting thing comes to view?

Okay, that's the final clue. Let's say I'm handing you this object. It's in your hands. What are you feeling? What's the shape? The color? The size? The texture? All that. Okay? So just write all that down. Because you're, you know, we can use our imagination to feel this. Okay.

All right. So, one thing here. Hmm. So I'm kind of picturing you handing me an [00:49:00] object and then Yeah. Are the objects in your hand? You can see this thing in your hand. Okay. What will come to view? It will say, yes, this first sketch. It's not bad. We say you contacted the object. I'm not going to give you any clues.

Trailer: Okay. All I'm allowed to say is tell me more. Okay. Before we re reveal what Russell is showing me there, even though it was like 20 years ago. It doesn't matter because there's no time and space. We're going to see what everyone, uh, let's put on gallery, right? Gallery. Um, uh, okay. Let's see what everyone here may have drawn.

Alan Steinfeld: Uh, Kara, you want to go first? What'd you get? Sure. Okay. Well, this is, it makes me nervous. I, I, the first thing that came to me was orange, like actually the [00:50:00] orange fruit came to me. So, um, but then I got like a metallic, like when I was tuning into his pocket, I got kind of a metallic, like sort of spiky, um, and there was a sense of movement to it.

Kara Goodwin: All right. Do you, do you see the difference between the first thing you tuned into, which was an orange, which may have been a residue of something you're thinking, and then you actually got out of the way and you actually started to get into the target. You, you, this is what remote you, this is like inner landscape.

Alan Steinfeld: We have to know how to navigate. So you have to know what. It's just like a random thought or something in the room or something you thought about earlier, like eating. And then the real dropping in. This is the key to remote viewing. It's understanding your own consciousness and how it works. So, I would say, yes, your second thing, not the thing that, because we have a lot of stuff going through our minds, and you might [00:51:00] just think, Oh, yeah, it's this little toy doll or something like that.

And it's like, no, when you allow it to come to you, then you're actually remote viewing. You're actually using your non local consciousness to get in touch with the target. So that's great, Kara. And what about you, Laurie? How'd you do today? That was fun. Um, I too got, uh, like edgy, sharp, purple, um, felt crystal like, um, so with like a lot of energy, like energetics to it, but there was like a smoothness to it too, in certain areas.

Lori Williams: Great. Well, how did you get that? Tell everyone how you actually got those details. Well, I mean, to be fair, I'm trained in a lot of remote viewing and all that kind of stuff. I've got a lot of, who'd you train with? Michelle Fried of the butterfly effect center. [00:52:00] Um, and then I've looked at, my name is Lori Williams and I know there's another Lori Williams and I've taken some of hers as well.

But yeah, I, I kind of, I use the gauge system. So where you set the gauge and so I have like I turn my Left brain to a certain frequency in my right brain to a certain certain frequency. Um, I didn't use an ideogram or anything like that. I just kind of like to go straight in where I drop into the neutral and then, um, I use kind of project out and just start to go with what starts dropping in.

Alan Steinfeld: That's great. She's you see what Laurie's describing is that. The right brain is a receiving unit, the left brain sends, the right brain receives, so she let herself receive all those clues. That's really the major key to remote viewing is getting out of the way enough to let the signal bypass the noise and, and just receive it.

So that's really good. [00:53:00] Okay, Patty, on the other side of the planet, how about you? How'd you do? Can you, can you unmute Patty? Let's see. Okay. Yeah, I've done it, just done it. Okay, what did you do? I was probably a little bit too left brained, and so I was thinking, well now, what would you like me to, be likely to have in your pocket?

Paddy: So that sort of That's always our problem, the left brain doesn't know anything, it just thinks it does.

Alan Steinfeld: So, yeah, I had one for, I've had one for a while. . Uh, yeah. The sorts of thought I had was, it was a, was a key, A key. You had the sharp bits on the serrations on a key. Okay. But if you don't name it a key, you're pro, you're much closer to it. Because the left brain can't figure out what things are. It [00:54:00] only knows what it knows.

It doesn't know what it doesn't know. But if you just, if you don't call it a key, what, how would you describe it? Uh, metallic. Yeah. Uh, um, um, uh, uh, yeah, um, with little Edge, several, several inches long with some serrations on it. Uhhuh, uh, uh, and that's a. Not that thick yet. No, that's great. You see you, Laurie, Karen, you all got similar things.

And you, anyone else? Oh, you said some people on YouTube also. Yeah. There are a couple of responses on YouTube. So we got metal small Eagle was one and Elmira said metal white soft. All right, notice everyone got metal. No one got like a little plastic doll, because that's not what it is. You know, you're, [00:55:00] you're intent.

