EXCITING CHANGES! Meditation Conversation is now SOUL ELEVATION! ✨
June 1, 2023

265. Melting Stress, Anxiety, & Overwhelm - Jassy Jackson

Jassy Jackson achieved her goals early - graduating from college, getting her masters, marrying, having the corner office in her corporate job. On paper, she was the epitome of success. So why was she sobbing every day? Her stress, anxiety, and...

Jassy Jackson achieved her goals early - graduating from college, getting her masters, marrying, having the corner office in her corporate job. On paper, she was the epitome of success.

So why was she sobbing every day?

Her stress, anxiety, and overwhelm were off the charts, and she didn't know why all the things she thought made her successful weren't keeping her happy.

She discovered a secret ingredient that in a short time melted away her stress and anxiety.

She felt a deep peace and calmness she hadn't felt in ages, and her life completely changed.

Discovering that key led her toward more ways to heal herself. She ultimately took what was changing her so much and began helping others.

Jassy is the founder of Crystal Luna, where she helps to empower others in finding their authentic selves. 




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Kara Goodwin: [00:00:00] Hello and welcome to the Meditation Conversation, the podcast to support your spiritual revolution. I'm your host, Kara Goodwin, and today I'm joined by Jazzy Jackson. Jazzy is a Shamonic practitioner who imagines a world where people are not in constant pain and anxiety, where they're able to live in the present moment without guilt.

Or worry, and her dream is to demonstrate and teach the tools that can activate a fulfilled and peaceful life filled with joy. She created Crystal Luna to leverage the essential methods to empower people to reach a true understanding of themselves and to act according to their true will. 

Jazzy has gained so much insight through her journey of discovering her true self and really reclaim her life. [00:01:00] She shares about the deep anxiety she experienced and the confusion around her feelings, because she had such a successful life in terms of her education, career and marriage. We talk about the impact it has on our lives. When we're living by someone else's standards of success. 

Things like mysterious anxiety or depression when we can't figure it out. It can be ways that our soul is talking to us and trying to get our attention. Better said it's our soul screaming at us to get into alignment. So before we get started, be sure you check out Kara goodwin.com for help with your meditation practice. The meditation immersion course is a robust program to help you develop or refine your meditation practice. 

And I meet with members of the healing hearth community every week for meditation and wisdom talks. There's a large meditation library and other resources to help you keep your practice strong. And now enjoy this episode[00:02:00] 

Kara Goodwin: So welcome, jazzy.

I'm so excited to talk to you 

Jassy Jackson: today. Thank you. I'm so excited to be here. 

Kara Goodwin: So let's talk a little bit about your journey and how you got into shamonic 

Jassy Jackson: practices. Yeah, of course. I wanna say that when I was. Younger, my mom and aunts and even uncles and even my dad, they all had like their foot in the door.

Um, that 

Kara Goodwin: helps so much, doesn't it? 

Jassy Jackson: Nice. my mom used to read tarot cards. We used to all go to a tarot reader. and, she used to have a lot of astrology books and, but we were all very Catholic. I went to. Private Catholic school and all that. So there was this dissonance and pull one way or the other.

And when I was, when I went away to college, I decided that I didn't want to practice [00:03:00] religion and I didn't want to tap my intuition and shutting those gifts out really. took me down the wrong path, a different path. And it wasn't until I started to tune back into my intuition, in my mid twenties where I really started to take onto this path and.

I felt like I had done everything in life that everybody had expected me to do. I had graduated college, I got my master's, I got married, I had the biggest corner office, in cor, in. In my, corporate job, and yet I was still sobbing every single day to work and I was still so sad and I didn't understand why, because in theory I had a great life and I was doing all of the things and.

I had a friend and a coworker that came into my office one day and said, I really feel the need to tell you about my experience in [00:04:00] rehab. And I, they use reiki. I. to help us through the process. And he explained what Reiki was and I remember thinking like, that's interesting, but not something for me.

And a few weeks later, I had this major meltdown because I felt like I was in therapy. For years and years. And I felt like I was doing all of the things. I had checked off all of the boxes and yet I couldn't find peace and I couldn't find that alignment with myself. And I was at my sister's house and I ended up having a complete meltdown.

And I said, okay, I'll at this point, I'll try anything. And it turned out his Reiki person was actually three minutes from my house. And so I felt oh, wow. A sign. And, it completely changed my life. I saw lights behind my eyes. All of the stress and anxiety, everything that didn't belong to me, just melted off of me.

