EXCITING CHANGES! Meditation Conversation is now SOUL ELEVATION! ✨
Sept. 21, 2023

287. Discovering Hidden Truths & Exploring the Thiaoouba Prophecy: Samuel Chong

Step into a world where a humble landscaper finds himself on an otherworldly odyssey, forever altering his perception of reality. Unbeknownst to him, a cosmic revelation awaits, shattering the boundaries of what he thought was possible. Prepare to be...

Step into a world where a humble landscaper finds himself on an otherworldly odyssey, forever altering his perception of reality. Unbeknownst to him, a cosmic revelation awaits, shattering the boundaries of what he thought was possible. Prepare to be captivated as he unveils the mysteries of Thiaoouba, a planet beyond our realm, and the profound implications it holds for spiritual growth. Brace yourself for a journey that will leave you questioning everything you know, as the secrets of the Thiaoouba prophecy unravel before your eyes, beckoning you to explore the unknown…

My special guest is Samuel Chong.

Samuel is a certified court interpreter and Chinese translator with a remarkable passion for spiritual exploration. Samuel found his life's purpose when he discovered the Thiaoouba Prophecy, a book that transformed his worldview and incited him to share its wisdom with others. Instrumental in arranging its Chinese translation and publication, Samuel's dedication made the spiritual teachings accessible to masses in China and Taiwan. Now, he tirelessly works to promote the profound messages contained in these enlightening works, highlighting his strong commitment to uplift humanity spiritually.

The future depends on our actions. It really depends on how we respond to the challenges because the future is changeable while the past is fixed. - Samuel Chong

In this episode, you will be able to:

  • Navigate the mystical waters of the Thiaoouba prophecy, gauging its impact on spiritual and religious thought.

  • Understand the power of meditation and prayer in decoding the unseen mechanisms of the world.

  • Decode the cryptic messages concealed in 334% Lies and scrutinize the enigma of Illuminati.

  • Grasp the essence of colors in aura viewing and their profound implications on our lives.

  • Appreciate the transformative power of love and collective consciousness in sculpting the ethos of our world.

Understanding of Thiaoouba Prophecy and religion
Samuel Chong highlights the intriguing aspects of Thiaoouba prophecy, which speaks about the existence of different categories of planets, each reflecting a particular level of spiritual evolution. He emphasizes Earth being a category one planet while the Thiaooubans reside on a nine, hence positing a potential for humans to ascend these spiritual levels through personal purification and kindness. This unique perspective broadens theological understanding by suggesting the possibility of diverse racial origins from different planets, which can account for historical discrimination and uniqueness.

The resources mentioned in this episode are:

  • Check out the book Thiaoouba Prophecy by Michel de Marque.

  • Read the book with an open mind and consider the wisdom and new perspectives it offers.

  • Watch the movie The Matrix as a metaphor for the reality we live in.

  • Visit the website themeditationconversation.com to explore the partners of the Meditation Conversation podcast.

  • Use promo code KARAGOODWIN15 to get 15% off your order of the Komuso necklace, a powerful stress-reducing tool.

  • Consider the dangers of money, politicians, journalists, drugs, and religions as discussed in the book.

  • Reflect on the role of technology in our lives and how it can assist or hinder our spiritual development.

  • Stay aware of the impact of noise on our energy fields and consider ways to reduce noise in our environment.

  • Support Samuel Chong's efforts to develop an accurate aura camera to bring awareness to human energy fields.

Other episodes you'll enjoy:

285. Journey to Expanded Consciousness: Channeling with Light Language and Toning - Daniel Scranton

277. Miracle Healing with Interdimensional Assistance - Sharon Coleman

275. DNA Activation for True Transformation - Sally Knopp & Lorenda Carr

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Kara Goodwin: [00:00:00] 

Hello, and welcome to the meditation conversation, the podcast to support your spiritual revolution. I'm your host, Kara Goodwin, and today I'm really excited to be talking to Samuel Chong. Samuel is a certified court interpreter and Chinese translator, and he visited Michel Desmarquais, the author of Theoba Prophecy, in 2016 and 2018.

And he was instrumental in arranging for the Chinese publication of Desmarquais book, which has then been . A bestseller in both China and Taiwan, a rare phenomenon. He also translated the book, 334% lies, the revelation of H M V Stoll, an [00:01:00] autobiography of the high master of the chair of a secret society that was started in Germany.

Today, he dedicates his efforts in promoting the messages in these books in order to give people hope and to promote a better world. 

I am completely fascinated by this book that Samuel is dedicating his time to spreading the word about. The theologian. And prophecy is just wild and I could definitely see how it would be hard for people to accept as nonfiction. There's a lot of wisdom there. So even if you can't bring yourself to accept the story, as fact, maybe read it with an open mind of maybe it is, maybe it isn't. 