You see, this is, this is the, this is a miracle we're seeing here, really. How could we know what a video that was done 20 years ago that, um, you know, beyond time and space, what's in somebody's pocket? We are infinite. This is the key here. Anyone else want to share metallic but soft and fluffy part? Now, when you add, when you see the target, notice the parts that your left brain likes to add.

Oh, it's this, this, and this, and notice the part that's boom, just the target. So I'm going to show us the reveal. Anybody else? That's how I do it. Oh, that's you, Lori. Okay. Yeah, numbers. We'll do CRV. Actually, I'm going to, while we're here, I'm just going to put my course coming up in January 28th in the, you could put that on, um, YouTube too, I just put it in the chat there.

But, okay, ready [00:56:00] for the reveal? Yeah. Patty, Lori, Kara, and all those people playing online. Okay, here we go. Alright, here we go. There's me and Russell again. Okay. What have you got over there on the left? Okay, I'm just going to go to the target. Uh, you see, I said, I said it was like this, this shape of a, of a plant.

But, uh, but what it was, You'd already be able to match up my object with your drawing. Oh, really? So if we, if I would already be able to match up what all three of you said with the object as well. You'll see you said, I've gotta go now. That's all I have. And I pulled out six possible objects from the closet.

Trailer: Mm-hmm . Along with my object, a judge would already be able to match. Mm-hmm . And I and realize that you're struggling all the way that as you say this, this isn't it. This reminds me of something. This [00:57:00] isn't it. But you already described my object. Just like you did. You, all three of you, you've already described the object.

Isn't that interesting? It is to me. Okay. Would you like to see what I've got? Yes, I would. Ready for the reveal? I'm ready. I can't wait. Okay, here we go. So, you didn't have to pay me thousands of dollars for remote viewing training. Uh huh. Okay, here it is. Here's what I have. There it is. Oh, metal round.

Alan Steinfeld: There's like motion. It's an actually apple core. There's edges there, Patty. So, you know, sometimes you're not people only think linearly, but you know, so yeah, the round metal soft gray, um, sharp edges. type of thing. It's like you really became non local just by tuning in, which proves how easy it is and how, you know, connected you already are to the [00:58:00] infinite field.

That's the miracle we just witnessed here, ladies and gentlemen. And I think it is a miracle, the fact that you can use your mind, get your, your, your ego sense of self out of the way, And receive an image beyond time and space. How does that happen? It happens because we are already infinite. already are that we're really not beings of time and space.

We're really beings be, we've just been brainwashed to think where these beings, but once we realize how infinite we truly are, we can then really do miracles. We can teleport, we can, you know, do, we could do so many things, but See, that's what consciousness is. Consciousness is an app. It's an application.

Most people just think consciousness is the thing that makes us aware. That's [00:59:00] just the smallest part of what consciousness is. Consciousness is something we use. We could use consciousness for remote healing as well as remote viewing, remote sensing. We could use it for like that person's question. We could use it to go back into the past.

I mean, we do. remote viewing archaeology all the time or remote viewing the future. Uh, Stephen Schwartz had remote viewed 60 years into the future. There's a video with him on Jeffrey Mishlove. So this is an infinite potential. This is, this is a beginning of a new science, a science of mind. And we're just Well, people have been doing this forever, but the formal program is only 50 years old from the Stanford Research Institute.

And we're just learning the true science of this. And it's just becoming developed. I mean, when Ingo Swann developed the term remote viewing, nobody knew what that meant, but if you Google [01:00:00]it now, you'll probably get 10 million websites. So, and people are asking me to teach this all the time. So this is a very basic sample I did here today with you, Kara, but you did really well.

So I have a six week course coming up. It's on, uh, I put it in the chat. It starts, uh, January 28th. So the idea is like, we learn the basics. And then enough, we get everyone in agreement, like how to do it. Like today we had a really good agreement. And then we go off planet to go to places we don't know, other civilizations, other, other life, you know, to seek out new life and new civilizations to go where no one's gone before, or some people.

But if we get an agreement, among the remote viewers off planet, then, because, you know, the best thing about remote viewing targets, you know, is that you can confirm it, you can see where you're off. But if we're really practiced, we go off planet, and we get a, an agreement, then maybe, maybe [01:01:00] really possibly, we actually went there.

