EXCITING CHANGES! Meditation Conversation is now SOUL ELEVATION! ✨
July 17, 2023

274. Quantum Healing with Scalar Technology - Tom Paladino & Patricia Carles

There is incredible potential in quantum technology, from free energy to physical healing. Tom Paladino is bringing the future of quantum healing technology into the present moment with his scalar light technology. Tom and his colleague Patricia...

There is incredible potential in quantum technology, from free energy to physical healing.

Tom Paladino is bringing the future of quantum healing technology into the present moment with his scalar light technology. Tom and his colleague Patricia Carles join in this special livestream for Meditation Conversation and Conscious Awakening Network to talk about the work that the are doing to heal people using simply a photograph. Tom has utilized the work of Nikola Tesla to develop this astounding technology which could have radical implications for the planet and humanity. 



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 This is a recording from an amazing live stream. I hosted in conjunction with the conscious awakening network. I was so excited to dive into the topic of quantum healing technology with Tom Palladino and Patricia Karls. This is such an important topic with bass potential for the planet and its people. 

And in fact, all sent in life on this planet. We talk about how they're using this technology. Not only on people, but on animals and plants as well. Check out scalar, light.com where you can experience this technology for yourself. It's completely virtual and non-invasive. 

Wait until you hear about all the results they're getting in eradicating various viruses within their clients. As well as adding in nutrients.[00:01:00] And be sure you're receiving my newsletter. So you can be in the know when these types of live streams are scheduled. 

I love being able to host these with participants who can ask their own questions as well. So just go to Kara goodwin.com and scroll to the bottom of the homepage to sign up and stay in touch And before we get started here, I just want to give a quick shout out to a podcasting service that I just absolutely love. People contact me all the time about starting their own podcast. And I always point them to Zencastr to record high quality audio and video. I remember a couple of years ago, listening to one of my own episodes in my car. And I was really embarrassed by the quality of the audio. 

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I want you to have the same easy experiences I do for all of my podcasting and content needs. It's time to share your story. 

 And now enjoy this episode. 

Kara Goodwin: Okay. Well thank you so much everybody for joining today. we are streaming this conversation today about scaler, light quantum technology, and we have very special guests, Tom Paladino.

And Patricia Carls. 

we are, streaming this through the Conscious Awakening Network. So we are connecting via Zoom, but this is also being broadcast on YouTube and several other platforms, Twitter and, things that, I am not even, I had never even heard of until recently, and I'm not so.

I [00:03:00] can monitor the, the Zoom conversation. So if anybody, as we go on, if you have questions, please do utilize the chat. I will address as many of those as I can as we keep going. I do apologize if you're watching this in another. Way outside of Zoom. if you have access it that way, please know that for these live streams, if you register you, through kara goodwin.com, you will get access to the zoom link, and then you can be in the little container here that we have altogether, and it's, then I'm able to potentially ask your questions for you.

So, Anyway. Now let's begin. Thank you so much. I'm so happy that you're here, Tom and Patricia. 

Patricia Carles: Thank you so much, Kara, for the invitation and thank you, Tom. How are you? I'm 

Tom Paladino: well. Good day, ladies.


Kara Goodwin: morning. Great to see you. So you're in the 

Tom Paladino: lab. I am. Thank you for taking my [00:04:00] call. Yes. Great to meet you. 

Kara Goodwin: Yeah, we're so happy to have you. So let me do a little bit of an introduction. This is very scaled down, but I wanna give you guys time to, tell your own stories. But Tom is a scaler energy researcher with over 25 years of experience to developing healing technologies designed to help people all over the world to recover from pathogenic infection and to experience true health and wellness.

And we're gonna talk about. His scaler light technology and the amazing potential that we have here, the future is now. This is, this is the truth. So, and Patricia is a a holistic coach specializing in the bio decoding of diseases. She's a journalist by profession, a writer, and a lecturer.

So again, thank you so much for being here and welcome. Let's start by talking about scaler energy technology. Can you just give us some foundational [00:05:00] information in case this is brand new for anybody who's listening 

Tom Paladino: today? No, I thank you, Kara. I frequently say that people are an expert at scaler energy.

They don't realize that what? What am I speaking about? It's the energy from the sun and the stars. You have this energy, scatter energy, what some people call zero point energy from the sun and the stars, and then you have electricity from a power plant. Well, I prefer to work with the energy, the natural energy of the sun and the stars, which is the primary energy of the universe.

These are skater energy instruments. I'll show the audience. I'll just pan, if you will. That's part of my laboratory. These are custom built skater energy instruments. We're not gonna speak about electricity today. We're gonna speak about a new way of, if you will, energy distribution. The energy of the sun and the stars.

Kara Goodwin: Okay. That's fascinating. So what's really interesting is that we're recording this on June 20th, which is one day from the Equinox. and so when you [00:06:00] talk about the stars and planetary energy, when we're in these e solstice times, did I just say the Equinox solstice? when we're in the solstice or the Equinox times, we have these special energies.

On the planet, I don't know, is there anything, does that tie into your technology in any way? 

Tom Paladino: It does because everything has an influence on everything. I wanna make this very clear. This energy is the energy of the stars. This is the life force energy, what some people might even call consciousness.

