EXCITING CHANGES! Meditation Conversation is now SOUL ELEVATION! ✨
Aug. 10, 2023

280. Healing Beyond Belief: Secrets for Relief from Chronic Pain and Trauma - Joshua Cameron's

Elite healer Joshua Cameron shares his unique approach to healing chronic pain and trauma. But just as he begins to reveal the key to unlocking lasting relief, a surprising twist leaves him questioning everything he thought he knew. Don't miss this...

Elite healer Joshua Cameron shares his unique approach to healing chronic pain and trauma. But just as he begins to reveal the key to unlocking lasting relief, a surprising twist leaves him questioning everything he thought he knew. Don't miss this suspenseful and thought-provoking episode that will leave you wanting more.

Check out Joshua's free gift for listeners!

In this episode, you will be able to:

  • Find the secrets towards recovering from chronic pain and past traumas, directing your path to healing.

  • Engage in a more intuitive, spiritual approach to life that brings a fresh perspective and understanding.

  • Consider the remarkable effect of ignoring societal standards, fostering creativity and critical thinking.

  • Recognize the potential shift that comes with suspending judgment, inviting new and diverse experiences into your life.

  • Author your health narrative by taking hold of your wellness, propelling you towards an enriching lifestyle.

This stimulating conversation features the remarkable Joshua Cameron, a humble, bold visionary who helps those struggling with debilitating physical pain and mental trauma. As an elite healer, Joshua has harnessed his gift to aid his clients find relief from compacted spinal vertebrae, arthritis, severe heart conditions and cervical dystonia. In his journey, he connects with the audience on a personal level as he struggled with chronic pain and PTSD himself. A former military man with a scientific outlook, Joshua's path took a turning point discovering his healing abilities that allow him to connect, empathize, and alter lives.

The key moments in this episode are:
00:00:14 - Introduction

00:01:13 - Joshua's Healing Journey

00:06:01 - The Impact of Politics

00:11:21 - Discovering Jordan Peterson

00:13:32 - The Role of Questions

00:14:18 - Speaking at a Mormon Church

00:15:09 - Discovering Testimonial Meetings

00:16:57 - Suspending Judgment and Opening Up

00:18:54 - The Power of Personal Experience

00:23:07 - Judging and Self-Reflection

00:28:09 - The Greater Self

00:28:50 - Non-negotiables

00:29:57 - Goodness

00:33:39 - Healing Modalities and Belief Structure

00:36:28 - Memories, Stories, and Physical Pain


Joshua's website: https://www.towardgoodnesscoaching.com/

Join the Healing Hearth community: https://www.karagoodwin.com/about-members

Other episodes you'll enjoy:

270. Transform Your Life with Shamanic Journeys: Expert Tips from Martin Theis

272. Discover Ancestral Health Wisdom - Holistic Hilda

245. Spiritual Enlightenment Includes the Dark - Deborah Eden Tull

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Kara Goodwin: [00:00:00] 

Hello and welcome to the meditation Conversation. Hello. The podcast to support your spiritual revolution. I'm your host, Kara Goodwin, and today I'm joined by Joshua Cameron. Joshua is an elite trained master healer whose purpose is helping those who've lived with chronic, debilitating pain, find relief and 

Begin living their lives with joy, gratitude, and a renewed energy. Joshua is blessed with a gift that has helped his clients heal from chronic pain due to compacted spinal, vertebrae, arthritis, severe heart conditions, and even cervical dystonia relieving extreme pain. For many cases, Joshua has overcome his own struggles with P T S D and chronic pain.

 I think you're [00:01:00] really gonna find Joshua's healing journey. Interesting. He has a pretty unique style to his healing modality. I'll let you hear about that straight from him in the episode. It's a fairly intellectual approach, which seems very aligned with his journey. I love his humility as he takes us through the aspects of himself that he needed to shed along the way in order to grow and come into his gifts and capabilities. 

I'd love to know what you think about this and other episodes Feel free to reach out to me kara@karagoodwin.com. I also very much appreciate your ratings and reviews. It takes just a moment, but it really means so much. 

And it helps encourage other potential listeners to give the podcast a try. Likewise, passing along episodes that have resonated with you to friends and family is deeply appreciated. If you're looking for help or community in terms of your meditation practice, please check out my healing hearth community on Kara goodwin.com. 

Joining this group of amazing souls for [00:02:00] powerful online meditations and extensive library of guided meditations and so much more. And now enjoy this episode 

Kara Goodwin: So welcome, Joshua. I'm so excited to talk to you today.

Joshua Cameron: Oh, hey. Thank you so much for having me. I really appreciate the space that you put on here.

Kara Goodwin: Thank you. I'd love to just talk about, or start with how you came into this type of healing work.

