EXCITING CHANGES! Meditation Conversation is now SOUL ELEVATION! ✨
June 5, 2022

179. The 7 Energies of the Soul - David Gandelman

How do deficiencies and excesses in our energies keep us stuck? How do you balance the dichotomy of letting life be effortless and creating and contributing to the world? How is moving away from pain and towards comfort ultimately causing...

How do deficiencies and excesses in our energies keep us stuck?

How do you balance the dichotomy of letting life be effortless and creating and contributing to the world?

How is moving away from pain and towards comfort ultimately causing suffering? 

David Gandelman and I dive into these topics and so much more! David is the founder of Meditation School, the host of several podcasts, and a meditation instructor at Cornell. He is the author of the new book, “The 7 Energies of the Soul: Awaken Your Inner Creator, Healer, Warrior, Lover, Artist, Explorer, and Master.” 


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135. Mastering Creation & the Law of Unification - Divneet Kaur Lall

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Hello and welcome to the meditation conversation. The podcast to support your spiritual revolution I'm your host Kara Goodwin and I am really excited to have David Gandelman today here today.

David Gandelman

David is the founder of meditation school the host of several podcasts and a meditation instructor at Cornell. He's also the author of a new book called the 7 energies of the soul awaken your inner creator healer warrior lover artist explorer and master. So welcome David I'm so glad you're here.

David Gandelman
It's a pleasure hi Kara nice to meet you.

So you have a really fascinating background studying spiritual to traditions while living in the himalayas directing a school for intuitive development in Hawaii. And you have various projects on the go which I mentioned in your intro. So let's just talk about your journey. Your multifaceted journey. How? Um, how did this all come to be did you grow up amongst these more kind of mystical and eastern traditions.

David Gandelman
And no, honestly, not at all I grew up in these suburbs in New Jersey outside of New York city kind of regular kid playing ice hockey. You know, chasing girls and when I was 16


David Gandelman
My brother came home from college dragged me to a bookstore because I never read. He basically forced me to pick up a book and actually before I finished that story last night ah two nights ago I was doing a book event I have a book that just came out and I was doing an event at the. Boulder bookstore where I live in Colorado and I it was the first time it dawned on me I was looking around. Um and I was going. Oh this is where my spiritual journey started in a bookstore like this. Yeah so my brother twenty years ago dragged me to a bookstore and I picked up the power of now.

Oh wow.

You mean Ehart Tolle yeah

David Gandelman
Most people have heard of Eckhart Toli and you know it was just random. He said take any book in the bookstore and I just picked it up and when I got home I read a few pages and it was like a light bulb in me went off something really shifted I i. And don't recall exactly what I read, but it was something along the lines of most of the time we spend our our mental energy in the future projecting in in the future or being pulled back dragged into the past and we're rarely in this moment and when I read that for whatever reason.


David Gandelman
Something in me just clicked and shifted and I had what some folks might call a deep spiritual awakening and from that moment on I started meditating a lot and reading a lot you know I I tore through hundreds of books on meditation and spirituality and growth. Everything and anything I could find and and then I went on to study philosophy in college and then I went on to live in Spain and then in the himalayas I lived in an ashram for a while up in a.


David Gandelman
Lovely town called hrishikesh at the base of the mountains where I studied with all the gurus I could find I was a bit of a guru chaser. So I I study I started by reading meditation books then I went into the western philosophical content and then I went into the eastern. Ah, side of stuff and then after that a very short version I moved to Hawaii where I studied studied the intuitive healing arts more of the energetic side of things and so it all started in a bookstore. Yeah hard.

You pour things. Yeah and they ended up in Hawaii I feel so I'm really really sorry about wow I mean I have not made it to India but I love Hawaii.

David Gandelman
I Know it's difficult difficult life.

It's amazing which Island were you on well and you ah and you were you ended up becoming the director for a school for intuitive development.

David Gandelman
Um I lived on the big island for 7 years yeah it was special.

