EXCITING CHANGES! Meditation Conversation is now SOUL ELEVATION! ✨
July 31, 2023

277. Miracle Healing with Interdimensional Assistance - Sharon Coleman

Sharon Coleman underwent a massive, life changing healing from the most shocking of sources. Listen to her incredible story as she recounts how she was physically and emotionally healed by massive, interdimensional blue beings. She could feel their...

Sharon Coleman underwent a massive, life changing healing from the most shocking of sources.

Listen to her incredible story as she recounts how she was physically and emotionally healed by massive, interdimensional blue beings.

She could feel their massive, strong hands moving her body in unusual ways that she was physically incapable of moving herself. She could also feel them manipulating her spine vertebrae by vertebrae.

You may also want to watch the video on YouTube where you will actually SEE photos and videos of non-Earthly beings and craft. 


This is an episode you do NOT want to miss, if you are prepared to have your understanding of reality shifted in a new and uplifting way. 


Connect with Sharon: https://herdivinelife.com/

Get your free 10 minute meditation to bring light and calmness into your life: https://www.karagoodwin.com/

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Other episodes you'll enjoy:

173. Dreams Become Reality - Sharon Coleman

226. The Walk-In Experience: A Soul Exchange - Sheila Seppi

237. Pleiadian Channeling: Can You Connect to Your Star Family? - Lori Williams

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Kara Goodwin: [00:00:00] welcome, everybody. I am so happy to be here with you. I'm thrilled to have Sharon Coleman joining today. We are going to talk about her amazing journey. This is a live stream for the meditation conversation podcast and the conscious awakening network.

Thank you to those who are joining us on the zoom. you also may be watching the live stream, on YouTube or on the conscious awakening network, several ways that you can access it through the conscious awakening network, Roku and Amazon fire and. So on. So I'm very happy to have you all. 

 I am Kara Goodwin, and I'm the host of the meditation conversation podcast. So Sharon Coleman is joining today and Sharon [00:01:00] has been on the path of soul evolution for 37 years. An enlightened master appeared in her life at age 26 to guide her transformation in 2007. She experienced two code blues while in an intensive care unit. As her heart stopped beating in this dimension, she awoke into what she refers to as the home for all souls.

She was divinely guided through mental telepathy and shown astounding truths and the nature of reality. When she returned to her body, she started channeling direct messages for those around her. She has deepened her gifts of clairvoyance and clairaudience to serve others. Today, she reunites others with their higher selves so that they may tap into their own inner wisdom and live in their higher calling.

She is a spiritual mentor and guides others through multidimensional channels.

This is a really powerful episode. You may want to check it out on my YouTube [00:02:00] channel, the meditation conversation. We share some photos and videos of intriguing lights in the sky that you may want to see with your own eyes. In this episode, you're going to hear about healing from invisible hands, big blue beings, . 

Those unexplained lights and craft in the sky. And dramatic physical and emotional healing. This is really, really powerful content. Uh, so I, I hope you get a lot out of it. You may want to listen to it more than once. So let's get into it just as soon as we talk about VRE shampoo bars. I've been using VRE shampoo and conditioner bars for almost a couple of years now. 

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Kara Goodwin: So welcome Sharon. I am [00:04:00] so excited to be 

Sharon Coleman: with you today here. I'm so excited to be with you too. I love being on here with you. 

Kara Goodwin: Well, you have had an amazing healing experience that I can't wait to get into, but I think first it will make the most sense if we just kind of level set and talk about your journey up to.

That point to give it some context. I understand you, you'd been living with pain for a really long time. So can you lay some foundation 

Sharon Coleman: for us? I absolutely can. Yeah. I've been doing, you know, healing work. as far as others are concerned, both on the third dimensional pattern side, which is really heavy and also with just specific diseases like cancer and, other things that people have been going through in a third dimensional plane, right?

That we're, in a higher energetic state, able to transmute. However, The problem that I didn't I wasn't aware of there was any problem [00:05:00] is that I was taking on that pain at a level I didn't understand. And so what happened is actually about 8 years ago. I started to experience an incredible chronic pain in my back.

And I will say, I've had 12 major surgeries on my body. I was in a wheelchair at age 7. so I've gone through. I can't even tell you how many hospital stays and have gone through multiple surgeries. And so someone told me once very wise person that I was working off all old karma and decided to do it in that way in this lifetime.

However, I had not been through pain in a long period of time when that started to occur. And so it was so excruciating that I couldn't put down my foot without getting a stabbing pain that went all the way through my body. So actually, Kara, for eight years, I was doing, shots of, cortisone in my back, eight or nine shots, different [00:06:00] places in my back.

And I was doing them every six months. And what happened is they stopped working about a year and a half ago. They stopped working. So, by medical guidance and I knew intuitively that I went to have a back surgery that I was told by the guides could help. So I had it.

