EXCITING CHANGES! Meditation Conversation is now SOUL ELEVATION! ✨
Oct. 12, 2023

291. Animal Wisdom & Nature's Pharmacy - Lisa Tully

Lisa Tully's childhood dream of becoming a veterinarian seemed lost amidst her career in pharmaceutical sales, until a chance encounter with an intuitive confidante changed everything. Little did she know that this serendipitous meeting would lead her...

Lisa Tully's childhood dream of becoming a veterinarian seemed lost amidst her career in pharmaceutical sales, until a chance encounter with an intuitive confidante changed everything. Little did she know that this serendipitous meeting would lead her down a path of animal communication and the captivating world of zoopharmacognosy. Her journey took her deep into the Bolivian rainforest, where she discovered the astonishing truth - animals heal themselves using botanicals. But what if I told you that Lisa's newfound knowledge not only transformed the lives of animals, but also offered humans a unique way to receive healing?

In this episode, you will be able to:

  • Journey into the untold narrative of animal healing, enlightened by the power of holistic principles.

  • Learn about Zoopharmacognosy, a remarkable demonstration of how animals self-heal using the botanical world around them.

  • Navigate the crucial topic of animal vaccinations and gain the knowledge necessary to make the best choices for your pet's health.

  • Acknowledge the essence of holistic veterinary care, a paradigm shift in maintaining your pet's health.

  • Tap into the potent bond and healing potential that exists unexplored between humans and their animal companions.

My special guest is Lisa Tully.

Lisa is an Irish professional animal healer, dedicated to guiding pet owners towards holistic healthcare for their animals. Her educational background in science, combined with specialized training in animal communication and zoopharmacognisy, contribute to her unique approach in the animal healing realm. Passionate about her work, Lisa tirelessly pursues better understanding of how animals, naturally and innately, self-medicate using botanicals. Her approach combines scientific knowledge and intuitive insights that emanate from her own deep connection with animals. Her unceasing aspiration for this enriches not only the bond between humans and their pets, but also the care we provide for them.

The key moments in this episode are:
00:00:12 - Introduction

00:01:20 - Holistic Veterinary Care

00:04:36 - Lisa's Journey

00:09:13 - Animals Mirroring Humans

00:13:44 - Pet Vaccinations

00:16:53 - The Role of Vaccinations

00:19:15 - Kennel Cough Vaccination and Boarding 

00:21:05 - Animals Selecting Botanicals

00:24:48 - Botanical Options

00:28:07 - Emotional and Mental Health in Animals

00:32:19 - The Shift in Making Homemade Baby Food

00:34:01 - The Rise of Raw Feeding

00:35:25 - Is Raw Feeding Suitable for Every Animal?

00:37:20 - Animals' Preferences and Overheating

00:39:29 - Lisa Tully's Resources and Connections


  • Check out Best Made Natural Products for more information on homeopathy and their range of formulations for different conditions. Use promo code Kara10% for 10% off your order. https://bestmadenaturalproducts.com/?p=HJLtvedrs

  • Consider getting a titer test for your pet to determine if their vaccinations are still active. Consult with your local vet or holistic vet for more information on what vaccines are necessary for your geographical location. https://theavh.org/find-a-vet/#!directory/map

  • Explore the holistic approach to animal care and consider finding a holistic vet in your area who aligns with your values and beliefs. https://theavh.org/find-a-vet/#!directory/map

  • Try out Lisa Tully's animal meditations to deepen your connection with your pets and enhance their well-being. https://animalhealing.ie/about-lisa/

  • Educate yourself about the multi-layered holistic approach to animal healing and become an informed guardian for your pets.

  • Consider the role of emotions and physical issues in your pet's health and well-being. Pay attention to any signs or behaviors that may indicate a need for healing or support.

  • Reflect on the connection between your own well-being and the health of your pets. Consider how your own emotions and lifestyle may be impacting their health and seek ways to create a more balanced and harmonious environment for both you and your pets.

Other episodes you'll enjoy:

281. The Hidden Language of Animals: Communication Beyond Words - Rev Karen Cleveland

279. Conversations with God - Neale Donald Walsch

283. Aromatherapy Unleashed: Exploring the Healing Potential & Chemical Complexity of Essential Oils - Amy Anthony

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Kara Goodwin: [00:00:00] Hello, and welcome to the meditation conversation, the podcast to support your spiritual revolution. I'm your host, Kara Goodwin, and today I'm joined by Lisa Tully. Lisa is a professional animal healer from Ireland. She has an international practice working with dogs and other species using a multi layered holistic approach. She loves to help people deepen their connection with the animals in their lives through meditation and discover ways to become an informed guardian to care for them better at home in a more holistic way. 