But maybe I'll gain wisdom and a new perspective, even if it's not real. You can think of it, like watching the movie, the matrix. That movie is technically fiction, but it's a great metaphor for the reality that we're in. And it provides common language for us to discuss the kind of simulated reality we're living in. When things start to feel. 

[00:02:00] Really surreal or controlled. I personally do believe this story is real, but I have a general knowing through a combination of learnings and personal multi-dimensional experience, that this is a vast universe. And that our human minds can only take in and understand a sliver of its entirety. And with that knowledge comes the humility that there's a whole lot going on, that surprises me and that I don't have much context for, but that doesn't mean it's not real. 

So. I'm really excited about this episode. But before we get started, just a quick word about Komuso take control of your stress with this necklace. That's not only beautiful, but powerful. It works within seconds. It has zero maintenance and it helps you increase focus. Lower your heart rate, sleep better and reduce your anxiety. 

 This is such a great product. Check out episode two 40, where I talked to the founder, Todd [00:03:00] Steinberg. That episode is packed with useful insight about how to calm your body and mind. I use promo code karagoodwin15 to get 15% off your order. 

And check out all of the partners of the meditation conversation podcast. Which you can get to through themeditationconversation.com. And now enjoy this episode

Kara Goodwin: So welcome Samuel. I'm really excited to talk to you today.

Samuel Chong: Thanks for having me here.

Kara Goodwin: So I, I read this book and it is fascinating. It's really fascinating. So, but it's pretty it's not territory that's often covered. And I don't know that any of our listeners would know what Theoba is. So can you talk a little bit about the background of the Theoba prophecy and and about the author and his experience?

Samuel Chong: Well, the book definitely is a revelation. [00:04:00] The author Michel Desmarquet had a very unique experience back in June 1987 when he suddenly woke up in the middle of the night. He didn't know why, but he wrote a note to his wife. That he would be gone for 10 days and there's absolutely no need to worry about him.

And then he walked outside of his house and he was lifted up, taken by this group of beautiful, tall, Nordic looking ETs to their spacecraft, and had this journey for nine days being on their planet, and then came back. But what's unique about this is that he was informed of a lot of the knowledge, the mysteries of the paranormal, and also the problems, the real problems on Earth.

By the ETs who say that they have been watching us throughout history especially in the ancient times, they were responsible for the destructions of the two cities, Sodom and [00:05:00] Gomorrah. They were responsible for leading Moses out of Egypt leading ancient Hebrews and parting the sea of Greece, not the Red Sea, and then giving the manas to the Hebrews as well.

And they were responsible for the birth of Jesus and the resurrection of Christ. In a sense, they were kind of replacing Jehovah in the Bible, but they say that God is God is the creator of everything, but Jehovah in the Bible were actually they, them the Theobalds. Who kind of, helped to guide the people throughout history as documented in the Bible.

And and it's fascinating. It's a revelation.

Kara Goodwin: Um, It, it really is fascinating. And so, so Michelle didn't really have a known connection to the Theobands prior to his experience. Right. And like you say, he just kind of woke up, wrote this [00:06:00] note, not really understanding why. And then he found himself. On the ship heading back to their planet,

Samuel Chong: Exactly. He was totally unaware of what was about to happen to him. He was just a landscaper, a farmer in Australia. He was living in Cairns, Queensland, Australia at that time. And he didn't really know how to type. He didn't know how to use a computer. And it happened actually in 1987, before the age of the internet.

Even when he published the book in 1993, I mean, in Australia, very few people were able to use the internet back then. But the book contains a lot of information that can be validated and verified today. Specific verifiable facts. That I find to be very interesting and amazing.

Kara Goodwin: right? Because there's the historical things, like you said, there's the parts where they talk about Moses and they talk about Jesus and there and a lot of like ancient history, you know, even going back to an Atlantean [00:07:00] times and they talk about the role of their people and and. Give some alternative, you know, history that we haven't been told.

Because of course there's not even an acknowledgement that Atlantis is even a historical place. But then they talk about modern times and where humanity is now and. There are some really fascinating insights and really relevant and pertinent insights that they give. And I believe that this is part of why you have felt so drawn to sharing the message of the book, the messages many deep messages and powerful.

One of the things that stands out is the greatest dangers that are on earth at this time, which it's funny because he starts talking about this in terms of like nuclear. Arms and nuclear threat. And they said, well, there are [00:08:00] four greatest challenges and none of them relate to nuclear arms. So it's the order of importance, first money, then politicians, third journalists and drugs and fourth religions.

So I don't know if you have. More to say on this, but that's, there's a lot there in terms of modern life.