Unfortunately, although it diminished some pain, the pain was still so excruciating I couldn't walk. and I'm a, you know, like, you know, I'm an advanced meditator. I've been on the spiritual path since I was 26. And so, for me, there's, I understand the third dimensional world, but I also understand the constraints of it.

and so. I had that surgery. The pain was still there. I continue to do what I do, right, which is serve and heal. And I, was in so much pain. Well, I've been with Joe. I feel like I'm just going on and on, Kara. I've been with Joe. Oh, Dr. Joe Dispenza. I've been with Dr. Joe [00:07:00] Dispenza actually for 12 years before he was popular.

and so I'm an advanced meditators of Joe. And I went to attend an advanced student, follow up retreat in Colorado. I guess now it's been, I'm never great with this time thing we have here. I want May. Oh, May. Yeah, there you go. So it's been since May. and I'll, and I, when you're ready, I'll share about the experience that happened, but I am completely healed.

Like it's gone. And. It's more amazing because it's like it never happened. So there's not even remnants of it left within my body. Wow. 

Kara Goodwin: So to recap, you have had, you spent time in a wheelchair as a child, you have had this pain in your back has been going on for so long for eight years, you've been taking shots of cortisone that stopped working a year and a half ago.

And you've had [00:08:00] surgery that did not stop this pain. Okay. Now I also believe that when you came to this conference, this specific conference that it was in such a large space, were you using a wheelchair while you were there 

Sharon Coleman: as well? Unfortunately, I had to. That's not how I showed up, but, I think based on many things there, my pain was so excruciating.

And unfortunately, or fortunately, it's a huge hotel and, the Gaylord Resort and the Rockies, and it's a huge hotel. So the walking between that, I think in the altitude actually might be what it was, became excruciating. and so I was literally just barely shuffling my feet and then realized that, man, this is it.

I've, in order to participate, I've got to, get some help. So. I'll tell you a fascinating way that this whole thing happened. [00:09:00] I actually, when I was in so much pain, I went and asked all of the staff chose staff, if I could possibly get a healing. And I was actually told no by the staff. And so I was going about my own way.


Kara Goodwin: then I'm sorry to interrupt you, but they do. So they offer healings by practitioners there at this, at the conference. 

Sharon Coleman: Right, but it's actually not the practitioners, it's the other advanced meditators like myself. Okay. So the person they go into a deep trance state, as Joe is guiding them through this healing meditation.

And so they literally do what we do there, right? Which is you completely leave yourself. You leave your personality. There's, no one, no time, no space, right? You're gone. When you're in deep meditation, and they do that, but they're guided through a healing meditation. So there are eight healers per [00:10:00] person.

And the person that is getting the healing is laying on the ground, covered in this little blanket. And then they go through this huge meditation. outside of the room, by the way, which will become pertinent in a minute, outside of the room. And then they're let in the room and you're in the center of eight chairs.

And then they come in, they hold out their hands and then there's a healing that happens.

Okay. They said no, they said no. So, that was the first morning that they had said no. we, I went obviously into the meditations with Joe, which is like the greatest experience. the world anyway, but went into the meditations with Joe and was going, as I normally do, really deep into, no thing and to that beautiful gap that everything and, so it was going through that.

And then we had a break. And I [00:11:00] went to my room for a moment. And when I came back, I had left my name badge. And I mean, this is a hike. And the lady at the door said, I'm sorry, but I can't let you in because you have a wristband and a name badge. She said, I can't let you in with the wristband. You've got to go get your name badge.

And I looked at her like I was ready to cry. There's no way. That I can walk back there. There's just no way and she said, I'm sorry. I can't let you in. So I limped and shuffled my little feet trying to walk back and unbelievable pain got the name badge walk back. Well, by the time I got to the door. I think she could see in my eyes.

I was just like ready to fall down through so much pain. So she got me a chair. This is an interesting event. She got me a chair and set me down by where people were moving in. She said, just stay here for a minute. But all these people were moving in. And finally, I decided, well, I'm just going to go back to my seat, right?

I don't need to sit here. I'm going back to my seat. So right when I walked in [00:12:00] the door to people from Joe's staff, yeah. not volunteer staff said, Come with me. And I was like, Okay, so I followed him. They followed him over to this long table where this woman was working. Young woman was working on a computer, and they just set me down there.

They didn't really say anything to her. And so she looked up at me and she said. I don't mean to be rude, but I've got to keep working. And I said, that's no problem. And then she worked a while. She looked at me and she said, what are you doing here? I said, I don't know. Those two women asked me to sit down and she said, what's your name?

I said, my name is Sharon Coleman. She said, okay, well, I just got to go back to work. I said, no problem. So all of a sudden, I'm telling you within five minutes. She looks up, she looks at me and she's stunned and she said, you are that Sharon? And I said, what? And she said, we have a random [00:13:00] number selector and we were done with the healings.

And it turned on and your number came up. Oh, that gives me so many chills. I mean, I trust me, I had him and I knew immediately who it was. Like I knew immediately, that it was not from this dimension for sure. Right. I knew that. And, but I was so touched. Because I knew they had made a way right for me to get this healing and it was just astounding.

So, so I did, so then they do a healing on you once a day for three days if you're one of the healies as they call them. So here's where the fun begins, Karen. So what happens is. Everyone stays outside the doors. These huge doors like convention center doors stays outside and Joe is walking him through a meditation out there and we are all laying down, awaiting them to come into the [00:14:00] room and.

I had my eye, mask on, right? I always wear my mask for meditation and I had my mask on. And all of a sudden, I felt as though something, the only way I can describe it is something that was far beyond our time. Scanned my entire body, like all the way down and all the way up. It was. Like nothing that I'd ever heard of or seen or so you see it in your mind's eye.