David Gandelman
Yeah, so I spent 7 years at the school three years as the director and actually now we have our own academy called the energy matters academy where we have year long intuitive development training programs. We actually just started one recently and so we teach.

Ah, and you have a podcast with the same name right? ah.

David Gandelman
Yes, yeah, we have ah it's called the energy matters podcast. So anybody interested in the intuitive arts that would be out of my 3 podcasts that would be the 1 if you're interested in that side of things. Yes.

Not okay, oh wonderful. Yeah, that's awesome. So so tell us about the the subject of your new book. Let's get down into your book. Um, and it's called the 7 energies of the soul.

David Gandelman
Yes, sure I could just briefly walk through them. So we have the creator the healer the Warrior the lover the artist the explorer and the master.

And so tell us what? what are the 7 energies of the soul.

David Gandelman
And so um I I can go into each one a little bit if you like and before I do what I would preface by saying is for me when I wrote the book and the thesis of the book is that we're not just one of these energies that were all of them and um.


David Gandelman
In each Energy. We can find purpose and we could also sometimes occasionally find deficiency and or excess so we could be an excessive lover. Maybe as an excessive lover. We have no Boundaries. We're always giving love never receiving it. Maybe we could be a deficient lover. Our hearts are Closed. We're not open to giving or receiving Love. Maybe we're stuck in the heart space. Maybe we could be an excessive creator where we're ah we're workaholics always creating and never putting our projects down or. Maybe we could be deficient creators where we never start anything because we're afraid that we're going to fail and so in each of these energies. We can kind of overdo it or inflate or we can maybe shrink away and deflate.

Everything at.

David Gandelman
And I think that healthy happy life is when we find balance in every single area and and find fulfillment So That's where the kind of thesis of the book comes from and so in it I walk everybody through each energy What the deficiencies and excesses look like and then some exercises to find Balance. And and potential in each one.

So that's I love that so all of these energies are within us and then of course like just because we're all individuals. There will be like stronger ones that ones that present more strongly in. 1 person over another I mean because if we think about like take here you've got healer and warrior they're right next to each other right? and so those don't always like if somebody has a strong focus on healing. You know they may not like typically they're not. Bringing a lot of attention to the the warrior side within them as an example, but but we all have this within us.

David Gandelman
Yeah, and a lot of spiritual folks which if I had to guess is probably your audience people who really identify with spirituality and healing I think a lot of them are probably excessive in the healer maybe in the lover.


David Gandelman
Maybe often deficient in the warrior and or in the creator I've worked with a lot of healers and coaches and guides and teachers who like want to get their own business going but have a hard time. They're like I'm a great teacher. So Maybe their master energy is really on Point. Or a great healer I'm really good at healing or a great lover I have a lot of compassion I Listen I'm present for others but they just can't get the kind of financial physical aspect of it going. So I've seen a lot of that happen and and there's almost like this distaste for.

You remember.

David Gandelman
That part of it like I don't want to do that I just want to do my art and this happens to a lot of artists. They'll get an excessive art energy or maybe just they rise to their art potential but they can't seem to meet the world in a way where they can make money from doing it and make their passion into their life into their life's work.

Um, yeah.

David Gandelman
And so they often will find those challenges in life and they're not by accident where life says all right? You're great at this but you need that and you need to bring them together and then we find resistance or fear I'm not good at that side I'll just avoid it and then we can't live up to our potential and I heards. Read this somewhere once I think it was Elon Musk's like first wife she said Jennifer Musk she said if you want to get good at something you have to take 2 ideas have them have idea sex and then birth and idea baby and I think of it the same way.


David Gandelman
Like when we mix colors when we paint and make something Beautiful. So Usually it's not just focusing or mastering one energy for me. It's usually bringing multiple energies together and integrating them kind of fusing them together synergizing them. That's what's worked for me in my life anyway and what I see usually helps my students if we focus too much in a narrow direction. We can get lost in a rabbit hole.