I [00:05:00] was Lethargic afterwards. And that's really when I started to look down the path of meditation. And years later I found breath work and then I found, the Shamonic Academy, which is where I am learning, shamonic practices. 

Kara Goodwin: Mm. Wow. So did you ever get to the root. Of that mysterious sadness because you mentioned that you were able to dissolve everything that wasn't yours.

and you mentioned before that, that you didn't really even know why you were so upset every day. So did you get to the root of what was going on 

Jassy Jackson: there? yeah. It wasn't until years later, because then I started really looking into astrology in my astrology chart and human design and putting all of the pieces together with, having consistent reikis and aligning myself to my higher self.

studying astrology, studying my [00:06:00] human design. going into alignments in, into my shamanic practice, I really started to piece together that I wasn't listening to myself and I was following everybody else's path. I was doing what everyone else was expecting me to do, and I was really living in anxiety because I was always like, okay, what is so-and-so gonna say?

Or how am I going to approach this meeting? Or what is the next step in my life based on what other people were expecting me to do? And then I was also living in depression because I was thinking, I was so focused on what had happened and the decisions that I made and like living in the past.

And so the, this answer comes like threefold. So the first one was coming out of depression and anxiety and living more in the present moment. but it wasn't enough to just live in the present moment. this morning I was just, Like in anxiety, because I was like, oh, what am I gonna do for this next thing?

And I'm like, wait a second. Let me notice 10 things [00:07:00] and come back into my body. the second thing was like really, truly listening to myself and what I wanted and giving me, giving myself permission to want those things for myself. And to own them. And then number three was, increasing my self-worth and my self, my self-esteem really.

And, those three things combined in realizing that's, those were the things that were causing me to, just be so sad. Um. Mm-hmm. And really, Coming into alignment with myself has allowed me to be here with you today. 

Kara Goodwin: Well, thank you for sharing that, and I'm really excited about what you've shared because it, it makes me think of something that came to mind in my world like a day or two ago.

Out, sort of out of the blue, I was thinking about this college professor that I had. And [00:08:00] how he was this, he was kind of a champion of students. Like he was really, really good at. picking people out and fostering them along their, so that they could get a good job when they graduated.

And I went up through college, through a business school. So I, I came outta the business degree and, And he was really good about here's an opportunity for an internship that's come up and pulling you aside and being like, Hey, there's this opportunity. This would be really good for you.

Hey, you should be a, a student helper or a, what do they call 'em? Like a, an a TA for K 2 0 1 that'll look really good on your resume. This kind of thing. That was really, really helpful. But as I was looking back at it, I was like, He was really shaping. What he imagined people wanted or needed when they graduated.

And that was based on his model of success, which is [00:09:00] you can get yourself a good job with a good income in a nice city. Cuz that was another, that was someplace where we really didn't see eye to eye. I wanted to move back to the city that I came from, which is a smaller market, Indianapolis. And he was always like, You?

No, go to Chicago, go to New York. You don't need to go to Indianapolis. You know? And it was oh, I mean, as I'm listening to this person, I respected, it was like, oh, okay. I don't, I need to go to a big city. That's what success is. And I knew enough to let that go at that time. I don't want to live in a big city.

but. He just had his path and what he considered this is gonna be success for a business student. And the students are in a position of oh, I'm learning what success is. what it's like to be a grownup. I don't know yet what it's like to be a grownup. So this person is telling me like, and I trust this person.

And [00:10:00] again, not that he was trying to do anything wrong, but it was just this I'm following to some extent this path that somebody who doesn't have the same values is telling me. So how wonderful that you did have your family, even though you went a different direction for a while, but that you had that foundation so that you even had exposure to that.

Because I think there are a lot of people. Who are waking up or who have woken up in the last few years where it's oh my gosh, the things that I have been focusing on are not the things that I really care about. Or, can think about this too in terms of like people who, go toward the arts and they have more of an artist's path and how much as we're growing up do we get.

Pushed away from any sort of art path. You don't wanna go into the entertainment industry. You don't wanna be a struggling cuz it's always struggling. Right? Yeah. it's that's a really hard path. and from a [00:11:00] parent's perspective, it, I can see that where it's wow, it's go, you're not gonna have this stable income.

It's gonna be difficult for you. It's not gonna, it might not be all of these opportunities that you think it might be, but. It's also a very limited thought process, a very limited way of expressing like, okay, but what is it that you came here for? You know? Right. Which, Somebody else can't necessarily tell us.