Oh, I could, you can feel it literally like, I mean, it's this huge energy. I had that happen when the praying mantis came to heal me when I was giving one of my spiritual retreats. I had the same sense of it, but this was a different one, but it was the same sense that you can't move and it's doing it for you.

There's, you have nothing to do with it. So I thought this is [00:15:00] what's so funny. And then I knew like the mental telepathy,the mental telepathy thought came in that said, we are healing you at a cellular level. And I thought, how interesting, right? The whole time, Kara, I thought that the healers were in the room.

Oh, they were not. There was no one in the room, but the healies, there was not even staff in the room. So then I heard the doors open and I was like, what just happened? I mean, my whole body was lit up. It's like, and I could feel like someone was literally working someone. It's not a someone but was working with my cells on a cellular level.

And so then the healers came in. And so then Joe walks him through this meditation. Now that you're hearing him walk them through where you're there and then they all lay hands out. And [00:16:00] then that was a powerful experience on top of the first one. very quickly, I'll just let you know that what happened was, well, I felt my whole body convulsing, which is not unusual for healings and felt my whole body convulsing and moving in directions I wouldn't have told you were possible.

But then I had this, I saw all of a sudden a Daisy field. Now I thought to myself, what, why Daisies? Literally like why Daisies? That was the one thing I thought. And all of a sudden. I saw my seven year old self. I couldn't have even told you what she looked like. And she's running through this field of daisies.

She's running, which is significant because after all the surgeries I had on my legs, especially up until the eighth grade, I never learned how to run. I didn't know how to run because that was not something I could do physically. And here, this child in me [00:17:00] is running through this field, just unbelievably happy.

 and I'm yelling from inside of myself. I'm yelling, go Sharon. go, Sharon. Go run. And it was like the most unbelievable experience. And she gets to the end of the field. This part of me gets to the end of the field and turns around, and she looks at me with those completely enlightened eyes. That I have during meditation.

I know that I know where she was at incredible experience. That's the first day. Oh my God. And so, oh, I mean, I'm just weeping. do you know how the, like in deep meditation, how the tears, you don't cry, the tears fall from your eyes when you're in that state of union. so it's that type of tears flowing down my, my face.

So what's so funny is. I go to get up and I would say the level of improvement that first day was like [00:18:00] 70%. And I am now going, what? So as we go to lunch and we're moving around, I hear other people saying, did you get the healing before the healing? And I said, I did. So this group of women and one other guy, Okay.

We're just chatting away about what that happened to them. And so one of the women said, I looked behind me and there was this enormous blue bean. And she didn't know about the blue beans. I didn't either at that time. I mean, I didn't really put it together at that time. And she, you know, so she's describing this.

But we're all describing experiences that have nothing to do with anything that's ever happened. In on this earth plane. It's not from this earth plane, right? So again, the rest of the day, you know, we meditate for, you know, I don't know, 10, 11 hours every day, which is fabulous, all different meditations.

But I went to [00:19:00] do the walking meditation and, I still I couldn't stand in one place without getting an excruciating pain within like a couple minutes. It's something I hadn't been able to do. But so I had a woman following me with a wheelchair and I was in a wheelchair that day and but I had a powerful walking meditation.

It was just she was a beautiful soul inside of this powerful meditation that day to Went to sleep next day. Next day, second healing now on this healing. I, you know, now, you know, there was a healing before the healing. Okay. But I felt as though the strongest man's hands. Went behind laying down flat on my back and someone went behind my back, lifted up my back at an angle.

I remember thinking, I don't think my body can do this. And then I felt [00:20:00] vertebrae by vertebrae. I felt this energy taking each 1 of my vertebrae and you could actually feel it moving all the way up and all the way down. And it happened 3 times. And the third time when it was over again, a mental telepathy thought that said, and this is what's so funny, they showed me a picture of your tailbone.

Now this picture felt like it was an encyclopedia from the 40s. It was such an old page out of an encyclopedia, and I remember like, Well, that's bizarre, right? But what they said was we had to go all the way into your tailbone to heal you. That's what they said. And then again, the doors open. And the healers come in second day.

And when I got up that time, I was completely healed. [00:21:00] I was, and I, and here's what you got to understand that's so fascinating about it. We went on a walking meditation right after that healing. I had not been able to walk in years. So every time I attempted anything, I was forced. I'm talking about not being able to go buy groceries.

Like I'm talking about like crazy, right? And I'm just spending more and more time in meditation because of course there's no pain for anything in meditation. And in that state, And so I get up to do a walking meditation and this lovely woman who has had been pushing the wheelchair is still behind me with the wheelchair.

And at one point she said to me, Sharon, slow down. I can't keep up. And I think what is unbelievable, Kara, is the significance of This was, I'm so touched. I was walking and what I knew is that [00:22:00] I was walking like other people have walked. Like they walk. They don't even recognize what a gifted is. they walk, they have this beautiful gait.

And I had a gait that I have not ever had since I was seven years old. I was walking with a grace and a, it, my whole body, I was like, this is what it feels like to walk normally. I just couldn't get over the beauty of the movement. It was incredible. And just again, an unbelievable stat, you know, and it's all believable.