Yeah. Yeah, absolutely I mean there's so much wisdom with what you're saying we bring these I loved what you were saying about like if you're spiritual and then you you almost want to like deny anything. That's. That we might perceive like a warrior kind of thing or and you talked about like being a master and then not wanting to bring like there's like a rejection of what is needed to complete like to really offer yourself. You know in this modern world. Um, and it really makes me think a lot about um, you know in modern terms. We've got like sales and marketing you know and that is I mean for me speaking for me personally so it is really difficult to go from exactly what you're saying teaching. Being comfortable counseling. You know all those things that come very naturally in healing and then to feel like oh now I have to like go and try to like attract people to this and let them know that this is out there. So what does that mean in today's world you go on social media. Well, that doesn't seem very like cohesive with the lifestyle that I want to live you know and we come up against this all the time you know you and I are both podcast hosts I don't know if you have guests but I'm always in an interview format.

David Gandelman

And I have um, a form that people fill out. You know your team filled out a form for you know to help me prepare and I have somebody who's coming on next week and she's a healer and you know it's like as simple as. Introduce yourself like tell me what? What do you do? What are you good at what are you? you know and I wasn't getting a response back from her and it's really for me like help me help me prepare like tell me exactly and but she's like no I don't want to toot my own horn I don't want to like.

David Gandelman
Um, help me help you.

So she really was seeing it as like she didn't want to like say these grandiose things and she's an amazing healer. You know I've I've worked with her you know and and I was like okay you got to flip it flip it for me and help me just stop thinking about like.

David Gandelman
Is in.

That you're you know, bigging yourself up or anything like that and think of it as meet me halfway here like it just helped me what how do you should I present you you know? um, and but it is. It's like the same kind of thing we could take that to marketing or going on social media or whatever. It's like.

David Gandelman

You want to put yourself out there so people know but it is like it feels like that incongruency you know.

David Gandelman
And you know just from her story. The first thing I would even that comes to my mind is when we're hiding in that way whether we're hiding so shrinking deflating or inflating either way, it's about us right? So I'm deflating. No one sees me or so I don't come off as bragging or I'm inflating see me on the best either way, it's kind of the same energy moving in different directions and what I would say to that is its it's about helping people for me anyway, as a teacher and making an impact and a difference.


Excuse me.

David Gandelman
And so if me sharing my story and who I am helps you move on your path then I'm happy to share it and you know we all have different levels of comfort on like how much detail we want to share about our story and how vulnerable we want to be I don't think there's a right way to do it I think it all depends on our personalities.


David Gandelman
But I've seen teachers really hide who they are and I've I've interviewed countless teachers and healers and and writers and I've I'm on an app insight timer where there's like I think there's like 12000 teachers and then you know millions of users.


David Gandelman
And I'll see it over and over again where the teachers hide they hide behind a very calm you know voice. That's always the same where they hide behind a really nice headshot but they never really share themselves.


David Gandelman
For fear of either deflating or inflating whatever or whatever it it might be and so as it as ah as a teacher I think we have an obligation to share what we're here to share to help other people and get out of our own way and obviously I'm working on that too. Always yeah, podcasting really helps.

Um, yeah, and get out of the comfort zone. Yeah, yeah, right, right? and it is. It's such a.

David Gandelman
Ah, practice sharing.

Thing of like continuing to expand right? And if we're going to expand it's going outside of our comfort zone and and that's that is the only way like anytime whether it is to do with putting yourself out there or learning something new or you know exploring like well. Okay, I've been very afraid of like a warrior. For instance I don't I Really don't want to engage with something that seems combative you know or or you know because that's kind of what comes to mind sometimes with the with a warrior. Um, but it's it's like okay if.

David Gandelman

If we do really want to expand if we really do want to grow and come into the fullest essence of who we are. We're going to be uncomfortable like we've got that there are going to be growing pains. You know.

David Gandelman
Absolutely so I have a development team that's redesigning my we have an app called meditation school and they're actually in Ukraine they're ukrainian they're in the middle of designing a meditation app with rifles at their desks.

Oh and bad animal. Ah.