You are in for such a treat with this episode, particularly if you're an animal lover. Lisa gives us so much amazing Intel on this episode from the tricky [00:01:00] territory of vaccines. To the role of emotions and physical issues. She tells us about animals guiding their own holistic treatment, the role of the type of pet food that we feed them. And even get this animals participating in the treatment of their own human caregivers. There's so much packed into this episode. Lisa has a ton of knowledge and after the show, she supplied me with really helpful advice for my own dog. I'm going to share in the show notes, the links she gave me for those of us in the us who want to find a holistic vet. Funnily enough. She recommended one in particular who she really values and he just so happened to be the only one listed anywhere near me. So how about that? So in this episode, we talk a lot about homeopathy and if you want to learn more about homeopathy, please check out best made natural products. I love their stuff. They've got a ton of information on their site. Many different formulations for different conditions. They've got a [00:02:00] really useful homeopathic first aid kit. Tissue salts and more. If you don't know anything about homeopathy, you're really missing out on a key opportunity for your wellbeing and that of your loved ones. I highly highly encourage you to look into this empowering way to address your health needs. Use the link in the show notes and promo code Kara10% for 10% off your order. And now enjoy this episode

Kara Goodwin: So welcome Lisa. I'm really excited about this conversation.

Lisa Tully: Oh, me too. Thanks so much for having me on. I'm excited to be here, Kara.

Kara Goodwin: Well, I'm, I love this holistic approach and you're in Ireland, I'm in Indiana and I don't know the differences in veterinary care between our countries, but I do know my experience is, I don't see a lot of holistic animal practitioners and I actually have been searching for. Care that [00:03:00] is more aligned with my values, over here, there is a ton of like subscription memberships, like, not insurance, but like you go to a vet's office and they're, they want you to join their membership program.

They're trying to get you to come all the time. The latest one that I've been trying, it's a chain. A lot of them are chains now. It's like, they're being bought by investors. I can picture like Every time I go into these places, I can like see in the background and in my imagination, these consultants like businessmen in with whiteboards who are like, how can we drive as much from our customers as possible?

It's like they want semi annual, wellness checks now. And it's just, I'm constantly getting texts like, it's time for us to see your pet. And I'm like, I was just there. And it's all tied up with pharma where you have to have blood [00:04:00] draws to be able to get your flea control. it's like all. So ingrained and it's yucky and it's so money driven. that's been my personal experience. So I love what you're doing and the promise of it. I hope that many more practitioners will follow in your footsteps, but tell us about your journey and how you came into the healing for animals.

Lisa Tully: first of all, as a wee girl, I wanted to be a vet. I think, that's where the story 

Kara Goodwin: Me too. Yeah.


Lisa Tully: It's just, it's the go to, isn't it? For animal lovers. and. veterinary medicine is the highest course here in Ireland. There's only like 80 places for the whole country each year.

or there was back then when I applied for it. So I didn't get it. and I ended up studying a science degree. I got, I did chemistry and biology. And that has [00:05:00] stood to me so much, because what I did was, I went on a bit of a journey that took me off course, but actually put me smack bang on course eventually, was with my chemistry degree, I went and worked for pharma, right?

Kara Goodwin: Me too. 

Lisa Tully: Okay. Oh 

Kara Goodwin: I, I work on the business side, but I spent many years working for Pharma.

Lisa Tully: Okay. So you know that world, right? Yeah. and I was,I was working in London selling into the major London hospitals to professors and consultants, right? Selling to clinical trial data. and it really gave me, Huge confidence when I'm sitting in front of vets now today, I speak their language, right?

So, so that was a divine intervention I think from the universe because eventually I got tired and I started to really really meditate I'm living in London. I came across [00:06:00] incredible teachers and one of them is Hema Vyas I know she was on one of your previous podcasts And she just put my life on a completely heart led trajectory, where I got managed out of pharma.

I'm proud to say

Kara Goodwin: Yeah.

it's the best way to go. huh.

Lisa Tully: and then I went and I set up a tour company where I was running tours in India for three years, just so I could deepen my meditation practice. Right? Because I would run tours and then I would spend three months longer going to public teachings by the Dalai Lama, going on silent retreats or, just immersing myself in it.