So I am working with you with this new branch of physics. Nick La Tessa, some people in your audience resonate with that name. The great scientist, Nick La Tessa was the first man to develop these type of instruments, gator energy instruments. So in a nutshell, once again, it's the natural clean energy of the sun and the stars we're able to do incredible things with this energy that you cannot [00:07:00] accomplish with electricity.

Kara Goodwin: That's amazing. Now when I think of Tesla, I think there was like this big ball of something, that he had that technology. I can't remember now. Was it like drawing from, was there a lightning? oh, hold on. Let me see if I can get this up here. actually Patricia, if you say something, it should 

Patricia Carles: click yes.

This is an image of Nicola Tesla, holding a light bulb in, in the, scatter light field. So that's the way it happens. it can illuminate just without electricity because that's this care light field. And, the same thing happened at Tom Palladino's lab. he can, he get illuminated and also we'll see this later on, how this field, it's amazingly strong that can illuminate the light 

Tom Paladino: bulb.

You can judge from that photograph that he was able with this energy that's all around. He was able to access that energy and illuminate a light bulb. Well it [00:08:00] in like fashion. I can take a light bulb. This is still in the plastic package and I can illuminate what? So this is the free energy of the sun and the stars.


Kara Goodwin: cow. Can you do that 

Tom Paladino: again? So this energy fills the universe. These are scatter energy instruments. When I place the lipo close to the. Tesa coil, it illuminates. The energy enters into the coil. Excuse me. The energy propagating from the Tesa coil animates the gas. If.

Kara Goodwin: That is incredible. So if you're only listening to the audio of this, for the recording, he has a, is it a fluorescent light? Is that a fluorescent that's fluorescent? That's correct. That's still in the packaging. So it's not tied to a lamp or any, it's not plugged in any way. It's literally in it's plastic and paper cardboard packaging, and he's moving it toward the scaler instrument and it's.

It's becoming [00:09:00] illuminated as he gets it closer. That is blowing my mind 

Tom Paladino: now. Thank you. You see the big potential. So what I can do now in my laboratory on a, what I would call a miniature scale, provide free energy to a light bulb. Eventually, I want to be able to take this energy and illuminate a city or a building.

So this is the beginning of free energy. I want to offer eventually to the world free energy where not only can we illuminate light bulbs, we illuminate an entire city that day is coming. This is what Nicola Tessa wanted to achieve. Wow. 

Kara Goodwin: Wow. Okay. This is so exciting now. I have a, something in my notes here just about Tesla's Colorado Spring experiment.

Yes. and experience. Can you go into this a little bit? And by the way, I'm getting this like incredible tone in my right ear as we're talking about, and chills all over. So I don't know if any of the participants are kind of [00:10:00] receiving anything. I just like to comment about things like that just as like a.

Even with my headphones on, I'm like, whoa, there's a lot going on here. 

Patricia Carles: I remember that I told you that he, when he transmit from the lab, sometimes he needs to get the right spot because the scatter light is so strong that affects yes. Also the transmission and the devices. Yes. So we're receiving that scared energy right now.


Kara Goodwin: what's interesting, this is more of a consciousness thing because it's not actually my headphone, it's from inside my head, but I'm getting the, and. So it's just fascinating for me because I'll hear these tones sometimes that come in and, but to be able, like while I'm really, really focused on this, I'm not even really paying attention and it's like screaming at me.

But, so it's more aligned with, a consciousness thing than the actual headphone, but, I just like to mention these things when they pop up. 

Tom Paladino: Sure. So [00:11:00] you mentioned Colorado Springs. Yes. Especially in 1899, Tessa went out to Colorado Springs. He was living in New York City. He went out to Colorado, built a gigantic tower that was surmounted by a copper ball, if you will.

And that copper ball and that tower had no moving parts, and the fact that it was remotely located up in the mountains in the Rocky Mountains was really proof of testimony that he was able to control or capture the energy of the atmosphere in that setting. And in so doing, he was able to illuminate light bulbs at a distance.

Know right now my Testa Tower, this is a Testa coil. I can only illuminate li light bulbs locally, but eventually I want to be able to duplicate Tessa's work and to illuminate light bulbs at a distance long and short. This is again, the free energy, and if these instruments can deliver that energy, you don't need an infrastructure.

You don't need [00:12:00] satellite substations. You don't need power plants. You don't need electrical conduit. You don't need induction motors. This will end the energy crisis. 

Kara Goodwin: That's phenomenal. And I, I can't wait to start talking about the healing capabilities, but while we're on the topic of electricity and energy, from a practical sense, one of the things that it makes me wonder about is the electromagnetic field and the E M F.

Kind of pollutants that we're all living with as human organisms, as living organisms, not just humans, but all life. what do you see as the potential with this type of technology in terms of E M F? 

Tom Paladino: Yeah, thank you. Well, again, going back to my earlier statement, there's two energies, scale, energy, and electromagnetic energy.

Now, if we use these instruments, what I've experienced by way of a chakra balancing a brain balancing. We can correct or recalibrate our brainwaves and our seven chakras, I believe electricity [00:13:00] magnetism. I believe electromagnetic energy is an assault on our chakra system. I believe EMF is an assault on our brainwaves.