I always correct people that I work with when they say it's not believable because I say it's all believable. the second day in that walking meditation towards the end, I stopped because you go from closing your eyes to opening your eyes as you walk, right? But I stopped. And I looked up in the sky and I see these [00:23:00] spaceships.

I mean, like, the outlines there, like, all these lights, right, that form exactly into a spaceship. And I am staring, like, I don't care what I believed in the past. I'm actually knowing that. Now I'm seeing it. It's not something I've heard. It's not... I'm experiencing it now. And I was, whoa. And I just stare. You just stare, right, at it.

and of course there were other people. Not everybody saw him though. This is what's so fascinating. So I don't know if it was the resonance. I don't know if it was the how high my vibration was because not everybody saw them. And the people that did were like me where they've been doing this for, you know, 20 years, 30 years.

I mean, they were people that had been practicing deep advanced meditation for years and years and years, but we could see them as clearly there. You could see them as clearly. I just can't even tell you. In fact, I took, well, yeah, I 

Kara Goodwin: have a video. I can see if I can pull it [00:24:00] up. if you want, if you don't mind me sharing it, 

Sharon Coleman: you can pull it up.

Kara Goodwin: Okay. Let me see. It might take me a minute, you know, One thing that I, we talked about the blue beings before we started, but we have not, you brought them up, but you didn't really, there was no context. So I don't know if you want to save that until you've talked about the third day, or if you, 

Sharon Coleman: I'm absolutely fine talking about it now, but 

You know, these blue beans came to Dr. Joe, I want to say about four years ago in an advanced, week long meditation retreat. And when he first saw them, they're so tall in this convention, rooms that they have to bend down in order to fit in the room. The first time that he saw them, he didn't say a word during that time.

And so, he felt as though they were observing. But he didn't say anything that time. Then they came a second time, [00:25:00] and the second time he saw them again in the same way, right? These tall, to say tall is an understatement, these blue beans, because they are taller than that room, okay? They're immense beans.

And, what, what happened was they said to Joe, Joe, we can't come down any lower in our frequency. Because we love ourselves too much to come down to meet the people that are in the room. However, if you can get them to move into the highest vibration of divine love, We can help heal people. And so I, I feel like that's the reason that there were many people that did not have that healing experience.

Although I wish everyone had. I think it was based on where they had evolved, spiritually in [00:26:00] their own being and their own connection so that they could easily reach that. Like, you know what I'm saying? Like, I know I've been in that vibration since I came back from the conversation. you know, and what I call our soul home, I know I've had that divine love vibration.

It just moves through me because people comment on it all the time. I didn't necessarily know, but other people tell you that they know. 

Kara Goodwin: Right. So is there any, is there any like insight onto where these blue beings are 

Sharon Coleman: from? You know, I don't know. it's interesting. After I got home, if you go on YouTube and look up Joe dispense, I think it's either through miracle healings, which by the way, is fascinating because I said to everybody, I received a miracle healing.

I mean, because you know, you did. There's no doubt in your mind that this did not come from this did not come. Yeah. From even the people that were healing you. Although that was a powerful experience, that's not where it came from. [00:27:00] these beans were able to come in and match that frequency or get low enough that I, because they said we love ourselves, listen to this, that we love ourselves too much to go any lower.

in our frequency. If you can get people to move into that higher divine love frequency, then we can heal them. I, it's just, it's an, it's incredible. so there are things online where other people just like me are talking about having been healed. from these blue beans. So there's other people and they're just as like blown away and you'll hear all kinds of different healings like I did at the advanced follow up retreat where people were saying like they twisted my body in ways that I never believed my bones could even go.

That's how I felt when they lifted my back the way they did. I said, I don't, my body can't go like this physically, like I couldn't pull it off. Right. And that was 

Kara Goodwin: your [00:28:00] physical being that was contorting in that way. Yeah. Healing. Yeah. 

Sharon Coleman: It's your physical being, but it's not of this dimension.

yeah. And it's interesting. Go ahead, please. Sorry. Just 

Kara Goodwin: as you talk about the, you know, this kind of coalition of healers who are supporting you, who have humans who are supporting you, I'm sure that there is like, the energy that they're, you know, they're like a conduit to be able to set the stage or set the field for what do you think that's accurate to be able to for these beings to be able to come and manipulate in 

Sharon Coleman: that way.

The only reason that now I will talk about the healers as well, but the only reason that I don't feel like it was that part of it was them was because it happened before they ever came in the room the first day. 

Kara Goodwin: But didn't you say that they were outside meditating? 

Sharon Coleman: Oh, they were [00:29:00] outside being walked through preparing.

Okay. I thought they were out there doing. Oh yeah, no, but they were being prepared. They were getting, you know, what I call, I don't know what else to call it is, when you're in state, right? When you're in state, so you're in tune. So like priming the pump. Yeah. Priming the pump. Beautifully set up, Sarah.

Priming the pump. with the healer, there was an immense, I mean, I had my, um, I don't know why I can't think today, my eye mask on. And when they walked in and started healing, I saw white light through the mask. Oh my goodness. So yes, that's an immense experience as well.