And that woke up a much, much more refined intuition. And what happened then was I... Consequently, actually it was Hema turned to me, and she just said, Lisa, I think you'd be really good at, communicating with [00:07:00] animals, working with animals. Now, Cara, I had spent a year living in the Bolivian rainforest before all of this.

And that's when I really learned that you could communicate with animals and connect in with them on a much more conscious level. Okay. That you didn't need to use words that they could feel your feelings, sense your thoughts, respond to your wishes without you actually having to ask them verbally or to body signals.

That's what that time taught me. So when Hema said that to me, I went, Oh my God, yes, this is in me. so then I trained professionally and I studied, animal communication and then I studied zoopharmacognosy, which is where animals self medicate. using botanicals. 

Kara Goodwin: Wow. 

Lisa Tully: So it's like, if you have monkeys in the jungle, they'll eat a certain type of leaf that has little white spikes on it because they actually have parasites at that time.

And they know if they eat that [00:08:00] leaf, it grabs onto the parasites. and removes them. Now, this, yeah, this is why horses eat dandelions in spring to cleanse the liver. It's why your dog will prefer to drink rainwater versus tap water because they know the rainwater has all the good probiotics, all the good stuff in it versus all the chemicals that are in the tap water.

Okay, this is what happens. So, The Zoo Pharmacognosy is about bringing nature to domestic animals. so I trained in that as well. yeah, there's more to my story, but

Kara Goodwin: I love, though, the breadth and the depth of your background. it, it really is rich from a lot of different angles, which is so important because you're really trying to help people with, not just with that connection, but biologically with their pets. So

Lisa Tully: yeah, that's it. It's about, for me, my real [00:09:00] goal is actually being the person that is. The Advocate of the Animal Nation in such a way that it raises people's consciousness and awareness of how conscious and aware animals actually are. That in actual fact they're light years ahead of us and we are just bumbling along and they're patiently waiting beside us with unconditional love and highlighting to us parts of ourselves that need to be healed.

So, this could be like where, when you're feeling anxious and you're working too much and you're rushing about the house and the cat that likes to usually sit on your lap is running away from you, that's very top line stuff where they can be your barometer and show you, you need to slow down and until you slow down, I'm not going to sit on your lap or where the mini is slow down, I'll sit on your lap and I'll purr and I'll send healing vibrations right into you.

but they'll also go as far as [00:10:00] getting sick to mirror us. so I like to tell the story of one of my friends, dogs where his father developed throat cancer and me knowing animals. I said to him, you make sure your dog's dad doesn't lie on his throat. And he goes, that's exactly what the dog's been doing.

and I said, the dog is, absorbing in the energy of that and trying to heal you. Like often animals will like, someone has lung cancer, the cat dies of lung cancer and the person heals.

Kara Goodwin: Oh, wow.

Lisa Tully: yeah. So this is, you don't, it's not until you, you tune into that radio station, you become a lot more aware of how they mirror back to us our stuff.

So we'll hopefully see it. And we'll hopefully heal it.

Kara Goodwin: And absorb it. how powerful is that when you say that, that's incredible.

I mentioned in the intro that you have some animal meditations and I, speaking of purring and cats, and I had one on [00:11:00] right before we started and, my cat. Has been, it's not unusual for her to come and sit by me, but she's kind of taken a break during the day of sitting with me, she wants to sit in this cardboard box, and she was in her box and then she actually left the room and I put the meditation on and here she comes and she jumps right up next to me and she starts needing and purring. And I was like, you haven't done this for a while. And,it was really interesting

just because she had left the room and walked back in when I put it on.

Lisa Tully: Wow. Wow. Oh, they love it when we meditate.

Kara Goodwin: Yes. Well, I meditate a lot. And when she was a kitten, she would come and meditate with me, but she just doesn't really do that so much anymore. they all run in phases and so forth. but yeah, she used to come and lay right. In front of me[00:12:00] and again, sometimes every now and then she'll come more often than not, she's not anywhere around, but

Lisa Tully: I would pay attention to the meditations that she chooses to do that with, because there are more than likely meditations that you really need to do more of.