Now, to prove that, at least objectively, when I work with people with this instrument, they have a calming effect. They say that their chakras are balanced or they have a state of euphoria. And I would concur because this is corrective energy. This is not electricity. So the life force energy, zero point energy, Tesla energy is going to correct many of these imbalances that EMF produces.


Kara Goodwin: there's so much potential here. This is. Yes. It's amazing. So is there, now I imagine that, I don't wanna get into a hugely scientific, like how this has been done, but I am very curious about what you can share. That's kind of foundational knowledge that we would get that's like, how are you harnessing Yes.

[00:14:00] the energy of this, of the stars and so 

Tom Paladino: forth. good point. So my predecessor man by the name of Hy. Who was from Indiana? 

Kara Goodwin: Yes, very deep. I'm in 

Patricia Carles: Indiana. 

Tom Paladino: He's from, Razzo. Yeah. yes. Galen Honus. I never met him, but I met his family. And these instruments, again, I'm going to show the audience.

These instruments are, if you will, the remodel or the if you'll improved version of a hyon instrument. ISTs achieve a US patent, a Canadian patent, and a British patent for his work. But he was really undermined. Why? Because this is free energy and the establishment doesn't want free energy. So what am I getting at this instrument, according to the urist design, takes household current and converts it into scaler energy.

Kara Goodwin: Household current meaning like what we are using the electric correct. Current. Okay. 

Tom Paladino: Ac. AC current, not just 110 [00:15:00] volt. And with that in mind, this instrument, I can, if you will, capture a scaler wave by converting electricity into scaler. So the great potential that we see now is, An instrument like this, if we can now amplify the scaler wave a hundred fold, a thousand fold, a million fold.

Again, if I can illuminate one light bulb, eventually I could illuminate a million light bulbs so one instrument can eventually illuminate. A city can eventually illuminate a million light bulbs. Wow. 

Kara Goodwin: And so does that mean that Hy Hym, is that how you say it? Yes. Hym device. Is that plugged in? 

Tom Paladino: Yes, it's, yes, it's ok.

This is how he developed and this is how I continued my work. It's very difficult just to capture this energy from the cosmos. Now whether Tessa successfully did that, I think he did, but I'm not able just to capture it from the atmosphere. I think that's possible in the [00:16:00] future. Yes. But the key is this.

We are now on the cusp of introducing a new way of energy generation in which this instrument does not experience entropy. What do I mean by that? I work with people around the world by way of their photograph. I'm gonna hold up my photograph. If I place my photograph in that instrument. This instrument will find anybody anywhere in the world.

By way of their photograph, so we can at least find a person's force field by way of a photograph. Not only one person, but a hundred people or a million people at a time. We can find them their aura. They're force filled by way of photographs. So if my instrument now is perfected to the point that I can work with a million photographs a day, eventually I'll perfect it so I can work with a million light bulbs a day.

Wow, this 

Kara Goodwin: is so, so [00:17:00] fascinating. So, okay, so we've, you've kind of shown what the Oh, and the Hi ous MOUs. they are, is, am I correct in understanding that they are actually using his technology in Europe for organic farming? 

Tom Paladino: Yes. Urist developed some type of instrument that could be, it's a passive, gain, and you actually place a pipe, a higher urist pipe in a farm field, and that pipe will distribute the energy of the sun, the energy of the stars, and help to remineralize the soil.

Now, I don't do that with pipes. I actually do that with photographs of, crops and trees and, fruit orchards, which I can take a photograph of, say. A hundred thousand trees and send energy vitamins into those trees all by way of a photograph. 

Patricia Carles: Wow. Actually, in, in my land in Mount Shasta, I have 50 trees that were infected with fungus [00:18:00] and I send a picture to the lab with Tom and we are treating those trees, with scheta light.

And what 

Kara Goodwin: kind of effects are you seeing? 

Patricia Carles: Well, they are starting like,getting dry and the fungus or the, yeah. Yes. The fungus. So they are becoming greener. 

Tom Paladino: That's great. 

Kara Goodwin: That's fantastic. 

Tom Paladino: So, I'm gonna show this now in operation and to make this very clear, I'm a researcher. I research with photographs.

I never work with people. This is a new branch of science. So we work with force fields or information fields on photographs we don't work with physically, with people or animals. I place a person's photograph in the force field. My photograph now is enjoying a scared energy force field and frankly, my photograph, my aura is experiencing that chakra.

Balancing to what extent? To that extent, that's how much energy [00:19:00] is going into my force field. So if I place my photograph next to the Tesa coil, That's a tremendous amount of energy going into my force field. That is a chakra balancing and that's how we offset electromagnetic pollution. Wow. 

Kara Goodwin: So what kind of, What have you seen as in terms of results with the humans and the animals that you've been working with in terms of the photos and so forth?