David Gandelman
And sometimes hiding in bomb shelters and and they're male So a lot of them so they're not allowed to leave the country and they want to fight and so they don't have a choice around being a warrior or not they have to be a warrior and that's part of the warrior energy is sometimes an obligation. Ah, stepping into courage of facing death maybe of having structure of putting an effort. These are all on the human level energies that we need I remember teaching a might have been like a business class once for people in wellness.


David Gandelman
And one woman came up to me and said you keep talking about putting all this effort into stuff My guru told me you should put no effort in and I said that's great, No effort, no money good luck with your business that works at a certain level when you reach a certain level of mastery.

We are.

David Gandelman
And it works when it comes to the internal world of meditating. But if you don't make anything which takes effort. How are you going to create anything and how are you going to share anything and so she was just sitting in this intellectual space in her head. My guru told me not to make efforts so I won't do anything I once when I lived in the himalayas I used to go see this guru. Everyone would you know bow at his feet and I had a friend who was like I'll keep it vague but he was. In this. He had been in the special forces for a country in Europe know very well trained soldier and now he was a disciple of this guy and I remember him having to ask if he was allowed to start a business so he can make enough money to stay in India and it was I was like you are. Effing warrior and now you're begging so another human being asking if you can make enough money to eat and and like you didn't have to give up from my perspective your warrior.

What on.

David Gandelman
Or your creator to open up your lover and your master energy. So I think sometimes we get into this I'll sacrifice 1 thing for another or have to give this up to find that and maybe that's not always true. We could be spiritual warriors or as Dan Milman put it right? The peaceful.

Um, oh that's an amazing book. Yeah yeah I mean this is really really beautiful and and complete you know and and um.

David Gandelman
Warrior If that's our path. Yeah, it is.

And it honors the individual Journey. You know when you start talking about people asking permission of a guru. You know that gets lost in that and that is something that I think that we're um, you know we want to be aware of. That if we are completely handing ourselves over and giving ourselves to you know where it's There's one way there's one way to be This is the way this is the the direction and this is the only way for me that is like red flags. All over the Place. You know it's like we are Individuals. We are here with individual gifts, individual expressions and and we all have a lot of work to do to get that balance but this is what you're talking about.. It's like that we there is so we are dynamic.

David Gandelman
Exactly yeah.

Multifaceted Multidimensional beings who have all of this within us and it's not just about nurturing one part of it. You know that's not a complete experience. Yeah.

David Gandelman
And it's very common to lean into what we feel safe with or good at so if someone's really flexible then they love going to yoga because they're already really good at it and just bend into a pretzel but I don't want any competitive sports that's icky right? So we tend to lean into.


David Gandelman
Into things in a way from others and growth is really on the edge when we feel somewhat uncomfortable and life is often though people we so many people including me we all sometimes Chase comfort and move away from pain and. That is actually a recipe for a lot of suffering to always move away from pain towards comfort if you're always doing that I think it's a great moment to step back and go uh-oh I've I'm avoiding all the things that are going to help me really shift here and you know I'm a pretty spiritual dude as well. Obviously it's my work.

Now. Right.

David Gandelman
And so I've leaned away from the Warrior energy many times and I would say on some level. It's cost me. You know? So Maybe the warrior is a part of you that stands up to a bully or tells somebody. You know this doesn't work for me, you've crossed my boundaries or these business conditions. This agreement doesn't work. Or I'm going to protect somebody else. The Warrior energy is an energy that maybe wants to bring security to others where the healer Maybe the excessive healer goes. No No fighting. There's no war. It doesn't exist. No fighting. Love oh fix it I'm gonna turn off the news. Nothing not happening right.

You are.

David Gandelman
And the and the warrior goes well listen it is happening and this is reality and I'm going to step up So what if you had your warrior and your healer functioning fully. What would that look like your warrior your healer and your lover so you could have incredible compassion.

And what is what.

David Gandelman
think I think I heard the dalai lama once say that some people are too dangerous to be alive. So what? if we could have endless compassion and at the same time. Go that's just not okay and those 2 things can coexist and I think on on the level of being a healer or teacher guide and having a business on the level.