Kara Goodwin: yeah. as we talk about health and animals, I know I've seen some things with your offerings lately around vaccinations, and I'm really curious on your thoughts about vaccinations, because we do hear things about that for people here in the city. States, or I guess I should say I do, cause it just, everybody has their own lens and their own reality going on. but I never hear people questioning animal vaccinations. And I know the same cat that I was just talking about when she was a kitten two years ago, she. Had a round of vaccinations and she was so lethargic. I had to take her back [00:13:00] in the next, and it was the next morning. So I had an appointment for her in the afternoon by the next morning, she would hardly move. and it was a Saturday. I was like, I need somebody to see her now. She is not well. and I've refused. that particular vaccination ever since, but really people don't really question. And we have a lot of vaccinations here. You have to have bored to tell it, for example, if you're going to have your pets in a, in any sort of daycare or clinic, you know, like any, if they're going to be boarded, so there are just like. even requirements within facilities where it's like you have to stay current with them, but I'd love to hear your thoughts about that.

Lisa Tully: yeah, that's a, it's a big topic and it's one that I try and toe the line where I include everybody in it. So in my work, I work alongside three different holistic vets, and we share cases together. [00:14:00] One of them is one of my best friends. So we are forever cross pollinating. And when I was talking about the vaccines there recently on my socials, it's because I gave a talk on it to educate holistically minded animal guardians like yourself at home who want to become more informed.

And what I would say is that when animals get their vaccinations, you can do something called a titer test. Okay. So a titer test is a simple blood test where they test to see if your animal's vaccinations are still active. Okay. Basically, if they still have antibodies in their system that are going to fight off whatever the vaccination was for.

With different geographical locations around the world, different vaccines are offered in different regions for different reasons. So your local vet will be able to tell you, or your local [00:15:00] holistic vet will be able to tell you genuinely, I think what is really needed. and then before you revaccinate your animal from their early kitten or puppy vaccines.

or whatever vaccines, you can do those titer tests and the titer tests then will show you if they're there. So if the, if they are still there, if the internal and guard dog is still in the animal system to ward off intruders like viruses and such, there's no need to revaccinate them. and the titer test.

It, itself is a contentious issue and because, oh yeah, because as you highlighted yourself at the very start of this talk, the corporations are, have consumed much of the veterinary care industry and it's really full on in the States, really full on in the UK and they're just getting through it all here in Ireland where they're just sucking up the veterinary practices.

They want you to go in for your yearly boosters, [00:16:00] obviously, cause it's a huge income stream for them. However, I'll tell you a story. there was one holistic vet in the States where in the nineties, she started, exploring titer tests and she, had her own dog, Ace. And what she did was she. Titer tested him after all he had was his puppy vaccinations and one booster.

Okay, something like that, like it wasn't long. So she started testing after that each year with the Titer tests. Those vaccinations for his particular ones that he has lasted his entire life. So, so what I want people to think about is as a baby, like, again, it's different in countries, but, and different in age as well, what you've had.

But as a young child myself, I had the measles, mumps and rubella vaccination. I didn't get it every year after that. I got it once. Okay. Because our immune system is very clever [00:17:00] and there, it has a memory. And it doesn't always need to be reminded each year because what happens then is like, you're putting in all these guard dogs, extra guard dogs each year that become unemployed because the original guard dog you put in is still active and still doing its job.

So I want people to think about it like that. Okay. Now, not every vaccination, is going to work that way. Again, it's like I know in the States, the rabies shot is one that you guys have to have, every year, unless you can get some States, if the dog or cat has a reaction to the rabies, you can actually get an exemption letter from that.

Okay. But the rabies shot is a little bit different cause it's not a live vaccine. but. Really, what I would say to people is no matter where you are in the world, it's about finding a holistic veterinarian. There's more of them out there than you would think, Cara. There's loads. I can give you a link after this to where, yeah, you can have the [00:18:00] association of homeopathic vets in the United States.

And what's amazing about. homeopathic vets in the United States, which is different to our ones here, is they can treat without actually seeing the animal physically in their clinic. In Ireland, the law, you have to see them once in your clinic. Okay. So you guys are lucky, you've got amazing holistic vets that you could have a video consult with and they can, teach you what titer tests are, what vaccines are needed, what titer tests, where to get titer tests done.

And they also have homeopathic no sodes, which are homeopathic vaccinations as such. So they're natural vaccinations.

Kara Goodwin: Oh, wow.

Lisa Tully: Yeah. So, so you guys are actually spoiled for choice, but like you said, unless you know where to look, where to go,that, that's the harder part. but it's all there.