Tom Paladino: My way of our testimonies, people say that they're calmer, that the chara bouncing, we perform that chakra bounce in one hour a day. That they're calmer, that it has some type of an effect on their emotional constitution, their psychological constitution. They're happier. They have an elation.

their, a sense of euphoria, their emotions are [00:20:00] heightened there. Perhaps some people say it has increased their awareness or their concentration. Now all of this stands to reason because thought is non-physical scale or energies non-physical. Our chakras are seven spinning chakras are spinning vortices of scaler energy.

So a chakra balancing from a scaler energy instrument will influence our seven chakras. The key is this is consciousness. This is non-physical. There's no chemicals involved. We're working in the realm of consciousness or the realm of spirit, and when you work with consciousness or spirit, nothing can impede consciousness or spirit, so nothing can override these instruments.

Kara Goodwin: Well, what type of, what about with you, Tom, or maybe Patricia? I don't know how much you, how much time you've spent in the lab, but as your human form has been submerged in the [00:21:00] energies of this scaler technology, do you have anything you can share in terms of being in person with it? 

Tom Paladino: Th this has extended my life.

This has improved my constitution. I am, I don't have to take any medication. I don't have any ailments. I feel great. I'm not saying this is a cure-all, but being in the vicinity of these instruments 24 hours a day in my lab, it has improved my spiritual, mental, and physical health. 

Patricia Carles: Mm. Yes, Kara, it's amazing how you feel.

You feel like very clear. And also,I work with in therapists with people that have other type of illnesses, and when they receives light, it ha it helps to handle better also the emotions. Because, emotions are the origin of many diseases. So this allow you to feel like more clear, more illuminated, and that's just talking about [00:22:00] energy and enlightenment.

But, I remember when I met Tom, I have a herpes, in my lips. And I've had that like for 15 years. I don't even remember how many years. And I only received one week or so of Kel Energy and it disappeared. I remember that it came back like a month after, was very small, very little. And I asked Tom,you know, it came back and he say, well, yes, you still have the memory of the nerves, but once this disappear, it won't come back again.

So, and it was just like that after that never came back. And I'm talking about two years ago. So it is amazing. I have one of my best friends,has h I v have aids, and in Venezuela, and he took Skinner energy for three weeks. And, when he went to the doctor, the P C R shows that h i V was not detectable, so he did, he repeated that, that p C [00:23:00] R several times and until the doctor said, well, let's, you have to do like a nuclear test because, this is showing errors.

He said, Uhhuh. Cause, he couldn't believe that the H I V virus wasn't there anymore. Doctor said, this is definitely an error. So he went back for the nuclear test and,I'm not a doctor, but,they do a pretest before the nuclear test, so they did. So, and the level of the, virus is.

The virus was zero. So a doctor said, well, I cannot do the nuclear test because it, I can justify this and insurance is not gonna pay you for this because, you know, practically, I mean, you don't have the virus anymore. So my friend asked the doctor, he said, well, that means that I'm cured. And, he said, no, it means that you don't have H I V anymore.

You know, in his mind he can accept that he, you know, he healed. He. Thousand of testimonials of many diseases [00:24:00] viruses, h i v therapies, EPSO bar. many. 

Kara Goodwin: Wow. That's phenomenal. I. I do wanna, I know Tom, you're addressing this in the chat, but I'd like to talk about, this question here from one of our, participants.

My cat has a mast cell tumor, which the doctor says is an allergy, and also my sister has psoriasis. Is this something that could be helped? So, would you like to address this? 

Tom Paladino: yeah. I'll explain. We've had great success with these instruments in identifying microbes, bacteria, fungi, et cetera, and eradicating them.

I'm gonna show you how this works. There's no human input. I wanna make this very clear. I'm not a medical professional. I'm a scared energy expert, so I'm working in a different realm of science. This is not western medicine. I'm holding my hand a photograph of a bacteria staphs. Sometimes that's associated with psoriasis or eczema, [00:25:00] some type of bacterial infection.

If I place this alongside my photograph, the force field of that bacterium is now sharing with my force field as a person.

So this is how I address any type of bacterial by way of communicating through photographs. A photograph of a bacterium communicates with my force field. It's all information, and when I place these two photographs in the instrument, they share energy, they share communication. This instrument is designed to look for staphylococcus orus in my aura or my quantum field, and destroy it.

As a result, some people have skin infection. Tell us by way of testimony that after this session they no longer have that skin infection. We're [00:26:00] able to identify a microbe through a photograph and eradicate, remove that pathogen. 

Kara Goodwin: And so is that how it worked with Patricia, where when she had the infection on her lip, you had her photo and then you had the virus there with her photo?

Tom Paladino: Exactly. I'm gonna hold up a photograph of the herpes virus. This is common by the way, and if I place this photograph of the herpes virus next to my photograph, the two force fields now communicate. The energy or the intelligence of herpes communicates with my force field or my quantum field. Obviously, that's not a chemical process.

It's an informational process. 

Kara Goodwin: So, Patricia, 

Patricia Carles: you can, there we go. Yeah. This is what he did. He took my picture and, he, he placed it next to the molecular form of the herpes virus. And so I was treated. With that, virus, and this is the same thing that [00:27:00] happened with everyone that sent,the picture, the photograph to be treated.

It would happen the same. He will print it, the photograph in the lab, and that photograph will go to the killer device and will be placed with the other, Thousand, 400,000 different type of,virus, bacteria and, all that. Wow. Like for a whole clean scene program. 