Joshua Cameron: Mm. Well, I mean it's about as cliche as it comes, right? when the student is ready, the master will appear. And, it's something that if I was told, say, say six years ago, I'd be like, okay, fortune cookie Wisdom. Right? Who can, and just dismiss it? But there's so much truth to that, right?

And it's amazing how simple, a lot of, spiritual wisdom really is. And then if we take a step back, I was very left-brained. This is something that you and I were talking about before too. even Einstein said, if you can't explain it simply, you don't know it well enough.

And there's a reason why it sounds so simple. [00:03:00] Because it is, doesn't mean it's easy, but it means, it, it's simple. And so, really relaxing my need. To control the world. Relaxing my need to demand that the world meet what I think it should look like. That, the model of the world that I've created inside my head is exactly the way the world should unfold, which is, how I spent most of my life.

And it's the most frustrating way to live. especially coming from, childhood trauma, right? abuse and, physical and mental. But then also p you know, PTSD in the military, right? Can make us very rigid.

Kara Goodwin: Hmm.

Joshua Cameron: When we had that rigid need to control our outer environment, it really starts to create a lot of friction.

And that friction can be, really like soul stealing almost. And just the anxiety that it, it creates. I never really understood why until I started, consuming the dowda ching. It's like, oh. Look at this, look at the, here's a map of why I've lived the way that I've lived and why I've experienced the way I've experienced.

And,if I can share that with you real quick. One of the, uh, [00:04:00] one of the verses there has this idea that, you know when a man is born, he's soft and supple. When a plant is born, it's soft and pliable. When a man dies, he's stiff and rigid. When a plant dies, it's dry and brittle. Therefore, those who are rigid and inflexible are disciples of death.

It doesn't mean that you're bad, doesn't mean that you're good. It just means that you're inviting death where disharmony occurs, where entropy occurs, where all the balance that occurs that, that holds our bodies together, starts to break down. All the rules, break down, and those who are soft and flexible are disciples of life.

And again, doesn't mean that you're good, doesn't mean that you're bad. It just means that harmony, that, that keeps us all together, that keeps us working towards something that benefits us, right? That's productive for us. Happens when you're soft and supple when you're not needing to control your outer environment.

Kara Goodwin: Hmm. I love that. And yeah, as you mentioned, we were talking before about how we both kind of have had to overcome plus embrace and [00:05:00] utilize the best of, but the logical mind and the, that kind of tendency to be quite analytical. I didn't realize that you had the military background too, so that's definitely going to just by the nature of how that organization.

Thrives is through that demand of like, you just, you know, it's, it's structured very, very structured, very, rigid and that serves its purpose for, for what it, you know, but as an individual trying to be soft and supple, that's a lot to overcome.

Joshua Cameron: Yep, yep. AB absolutely

Kara Goodwin: so you mentioned that you recognized that you. Wanted to become more soft and supple or more of student of life. and was this because you recognized that you had P T S D and there was a, chronic pain that you were trying to overcome, was it more of just an inner drive to find out more?

Or how did that manifest those, that [00:06:00] beginning sort of change where the impetus to be looking more at yourself?

Joshua Cameron: No, that's such, such a great question. my life fell apart, right? Because I had that overt demand, that overt need to control. I was really, drawn to environments so, Where, control, where need to control the narrative. Need to say, Hey, this is, this is right and this is why we're right.

And so I was really drawn to politics and I really got caught up in the paradigm of Orange Man bad right before I was working in pediatric medical research for a few years at the University of Utah. And, Donald Trump became president and I'm working around a bunch of women and what did the media do say this, that the most existential, and you know, whether that's right or wrong, I'm not really here to say, but you know, the media just over and over and over really, creating so much, emotional trauma for people that this guy getting in is the worst thing that could happen ever.

This is as bad as the comet coming down and blowing up the dinosaurs. And this is the end of all life as we know it. and so people were [00:07:00] just so scared. And so afraid. And what happened there was like, since I know how to control things, I was riding in on my white knight, on my little steed here.

And I'll come save the world because I'm so brilliant. Because I'm so smart. Because I know exactly how to control. I didn't realize I was, I was falling a martyr paradigm. And the martyr paradigm is the idea that, I'm, I'm effectively contributing, but I'm not growing.

I'm going out to help others, but I'm not growing myself because I have no idea how to help myself, how to serve myself, right? My life might be in shambles, but look how awesome I am that I'm still going out and helping others. And it, going through years of that and involving myself in that really took a real toll, took a toll on my marriage.

took a toll on me, being a father. And, I experienced the dark night of my soul. Not long after that, and then what that did was it helped all the walls that I've erected around me to help keep me safe in this rigid, confine. They all fell over and they all opened [00:08:00] up.