And the other thing I want to touch on that you mentioned Cara, is that, the kennel cough vaccination that dogs need to have when they go into [00:19:00] boarding kennels, et cetera, et cetera. It's not very effective, but it's kind of like an insurance thing. it's basically a doggy cold, right?

So, so Again, here in Ireland, I've got many clients that are like, I don't want to get kennel cough. And it's, I think people are waking up, right? I think they're waking up about vaccinations for themselves and they're waking up about vaccinations for their fluffs. More and more people are asking these in these places.

Can I, can you board my dog without the kennel cough vaccination? And you'd be surprised how many are kind of in agreement with you or you can say I've done the, the homeopathic no sews, whatever. Or it's about finding these incredible websites now where people will come and mind your animal for you in your home as a, an exchange, you get to have a little holiday in your home, you get to do your thing, go have your holiday.

So, it's about getting creative. There's [00:20:00] resources out there, that I'm forever sharing with people and trying to figure out, Options.

Kara Goodwin: That's great. I can't wait to get those resources because I very much am tuning into just, I've been through so many vets because I'm like, this is a machine and I don't want a machine, I want a vet, and it just seems very transparent about the. The whole premise is like, we want your money. That's what we care about. And way, we care about that way more than the genuine best interest for your fluff. I love how you said that. So, I will be very keen to learn like where I can find a holistic vet. So you talked a little bit about healing botanicals, and I would love to know what else you can share about that,the evolution of animals selecting botanicals for their [00:21:00] humans. I know that this is something that you have knowledge about, so maybe we start with that.

Lisa Tully: Yeah, so this is something that I've been playing around with since I, trained in the Zoo Pharmacognosy, where the animals self select their own botanicals. First of all, to help it make sense to, people listening and watching is I work remotely. Right. I work with an animal's photograph. So I've got clients all over the world, and through their photograph, with the help of a pendulum, the animal can show me where imbalances are within their body to their meridian system, using a bit of five elements Chinese medicine.

And then based on that, they can then show me what botanicals are going to bring them back into balance. But then I took it to the next level. where I really focus on the whole animal to human mirroring concept that I mentioned. So if a dog has IBD, for example, [00:22:00] irritable bowel disease, chances are their human at some point will tell me I've got the same problem, right?

Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. so you're there dousing away and they're selecting maybe essential oils, diluted down for themselves or flower essences or herbs or whatever I have that they need. Yeah. And then I just raised the bar a little bit. And I said to them, okay, I said,you're mirroring this.

I've seen this going on, or even if I'm not seeing the mirroring, I say to the animal, do you want to select botanicals for your person and. They'll say yes or no, and then if they do, say I'm selecting flower essences for their person, right? Just to give you an idea, and there is two methods that I use.

There's just a simple bespoke method of flower essences they could choose for their person, or there's a more integrated approach where it's called the ABC back method. I learned it off a gentleman called [00:23:00] Tony Pinkhurst. He's the director of the homeopathic pharmacy in London, Ainsworth. And he created this method where you select three back essences.

in a certain order. And depending on that order that they're picked in, it tells a very specific emotional picture and story about what's going on for you currently, or all your life, or something like that. And so what I did was when I learned his method, I said to him, Tony, I said, have you ever applied this method to animals?

And he's just like, no, I said, do you mind if I go? He goes, go for it. Like, so then what the animals do is they'll select the ABC three essences for their human. and that'll tell a very specific story. it'll say where the human's at now, why they got there and, in essence, what they need to do, what [00:24:00] they need to heal to shift to it.

And I tell you now, Cara, I've been doing this for a few years and I have this particular method and I have not once had any animal guardian say to me, that's not me. My animal has chosen the wrong essences for me. Never. Never. Yeah, never. They just go. They're usually in floods of tears, which is. A sign we hit the healing point and they're like, Oh my God, that's me.

That's me. And I'm like, Oh, it's okay. It's okay. We're going to heal you because in order to really heal your animal, we've got to heal you too, or take you along part of the journey at least.

Kara Goodwin: That's so powerful. So when you talk about botanicals, this is either, essential oils or the Bach flowers.

Lisa Tully: I use about five different ranges of essences, flower essences, so Bach is just one of them. Some I even make myself. I've got hundreds of botanicals. I'll use essential [00:25:00] oils. I'll use something called hydrosols, which are basically floral waters. I'll use herbs, herbal powders, and yeah. along, in conjunction with the homeopathic vets I work with, we also use homeopathy too.

Kara Goodwin: And that is their specific animal homeopathy.