Kara Goodwin: Wow. So, so Connie's asking a follow up.

Oh, sorry, 

Tom Paladino: Tom. From this process, I wanna make this very clear. There's no human ingenuity here. I don't claim to understand the molecular structure of herpes. I don't. A photograph placed inside the instrument of the herpes virus. That's all the information you need. You see, when you work with light, light never makes a mistake.

Light is perfect. This is a perfect process because there's no human reasoning. Go ahead. [00:28:00] 

Kara Goodwin: So Connie asked a follow up about how long does the process take and the cost. 

Tom Paladino: Yep. It, this pathogenic cleanse, as we call it, it only takes one day, one session to break down a virus or to bring a virus to a state of confusion.

we always offer free sessions to begin with on our website, so we'll direct the audience to go to our website for free sessions thereafter. We have a program that's $89 a month. We try and make it a very affordable for people. 

Kara Goodwin: Wonderful. Patricia, could you please type the, the website in the chat for everybody and then it's it's scalerlight.com.

Is that correct? Yes. Or anybody who's just listening. Okay. And then we have, Anders, who is saying, I was exposed to massive radiation from the atomic bombs and has caused a lifetime of illness. I'm so sorry to read that. will this help me, and if so, where can I receive this synergy? So we do have the [00:29:00] website there, scaler light.com, but is this something that you think you could address?

With this 


Tom Paladino: I've never been able to address radiation sickness, so I'm gonna say no to that. Nonetheless, go to our website. There's free sessions for you. Try it. At least we'll balance the chakras and we could eliminate some microbes, some germs that you now have in your body. So try this out.

This is why we give away free sessions. Experience the free sessions, and then you judge if that helps. 

Kara Goodwin: Wonderful. And Connie had a follow up just about her cat, and I know that you do use this with animals, so can you speak to that? 

Tom Paladino: Yes. Well, not only people, but animals and plants. Yes, we have great success.

I've had my dogs on this program for years and my dogs benefit, so dogs have brain waves. The shock of balancing can balance our brainwaves. Dogs have germs, microbes, we can eliminate microbes in people and animals and plants. So [00:30:00] you see that this is really, has a, a wide range of application people, animals, pets, plants.

We have great success with all walks of love. Hmm. 

Kara Goodwin: That's so beautiful. I know one thing that you've mentioned is just that human element is sort of taken out because it's just we're using the technology. Do you see anything, in terms of the operator? So if you were to replicate this, enfranchise it, let's say, and these were, you know, there were different labs in different places because it is quantum and we've got things like quantum entanglement, we have the.

Observer effect, things like that. Do you see there being, some sort of operator con contribution on some consciousness 

Tom Paladino: level? Yes, definitely. On a daily basis before I begin sessions, I always pray and I pray for God for healing. This instrument acts in unison with my thoughts. [00:31:00] Mm. For instance, I live in Florida.

Sometimes when there's a thunderstorm, this instrument will start to spark and produce miniature lightning bolts. Oh wow. Cause it's communicating with the atmosphere. Yes. My thoughts, my projections enter into that field of consciousness. This is a, the perfect information system that we wanna work with.

And you're very astute to say that. So as people start to operate these instruments, they too take on our persona. They take on our thought processes. Hmm. Wow. 

Kara Goodwin: Wow. So Jane is asking, will the photo healing process be the only option moving forward, or do you envision a time where there would be a wearable for people to maintain health or heal or balance the 

Tom Paladino: chakras?

I say the sky's the limit. My job with my limited capacity, and there's only one researcher, it's me, is to introduce this to mankind. What the world does [00:32:00] with this technology will be far reaching. I imagine that everybody in the world eventually will, should be able to access this energy somehow, which leads us to our desire.

Patricia and I want to heal the world by way of photographs. For instance, this is a group photograph from India. We're working with HIV clinics around the world. Everybody in this photograph at one time in their life was HIV positive. Now these people, after a scatter energy session, they no longer have H I V.

There's no viral load. So it's a great gift. We wanna get this information out there to the general public, and people now have to accept it. We're still at that educational, that educational point. Eventually this will catch on. So to answer your question, yes, everybody, we wanna work with everybody in the road, but first comes the education.

After we get over that curve, that learning curve, then the road will embrace this. 

Kara Goodwin: Do you [00:33:00] see anything further to Jane's question in terms of any sort of, need for a wearable device that's in communication with it? So I'm thinking like Atlantian, you know, what we hear about from at Atlantian 

Tom Paladino: times, I think that's entirely possible.

I see that in my lifetime. I don't know. Now, keep in mind, Tesla built a tower in 1899 in Colorado Springs. It was a free energy tower. We should have listened to him. That was over 120 years ago. Right now, people have to listen to me. This works. People no longer have any viral load for herpes or hiv.

Hopefully, this will start catching on. Mm-hmm. 

Kara Goodwin: That's fantastic. It's so, it's so exciting. Now, I know we've talked about the elimination of the, toxin load or the viral load. I know you also, you have a few different programs that you work with because the, conversely you work with adding like [00:34:00] minerals and, things that we might be deficient in.