That's fats in the.

David Gandelman
Level of being a lover in a relationship and then also having autonomy and individuality your own spiritual path. So I don't think these things contradict each other I think they need to work together. That's a much harder challenge for me as a human being than just focusing all in on 1

Yeah, yeah, well, that's beautiful and I can't help but notice that there are 7 energies that you've focused on and how many shockers do we have is that a coincidence or.

David Gandelman
Losing myself.

David Gandelman
Yeah, 7 so you could yeah you can see the energies going up the chakras I think that's a valid way to look at them. So the creator in the first chakra healer and the second warrior third lover in the heart artist in throat right? where we express.


David Gandelman
Creativity. Maybe we write a song we sing we do comedy. Obviously we get a new podcast We can express it through the body right through dance and then the explore where we want to see Beyond the Horizon We want to know what's over that.

Ah, we podcast. But. 5.

David Gandelman
Mountain we want to know it's in that other star system. What's inside of a cell you know what does what is history look like maybe what does the future look like just that general sense of awe that you know that Einstein would say that like feeling of awe when you look up into the stars and see the mystery of it all. Have this third eye this ability to see and maybe see beyond the material and then the master energy. Maybe let's say that's the seventh chakra right? where we get our certainty our so our purpose from connection to our higher selves and also where we can be.



David Gandelman
Teachers guides we can have to be a guide or teacher you have to have a certain level ah of certainty right? If you're gonna guide somebody else you want to help shine a light on their path for them or into them so they could see themselves better and that does take a certain level of experience and certainty. So.


David Gandelman
Imagine just like all the energy centers or chakras. However, you want to call them working together in harmony I see the 7 energies the same way and the analogy I use is like when white light passes through a prism it refracts into the seven seven main colors of the rainbow. And just like that when the light of our awareness passes through our physical form. It kind of goes into creating the into these 7 directions in life and obviously we can combine all of those colors and make beautiful life art with whatever we decide to do.


David Gandelman
But that's that's how I see it is it comes through us and out into the world and who knows what what your life's going to look like like if you were to make your whole life. A masterpiece of some kind what colors would it have how much master in there. How much lover how much.


Yeah, yeah, yeah I love that. That's so beautiful. So strong. So um, you know you talked a little bit about what you know we've touched on.

David Gandelman

That we are in a wartime right now. The world is chaotic. Um, and we've just you know still got virus stuff kind of hanging in there. Um I know you've been meditating for. Quite a while you know your journey started was it at 1716 something. Um, yeah, so um, talk a little bit about some of the the benefits that you receive in meditation as this.

David Gandelman
16 sixteen yeah over 20 years yeah

You know the the surface of the world kind of seems. There's definitely shifting. Let's say happening and for a lot of people that can be really scary. So talk a little bit about meditation in this chaotic world.

David Gandelman
Sure and so if you're afraid that warrior energy again, it's a great energy to tap into when we face the fear of death or many other kinds of fear. You know I'm so right I'm actually podcasting from my grandparents place in Florida I just came here last night. Grandpa's celebrating his ninety second birthday today happy birthday grandpa. He just let.

Oh you're kidding me happy Birthday grandpa. Oh how nice you can be there.

David Gandelman
Left before we start recording. It's like you're going to record a podcast I don't know what that is know. Um.

Ah, you'll have to listen to this one so he can hear his birthday wishes. It'll be after his birthday by the time he hears it but no kidding Oh my goodness.

David Gandelman
That's right and you know they survive the holocaust and yeah and so you know there's this deep pain body that they've been holding for 8080 years and


David Gandelman
For me I think every ever at most people when you spend time with your family like yeah, that's the moment you go is my meditation practice working that was the long way of saying that yeah is do I truly have inner peace. Um.

Um, instead working.

David Gandelman
I around family because you know they'll always poke you and prod you nobody knows where your buttons are better I think right? Ramhm Das said you think you're enlightened go hang with your family for a little while and so on a personal level. It definitely helps me stay neutral and calm and by no means am my perfect.

Yeah. Yeah.