Samuel Chong: Yes, the reason that I've been putting so much time and effort into promoting the messages in the book is that I learned. That one thing he was not allowed to write in the book. Remember in the postscript it says that there are far more incredible things that he was not allowed to write in the book because we were far from understanding them.

That got me extremely curious and that's the entire motivation for me to track him down and to meet him in person and to learn about that. Because the book is already fascinating and incredible enough to me and I was curious to know What's more incredible about it that he wasn't [00:09:00] permitted to share with us?

And I learned about it the second trip after I met him. And and that's the entire motivation. Indeed, we are facing tremendous amount of challenges right now and also in the future. But the future depends on our actions. It really depends on how we respond to the challenges because the future is changeable while the past is fixed.

So, it's just like, ants walking straight down the road and walking directly. And the ants may encounter some kind of stones or obstacles in the front. And we can see that because we live in a three dimensional world, while the ants live in a two dimensional world. And the ants can actually.

Turn left or turn right to maybe avoid. The opposite coast in the front, in front of them. And similarly, we can actually change our directions how the way, how we live our lives and to avoid the catastrophes that may have in the future.

Kara Goodwin: So, did he [00:10:00] tell you what specific things he wasn't allowed to publish in the book? Did he share that with you?

Samuel Chong: Yes, he shared that with me. And he said that Tao asked him to tell me not to tell it to anyone else. But what he didn't say was that I couldn't write an article about it and revealing as many clues and giving as many hints as possible. And that's what I did. I wrote an article. And the title of the article is The Second Coming of Christ.

Kara Goodwin: Oh, wow. Okay. Okay. So, there was a quote here that I wanted to read and talk about it. And there was this mention of the needles. So it says, if certain of the leaders who read your book, don't believe you, this is them talking to Michelle. If certain of the leaders who read your book don't believe you or doubt what is written, challenge them to explain the disappearance of billions of needles put into orbit around Earth several years ago.

Ask them also to explain the second [00:11:00] disappearance of billions more needles again put into orbit. They will know what you're referring to, never fear. We are responsible for the disappearance of these needles, judging them to be potentially disastrous for your planet and it was Eventually, I believe years after this book, there was confirmation and maybe a disclosure that was true, that there were, but I had never heard about this before this book.

So can you talk a little bit about that?

Samuel Chong: Yes. And some people did research and turned out to be project West Ford that the US government collaborated with MIT launching hundreds of millions of copper needles into space, hoping to improve the telecommunication signals of the whatever they were trying to do, because they were hoping that the signals would bounce back from the copper needles to earth.

And but then yeah. According to official documents, the first [00:12:00] launch definitely failed, and they claim that the second launch was a success, but who knows, they're probably trying to save face or something. So I don't know, but indeed, very few people know about this.

Kara Goodwin: Huh. I wonder what it was that they determined was such a danger, like that could have been disastrous, I guess if they, you know, if gravity got to them and they all started plunging toward. Earth at, you know, the speed that they would end up coming at, I don't know.

Samuel Chong: I haven't really delved into why they would be potentially disastrous for Earth yet. I think there are far more important issues facing us nowadays, especially related to the four real dangers on Earth. Money, politicians, journalists, and drugs. Especially drugs nowadays. People use hallucinogenic drugs and religions too.

Kara Goodwin: Yeah. It's [00:13:00] fascinating. They, the ETs also give some warnings about humanity, other warnings. Can you share some of the warnings that they've, that they told Michelle about?

Samuel Chong: In the book it says that technology should assist. Our spiritual development and not to enslave us in a more materialistic world. And as we see nowadays with the developments of AI artificial intelligence, people are more reliant on this kind of new technologies. And sooner or later, we're going to hit a point in which the development and the speed of technology developments is going to overpower us.

And some people suggest that it's going to be like a critical moment of time in which in which we are going to kind of, be facing a paradigm in which technology and human beings are coexisting and things like that. So I think this is, very dangerous to us if [00:14:00] technologies are hindering our spiritual development.

And this is why I think I've been trying so hard to develop an Aura camera, just for a way to bring more awareness to the public that we do have human energy fields and they do reflect the character of a person and they can actually predict physical illness. And they can actually show whether a politician is lying on stage or not.

So it's more like, yes.

Kara Goodwin: So there is like, is it called cerulean? Am I making that word up? That where. Yeah. Cur curlian? Yeah, so it, but you're working on different technology that's specific. Cause that's more like the color around a person.

Samuel Chong: Yes. It's the energy field that people can see they're showing different colors and there are cameras on the market, but they're not really accurate. I'm trying to develop something that's more accurate.

Kara Goodwin: Because that's one of the [00:15:00] things that Michelle experienced when he was there. He was given the ability to see auras. But I believe when he came back to Earth, that went away, right?

Samuel Chong: That went away. Yes.