Jassy Jackson: and my path actually wasn't, I gave the major highlights, but what you just described there with your professor, that actually happened to me as well. I, after high school, the summer after I graduated, my aunt invited me to go to Colorado. I already had a scholarship to, a university up north and in, in Northern California.

And I was gonna, I was supposed to go visit her just for the summer and then come back and then, my parents were gonna [00:12:00] drop me off at school, and so she started asking me all these questions that I hadn't necessarily figured out yet. I mean, I was 17 when I graduated, and I didn't have that foundation.

And she convinced me because her view of success was that I needed to have all these things figured out and that it wasn't safe for me to go by myself. And so I ended up staying in Colorado and I got into so much trouble into so many accidents like. The universe was sending me sign after sign after sign that it was not for me, but cause I had shut down all of my gifts.

I was like, I'm just gonna push through because this is what my aunt says that, would be the best thing for me. And it really wasn't. It really wasn't. I should have gone to the university that I had the scholarship for and kind of figured it out on the way, which was like, The way that I was wanting to do it, but because I was so impressionable, so young, I followed what she said [00:13:00] and it really set me back a lot.

but then I started to push forward once I moved back, and then that's when really when I started to listen to my intuition, and form this path that I'm on now. Yeah, 

Kara Goodwin: that's beautiful. So, What if you want to share, do you wanna share a couple of the changes, the biggest changes of the biggest lessons that you've had as a result of your awakening?

Jassy Jackson: Yeah. so the biggest changes for me, and it didn't happen from one day to the next, was really realizing that I needed to be a lot more present and I didn't understand fully what that meant because I kept hearing it as a buzzword and I ended up reading, The Surrender Experiment by Michael Singer, and it was a summer, a while back that I was like, okay, I'm gonna wake up [00:14:00] every day and kind of ask myself and go in deep and figure out what it is that I want to accomplish today, what it is that I want to do.

So I'm an A type personality. I am someone that has found great success in to-do lists, in calendars, in,I have this perfectionism thing about me. my rising is a Virgo,I really, it was, it's, it was a really hard experiment for me and what that taught me and what it allowed me to do was to come out of myself and the things that I really,valued as success and really took it as an experiment.

So it was a summer and I was like, I'm just gonna take it easy and see what happens. And that summer I had some of the deepest healings because I got to meet people and practitioners that were meant for me to find and,remove some of these deep layers of [00:15:00] Oh, I need to have this to-do list, or I need to, I have to do these things because it makes me feel busy and it makes me feel like I accomplished something.

And I really, I realized that I really needed support in that and that I couldn't do it by myself. so that was a really beautiful summer that taught me those lessons. And were you 

Kara Goodwin: able to carry on with that? do you feel more. Now that's something you carried with you or. 

Jassy Jackson: I think that I'm a lot more mindful of it because I still,I think that I'm a lot more naturally in the present and then I start to watch myself as I, I come out of that and start to be an anxiety or think about the past and it's wait a second.

What am I doing? What do I need to heal here and, try to come back into my body. cause what I also learned during that time is that most of my life, probably teens through like mid [00:16:00] thirties, I was living out of my body. And I had fibromyalgia for a good 20 plus years. Fibromyalgia is a nervous system issue where you feel pain from head to toe all the time, 24 7.

There's nothing that you can do to change that, and I. By doing these things, by living in the present moment, by taking care of my gut issues. in 2021, I remember crying for joy because it was like the first day that I hadn't felt pain. Oh, wow. And I realized that it was something that I was able to cure for myself.

I don't think I, fi I come across a lot of people that haven't been able to find that for themselves. But really understanding like the vagus nerve and how to soothe myself, how to regulate myself and how to take care of my gut issues have really allowed me to not just heal emotionally and spiritually, [00:17:00] but also on a physical level.


Kara Goodwin: Beautiful. Yeah, I was curious with the, you mentioned about the sort of being driven and being task oriented and feeling that accomplishment when you get things done and taking that suspended, you know, letting that just be and trying a different way for a while. I resonate with that a lot because I do tend to be, Like, okay, I just wanna get, I wanna just clear out some of these things that have to get done, but I can end up eating away a lot of time and energy.

Just addressing these little things and it that can make it hard to, harder to pull back. And as you mentioned, like being present, seeing where the day might take me, that's difficult for me to do. Where it's like just allowing open space where it's I'm not really sure. I'm not gonna [00:18:00] tackle anything.