And it was pretty much at that point that I realized, oh, all those walls that I erected to protect myself. Did nothing but block myself from source and did nothing but block myself from my intuition and just double down on this idea that the left brain is the only thing that matters, right? As if I could just cut my brain in half and just throw away the right side and be like, yeah, I don't need that.

And, what an absurd idea. and that's what really started me down this path of, again, coming back to Einstein where he talked about that intelligence is actually marked by imagination. Not by rot intellect, not by computing power.

Kara Goodwin: That's fascinating and. really interesting the political connection too, because I resonate with that very much as well. Where, I was very interested in politics, particularly around that time with Trump. Also with Obama, prior. Very, very wrapped up in it and really felt that there was a [00:09:00] personal, You know that it was gonna very much change my life and the lives of everybody that I knew.

If it wasn't aligned with what I thought it needed, what I thought progress was. And,I was devastated. When Trump was elected, to be honest. And, but very caught up in that game. And you mentioned about the trauma that, that we all underwent and I didn't have the insight then to recognize that, what the media was portraying and the way that I was feeding myself this.

This narrative of, my own personal, wellbeing and how that was tied to election results and so forth. And so I resonate with that a lot, and that has been something that I've loosened up with a lot. In fact, I really don't have a lot of time for politics anymore. but it's really funny too, because it's kind of this expectation of being a member of society that you're.[00:10:00] 

And that, that you have a horse in the race and or a dog in the fight or whatever it is. And sometimes it's this whole like balancing between the, maybe we can call it like the 3D world and the, Maybe, not so 3D world. I find that often, having one foot in one foot out of regular society can catch me out sometimes because there can be this expectation that you can have like, Intelligent conversations about current events in terms of like what the media is telling us at the time and what the, what we're supposed to find important and the strong opinions that we're meant to have.

And so often I'm like, oh, I haven't heard about that. What is it? people are like, oh my God, Kara, how do you not know about this major thing going on right now? But, but for me personally, it's been definitely beneficial to. Release myself from that. So I appreciate that very much. so how [00:11:00] did that then come up into it?

It manifest into healing.

Joshua Cameron: Mm. Yeah. So, again, really great question. And so as the walls collapsed, what happened was, I started, figuring, trying to figure out like, okay, I have so much chaos going on in my life. How do I start to organize the chaos? what can I control if there's so much that's outta control, what can I control?

And then, a name popped in my head and Jocko Willink, who's not a very spiritual person, or, maybe he is in his own way, but he's a former commander of,Navy Seals. He's got his own podcast. I've seen him on the Joe Rogan, show and. So I was like, okay, if there's anyone who can help me through a chaotic situation, through a, chaotic environment, it's gotta be this guy.

So I started tuning into him. I was like, okay, I see why, my intuition, brought me to him. And then eventually he, he interviewed Jordan Peterson and then this was a great trigger for me [00:12:00] because, I was very much a leftist when I was involved in politics. And Jordan Peterson was somebody who had.

Problematic, quote unquote views. And he wasn't safe to listen to. He wasn't safe to, to engage with.


Kara Goodwin: As a, left

Joshua Cameron: As a, as a left. Yep. As a lefty. Yep. And, so I had immediately listened to what other people said about him rather than listen to his own words. And so, even though I'd listened to a lot of Jordan, Peter, or a lot of Joe Rogan, and he's interviewed Jordan Peterson, I never listened to those interviews.

And so now here I am feeling safe with Jock Jocko and then Jocko's interviewing Jordan. And like, okay,I feel safe, so let's see what he has to say. And it blew my mind. It blew my mind about what he was saying about personal responsibility, and then I started researching him a little bit, and I saw that he did a biblical series on, secularizing the Bible.

And for so long, again, I've just listened to what other people told me that I should think. And, don't you know that all the people who are Christians take the Bible literally, and there's no way to look at the Bible except for literally. And so anyone who reads the Bible, they're just a numb skull.

ha. And so [00:13:00] he started breaking it down in, in a secular nature. And talked about how this is, these are stories that have been passed down for eons and they're just now able to take these oral stories and there's oral traditions and get them on paper. It's like, that makes sense.

this is also why they're fragmented and some stories are smaller, some stories are much bigger because, they're just trying to get, get across an idea. And the more I started listening to it, I then started thinking to myself, Hey, is there room for God in my life? I've come to find that, questions are the steering wheel of the mind, right?

An answer, is what we look for typically, right? As a left brain, hey, what are the answers to life? But an answer does us very little good, cuz an answer is at the end of a path. So we didn't even follow the path, but we got the end of it somehow. and we start thinking, you can think of lines of like a cheat code.