Lisa Tully: no, animal homeopathy is the same as human homeopathy.

Kara Goodwin: But I know with humans, like at least the kind that I use, they're little balls and you have to let them dissolve under your tongue.

Lisa Tully: Yeah, oh that's a really,

Kara Goodwin: for animals?

Lisa Tully: that's a really good question. That I'm going to have so much fun answering.

Kara Goodwin: You just clamp their snout

Lisa Tully: Yeah.

Kara Goodwin: and wait like 10 minutes.

Lisa Tully: yeah, no, it gets even better. It gets even better because this, I've actually shifted how a homeopathic vet uses homeopathy because with the zoopharmacognosy, with the animal's ability to self [00:26:00] medicate and self select their botanicals. If you hold up, say, an essential oil close, that's diluted down that the animal has selected with training, you hold it up and they smell it.

There's certain body signals that show they want the oil. They'll lick their lips, their eyes may start to go droopy, their nose comes right in. the bottle. They eventually go into a healing trance, which is like a meditation. Okay. Where they've gone very, very deep in the process. They're very still and you really kind of hold them there.

Right? So this is what they do. And when I was training in this, I was working on my friend, Emily's cat as my case study. And she's my friend who's a homeopathic vet. So when she saw this happening, she's just like, Oh my God. And I said, Emily, we could do a homeopathy too. So she started to offer just those bottles of pillules to her animal clients when they're in her practice.

She figures out a remedy and she kind of goes, Hmm, is it [00:27:00] this one or is it this one? Or I just want to check it's this one and she'll hold it out and she'll look for all of those signals. And the animal will show to her, this is the remedy for me, unless they're particularly nervous being in the vets and they're just, not going to play ball.

But then the other way I love to use homeopathy with them also is I would put out a saucer of water and get one of those little pillules, whatever remedy they need, and just drop it into the water and they'll drink it if they need it. And they'll drink it as often as they need it.

Kara Goodwin: interesting.

Lisa Tully: just refresh it every day, put a new pill in, refresh the saucer, very, very good for animals with chronic conditions, senior animals, serious conditions that you can't quite keep on top of, and they're, so this is a real, you're basically putting out a pharmacy, a holistic pharmacy that your fluffs could choose from.

you've got different remedies and different saucers and you observe which ones they're drinking and when. Oh my [00:28:00] God,it's just amazing. And this is why I want to lift the lid off this about how there are light years ahead of us.

Kara Goodwin: Right. They're so in tune

with what they need. Now we've talked a lot about, physical symptoms. What about the. emotional and mental state of animals. So I have a dog who is a rescue and we don't know what happened for the first six months she was on the streets, but she's clearly has a lot of imprints from that formidable time where, she's been in a loving home since 2019. But still she can get triggered and just really we'll take her on a walk and we have to be really careful because some dogs just really trigger her and she's like, like, really wants to go for him. and even having people over to our house, it's like, she's the people that she's used to that live in our house. She's like, you guys are okay? Anybody else is like, Nope, you're suspicious. Get [00:29:00] out. so I'm curious. Do you work with animals who are exhibiting more emotional issues and trauma? Or is it more just on the physical side?

Lisa Tully: Oh yeah, no, I do both. Okay. Because I believe that physical conditions begin in the mental, emotional, and spiritual disharmonies. Right. So a dog like yours who has that background of a rescue, you would absolutely use botanicals like that. It's very hard to train out of the dog. So, cause you're basically trying to treat internal imbalances emotionally with external methods.

It's not usually very effective or only effective to a degree. So I get a lot of dogs that are kind of training fails. yeah. and yeah, you go inside again, they're self selecting their own botanicals and they rewire the neural pathways in their brain. They calm down the heart. They give the adrenals a chance of rest because they're always on alert.

[00:30:00] so. it's, but it is a combination. It's a combination of using the botanicals to reach their soul, to reach the mind, to reach the emotions, but then it's about physically supporting them as well, because a dog like that, I would say, needs a lot of digestive support because the, the brain is the second gut, and when you're nervous and you have a lot of tension, you're not.

A lot of the time, they're not fully digesting all their foods properly. yeah. So, or they're overeating or there's something going on, right? I don't know till I actually look at the dog. So it's, it would be about, replenishing that dog's microbiome, really getting proper gut bacteria in there.