You know, I'm pretty much utilizing my time. as effectively as I can, which doesn't leave a lot of that kind of creative, open, free flowing space. And that's something that I have to remind myself a lot as well, where it's okay, the, remember the value of that and be purposeful and intentional in carving out some time.

That's just. You know, to let the moment dictate what's gonna 

Jassy Jackson: happen. Yeah. And when I fi, what I find myself doing these days is I still have okay, these are the things that I need to do. You know, I'm gonna go on this podcast. I'm, I need to plan for my next thing. But also I leave myself open on a few days where I just block it out and it's I'm just gonna do what my soul wants and 

What I, the habit that I have instilled in myself in those days, because I'll polarize to just go and sit in front of the tv or go and listen to my favorite podcast or whatever. What I've [00:19:00] instilled in myself is okay, what is going to nourish myself or my soul today? And a lot of the times, like the things that will come up is let's paint, let's, reorganize my crystals and then I end up connecting with the crystals.

let's, clear out my space or whatever the case may be. And I find myself being a lot more productive than had I planned it and put it on a to-do list, because then it would've been like a shore rather than. All right. this is what my soul is wanting to feel. Good. 

Kara Goodwin: Yeah. That's great.

Thank you. I feel like you were gonna offer another sort of big change or lesson and I cut you off. No, 

Jassy Jackson: that's okay. so going back to the self-esteem and the self, the self-worth part of it,When I first started on that journey, I was like, what does that even mean and how do I do this?

And a lot of the paths went towards, [00:20:00] self-care and then I needed to figure out what that meant. And I feel like a lot of the times when we think of self-care, we think of the facial, the manicure, the spa days. And what I really learned about self-care. Is that one I needed to become a professional self-care person.

Mm-hmm. Um, because protecting my energy, which is one of my self-care things, and really go coming home to myself, was going to be extremely important to the things that I want to inspire in other people. And. in the space that I've created for people to come and heal themselves. and so really learning that aspect of my self-care routine and which part of it is like not having a to-do list a few days out of the week.

And really opening up myself to creativity and, doing some of that, [00:21:00] limiting that core belief work, was it all inspired me and allowed me to grow, as a person. Hmm. 

Kara Goodwin: I love that. Thank you. Yeah. So I think you were touching on this, but can you talk to us about Crystal Luna?

Jassy Jackson: Yeah, of course. So Krista Luna, was born out of a moon circle. I used to do moon circles with my sister, for a really long time. And then we kind of stopped and she ended up moving in with me in 2019. And I remember setting up the living room and, My sister looking over at me and asking, how is, how's Brandon, my husband, going to react to this?

And I was like, I have no idea, but we'll see. Cuz at that point I wasn't very spiritual. I wasn't really vocal or outward about my beliefs. And so we did it. He was curious and he was like, oh, [00:22:00] okay. and I remember looking. Back at her and saying, what would be really cool if, I could open up a place where I could share my crystal knowledge, my knowledge on Reiki and to share reiki with people, to share my knowledge on herbs and plant medicine.

And, do sound baths and do tarot and oracle readings and teach people astrology and things like that. That's what crystal sound, stands for. Crystals, reiki, yba, which means herbs, sound baths, tarot and astrology. Oh, and I've always had an affinity to the moon, and it was born out of the Moon circle, so I named it Luna.

And then at and Luna means, listening is the highest, form of respect to another human being. The you meaning, unity. with the collective, the n meaning namaste, the light in me exceeds the light in you and the a meaning authenticity, where I [00:23:00] come as my most authentic self in order to inspire others to be their most authentic self.

Kara Goodwin: And so is this a physical 

Jassy Jackson: place? It is a physical place, although I do have clients all over the world. I have clients in Germany, in, Australia, in Michigan, Florida,north America, Canada, south America as well. But I do have a place here in Camarillo. it's a physical place, where people can come and,get inspired.

Kara Goodwin: Oh, beautiful. I love that. So what sort of advice would you give somebody who's listening today and is trying to figure out the next step on their path? 

Jassy Jackson: I would say to. Experiment as much as you can, because what's working for one person might not necessarily be what your soul needs or what will work for you.

I myself have a team of people. I have my reiki [00:24:00] person, my therapist, I have a Shamonic practitioner that does work with me. I have just a lot of people that are supportive for me, and so I would say, try to find. The thing that works for you or the things that work for you, it's probably not gonna be just one thing.

most people start with meditation. You can also try breath work, you can try chiang, you can try yoga. Like a combination of all of those things might be what, allows you to be in alignment and to find yourself. 