If you put a cheat code into a video game and you just run through and you're on God mode and nothing can kill you, and you can just go and destroy everything and just ha ha, ha, ha ha and get to the end. We didn't really learn anything. You didn't become a better player at that [00:14:00] game. And so questions, what they do is they open up a path, and it was maybe a week or two after me opening myself up to this awareness of, Hey, is there room for God in my life?

Because at this point I was, atheist, maybe agnostic at best, and I got a vision of a podium. That was pumped in my head. And I knew, living here in Utah, I just knew looking at that podium that meant that I was supposed to be speaking at a Mormon church, from the business end of the podium.

But it's like, how am I supposed to be doing that? Right? I'm just gonna walk in, Hey, Mr. Atheist here, don't really believe what you guys believe, but I'm here to share my values with you. Right. And I was a little suspicious of it because again, it was so similar. To this idea of what I felt, in politics.

I've got this idea and let me go speak it. I didn't have the rigid need to speak it the same way, but,I was suspicious of it because, it could easily get me back down, to old patterns that did not serve me. and there's an awareness that, that I have now, from the alion, [00:15:00] right, hermetic philosophy that,opposites are the exact same, just a difference of degree.

Which is why I'm no longer suspicious of that feeling because it's the exact same thing. It's just what's the degree, is the degree the need to control or is the de is the degree, the need to be soft and just allow it to happen and allow it to unfold. And eventually I found out that the first Sunday of every, month is the fast and testimonial meeting where anybody, yes, anybody in the congregation can just go up and speak whether you're a member or not.

And I found that out just by talking to my friends, who, had grew up in this tradition who had kind of fallen out. And it blew me away just how this vision that was pumped in my head. I had no awareness of this. And maybe I, connected to what some people might call the collective unconscious, right?

what Yung, had labeled or maybe I connected to source. and, but something put that vision in my head. And what that did is it allowed me to really start, examining old patterns that didn't serve me. And the [00:16:00] patterns in this case were, judgment. So, So I look at these Mormons for so long, right?

The lds, the Mormons. I grew up in Utah and I got bullied by them a lot. I was a nonbeliever, I was a secular kid, raised that way. And

Kara Goodwin: family. Was not, the, not Mormon either, living in Utah,

Joshua Cameron: Not at all. Yeah. So it definitely stuck, stood out, like a green thumb and or a snow or thumb rather. And so now I'm engaging with these people who are very welcoming to me. And, again, an idea that really helped me with engaging with them I got from Jordan Peterson, which blew my mind because I did not think this way when I was wrapped up in politics, was, just because somebody doesn't have the ability to articulate their point very well.

It does not mean that they don't have a point to articulate. And I was like, you mean I've just been an a-hole this whole time? and so it really allowed me to relax, right? And this is before I really started consuming the Dow to Ching. And [00:17:00] so I found myself walking the way. Simply by opening myself up to the spiritual path.

And by the third time that I spoke there, I had created a, editorialized version of my highest, ideal of goodness, but not just like, Hey, here's my version of God, right? Here's my version of the highest ideal of goodness, but here's my version in such a way that I actually anticipate that I'm going to become this,

Kara Goodwin: Hmm.

Joshua Cameron: and it changed my life. And here I am.

Kara Goodwin: Wow. Well, that is kind of jaw-dropping, that just because somebody can't articulate doesn't mean that there's not something there that is too be articulated because it can be very, It's, it can be easy for some people to intellectually, run circles around somebody and like tear down the beliefs because they've, and or you can do this if you're a scholar of the Bible [00:18:00] and you hold very literally to the Bible and.

Know, you're trying to question somebody's beliefs that are not rooted in that text where it's like, well, but in Luke two 16 it's, you know, or whatever. and that could happen to me very easily because I'm not a scholar of the Bible, but I'm a very spiritual person and I have a very strong connection.

With spirit, but you could, I could get my butt kicked in, some sort of philosophical debate where if somebody wants to quote a bunch of philosophers or bi biblical passages or whatever. But it's like, but I know what I know and I've experienced sort of, I, I've experienced, and you can quote to me things that may try to invalidate what I know I've experienced, but doesn't change.

My experience, you know, or my knowing or whatever. So that's, that is really powerful. so because you are a master healer, I'm really curious as to [00:19:00] how the, more of the philosophical, the intellectual, like how that gave way and, you know, opened you up. Then how, where does the healing part come into that, into your personal story?

Joshua Cameron: Yeah, again, great question. And so I, as I was doing this and as I'm engaging in this, and I was very free with the lds that I don't believe in their dogma. And in fact, if you look at dogma D O G M A and you flip it backwards, it's A M G O D M, God. And so again, opposites are the exact same, just a difference of degree.