Kara Goodwin: Yeah, but they do talk about the importance of the aura and you know, one thing that really stuck with me too was the they kept warning about noise

Samuel Chong: yes.

Kara Goodwin: and the danger of noise.

So can you talk a little bit about that?

Samuel Chong: Yes, and noise actually affects our astral body. Because of the vibrations of noise, they actually cause a lot of interference and also a disturbance to our energy field. And this is not just a temporary thing, it's actually kind of a permanent harm. And they use a very strong word saying that if we don't pay attention to the dangers of noise, Where the future is going to be catastrophic.[00:16:00] 

So I actually did a lot of research on this point on noise. And I asked the aura readers and people who can see auras to see what kind of effects that noises have on the human energy field. They always say that the human energy field feels changed to the the form that's uglier and more ugly and unpleasant when noises are around them.

And and I do see that a lot of people are very sensitive to noise. And I'm trying to bring more awareness to this point. But so far, I haven't been able to persuade a lot of people yet.

Kara Goodwin: Do you have an opinion about whether this is like? Particularly loud noises or certain frequencies because you could be exposed to certain frequencies, which are not, which are, you know, not good for us to be feeling or to be in contact with, but you may not even really hear it [00:17:00] or really know that you're in that frequency.

So do you have clarity on whether it's about the volume of the noise or what type of noise it is and

Samuel Chong: I think it's. I think it's both, both the volume and also the frequencies and even good music and people feel pleasantly about a certain kind of music if they're played three times a slot and people still feel uncomfortable. So this is one of the examples given in the book. So I think is both.

And also it damages our astral body which is something that we keep forever, even after we die. So if we don't pay attention to that's going to affect our future generations or future reincarnations. After we die,

Kara Goodwin: Do you have any insight about whether, like, because it's the astral body, right? So when we think of noise, it's our ears. Like we, we hear the noise, but when you talk about an astral body, [00:18:00] that's beyond the senses. So like if you were wanting to go to a concert, for example, and you wanted to be sensitive to being exposed to too much noise, if you put in, like, earplugs that bring the noise down.

Does that help? Do you know?

Samuel Chong: It helps from your perspective for your senses, like audible senses, but it doesn't help. to protect your astral body because our astral body is exposed to loud noises when that happens, even though we don't hear it. So it's important to be in a quieter environment than to be in a loud environment.

Kara Goodwin: Okay. That's, I found that really fascinating. And I think too, because so many children are particularly sensitive to noise. And it makes me wonder like what, I mean, some people are so, are almost overly sensitive to noise, but it's what are they picking up [00:19:00] that, that they don't maybe don't even recognize that they don't like about it, you know,

Samuel Chong: Yes, and they're very intuitive, and they know what's good for them.

Kara Goodwin: right. Yeah. So another really fascinating thing that came through with this book is the planetary levels. They talk about that there are planetary levels and that soul's evolution. So can you share about that for us?

Samuel Chong: Yes, there are a total of nine different categories of planets in the universe. We are living on category one planet, and they, the Theobalds, live on category nine planet. We are just like elementary school students learning the basics, and they're just like college professors. Our mentors guiding us and to lead us to the spiritual development.

That's the ultimate goal of human life. So, and also we all came from different planets as well. The blacks and the yellows came from a planet [00:20:00] Baccaratini 1. 35 million years ago, and then the ancestors of the Polynesians came about 250, 000 years ago from category one planet. So did the blacks and the yellows.

And the Caucasians also came from a different planet. They landed on the continent of Atlantis. And the Jewish people came about 12, 000 years ago from a planet of a different category, a Category 3 planet. And this is actually something very controversial and explains why the Jewish people, the Hebrews were the chosen people and why they had been so unique and facing different discrimination and persecution throughout history because they were not originally from a category one planet and they came here accidentally because of a failure of the engines of their spacecraft.

Kara Goodwin: Yeah. And so how did these category one. Through nine relate to the individuals [00:21:00] who are on those planets or who are able to be on those planets?

Samuel Chong: Well, for example, if we are. We are currently living on Category 1 planet and we can evolve spiritually and to move up the ladder, move up to a Category 2 or Category 3. It really depends on how we... Purify our soul, our astral body, be more compassionate, how we follow the teachings of Christ to be more spiritual.

So this is something that we always try to do in order to move up to a Category 2, Category 3 planet, or maybe Category 7. The Theobands, they have a lot of The abilities to perform miracles, they actually can perform all the miracles performed by Christ as documented in the Bible, they can levitate, they can kind of heal the wounds of people who have different sickness, and they can actually materialize objects, [00:22:00] and they can regenerate their body tissues and cells, so they don't age at all.

They're forever looking at like in their thirties, they can live forever. So they're actually pretty compassionate, loving people and very intelligent. And they have a lot of wisdom too. So, so this is category nine. And if we are to, if we want to move up the ladder, we have to really be very spiritual and to.