Stay grounded. Yeah, ah.

David Gandelman
There yet. So I mean the benefits are really endless. But I think what's important is what are the what are your personal goals with meditation. So is it to find out who you are is it to find inner peace and enlightenment is it to. Learn how to find your own answers when you close your eyes so that's often what I work on with my students is we close our physical eyes and we open our inner eye and that's where we have insight the ability to see in so I I could see you I could see my physical body. But if I close my eyes I could see my emotional body. My energetic body. Maybe my mental body I could see thought forms I could see images from the past I can create images that I want to make physically in the world at some point manifest into the world and there's a lot of work to be done with our eyes closed. When we're awake. So at night we close our eyes to fall asleep and in meditation we close our eyes to wake up which can feel very counterintuitive at first for a beginner who's meditating and they just keep you know they fall asleep every time they go to meditate because their body is used to that when they close their eyes.


David Gandelman
And also for me meditation is the bridge between the conscious and the unconscious. So when we close our eyes and we go into the unconscious we go unconscious. That's why so many meditators have a hard time staying awake. But if we can stay awake if we master that over time and we can go into the unconscious rooms. And our mental emotional bodies and bring a light of awareness. There's a lot we can uncover and there's a lot. We can really discover and our answers are are in there and I always tell my students that are our answers are I don't think they're just like sitting there under a cupboard. Some of them might be. You know you dust them off. Oh. There's my answer others I think develop the way like when a flower blossoms and then there's like this beautiful fragrance and these colors on the petals I think in the same way when we develop as beings. Answers blossom so when somebody comes to me and they have like some deep question about relationship or career or creativity or what ah life path purpose I always tell them well maybe that's step 10 and let's find out what step you're actually at if you're on step 1 or 2 not time for the and ultimate answer yet. You might have a bunch of layers of energy to work through and then when you work through those layers of energy almost paradoxically like you find your answer and it also is just created and flowers. It's ah to me. It's a bit of of both Maybe it depends on the situation but our answers are but I tell my students our answers are born out of our energy. So if you're kind of a jerkhead and sitting in a bunch of negativity. So everything you see in the world is going to reflect that everyone else is gonna be a jerk. Doing it to you? The world's unfair. It's a violent place. It's horrible. Why bother right? So those are going to be your answers. They're going to be born out of your energy the way you see the world and vice versa. So I think if we heal and shift our energy. We have some beautiful answers that are born and they're going to reflect.


David Gandelman
Our inner So our outer state. You know as we all know will reflect our interstate our outer circumstances maybe is more better better way to put it will reflect our inner energy and the proof is always in the pudding. It's always in the pudding. So I don't care.

You can.

David Gandelman
How brilliant someone is or what their spiritual ideas are or how many books they've read that literally has no effect on me when someone tells me all those things I just look at them and look at their energy and see what their energy is like and that that's become much more. Time in my very old age valuable to me than when I was in college I thought my professors were gods like oh my god how many ph ds does he have or she have they're so smart they know all of Emmanuel Kant and rousseau and Aristotle and plato oh my god they're the.



David Gandelman
You know, pinnacle of human existence and then I realized they're great. Nice people but they're mostly just big left brains and that there was more to life than that exactly. So for me these days somebody the the quality of somebody's energy is always what I.

Yeah, they're holding a lot of memory. Yeah.

Yeah, beautiful. Well this has been really really beautiful connecting with you as we wrap up here. How can people find out more about you and connect with your work.

David Gandelman
But I look for.

David Gandelman
Sure, um, probably the best way to find me would be just to go to meditationschool dot us or download the meditation school app or you could find me on Spotify or on the insight timer app which is ah. Place a lot of meditators go to I think those would be the spots.

Okay, beautiful and again your new book is the 7 energies of the soul awaken your inner creator healer warrior lover artist explorer and master. And so I will have all kinds of fun details in the show notes for um how you know your website and so forth and and the book and so thank you so much for being here. It's really been a joy to connect with you.

David Gandelman
It's been my pleasure. Thank you so much for having me.