And I had amazing healings from those as well, right? so I think it was a cumulative experience for certain. I think it was Oh my goodness, like I literally I have not, you know, I walk around in gratitude because once [00:30:00] you've had a near death experience and you recognize what the soul is here to do, and that it's all about what the soul is here to do.

oh my gosh. There's the photo. Yes. 

 Oh, there's a photo.

There's one that goes, But see the photo that you can't see that. Let me see. I'm getting really 

Kara Goodwin: pixelated, but 

Sharon Coleman: there they are. There they see that right there. Yeah. Although it's much more, it's clear, like in the photo, but you can see. That ship. And by the way, the one up in the far left, that light is a ship too.

Oh, and see, you can see a double one right here. There, the next day, the one that I took. Oh yeah. Now you can see it. Now you can see them. The next day I took one and there were like eight or nine moving in all different directions. I mean, it was. I do 

Kara Goodwin: have see.


Sharon Coleman: Now can you see? Yeah, this was the next day. Is this the video you're talking [00:31:00] about? Yep. This was the next day. Now when you'll look up, you'll look up.

I was standing like at the edge of that and you'll look up in a minute. Yep. Yeah. See right under that white streak, you'll start to see all these beautiful dots and they're all moving in different kind of went out fast. But yeah, I can't quite see him, but I 

Kara Goodwin: can see him 

Sharon Coleman: really well. Yeah, I have on my glasses, but I'm starting it.

Kara Goodwin: I'm starting it over here. So 

Sharon Coleman: yeah. And then you got to expand it after you start it. And yet there they are. There they are. I see them perfectly. And they all moved in different directions. They were all separate. Moving. I mean, again, there's a big difference between hearing about it and experiencing it.

Kara Goodwin: Right. And they're coming in and out. I mean, beautiful. Yeah. Yeah. They're just moving in and out. And there was one more. This, 

Sharon Coleman: I don't know how that was. Yeah, [00:32:00] that was no, this is fascinating. If you can expand that so they can see the giant beans on the right hand side. There was a lot of activity. This was not at mine.

This was at the London. one. But if you expand, you see these big beans right here on the right hand side of that right here. Yeah. They're big beans. You can see they have arms. They have legs there. And these 

Kara Goodwin: look like lights 

Sharon Coleman: that are other spaceships. I mean, whatever you want to call them. What do they call them now?


Kara Goodwin: alien craft. What do they call them? UAPs. You unidentified aerial phenomenon, I think. 

Sharon Coleman: Okay. Very good. That's how 

Kara Goodwin: we know we're in 2023. It's got a new name. It's the same thing. 

Sharon Coleman: So apparently from talking to other people that have gone all over the world with Joe as well, they always show up for the advanced.

retreat because the vibration, you know, you have this huge group of advanced meditators and [00:33:00] the vibration is always true, right? That consciousness. So apparently they show up to support because they want to help. They definitely want, I knew that they want to help. You know, I know when I had the, the praying mantises come in Maui.

At my last retreat, I had not had an experience like that before because they covered me in a cone is the only way I can describe it, but you could not move even a little bit. It could move and they had the same feeling of all the way through. But this lasted a long time because I actually had one of my students was sitting right outside of where I was.

And so when I came out, I was like, What was that like? Because it you're completely, transfixed. You can't move. Okay. And this incredible experience is happening to you. And then all of a sudden the cone lifts and that's literally what the experience is like. And so I didn't understand the praying mantises.

[00:34:00] I really, this has all been rather new to me. and I have a friend who's a great healer on Maui and, she was helping at the retreat with, you know, my guest and so I went to her and she's lived on Maui for 40 years and I said, what was that? I described it to her and I said, what was that? And she said, Sharon, that was the praying mantises.

And I said, what are you talking about? And she said, well, they had come in the past and actually had harmed people here because they needed them for their planet to heal. But now in this time, they are back. So they will heal the healers like that. in order to have them move through it because that entire retreat was channeled, Kara, which blew my mind because I believed I would be I, meaning my higher self would be teaching it, but it wasn't.

It was channeled. So I spent four days, in trans state. Channeling this retreat. It was [00:35:00] unbelievable. So they came on the third day and I was starting to feel like, you know, a little fatigued. Like, wait, is this, are 

Kara Goodwin: you talking about during the retreat or are we back at Joe's? No, I'm talking about at 

Sharon Coleman: this, at this retreat, the retreat in Maui.

And they came three times in my house after that, they came three times to my home. And I was like, Oh, this is just like, that's amazing. 

Kara Goodwin: But do you remember the first time I had you on the podcast? So I think this was last year, last spring, maybe, and we've finished, I stopped recording and I am so. So, I regret that I stopped recording because I didn't know that you were going to turn on right when I turned it off and you said, Tara, you have three giant praying mantis.

Oh, I did not remember that. You don't remember. And you know, they are right there and you're like, you have three of them. They're [00:36:00] huge. And they're like on top of you. And I was like, well, 

Sharon Coleman: tell my gosh, I did it. I did. That's wild. Yes. And you were like, I don't remember it's like, Oh my gosh. When I work with people that are my students or my clients, when I work with them, what happens is they always say afterwards, Sharon will remember when you said blah, blah, blah.