Purify our soul because we are connected to God and God is part of us and we are part of God. We only send positive experiences, positive spiritual lessons to God through our higher self. And once we purify ourselves enough, we are able to move up to a category two planet. Or a category three planet.

And once we do that, we are able to have more psychic powers, just like the [00:23:00] Theobalds or some of the other people. And if you learned about the Old Testament you, you know, that people in the past could live for 800 years or 900 years. I think this is a very reasonable because originally the Hebrews came from a category three planet.

So they were able to live longer than us.

Kara Goodwin: Yeah, it I can't remember if it talks at all about Planets evolving as well. Does it say anything about because of course like there's a lot of talk right now about

I can't remember if there was any discussion about planets themselves evolving.

Samuel Chong: well, the planets themselves don't evolve as our souls or our astral bodies do because Earth was a category one planet and will be a category one planet is our souls, our astral bodies that evolve and move up to a category two [00:24:00] or category three planet. So once we die, we can decide whether to still live on category one planet or move up the ladder when we are ready to.

Or we are, when we are allowed to, and to live on a different planet of a different category. But there's a pattern in the universe that nine planets revolve around a star like the sun. So this is like our solar system. And also nine stars. Revolve around a bigger star and nine bigger stars revolve even a bigger star onto the source, the center of the universe.

And I think just a few years ago, NASA scientists discovered another system like our solar system in which there are nine planets that revolve around a star like our sun. So I think with the advancements of technologies in astronomy astronomers are going to discover more solar systems like ours.

Kara Goodwin: Right. [00:25:00] SoI wanted to go back to when we talk about those four dangers that we talked about a few minutes ago, so money, politicians, journalists, and drugs, and then religion. And I wonder how many people are listening and they've heard you talk about Christ. They've heard you talk about Moses.

And then we're saying that, you know, one of the great dangers to humanity is religion. So talk a little bit about that. How do those things go together?

Samuel Chong: So religion is different from spirituality. Religions are organized by people, so that's why they're called organized religions. They always try to be the agent between us and God. When in fact we can connect to God, the source, directly without going through an intermediary agency. So they try to distort the original meanings of the ancient scriptures.

And this book, Theobald's Prophecy, specifically listed the [00:26:00] four Catholic Church Council meetings that specifically intentionally distorted the original meanings of the ancient scriptures in the Bible. So, when God created every one of us, he inserted a tiny portion of himself. to each of our astral bodies.

So this is why we are able to connect to our astral body to God directly through meditation, through prayers, or just through a good night of sleep. So this is why meditation is very important. And for the religious believers praying is important. But you pray to your higher self which is part of God.

So this is something that people have been wondering about or maybe misled by the organized religions. You don't pray to to the leaders of the religious organizations. You pray to yourself, your higher self. And which is connected to God, the source, the [00:27:00] creator of everything. So, you know, I was a non believer of Christianity before I read the book.

I thought Jesus or Christ is just too incredible. The miracles, it's just too good to be true. But because I thought the, it just didn't sound right. And how could a person perform all the miracles. But after reading this book, I learned that Jesus and Christ are actually two beings and Christ was a person who actually preached and performed the miracles and because he had the knowledge, he had the knowledge to do so.

He did that just to preach about spirituality and love and and life after death. Through his resurrection, but somehow the concept of reincarnation was removed from the Bible. And I just feel that everything is connected and this book explains all the inconsistencies of the Bible.

And I think we should be spiritual and not religious.

Kara Goodwin: Okay. [00:28:00] Well, thank you. I am curious in all of the research as you dove into the Theouba prophecy, have you come across any other? People who have had contact with this specific planet. I've never heard of it before.

Samuel Chong: Well, it's definitely recorded as documented in the Bible. Including a book, yes, including a book that wasn't canonized by the Catholic Church Council meetings. The Book of Enoch. Michel de Marquet didn't read the Book of Enoch until he came back. So, after he came back, he went public and began lecturing about his personal experiences.

And the person showed him and asked him to read the Book of Enoch. After reading the Book of Enoch, he was so amazed at the descriptions. In the book of Enoch that are so similar to what he personally experienced. And he was convinced that Enoch was taken [00:29:00] away by the same group of ETs that took him.

So, so this is why I think it's important to read the Bible, but from a different perspective. And also to know some of the things that happened after Enoch wrote a book, especially Noah. One scholar says after Enoch wrote a book 40 or 80 years afterwards, Noah built the ark.

Noah was a great grandson of Enoch and Michel de Marquet, if he, his conviction was, his belief is right, that Enoch was taken away by Theobald as well. And both of them was, were told to write a book. And you can imagine 40 to 80 years later what would happen to us. As what happened to, to Noah, and I think the time is approaching, so I think it's important to, to to follow the teaching of Christ and be spiritual.