And then when the digestive system can actually absorb nutrients, then you really give them a very tailored diet. So I... I use a lot of different fresh foods and, recipes that are TCM recipes and fresh

Kara Goodwin: Oh, Chinese,

Lisa Tully: Chinese. [00:31:00] Yeah. For dogs. Yeah. and natural foods, whether they're store bought or, I work with people wherever they're at, wherever their budget's at, wherever their time is at.

And then you start to really turn those dogs around. and what you're actually doing is I call this real health insurance. Okay. It's holistic health insurance because you're supporting that animal's organs now, because that constant stress is in, although it's emotional now, it eventually could lead to physical stuff, whatever that's going to look like.

So you're actually, Giving them a better trajectory forward into their more senior years. so is that they have that kind of stability from a younger age or a middle age or whatever age, animals come to me,even senior doggos, I've been like, you can really just give them much more like enjoyment out of life, more longevity by just putting them in their own healing driving seat, 

Kara Goodwin: [00:32:00] really curious too about what you're saying with the dog food, because this is another thing that I called out like years ago to, I remember saying to my husband, I wonder when we're going to get to the point where people are making homemade dog food, because right before I had kids, Homemade baby food was just starting to kick off.

So my oldest is 16 and at least in my world, again, lots of different realities. When it hit my sphere, that was like right when we were starting to think about having kids prior to that, everybody used jarred food. you wouldn't like nobody unless. It was somebody who was, very like hippie kind of thing, but it was not mainstream at all to make your own food.

And a lot of people didn't even, it was like mind blowing to think you even could make your own baby food. And now I see commercials for dog food or pet food that is, it looks more [00:33:00] homemade, but I still don't know of a lot of people who make the, I don't know of anybody who's like, yeah, I make my own dog food unless there's a problem.

And it's like, oh, my dog can only eat chicken and rice right now. because that's all that they can tolerate. and we've done that when our dogs have been sick before, but, but on the whole, in my sphere, nobody that I know of is actively like even thinking about making their own dog food. But is this something that you're, are you seeing a changing of the tide in that way?

Lisa Tully: Yeah, absolutely. And I think I'm seeing a change in the tide in around fresh food as well. So even if people aren't making their own dog food, which a lot of people are, there, there's also a huge movement in the raw feeding of dogs and cats. Okay. Where people you get, you can buy, high quality, Pre made or pre prepared tubes, yeah, with the raw food in it that has the right balance of organs and [00:34:00] everything that they need.

If you think about what a wolf would eat or a cat when they're out hunting, they'll just, they'll eat all of the animal that they catch, the prey. pretty much. So you're kind of trying to replicate that in, in the raw food movement, which is amazing. So I'm really encouraged by the popularity that's definitely growing, in, in that kind of area.

And I just, it's actually mind blowing how you can turn an animal around by changing their diet.

Kara Goodwin: mentally,

Lisa Tully: Yeah. Oh, absolutely. 

Kara Goodwin: I wonder if I should think about doing that with my dog.

Lisa Tully: yeah, yeah, yeah.

Kara Goodwin: because she's just on like dry food. it's

good dry food. it's, organic or something. It's, it's not like a, it's not one of the mass, whatever, but yeah, I haven't really thought about giving her, I've seen them like they're refrigerated and they look like, over here we have like raw cookie dough that you can, just cut up and put in the, that's what [00:35:00] they look like, the pouches for the pre made cookie dough.

Lisa Tully: Yeah. Yeah. No, like it's worth it. Like for your dog, it'd be good to maybe go from kibble, which is the dry food to a good quality wet food, just to let her digest the system kind of shift and put her on a probiotic or a digestive enzymes and let her body make the shift. And then in time, see how she's doing.

And then eventually go to raw, because I also want to. Share something with you, which is also a bit contentious. We're touching on lots of contentious 

Kara Goodwin: That's all right. That's all right.

Lisa Tully: And is, as I'm a huge fan of raw feeding, I really am. But what Chinese medicine has taught me is that not all animals are ready for it, or it's not always suitable for every stage of life and every stage of health.

Okay. So let me, yeah, let me break that down for you. If you have a dog or a cat, I won't say cats [00:36:00] cause cats typically do this, but if you have a dog that is the type of dog that buries themselves under the covers, wherever there's a stream of sunlight in the house, they'll lie in it, or they'll go out in the midday sun and lie in it, even if they take breaks, they'll keep going out and lying in it.