Kara Goodwin: Beautiful. Are there any specific practices that. Have helped you to align with your higher purpose.

Jassy Jackson: Yeah. so reiki, absolutely. and do you 

Kara Goodwin: mean receiving reiki? It sounds like you're also a practitioner. 

Jassy Jackson: Yeah. So receiving reiki, so I still have a monthly appointment mm-hmm.that I go to do a reiki practitioner to allow me to cleanse and clear and be in alignment. I [00:25:00] also give reiki. that was probably the one thing that really opened up.

All of my gifts, was practicing Reiki and, sharing it with others. I would say also Chiang, uh, Chiang is like a, it's like Tai Chi, but it's a little bit more, it works a lot more with like your internal organs and your outer energy. I've done yoga for a really long time. I, but I don't really do that anymore because Qigong, for me, like once I discovered Qigong, I felt like that was a lot more powerful.

Mm-hmm. Um, for me, and I have like my classical, therapist that I still talk to, which it doesn't like if I was only going to therapy for 20 years, adding all of these other pieces have. Enhanced the one-on-one therapy. in one way or another because I find myself having deeper healings and being to able to integrate and process the things that [00:26:00] happen in therapy with Chiang and Reiki and the shamanic practices.

Kara Goodwin: It sounds like, you've been doing your practices for a while. Is there anything that comes up in terms of the evolution of your practice? as things come into your practice, as they serve their purpose and maybe fade away and, because we can have, you mentioned meditation and of course we're on meditation conversation at the moment.

I know that there are some lineages where it's like, this is how you meditate, and it's like this is the most effective way to do it. and it can be that it's a really powerful way, but I. After months or years of only practicing in that one way that can, it can kind of get flat. and so for me it's important to always, not always be seeing what the next shiny object is, but to have some diversity and to be able to tune into is this still am I still getting juice out of this [00:27:00] Or am is it dogma now?

Is it just that I'm doing it because I'm afraid not to, or it just can dry out. so I'm curious about the evolution of your practice. 

Jassy Jackson: Yeah. that's a really great question. So what I would say is when things start kind of petering out, but you're, it, you have found such like a profound.

Evolution within that. let's say it's meditation, right? So for me, meditation is really hard for me at the beginning. And so then I started to move on to breath work. And then with breath work, that made it even more powerful. And coming back into meditation, it gave it like that little ooph, because now.

With breath work, I was allowing, thoughts to come in and it took me to like another state and another level coming back into meditation. It really gave it that like it. It packed a punch, if you will. Mm-hmm. And what I would say about that too is when we start to level out on certain things like [00:28:00] meditation, a lot of the times that's just where we're supposed to be in the moment because it's like preparing us for the next kind of upleveling or the next kind of thing to really pop, within us.

and so while I would say definitely stick with some of the things that have. worked for you in the past. Introducing new things will allow you to move that energy and to really come back into the existing practice and see how that's moved for you. 

Kara Goodwin: Hmm. Beautiful. I. So how can people connect with you and find out more about your 

Jassy Jackson: offerings?

Yeah, of course. So I have a website, www dot Krista, c r y s t a hyphen. It's the little dash luna l u n a.com. I'm also on Instagram, Krista Luna vortex. you can follow me there. And yeah, that's pretty much it in your [00:29:00] podcast. Oh, that's right. I do have a podcast. It's called Beyond Meditation Podcast. We talk about all sorts of modalities.

We go really deep into things like breath work and, I am, and the violet flame and things like that. We even had Kara on as a, guest as well. So you can go out and check that episode out. 

Kara Goodwin: Wonderful. Well, jazzy, this has been really fun and informative, so I really appreciate your time.

Thank you so much for being here, and I'll have the links and everything accessible in the show notes and just thank you so much. 

Jassy Jackson: Thank you. This was a pleasure. 

Jassy Jackson Profile Photo

Jassy Jackson

Shamanic Practitioner

I imagine a world where people are not in constant pain and anxiety, where they are able to live in the present moment without guilt or worry and my dream is to demonstrate and teach the tools that can activate a fulfilled and peaceful life filled with joy.

My hope is to enhance the human experience by introducing alternative sources of energy healing, divination, and healing instruments that are conducive to reaching our higher selves.

I created Crysta Luna to leverage the essential methods to empower you to reach a true understanding of the self and to act according to one's true will. By leveraging the right tools you have the power to align your free will and destiny.