So I can take it rigidly and I can take it for the letter of the law and have dogma, or I can take it for the spirit of the law and I can have God and I can become God. I can become my own version of God or my own version of the greatest ideal of goodness, which you know, for me was Gandalf. And,if you look at Gandolph [00:20:00] in the Lord of the Ring, specifically the movies,not that I have anything against the books, but you know, the movies are just so much easier and much more accessible, I think for a lot of people.

And, I, what made Gandolph so special is that he saw what nobody else could. And that was that the Hobbits had the ability to save the world. you look at Thero, Hiem, right? the horse lords, right? these hobbits, they're not, they're not riding horses. They're, they're not fighting in wars.

They're not building castles. Right? what need do we have of them? These little, these little children, people, and, same thing if you go to,gondor, what use do we have of these three foot tall, little, halflings, like, come on now. But what Gandolph realized.

Is that what holds great evil at Bay is actually one that, that small act of kindness from one person to another, that's, just, unfolded throughout a population and, so it was actually the love of humanity, the love of living life, the love of self, and [00:21:00] just love in general that inoculated,Frodo and made him very resilient against the ring.

But then it also made, Sam. Immune to the ring. And that's what Gandalf saw, that nobody else could see. That love is actually what's most powerful. And so it, and if you take a step back and like, okay, let's intellectually look at, what is Gandalf? Gandalf is a wizard, right?

So somebody who knows magic. But then G Gandalf also is somebody who knows Wizardly ways, quote unquote, which what's also, you know, deep philosophy. He's got these ancient toes, access to knowledge that not necessarily everyone could. within. What, six months of me, creating that highest ideal of goodness.

Again, when the student is ready, the master appears. then I, Peter Sage, I don't know if you're familiar with him, but, he came into my life. He, he actually first started as a trainer, so. with,he started on things before that, but,with my awareness and the things that I liked about him, he started with a trainer with Tony Robbins back in, I, it was like 2002, I think.

And he was like the youngest trainer for Tony Robbins at the time. And Tony is somebody who's really [00:22:00] good at taking somebody who like, feels like life happens to them, like, and they're a victim to getting them off their butt and getting them to go, take on the world. and then, making things happen.

And what Peter showed me was the step above that. Which is not just, Hey, I'm gonna make it happen no matter what, but I'm gonna get in tune with the flow to allow it to happen, to allow myself to, to, in the same way that I was brought to him, right? Just by opening myself up to this spiritual path, he showed me just how far that rabbit hole could go.

And so now I'm getting these, the ancient, knowledge, we're going through, spirituality, consciousness, but not just consciousness. Like, Hey, here's some woowoo stuff. But here's consciousness broken down by Tom Campbell and Tom Campbell, who's one of the found, the founding scientists from the, for the Monroe Institute.

Right. That taught the cia. And so like, this isn't just, somebody sitting around and not that I have anything against,sitting around and getting in tune, but that, it's hard to quantify that. Right. And, so he really gave us so much of the left brain and the right brain to have that harmony [00:23:00] and to be able to, oh, okay, I see how this works.

And a, A mentor of his, ed Strayer, who actually taught him. and,then, about three months into learning from Peter, he put on a webinar and hosted a webinar with, ed Strayer. And I met Ed and it blew my mind. I wasn't quite ready to hear what he had to hear, and but I, I was already past the idea of judging, right?

Cause I realized the wisdom of, what, Jesus said when he said, judge, not let you be judged. It's not that I judge you and then your life falls apart. Cuz who cares? Right? Who cares if Joshua Judges, Cara, really? the. The warning there, right? The cautionary tale there is that, judge, not less you be judged by the very judgements that you are casting upon others, because we cannot, we cannot come to the world except from a place of who we are.

And no matter how much we try, we can't give anything that we don't have. And so when we are judging others, that's a warning to say, Hey, that's actually what's going on [00:24:00] in ourselves. That's how we view ourselves. When we're triggered by others, then that's actually a warning to say, Hey, this is where you can be mind controlled.

Right? Coming back to Donald Trump, right? This is how you can be mind controlled right here. That's, and so maybe very thankful. And so, here's this guy triggering me left and right, like he's a healer. Like, what? And,start talking about things that I had no familiarity with. And, I, decided to suspend my need to judge, just keep an open mind about it.

And what was interesting was, so I'm listening to this guy just mind blown, don't really know what to say. And, in the middle of the webinar it's like, Hey, I, I gotta go use the bathroom. And when I'm in there, I hear a clunk. It's like, oh, that's weird. Whatever that was. And so when I come out, I see my Gandalf statue on the ground.

So he'd fallen on the, he'd fallen off my bookshelf onto the ground and broke his left foot. the same ankle of which I'd had a lot of chronic issues with. I was like, what?