So can you talk a little bit about that? 

Tom Paladino: Okay. Once again, we go back to our proma photograph. This is my photograph that has my. I'm gonna hold up a vitamin next to my photograph.

This photograph has energy of of riboflavin. That photograph has the molecular structure captured by way of an electron microscope, a riboflavin, and if I place these two inside my instrument, Side by side, the force field, the energy of riboflavin enters into my quantum field and hence my quantum body.

My body will reproduce, riboflavin. I will deliver, if you will, nutrients into my quantum plane. This is how I get my vitamins through photographs. 

Kara Goodwin: it's really profound because. Like you've been saying, the images are carrying [00:35:00] information and this is, it's so quantum. These are the, this is the root of quantum.

What's the word? Not technology, that's the word that's coming to me, but that's not what I mean. But, quantum, the quantum field, it's information. It's not linear, it's not, uh, and it can be so tricky for our human minds, our 3D minds, our linear minds to kind of grasp how can that be true? How can I eliminate or add things into my, that affect my physical being?

But I'm not doing it with something physical. I'm not take, I'm not ingesting something. I'm not taking something in. it, it's really fascinating, but this is the crux of the quantum where we kind of need to make that consciousness leap and really kind of let go of and kind of unlearn some of the things that we take for granted as our present awareness.

Level, you're absolutely 

Tom Paladino: right. So this is a new science. [00:36:00] We don't work with chemicals. All of my work is non-physical. It's quantum. Quantum is non-physical. It's information, it's consciousness. So once again, riboflavin has intelligence consciousness. It's captured on a photograph. My force field is captured likewise on my photograph.

So we're sharing consciousness of riboflavin with my consciousness. There's no chemicals involved. Now what happens? This energy enters into me and it looks for the elements in my body and it rearranges my elements into riboflavin. Mm, that simple. If I show the molecular structure of rib,

This instrument will take this photograph of riboflavin and rearrange matter in my body, my quantum body, according to that chemical formula, that structure. So it's all information that, once again, sends this [00:37:00] download into my quantum field. 

Kara Goodwin: That's fascinating. I mean, just thinking about this kind of from the mystical perspective, you know, I've had lucid dreams for, let's call them lucid dreams, where, you know, I'm, I'm like not fully awake, but I know what's going on and I have experienced where there are, like nutrients.

Kind of coming in, you know, I have this perception of my energy field and myself beyond the physical, but there's like, and I've had lucid dreams where I've seen like the periodic table. Yes. And, potassium in particular was,the only thing that I could really, the only one I could really remember, but I was like, oh yeah, K, potassium, and K and I, when I woke up, I was like, I don't even know if that's right, is potassium.

K. Like, it'd been so long. Cuz I don't have a science background. This is like high school that I would've, been learning that and I kind of convinced myself as I was waking up. I was like, no, I don't think potassium is [00:38:00] K. And um, you know, but it was this like, Sort of as I Googled it and so forth, I was like, oh my gosh, where'd that come from?

You know? And, and I had known that at one point in time. But anyway, saw this periodic table with golden, you know, it was like golden thin lines and perfectly laid out against the sky. So, But it's all this, you know, it, it is information and it's part of us and it's within us. And, so it's really exciting the potential that we have to kind of merge the physical with the quantum.

Tom Paladino: Yes, you're absolutely right. So this is the new way of looking at reality. It's a non-physical consciousness. And Tesla even remarked, he said, once scientists embrace non-physical science will make great accomplishments. We'll see how we really, if you will, move forward at a rather rapid rate.

What's holding us back is our physical constraints. [00:39:00] There is a physical constraint. We're bound by time and space. These instruments transcend time and space. So what would you rather do? Work with one person a day or work with a million people a day by way of their photographs? Would you rather, administer a chemical or an injection or massage?

I'm not disparaging that type of modality. Or would you rather deliver your nutrients by way of a photograph That transcends time and space. 

Patricia Carles: We can also receive the energy from the crystals through scaler energy. it's amazing. It's a perfect mix between science and then spirituality. 

Kara Goodwin: So can you talk a little bit about 

Tom Paladino: that?

you look at nature and in my work, I've always tried to imitate nature.

Inside my Tessa Coil is quartz crystal. That's fused quartz crystal. This helps me amplify the scaler wave. Now keep in mind, everything I do is according [00:40:00] to nature, there's no, if you will, Anything in this laboratory outside of nature, I'm working with the elements. I'm working with the natural energy of the sun and the stars, and I'm working with ports crystal.

All of this goes hand in hand with nature, so I'm augmenting nature to be blunt. There's no GMO food. There's no junk food here. There's no harmful chemicals. There's no harmful pesticides. I'm working hand in hand with nature.

So it's the perfect environment. 

This is what I love about my work. I, there's noth there's no harm to come from working with perfect consciousness. And we 

Patricia Carles: also receive that in any part of the world where we are Actually, we were talking about galing heron animals before Galing Hermo was treating the astronauts Yes.

That were in the moon. Yes, they were treated, but scale, light way, the SCA light instruments. So this is amazing. it's a sense space [00:41:00] and time and. It's 

Kara Goodwin: amazing. So you were treating, say that again. Animals that were on the moon, they astronauts. 

