EXCITING CHANGES! Meditation Conversation is now SOUL ELEVATION! ✨
Dec. 9, 2020

084. Rare Astrological Events in December 2020 - Kalidas Hansen

084. Rare Astrological Events in December 2020 - Kalidas Hansen

Kalidas returns to discuss major planetary and cosmic events which come into alignment in the coming days. - How does astrology parallel with what happens on earth, on both the macro and micro (collective and individual) level? - Jupiter and Saturn...

Kalidas returns to discuss major planetary and cosmic events which come into alignment in the coming days.

- How does astrology parallel with what happens on earth, on both the macro and micro (collective and individual) level?
- Jupiter and Saturn are going to have a rare conjunction on Dec 21 in Capricorn. The last time they were this close was March 4, 1226. What is the significance of this conjunction?
- Historical monumental shifts have occurred while Jupiter and Saturn have been exactly conjunct.
- How can we prepare ourselves for the individual changes which will be triggered by these cosmic events.
- Many mystics are talking about this plasmic wave which is approaching the earth, really becoming impactful from 12-12 to about 1-14. This has been prophecized through the ages and is also being observed by scientists.
- What happens planetarily beyond the new year?
- How can we use eclipses as a gateway?

Notable upcoming dates:

Dec 8 - 10 Mars and moon exactly opposed, Mars is in Pisces, moon in Virgo. Can cause heightened emotions.
Dec 12-13 Plasmic wave gateway opens.
Dec 13-14 Germinids “King” meteor shower.
Dec 14 new moon, total solar eclipse.
Dec 16, 17, 18 moon will go through the Jupiter and Saturn conjunction.
Dec 13 Jupiter and Saturn come to within 1 degree and conjunction begins.
Dec 21 Jupiter and Saturn come into exact conjunction.
Dec 21 peak of Ursids meteor shower.

Awake documentary, ananda.org, ashajoy.org

Other episodes you'll enjoy:

073. The Energy of Astrology - Kalidas Hansen

052. The Cross-Continental Search for God - Sanjan Marks-Thelen

050. The New Age of Clairvoyance - Jasper Sogaard

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