Kara Goodwin: Whoa.

Joshua Cameron: Right? And and then so I'm [00:25:00] thinking about Ed, and I'm like, there's some, there's something about this guy. And as I quieting my mind thinking about him, I've been following SOD Guru for a while up at this point, and I heard in my right ear an audible whisper from SOD Guru saying, life is about experience.

It's like, oh, okay. I get it. Because for so long I lived in that logical frame that's like, I was very much akin to like a little kid folding my arms being like, no, I don't like those vegetables that I've never tried. And no, that idea, that's unfamiliar to me, therefore it has no value because it doesn't make sense.

and what's really helped me with that is, Neil's bore, again, I love mixing mysticism with science. Neil's bore is somebody who, worked on, quantum physics, back in the Manhattan project, had daily conversations with Einstein and his son was very confused one day, wrote him a letter, and Neils bore, wrote him back.

And he said, you're not thinking, you're just being logical. It's like, [00:26:00] man, that's been me for a long time.

Kara Goodwin: Mm. Wow. so in terms of your. Let's talk about like your healing modality and some of the ways that you've been able to help people, because I know that you've helped a lot of people with chronic pain and some pretty debilitating issues. So, tell us, I believe it's the Miracle Healing System, 

Joshua Cameron: So, yep. So the Miracle Heal Healing system, and, we're always adding, we're always growing, like all of us, right? If we're not growing well, then we're stagnating. And, so now I've learned, because of my love of the Dow, I've broken it down a little bit more simply,to make a little bit more sense and to the Ching.

C H I N g, just like the do ching. And so in order for me to heal. Others, I first had to heal myself. in order to heal myself, I first had to figure out, how can I heal? [00:27:00] And, part of that is I was so focused, right? Coming back to Donald Trump, I don't like Donald Trump. I'm going to oppose Donald Trump.

Well, in the doubt a chain talks about if you give evil nothing to oppose, not necessarily that Donald Trump itself is evil, but the ideas that I have around him, right? if you give evil nothing to oppose, it'll go away on its own. Not because it's not there, but because you can step out of the way. And so now I'm, in this place where, instead of focusing on what I don't want, now what if I focus on what I do want, right?

If a NASCAR driver doesn't want to crash into a wall, he doesn't focus on the wall, he focuses on the wall,we move in the direction of our focus. That's just simply human nature. Not only that, but we also magnify our focus, right? People who've never heard of Donald Trump, like what? People who have heard of Donald Trump and are caught up in the media think of it as outrageous, existential issue, right?

And, and then,health in my body, right? I had to learn how to eat better. how to treat my body better with the food that I ate, but also my mind, treat my mind better by the information that I consumed. and then treat my soul [00:28:00] better by being able to, attune to it, through meditation, quiet the mind and actually tap into that, that, that higher state.

and then, the eye is the, I am, I was so caught up in my me, right? my, my body, my me. And I thought that this is all there is. But then I realized, oh, you know who I am. The greater I am is far bigger than just my body. And understanding that and allowing that to happen and allowing, the awareness to go to that space and then be filled with your intuition, right?

You don't need to tell yourself who you are. You can ask, Hey, who am I? And as you say, who am I the same way? Do I have room for God in my life? Right. then it allow, then you can start to allow things, you can start to allow, improvements coming into your life. Healing to come into your life simply by asking better questions.

and, n is for non-negotiables, right? Where am I dogmatic? Where do I have non-negotiables in my life? Where am I so rigid, right? That rigid need to control where I [00:29:00] can relax and I can be soft and I can be flexible. then the G is goodness, right? what is your highest ideal of goodness? So this is all based off personal, my, my, my personal history.

And so now I've been able to take others through that as well, as I've learned as I've, taken them through, their process. And so, the modality itself really comes down to, meditation. Because again, if we come back to, the alion, as above, so below, as below, so above, if we, if our, body is sick, and in pain, most likely that's due to.

Lack of flow in our lives, that can be because we're eating bad food. That could be because of just maybe we're living a lazy life. That could be because we've got a lot of clutter all around our house that we haven't really been picking up and haven't been, taken care of. in our mind.

Where are we focused, right? Probably things that if there's clutter in the, in, in our 3D world where there's probably a lot of clutter in our mind and our mind's probably clutter with ideas that don't serve us. and what happens when you know all energy needs to [00:30:00] flow? And if energy is not flowing well, then just like water, if water's not flowing, it starts to stagnate.