Tom Paladino: The astronauts. My, my predecessor, Galen Hym, back in 1969, he was working with nasa.

NASA provided Galen Hym with three photographs, the astronauts all 11. And Hyon was able to make a connection with the astronauts by way of their photograph while they were on the moon, when they were orbiting the moon. And he never lost connection with the astronauts through their photograph. So that proves quantum entanglement, you use that term, and which a photograph of a person is quantum entangled with that actual person.

Now, even though the astronauts were on the moon a quarter million miles away, we still had instantaneous communication in the Urus laboratory working with their photographs. This proves this instrument proves quantum entanglement. Not a photograph is quantum entangled [00:42:00] with a person. Wow. 

Kara Goodwin: So how was that proven?


Tom Paladino: Well, Harus proved that because he had a, the ability to measure their bio rhythms. His wife was a good operator and his wife Louise, was measuring the bio rhythms if you'll, of the astronauts. Now, it was a subjective measurement, but nonetheless, NASA was very impressed. And I'll note this.

When the astronauts, if you will, went orbiting on the far side of the moon, scaler energy, the instrument kept in touch with the astronauts when they were on the far side of the moon, the dark side of the moon, so to speak, whereas NASA lost communication. Why do I say that? A skid or energy instrument can keep in touch with the astronauts when they're on the far side of the moon because the moon did not block the signal.

As opposed to nasa, NASA lost communication with the astronauts because they were on the far side of the moon. And the moon blocked [00:43:00] the, the, electromagnetic communication, proving that a higher honorous instrument can keep in touch with astronauts anywhere, including on the far side of the moon.

Kara Goodwin: Wow. That's amazing, 

Patricia Carles: isn't it? That all of that is document documented. This is public and this is in Google. People can look for the report of nasa. it's in, it's available in Google. 

Kara Goodwin: Wow. So Tom, we've talked about your predecessors, your mentors, and so forth. This is a safe space. You know, we're talking about consciousness, we're talking about the stars and so forth.

Is there anything that you feel comfortable sharing in terms of other intel, other, other, influence that maybe have, has helped you along the 

Tom Paladino: way? Without Jesus, Mary, I could not have. All of this, my work in the work of [00:44:00] Hyon, this is all groundbreaking research. You don't read this in a college textbook.

these instruments behind me, I had, if you would've told me 50 years ago I'd be doing this, I'd say, well, that'd be nice, but the only Tesla could do that. No, I can do that now. Why can I do that? Because God gave me the wisdom. You're not gonna read any of this in college, Chester.

My work, the work of ous is groundbreaking. We're trying to get the world to pay attention to this new science. Now, a quick segue. There are powers that out there that don't want free energy. That's the impediment that we have right now. 

Kara Goodwin: Have you come up against that? I've wondered about that. Yeah. There, 

Tom Paladino: there are.

there are some people who are watching. I would say that, I've been watched by governments of the world. Because they see the results I'm having and they understand they're not that stupid. They see that this is free energy. Mm-hmm. 

Kara Goodwin: Right. And we know historically that, [00:45:00] there, you know, it has been the types of effort for delivering free energy have been thwarted.

you know, not publicly, but kind of under the cover of darkness and so forth. So, 

Tom Paladino: So what does this, what does all this mean to the audience? This is a new technology that will change our lives. Let's embrace free energy. Let's embrace the clean energy of the sun and the stars as opposed to our current grid system, our electrical system.

Coal, oil, gas, that's very expensive, dangerous, pollutes and is certainly in short supply. That's why we have an energy crisis. This is free energy in application. It's very inexpensive. Why not make the shift? Why not change this world for the better? 

Kara Goodwin: Yeah. Yeah. That's amazing. So, Let's see. I wondered as well, if you [00:46:00] could talk a little bit about, and we've touched on this, but how, what's going on around our body can be just as important as what's going into our body.

So we talked about in that in terms of ingesting and so forth, but the other factors that are affecting our health. Can you go into that a little bit? Yeah. 

Tom Paladino: I would say first and foremost, it's the way you pray and the way you think. Be positive. I know there's negative influences out there.

Try and minimize your exposure to that negativity. I do, I see the problems in this world, but I always try and have a positive day thus far in my laboratory. I've had a good day. I'm in the process of writing another article on scale energy. I'm having a good productive day. So I choose to be happy, I choose to be productive.

And I think if we work hand in hand with that thought in mind, we'll make this a better role. I wanna make this very clear. God gave everybody incredible [00:47:00] skid or energy ability, and everybody watching this program and everybody who subsequently will watch this program. I want you to realize your mind and your heart far exceed the ability of that instrument.

What I can produce in the laboratory by way of instrumentation. Your human mind and your human heart are scared energy vessels thinking. Thought is consciousness. Your feelings, your emotions are consciousness. So the mind of a person in the mind of the heart of a person, far exceed any laboratory experiment.

Use your mind and your heart to the best of your ability. 

Kara Goodwin: That's very well said and beautifully put. I wanted to quickly ask you, Patricia, you in our, in your introduction, we talked about how you are, you specialize in bio decoding.