Kara Goodwin: Now Michel passed away, right? He's [00:30:00] passed away now Do you know through your personal dealings with him? Did he ever have contact again with the Theoban's because In the epilogue of the book, he mentions that he expected that he would maybe sense their presence or get some like 

telepathy? . With them or, and especially as he wrote the book and he was surprised that he really didn't, but of course, you know, many decades now have passed since that time. So do you know if he received communication with them after?

Samuel Chong: Yes, he did. After the book was published, he did receive telepathic messages from them. One message was related to the grays. So at that time, especially in the 1990s, people were wondering about the grays, the implants, and they did. And according to Michel de Marquet, they sent him a telepathic message telling him that The Greys did put implants on people, [00:31:00] but only about 150 or so by the year 1995.

They did that just to observe us and how we respond to the increasingly decreased immune system because we've been having the problem since 1948. And they the Greys also came from a category one planet. And they are a dying race because of their immune system. And they wanted to see how we respond to the same situation.

And but there's absolutely no harm to us from the implants because the Ethiopians have been observing their actions. And just to make sure that no harm is done onto us. So this is the one telepathic message that Michel de Marquet received. And the second telepathic message was related to the Sphinx.

He was told that there are three chambers beneath the Sphinx. And when we are ready, when the time is right, they can be opened. And once they're opened everything will be known to the [00:32:00] world. And I find that to be interesting because it's very similar to what Edgar Cayce says about the Hall of Records.

And, he gave a very interesting description as well about what's being kept , beneath the Sphinx and people, I think archaeologists and also some other scientists have been trying to persuade the ministry of archaeology of Egypt to do additional research on the Sphinx and because they do find anomalies.

it. They're empty. They're not soil or ground there. They have chambers beneath it. So there's another validation. And I think those are the main telepathic messages that he received. That's meaningful.

Kara Goodwin: Wow. Well, do you personally feel a connection with the Theobands?

Samuel Chong: You know, I'm a very independent minded person. So I, in my subconscious mind, I always try [00:33:00] to. Say to myself and to them, don't help me. Let me just work through what I have to do in this lifetime and without their help, unless when it's absolutely necessary. So I really want to learn the lessons on my own and to to really explore what I have to do.

So. So I don't have any contact with them yet.

Kara Goodwin: Well, I'm not sure that they would get or help you get around that. They seem pretty evolved in order to allow us to, you know, so that they wouldn't interfere anymore. So the necessary, but it makes me wonder the fact that this book became a bestseller in China and Taiwan, and it's unusual for this category of book.

So I wonder just. How much assistance you may be getting that, you know, isn't, is under the surface, maybe,

Samuel Chong: I think they probably were just kind of, helping behind the scenes. And, you know, you know, when I was young, I always [00:34:00] wanted to learn and learn from the masters to learn from the best and know everything there is to know. So if they are the best, they're the masters of the ETs. I definitely want to learn from them because you know, I've been a translator interpreter myself, and I always want to learn the best of each industry.

For example, I studied economics and investments, so I learned from Warren Buffett, Jim Rogers, George Soros, and also Ray Dalio, those kind of people. And if I want to be best something in the industry, I always learn from the masters. So master class is actually something that I... I would have done that since I was young, but but now I have a new kind of mentor, which is this book contains all the mysteries of the paranormal, and I think is unique because it really, it also uncovers a solution that we can try to follow and try to imitate [00:35:00] to solve our current day problems.

I don't know if you remember they took great pains. To invite Archie to meet with Michelle Demarquet. And so Archie explained what happened to a country on their planet, how it took only four people to change. Dictatorship government into a more democratic, more spiritual form of government. So I think that's something that we can imitate and try to do to use nonviolent resistance to rise up against tyranny so that everyone works together and through a concerted action, we can change the world for the better.

So I think that's something that I'm trying to do. And to let people know what's really happening around the world, behind the scenes. Is it just the Republicans, Democrats fighting against each other? Is there like a kind of, secret government behind everything, like the Deep State or something?

Is there like a Illuminati? Is there a secret society controlling everything? I [00:36:00] mean, these are all valid questions to ask. And people need to have an open mind because we are controlled by or we are influenced by the media. But when we encounter issues or problems in our day to day life, we should look inside for answers, look inside for solutions, because our higher self is constantly guiding us.

We don't need to follow a specific organized religion. We don't need to listen to the politicians Or the mainstream media, we can find answers ourselves just by having a meditation or praying. Because if the solutions are good for our spiritual development, they'll be provided to us if we just look inside for answers.

Kara Goodwin: Yeah, I love that. Well it that makes me Think about the other book that you've translated the three hundred and thirty [00:37:00] four percent Lies and it sounds like there's some crossover there between what you were talking about and that book Can you tell us a little bit about this book?