And I said, you guys, I'm channeling. No, I don't remember. But I'm glad it was meaningful to you. Yeah, like, no, I don't always remember what they say it's so they're so clear and it's always pure love that they speak. It's always there's no emotion. It's I call it neutrality. It's pure peace, pure neutrality.

Pure love. That's where they speak from to people. Although, I've seen him get a little bit, forceful with people when they have set up something in the third dimension that's about to happen to them. [00:37:00] And now it's starting to become written. You know what I mean? Written where Yeah, so so that those are far more difficult to stop the experiences from happening in third dimension when you've thought it for so long, and you're and maybe even in your subconscious and you're not aware, but those are the patterns that can follow us in the third dimension, which, by the way, Kara, that's what we came here to do.

Yeah. Most people just are like, I don't want to deal with that. I'm just going to go into meditation. I think, well, then you'll miss the parade. You'll have to do it again because you came to heal those patterns that came into your human self for you to spiral upward. So, but anyway, that's another. Yeah.

Kara Goodwin: And I want to get onto that topic too, but I want to give you the opportunity to finish. Because there were three healings, right? And we've talked 

Sharon Coleman: about three feelings. Yeah. So can you share the third one? Absolutely. Because it is what is so different about the experience is, you know, I'm [00:38:00] in meditation.

I'm already in a meditative state, but this is unlike that because you, every single time I was come, they, I don't know how to explain it. You're completely frozen, not a scared way and a beautiful way, but your physical body. Is not able to move. That means you're not able to blink. You're not. It's just like, it's so interesting.

So that happens. It is like a cone. That's the best way I could describe it. It's like a cone, like an inverted file, like that, like a cone that just like comes down from the top and you start feeling this vibration and it comes out and then you're just, you're stopped, you are not moving. You're not moving and all you can feel all this energy, all this vibration going through your entire body.

And what's so fascinating that may take 5 minutes that may take 10 minutes, but and then it's as [00:39:00] soon as it started when you didn't expect it, then it goes. So it's like it's done the work and it goes and even the one, that I was telling you about Kara on Maui, one of my, one of my students was sitting in front of me and when I came out, I said, what did that look like?

She said, Sharon, there was all this light all the way around you. You could see light, but you were still, when I say be still, you were stillness itself. You weren't moving. And she said, and then all of a sudden you saw your, you saw, she saw me lit up all the way through. And then all of a sudden she said, you see the light just lift.


Kara Goodwin: that's fascinating. Fun. Yes, for sure. 

Sharon Coleman: It's fun. I love things like this. I just do. Yeah. Yeah. 

Kara Goodwin: So share with us about the, how the healing [00:40:00] wrapped up for the Joe Dispenza. 

Sharon Coleman: So actually, the third day, it was fascinating to me, some of what would have been left, and I have worked through so many, of these patterns, even when I was much younger, that I don't have a lot of third dimensional stuff left, but you saw that one, right, with the daisies, and so that was profound, that seven year old child who had a disease that disintegrated her hips, and so she never learned To do those things, she wasn't, she didn't run.

She sat in a wheelchair. Like when kids were out playing, I was inside, alphabetizing things, as I remember, right in the office, they brought me inside to alphabetize things. I think that might be why I'm good at that. But, so the third one was unbelievable because I felt this huge healing. with my father and my father.

I also do at times. I'm a medium. I don't try to become a medium. I'm just talking to people and then all of a sudden they're their relatives. But, but [00:41:00] I had seen my dad before. but there was this enormous healing that happened in the deepest soul understanding of what he had come to help me learn and It was just profound and my whole body Was just shaking alive just the most incredible Awakening and when I opened my eyes, this is what will blow your mind When I opened my eyes five of the healers were men.

It would be unusual for one male to be in a group healing you. Five of the healers that were around me were men and I knew they had been chosen. I knew that this, I knew that, oh, I still have chills all up and down. It's giving me chills. Yeah. And I knew they had been handpicked and chosen. And I just telling you from the second day forward and even emotionally, like [00:42:00] I, It's just was an incredible.

I would not have known and I am a healer and I would not have known that was still within there, but it was and now it's gone. And if there's even more clarity, like, I really get to live in a deep state of clarity because I think you and I were talking about care. I listened to them more than I listened to anyone out here.

Because I've never seen them be wrong. I mean, even if I misconstrue what they said, maybe, right, or something, then it always comes around that part of what they said that I didn't misconstrue and I don't do it often, but when I mess it up, still comes around and the person will say, that's absolutely what the truth was.

That's exactly it. That's what happened. So, Amazing. Just amazing. This is 

Kara Goodwin: incredible. Thank you so much for sharing that. I mean, just the transmission that comes as you're recounting it is just divine. 

Sharon Coleman: It's [00:43:00] incredible. And that's so. That's our truth. Right, 

Kara Goodwin: right. Now, a couple of times you have talked about this spiraling, um, like a spiral evolution.

And I would love to hear more about this, like the third dimensional reality and what that's like for people as they're what, first of all, can you explain a little bit about what you mean with this spiraling 

Sharon Coleman: spiritually? well, I've actually been able to feel. As a spiral, as I move through different.

space and time, different dimensions,I've been able to feel it in my own being as the spiral that continues to move upward. And I always think it's funny that it's upward because we have these ideas. People have looked up at the sky and said, you know, like, oh, that's where God lives or, whatever.