Can you talk a little bit about what that is? 

Patricia Carles: Sure. Well, bio decoding is when we go back [00:48:00] to the emotional drama that,was the region of the illness. So, when you work with the unconscious, then you can deprogram, you can decode in the unconscious level. So that's what I mix. Skel light, with also the fact of recovering and taking back your life and restarting yourself because it helps a lot.

But with bio recording, we go and work with emotions, because, people can release the. The memory that is stuck in the cell inside the, for something that might happen in the childhood or, with the parents or grandparents. So we go there and we decode that and release, that drama so people can, start all over with a new story, a new, life, forgetting, not forgetting, but releasing and,overcoming.

Things, and dramas from the 

Kara Goodwin: past, and this is in [00:49:00] conjunction with the Scaler Light Technology course. Well, 

Patricia Carles: not at as. Because, I work with emotions and I work with people. Tom work with photograph. he doesn't attend like people in person in the lab. And, my work is more like emotional and it's a one-on-one therapy.

So working with Tom is like beyond my expectations because it's the, it is the ability. To get to so many people at the same time. But it's a different type of work. It's a different type of healing. For instance, someone I think Connie was, texting about tumors and cancer. so with killer energy, we can work.

And the fact that people can relieve,and feel better if they're taking chemo and,you know, people will feel good, will feel better, but. We're, we can talk about that actually. Skeletal light will heal, a tumor. [00:50:00] But with Biore codding it's different because with Biore Codding, we work on the emotional aspects that ha c has created.

That tumor and cancer, for instance, is the great Master of diseases. So it requires for a person their own transformation, their own insight work. so I help with that and, with Rerecording is excellent for this, but if I am working with that person and the insight, and the emotions, and also that person is receiving a scaler light.

It will definitely help like a lot to handle better the emotions and the transition of that, that path that requires for that person to look inside to recognize, their own value and to also choose happiness. Because many people that ha that is, sick, especially with cancer[00:51:00] is taking happiness.

It's choosing happiness. Happiness for others, but not for themselves. Mm-hmm. So that is also a learning that, that the illnesses, bring to people. It's the possibility to in, to look inside and see what you really want. What makes you feel happy. And start giving priority to that. And definitely when, definitely when you receive stellar energy, which is divine energy.

So it's this energy that comes from the sun and the stars. It's like you align yourself with the light. what is good for you? And definitely what is good for you is also good for others because people learn from each other. So when you see like a mom or a person that is taking priority of her life, then other people is gonna also turn and say, okay, then this is my time to, to take over myself [00:52:00] and, and be responsible for myself.

Because healing Kara healing is a decision. Is a decision, and some people don't want to heal. So you have to decide, okay, I want to heal, I want to be happy, I want to be in love, I want to live and in peace. And that is definitely a decision. Mm. 

Kara Goodwin: Beautiful. Well, thank you so much. Can you please remind everybody of how they can discover this technology for themselves and try it for themselves?

One last time as we wrap 

Tom Paladino: up. Scaler light.com is a website, S C A L A R light.com. Anybody in the world can submit your photograph. All we need is your a shot, your facial photograph. And include your pets. Ask your family if they want to be included, and then share it with your friends, 

with your boyfriends, your girlfriends, with people at [00:53:00] the office and people at church.

We want to introduce this healing quantum modality to the world. Help us. We could really need, use your support. God bless you, Kara, for your effort today. 

Kara Goodwin: Thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you for all the work that you're doing. This is really, really exciting. And just, so many blessings to you both as you carry on here.

And, and thank you everybody for joining today with Meditation Conversation and the Conscious Awakening Network. 

Patricia Carles: Thank you so much, Kara. 

Tom Paladino: Thanks, Kara. Thank you. Thank you everybody. [00:54:00] 

Tom Paladino / Patricia Carles Profile Photo

Tom Paladino / Patricia Carles

Reseacher of Tesla energy

Tom Paladino is a Scalar Energy Researcher with over 25 years of experience developing healing techniques designed to help people all over the world to recover from pathogenic infection and experience true health and wellness.

The story begins back in Tom’s undergraduate days when he became inspired by his research into the work of various scientists. Exploring the discoveries and theories of Hieronymus, Moray, Priore, and Nikola Tesla, he was intrigued by the existence of an energy that is not part the electromagnetic spectrum. Taking this as his inspiration, he dedicated himself to a course of independent study in order to better understand the possibilities of this unique energy with the ultimate aim of successfully harnessing it. Tom realized that the scalar energy he was studying has been known to many cultures throughout the ages; it may be referred to as prana, chi, radiant energy, zero-point energy, qi, orgone or eloptic energy. Encouraged by the timeless, all- pervading nature of this fundamental energy source, and after years of experimentation and modification, Tom Paladino developed a unique healing technique using scalar energy called Scalar Light that appears to have the ability to transmute pathogens quickly and painlessly.

This technique uses photographs of people who are seeking relief from the symptoms of pathogenic diseases. Tom Paladino’s Scalar Light invention uses a remote passive light energy to influence the human bio field. The transmutation process shows promise in disassembling the agents of disease.

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