Samuel Chong: You know, the reason that I found the 334 thousandth, that is the one thousandth, that sign, 

Kara Goodwin: Oh, it's a thousandth. Oh, sorry 334, 000. Oh,

Samuel Chong: Yes. Yes. Yes. The reason was that I was looking for ways to see auras and I read on a forum that someone posted saying that, oh, here's another book and 334, 000 lies. And, but there's only in German.

And it tells you how you can meditate and see the colors of auras. I was so curious about that because you know, it's in German and I thought Oh, you know, why don't I translate into English so that more people can benefit? I can also read it myself and to learn the techniques. [00:38:00] And it turned out that is a very unique and very interesting book that.

It's the autobiography of the highest degree chair of the Illuminati, the former highest degree chair. It talks about how he became the highest leader of that secret society from a college student in Germany. It talks about how they use a special form of astrology to predict future events. I mean, we use astrology to kind of, focus on the date of birth and the time of birth and to.

make a birth chart, but they're able to calculate the positions of the planets at a given moment just using their mind, using a very unique way of calculation or formula so that they can know how the planets affect us at a given moment of time, and it also talks about how they're able to increase their psychic powers through the different rituals [00:39:00] that they, sometimes they're really graphic and gruesome.

And it talks about how they influence people's minds. How they kind of affect the decisions of the politicians. But at the end of the book, the author in which he kept his name Anonymous, he realized that everything is about love. Everything is connected. So the key message about humanity is that we have to love one another, just like what Christ taught us.

And the reason of him revealing all the secrets is that he wanted the organization To break from within because he, after he realized that everything is about love, he kind of, led the organization to a more symbiosis relationship with the with the governments and also the real world. World that we all live in, but he saw that there's a younger leader rising up [00:40:00] and he was in a sense, kind of like an antichrist figure having more psychic powers than him.

And he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to keep him in place. So that's why he decided to reveal everything the secrets. So that people can know about what's going on and to form a collective consciousness so that the organization can be broken from within and he says that No matter how strong the psychic powers that the high degree members have, they're afraid of the power of the people.

They're afraid of the collective consciousness of the people. So this is the entire reason that he wrote a book and made it public. And he disappeared in the summer of 2001, just a few months before 9 11 happened.

Kara Goodwin: Really

Samuel Chong: Yes.

Kara Goodwin: Wow. Oh my goodness. That's huge

Samuel Chong: Yeah. And the book is not for everyone. I just want to [00:41:00] warn your audience. It has a lot of graphic violence and It's not for everyone. Just be warned beforehand. Yes.

Kara Goodwin: Okay. Thank you. Well, let's talk about the the aura viewing. Have you, how has that gone? Like have you been able to begin to see auras? Have you learned how to do that?

Samuel Chong: You know, I try, I've been trying harder to promoting the messages in the book than meditating myself and trying to see auras. Occasionally I can see certain colors, but I always try to be more precise in the colors that I see. So I still rely on the aura readers. Who can see better. For example, there's a lady in Australia that I visited, her name is Judith Collins.

She is probably the best Aura reader that I have ever encountered who is still alive. Barbara Brennan is the best one ever, and, but she passed [00:42:00] away, yes,

Kara Goodwin: Yeah.

Samuel Chong: but she passed away and there are 

Kara Goodwin: a skill. This is a skill that can be developed, right?

Samuel Chong: yes, theoretically, but Barbara Brennan and Judith Collins, they were born with this gift.

Kara Goodwin: Yeah. how is your, the creation of the device that you talk about to be able to read or is how is that coming along?

Samuel Chong: You know, since our readers can see the colors from black and white photos, I was thinking maybe I can figure out. Yes, they can do that. So I've been trying to figure out like an algorithm. From the gradients of the pixels of the black and white photos. And but I've been trying to do that without any success.

And also Judith Collins also told me that and actually I did a lot of experiments with her. If I cut a picture in half, she would still be able to see the colors of the auras [00:43:00] of that person. Even though the other half is no longer there. So that makes me think that the universe is holographic.

So the holographic universe theory is probably correct, because holographic projection, when you cut, like, a corner of a bigger picture, the smaller corner that you cut is not the the portion that was cut. It became, like, a smaller version of the entire picture. So I was thinking maybe, when Judas Collins saw the picture, she was linking that into another dimension of holographic projection in which he can see the entire auric fields of that person, even though only half of that picture is shown to her.

So that makes everything a little bit more complicated, but I'm still working on that.

Kara Goodwin: Wow. So would this, what you have in mind, is it a device that works with the [00:44:00] picture?

Samuel Chong: Yes, it would be more like a camera more like a program that people can just download onto their cell phone and to see who is telling the truth and who is not.