And what's attracted to stagnating water will, mosquitoes and parasites are, and what do mosquitoes and parasites do? Will they drain our lifeblood and they bring disease? And,what most people do when they have mosquitoes, flying about them, they're flopping their hands around trying to attack these mosquitoes.

what are mosquitoes attracted to in the first place are carbon dioxide output. So if you're flopping your hands around to get your heart rate going, which gets your breathing more, which means that you're actually feeding the problem right? On a spiritual level, because as below, so above, then you know there's gonna be, these, parasites and these mosquitoes in the spiritual world.

And, this is, it's important for people to understand that this is a map. this isn't the territory. I have not actually seen with my own eyes, these mosquitoes, these parasites, but as I use this map the same way that I use gps, right? GPS isn't a road that I drive on. It's a map to help me get through the territory.

So as I use this map, it helps me guide [00:31:00] myself and guide my clients through this territory and help them, re-invite flow into their soul cuz the soul, the great I am. Right? That is the superset. what's below the superset is the subset. So the superset, the soul is the governing agent of everything downstream, which is the mind and the body.

And if these, if there's no flow or there's blockage in the flow where we're stagnating in our soul's energy and we're attracting these mosquitoes and these parasites, they drain the life force. Not just the lifeblood and the life force is drawn, is being drained, then the body and the mind break down as a natural consequence.

So what I do is I heal the life force. So then the body and the mind, as above, so below the body and the mind can heal as a natural consequence.

Kara Goodwin: That's really interesting. So I, so it's really. In your method. it's really a belief system change with people. I mean, that's part of it to get that. So it's, uh, I [00:32:00] guess when I think a lot about healing modalities, you know, there's, there's reiki, there's lots of different types of hands-on healing.

Um, there's like the power of intention setting, manifestation, things like that. But it's not always necessary for the person to even know about the healing or because you can pray for other, you know, there can be groups praying for other, for people who don't even necessarily know they're being prayed for.

There've been some fascinating studies on that, also with, with some healing modalities, you know, like hands on healing. It's, it doesn't really require, Change of that person, so to say, so to speak. You know what I mean? So it's interesting with this is really kind of, you know, it, it's the change the person kind of choosing to make those changes within their belief structure and the way that they're living their [00:33:00] lives.

So there's a lot of empowerment with that, I guess is my point where there's this like drive within the person to say, okay, I know that I'm a complete being and I've got this physical part of me. I've got the emotional part of me, I've got my thinking mind. But there's something beyond that and it's that getting that all into aligned and getting that all coherent.

and complete so that healing can be facilitated. Would that be kind of accurate?

Joshua Cameron: I like the way that you put that and cuz really it comes down to our governing beliefs, our identity. It's how we show up and every other belief falls under that umbrella. And if the reason why I like to help people, like, like you said, many modalities, they,they don't choose to have that, that change in the belief system.

And I don't necessarily need to have others do that either. But I don't [00:34:00] want my clients that need me as training wheels their entire life. Right. I want to help them become better because if they drove into a ditch and that's what got them sick, yeah, I can get them out of the ditch.

But if they're still exhibiting the same behaviors that got them into a ditch, sooner or later they're gonna find themselves right back into a ditch. So, like you said, it's all about empowerment. And if they can start to examine, their governing beliefs and examine who am I? Who do I want to be, how do I want to show up?

Well, a, again, these empowering questions. Can really help guide them to becoming the best version of themselves. And when we allow that flow to happen, we'll then we'll find that, thinking comes, much easier, we'll find that, our, what we think about, will be drawn to things that are much more productive for us.

and then the way in which we, interact in the world. Right? We might just find that the clutter that we have, around, manifesting in, maybe in our house, in our car or whatever. You might just find that it starts harmonizing itself, just piece by piece by piece. One step at a time, just simply by [00:35:00] the way that we're now showing up in the way that we identify.

And if we identify, as that, and that's the belief structure. healing really is a matter of faith. if you identify as that, and then that's, a lot of that work is done for me. I don't have to force you to believe. and the meditation really is to get the mind out of the way.

Right? The data ching talks about how thoughts weaken the mind. cuz the mind is meant to be in antenna, right? The heart is constantly sending signals to the mind, and the mind usually just stops it right there. Because we're so caught up in this, Newtonian paradigm and this logical paradigm where, that doesn't make sense.

Oh, let's throw it out. Right. we don't need that. That's not useful for us. But when we allow the mind to just channel that energy, the heart sending signals to the mind, in the mind, we already know, through physics, we already know that the mind actually can, interact in more dimensions than our body can.

So when we allow that heart, mind coherence, that's when the magic happens. And so quieting the mind through meditation really allows for that, that soul healing to occur.[00:36:00] 

Kara Goodwin: I love that. So I mean, you, you are sort of touching on this, but I'd like to specifically ask, about memories and stories and what this has to do with physical pain.