So, that's the, that's where it ultimately leads to as far as, I'm concerned, but there are lots of different, um, uh, remote viewing. There's CRV, AVR, you know, there's, um, Hawaiian remote. There's so many. It started simply, and this was a very basic one. Some people spend hours, days doing one target. You could describe it in detail, and there's a way of doing that.

You, you, You we got all got an initial picture, but then you turn it to the picture. You see. Okay. What's the intent of this? You right? What's that called? Laurie? When people are asking. Um, well, I've been, I'm trained in the transdimensional remote viewing where it's like basically like an 18 page document where you're going in and you're going deep with Ernie Jowalski.

Lori Williams: No, this is Michelle trained us in this but it's how the CIA trained the government military but [01:02:00] yeah, it gets deep though you do the intent matrix and all that stuff. Yeah, yeah. I'd like to hear more about that. Actually, I'm always learning. Yeah, it was fascinating. Send me something, my email. Yeah, but you're good, so you see, but it's always, you know, even the best remote viewers don't get the target 100%.

Alan Steinfeld: There's always like a little bit of the right brain that slips in that says, no, maybe it's this, this, and this. But the more you do this, the more you train in this, The more, um, the more you're able to understand your own mind, basically. So, uh, It's fascinating because it's almost like there, it's almost like the image at some point became pixelated for me because there were overlapping, like the wedges, you know, that were in the actual item that the quarter were kind of like overlapping so that I had like points [01:03:00] overlapping with points.

Kara Goodwin: I did that too, Kara. Really? Yeah, my sketch even, like my sketch. It's got showed here. Hold on. Let me keep that there. Let me see. Linearly. Oh, that looks like the sketch. You know, I just had to do it really quick, but that's what you're saying. I have like, yeah, yeah. The, the jacket. We're not always seeing linearly.

Alan Steinfeld: I actually doing a retreat in Sedona with this woman, Hope Fitzgerald, and it's in their chat. Hope Fitzgerald, the, um, infinite. Yes. Yes. I love her. You know, where do you know her from? I've, I've had her on the podcast. Oh yeah. She's great. Well, we're doing a retreat together where we're going to do the wave and we're also going to learn more deeper levels of remote viewing in Sedona.

April 30th to May 4th. So come. Yeah. Hope's a good friend. Oh, that's awesome. And I'm also [01:04:00] putting a chat where I'll be speaking at the Sedona Ascension Retreat. And I'll be at the Ascension Retreat too. My book will have just come out. So I'm going to have copies of my book there. Oh, good. Good. Yes. But I can't wait to see you there.

Great. Well, I'm happy we did this show. This is very basic training. I mean, Laura, you're well advanced, but if you want to do my four week course, go to the social media. Um, I'm sure I'm doing that with this really well known psychic Kelly Fisher, and she's going to be Giving hints about psychic, um, intuitive hits, and I'm going to do the remote viewing course, but it's all to activate your right brain awareness of infinite time, infinite space, infinite consciousness.

So, well, thank you, Carol. We'll do more. There's so much more to say. This was so fun. And I'm just seeing actually on YouTube, like there have just been. People who are getting amazing results here. So, um, with the [01:05:00] whole and the, uh, yes, it'll drawn out. That's a very basic way, but we could do archeological monuments.

We could do events, people, places, things, times, and events. We could do all of that once we're trained and anyone could do it. Like I said, you three just did it. I mean, you're not just anyone, but you know, you're, you're, you know, you're already developing those parts. But yeah, I mean, some people are better than others.

Some people are more tuned in, but we can all do this because guess what? We're all infinite. That's why we can all do this. That's amazing. Wow. Thank you so much, Alan. I'm so sorry because I see that we have gone over. No, no, no. It's okay. I just wanted to finish it. I didn't want to leave people hanging. I wanted to show you the target.

But let's do, let's do more and come to this class if you want and, um, you know, whatever. All right. Beautiful. Thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you, Alan. Thank you. Everybody who's [01:06:00]joined and we'll. Michelle, Kristen, everyone else there. All right. Thanks. Thank you so much. Have a great day. Everybody. Bye.

Love the show. See ya. Bye.


Alan Steinfeld Profile Photo

Alan Steinfeld

Author / Producer / Speaker

Alan Steinfeld is a writer, producer and speaker in the fields of human potential, metaphysics, conscious evolution, healing, creativity, spiritual awakening and cosmic intelligences. He is also the host and director of New Realities. For over 20 years he has brought cutting-edge ideas in science, health and spiritually to his audiences. He has interviewed over 3,000 of the most influential people in the world. Twelve million people have seen his New Realities videos on his YouTube channel.

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