Kara Goodwin: Wow. that would change so much. There's a shaman that I have on the podcast frequently named Michael Nassi and he talks about in the future, you know, the credentials that we prize so much now, you know, that right now it's, Oh, I've got this doctorate or I have a PhD or whatever.

And then that. Is how society uses, you know, Oh, then I should listen to this person because they've gone through this training and this, you know, they've spent years studying at this university or what have you, but Michael talks about. There will come a point in human evolution where your aura is your resume.

You will know who to trust because you can see it [00:45:00] right. And you can't hide that you can't, and it doesn't matter how much schooling you have or how much, you know, where you've worked or whatever it is that. We use to give credentials to people. It will be your being is your credentials, you know,

Samuel Chong: Exactly. Another aura reader like Rosalind Burr, she told me in a class that she actually used to work with the general counsel for Rupert Murdoch. he saw that person having, like, a purplish color on his third eye area. And she noticed that but asked him some questions and whether he was a little bit psychic and very good at certain things intuition wise.

And he told her that he was able to pick up the stalks. Correctly just from the tickers that float on the screen, and he cannot explain why that's the case, but all the stocks that he pick or the stocks [00:46:00] that jump out of him we're going to go up in value in price. So this is something that she.

She told me from her personal experience, and she also told me that she can see, like, for example, two teams of football players are playing, you know, a game. She can just tell from their auras which team is going to win the game, because their auras are more consistent and in harmony and yellowish in color.

So this is very interesting.

Kara Goodwin: that is interesting 

Samuel Chong: And also, one of the important messages from the Theobalds is that The importance of colors that we wear, 

Kara Goodwin: yes,

Samuel Chong: yes, 

Kara Goodwin: Yeah. Please talk about that.

Samuel Chong: colors are different vibrations. If we can match the vibrations of the colors to the colors of our auras, we're going to feel much better than the colors that don't match.

So, and colors do have a lot of effects on us, whether psychologically or physically. [00:47:00] And after Michelle DeMarcais was let into their spacecraft. They disinfected him using yellow light and blue light. It turns out that certain wavelengths of blue light have antibacterial, antiviral effects as verified by Harvard Medical School.

And just a few years ago, it's proven by another paper that certain wavelengths of yellow color also have antibacterial effects. And in the book, it also mentions about the pink color. The color pink can reduce a person's muscle strength by 30 percent after watching the color pink for 15 minutes. So a university coach, a football coach in University of Iowa knew about this apparently, and so he painted the locker rooms of the visiting teams.

Into pink color, and he rarely lost a home game, so 

Kara Goodwin: Oh my goodness.

Samuel Chong: is the effect of color. So, yeah,

Kara Goodwin: Wow. [00:48:00] And in the book, they even talk about, you know, being conscientious about the color of your room, like the color of your home space, how you paint the walls. And so even if you're just sleeping and you're not looking at the color, but you're still in the color.

Samuel Chong: yes, that's right. And the color green can reduce the migraines and headaches and different colors have different effects. On people, if you feel cold, wear red, and if you feel too hot wear probably like, blue or green or something like that. So I think color therapy is actually a fact, was very popular in the 1920s before the discovery of antibiotics.

It's very inexpensive to utilize the colors to treat certain diseases. And it will be harder for the big pharmaceutical companies to profit from colors. This is why it probably hasn't been promoted as it should be.

Kara Goodwin: [00:49:00] So many things like that. Yeah, well, I have just I've really enjoyed talking to you. I loved the book. Thank you so much for reaching out Tell us how people can find the Theoba prophecy and learn more

Samuel Chong: People can find the book on Amazon by searching the title of the book, Theobar Prophecy, T H I A O U B A. And people can find me on Facebook by searching my name, Samuel Chong, C H O N G. And this book, actually reading this book, has been the best investment that I ever made in my entire life. Better than those investment gurus.

Kara Goodwin: Fabulous well, thank you so much Samuel. I've really enjoyed this

Samuel Chong: Thank you. 

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Samuel Chong

Certified court interpreter and Chinese translator, Samuel Chong visited Michel Desmarquet, the author of Thiaoouba Prophecy, in 2016 and 2018, and he was instrumental in arranging for the Chinese publication of Desmarquet's book, which has been a best-seller in both China and Taiwan, a rare phenomenon. He also translated the book "334 ‰ Lies: The Revelation of H. M. v. Stuhl", an autobiography of the High Master of the Chair of a secret society that was started in Germany. Today, he dedicates his efforts in promoting the messages in these books in order to give people hope and to help promote a better world through his scholarship at https://www.chinasona.org/scholarship.html

Graduated from UC Berkeley with a BA in economics, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid with a MA in financial analysis, he currently resides in Los Angeles, California.