Or that dog that literally sit on top of the fire, if they could, right. Yeah, we all know them. They would have what we call internal cold going on. Okay. So, so there's something going on. There's, it could be a stagnation in the body, stagnation in the digestive function, cause there's cold. They have a cold constitution, the kidneys, the bladder, right.

They need to be warmed up. They need warming foods. So you can imagine if you fed that dog. Or a cat, a raw diet, which is uncooked meat, which is cold in nature. their system would find that harder to digest. So yeah, so it can be about repairing their system, [00:37:00] warming up their body and seeing if raw suits them or not.

Kara Goodwin: But a simple test is put out a bowl of raw, put out a bowl of cooked food. So you see which one they eat like, Yeah.

Lisa Tully: you.

Kara Goodwin: Right.

Right. That makes me think too, I've noticed sometimes that my dog wants to be on the floor. Sometimes she wants to be on the bed or on the couch or whatever. And sometimes she like, I just noticed it this morning, which is probably why I'm thinking about it. But I was like, I came upstairs. And I was like, what are you doing on the floor?

Why don't you want to be on the, you know, cause normally she's on the couch and it's softer and I'm a human. I'm like, that's the hard floor. What are you doing? But does that, are they signaling anything when they're jumping off of the bed or

something and wanting, preferring to lay on the floor?

Lisa Tully: Yeah. Sometimes, animals can be overheating for a little, for a reason as well. Okay. So, so let me give you an example of how that can happen. the kidneys in the body,[00:38:00] regulate the body's temperature. Right. So if you've had a cold animal all their life, just being cold and not having a chance to warm up for whatever reason, and then they become senior.

what happens all of us when we become senior is the kidneys naturally run out of a little bit of juice in the tank. Okay. They're one of those organs that you have a finite amount of energy in them. And what happens then is senior animals, their kidneys get a little bit tired and they're not quite doing their job.

Right? And what happens then is they're not fully regulating the animal's temperature and ours, in the body. So they start to get false heat in the body. They get hot flushes. Okay, the excess heat and they're the dogs that are just like, Oh my God, I can't sit on the couch. No, no, no.

they're moving away from the heater or they actually want to sit outside and they're panting a lot cause there's too much heat in the body. Now that's not to say that's going on for your doggo, but it could be just a sign that your dog is overheating [00:39:00] for slightly, there's something going on there, whatever it is, you don't really know till you go in.

But. So, so that's why animals can shift. They can suddenly love the heat all their life. And then suddenly they're too hot. And you're like, why are you too hot now? You used to love the heater.

Kara Goodwin: Right. Yeah.

Lisa Tully: The internal heating system has gone a bit. tired.

Kara Goodwin: I guess that's what, it's similar to menopause

Lisa Tully: Exactly.

Kara Goodwin: women experience

Lisa Tully: Yeah. 

Kara Goodwin: Yeah.

Yeah. Wow. It's so fascinating. you're just this wealth of knowledge. how can people learn more from you or connect with you directly?

Lisa Tully: Oh, thank you for asking that Cara. I would love to hear from people. you can find me on my website. It's super easy to remember. It's animal healing and then dot I E for Ireland. or if they want to come check me out on the social media, it's animal healing, Lisa Tully. And I'd love to hear from everybody.

Kara Goodwin: Wonderful. you've just given us so much to think about [00:40:00] and some things that I'm definitely going to be looking into. So I really appreciate your time and your expertise and just how you're presenting in the world and being this pioneer. and I don't know if it feels that way, because I know you've been through so much training.

So, you know, of all the people who've come before you, but then there are people like me who it's like, Oh my God, there are Lisa Tully's in the world. And look what they're doing for us. they're paving this way and there's, they're delivering all this insight. and God, if I feel that way, imagine how the animals feel.

So, just thank you for what you're doing to advance. Consciousness, when it comes to being conscientious animal guardians, I really appreciate it.

Lisa Tully: Oh, listen, it's my absolute pleasure. It's my raison d'etre, it's why I'm here. So thank you for giving me the opportunity to share.

Kara Goodwin: Absolutely. Thank you. Thank you, Lisa. [00:41:00] 

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Lisa Tully

Animal Healer

As a professional animal healer from Ireland, Lisa has an international practice working with dogs & other species using a multi layered holistic approach.

To learn more about Lisa’s offerings & work please visit:


And she would love to invite you to check out her membership program Animal Gatherings to deepen your connection with the animals in your life through meditation. And discover ways to become an informed guardian to care for them better at home in a more holistic way.