Right. And it's so fascinating because it is up That's what's so interesting. It is up. [00:44:00] there is a movement up, right? So, you just have this profound awakening, that becomes deeper, like, I, I literally, most of the time, what I'm seeing in front of my eyes are waves.

They're the quantum fabric is what I see. And in meditation, they're, oh, not my physical eyes. No, no, no, they don't see a lot. I need glasses. They don't see a lot of my physical eyes. 

Kara Goodwin: So as you're looking at something in the 3D, your third eye is projecting, or is picking up on these waves. Yeah, actually can see 

Sharon Coleman: things as they really are.

from that. From that spot. That's why I've been, I've seen angels standing behind. People didn't know that I'd seen praying Mantis cause I didn't remember that. But I mean, I literally see, I can see through, it's like seeing through, the veils and so there's things that are going on, always has, blown my mind since I had that near death experience that they're right next to you and people don't see them.[00:45:00] 

And so this. This thing of feeling like people are alone. it's so false. It's just so false. It's a construction, of our third dimensional mind, but it couldn't be less true. You're, you are all connected every moment of every day. You're never not connected. In fact, you're far more connected there than you are in this third dimension.

However, most people based on, I went through a lot of trauma. A lot of trauma when I was a kid, which is also I always wonder if that's why I developed that disease at such a young age, but a lot of trauma, a lot of terror, father was a rage, a holic. I ended up taking care of these people that were my family as they were dying.

I left my job and went for a year and a half and took care of my father died. One year, the next year my mom died, and the next year my little brother died. my little brother, and two of them, my mom and my little brother, were during COVID. But, I was called, and everybody was like, you're crazy. I was [00:46:00] an incredible, high ranking executive who managed thousands of people across the United States.

However, I wasn't doing that either. That was coming through me. That success was given to me. It's not something I was trying to do. I was given it so I could work with the people that I was assigned to during that period of time. Right. But yeah, I actually, so, so yeah, I just, I'm sorry, Kara, I'm living spot.

I'm just always so blown away by the synchronicity of events that happen within my life. But I do want to say this. It is a. I think it's a very tough thing for people that are, and I'm not saying that they're spiritually seeking in a third dimensional way they are, but other than that, they're remembering.

I always tell people, I'm not, they're like, I've never heard that before. I'm like, no, that's not true. I said it and you remembered it. It's not coming from me. I'm getting it [00:47:00] off of you. You're actually remembering who you are. It's not being taught. So I'm not some guru over here. Like you're remembering the truth as I say it because I can be in that resonance so that you remember it, right?

But It's very tough for people on the path because as they are getting closer and closer and spiraling up, okay, the people of the third dimensional world will literally start saying and accusing them of being, for one thing, out of their mind. And I want you to just hear that phrase, Kara.

They are accused of being out of their mind. And I think, well, they are. They're not living in their mind, but what actually is happening and the reason that people outside of them get so scared and start saying these things and trying to get them to come to and wake up and all these things is because energetically they were connected [00:48:00] to the ones that they love and that vibration.

So as you spiral up, it does feel like you're gone to them. I mean, you have to have a lot of compassion here. It feels like they lost you. Do you know how scary that is, if someone loves you, and they feel like they've lost you? But that feeling is what happens, because most people can't hear up. So they're there, and all they know is you're not there anymore.

But the issues that I've seen my clients have over years, where they are ostracized from their family, or this person that they were deeply in love with, All of a sudden just says something's wrong with them and they exit. this is not the easy part of walking through this path.

They are comforted, however, by the higher realms. I can tell you that. But, they're, this is tough for people. My heart goes out to people. Like, you know how many people I've started working with, and in the beginning, they are feeling completely alone. They don't feel like [00:49:00] they belong to this world, because they don't.

because they don't. But they don't feel like they're a part of, because they're not. They were sent here. They chose. To come here to take care of and evolve their soul by learning the things that had happened to them in this life. I have to tell you, you know how long it took me to actually understand that I, please hear me because I know people are going to have feelings about it, but that I actually chose to have such an abusive beginning because it has made me a woman of the highest compassion.

And I have the most precious thing you can have, which is the ability to have people speak to me. And as I listen, I'm able to say, me too. That happened to me too. And so they start to feel that beautiful kindred spirit that they're not alone. That they've never really been alone. [00:50:00] And then they start to evolve into who they really are.

And the more time they spend there, the more time they're able to detach from the third dimension and all of its attachments. So my heart goes out to people on the journey. Truly. Yeah, I 

Kara Goodwin: think that will probably resonate with a lot of people because that is one of those side effects that I think so many people do have.

And sometimes it's easier than other times if it's just like some friendships that had run their course or whatever, but when it's like a parent or a sibling or a child or, you know, Hopefully a grown child, but, these relationships that are so foundational to our experience, it can be, it can take a lot of courage.

So is there anything that you, how [00:51:00] do you advise people? I'm sure it's like case by case basis, but, in terms of like the ability to sort of bridge so that there's, you know, that feeling of loss, you know, I think in some cases it. It's a doesn't, you know, it doesn't always have to be like, well, I'm going to leave everything 

Sharon Coleman: behind goodness.