Joshua Cameron: Mm. Yeah. So, again, a really good question. And so, whether read, the Body Keeps the score by, Besser, VanDerKolk, or, listen to Gabor Mate or, all sorts of, modern, neuroscience, psychologists, even physicists, physicists, right?

and I think it was, Stanford. That did a study on thoughts and measured the electrical impulses of thoughts as well as with words. And words are a hundred times more powerful, than just thoughts alone. And so often, especially as Americans, we really fetishize this idea of, we are our own worst enemy.

we're our own worst critic. And if your own worst critic or your own worst enemy, that's not somebody there to help you. That's somebody there to tear you down. So if something bad occurs instead of somebody wrapping their arm around you, like, hey man, I totally get it. Hey, [00:37:00] I get that there was a mistake made.

So let's examine, let's have an after action review. See what went wrong, see what went right, see how we can adapt and overcome now, instead of that, it's like, oh, I'm just so stupid. Oh, I'm just so dumb. So what it does, it starts reinforcing, that, that negative belief, reinforcing that negative energy, reinforcing that, that negative experience, and instead of allowing us just to process it and allow it to flow, Just like if I put a, a food coloring drop into a river, right?

It's gonna disappear cause it's gonna flow with it. But if I put it in a cup of water, it's gonna stay there. And so what we do is we hold onto that. And when we hold onto that, the body's only got one way in which it can communicate to us right? Through feelings and emotions and, if are experiencing pain, isn't that something that you can feel. that's the body's way of sa of basically turning on the dash light on a car saying there's something not right here. It's not your body trying to punish you, but most people are like, oh, my, you know my stupid back. Oh, it hurts again today. Oh, my stupid [00:38:00] neck. Oh my ache and neck. Well,if I was your neck, I'd probably hurt too if you talk to me like that one.

and when we start to understand that everything is a spirit, everything has a spirit of relationship. we even talk in these ways, but we don't really take, take time to,to process that. spirit of the knee, spirit of the neck, spirit of the shoulder. How are we treating it?

How are we treating our body? Are we thankful? To our body for what we put it through, especially if we hurt ourselves, like, oh my gosh, hey, thank you for letting me know that this is not something that I should do. that now I'm actually going into the realm of where, things might be dangerous for turning on that light that says, Hey, check your engine.

But most people are like, check my engine, you stupid light. Why should I check my engine? I'm just gonna keep driving off. Look at this thing, here I am just minding my own business and now was telling me to check my engine. yeah, because what happens if you don't,your engine may seizes and then you're, you go from a, maybe a $200 problem to a $5,000 problem.

Kara Goodwin: Mm. Yeah. Okay. That's great. Thank you. Joshua, this has been really [00:39:00] a beautiful discussion. I've really appreciated it. Can you please tell us how people can connect with you?

Joshua Cameron: Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. And if you're listening to this and you identify, whether it's, pain in your body or, like me dealing with my childhood trauma or my PTs d you can reach out to me at, free me from pains. Com And what we can do is, you'll see where you can book a, a, a healing plan.

we can have a short talk. and what we can do is just get some clarity again, help you focus on what it is that you do want, not what it is that you don't want. And then we can, move from there and see how we can go ahead and help you find a place where,perfect health is a natural state.

By showing up as that great I am by actually healing that superset. So the subset then will also heal as a natural consequence.

Kara Goodwin: Beautiful. Well, thank you again so much. I've really, really enjoyed this.

Joshua Cameron: Aw, yeah. Thank you so much for your time. I really appreciate you holding the space for this and this has been a lot of [00:40:00] fun for me too 


Joshua  Cameron Profile Photo

Joshua Cameron

Master Healer

Joshua Cameron is an elite trained master
healer whose purpose is helping those who have
lived with chronic debilitating pain find relief and
begin living their lives with joy, gratitude and a
renewed energy. Joshua is blessed with the gift
that has helped his clients heal from chronic pain
due to compacted spinal vertebrae, arthritis,
severe heart conditions and even cervical
dystonia, relieving extreme pain for many cases.
Joshua’s journey hasn't always been easy,
overcoming his own struggles with PTSD and
Chronic Pain. This experience is what has best
equipped him to help those who have also had
difficult healing journeys. Whether severe brain
trauma, liver or Lymph problems, or 20 years of rib pain from a car crash, he helps guide them
to better navigate the mental and emotional
terrain they experience. Joshua shepards them
to a place of perfect health as a natural state,
rediscovering their sense of connectedness,
humor and natural high energy. Many people walk around with stored toxic
memories and stories associated with them
that manifest as pain. Like a game of
telephone, our memories are recreated in
present time and eventually new stories and
words appear. Letting go of those stories and
words that hold us down allows us all to grow
into the best version of ourselves, abundant in
all areas while living a pain free life.