No. In fact, let me say I was in mainstream corporate America and I was not in mainstream corporate America. I can assure you not at all. So is it possible? to bring that here instead of absolutely. And I think the biggest thing that I could say to people that is the truth that I've known since my conversations on the other side is that we are whole.

We are whole. There's nothing missing in you. There's no part that's missing, but most people feel like they're not enough, but they will [00:52:00] never feel enough in the third dimension until they start to spiral. Upward. They won't feel whole. This is where you feel whole from is from this state. And so it's an awful feeling for people that like there must be something wrong with them.

They don't feel like they're enough. They can never get it right. They can't fit in to the third dimensional world. And actually, that's because they would be fitting out of themselves to fit in. And so it's like you're not fitting in, you're trying to fit out. It doesn't work fit back into who you really are because we are loved to an extent.

You cannot even fathom it in the third dimension. You can't, you cannot fathom that you are never alone and you are loved at a at with a love that is like, it's. Infinite. there's no boundaries. there's nothing. I mean, one of the most shocking things I think that happened when I was on the other side initially was I said, is this where I do my death [00:53:00] inventory?

And the most incredible loving being said, Oh no, my child, we never punish you. Every time you broke your own integrity on earth, you punished yourself. Well, in a way, when you try to fit out and belong in that third dimensional world, see you're going the wrong direction. The fulfillment and the wholeness is who you are.

It's who you really are. And so it's connecting to that and then remembering, because you have it all inside of you. You're not missing anything. You're whole. That's 

Kara Goodwin: beautiful. That brings us to one more question that I would just love to expand upon a little bit, because you talked about it, toward the beginning, but about.

Kind of the rejection of the 3d world and how people can get into that understanding of like, oh, I'm a spirit. So I'm going to discount everything going on here. I'm going to [00:54:00] just. you know, only have this spiritual life. So can you talk about the purpose, the potential, the opportunity, that we're given in 

Sharon Coleman: this physical.

I'm so glad you said that because I have so many, friends and people that I've known and clients that I've worked with that when I meet them in the beginning, they think that they can, Then just bypass the third dimension and just live in spirit. And I'm telling you, you asked to come here to do the third dimensional things to learn those lessons.

So if you bypass them and you just live in spirit, and as my first, teacher would say, go hum at a white wall, you're missing the whole point because you will come back and you will repeat that lesson until you're willing to work through your third dimensional. experiences from a fourth dimension level of existence.

You're going to miss it. You're going to miss it. And you're going to be so upset when you get [00:55:00] to the other side and they're like, okay, well, you didn't do that. You didn't. Okay. So we had arranged all those coincidences in your life, all those people in your life. So you could learn these spiritual lessons.

You decided to bypass the whole thing. And so now I'm afraid you've got to go back and do that again. I mean, really. And the other thing is just know if you're having that much of a difficulty in a third dimension, it's very possible. It's because you're not listening to yourself. You're not really listening.

And trust me, we are worth listening to. So does that help, Kara? Yes. 

Kara Goodwin: Yeah, I love that. Thank you. So. As we wrap up here, Sharon, I would love for you to share with how, share with everybody, how they can connect with you. And I just want to say that based on our conversation from the last time you were on this podcast, somebody very, very close to me, somebody that I love so much that I've known forever.

My best [00:56:00] friend, was like listening to the podcast and was like, Oh my God, who is this woman? I feel such a resonance with her and she's been working with you, very closely and you've helped her so much through some really, really difficult things that she's going with going that are going on in her life.

So I just want to testify again that, everybody listened very closely as Sharon talks about how you can connect 

Sharon Coleman: with her. Oh, Kara, that's lovely. Yeah. My gosh. She's just such an incredible being. I love watching her come into who she really is. It's an incredible journey. And I love her so dearly. if you want to get in touch with me, my email is Sharon at her divine life.

com. That's my email. My website is, www. kara. com. Her divine life. I guess it's dot com. I don't know [00:57:00] how that works. I was saying to care of my technology is just not the best part of me. I can assure you that don't spend enough time here on the third dimension to do that. but yeah, if you would like to get in touch with me, I, of course, I would love to hear more or answer questions for anyone.

But that would probably be the best way is my email Sharon at, her divine life. com. 

Kara Goodwin: Well, thank you, Sharon. Thank you so much for sharing all of this and thank you everybody for being here today.

And, I've just been loving riding this wave that we've got going here today. It's my heart feels so full and I'm really grateful. Thank you. Thank you, 

Sharon Coleman: Kara.


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Sharon Coleman

CEO /Founder Her Divine Life

Sharon has been on the path of soul evolution for 37 years.  An Enlightened Master appeared in her life at 26 to guide her transformation. In 2007 she experienced 2 code blues while in an intensive care unit. As her heart stopped beating in this dimension she awoke into what she refers to as the home for all souls. She was divinely guided through mental telepathy and shown astounding truths and the nature of reality. When she returned to her body she started channeling direct messages for those around her. She has deepened her gifts of clairvoyance and clairaudience to serve others . Today she reunites others with their higher selves so they may tap into their own inner wisdom and live into their higher calling. She is a spiritual mentor and guides others through multi-dimensional channels.